path: root/src
diff options
authorzsdc <>2023-01-19 20:18:42 +0200
committerJohn Estabrook <>2023-12-16 20:37:10 -0600
commitc1d02ab5a2594d945e3f7aed18a1c18f296d65e2 (patch)
treea9551ce1e9aa0eb8db99f2ae60567134bc2e6974 /src
parentd5375ce02376a91c07ec68f8d410a08dcdc57ef9 (diff)
image: T4516: Added system image tools
This commit adds the whole set of system image tools written from the scratch in Python that allows performing all the operations on images: * check information * perform installation and deletion * versions management Also, it contains a new service that will update the GRUB menu and keep tracking its version in the future. WARNING: The commit contains non-reversible changes. Because of boot menu changes, it will not be possible to manage images from older VyOS versions after an update. (cherry picked from commit 8f94262e8fa2477700c50303ea6e2c6ddad72adb)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
5 files changed, 1080 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae0677196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# This file is part of VyOS.
+# VyOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# VyOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# VyOS. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+from typing import List, Union
+from hurry.filesize import size
+from tabulate import tabulate
+from vyos import opmode
+from vyos.system import disk, grub, image
+def _format_show_images_summary(images_summary: image.BootDetails) -> str:
+ headers: list[str] = ['Name', 'Default boot', 'Running']
+ table_data: list[list[str]] = list()
+ for image_item in images_summary.get('images_available', []):
+ name: str = image_item
+ if images_summary.get('image_default') == name:
+ default: str = 'Yes'
+ else:
+ default: str = ''
+ if images_summary.get('image_running') == name:
+ running: str = 'Yes'
+ else:
+ running: str = ''
+ table_data.append([name, default, running])
+ tabulated: str = tabulate(table_data, headers)
+ return tabulated
+def _format_show_images_details(
+ images_details: list[image.ImageDetails]) -> str:
+ headers: list[str] = [
+ 'Name', 'Version', 'Storage Read-Only', 'Storage Read-Write',
+ 'Storage Total'
+ ]
+ table_data: list[list[Union[str, int]]] = list()
+ for image_item in images_details:
+ name: str = image_item.get('name')
+ version: str = image_item.get('version')
+ disk_ro: int = size(image_item.get('disk_ro'))
+ disk_rw: int = size(image_item.get('disk_rw'))
+ disk_total: int = size(image_item.get('disk_total'))
+ table_data.append([name, version, disk_ro, disk_rw, disk_total])
+ tabulated: str = tabulate(table_data, headers)
+ return tabulated
+def show_images_summary(raw: bool) -> Union[image.BootDetails, str]:
+ images_available: list[str] = grub.version_list()
+ root_dir: str = disk.find_persistence()
+ boot_vars: dict = grub.vars_read(f'{root_dir}/{image.CFG_VYOS_VARS}')
+ images_summary: image.BootDetails = dict()
+ images_summary['image_default'] = image.get_default_image()
+ images_summary['image_running'] = image.get_running_image()
+ images_summary['images_available'] = images_available
+ images_summary['console_type'] = boot_vars.get('console_type')
+ images_summary['console_num'] = boot_vars.get('console_num')
+ if raw:
+ return images_summary
+ else:
+ return _format_show_images_summary(images_summary)
+def show_images_details(raw: bool) -> Union[list[image.ImageDetails], str]:
+ images: list[str] = grub.version_list()
+ images_details: list[image.ImageDetails] = list()
+ for image_name in images:
+ images_details.append(image.get_details(image_name))
+ if raw:
+ return images_details
+ else:
+ return _format_show_images_details(images_details)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ res =[__name__])
+ if res:
+ print(res)
+ except (ValueError, opmode.Error) as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ebb38e46
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,557 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# This file is part of VyOS.
+# VyOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# VyOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# VyOS. If not, see <>.
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
+from pathlib import Path
+from shutil import copy, rmtree, copytree
+from sys import exit
+from urllib.parse import urlparse
+from psutil import disk_partitions
+from vyos.configtree import ConfigTree
+from vyos.remote import download
+from vyos.system import disk, grub, image
+from vyos.template import render
+from vyos.util import ask_input, ask_yes_no, run
+# define text messages
+MSG_ERR_NOT_LIVE: str = 'The system is already installed. Please use "add system image" instead.'
+MSG_ERR_LIVE: str = 'The system is in live-boot mode. Please use "install image" instead.'
+MSG_ERR_NO_DISK: str = 'No suitable disk was found. There must be at least one disk of 2GB or greater size.'
