path: root/data/mibs/TUNNEL-MIB.txt
diff options
authorChristian Poessinger <>2021-06-22 18:34:21 +0200
committerChristian Poessinger <>2021-06-22 18:34:58 +0200
commit47604c76587cc6cb7742e91940de2f40ad6d7eb0 (patch)
tree719d4d06886b6c4855e3940781778a33ca4f19d3 /data/mibs/TUNNEL-MIB.txt
parentdebd7996f89b01fa8d3584efbcda9a5675ee4344 (diff)
snmp: T3606: Install MIBs into well known location
FRR also expects the MIBs in /usr/share/snmp/mibs
Diffstat (limited to 'data/mibs/TUNNEL-MIB.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 738 deletions
diff --git a/data/mibs/TUNNEL-MIB.txt b/data/mibs/TUNNEL-MIB.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f9596b58..000000000
--- a/data/mibs/TUNNEL-MIB.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
- Integer32, IpAddress FROM SNMPv2-SMI -- [RFC2578]
- RowStatus, StorageType FROM SNMPv2-TC -- [RFC2579]
- InetAddressType,
- InetAddress FROM INET-ADDRESS-MIB -- [RFC4001]
- IPv6FlowLabelOrAny FROM IPV6-FLOW-LABEL-MIB -- [RFC3595]
- ifIndex,
- InterfaceIndexOrZero FROM IF-MIB -- [RFC2863]
- IANAtunnelType FROM IANAifType-MIB; -- [IFTYPE]
- LAST-UPDATED "200505160000Z" -- May 16, 2005
- ORGANIZATION "IETF IP Version 6 (IPv6) Working Group"
- " Dave Thaler
- Microsoft Corporation
- One Microsoft Way
- Redmond, WA 98052-6399
- EMail:"
- "The MIB module for management of IP Tunnels,
- independent of the specific encapsulation scheme in
- use.
- Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). This
- version of this MIB module is part of RFC 4087; see
- the RFC itself for full legal notices."
- REVISION "200505160000Z" -- May 16, 2005
- "IPv4-specific objects were deprecated, including
- tunnelIfLocalAddress, tunnelIfRemoteAddress, the
- tunnelConfigTable, and the tunnelMIBBasicGroup.
- Added IP version-agnostic objects that should be used
- instead, including tunnelIfAddressType,
- tunnelIfLocalInetAddress, tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress,
- the tunnelInetConfigTable, and the
- tunnelIMIBInetGroup.
- The new tunnelIfLocalInetAddress and
- tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress objects are read-write,
- rather than read-only.
- Updated DESCRIPTION clauses of existing version-
- agnostic objects (e.g., tunnelIfTOS) that contained
- IPv4-specific text to cover IPv6 as well.
- Added tunnelIfFlowLabel for tunnels over IPv6.
- The encapsulation method was previously an INTEGER
- type, and is now an IANA-maintained textual
- convention.
- Published as RFC 4087."
- REVISION "199908241200Z" -- August 24, 1999
- "Initial version, published as RFC 2667."
- ::= { transmission 131 }
-tunnelMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIB 1 }
-tunnel OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIBObjects 1 }
--- the IP Tunnel MIB-Group
--- a collection of objects providing information about
--- IP Tunnels
-tunnelIfTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The (conceptual) table containing information on
- configured tunnels."
- ::= { tunnel 1 }
-tunnelIfEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TunnelIfEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An entry (conceptual row) containing the information
- on a particular configured tunnel."
- INDEX { ifIndex }
- ::= { tunnelIfTable 1 }
-TunnelIfEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- tunnelIfLocalAddress IpAddress, -- deprecated
- tunnelIfRemoteAddress IpAddress, -- deprecated
- tunnelIfEncapsMethod IANAtunnelType,
- tunnelIfHopLimit Integer32,
- tunnelIfSecurity INTEGER,
- tunnelIfTOS Integer32,
- tunnelIfFlowLabel IPv6FlowLabelOrAny,
- tunnelIfAddressType InetAddressType,
- tunnelIfLocalInetAddress InetAddress,
- tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress InetAddress,
- tunnelIfEncapsLimit Integer32
-tunnelIfLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX IpAddress
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS deprecated
- "The address of the local endpoint of the tunnel
- (i.e., the source address used in the outer IP
- header), or if unknown or if the tunnel is
- over IPv6.
- Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
- deprecated in favor of tunnelIfLocalInetAddress."
- ::= { tunnelIfEntry 1 }
-tunnelIfRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX IpAddress
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS deprecated
- "The address of the remote endpoint of the tunnel
- (i.e., the destination address used in the outer IP
- header), or if unknown, or an IPv6 address, or
- the tunnel is not a point-to-point link (e.g., if it
- is a 6to4 tunnel).
- Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
- deprecated in favor of tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress."
- ::= { tunnelIfEntry 2 }
-tunnelIfEncapsMethod OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX IANAtunnelType
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The encapsulation method used by the tunnel."
- ::= { tunnelIfEntry 3 }
-tunnelIfHopLimit OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (0 | 1..255)
- MAX-ACCESS read-write
- STATUS current
- "The IPv4 TTL or IPv6 Hop Limit to use in the outer IP
- header. A value of 0 indicates that the value is
- copied from the payload's header."
- ::= { tunnelIfEntry 4 }
-tunnelIfSecurity OBJECT-TYPE
- none(1), -- no security
- ipsec(2), -- IPsec security
- other(3)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The method used by the tunnel to secure the outer IP
- header. The value ipsec indicates that IPsec is used
- between the tunnel endpoints for authentication or
- encryption or both. More specific security-related
- information may be available in a MIB module for the
- security protocol in use."
- ::= { tunnelIfEntry 5 }
- SYNTAX Integer32 (-2..63)
- MAX-ACCESS read-write
- STATUS current
- "The method used to set the high 6 bits (the
- differentiated services codepoint) of the IPv4 TOS or
- IPv6 Traffic Class in the outer IP header. A value of
- -1 indicates that the bits are copied from the
- payload's header. A value of -2 indicates that a
- traffic conditioner is invoked and more information
- may be available in a traffic conditioner MIB module.
- A value between 0 and 63 inclusive indicates that the
- bit field is set to the indicated value.
- Note: instead of the name tunnelIfTOS, a better name
- would have been tunnelIfDSCPMethod, but the existing
- name appeared in RFC 2667 and existing objects cannot
- be renamed."
- ::= { tunnelIfEntry 6 }
-tunnelIfFlowLabel OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX IPv6FlowLabelOrAny
- MAX-ACCESS read-write
- STATUS current
- "The method used to set the IPv6 Flow Label value.
- This object need not be present in rows where
- tunnelIfAddressType indicates the tunnel is not over
- IPv6. A value of -1 indicates that a traffic
- conditioner is invoked and more information may be
- available in a traffic conditioner MIB. Any other
- value indicates that the Flow Label field is set to
- the indicated value."
- ::= { tunnelIfEntry 7 }
-tunnelIfAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX InetAddressType
- MAX-ACCESS read-write
- STATUS current
- "The type of address in the corresponding
- tunnelIfLocalInetAddress and tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress
- objects."
- ::= { tunnelIfEntry 8 }
-tunnelIfLocalInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX InetAddress
- MAX-ACCESS read-write
- STATUS current
- "The address of the local endpoint of the tunnel
- (i.e., the source address used in the outer IP
- header). If the address is unknown, the value is
- for IPv4 or :: for IPv6. The type of this
- object is given by tunnelIfAddressType."
- ::= { tunnelIfEntry 9 }
-tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX InetAddress
- MAX-ACCESS read-write
- STATUS current
- "The address of the remote endpoint of the tunnel
- (i.e., the destination address used in the outer IP
- header). If the address is unknown or the tunnel is
- not a point-to-point link (e.g., if it is a 6to4
- tunnel), the value is for tunnels over IPv4 or
- :: for tunnels over IPv6. The type of this object is
- given by tunnelIfAddressType."
- ::= { tunnelIfEntry 10 }
-tunnelIfEncapsLimit OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (-1 | 0..255)
- MAX-ACCESS read-write
- STATUS current
- "The maximum number of additional encapsulations
- permitted for packets undergoing encapsulation at this
- node. A value of -1 indicates that no limit is
- present (except as a result of the packet size)."
