diff options
authorChristian Poessinger <>2020-12-12 14:03:54 +0100
committerChristian Poessinger <>2020-12-28 19:42:50 +0100
commita8a019c4f318ba6ad2f83b9b4f605de3830c7b28 (patch)
parentc1fcbba9cb45f981e5bd8decf3ebbc1e17d9fbd9 (diff)
webproxy: T563: migrate from old Perl code to XML and get_config_dict()
Basic proxy functionality is working but the squidguard smoketest still fails as this is yet not implemented.
5 files changed, 796 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/data/templates/squid/squid.conf.tmpl b/data/templates/squid/squid.conf.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1876146dd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/templates/squid/squid.conf.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+### generated by ###
+acl localhost src
+acl to_localhost dst
+acl net src all
+acl SSL_ports port 443
+acl Safe_ports port 80 # http
+acl Safe_ports port 21 # ftp
+acl Safe_ports port 443 # https
+acl Safe_ports port 873 # rsync
+acl Safe_ports port 70 # gopher
+acl Safe_ports port 210 # wais
+acl Safe_ports port 1025-65535 # unregistered ports
+acl Safe_ports port 280 # http-mgmt
+acl Safe_ports port 488 # gss-http
+acl Safe_ports port 591 # filemaker
+acl Safe_ports port 777 # multiling http
+{% if authentication is defined and authentication is not none %}
+{% if authentication.children is defined and authentication.children is not none %}
+auth_param basic children {{ authentication.children }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if authentication.credentials_ttl is defined and authentication.credentials_ttl is not none %}
+auth_param basic credentialsttl {{ authentication.credentials_ttl }} minute
+{% endif %}
+{% if authentication.realm is defined and authentication.realm is not none %}
+auth_param basic realm "{{ authentication.realm }}"
+{% endif %}
+{# LDAP based Authentication #}
+{% if authentication.method is defined and authentication.method is not none %}
+{% if authentication.ldap is defined and authentication.ldap is not none and authentication.method == 'ldap' %}
+auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/basic_ldap_auth -v {{ authentication.ldap.version }} -b "{{ authentication.ldap.base_dn }}" {{ '-D "' + authentication.ldap.bind_dn + '"' if authentication.ldap.bind_dn is defined }} {{ '-w "' + authentication.ldap.password + '"' if authentication.ldap.password is defined }} {{ '-f "' + authentication.ldap.filter_expression + '"' if authentication.ldap.filter_expression is defined }} {{ '-u "' + authentication.ldap.username_attribute + '"' if authentication.ldap.username_attribute is defined }} -p {{ authentication.ldap.port }} {{ '-ZZ' if authentication.ldap.use_ssl is defined }} -R -h "{{ authentication.ldap.server }}"
+{% endif %}
+acl auth proxy_auth REQUIRED
+http_access allow auth
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+http_access allow manager localhost
+http_access deny manager
+http_access deny !Safe_ports
+http_access deny CONNECT !SSL_ports
+http_access allow localhost
+http_access allow net
+http_access deny all
+{% if reply_block_mime is defined and reply_block_mime is not none %}
+{% for mime_type in reply_block_mime %}
+acl BLOCK_MIME rep_mime_type {{ mime_type }}
+{% endfor %}
+http_reply_access deny BLOCK_MIME
+{% endif %}
+{% if cache_size is defined and cache_size is not none %}
+{% if cache_size | int > 0 %}
+cache_dir ufs /var/spool/squid {{ cache_size }} 16 256
+{% else %}
+# disabling disk cache
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if mem_cache_size is defined and mem_cache_size is not none %}
+cache_mem {{ mem_cache_size }} MB
+{% endif %}
+{% if disable_access_log is defined %}
+access_log none
+{% else %}
+access_log /var/log/squid/access.log squid
+{% endif %}
+{# by default we'll disable the store log #}
+cache_store_log none
+{% if append_domain is defined and append_domain is not none %}
+append_domain {{ append_domain }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if maximum_object_size is defined and maximum_object_size is not none %}
+maximum_object_size {{ maximum_object_size }} KB
+{% endif %}
+{% if minimum_object_size is defined and minimum_object_size is not none %}
+minimum_object_size {{ minimum_object_size }} KB
+{% endif %}
+{% if reply_body_max_size is defined and reply_body_max_size is not none %}
+reply_body_max_size {{ reply_body_max_size }} KB
+{% endif %}
+{% if outgoing_address is defined and outgoing_address is not none %}
+tcp_outgoing_address {{ outgoing_address }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if listen_address is defined and listen_address is not none %}
+{% for address, config in listen_address.items() %}
+http_port {{ address }}:{{ config.port if config.port is defined else default_port }} {{ 'intercept' if config.disable_transparent is not defined }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+http_port{{ default_port }}
+{# NOT insert the client address in X-Forwarded-For header #}
+forwarded_for off
+{% if cache_peer is defined and cache_peer is not none %}
+{% for peer, config in cache_peer.items() %}
+{% if not 'type' in webproxy['cache-peer'][peer] %}
+{% set p_type = "parent" %}
+{% else %}
+{% set p_type = webproxy['cache-peer'][peer]['type'] %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if not 'http-port' in webproxy['cache-peer'][peer] %}