+MSG_INFO_INSTALL_WELCOME: str = 'Welcome to VyOS installation!\nThis command will install the VyOS to your permanent storage.'
+MSG_INFO_INSTALL_EXIT: str = 'Exitting from VyOS installation'
+MSG_INFO_INSTALL_SUCCESS: str = 'The image installed successfully'
+MSG_INFO_INSTALL_DISKS_LIST: str = 'Were found the next disks:'
+MSG_INFO_INSTALL_DISK_SELECT: str = 'Which one should be used for installation?'
+MSG_INFO_INSTALL_DISK_CONFIRM: str = 'Installation will delete all data on the drive. Continue?'
+MSG_INFO_INSTALL_PARTITONING: str = 'Creating partition table...'
+MSG_INPUT_CONFIG_FOUND: str = 'An active configuration was found. Would you like to copy it to the new image?'
+MSG_INPUT_IMAGE_NAME: str = 'What would you like to name this image?'
+MSG_INPUT_IMAGE_DEFAULT: str = 'Would you like to set a new image as default one for boot?'
+MSG_INPUT_PASSWORD: str = 'Please enter a password for the "vyos" user'
+MSG_INPUT_ROOT_SIZE_ALL: str = 'Would you like to use all free space on the drive?'
+MSG_INPUT_ROOT_SIZE_SET: str = 'What should be a size (in GB) of the root partition (min is 1.5 GB)?'
+MSG_INPUT_CONSOLE_TYPE: str = 'What console should be used by default? (K: KVM, S: Serial, U: USB-Serial)?'
+MSG_WARN_ISO_SIGN_INVALID: str = 'Signature is not valid. Do you want to continue with installation?'
+MSG_WARN_ISO_SIGN_UNAVAL: str = 'Signature is not available. Do you want to continue with installation?'
+MSG_WARN_ROOT_SIZE_TOOBIG: str = 'The size is too big. Try again.'
+MSG_WARN_ROOT_SIZE_TOOSMALL: str = 'The size is too small. Try again'
+MSG_WARN_IMAGE_NAME_WRONG: str = 'The suggested name is unsupported!\n'
+'It must be between 1 and 32 characters long and contains only the next characters: .+-_ a-z A-Z 0-9'
+CONST_MIN_DISK_SIZE: int = 2147483648 # 2 GB
+CONST_MIN_ROOT_SIZE: int = 1610612736 # 1.5 GB
+# a reserved space: 2MB for header, 1 MB for BIOS partition, 256 MB for EFI
+CONST_RESERVED_SPACE: int = (2 + 1 + 256) * 1024**2
+# define directories and paths
+DIR_INSTALLATION: str = '/mnt/installation'
+DIR_DST_ROOT: str = f'{DIR_INSTALLATION}/disk_dst'
+DIR_KERNEL_SRC: str = '/boot/'
+FILE_ROOTFS_SRC: str = '/usr/lib/live/mount/medium/live/filesystem.squashfs'
+ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH: str = '/tmp/vyos_installation.iso'
+# default boot variables
+DEFAULT_BOOT_VARS: dict[str, str] = {
+ 'timeout': '5',
+ 'console_type': 'tty',
+ 'console_num': '0',
+ 'bootmode': 'normal'
+def bytes_to_gb(size: int) -> float:
+ """Convert Bytes to GBytes, rounded to 1 decimal number
+ Args:
+ size (int): input size in bytes
+ Returns:
+ float: size in GB
+ """
+ return round(size / 1024**3, 1)
+def gb_to_bytes(size: float) -> int:
+ """Convert GBytes to Bytes
+ Args:
+ size (float): input size in GBytes
+ Returns:
+ int: size in bytes
+ """
+ return int(size * 1024**3)
+def find_disk() -> tuple[str, int]:
+ """Find a target disk for installation
+ Returns:
+ tuple[str, int]: disk name and size in bytes
+ """
+ # check for available disks
+ disks_available: dict[str, int] = disk.disks_size()
+ for disk_name, disk_size in disks_available.copy().items():
+ if disk_size < CONST_MIN_DISK_SIZE:
+ del disks_available[disk_name]
+ if not disks_available:
+ print(MSG_ERR_NO_DISK)
+ # select one as a target
+ default_disk: str = list(disks_available)[0]
+ for disk_name, disk_size in disks_available.items():
+ disk_size_human: str = bytes_to_gb(disk_size)
+ print(f'Drive: {disk_name} ({disk_size_human} GB)')
+ disk_selected: str = ask_input(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_DISK_SELECT,
+ default=default_disk,
+ valid_responses=list(disks_available))
+ return disk_selected, disks_available[disk_selected]
+def ask_root_size(available_space: int) -> int:
+ """Define a size of root partition
+ Args:
+ available_space (int): available space in bytes for a root partition
+ Returns:
+ int: defined size
+ """
+ if ask_yes_no(MSG_INPUT_ROOT_SIZE_ALL, default=True):
+ return available_space
+ while True:
+ root_size_gb: str = ask_input(MSG_INPUT_ROOT_SIZE_SET)
+ root_size_kbytes: int = (gb_to_bytes(float(root_size_gb))) // 1024