- REFERENCE "RFC 2473, section 4.1.1"
- ::= { tunnelIfEntry 11 }
-tunnelConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TunnelConfigEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS deprecated
- "The (conceptual) table containing information on
- configured tunnels. This table can be used to map a
- set of tunnel endpoints to the associated ifIndex
- value. It can also be used for row creation. Note
- that every row in the tunnelIfTable with a fixed IPv4
- destination address should have a corresponding row in
- the tunnelConfigTable, regardless of whether it was
- created via SNMP.
- Since this table does not support IPv6, it is
- deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigTable."
- ::= { tunnel 2 }
-tunnelConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TunnelConfigEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS deprecated
- "An entry (conceptual row) containing the information
- on a particular configured tunnel.
- Since this entry does not support IPv6, it is
- deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigEntry."
- INDEX { tunnelConfigLocalAddress,
- tunnelConfigRemoteAddress,
- tunnelConfigEncapsMethod,
- tunnelConfigID }
- ::= { tunnelConfigTable 1 }
-TunnelConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- tunnelConfigLocalAddress IpAddress,
- tunnelConfigRemoteAddress IpAddress,
- tunnelConfigEncapsMethod IANAtunnelType,
- tunnelConfigID Integer32,
- tunnelConfigIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero,
- tunnelConfigStatus RowStatus
-tunnelConfigLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX IpAddress
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS deprecated
- "The address of the local endpoint of the tunnel, or
- if the device is free to choose any of its
- addresses at tunnel establishment time.
- Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
- deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigLocalAddress."
- ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 1 }
-tunnelConfigRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX IpAddress
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS deprecated
- "The address of the remote endpoint of the tunnel.
- Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
- deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigRemoteAddress."
- ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 2 }
-tunnelConfigEncapsMethod OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX IANAtunnelType
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS deprecated
- "The encapsulation method used by the tunnel.
- Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
- deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigEncapsMethod."
- ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 3 }
-tunnelConfigID OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS deprecated
- "An identifier used to distinguish between multiple
- tunnels of the same encapsulation method, with the
- same endpoints. If the encapsulation protocol only
- allows one tunnel per set of endpoint addresses (such
- as for GRE or IP-in-IP), the value of this object is
- 1. For encapsulation methods (such as L2F) which
- allow multiple parallel tunnels, the manager is
- responsible for choosing any ID which does not
- conflict with an existing row, such as choosing a
- random number.
- Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
- deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigID."
- ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 4 }
-tunnelConfigIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS deprecated
- "If the value of tunnelConfigStatus for this row is
- active, then this object contains the value of ifIndex
- corresponding to the tunnel interface. A value of 0
- is not legal in the active state, and means that the
- interface index has not yet been assigned.
- Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
- deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigIfIndex."
- ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 5 }
-tunnelConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX RowStatus
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS deprecated
- "The status of this row, by which new entries may be
- created, or old entries deleted from this table. The
- agent need not support setting this object to
- createAndWait or notInService since there are no other
- writable objects in this table, and writable objects
- in rows of corresponding tables such as the
- tunnelIfTable may be modified while this row is
- active.
- To create a row in this table for an encapsulation
- method which does not support multiple parallel
- tunnels with the same endpoints, the management
- station should simply use a tunnelConfigID of 1, and
- set tunnelConfigStatus to createAndGo. For
- encapsulation methods such as L2F which allow multiple
- parallel tunnels, the management station may select a
- pseudo-random number to use as the tunnelConfigID and
- set tunnelConfigStatus to createAndGo. In the event
- that this ID is already in use and an
- inconsistentValue is returned in response to the set
- operation, the management station should simply select
- a new pseudo-random number and retry the operation.
- Creating a row in this table will cause an interface
- index to be assigned by the agent in an
- implementation-dependent manner, and corresponding
- rows will be instantiated in the ifTable and the
- tunnelIfTable. The status of this row will become
- active as soon as the agent assigns the interface
- index, regardless of whether the interface is
- operationally up.
- Deleting a row in this table will likewise delete the
- corresponding row in the ifTable and in the
- tunnelIfTable.
- Since this object does not support IPv6, it is
- deprecated in favor of tunnelInetConfigStatus."
