diff options
-rw-r--r--interface-definitions/include/policy/route-common.xml.i (renamed from interface-definitions/include/policy/route-common-rule.xml.i)750
-rw-r--r--interface-definitions/include/segment-routing-label-value.xml.i (renamed from interface-definitions/include/isis/high-low-label-value.xml.i)4
-rwxr-xr-xsrc/services/api/graphql/generate/ (renamed from src/services/api/graphql/utils/
-rw-r--r--src/services/api/graphql/libs/ (renamed from src/services/api/graphql/
-rw-r--r--src/services/api/graphql/libs/ (renamed from src/services/api/graphql/utils/
228 files changed, 6506 insertions, 3121 deletions
diff --git a/.github/reviewers.yml b/.github/reviewers.yml
index 8463681fc..a6f0a3785 100644
--- a/.github/reviewers.yml
+++ b/.github/reviewers.yml
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
- dmbaturin
- - UnicronNL
+ - sarthurdev
- zdc
- jestabro
- sever-sever
diff --git a/.github/workflows/auto-author-assign.yml b/.github/workflows/auto-author-assign.yml
index 81134206b..a769145f8 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/auto-author-assign.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/auto-author-assign.yml
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ jobs:
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Request review based on files changes and/or groups the author belongs to
- uses: shufo/auto-assign-reviewer-by-files@v1.1.1
+ uses: shufo/auto-assign-reviewer-by-files@v1.1.4
token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
config: .github/reviewers.yml
diff --git a/.github/workflows/codeql.yml b/.github/workflows/codeql.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c39800ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/codeql.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+# For most projects, this workflow file will not need changing; you simply need
+# to commit it to your repository.
+# You may wish to alter this file to override the set of languages analyzed,
+# or to provide custom queries or build logic.
+# ******** NOTE ********
+# We have attempted to detect the languages in your repository. Please check
+# the `language` matrix defined below to confirm you have the correct set of
+# supported CodeQL languages.
+name: "CodeQL"
+ push:
+ branches: [ "current", crux, equuleus ]
+ pull_request:
+ # The branches below must be a subset of the branches above
+ branches: [ "current" ]
+ schedule:
+ - cron: '22 10 * * 0'
+ analyze:
+ name: Analyze
+ runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+ permissions:
+ actions: read
+ contents: read
+ security-events: write
+ strategy:
+ fail-fast: false
+ matrix:
+ language: [ 'python' ]
+ # CodeQL supports [ 'cpp', 'csharp', 'go', 'java', 'javascript', 'python', 'ruby' ]
+ # Learn more about CodeQL language support at
+ steps:
+ - name: Checkout repository
+ uses: actions/checkout@v3
+ # Initializes the CodeQL tools for scanning.
+ - name: Initialize CodeQL
+ uses: github/codeql-action/init@v2
+ with:
+ languages: ${{ matrix.language }}
+ # If you wish to specify custom queries, you can do so here or in a config file.
+ # By default, queries listed here will override any specified in a config file.
+ # Prefix the list here with "+" to use these queries and those in the config file.
+ # Details on CodeQL's query packs refer to :
+ # queries: security-extended,security-and-quality
+ # Autobuild attempts to build any compiled languages (C/C++, C#, Go, or Java).
+ # If this step fails, then you should remove it and run the build manually (see below)
+ - name: Autobuild
+ uses: github/codeql-action/autobuild@v2
+ # ℹ️ Command-line programs to run using the OS shell.
+ # 📚 See
+ # If the Autobuild fails above, remove it and uncomment the following three lines.
+ # modify them (or add more) to build your code if your project, please refer to the EXAMPLE below for guidance.