+ if root_size_kbytes > available_space:
+ continue
+ if root_size_kbytes < CONST_MIN_ROOT_SIZE / 1024:
+ continue
+ return root_size_kbytes
+def prepare_tmp_disr() -> None:
+ """Create temporary directories for installation
+ """
+ print('Creating temporary directories')
+ dirpath = Path(dir)
+ dirpath.mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True)
+def setup_grub(root_dir: str) -> None:
+ """Install GRUB configurations
+ Args:
+ root_dir (str): a path to the root of target filesystem
+ """
+ print('Installing GRUB configuration files')
+ grub_cfg_main = f'{root_dir}/{grub.GRUB_DIR_MAIN}/grub.cfg'
+ grub_cfg_vars = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_VARS}'
+ grub_cfg_modules = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_MODULES}'
+ grub_cfg_menu = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_MENU}'
+ grub_cfg_options = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_OPTIONS}'
+ # create new files
+ render(grub_cfg_main, grub.TMPL_GRUB_MAIN, {})
+ grub.common_write(root_dir)
+ grub.vars_write(grub_cfg_vars, DEFAULT_BOOT_VARS)
+ grub.modules_write(grub_cfg_modules, [])
+ grub.write_cfg_ver(1, root_dir)
+ render(grub_cfg_menu, grub.TMPL_GRUB_MENU, {})
+ render(grub_cfg_options, grub.TMPL_GRUB_OPTS, {})
+def configure_authentication(config_file: str, password: str) -> None:
+ config = ConfigTree(config_file)
+ config.set([
+ 'system', 'login', 'user', 'vyos', 'authentication',
+ 'plaintext-password'
+ ],
+ value=password,
+ replace=True)
+ config.set_tag(['system', 'login', 'user'])
+def validate_signature(file_path: str, sign_type: str) -> None:
+ """Validate a file by signature and delete a signature file
+ Args:
+ file_path (str): a path to file
+ sign_type (str): a signature type
+ """
+ print('Validating signature')
+ signature_valid: bool = False
+ # validate with minisig
+ if sign_type == 'minisig':
+ for pubkey in [
+ '/usr/share/vyos/keys/',
+ '/usr/share/vyos/keys/'
+ ]:
+ if run(f'minisign -V -q -p {pubkey} -m {file_path} -x {file_path}.minisig'
+ ) == 0:
+ signature_valid = True
+ break
+ Path(f'{file_path}.minisig').unlink()
+ # validate with GPG
+ if sign_type == 'asc':
+ if run(f'gpg --verify ${file_path}.asc ${file_path}') == 0:
+ signature_valid = True
+ Path(f'{file_path}.asc').unlink()
+ # warn or pass
+ if not signature_valid:
+ if not ask_yes_no(MSG_WARN_ISO_SIGN_INVALID, default=False):
+ else:
+ print('Signature is valid')
+def image_fetch(image_path: str) -> Path:
+ """Fetch an ISO image
+ Args:
+ image_path (str): a path, remote or local
+ Returns:
+ Path: a path to a local file
+ """
+ try:
+ # check a type of path
+ if urlparse(image_path).scheme:
+ # download an image
+ download(ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH, image_path, True, True)
+ # download a signature
+ sign_file = (False, '')
+ for sign_type in ['minisig', 'asc']:
+ try:
+ download(f'{ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH}.{sign_type}',
+ f'{image_path}.{sign_type}')
+ sign_file = (True, sign_type)
+ break
+ except Exception:
+ print(f'{sign_type} signature is not available')
+ # validate a signature if it is available
+ if sign_file[0]:
+ validate_signature(ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH, sign_file[1])
+ else:
+ if not ask_yes_no(MSG_WARN_ISO_SIGN_UNAVAL, default=False):
+ cleanup()
+ return Path(ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH)
+ else:
+ local_path: Path = Path(image_path)
+ if local_path.is_file():
+ return local_path
+ else:
+ raise
+ except Exception:
+ print(f'The image cannot be fetched from: {image_path}')
+ exit(1)
+def migrate_config() -> bool:
+ """Check for active config and ask user for migration
+ Returns:
+ bool: user's decision
+ """
+ active_config_path: Path = Path('/opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot')
+ if active_config_path.exists():
+ if ask_yes_no(MSG_INPUT_CONFIG_FOUND, default=True):
+ return True
+ return False
+def cleanup(mounts: list[str] = [], remove_items: list[str] = []) -> None:
+ """Clean up after installation
+ Args:
+ mounts (list[str], optional): List of mounts to unmount.
