[@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39-44"] type request_config_format = | Curly | Json type request_output_format = | Out_plain | Out_json type request_status = unit type request_setup_session = { client_application : string option; on_behalf_of : int32 option; } type request_teardown = { on_behalf_of : int32 option; } type request_validate = { path : string list; output_format : request_output_format option; } type request_set = { path : string list; ephemeral : bool option; } type request_delete = { path : string list; } type request_rename = { edit_level : string list; from : string; to_ : string; } type request_copy = { edit_level : string list; from : string; to_ : string; } type request_comment = { path : string list; comment : string; } type request_commit = { confirm : bool option; confirm_timeout : int32 option; comment : string option; } type request_rollback = { revision : int32; } type request_load = { location : string; format : request_config_format option; } type request_merge = { location : string; format : request_config_format option; } type request_save = { location : string; format : request_config_format option; } type request_show_config = { path : string list; format : request_config_format option; } type request_exists = { path : string list; } type request_get_value = { path : string list; output_format : request_output_format option; } type request_get_values = { path : string list; output_format : request_output_format option; } type request_list_children = { path : string list; output_format : request_output_format option; } type request_run_op_mode = { path : string list; output_format : request_output_format option; } type request_confirm = unit type request_enter_configuration_mode = { exclusive : bool; override_exclusive : bool; } type request_exit_configuration_mode = unit type request_reload_reftree = { on_behalf_of : int32 option; } type request = | Status | Setup_session of request_setup_session | Set of request_set | Delete of request_delete | Rename of request_rename | Copy of request_copy | Comment of request_comment | Commit of request_commit | Rollback of request_rollback | Merge of request_merge | Save of request_save | Show_config of request_show_config | Exists of request_exists | Get_value of request_get_value | Get_values of request_get_values | List_children of request_list_children | Run_op_mode of request_run_op_mode | Confirm | Configure of request_enter_configuration_mode | Exit_configure | Validate of request_validate | Teardown of request_teardown | Reload_reftree of request_reload_reftree type request_envelope = { token : string option; request : request; } type status = | Success | Fail | Invalid_path | Invalid_value | Commit_in_progress | Configuration_locked | Internal_error | Permission_denied | Path_already_exists type response = { status : status; output : string option; error : string option; warning : string option; } let rec default_request_config_format () = (Curly:request_config_format) let rec default_request_output_format () = (Out_plain:request_output_format) let rec default_request_status = () let rec default_request_setup_session ?client_application:((client_application:string option) = None) ?on_behalf_of:((on_behalf_of:int32 option) = None) () : request_setup_session = { client_application; on_behalf_of; } let rec default_request_teardown ?on_behalf_of:((on_behalf_of:int32 option) = None) () : request_teardown = { on_behalf_of; } let rec default_request_validate ?path:((path:string list) = []) ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None) () : request_validate = { path; output_format; } let rec default_request_set ?path:((path:string list) = []) ?ephemeral:((ephemeral:bool option) = None) () : request_set = { path; ephemeral; } let rec default_request_delete ?path:((path:string list) = []) () : request_delete = { path; } let rec default_request_rename ?edit_level:((edit_level:string list) = []) ?from:((from:string) = "") ?to_:((to_:string) = "") () : request_rename = { edit_level; from; to_; } let rec default_request_copy ?edit_level:((edit_level:string list) = []) ?from:((from:string) = "") ?to_:((to_:string) = "") () : request_copy = { edit_level; from; to_; } let rec default_request_comment ?path:((path:string list) = []) ?comment:((comment:string) = "") () : request_comment = { path; comment; } let rec default_request_commit ?confirm:((confirm:bool option) = None) ?confirm_timeout:((confirm_timeout:int32 option) = None) ?comment:((comment:string option) = None) () : request_commit = { confirm; confirm_timeout; comment; } let rec default_request_rollback ?revision:((revision:int32) = 0l) () : request_rollback = { revision; } let rec default_request_load ?location:((location:string) = "") ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None) () : request_load = { location; format; } let rec default_request_merge ?location:((location:string) = "") ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None) () : request_merge = { location; format; } let rec default_request_save ?location:((location:string) = "") ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None) () : request_save = { location; format; } let rec default_request_show_config ?path:((path:string list) = []) ?format:((format:request_config_format option) = None) () : request_show_config = { path; format; } let rec default_request_exists ?path:((path:string list) = []) () : request_exists = { path; } let rec default_request_get_value ?path:((path:string list) = []) ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None) () : request_get_value = { path; output_format; } let rec default_request_get_values ?path:((path:string list) = []) ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None) () : request_get_values = { path; output_format; } let rec default_request_list_children ?path:((path:string list) = []) ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None) () : request_list_children = { path; output_format; } let rec default_request_run_op_mode ?path:((path:string list) = []) ?output_format:((output_format:request_output_format option) = None) () : request_run_op_mode = { path; output_format; } let rec default_request_confirm = () let rec default_request_enter_configuration_mode ?exclusive:((exclusive:bool) = false) ?override_exclusive:((override_exclusive:bool) = false) () : request_enter_configuration_mode = { exclusive; override_exclusive; } let rec default_request_exit_configuration_mode = () let rec default_request_reload_reftree ?on_behalf_of:((on_behalf_of:int32 option) = None) () : request_reload_reftree = { on_behalf_of; } let rec default_request (): request = Status let rec default_request_envelope ?token:((token:string option) = None) ?request:((request:request) = default_request ()) () : request_envelope = { token; request; } let rec default_status () = (Success:status) let rec default_response ?status:((status:status) = default_status ()) ?output:((output:string option) = None) ?error:((error:string option) = None) ?warning:((warning:string option) = None) () : response = { status; output; error; warning; } type request_setup_session_mutable = { mutable client_application : string option; mutable on_behalf_of : int32 option; } let default_request_setup_session_mutable () : request_setup_session_mutable = { client_application = None; on_behalf_of = None; } type request_teardown_mutable = { mutable on_behalf_of : int32 option; } let default_request_teardown_mutable () : request_teardown_mutable = { on_behalf_of = None; } type request_validate_mutable = { mutable path : string list; mutable output_format : request_output_format option; } let default_request_validate_mutable () : request_validate_mutable = { path = []; output_format = None; } type request_set_mutable = { mutable path : string list; mutable ephemeral : bool option; } let default_request_set_mutable () : request_set_mutable = { path = []; ephemeral = None; } type request_delete_mutable = { mutable path : string list; } let default_request_delete_mutable () : request_delete_mutable = { path = []; } type request_rename_mutable = { mutable edit_level : string list; mutable from : string; mutable to_ : string; } let default_request_rename_mutable () : request_rename_mutable = { edit_level = []; from = ""; to_ = ""; } type request_copy_mutable = { mutable edit_level : string list; mutable from : string; mutable to_ : string; } let default_request_copy_mutable () : request_copy_mutable = { edit_level = []; from = ""; to_ = ""; } type request_comment_mutable = { mutable path : string list; mutable comment : string; } let default_request_comment_mutable () : request_comment_mutable = { path = []; comment = ""; } type request_commit_mutable = { mutable confirm : bool option; mutable confirm_timeout : int32 option; mutable comment : string option; } let default_request_commit_mutable () : request_commit_mutable = { confirm = None; confirm_timeout = None; comment = None; } type request_rollback_mutable = { mutable revision : int32; } let default_request_rollback_mutable () : request_rollback_mutable = { revision = 0l; } type request_load_mutable = { mutable location : string; mutable format : request_config_format option; } let default_request_load_mutable () : request_load_mutable = { location = ""; format = None; } type request_merge_mutable = { mutable location : string; mutable format : request_config_format option; } let default_request_merge_mutable () : request_merge_mutable = { location = ""; format = None; } type request_save_mutable = { mutable location : string; mutable format : request_config_format option; } let default_request_save_mutable () : request_save_mutable = { location = ""; format = None; } type request_show_config_mutable = { mutable path : string list; mutable format : request_config_format option; } let default_request_show_config_mutable () : request_show_config_mutable = { path = []; format = None; } type request_exists_mutable = { mutable path : string list; } let default_request_exists_mutable () : request_exists_mutable = { path = []; } type request_get_value_mutable = { mutable path : string list; mutable output_format : request_output_format option; } let default_request_get_value_mutable () : request_get_value_mutable = { path = []; output_format = None; } type request_get_values_mutable = { mutable path : string list; mutable output_format : request_output_format option; } let default_request_get_values_mutable () : request_get_values_mutable = { path = []; output_format = None; } type request_list_children_mutable = { mutable path : string list; mutable output_format : request_output_format option; } let default_request_list_children_mutable () : request_list_children_mutable = { path = []; output_format = None; } type request_run_op_mode_mutable = { mutable path : string list; mutable output_format : request_output_format option; } let default_request_run_op_mode_mutable () : request_run_op_mode_mutable = { path = []; output_format = None; } type request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable = { mutable exclusive : bool; mutable override_exclusive : bool; } let default_request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable () : request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable = { exclusive = false; override_exclusive = false; } type request_reload_reftree_mutable = { mutable on_behalf_of : int32 option; } let default_request_reload_reftree_mutable () : request_reload_reftree_mutable = { on_behalf_of = None; } type request_envelope_mutable = { mutable token : string option; mutable request : request; } let default_request_envelope_mutable () : request_envelope_mutable = { token = None; request = default_request (); } type response_mutable = { mutable status : status; mutable output : string option; mutable error : string option; mutable warning : string option; } let default_response_mutable () : response_mutable = { status = default_status (); output = None; error = None; warning = None; } [@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"] (** {2 Formatters} *) let rec pp_request_config_format fmt (v:request_config_format) = match v with | Curly -> Format.fprintf fmt "Curly" | Json -> Format.fprintf fmt "Json" let rec pp_request_output_format fmt (v:request_output_format) = match v with | Out_plain -> Format.fprintf fmt "Out_plain" | Out_json -> Format.fprintf fmt "Out_json" let rec pp_request_status fmt (v:request_status) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_unit fmt () in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_setup_session fmt (v:request_setup_session) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "client_application" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.client_application; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "on_behalf_of" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.on_behalf_of; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_teardown fmt (v:request_teardown) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "on_behalf_of" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.on_behalf_of; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_validate fmt (v:request_validate) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output_format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_output_format) fmt