[@@@ocaml.warning "-27"] module VT = Vyos1x.Vytree module VL = Vyos1x.Vylist let max = 9999 (* Path length *) let max_depth = 100 (* Number of children *) let max_children = 1000 (* Number of paths *) let max_paths = 1000 let insert_full tree path data = let rec aux tree path basepath data = match path with | [] -> tree | p :: ps -> let basepath = basepath @ [p] in let tree = VT.insert tree basepath data in aux tree ps basepath data in let existent_path = VT.get_existent_path tree path in let rest = VL.complement path existent_path in aux tree rest existent_path () let rec add_many_children t n basepath data = if n >= 0 then let t = VT.insert t (basepath @ [(string_of_int n)]) () in add_many_children t (n - 1) basepath data else t let rec random_path n xs = if n >= 0 then (string_of_int (Random.int max)) :: (random_path (n-1) xs) else xs let rec do_inserts tree child n = if n >= 0 then let p = random_path max_depth [] in let tree = insert_full tree (child :: p) () in do_inserts tree child (n - 1) else tree let tree = VT.make () "root" (* Add a hundred children *) let tree = add_many_children tree max_children [] () (* Use the last child to ensure that the child list is traversed to the end every time *) let name = List.nth (VT.list_children tree) (max_children - 1) let _ = do_inserts tree name max_paths