- ::= { tunnelConfigEntry 6 }
-tunnelInetConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF TunnelInetConfigEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The (conceptual) table containing information on
- configured tunnels. This table can be used to map a
- set of tunnel endpoints to the associated ifIndex
- value. It can also be used for row creation. Note
- that every row in the tunnelIfTable with a fixed
- destination address should have a corresponding row in
- the tunnelInetConfigTable, regardless of whether it
- was created via SNMP."
- ::= { tunnel 3 }
-tunnelInetConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TunnelInetConfigEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An entry (conceptual row) containing the information
- on a particular configured tunnel. Note that there is
- a 128 subid maximum for object OIDs. Implementers
- need to be aware that if the total number of octets in
- tunnelInetConfigLocalAddress and
- tunnelInetConfigRemoteAddress exceeds 110 then OIDs of
- column instances in this table will have more than 128
- sub-identifiers and cannot be accessed using SNMPv1,
- SNMPv2c, or SNMPv3. In practice this is not expected
- to be a problem since IPv4 and IPv6 addresses will not
- cause the limit to be reached, but if other types are
- supported by an agent, care must be taken to ensure
- that the sum of the lengths do not cause the limit to
- be exceeded."
- INDEX { tunnelInetConfigAddressType,
- tunnelInetConfigLocalAddress,
- tunnelInetConfigRemoteAddress,
- tunnelInetConfigEncapsMethod,
- tunnelInetConfigID }
- ::= { tunnelInetConfigTable 1 }
-TunnelInetConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- tunnelInetConfigAddressType InetAddressType,
- tunnelInetConfigLocalAddress InetAddress,
- tunnelInetConfigRemoteAddress InetAddress,
- tunnelInetConfigEncapsMethod IANAtunnelType,
- tunnelInetConfigID Integer32,
- tunnelInetConfigIfIndex InterfaceIndexOrZero,
- tunnelInetConfigStatus RowStatus,
- tunnelInetConfigStorageType StorageType
-tunnelInetConfigAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX InetAddressType
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The address type over which the tunnel encapsulates
- packets."
- ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 1 }
-tunnelInetConfigLocalAddress OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX InetAddress
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The address of the local endpoint of the tunnel, or
- (for IPv4) or :: (for IPv6) if the device is
- free to choose any of its addresses at tunnel
- establishment time."
- ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 2 }
-tunnelInetConfigRemoteAddress OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX InetAddress
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The address of the remote endpoint of the tunnel."
- ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 3 }
-tunnelInetConfigEncapsMethod OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX IANAtunnelType
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The encapsulation method used by the tunnel."
- ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 4 }
-tunnelInetConfigID OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An identifier used to distinguish between multiple
- tunnels of the same encapsulation method, with the
- same endpoints. If the encapsulation protocol only
- allows one tunnel per set of endpoint addresses (such
- as for GRE or IP-in-IP), the value of this object is
- 1. For encapsulation methods (such as L2F) which
- allow multiple parallel tunnels, the manager is
- responsible for choosing any ID which does not
- conflict with an existing row, such as choosing a
- random number."
- ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 5 }
-tunnelInetConfigIfIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "If the value of tunnelInetConfigStatus for this row
- is active, then this object contains the value of
- ifIndex corresponding to the tunnel interface. A
- value of 0 is not legal in the active state, and means
- that the interface index has not yet been assigned."
- ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 6 }
-tunnelInetConfigStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX RowStatus
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The status of this row, by which new entries may be
- created, or old entries deleted from this table. The
- agent need not support setting this object to
- createAndWait or notInService since there are no other
- writable objects in this table, and writable objects
- in rows of corresponding tables such as the
- tunnelIfTable may be modified while this row is
- active.
- To create a row in this table for an encapsulation
- method which does not support multiple parallel
- tunnels with the same endpoints, the management
- station should simply use a tunnelInetConfigID of 1,
- and set tunnelInetConfigStatus to createAndGo. For
- encapsulation methods such as L2F which allow multiple
- parallel tunnels, the management station may select a
- pseudo-random number to use as the tunnelInetConfigID
- and set tunnelInetConfigStatus to createAndGo. In the
- event that this ID is already in use and an
- inconsistentValue is returned in response to the set
- operation, the management station should simply select
- a new pseudo-random number and retry the operation.