v.output_format; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_set fmt (v:request_set) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "ephemeral" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.ephemeral; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_delete fmt (v:request_delete) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_rename fmt (v:request_rename) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "edit_level" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.edit_level; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "from" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.from; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "to_" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.to_; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_copy fmt (v:request_copy) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "edit_level" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.edit_level; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "from" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.from; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "to_" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.to_; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_comment fmt (v:request_comment) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "comment" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.comment; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_commit fmt (v:request_commit) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "confirm" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool) fmt v.confirm; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "confirm_timeout" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.confirm_timeout; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "comment" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.comment; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_rollback fmt (v:request_rollback) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "revision" Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32 fmt v.revision; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_load fmt (v:request_load) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "location" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.location; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_config_format) fmt v.format; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_merge fmt (v:request_merge) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "location" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.location; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_config_format) fmt v.format; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_save fmt (v:request_save) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "location" Pbrt.Pp.pp_string fmt v.location; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_config_format) fmt v.format; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_show_config fmt (v:request_show_config) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_config_format) fmt v.format; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_exists fmt (v:request_exists) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_get_value fmt (v:request_get_value) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output_format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_output_format) fmt v.output_format; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_get_values fmt (v:request_get_values) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output_format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_output_format) fmt v.output_format; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_list_children fmt (v:request_list_children) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output_format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_output_format) fmt v.output_format; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_run_op_mode fmt (v:request_run_op_mode) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "path" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_list Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.path; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output_format" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option pp_request_output_format) fmt v.output_format; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_confirm fmt (v:request_confirm) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_unit fmt () in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_enter_configuration_mode fmt (v:request_enter_configuration_mode) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "exclusive" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool fmt v.exclusive; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "override_exclusive" Pbrt.Pp.pp_bool fmt v.override_exclusive; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_exit_configuration_mode fmt (v:request_exit_configuration_mode) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_unit fmt () in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request_reload_reftree fmt (v:request_reload_reftree) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "on_behalf_of" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_int32) fmt v.on_behalf_of; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_request fmt (v:request) = match v with | Status -> Format.fprintf fmt "Status" | Setup_session x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Setup_session(@,%a)@]" pp_request_setup_session x | Set x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Set(@,%a)@]" pp_request_set x | Delete x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Delete(@,%a)@]" pp_request_delete x | Rename x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Rename(@,%a)@]" pp_request_rename x | Copy x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Copy(@,%a)@]" pp_request_copy x | Comment x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Comment(@,%a)@]" pp_request_comment x | Commit x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Commit(@,%a)@]" pp_request_commit x | Rollback x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Rollback(@,%a)@]" pp_request_rollback x | Merge x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Merge(@,%a)@]" pp_request_merge x | Save x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Save(@,%a)@]" pp_request_save x | Show_config x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Show_config(@,%a)@]" pp_request_show_config x | Exists