+{% set p_http_port = 3128 %}
+{% else %}
+{% set p_http_port = webproxy['cache-peer'][peer]['http-port'] %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if not 'icp-port' in webproxy['cache-peer'][peer] %}
+{% set p_icp_port = 0 %}
+{% else %}
+{% set p_icp_port = webproxy['cache-peer'][peer]['icp-port'] %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if not 'options' in webproxy['cache-peer'][peer] %}
+{% set p_options = "no-query default" %}
+{% else %}
+{% set p_options = webproxy['cache-peer'][peer]['options'] %}
+{% endif %}
+cache_peer {{ config.address }} {{p_type}} {{p_http_port}} {{p_icp_port}} {{p_options}}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index dc5094e8e..ccdaa8492 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -108,6 +108,9 @@ Depends:
+ squid,
+ squidclient,
+ squidguard,
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a329af78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -0,0 +1,533 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <node name="service">
+ <children>
+ <node name="webproxy" owner="${vyos_conf_scripts_dir}/">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Webproxy service settings</help>
+ <priority>500</priority>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="append-domain">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Default domain name</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>domain</format>
+ <description>Domain to use for urls that do not contain a '.'</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>^[\.][a-z0-9-][$]?</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>Must start append-domain with a '.'</constraintErrorMessage>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <node name="authentication">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Proxy Authentication Settings</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="children">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Number of authentication helper processes (default: 5)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>n</format>
+ <description>Number of authentication helper processes</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-500"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>5</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="credentials-ttl">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Authenticated session time to live in minutes (default: 60)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>n</format>
+ <description>Authenticated session timeout</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-600"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>60</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <node name="ldap">
+ <properties>
+ <help>LDAP authentication settings</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="base-dn">
+ <properties>
+ <help>LDAP Base DN to search</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="bind-dn">
+ <properties>
+ <help>LDAP DN used to bind to server</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="filter-expression">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Filter expression to perform LDAP search with</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="password">
+ <properties>
+ <help>LDAP password to bind with</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="persistent-connection">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Use persistent LDAP connection</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="port">
+ <properties>
+ <help>LDAP server port to use (default: 389)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-65535</format>
+ <description>Port number to use</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-65535"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>389</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="server">
+ <properties>
+ <help>LDAP server to use</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="use-ssl">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Use SSL/TLS for LDAP connection</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="username-attribute">
+ <properties>
+ <help>LDAP username attribute</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="version">
+ <properties>
+ <help>LDAP protocol version (default: 3)</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>2 3</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>2</format>
+ <description>LDAP protocol version 2</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>3</format>
+ <description>LDAP protocol version 2</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 2-3"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>3</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </node>
+ <leafNode name="method">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Authentication Method</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>ldap</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ldap</format>