+ Defaults to [].
+ remove_items (list[str], optional): List of files or directories
+ to remove. Defaults to [].
+ """
+ print('Cleaning up')
+ # clean up installation directory by default
+ mounts_all = disk_partitions(all=True)
+ for mounted_device in mounts_all:
+ if mounted_device.mountpoint.startswith(DIR_INSTALLATION) and not (
+ mounted_device.device in mounts or
+ mounted_device.mountpoint in mounts):
+ mounts.append(mounted_device.mountpoint)
+ # add installation dir to cleanup list
+ if DIR_INSTALLATION not in remove_items:
+ remove_items.append(DIR_INSTALLATION)
+ # also delete an ISO file
+ if Path(ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH).exists(
+ ) and ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH not in remove_items:
+ remove_items.append(ISO_DOWNLOAD_PATH)
+ if mounts:
+ print('Unmounting target filesystems')
+ for mountpoint in mounts:
+ disk.partition_umount(mountpoint)
+ if remove_items:
+ print('Removing temporary files')
+ for remove_item in remove_items:
+ if Path(remove_item).exists():
+ if Path(remove_item).is_file():
+ Path(remove_item).unlink()
+ if Path(remove_item).is_dir():
+ rmtree(remove_item)
+def install_image() -> None:
+ """Install an image to a disk
+ """
+ if not image.is_live_boot():
+ if not ask_yes_no('Would you like to continue?'):
+ exit()
+ try:
+ # configure image name
+ running_image_name: str = image.get_running_image()
+ while True:
+ image_name: str = ask_input(MSG_INPUT_IMAGE_NAME,
+ running_image_name)
+ if image.validate_name(image_name):
+ break
+ # define target drive
+ install_target, target_size = find_disk()
+ # define target rootfs size in KB (smallest unit acceptable by sgdisk)
+ availabe_size: int = (target_size - CONST_RESERVED_SPACE) // 1024
+ rootfs_size: int = ask_root_size(availabe_size)
+ # ask for password
+ user_password: str = ask_input(MSG_INPUT_PASSWORD, default='vyos')
+ # ask for default console
+ console_type: str = ask_input(MSG_INPUT_CONSOLE_TYPE,
+ default='K',
+ valid_responses=['K', 'S', 'U'])
+ console_dict: dict[str, str] = {'K': 'tty', 'S': 'ttyS', 'U': 'ttyUSB'}
+ # create partitions
+ if not ask_yes_no(MSG_INFO_INSTALL_DISK_CONFIRM):
+ exit()
+ disk.disk_cleanup(install_target)
+ disk.parttable_create(install_target, rootfs_size)
+ disk.filesystem_create(f'{install_target}2', 'efi')
+ disk.filesystem_create(f'{install_target}3', 'ext4')
+ # create directiroes for installation media
+ prepare_tmp_disr()
+ # mount target filesystem and create required dirs inside
+ print('Mounting new partitions')
+ disk.partition_mount(f'{install_target}3', DIR_DST_ROOT)
+ Path(f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/efi').mkdir(parents=True)
+ disk.partition_mount(f'{install_target}2', f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/efi')
+ # a config dir. It is the deepest one, so the comand will
+ # create all the rest in a single step
+ print('Creating a configuration file')
+ target_config_dir: str = f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/rw/opt/vyatta/etc/config/'
+ Path(target_config_dir).mkdir(parents=True)
+ # copy config
+ if migrate_config():
+ copy('/opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot', target_config_dir)
+ else:
+ copy('/opt/vyatta/etc/config.boot.default',
+ f'{target_config_dir}/config.boot')
+ configure_authentication(f'{target_config_dir}/config.boot',
+ user_password)
+ Path(f'{target_config_dir}/.vyatta_config').touch()
+ # create a persistence.conf
+ Path(f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/persistence.conf').write_text('/ union\n')
+ # copy system image and kernel files
+ print('Copying system image files')
+ for file in Path(DIR_KERNEL_SRC).iterdir():
+ if file.is_file():
+ copy(file, f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/')
+ f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/{image_name}/{image_name}.squashfs')
+ # install GRUB
+ print('Installing GRUB to the drive')
+ grub.install(install_target, f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/',
+ f'{DIR_DST_ROOT}/boot/efi')
+ setup_grub(DIR_DST_ROOT)
+ # add information about version