- Creating a row in this table will cause an interface
- index to be assigned by the agent in an
- implementation-dependent manner, and corresponding
- rows will be instantiated in the ifTable and the
- tunnelIfTable. The status of this row will become
- active as soon as the agent assigns the interface
- index, regardless of whether the interface is
- operationally up.
- Deleting a row in this table will likewise delete the
- corresponding row in the ifTable and in the
- tunnelIfTable."
- ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 7 }
-tunnelInetConfigStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX StorageType
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The storage type of this row. If the row is
- permanent(4), no objects in the row need be writable."
- ::= { tunnelInetConfigEntry 8 }
--- conformance information
- OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIB 2 }
- OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIBConformance 1 }
-tunnelMIBGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { tunnelMIBConformance 2 }
--- compliance statements
- STATUS deprecated
- "The (deprecated) IPv4-only compliance statement for
- the IP Tunnel MIB.
- This is deprecated in favor of
- tunnelMIBInetFullCompliance and
- tunnelMIBInetReadOnlyCompliance."
- MODULE -- this module
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { tunnelMIBBasicGroup }
- OBJECT tunnelIfHopLimit
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required."
- OBJECT tunnelIfTOS
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required."
- OBJECT tunnelConfigStatus
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required."
- ::= { tunnelMIBCompliances 1 }
-tunnelMIBInetFullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
- STATUS current
- "The full compliance statement for the IP Tunnel MIB."
- MODULE -- this module
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { tunnelMIBInetGroup }
- OBJECT tunnelIfAddressType
- SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2),
- ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4) }
- "An implementation is only required to support IPv4
- and/or IPv6 addresses. An implementation only needs to
- support the addresses it actually supports on the
- device."
- ::= { tunnelMIBCompliances 2 }
-tunnelMIBInetReadOnlyCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
- STATUS current
- "The read-only compliance statement for the IP Tunnel
- MIB."
- MODULE -- this module
- MANDATORY-GROUPS { tunnelMIBInetGroup }
- OBJECT tunnelIfHopLimit
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required."
- OBJECT tunnelIfTOS
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required."
- OBJECT tunnelIfFlowLabel
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required."
- OBJECT tunnelIfAddressType
- SYNTAX InetAddressType { ipv4(1), ipv6(2),
- ipv4z(3), ipv6z(4) }
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required.
- An implementation is only required to support IPv4
- and/or IPv6 addresses. An implementation only needs to
- support the addresses it actually supports on the
- device."
- OBJECT tunnelIfLocalInetAddress
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required."
- OBJECT tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required."
- OBJECT tunnelIfEncapsLimit
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required."
- OBJECT tunnelInetConfigStatus
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required, and active is the only
- status that needs to be supported."
- OBJECT tunnelInetConfigStorageType
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "Write access is not required."
- ::= { tunnelMIBCompliances 3 }
--- units of conformance
-tunnelMIBBasicGroup OBJECT-GROUP
- OBJECTS { tunnelIfLocalAddress, tunnelIfRemoteAddress,
- tunnelIfEncapsMethod, tunnelIfHopLimit, tunnelIfTOS,
- tunnelIfSecurity, tunnelConfigIfIndex, tunnelConfigStatus }
- STATUS deprecated
- "A collection of objects to support basic management
- of IPv4 Tunnels. Since this group cannot support
- IPv6, it is deprecated in favor of
- tunnelMIBInetGroup."
- ::= { tunnelMIBGroups 1 }
-tunnelMIBInetGroup OBJECT-GROUP
- OBJECTS { tunnelIfAddressType, tunnelIfLocalInetAddress,
- tunnelIfRemoteInetAddress, tunnelIfEncapsMethod,
- tunnelIfEncapsLimit,
- tunnelIfHopLimit, tunnelIfTOS, tunnelIfFlowLabel,
- tunnelIfSecurity, tunnelInetConfigIfIndex,
- tunnelInetConfigStatus, tunnelInetConfigStorageType }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects to support basic management
- of IPv4 and IPv6 Tunnels."
- ::= { tunnelMIBGroups 2 }