+ <description>Lightweight Directory Access Protocol</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>^(ldap)$</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>The only supported method currently is LDAP</constraintErrorMessage>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="realm">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Name of authentication realm (e.g. "My Company proxy server")</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </node>
+ <tagNode name="cache-peer">
+ <properties>
+ <help>cache-peer hostname</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>hostname</format>
+ <description>Cache peers FQDN</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="address">
+ <properties>
+ <help>IPv4 address of peer-cache</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ipv4</format>
+ <description>IPv4 address of the cache peer</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="http-port">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Cache peer http port (default 3128)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>1-65535</format>
+ <description>Cache peer http port (default 3128)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="icp-port">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Cache peer icp port (default disabled)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>1-65535</format>
+ <description>Cache peer icp port (default disabled)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="options">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Cache peer options</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>text</format>
+ <description>Cache peer options</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="type">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Squid peer type (default parent)</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>parent sibling multicast</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>parent</format>
+ <description>Peer is a parent</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>sibling</format>
+ <description>Peer is a sibling</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>multicast</format>
+ <description>Peer is a member of a multicast group</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>^(parent|sibling|multicast)$</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </tagNode>
+ <leafNode name="cache-size">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Disk cache size in MB (default: 100)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32</format>
+ <description>Disk cache size in MB</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>0</format>
+ <description>Disable disk caching</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>100</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="default-port">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Default Proxy Port (default: 3128)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1025-65535</format>
+ <description>Default port number</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>3128</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="disable-access-log">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Disable logging of HTTP accesses</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="domain-block">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Domain name to block</help>
+ <multi/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="domain-noncache">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Domain name to access without caching</help>
+ <multi/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <tagNode name="listen-address">
+ <properties>
+ <help>IPv4 address for webproxy to listen on [REQUIRED]</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ipv4</format>
+ <description>IPv4 address listen on</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="port">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Default Proxy Port (default: 3128)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1025-65535</format>
+ <description>Default port number</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="disable-transparent">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Disable transparent mode</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </tagNode>
+ <leafNode name="maximum-object-size">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Maximum size of object to be stored in cache in kilobytes</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32</format>
+ <description>Object size in KB</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-100000"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="mem-cache-size">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Memory cache size in MB</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32</format>
+ <description>Memory cache size in MB </description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-100000"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>20</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="minimum-object-size">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Maximum size of object to be stored in cache in kilobytes</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32</format>
+ <description>Object size in KB</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-100000"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="outgoing-address">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Outgoing IP address for webproxy</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="reply-block-mime">