+ grub.create_structure()
+ grub.version_add(image_name, DIR_DST_ROOT)
+ grub.set_default(image_name, DIR_DST_ROOT)
+ grub.set_console_type(console_dict[console_type], DIR_DST_ROOT)
+ # umount filesystems and remove temporary files
+ cleanup([f'{install_target}2', f'{install_target}3'],
+ ['/mnt/installation'])
+ # we are done
+ exit()
+ except Exception as err:
+ print(f'Unable to install VyOS: {err}')
+ # unmount filesystems and clenup
+ try:
+ cleanup([f'{install_target}2', f'{install_target}3'],
+ ['/mnt/installation'])
+ except Exception as err:
+ print(f'Cleanup failed: {err}')
+ exit(1)
+def add_image(image_path: str) -> None:
+ """Add a new image
+ Args:
+ image_path (str): a path to an ISO image
+ """
+ if image.is_live_boot():
+ exit(MSG_ERR_LIVE)
+ # fetch an image
+ iso_path: Path = image_fetch(image_path)
+ try:
+ # mount an ISO
+ Path(DIR_ISO_MOUNT).mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True)
+ disk.partition_mount(iso_path, DIR_ISO_MOUNT, 'iso9660')
+ # check sums
+ print('Validating image checksums')
+ if run(f'cd {DIR_ISO_MOUNT} && sha256sum --status -c sha256sum.txt'):
+ cleanup()
+ exit('Image checksum verification failed.')
+ # mount rootfs (to get a system version)
+ Path(DIR_ROOTFS_SRC).mkdir(mode=0o755, parents=True)
+ disk.partition_mount(f'{DIR_ISO_MOUNT}/live/filesystem.squashfs',
+ DIR_ROOTFS_SRC, 'squashfs')
+ version_file: str = Path(
+ f'{DIR_ROOTFS_SRC}/opt/vyatta/etc/version').read_text()
+ disk.partition_umount(f'{DIR_ISO_MOUNT}/live/filesystem.squashfs')
+ version_name: str = version_file.lstrip('Version: ').strip()
+ image_name: str = ask_input(MSG_INPUT_IMAGE_NAME, version_name)
+ set_as_default: bool = ask_yes_no(MSG_INPUT_IMAGE_DEFAULT, default=True)
+ # find target directory
+ root_dir: str = disk.find_persistence()
+ # a config dir. It is the deepest one, so the comand will
+ # create all the rest in a single step
+ target_config_dir: str = f'{root_dir}/boot/{image_name}/rw/opt/vyatta/etc/config/'
+ # copy config
+ if migrate_config():
+ print('Copying configuration directory')
+ copytree('/opt/vyatta/etc/config/', target_config_dir)
+ else:
+ Path(target_config_dir).mkdir(parents=True)
+ Path(f'{target_config_dir}/.vyatta_config').touch()
+ # copy system image and kernel files
+ print('Copying system image files')
+ for file in Path(f'{DIR_ISO_MOUNT}/live').iterdir():
+ if file.is_file() and (file.match('initrd*') or
+ file.match('vmlinuz*')):
+ copy(file, f'{root_dir}/boot/{image_name}/')
+ copy(f'{DIR_ISO_MOUNT}/live/filesystem.squashfs',
+ f'{root_dir}/boot/{image_name}/{image_name}.squashfs')
+ # unmount an ISO and cleanup
+ cleanup([str(iso_path)])
+ # add information about version
+ grub.version_add(image_name, root_dir)
+ if set_as_default:
+ grub.set_default(image_name, root_dir)
+ except Exception as err:
+ # unmount an ISO and cleanup
+ cleanup([str(iso_path)])
+ exit(f'Whooops: {err}')
+def parse_arguments() -> Namespace:
+ """Parse arguments
+ Returns:
+ Namespace: a namespace with parsed arguments
+ """
+ parser: ArgumentParser = ArgumentParser(
+ description='Install new system images')
+ parser.add_argument('--action',
+ choices=['install', 'add'],
+ required=True,
+ help='action to perform with an image')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--image_path',
+ help='a path (HTTP or local file) to an image that needs to be installed'
+ )
+ # parser.add_argument('--image_new_name', help='a new name for image')
+ args: Namespace = parser.parse_args()
+ # Validate arguments
+ if args.action == 'add' and not args.image_path:
+ exit('A path to image is required for add action')
+ return args
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ args: Namespace = parse_arguments()
+ if args.action == 'install':
+ install_image()
+ if args.action == 'add':
+ add_image(args.image_path)
+ exit()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print('Stopped by Ctrl+C')
+ cleanup()
+ exit()
+ except Exception as err:
+ exit(f'{err}')
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac889da38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# This file is part of VyOS.
+# VyOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# VyOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# VyOS. If not, see <>.
+from argparse import ArgumentParser, Namespace
+from pathlib import Path
+from shutil import rmtree
+from sys import exit
+from vyos.system import disk, grub, image
+from vyos.util import ask_yes_no
+def delete_image(image_name: str) -> None:
+ """Remove installed image files and boot entry
+ Args:
+ image_name (str): a name of image to delete
+ """
+ if image_name == image.get_running_image():
+ exit('Currently running image cannot be deleted')
+ if image_name == image.get_default_image():
+ exit('Default image cannot be deleted')
+ available_images: list[str] = grub.version_list()
+ if image_name not in available_images:
+ exit(f'The image "{image_name}" cannot be found')
+ presistence_storage: str = disk.find_persistence()
+ if not presistence_storage:
+ exit('Persistence storage cannot be found')
+ if not ask_yes_no(f'Do you really want to delete the image {image_name}?',
+ default=False):
+ exit()
+ # remove files and menu entry
+ version_path: Path = Path(f'{presistence_storage}/boot/{image_name}')
+ try:
+ rmtree(version_path)
+ grub.version_del(image_name, presistence_storage)
+ print(f'The image "{image_name}" was successfully deleted')
+ except Exception as err:
+ exit(f'Unable to remove the image "{image_name}": {err}')
+def set_image(image_name: str) -> None:
+ """Set default boot image
+ Args:
+ image_name (str): an image name
+ """
+ if image_name == image.get_default_image():
+ exit(f'The image "{image_name}" already configured as default')
+ available_images: list[str] = grub.version_list()
+ if image_name not in available_images:
+ exit(f'The image "{image_name}" cannot be found')
+ presistence_storage: str = disk.find_persistence()
+ if not presistence_storage:
+ exit('Persistence storage cannot be found')
+ if not ask_yes_no(
+ f'Do you really want to set the image {image_name} '
+ 'as default boot image?',
+ default=False):
+ exit()
+ # set default boot image
+ try:
+ grub.set_default(image_name, presistence_storage)
+ print(f'The image "{image_name}" is now default boot image')
+ except Exception as err:
+ exit(f'Unable to set default image "{image_name}": {err}')
+def rename_image(name_old: str, name_new: str) -> None:
+ """Rename installed image
+ Args:
+ name_old (str): old name
+ name_new (str): new name
+ """
+ if name_old == image.get_running_image():
+ exit('Currently running image cannot be renamed')
+ available_images: list[str] = grub.version_list()
+ if name_old not in available_images:
+ exit(f'The image "{name_old}" cannot be found')
+ if name_new in available_images:
+ exit(f'The image "{name_new}" already exists')
+ if not image.validate_name(name_new):
+ exit(f'The image name "{name_new}" is not allowed')
+ presistence_storage: str = disk.find_persistence()
+ if not presistence_storage:
+ exit('Persistence storage cannot be found')
+ if not ask_yes_no(
+ f'Do you really want to rename the image {name_old} '
+ f'to the {name_new}?',
+ default=False):
+ exit()
+ try:
+ # replace default boot item
+ if name_old == image.get_default_image():
+ grub.set_default(name_new, presistence_storage)
+ # rename files and dirs
+ old_path: Path = Path(f'{presistence_storage}/boot/{name_old}')
+ new_path: Path = Path(f'{presistence_storage}/boot/{name_new}')
+ old_path.rename(new_path)
+ # replace boot item
+ grub.version_del(name_old, presistence_storage)
+ grub.version_add(name_new, presistence_storage)
+ print(f'The image "{name_old}" was renamed to "{name_new}"')
+ except Exception as err:
+ exit(f'Unable to rename image "{name_old}" to "{name_new}": {err}')
+def list_images() -> None:
+ """Print list of available images for CLI hints"""
+ images_list: list[str] = grub.version_list()
+ for image_name in images_list:
+ print(image_name)
+def parse_arguments() -> Namespace:
+ """Parse arguments
+ Returns:
+ Namespace: a namespace with parsed arguments
+ """