+ # - run: |
+ # echo "Run, Build Application using script"
+ # ./location_of_script_within_repo/
+ - name: Perform CodeQL Analysis
+ uses: github/codeql-action/analyze@v2
+ with:
+ category: "/language:${{matrix.language}}"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/pull-request-message-check.yml b/.github/workflows/pull-request-message-check.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c206a5ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/pull-request-message-check.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+name: Check pull request message format
+ pull_request:
+ branches:
+ - current
+ - crux
+ - equuleus
+ check-pr-title:
+ name: Check pull request title
+ runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
+ steps:
+ - uses: actions/checkout@v2
+ timeout-minutes: 2
+ - name: Install the requests library
+ run: pip3 install requests
+ - name: Check the PR title
+ timeout-minutes: 2
+ run: |
+ ./scripts/ '${{ github.event.pull_request.url }}'
diff --git a/data/op-mode-standardized.json b/data/op-mode-standardized.json
index 9500d3aa7..1509975b4 100644
--- a/data/op-mode-standardized.json
+++ b/data/op-mode-standardized.json
@@ -1,8 +1,13 @@
diff --git a/data/templates/accel-ppp/pptp.config.j2 b/data/templates/accel-ppp/pptp.config.j2
index cc1a45d6b..442830b6b 100644
--- a/data/templates/accel-ppp/pptp.config.j2
+++ b/data/templates/accel-ppp/pptp.config.j2
@@ -93,6 +93,15 @@ bind={{ radius_source_address }}
gw-ip-address={{ gw_ip }}
{% endif %}
+{% if radius_shaper_attr %}
+attr={{ radius_shaper_attr }}
+{% if radius_shaper_vendor %}
+vendor={{ radius_shaper_vendor }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/conntrackd/conntrackd.conf.j2 b/data/templates/conntrackd/conntrackd.conf.j2
index 66024869d..808a77759 100644
--- a/data/templates/conntrackd/conntrackd.conf.j2
+++ b/data/templates/conntrackd/conntrackd.conf.j2
@@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ Sync {
{% if iface_config.peer is vyos_defined %}
{% if listen_address is vyos_defined %}
- IPv4_address {{ listen_address }}
+{% for address in listen_address %}
+ IPv4_address {{ address }}
+{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
IPv4_Destination_Address {{ iface_config.peer }}
Port {{ iface_config.port if iface_config.port is vyos_defined else '3780' }}
diff --git a/data/templates/container/systemd-unit.j2 b/data/templates/container/systemd-unit.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fa48384ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/templates/container/systemd-unit.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+### Autogenerated by ###
+Description=VyOS Container {{ name }}
+ExecStartPre=/bin/rm -f %t/ %t/%n.cid
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/podman run \
+ --conmon-pidfile %t/ --cidfile %t/%n.cid --cgroups=no-conmon \
+ {{ run_args }}
+ExecStop=/usr/bin/podman stop --ignore --cidfile %t/%n.cid -t 5
+ExecStopPost=/usr/bin/podman rm --ignore -f --cidfile %t/%n.cid
+ExecStopPost=/bin/rm -f %t/%n.cid
diff --git a/data/templates/dns-forwarding/recursor.conf.j2 b/data/templates/dns-forwarding/recursor.conf.j2
index ce1b676d1..e02e6c13d 100644
--- a/data/templates/dns-forwarding/recursor.conf.j2
+++ b/data/templates/dns-forwarding/recursor.conf.j2
@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ export-etc-hosts={{ 'no' if ignore_hosts_file is vyos_defined else 'yes' }}
# listen-address
local-address={{ listen_address | join(',') }}
+# listen-port
+local-port={{ port }}
# dnssec
dnssec={{ dnssec }}
diff --git a/data/templates/firewall/nftables-defines.j2 b/data/templates/firewall/nftables-defines.j2
index 5336f7ee6..dd06dee28 100644
--- a/data/templates/firewall/nftables-defines.j2
+++ b/data/templates/firewall/nftables-defines.j2
@@ -27,6 +27,14 @@
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
+{% if group.domain_group is vyos_defined %}
+{% for name, name_config in group.domain_group.items() %}
+ set D_{{ name }} {
+ type {{ ip_type }}
