open OUnit2 module CT = Config_tree let config_empty = "" let config_trivial = "foo { }" let config_nested = "foo { bar { } baz { } }" let config_leaf_top_level = "foo bar;" let config_tag_top_level = "foo bar { baz quux; }" let config_with_leaf = "foo { bar baz; }" let config_with_leaf_url_unquoted = "foo { bar; }" let config_with_leaf_value_quoted = "foo { bar \"foo bar\"; }" let config_with_leaf_value_single_quoted = "foo { bar \'foo bar\'; }" let config_with_leaf_valueless = "foo { bar; }" (* XXX: naive use of Menhir's separated_list doesn't allow [baz; xyzzy;], perhaps we should support it too *) let config_with_multi = "foo { bar [baz; xyzzy]; }" let config_with_tag = "foo { bar baz { quux xyzzy; } bar qwerty { quux foobar; } }" let config_with_tag_nonalpha = "foo { bar baz0.99 { } bar baz1-8 { } }" let config_with_comment = "foo { /* comment */ bar { } }" let config_with_leaf_node_comment = "foo { /* comment */ bar baz; }" let config_with_tag_node_comment = "foo { /* comment */ bar baz { } }" let config_with_duplicate_node = "foo { bar { baz {} } bar { baz {} } }" let config_with_duplicate_tag_node = "foo { bar baz0 { } bar baz0 { } }" let config_with_duplicate_leaf_node = "foo { bar baz; bar quux; }" let config_with_inactive_node = "#INACTIVE foo { bar baz; }" let config_with_inactive_leaf_node = "foo { #INACTIVE bar baz; quux xyzzy; }" let config_with_inactive_tag_node = "foo { #INACTIVE bar baz { quux xyzzy; } }" let config_with_ephemeral_node = "#EPHEMERAL foo { } bar { }" let config_with_ephemeral_leaf_node = "foo { #EPHEMERAL bar baz; quux xyzzy; } bar { }" let config_with_ephemeral_tag_node = "foo { #EPHEMERAL bar baz { #INACTIVE quux xyzzy; } }" let config_with_inactive_and_ephemeral_node = "#INACTIVE #EPHEMERAL foo { bar { } }" let config_with_inactive_node_and_comment = "/* comment */ #INACTIVE #EPHEMERAL foo { }" let parse s = Curly_parser.config Curly_lexer.token (Lexing.from_string s) (* Empty config is considered valid, creates just the root node *) let test_parse_empty test_ctxt = let config = parse config_empty in assert_equal (Vytree.list_children config) [] (* A config with just an empty node is considered valid too. Not sure if it should! *) let test_parse_trivial test_ctxt = let config = parse config_trivial in assert_equal (Vytree.list_children config) ["foo"] (* A config with nested nodes is parser correctly *) let test_parse_nested test_ctxt = let config = parse config_nested in assert_equal (Vytree.get config ["foo"] |> Vytree.list_children ) ["bar"; "baz"] (* Leaf nodes are parsed correctly *) let test_parse_with_leaf test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_leaf in assert_equal (CT.get_value config ["foo"; "bar"]) "baz" (* Leaf nodes with non-alphanumeric characters in values are parsed correctly *) let test_parse_with_leaf_url_unquoted test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_leaf_url_unquoted in assert_equal (CT.get_value config ["foo"; "bar"]) "" (* Leaf nodes with quoted values are parsed correctly *) let test_parse_with_leaf_value_quoted test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_leaf_value_quoted in assert_equal (CT.get_value config ["foo"; "bar"]) "foo bar" (* Leaf nodes with single quoted values are parsed correctly *) let test_parse_with_leaf_value_single_quoted test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_leaf_value_single_quoted in assert_equal (CT.get_value config ["foo"; "bar"]) "foo bar" (* Valueless leaf nodes work *) let test_parse_with_leaf_valueless test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_leaf_valueless in assert_equal (Vytree.get config ["foo"] |> Vytree.list_children) ["bar"] (* Top level leaf nodes are not allowed *) let test_parse_top_level_leaf_node test_ctxt = assert_raises Curly_parser.Error (fun () -> parse config_leaf_top_level) (* Top level tag nodes are not allowed *) let test_parse_top_level_tag_node test_ctxt = assert_raises Curly_parser.Error (fun () -> parse config_tag_top_level) (* Nodes with multiple values are handled correctly *) let test_parse_with_multi test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_multi in assert_equal (CT.get_values config ["foo"; "bar"]) ["baz"; "xyzzy"] (* Comments should work *) let test_parse_with_comment test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_comment in assert_equal (CT.get_comment config ["foo"; "bar"]) (Some (String.trim "comment")) (* Comments in leaf nodes should work *) let test_parse_with_leaf_node_comment test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_leaf_node_comment in assert_equal (CT.get_comment config ["foo"; "bar"]) (Some (String.trim "comment")) (* Comments in tag nodes should work *) let test_parse_with_tag_node_comment test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_tag_node_comment in assert_equal (CT.get_comment config ["foo"; "bar"; "baz"]) (Some (String.trim "comment")) (* Tag nodes are parsed correctly *) let test_parse_with_tag test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_tag in assert_equal (Vytree.get config ["foo"; "bar"] |> Vytree.list_children) ["baz"; "qwerty"]; assert_equal (CT.get_value config ["foo"; "bar"; "baz"; "quux"]) "xyzzy"; assert_equal (CT.get_value config ["foo"; "bar"; "qwerty"; "quux"]) "foobar" (* Non-alphanumeric characters are allowed in tag nodes *) let test_parse_with_tag_nonalpha test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_tag_nonalpha in assert_equal (Vytree.get config ["foo"; "bar"] |> Vytree.list_children) ["baz0.99"; "baz1-8"] (* Normal nodes with duplicate children are detected *) let test_parse_node_duplicate_child test_ctxt = try ignore @@ parse config_with_duplicate_node; assert_failure "Duplicated node child didn't cause errors" with (Failure _) -> () (* Tag nodes with duplicate children are detected *) let test_parse_tag_node_duplicate_child test_ctxt = try ignore @@ parse config_with_duplicate_tag_node; assert_failure "Duplicated tag node child didn't cause errors" with (Failure _) -> () (* If there are duplicate leaf nodes, values of the next ones are merged into the first one, the rest of the data is lost *) let test_parse_duplicate_leaf_node test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_duplicate_leaf_node in assert_equal (CT.get_values config ["foo"; "bar"]) ["baz"; "quux"] (* Inactive nodes are parsed correctly *) let test_parse_inactive_node test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_inactive_node in assert_equal (CT.is_inactive config ["foo"]) true (* Inactive leaf nodes are parsed correctly *) let test_parse_inactive_leaf_node test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_inactive_leaf_node in assert_equal (CT.is_inactive config ["foo"; "bar"]) true (* Inactive leaf nodes are parsed correctly *) let test_parse_inactive_tag_node test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_inactive_tag_node in assert_equal (CT.is_inactive config ["foo"; "bar"; "baz"]) true (* Normally ephemeral nodes shouldn't appear in config files, since it's the whole point of ephemeral nodes that they are ignored when saving the config, but they are a part of the format so we get to parse them. Besides, HA scripts may want to use load or merge instead of executing set commands *) (* Ephemeral nodes are parsed correctly *) let test_parse_ephemeral_node test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_ephemeral_node in assert_equal (CT.is_ephemeral config ["foo"]) true (* Ephemeral leaf nodes are parsed correctly *) let test_parse_ephemeral_leaf_node test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_ephemeral_leaf_node in assert_equal (CT.is_ephemeral config ["foo"; "bar"]) true (* Ephemeral leaf nodes are parsed correctly *) let test_parse_ephemeral_tag_node test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_ephemeral_tag_node in assert_equal (CT.is_ephemeral config ["foo"; "bar"; "baz"]) true (* Unusual but not impossible: a node that is both inactive and ephemeral *) let test_parse_inactive_and_ephemeral_node test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_inactive_and_ephemeral_node in assert_equal (CT.is_ephemeral config ["foo"]) true; assert_equal (CT.is_inactive config ["foo"]) true (* Comments and ephemeral/inactive properties mix well *) let test_parse_inactive_node_and_comment test_ctxt = let config = parse config_with_inactive_node_and_comment in assert_equal (CT.is_ephemeral config ["foo"]) true; assert_equal (CT.is_inactive config ["foo"]) true; assert_equal (CT.get_comment config ["foo"]) (Some "comment") let suite = "VyConf curly config parser tests" >::: [ "test_make_node" >:: test_parse_empty; "test_parse_trivial" >:: test_parse_trivial; "test_parse_nested" >:: test_parse_nested; "test_parse_with_leaf" >:: test_parse_with_leaf; "test_parse_with_leaf_url_unquoted" >:: test_parse_with_leaf_url_unquoted; "test_parse_with_leaf_value_quoted" >:: test_parse_with_leaf_value_quoted; "test_parse_with_leaf_value_single_quoted" >:: test_parse_with_leaf_value_single_quoted; "test_parse_with_leaf_valueless" >:: test_parse_with_leaf_valueless; "test_parse_top_level_leaf_node" >:: test_parse_top_level_leaf_node; "test_parse_top_level_tag_node" >:: test_parse_top_level_tag_node; "test_parse_with_multi" >:: test_parse_with_multi; "test_parse_with_tag" >:: test_parse_with_tag; "test_parse_with_tag_nonalpha" >:: test_parse_with_tag_nonalpha; "test_parse_with_comment" >:: test_parse_with_comment; "test_parse_with_leaf_node_comment" >:: test_parse_with_leaf_node_comment; "test_parse_with_tag_node_comment" >:: test_parse_with_tag_node_comment; "test_parse_node_duplicate_child" >:: test_parse_node_duplicate_child; "test_parse_tag_node_duplicate_child" >:: test_parse_tag_node_duplicate_child; "test_parse_duplicate_leaf_node" >:: test_parse_duplicate_leaf_node; "test_parse_inactive_node" >:: test_parse_inactive_node; "test_parse_inactive_leaf_node" >:: test_parse_inactive_leaf_node; "test_parse_inactive_tag_node" >:: test_parse_inactive_tag_node; "test_parse_ephemeral_node" >:: test_parse_ephemeral_node; "test_parse_ephemeral_leaf_node" >:: test_parse_ephemeral_leaf_node; "test_parse_ephemeral_tag_node" >:: test_parse_ephemeral_tag_node; "test_parse_inactive_and_ephemeral_node" >:: test_parse_inactive_and_ephemeral_node; "test_parse_inactive_node_and_comment" >:: test_parse_inactive_node_and_comment; ] let () = run_test_tt_main suite