+ parser: ArgumentParser = ArgumentParser(description='Manage system images')
+ parser.add_argument('--action',
+ choices=['delete', 'set', 'rename', 'list'],
+ required=True,
+ help='action to perform with an image')
+ parser.add_argument(
+ '--image_name',
+ help=
+ 'a name of an image to add, delete, install, rename, or set as default')
+ parser.add_argument('--image_new_name', help='a new name for image')
+ args: Namespace = parser.parse_args()
+ # Validate arguments
+ if args.action == 'delete' and not args.image_name:
+ exit('An image name is required for delete action')
+ if args.action == 'set' and not args.image_name:
+ exit('An image name is required for set action')
+ if args.action == 'rename' and (not args.image_name or
+ not args.image_new_name):
+ exit('Both old and new image names are required for rename action')
+ return args
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ args: Namespace = parse_arguments()
+ if args.action == 'delete':
+ delete_image(args.image_name)
+ if args.action == 'set':
+ set_image(args.image_name)
+ if args.action == 'rename':
+ rename_image(args.image_name, args.image_new_name)
+ if args.action == 'list':
+ list_images()
+ exit()
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print('Stopped by Ctrl+C')
+ exit()
+ except Exception as err:
+ exit(f'{err}')
diff --git a/src/system/ b/src/system/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ebdc73af0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/system/
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# This file is part of VyOS.
+# VyOS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+# terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
+# Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
+# version.
+# VyOS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+# WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+# details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
+# VyOS. If not, see <>.
+from pathlib import Path
+from re import compile, MULTILINE, DOTALL
+from sys import exit
+from vyos.system import disk, grub, image
+from vyos.template import render
+# define configuration version
+CFG_VER = 1
+# define regexes and variables
+REGEX_VERSION = r'^menuentry "[^\n]*{\n[^}]*\s+linux /boot/(?P<version>\S+)/[^}]*}'
+REGEX_MENUENTRY = r'^menuentry "[^\n]*{\n[^}]*\s+linux /boot/(?P<version>\S+)/vmlinuz (?P<options>[^\n]+)\n[^}]*}'
+REGEX_CONSOLE = r'^.*console=(?P<console_type>[^\s\d]+)(?P<console_num>[\d]+).*$'
+REGEX_SANIT_CONSOLE = r'\ ?console=[^\s\d]+[\d]+(,\d+)?\ ?'
+REGEX_SANIT_INIT = r'\ ?init=\S*\ ?'
+PW_RESET_OPTION = 'init=/opt/vyatta/sbin/standalone_root_pw_reset'
+def cfg_check_update() -> bool:
+ """Check if GRUB structure update is required
+ Returns:
+ bool: False if not required, True if required
+ """
+ current_ver = grub.get_cfg_ver()
+ if current_ver and current_ver >= CFG_VER:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+def find_versions(menu_entries: list) -> list:
+ """Find unique VyOS versions from menu entries
+ Args:
+ menu_entries (list): a list with menu entries
+ Returns:
+ list: List of installed versions
+ """
+ versions = []
+ for vyos_ver in menu_entries:
+ versions.append(vyos_ver.get('version'))
+ # remove duplicates
+ versions = list(set(versions))
+ return versions
+def filter_unparsed(grub_path: str) -> str:
+ """Find currently installed VyOS version
+ Args:
+ grub_path (str): a path to the grub.cfg file
+ Returns:
+ str: unparsed grub.cfg items
+ """
+ config_text = Path(grub_path).read_text()
+ regex_filter = compile(REGEX_VERSION, MULTILINE | DOTALL)
+ filtered = regex_filter.sub('', config_text)
+ regex_filter = compile(grub.REGEX_GRUB_VARS, MULTILINE)
+ filtered = regex_filter.sub('', filtered)
+ regex_filter = compile(grub.REGEX_GRUB_MODULES, MULTILINE)
+ filtered = regex_filter.sub('', filtered)
+ # strip extra new lines
+ filtered = filtered.strip()
+ return filtered
+def sanitize_boot_opts(boot_opts: str) -> str:
+ """Sanitize boot options from console and init
