type 'a t = { name: string; data: 'a; children: 'a t list } type position = Before of string | After of string | Default exception Empty_path exception Duplicate_child exception Nonexistent_path let make data name = { name = name; data = data; children = [] } let make_full data name children = { name = name; data = data; children = children } let name_of_node node = node.name let data_of_node node = node.data let children_of_node node = node.children let insert_immediate node name data = let new_node = make data name in let children' = new_node :: node.children in { node with children = children' } let delete_immediate node name = let children' = Vylist.remove (fun x -> x.name = name) node.children in { node with children = children' } let adopt node child = { node with children = child :: node.children } let replace node child = let children = node.children in let name = child.name in let children' = Vylist.replace (fun x -> x.name = name) child children in { node with children = children' } let find node name = Vylist.find (fun x -> x.name = name) node.children let find_or_fail node name = let child = find node name in match child with | None -> raise Nonexistent_path | Some child' -> child' let list_children node = List.map (fun x -> x.name) node.children let rec do_with_child fn node path = match path with | [] -> raise Empty_path | [name] -> fn node name | name :: names -> let next_child = find_or_fail node name in let new_node = do_with_child fn next_child names in replace node new_node let rec insert default_data node path data = match path with | [] -> raise Empty_path | [name] -> begin (* Check for duplicate item *) let last_child = find node name in match last_child with | None -> insert_immediate node name data | (Some _) -> raise Duplicate_child end | name :: names -> let next_child = find node name in match next_child with | Some next_child' -> let new_node = insert default_data next_child' names data in replace node new_node | None -> let next_child' = make default_data name in let new_node = insert default_data next_child' names data in adopt node new_node let delete node path = do_with_child delete_immediate node path let update node path data = let update_data data' node' name = let child = find_or_fail node' name in let child = { child with data=data' } in replace node' child in do_with_child (update_data data) node path let rec get node path = match path with | [] -> raise Empty_path | [name] -> find_or_fail node name | name :: names -> get (find_or_fail node name) names