x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Exists(@,%a)@]" pp_request_exists x | Get_value x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Get_value(@,%a)@]" pp_request_get_value x | Get_values x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Get_values(@,%a)@]" pp_request_get_values x | List_children x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[List_children(@,%a)@]" pp_request_list_children x | Run_op_mode x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Run_op_mode(@,%a)@]" pp_request_run_op_mode x | Confirm -> Format.fprintf fmt "Confirm" | Configure x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Configure(@,%a)@]" pp_request_enter_configuration_mode x | Exit_configure -> Format.fprintf fmt "Exit_configure" | Validate x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Validate(@,%a)@]" pp_request_validate x | Teardown x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Teardown(@,%a)@]" pp_request_teardown x | Reload_reftree x -> Format.fprintf fmt "@[Reload_reftree(@,%a)@]" pp_request_reload_reftree x let rec pp_request_envelope fmt (v:request_envelope) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "token" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.token; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "request" pp_request fmt v.request; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () let rec pp_status fmt (v:status) = match v with | Success -> Format.fprintf fmt "Success" | Fail -> Format.fprintf fmt "Fail" | Invalid_path -> Format.fprintf fmt "Invalid_path" | Invalid_value -> Format.fprintf fmt "Invalid_value" | Commit_in_progress -> Format.fprintf fmt "Commit_in_progress" | Configuration_locked -> Format.fprintf fmt "Configuration_locked" | Internal_error -> Format.fprintf fmt "Internal_error" | Permission_denied -> Format.fprintf fmt "Permission_denied" | Path_already_exists -> Format.fprintf fmt "Path_already_exists" let rec pp_response fmt (v:response) = let pp_i fmt () = Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:true "status" pp_status fmt v.status; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "output" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.output; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "error" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.error; Pbrt.Pp.pp_record_field ~first:false "warning" (Pbrt.Pp.pp_option Pbrt.Pp.pp_string) fmt v.warning; in Pbrt.Pp.pp_brk pp_i fmt () [@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"] (** {2 Protobuf Encoding} *) let rec encode_pb_request_config_format (v:request_config_format) encoder = match v with | Curly -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint (0) encoder | Json -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 1 encoder let rec encode_pb_request_output_format (v:request_output_format) encoder = match v with | Out_plain -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint (0) encoder | Out_json -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 1 encoder let rec encode_pb_request_status (v:request_status) encoder = () let rec encode_pb_request_setup_session (v:request_setup_session) encoder = begin match v.client_application with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | None -> (); end; begin match v.on_behalf_of with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_teardown (v:request_teardown) encoder = begin match v.on_behalf_of with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_validate (v:request_validate) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.path encoder; begin match v.output_format with | Some x -> encode_pb_request_output_format x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_set (v:request_set) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.path encoder; begin match v.ephemeral with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.bool x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_delete (v:request_delete) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.path encoder; () let rec encode_pb_request_rename (v:request_rename) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.edit_level encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.string v.from encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.string v.to_ encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; () let rec encode_pb_request_copy (v:request_copy) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.edit_level encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.string v.from encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.string v.to_ encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; () let rec encode_pb_request_comment (v:request_comment) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.path encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.string v.comment encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; () let rec encode_pb_request_commit (v:request_commit) encoder = begin match v.confirm with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.bool x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; begin match v.confirm_timeout with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; begin match v.comment with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_rollback (v:request_rollback) encoder = Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint v.revision encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder; () let rec encode_pb_request_load (v:request_load) encoder = Pbrt.Encoder.string v.location encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; begin match v.format with | Some x -> encode_pb_request_config_format x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_merge (v:request_merge) encoder = Pbrt.Encoder.string v.location encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; begin match v.format with | Some x -> encode_pb_request_config_format x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_save (v:request_save) encoder = Pbrt.Encoder.string v.location encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; begin match v.format with | Some x -> encode_pb_request_config_format x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_show_config (v:request_show_config) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.path encoder; begin match v.format with | Some x -> encode_pb_request_config_format x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_exists (v:request_exists) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.path encoder; () let rec encode_pb_request_get_value (v:request_get_value) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.path encoder; begin match v.output_format with | Some x -> encode_pb_request_output_format x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_get_values (v:request_get_values) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.path encoder; begin match v.output_format with | Some x -> encode_pb_request_output_format x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_list_children (v:request_list_children) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.path encoder; begin match v.output_format with | Some x -> encode_pb_request_output_format x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_run_op_mode (v:request_run_op_mode) encoder = Pbrt.List_util.rev_iter_with (fun x encoder -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; ) v.path encoder; begin match v.output_format with | Some x -> encode_pb_request_output_format x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request_confirm (v:request_confirm) encoder = () let rec encode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode (v:request_enter_configuration_mode) encoder = Pbrt.Encoder.bool v.exclusive encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.bool v.override_exclusive encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Varint encoder; () let rec encode_pb_request_exit_configuration_mode (v:request_exit_configuration_mode) encoder = () let rec encode_pb_request_reload_reftree (v:request_reload_reftree) encoder = begin match v.on_behalf_of with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.int32_as_varint x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder; | None -> (); end; () let rec encode_pb_request (v:request) encoder = begin match v with | Status -> Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested encoder | Setup_session x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_setup_session x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Set x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_set x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Delete x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_delete x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 4 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Rename x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_rename x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 5 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Copy x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_copy x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 6 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Comment x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_comment x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 7 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Commit x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_commit x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 8 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Rollback x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_rollback x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 9 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Merge x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_merge x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 10 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Save x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_save x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 11 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Show_config x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_show_config x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 12 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Exists x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_exists x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 13 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Get_value x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_get_value x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 14 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Get_values x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_get_values x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 15 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | List_children x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_list_children x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 16 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Run_op_mode x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_run_op_mode x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 17 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Confirm -> Pbrt.Encoder.key 18 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested encoder | Configure x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 19 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Exit_configure -> Pbrt.Encoder.key 20 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.empty_nested encoder | Validate x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_validate x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 21 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Teardown x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_teardown x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 22 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | Reload_reftree x -> Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request_reload_reftree x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 23 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; end let rec encode_pb_request_envelope (v:request_envelope) encoder = begin match v.token with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | None -> (); end; Pbrt.Encoder.nested encode_pb_request v.request encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; () let rec encode_pb_status (v:status) encoder = match v with | Success -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint (0) encoder | Fail -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 1 encoder | Invalid_path -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 2 encoder | Invalid_value -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 3 encoder | Commit_in_progress -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 4 encoder | Configuration_locked -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 5 encoder | Internal_error -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 6 encoder | Permission_denied -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 7 encoder | Path_already_exists -> Pbrt.Encoder.int_as_varint 8 encoder let rec encode_pb_response (v:response) encoder = encode_pb_status v.status encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 1 Pbrt.Varint encoder; begin match