+ <properties>
+ <help>MIME type to block</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>image/gif www/mime application/macbinary application/oda application/octet-stream application/pdf application/postscript application/postscript application/postscript text/rtf application/octet-stream application/octet-stream application/x-tar application/x-csh application/x-dvi application/x-hdf application/x-latex text/plain application/x-netcdf application/x-netcdf application/x-sh application/x-tcl application/x-tex application/x-texinfo application/x-texinfo application/x-troff application/x-troff application/x-troff application/x-troff-man application/x-troff-me application/x-troff-ms application/x-wais-source application/zip application/x-bcpio application/x-cpio application/x-gtar application/x-rpm application/x-shar application/x-sv4cpio application/x-sv4crc application/x-tar application/x-ustar audio/basic audio/basic audio/mpeg audio/mpeg audio/mpeg audio/x-aiff audio/x-aiff audio/x-aiff audio/x-wav image/bmp image/ief image/jpeg image/jpeg image/jpeg image/tiff image/tiff image/x-cmu-raster image/x-portable-anymap image/x-portable-bitmap image/x-portable-graymap image/x-portable-pixmap image/x-rgb image/x-xbitmap image/x-xpixmap image/x-xwindowdump text/html text/html text/css application/x-javascript text/plain text/plain text/plain text/plain text/plain text/plain text/plain text/plain text/plain text/richtext text/tab-separated-values text/x-setext video/mpeg video/mpeg video/mpeg video/quicktime video/quicktime video/x-msvideo video/x-sgi-movie application/mac-compactpro application/mac-binhex40 application/macwriteii application/msword application/msword application/ application/ application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3 application/vnd.mif application/x-stuffit application/pict application/pict application/x-arj-compressed application/x-lha-compressed application/x-lha-compressed application/x-deflate text/plain application/octet-stream application/octet-stream image/png application/octet-stream application/x-xpinstall application/octet-stream text/plain application/x-director application/x-director application/x-director image/vnd.djvu image/vnd.djvu application/octet-stream application/octet-stream application/andrew-inset x-conference/x-cooltalk model/iges model/iges audio/midi audio/midi audio/midi model/mesh model/mesh video/vnd.mpegurl chemical/x-pdb application/x-chess-pgn audio/x-realaudio audio/x-pn-realaudio audio/x-pn-realaudio text/sgml text/sgml application/x-koan application/x-koan application/x-koan application/x-koan application/smil application/smil application/octet-stream application/x-futuresplash application/x-shockwave-flash application/x-cdlink model/vrml image/vnd.wap.wbmp application/vnd.wap.wbxml application/vnd.wap.wmlc application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc application/vnd.wap.wmlscript application/xhtml application/xhtml text/xml text/xml chemical/x-xyz text/plain</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>^(image/gif|www/mime|application/macbinary|application/oda|application/octet-stream|application/pdf|application/postscript|application/postscript|application/postscript|text/rtf|application/octet-stream|application/octet-stream|application/x-tar|application/x-csh|application/x-dvi|application/x-hdf|application/x-latex|text/plain|application/x-netcdf|application/x-netcdf|application/x-sh|application/x-tcl|application/x-tex|application/x-texinfo|application/x-texinfo|application/x-troff|application/x-troff|application/x-troff|application/x-troff-man|application/x-troff-me|application/x-troff-ms|application/x-wais-source|application/zip|application/x-bcpio|application/x-cpio|application/x-gtar|application/x-rpm|application/x-shar|application/x-sv4cpio|application/x-sv4crc|application/x-tar|application/x-ustar|audio/basic|audio/basic|audio/mpeg|audio/mpeg|audio/mpeg|audio/x-aiff|audio/x-aiff|audio/x-aiff|audio/x-wav|image/bmp|image/ief|image/jpeg|image/jpeg|image/jpeg|image/tiff|image/tiff|image/x-cmu-raster|image/x-portable-anymap|image/x-portable-bitmap|image/x-portable-graymap|image/x-portable-pixmap|image/x-rgb|image/x-xbitmap|image/x-xpixmap|image/x-xwindowdump|text/html|text/html|text/css|application/x-javascript|text/plain|text/plain|text/plain|text/plain|text/plain|text/plain|text/plain|text/plain|text/plain|text/richtext|text/tab-separated-values|text/x-setext|video/mpeg|video/mpeg|video/mpeg|video/quicktime|video/quicktime|video/x-msvideo|video/x-sgi-movie|application/mac-compactpro|application/mac-binhex40|application/macwriteii|application/msword|application/msword|application/|application/|application/vnd.lotus-1-2-3|application/vnd.mif|application/x-stuffit|application/pict|application/pict|application/x-arj-compressed|application/x-lha-compressed|application/x-lha-compressed|application/x-deflate|text/plain|application/octet-stream|application/octet-stream|image/png|application/octet-stream|application/x-xpinstall|application/octet-stream|text/plain|application/x-director|application/x-director|application/x-director|image/vnd.djvu|image/vnd.djvu|application/octet-stream|application/octet-stream|application/andrew-inset|x-conference/x-cooltalk|model/iges|model/iges|audio/midi|audio/midi|audio/midi|model/mesh|model/mesh|video/vnd.mpegurl|chemical/x-pdb|application/x-chess-pgn|audio/x-realaudio|audio/x-pn-realaudio|audio/x-pn-realaudio|text/sgml|text/sgml|application/x-koan|application/x-koan|application/x-koan|application/x-koan|application/smil|application/smil|application/octet-stream|application/x-futuresplash|application/x-shockwave-flash|application/x-cdlink|model/vrml|image/vnd.wap.wbmp|application/vnd.wap.wbxml|application/vnd.wap.wmlc|application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc|application/vnd.wap.wmlscript|application/xhtml|application/xhtml|text/xml|text/xml|chemical/x-xyz|text/plain)$</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ <multi/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="reply-body-max-size">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Maximum reply body size in KB</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32</format>
+ <description>Reply size in KB</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-100000"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <node name="url-filtering">
+ <properties>
+ <help>URL filtering settings</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="disable">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Disable URL filtering</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <node name="squidguard">
+ <properties>
+ <help>URL filtering via squidGuard redirector</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="allow-category">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Category to allow</help>
+ <multi/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="allow-ipaddr-url">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Allow IP address URLs</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <node name="auto-update">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Auto update settings</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="update-hour">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Hour of day for database update [REQUIRED]</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:0-23</format>
+ <description>Hour for database update</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-23"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>0</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </node>
+ <leafNode name="block-category">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Category to block</help>
+ <multi/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="default-action">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Default action</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>allow block</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>allow</format>
+ <description>Default filter action to allow (default)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>block</format>
+ <description>Default filter action to allow (default)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>^(allow|block)$</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="enable-safe-search">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Enable safe-mode search on popular search engines</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="local-block-keyword">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Local keyword to block</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>keyword</format>
+ <description>Keyword (or regex) to block</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <multi/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="local-block-url">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Local URL to block</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>url</format>
+ <description>Local URL to block (without http:\/\/</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>^(https?:\/\/)$</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ <multi/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="local-block">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Local site to block</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ipv4</format>
+ <description>IP address of site to block</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="ipv4-prefix"/>
+ </constraint>
+ <multi/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="local-ok-url">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Local URL to allow</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>url</format>
+ <description>Local URL to allow (without http:\/\/</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>^(https?:\/\/)$</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ <multi/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="local-ok">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Local site to allow</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ipv4</format>
+ <description>IP address of site to allow</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="ipv4-prefix"/>
+ </constraint>
