(** Code for vycall.proto *) (* generated from "data/vycall.proto", do not edit *) (** {2 Types} *) type status = { success : bool; out : string; } type call = { script_name : string; tag_value : string option; arg_value : string option; reply : status option; } type commit = { session_id : string; named_active : string option; named_proposed : string option; dry_run : bool; atomic : bool; background : bool; init : status option; calls : call list; } (** {2 Basic values} *) val default_status : ?success:bool -> ?out:string -> unit -> status (** [default_status ()] is the default value for type [status] *) val default_call : ?script_name:string -> ?tag_value:string option -> ?arg_value:string option -> ?reply:status option -> unit -> call (** [default_call ()] is the default value for type [call] *) val default_commit : ?session_id:string -> ?named_active:string option -> ?named_proposed:string option -> ?dry_run:bool -> ?atomic:bool -> ?background:bool -> ?init:status option -> ?calls:call list -> unit -> commit (** [default_commit ()] is the default value for type [commit] *) (** {2 Formatters} *) val pp_status : Format.formatter -> status -> unit (** [pp_status v] formats v *) val pp_call : Format.formatter -> call -> unit (** [pp_call v] formats v *) val pp_commit : Format.formatter -> commit -> unit (** [pp_commit v] formats v *) (** {2 Protobuf Encoding} *) val encode_pb_status : status -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit (** [encode_pb_status v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *) val encode_pb_call : call -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit (** [encode_pb_call v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *) val encode_pb_commit : commit -> Pbrt.Encoder.t -> unit (** [encode_pb_commit v encoder] encodes [v] with the given [encoder] *) (** {2 Protobuf Decoding} *) val decode_pb_status : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> status (** [decode_pb_status decoder] decodes a [status] binary value from [decoder] *) val decode_pb_call : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> call (** [decode_pb_call decoder] decodes a [call] binary value from [decoder] *) val decode_pb_commit : Pbrt.Decoder.t -> commit (** [decode_pb_commit decoder] decodes a [commit] binary value from [decoder] *)