v.output with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 2 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | None -> (); end; begin match v.error with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 3 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | None -> (); end; begin match v.warning with | Some x -> Pbrt.Encoder.string x encoder; Pbrt.Encoder.key 4 Pbrt.Bytes encoder; | None -> (); end; () [@@@ocaml.warning "-27-30-39"] (** {2 Protobuf Decoding} *) let rec decode_pb_request_config_format d = match Pbrt.Decoder.int_as_varint d with | 0 -> (Curly:request_config_format) | 1 -> (Json:request_config_format) | _ -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "request_config_format" let rec decode_pb_request_output_format d = match Pbrt.Decoder.int_as_varint d with | 0 -> (Out_plain:request_output_format) | 1 -> (Out_json:request_output_format) | _ -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "request_output_format" let rec decode_pb_request_status d = match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> (); | Some (_, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Unexpected fields in empty message(request_status)" pk let rec decode_pb_request_setup_session d = let v = default_request_setup_session_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.client_application <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d); end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_setup_session), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.on_behalf_of <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_setup_session), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ client_application = v.client_application; on_behalf_of = v.on_behalf_of; } : request_setup_session) let rec decode_pb_request_teardown d = let v = default_request_teardown_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.on_behalf_of <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d); end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_teardown), field(1)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ on_behalf_of = v.on_behalf_of; } : request_teardown) let rec decode_pb_request_validate d = let v = default_request_validate_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.path <- List.rev v.path; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_validate), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.output_format <- Some (decode_pb_request_output_format d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_validate), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ path = v.path; output_format = v.output_format; } : request_validate) let rec decode_pb_request_set d = let v = default_request_set_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.path <- List.rev v.path; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_set), field(1)" pk | Some (3, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.ephemeral <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.bool d); end | Some (3, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_set), field(3)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ path = v.path; ephemeral = v.ephemeral; } : request_set) let rec decode_pb_request_delete d = let v = default_request_delete_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.path <- List.rev v.path; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_delete), field(1)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ path = v.path; } : request_delete) let rec decode_pb_request_rename d = let v = default_request_rename_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in let to__is_set = ref false in let from_is_set = ref false in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.edit_level <- List.rev v.edit_level; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.edit_level <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.edit_level; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rename), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.from <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; from_is_set := true; end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rename), field(2)" pk | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.to_ <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; to__is_set := true; end | Some (3, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rename), field(3)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; begin if not !to__is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "to_" end; begin if not !from_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "from" end; ({ edit_level = v.edit_level; from = v.from; to_ = v.to_; } : request_rename) let rec decode_pb_request_copy d = let v = default_request_copy_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in let to__is_set = ref false in let from_is_set = ref false in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.edit_level <- List.rev v.edit_level; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.edit_level <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.edit_level; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_copy), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.from <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; from_is_set := true; end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_copy), field(2)" pk | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.to_ <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; to__is_set := true; end | Some (3, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_copy), field(3)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; begin if not !to__is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "to_" end; begin if not !from_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "from" end; ({ edit_level = v.edit_level; from = v.from; to_ = v.to_; } : request_copy) let rec decode_pb_request_comment d = let v = default_request_comment_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in let comment_is_set = ref false in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.path <- List.rev v.path; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_comment), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.comment <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; comment_is_set := true; end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_comment), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; begin if not !comment_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "comment" end; ({ path = v.path; comment = v.comment; } : request_comment) let rec decode_pb_request_commit d = let v = default_request_commit_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.confirm <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.bool d); end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_commit), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.confirm_timeout <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_commit), field(2)" pk | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.comment <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d); end | Some (3, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_commit), field(3)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ confirm = v.confirm; confirm_timeout = v.confirm_timeout; comment = v.comment; } : request_commit) let rec decode_pb_request_rollback d = let v = default_request_rollback_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in let revision_is_set = ref false in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.revision <- Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d; revision_is_set := true; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_rollback), field(1)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; begin if not !revision_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "revision" end; ({ revision = v.revision; } : request_rollback) let rec decode_pb_request_load d = let v = default_request_load_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in let location_is_set = ref false in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.location <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; location_is_set := true; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_load), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.format <- Some (decode_pb_request_config_format d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_load), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; begin if not !location_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "location" end; ({ location = v.location; format = v.format; } : request_load) let rec decode_pb_request_merge d = let v = default_request_merge_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in let location_is_set = ref false in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.location <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; location_is_set := true; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_merge), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.format <- Some (decode_pb_request_config_format d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_merge), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; begin if not !location_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "location" end; ({ location = v.location; format = v.format; } : request_merge) let rec decode_pb_request_save d = let v = default_request_save_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in let location_is_set = ref false in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.location <- Pbrt.Decoder.string d; location_is_set := true; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_save), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.format <- Some (decode_pb_request_config_format d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_save), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; begin if not !location_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "location" end; ({ location = v.location; format = v.format; } : request_save) let rec decode_pb_request_show_config d = let v = default_request_show_config_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.path <- List.rev v.path; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_show_config), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.format <- Some (decode_pb_request_config_format d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_show_config), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ path = v.path; format = v.format; } : request_show_config) let rec decode_pb_request_exists d = let v = default_request_exists_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.path <- List.rev v.path; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_exists), field(1)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ path = v.path; } : request_exists) let rec decode_pb_request_get_value d = let v = default_request_get_value_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.path <- List.rev v.path; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_value), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.output_format <- Some (decode_pb_request_output_format d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_value), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ path = v.path; output_format = v.output_format; } : request_get_value) let rec decode_pb_request_get_values d = let v = default_request_get_values_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.path <- List.rev v.path; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_values), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.output_format <- Some (decode_pb_request_output_format d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_get_values), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ path = v.path; output_format = v.output_format; } : request_get_values) let rec decode_pb_request_list_children d = let v = default_request_list_children_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.path <- List.rev v.path; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_list_children), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.output_format <- Some (decode_pb_request_output_format d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_list_children), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ path = v.path; output_format = v.output_format; } : request_list_children) let rec decode_pb_request_run_op_mode d = let v = default_request_run_op_mode_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( v.path <- List.rev v.path; ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.path <- (Pbrt.Decoder.string d) :: v.path; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_run_op_mode), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.output_format <- Some (decode_pb_request_output_format d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_run_op_mode), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ path = v.path; output_format = v.output_format; } : request_run_op_mode) let rec decode_pb_request_confirm d = match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> (); | Some (_, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Unexpected fields in empty message(request_confirm)" pk let rec