(** Various "housekeeping" functions *) (** Log msg as fatal and exit immediately *) let panic msg = Lwt_log.fatal msg |> Lwt.ignore_result; exit 1 (** Setup the default logger *) let setup_logger daemonize log_file template = (** If log file is specified, log to the file whether we are a daemon or not If we are a daemon and log file is not specified, log to syslog If we are not a daemon and log file is not specified, log to stderr *) match log_file with | None -> if daemonize then begin Lwt_log.default := Lwt_log.syslog ~template:template ~facility:`Daemon (); Lwt.return_unit end else begin Lwt_log.default := Lwt_log.channel ~template:template ~close_mode:`Keep ~channel:Lwt_io.stderr (); Lwt.return_unit end | Some file -> let%lwt l = Lwt_log.file ~template:template ~mode:`Append ~file_name:file () in Lwt_log.default := l; Lwt.return_unit (** Load the config file or panic if it fails *) let load_config path = let result = Vyconf_config.load path in match result with | Ok cfg -> cfg | Error err -> panic (Printf.sprintf "Could not load the configuration file %s" err) (** Check if appliance directories exist and panic if they don't *) let check_dirs dirs = let res = Directories.test dirs in match res with | Ok _ -> () | Error err -> panic err (** Bind to a UNIX socket *) let create_socket sockfile = let open Lwt_unix in let backlog = 10 in let%lwt sock = socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0 |> Lwt.return in (* XXX: replace with just bind after Lwt 3.0.0 release *) let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.Versioned.bind_2 sock @@ ADDR_UNIX(sockfile) in listen sock backlog; Lwt.return sock (** Create the server loop function *) let create_server accept_connection sock = let open Lwt in let rec serve () = Lwt_unix.accept sock >>= accept_connection >>= serve in serve