include Vyconf_connect.Vyconf_pbt type t = { sock: Lwt_unix.file_descr; ic: Lwt_io.input; oc: Lwt_io.output; enc: Pbrt.Encoder.t; session: string option; conf_mode: bool; closed: bool; out_format: request_output_format; conf_format: request_config_format } let unwrap o = match o with | Some v -> Ok v | None -> Error "operation returned None when actual value was expected" let create ?(token=None) sockfile out_format conf_format = let open Lwt_unix in let sock = socket PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0 in let%lwt () = connect sock (ADDR_UNIX sockfile) in let ic = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.Input sock in let oc = Lwt_io.of_fd ~mode:Lwt_io.Output sock in Lwt.return { sock=sock; ic=ic; oc=oc; enc=(Pbrt.Encoder.create ()); closed=false; session=token; conf_mode=false; out_format=out_format; conf_format=conf_format } let get_token client = let token = client.session in match token with | Some t -> Ok t |> Lwt.return | None -> Error "failed to get a session token" |> Lwt.return let shutdown client = let%lwt () = Lwt_unix.close client.sock in Lwt.return {client with closed=true} let do_request client req = let enc = Pbrt.Encoder.create () in let () = encode_pb_request_envelope {token=client.session; request=req} enc in let msg = Pbrt.Encoder.to_bytes enc in let%lwt () = Vyconf_connect.Message.write client.oc msg in let%lwt resp = client.ic in decode_pb_response (Pbrt.Decoder.of_bytes resp) |> Lwt.return let get_status client = let req = Status in let%lwt resp = do_request client req in Lwt.return resp let setup_session ?(on_behalf_of=None) client client_app = if Option.is_some client.session then Lwt.return (Error "Client is already associated with a session") else let id = on_behalf_of |> (function None -> None | Some x -> (Some (Int32.of_int x))) in let req = Setup_session {client_application=(Some client_app); on_behalf_of=id} in let%lwt resp = do_request client req in match resp.status with | Success -> (match resp.output with | Some token -> Ok {client with session=(Some token)} | None -> Error "setup_session did not return a session token!") |> Lwt.return | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"Unknown error") |> Lwt.return let exists client path = let req = Exists {path=path} in let%lwt resp = do_request client req in match resp.status with | Success -> Lwt.return (Ok "") | Fail -> Lwt.return (Error "") | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return let get_value client path = let req = Get_value {path=path; output_format=(Some client.out_format)} in let%lwt resp = do_request client req in match resp.status with | Success -> unwrap resp.output |> Lwt.return | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return let get_values client path = let req = Get_values {path=path; output_format=(Some client.out_format)} in let%lwt resp = do_request client req in match resp.status with | Success -> unwrap resp.output |> Lwt.return | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return let list_children client path = let req = List_children {path=path; output_format=(Some client.out_format)} in let%lwt resp = do_request client req in match resp.status with | Success -> unwrap resp.output |> Lwt.return | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return let show_config client path = let req = Show_config {path=path; format=(Some client.conf_format)} in let%lwt resp = do_request client req in match resp.status with | Success -> unwrap resp.output |> Lwt.return | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return let validate client path = let req = Validate {path=path; output_format=(Some client.out_format)} in let%lwt resp = do_request client req in match resp.status with | Success -> Lwt.return (Ok "") | Fail -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return | _ -> Error (Option.value resp.error ~default:"") |> Lwt.return