+ flags interval
+ }
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
{% if group.mac_group is vyos_defined %}
{% for group_name, group_conf in group.mac_group.items() %}
{% set includes = group_conf.include if group_conf.include is vyos_defined else [] %}
diff --git a/data/templates/firewall/nftables-nat.j2 b/data/templates/firewall/nftables-nat.j2
index 55fe6024b..f0be3cf5d 100644
--- a/data/templates/firewall/nftables-nat.j2
+++ b/data/templates/firewall/nftables-nat.j2
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
+{% import 'firewall/nftables-defines.j2' as group_tmpl %}
{% if helper_functions is vyos_defined('remove') %}
{# NAT if going to be disabled - remove rules and targets from nftables #}
{% set base_command = 'delete rule ip raw' %}
@@ -24,6 +26,7 @@ add rule ip raw NAT_CONNTRACK counter accept
{% if first_install is not vyos_defined %}
delete table ip vyos_nat
{% endif %}
+{% if deleted is not vyos_defined %}
table ip vyos_nat {
# Destination NAT rules build up here
@@ -31,11 +34,11 @@ table ip vyos_nat {
type nat hook prerouting priority -100; policy accept;
counter jump VYOS_PRE_DNAT_HOOK
-{% if destination.rule is vyos_defined %}
-{% for rule, config in destination.rule.items() if config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
+{% if destination.rule is vyos_defined %}
+{% for rule, config in destination.rule.items() if config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
{{ config | nat_rule(rule, 'destination') }}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
@@ -44,11 +47,11 @@ table ip vyos_nat {
type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept;
counter jump VYOS_PRE_SNAT_HOOK
-{% if source.rule is vyos_defined %}
-{% for rule, config in source.rule.items() if config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
+{% if source.rule is vyos_defined %}
+{% for rule, config in source.rule.items() if config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
{{ config | nat_rule(rule, 'source') }}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
@@ -58,4 +61,7 @@ table ip vyos_nat {
+{{ group_tmpl.groups(firewall_group, False) }}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/firewall/nftables-policy.j2 b/data/templates/firewall/nftables-policy.j2
index 40118930b..6cb3b2f95 100644
--- a/data/templates/firewall/nftables-policy.j2
+++ b/data/templates/firewall/nftables-policy.j2
@@ -2,21 +2,24 @@
{% import 'firewall/nftables-defines.j2' as group_tmpl %}
-{% if cleanup_commands is vyos_defined %}
-{% for command in cleanup_commands %}
-{{ command }}
-{% endfor %}
+{% if first_install is not vyos_defined %}
+delete table ip vyos_mangle
+delete table ip6 vyos_mangle
{% endif %}
-table ip mangle {
-{% if first_install is vyos_defined %}
+table ip vyos_mangle {
type filter hook prerouting priority -150; policy accept;
+{% if route is vyos_defined %}
+{% for route_text, conf in route.items() if conf.interface is vyos_defined %}
+ iifname { {{ ",".join(conf.interface) }} } counter jump VYOS_PBR_{{ route_text }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
type filter hook postrouting priority -150; policy accept;
-{% endif %}
{% if route is vyos_defined %}
{% for route_text, conf in route.items() %}
chain VYOS_PBR_{{ route_text }} {
@@ -32,15 +35,20 @@ table ip mangle {
{{ group_tmpl.groups(firewall_group, False) }}
-table ip6 mangle {
-{% if first_install is vyos_defined %}
+table ip6 vyos_mangle {
type filter hook prerouting priority -150; policy accept;
+{% if route6 is vyos_defined %}
+{% for route_text, conf in route6.items() if conf.interface is vyos_defined %}
+ iifname { {{ ",".join(conf.interface) }} } counter jump VYOS_PBR6_{{ route_text }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
type filter hook postrouting priority -150; policy accept;
-{% endif %}
{% if route6 is vyos_defined %}
{% for route_text, conf in route6.items() %}
chain VYOS_PBR6_{{ route_text }} {
@@ -52,5 +60,6 @@ table ip6 mangle {