decode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode d = let v = default_request_enter_configuration_mode_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in let override_exclusive_is_set = ref false in let exclusive_is_set = ref false in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.exclusive <- Pbrt.Decoder.bool d; exclusive_is_set := true; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_enter_configuration_mode), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.override_exclusive <- Pbrt.Decoder.bool d; override_exclusive_is_set := true; end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_enter_configuration_mode), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; begin if not !override_exclusive_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "override_exclusive" end; begin if not !exclusive_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "exclusive" end; ({ exclusive = v.exclusive; override_exclusive = v.override_exclusive; } : request_enter_configuration_mode) let rec decode_pb_request_exit_configuration_mode d = match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> (); | Some (_, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Unexpected fields in empty message(request_exit_configuration_mode)" pk let rec decode_pb_request_reload_reftree d = let v = default_request_reload_reftree_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.on_behalf_of <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.int32_as_varint d); end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_reload_reftree), field(1)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; ({ on_behalf_of = v.on_behalf_of; } : request_reload_reftree) let rec decode_pb_request d = let rec loop () = let ret:request = match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "request" | Some (1, _) -> begin Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d ; (Status : request) end | Some (2, _) -> (Setup_session (decode_pb_request_setup_session (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (3, _) -> (Set (decode_pb_request_set (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (4, _) -> (Delete (decode_pb_request_delete (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (5, _) -> (Rename (decode_pb_request_rename (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (6, _) -> (Copy (decode_pb_request_copy (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (7, _) -> (Comment (decode_pb_request_comment (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (8, _) -> (Commit (decode_pb_request_commit (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (9, _) -> (Rollback (decode_pb_request_rollback (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (10, _) -> (Merge (decode_pb_request_merge (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (11, _) -> (Save (decode_pb_request_save (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (12, _) -> (Show_config (decode_pb_request_show_config (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (13, _) -> (Exists (decode_pb_request_exists (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (14, _) -> (Get_value (decode_pb_request_get_value (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (15, _) -> (Get_values (decode_pb_request_get_values (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (16, _) -> (List_children (decode_pb_request_list_children (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (17, _) -> (Run_op_mode (decode_pb_request_run_op_mode (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (18, _) -> begin Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d ; (Confirm : request) end | Some (19, _) -> (Configure (decode_pb_request_enter_configuration_mode (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (20, _) -> begin Pbrt.Decoder.empty_nested d ; (Exit_configure : request) end | Some (21, _) -> (Validate (decode_pb_request_validate (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (22, _) -> (Teardown (decode_pb_request_teardown (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (23, _) -> (Reload_reftree (decode_pb_request_reload_reftree (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d)) : request) | Some (n, payload_kind) -> ( Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind; loop () ) in ret in loop () let rec decode_pb_request_envelope d = let v = default_request_envelope_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in let request_is_set = ref false in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.token <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d); end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_envelope), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.request <- decode_pb_request (Pbrt.Decoder.nested d); request_is_set := true; end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(request_envelope), field(2)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; begin if not !request_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "request" end; ({ token = v.token; request = v.request; } : request_envelope) let rec decode_pb_status d = match Pbrt.Decoder.int_as_varint d with | 0 -> (Success:status) | 1 -> (Fail:status) | 2 -> (Invalid_path:status) | 3 -> (Invalid_value:status) | 4 -> (Commit_in_progress:status) | 5 -> (Configuration_locked:status) | 6 -> (Internal_error:status) | 7 -> (Permission_denied:status) | 8 -> (Path_already_exists:status) | _ -> Pbrt.Decoder.malformed_variant "status" let rec decode_pb_response d = let v = default_response_mutable () in let continue__= ref true in let status_is_set = ref false in while !continue__ do match Pbrt.Decoder.key d with | None -> ( ); continue__ := false | Some (1, Pbrt.Varint) -> begin v.status <- decode_pb_status d; status_is_set := true; end | Some (1, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(1)" pk | Some (2, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.output <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d); end | Some (2, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(2)" pk | Some (3, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.error <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d); end | Some (3, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(3)" pk | Some (4, Pbrt.Bytes) -> begin v.warning <- Some (Pbrt.Decoder.string d); end | Some (4, pk) -> Pbrt.Decoder.unexpected_payload "Message(response), field(4)" pk | Some (_, payload_kind) -> Pbrt.Decoder.skip d payload_kind done; begin if not !status_is_set then Pbrt.Decoder.missing_field "status" end; ({ status = v.status; output = v.output; error = v.error; warning = v.warning; } : response)