+ Args:
+ boot_opts (str): boot options
+ Returns:
+ str: sanitized boot options
+ """
+ regex_filter = compile(REGEX_SANIT_CONSOLE)
+ boot_opts = regex_filter.sub('', boot_opts)
+ regex_filter = compile(REGEX_SANIT_INIT)
+ boot_opts = regex_filter.sub('', boot_opts)
+ return boot_opts
+def parse_entry(entry: tuple) -> dict:
+ """Parse GRUB menuentry
+ Args:
+ entry (tuple): tuple of (version, options)
+ Returns:
+ dict: dictionary with parsed options
+ """
+ # save version to dict
+ entry_dict = {'version': entry[0]}
+ # detect boot mode type
+ if PW_RESET_OPTION in entry[1]:
+ entry_dict['bootmode'] = 'pw_reset'
+ else:
+ entry_dict['bootmode'] = 'normal'
+ # find console type and number
+ regex_filter = compile(REGEX_CONSOLE)
+ entry_dict.update(regex_filter.match(entry[1]).groupdict())
+ entry_dict['boot_opts'] = sanitize_boot_opts(entry[1])
+ return entry_dict
+def parse_menuntries(grub_path: str) -> list:
+ """Parse all GRUB menuentries
+ Args:
+ grub_path (str): a path to GRUB config file
+ Returns:
+ list: list with menu items (each item is a dict)
+ """
+ menuentries = []
+ # read configuration file
+ config_text = Path(grub_path).read_text()
+ # parse menuentries to tuples (version, options)
+ regex_filter = compile(REGEX_MENUENTRY, MULTILINE)
+ filter_results = regex_filter.findall(config_text)
+ # parse each entry
+ for entry in filter_results:
+ menuentries.append(parse_entry(entry))
+ return menuentries
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Skip everything if update is not required
+ if not cfg_check_update():
+ exit(0)
+ # find root directory of persistent storage
+ root_dir = disk.find_persistence()
+ # read current GRUB config
+ grub_cfg_main = f'{root_dir}/{image.GRUB_DIR_MAIN}/grub.cfg'
+ vars = grub.vars_read(grub_cfg_main)
+ modules = grub.modules_read(grub_cfg_main)
+ vyos_menuentries = parse_menuntries(grub_cfg_main)
+ vyos_versions = find_versions(vyos_menuentries)
+ unparsed_items = filter_unparsed(grub_cfg_main)
+ # find default values
+ default_entry = vyos_menuentries[int(vars['default'])]
+ default_settings = {
+ 'default': grub.gen_version_uuid(default_entry['version']),
+ 'bootmode': default_entry['bootmode'],
+ 'console_type': default_entry['console_type'],
+ 'console_num': default_entry['console_num']
+ }
+ vars.update(default_settings)
+ # print(f'vars: {vars}')
+ # print(f'modules: {modules}')
+ # print(f'vyos_menuentries: {vyos_menuentries}')
+ # print(f'unparsed_items: {unparsed_items}')
+ # create new files
+ grub_cfg_vars = f'{root_dir}/{image.CFG_VYOS_VARS}'
+ grub_cfg_modules = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_MODULES}'
+ grub_cfg_platform = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_PLATFORM}'
+ grub_cfg_menu = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_MENU}'
+ grub_cfg_options = f'{root_dir}/{grub.CFG_VYOS_OPTIONS}'
+ render(grub_cfg_main, grub.TMPL_GRUB_MAIN, {})
+ Path(image.GRUB_DIR_VYOS).mkdir(exist_ok=True)
+ grub.vars_write(grub_cfg_vars, vars)
+ grub.modules_write(grub_cfg_modules, modules)
+ # Path(grub_cfg_platform).write_text(unparsed_items)
+ grub.common_write()
+ render(grub_cfg_menu, grub.TMPL_GRUB_MENU, {})
+ render(grub_cfg_options, grub.TMPL_GRUB_OPTS, {})
+ # create menu entries
+ for vyos_ver in vyos_versions:
+ boot_opts = None
+ for entry in vyos_menuentries:
+ if entry.get('version') == vyos_ver and entry.get(
+ 'bootmode') == 'normal':
+ boot_opts = entry.get('boot_opts')
+ grub.version_add(vyos_ver, root_dir, boot_opts)
+ # update structure version
+ grub.write_cfg_ver(CFG_VER, root_dir)
+ exit(0)
diff --git a/src/systemd/vyos-grub-update.service b/src/systemd/vyos-grub-update.service
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..522b13a33
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/systemd/vyos-grub-update.service
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Description=Update GRUB loader configuration structure
+WantedBy=vyos-router.service \ No newline at end of file