+ <multi/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="log">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Log block category</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>all</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <multi/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="redirect-url">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Redirect URL for filtered websites (default: http:\/\/</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>url</format>
+ <description>URL for redirect</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>http:\/\/</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <!-- not completed -->
+ </children>
+ </node>
+ </children>
+ </node>
+ </children>
+ </node>
+ </children>
+ </node>
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index dac5aa0dd..6f88a351d 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ class TestServiceWebProxy(unittest.TestCase):
realm = 'VyOS Webproxy'
ldap_base_dn = 'DC=vyos,DC=net'
ldap_server = ''
- ldap_bind_dn = 'CN=proxyuser,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=local'
+ ldap_bind_dn = f'CN=proxyuser,CN=Users,{ldap_base_dn}'
ldap_password = 'VyOS12345'
ldap_attr = 'cn'
ldap_filter = '(cn=%s)'
@@ -156,6 +156,7 @@ class TestServiceWebProxy(unittest.TestCase):
self.session.set(base_path + ['authentication', 'ldap', 'username-attribute', ldap_attr])
self.session.set(base_path + ['authentication', 'ldap', 'filter-expression', ldap_filter])
+ self.session.set(base_path + ['authentication', 'ldap', 'use-ssl'])
# commit changes
@@ -166,8 +167,8 @@ class TestServiceWebProxy(unittest.TestCase):
# Now verify LDAP settings
self.assertIn(f'auth_param basic children {auth_children}', config)
self.assertIn(f'auth_param basic credentialsttl {cred_ttl} minute', config)
- self.assertIn(f'auth_param basic realm {realm}', config)
- self.assertIn(f'auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/basic_ldap_auth -v 3 -b "{ldap_base_dn}" -D "{ldap_bind_dn}" -w {ldap_password} -f {ldap_filter} -u {ldap_attr} -p 389 -R -h {ldap_server}', config)
+ self.assertIn(f'auth_param basic realm "{realm}"', config)
+ self.assertIn(f'auth_param basic program /usr/lib/squid/basic_ldap_auth -v 3 -b "{ldap_base_dn}" -D "{ldap_bind_dn}" -w "{ldap_password}" -f "{ldap_filter}" -u "{ldap_attr}" -p 389 -ZZ -R -h "{ldap_server}"', config)
self.assertIn(f'acl auth proxy_auth REQUIRED', config)
# Check for running process
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..128393e51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
+from sys import exit
+from vyos.config import Config
+from vyos.configdict import dict_merge
+from vyos.template import render
+from vyos.util import call
+from vyos.util import dict_search
+from vyos.validate import is_addr_assigned
+from vyos.xml import defaults
+from vyos import ConfigError
+from vyos import airbag
+config_file = '/etc/squid/squid.conf'
+def get_config(config=None):
+ if config:
+ conf = config
+ else:
+ conf = Config()
+ base = ['service', 'webproxy']
+ if not conf.exists(base):
+ return None
+ proxy = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True)
+ # We have gathered the dict representation of the CLI, but there are default
+ # options which we need to update into the dictionary retrived.
+ default_values = defaults(base)
+ # if no authentication method is supplid, no need to add defaults
+ if not dict_search('authentication.method', proxy):
+ default_values.pop('authentication')
+ proxy = dict_merge(default_values, proxy)
+ import pprint
+ pprint.pprint(proxy)
+ return proxy
+def verify(proxy):
+ if not proxy:
+ return None
+ if 'listen_address' not in proxy:
+ raise ConfigError('listen-address needs to be configured!')
+ ldap_auth = dict_search('authentication.method', proxy) == 'ldap'
+ for address, config in proxy['listen_address'].items():
+ if not is_addr_assigned(address):
+ raise ConfigError(
+ f'listen-address "{address}" not assigned on any interface!')
+ if ldap_auth and 'disable_transparent' not in config:
+ raise ConfigError('Authentication can not be configured when ' \
+ 'proxy is in transparent mode')
+ if 'outgoing_address' in proxy:
+ address = proxy['outgoing_address']
+ if not is_addr_assigned(address):
+ raise ConfigError(
+ f'outgoing-address "{address}" not assigned on any interface!')
+ if 'authentication' in proxy:
+ if 'method' not in proxy['authentication']:
+ raise ConfigError('proxy authentication method required!')
+ if ldap_auth:
+ ldap_config = proxy['authentication']['ldap']
+ if 'server' not in ldap_config:
+ raise ConfigError(
+ 'LDAP authentication enabled, but no server set')
+ if 'password' in ldap_config and 'bind_dn' not in ldap_config:
+ raise ConfigError(
+ 'LDAP password can not be set when base-dn is undefined!')
+ if 'bind_dn' in ldap_config and 'password' not in ldap_config:
+ raise ConfigError(
+ 'LDAP bind DN can not be set without password!')
+ if 'base_dn' not in ldap_config:
+ raise ConfigError('LDAP base-dn must be set!')
+def generate(proxy):
+ if not proxy:
+ return None
+ render(config_file, 'squid/squid.conf.tmpl', proxy)
+ return None
+def apply(proxy):
+ if not proxy:
+ # proxy is removed in the commit
+ call('systemctl stop squid.service')
+ if os.path.exists(config_file):
+ os.unlink(config_file)
+ return None
+ call('systemctl restart squid.service')
+ return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ c = get_config()
+ verify(c)
+ generate(c)
+ apply(c)
+ except ConfigError as e:
+ print(e)
+ exit(1)