type node_type = Leaf | Tag | Other type ref_node_data = { node_type: node_type; constraints: (Value_checker.value_constraint list); help: string; value_help: (string * string) list; constraint_error_message: string; multi: bool; valueless: bool; owner: string option; keep_order: bool; hidden: bool; secret: bool; } type t = ref_node_data Vytree.t exception Bad_interface_definition of string exception Validation_error of string let default_data = { node_type = Other; constraints = []; help = "No help available"; value_help = []; constraint_error_message = "Invalid value"; multi = false; valueless = false; owner = None; keep_order = false; hidden = false; secret = false; } (* Loading from XML *) let node_type_of_string s = match s with | "node" -> Other | "tagNode" -> Tag | "leafNode" -> Leaf | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition (Printf.sprintf "node, tagNode, or leafNode expected, %s found" s)) let load_constraint_from_xml d c = let aux d c = match c with | Xml.Element ("regex", _, [Xml.PCData s]) -> let cs = (Value_checker.Regex s) :: d.constraints in {d with constraints=cs} | Xml.Element ("validator", [("name", n); ("argument", a)], _) -> let cs = (Value_checker.External (n, a)) :: d.constraints in {d with constraints=cs} | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "Malformed constraint") in Xml.fold aux d c let data_from_xml d x = let aux d x = match x with | Xml.Element ("help", _, [Xml.PCData s]) -> {d with help=s} | Xml.Element ("valueHelp", _, [Xml.Element ("format", _, [Xml.PCData fmt]); Xml.Element ("description", _, [Xml.PCData descr])]) -> let vhs = d.value_help in let vhs' = (fmt, descr) :: vhs in {d with value_help=vhs'} | Xml.Element ("multi", _, _) -> {d with multi=true} | Xml.Element ("valueless", _, _) -> {d with valueless=true} | Xml.Element ("constraintErrorMessage", _, [Xml.PCData s]) -> {d with constraint_error_message=s} | Xml.Element ("constraint", _, _) -> load_constraint_from_xml d x | Xml.Element ("hidden", _, _) -> {d with hidden=true} | Xml.Element ("secret", _, _) -> {d with secret=true} | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "Malformed property tag") in Xml.fold aux d x let get_keep_child_order xml = match xml with | Xml.Element ("tagNode", _, _) -> (match (Util.find_xml_child "keepChildOrder" xml) with | Some _ -> true | None -> false) | _ -> false let rec insert_from_xml basepath reftree xml = match xml with | Xml.Element (tag, _, _) -> let props = Util.find_xml_child "properties" xml in let data = (match props with | None -> default_data | Some p -> data_from_xml default_data p) in let node_type = node_type_of_string (Xml.tag xml) in let node_owner = try let o = Xml.attrib xml "owner" in Some o with _ -> None in let keep_order = get_keep_child_order xml in let data = {data with node_type = node_type; owner = node_owner; keep_order = keep_order} in let name = Xml.attrib xml "name" in let path = basepath @ [name] in let new_tree = Vytree.insert reftree path data in (match node_type with | Leaf -> new_tree | _ -> let children = Util.find_xml_child "children" xml in (match children with | None -> raise (Bad_interface_definition (Printf.sprintf "Node %s has no children" name)) | Some c -> List.fold_left (insert_from_xml path) new_tree (Xml.children c))) | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "PCData not allowed here") let load_from_xml reftree file = let xml_to_reftree xml reftree = match xml with | Xml.Element ("interfaceDefinition", attrs, children) -> List.fold_left (insert_from_xml []) reftree children | _ -> raise (Bad_interface_definition "Should start with ") in try let xml = Xml.parse_file file in xml_to_reftree xml reftree with | Xml.File_not_found msg -> raise (Bad_interface_definition msg) | Xml.Error e -> raise (Bad_interface_definition (Xml.error e)) (* Validation function *) let has_illegal_characters name = (** Checks if string name has illegal characters in it. All whitespace, curly braces, square brackets, and quotes are disallowed due to their special significance to the curly config format parser *) try Some (Pcre.get_substring (Pcre.exec ~pat:"[\\s\\{\\}\\[\\]\"\'#]" name) 0) with Not_found -> None (** Takes a list of string that represents a configuration path that may have node value at the end, validates it, and splits it into path and value parts. A list of strings is a valid path that can be created in the config tree unless: 1. It's a tag node without a child 2. It's a non-valueless leaf node without a value 3. It's a valueless node with a value 4. It's a non-valueless leaf node with garbage after the value 5. It's a non-leaf, non-tag node with a name that doesn't exist in the reference tree *) let rec validate_path validators_dir node path = let show_path p = Printf.sprintf "[%s]" @@ Util.string_of_path (List.rev p) in let rec aux node path acc = let data = Vytree.data_of_node node in match data.node_type with | Leaf -> (match path with | [] -> if data.valueless then (List.rev acc, None) else raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Node %s requires a value" (show_path acc) )) | [p] -> if not data.valueless then (if (Value_checker.validate_any validators_dir data.constraints p) then (List.rev acc, Some p) else raise (Validation_error data.constraint_error_message)) else raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Node %s cannot have a value" (show_path acc))) | p :: ps -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Path %s is too long" (show_path acc)))) | Tag -> (match path with | p :: p' :: ps -> (match (has_illegal_characters p) with | Some c -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Illegal character \"%s\" in node name \"%s\"" c p)) | None -> if (Value_checker.validate_any validators_dir data.constraints p) then let child = Vytree.find node p' in (match child with | Some c -> aux c ps (p' :: p :: acc) | None -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Node %s has no child %s" (show_path acc) p'))) else raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "%s is not a valid child name for node %s" p (show_path acc)))) | [p] -> if (Value_checker.validate_any validators_dir data.constraints p) then (List.rev acc, None) else raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Node %s has no child %s" (show_path acc) p)) | _ -> raise (Validation_error (Printf.sprintf "Path %s is incomplete" (show_path acc)))) | Other -> (match path with | [] -> (List.rev acc, None) | p :: ps -> let child = Vytree.find node p in (match child with | Some c -> aux c ps (p :: acc) | None -> raise (Validation_error ((Printf.sprintf "Path %s is incomplete" (show_path acc)))))) in aux node path [] let is_multi reftree path = let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in data.multi let is_hidden reftree path = let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in data.hidden let is_secret reftree path = let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in data.secret let is_tag reftree path = let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in match data.node_type with | Tag -> true | _ -> false let is_leaf reftree path = let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in match data.node_type with | Leaf -> true | _ -> false let is_valueless reftree path = let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in data.valueless let get_keep_order reftree path = let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in data.keep_order let get_owner reftree path = let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in data.owner let get_help_string reftree path = let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in data.help let get_value_help reftree path = let data = Vytree.get_data reftree path in data.value_help let get_completion_data reftree path = let aux node = let data = Vytree.data_of_node node in (data.node_type, data.multi, data.help) in List.map aux (Vytree.children_of_node @@ Vytree.get reftree path)