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{{ group_tmpl.groups(firewall_group, True) }}
diff --git a/data/templates/firewall/nftables-static-nat.j2 b/data/templates/firewall/nftables-static-nat.j2
index 790c33ce9..e5e3da867 100644
--- a/data/templates/firewall/nftables-static-nat.j2
+++ b/data/templates/firewall/nftables-static-nat.j2
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{% if first_install is not vyos_defined %}
delete table ip vyos_static_nat
{% endif %}
+{% if deleted is not vyos_defined %}
table ip vyos_static_nat {
# Destination NAT rules build up here
@@ -10,11 +11,11 @@ table ip vyos_static_nat {
type nat hook prerouting priority -100; policy accept;
-{% if static.rule is vyos_defined %}
-{% for rule, config in static.rule.items() if config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
+{% if static.rule is vyos_defined %}
+{% for rule, config in static.rule.items() if config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
{{ config | nat_static_rule(rule, 'destination') }}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
@@ -22,10 +23,11 @@ table ip vyos_static_nat {
type nat hook postrouting priority 100; policy accept;
-{% if static.rule is vyos_defined %}
-{% for rule, config in static.rule.items() if config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
+{% if static.rule is vyos_defined %}
+{% for rule, config in static.rule.items() if config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
{{ config | nat_static_rule(rule, 'source') }}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/firewall/nftables-zone.j2 b/data/templates/firewall/nftables-zone.j2
index 919881e19..17ef5101d 100644
--- a/data/templates/firewall/nftables-zone.j2
+++ b/data/templates/firewall/nftables-zone.j2
@@ -39,18 +39,22 @@
{% if zone_conf.local_zone is vyos_defined %}
chain VZONE_{{ zone_name }}_IN {
iifname lo counter return
-{% for from_zone, from_conf in zone_conf.from.items() if from_conf.firewall[fw_name] is vyos_defined %}
+{% if zone_conf.from is vyos_defined %}
+{% for from_zone, from_conf in zone_conf.from.items() if from_conf.firewall[fw_name] is vyos_defined %}
iifname { {{ zone[from_zone].interface | join(",") }} } counter jump NAME{{ suffix }}_{{ from_conf.firewall[fw_name] }}
iifname { {{ zone[from_zone].interface | join(",") }} } counter return
-{% endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
{{ zone_conf | nft_default_rule('zone_' + zone_name) }}
chain VZONE_{{ zone_name }}_OUT {
oifname lo counter return
-{% for from_zone, from_conf in zone_conf.from_local.items() if from_conf.firewall[fw_name] is vyos_defined %}
+{% if zone_conf.from_local is vyos_defined %}
+{% for from_zone, from_conf in zone_conf.from_local.items() if from_conf.firewall[fw_name] is vyos_defined %}
oifname { {{ zone[from_zone].interface | join(",") }} } counter jump NAME{{ suffix }}_{{ from_conf.firewall[fw_name] }}
oifname { {{ zone[from_zone].interface | join(",") }} } counter return
-{% endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
{{ zone_conf | nft_default_rule('zone_' + zone_name) }}
{% else %}
@@ -59,12 +63,14 @@
{% if zone_conf.intra_zone_filtering is vyos_defined %}
iifname { {{ zone_conf.interface | join(",") }} } counter return
{% endif %}
-{% for from_zone, from_conf in zone_conf.from.items() if from_conf.firewall[fw_name] is vyos_defined %}
-{% if zone[from_zone].local_zone is not defined %}
+{% if zone_conf.from is vyos_defined %}
+{% for from_zone, from_conf in zone_conf.from.items() if from_conf.firewall[fw_name] is vyos_defined %}
+{% if zone[from_zone].local_zone is not defined %}
iifname { {{ zone[from_zone].interface | join(",") }} } counter jump NAME{{ suffix }}_{{ from_conf.firewall[fw_name] }}
iifname { {{ zone[from_zone].interface | join(",") }} } counter return
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
{{ zone_conf | nft_default_rule('zone_' + zone_name) }}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/firewall/nftables.j2 b/data/templates/firewall/nftables.j2
index 9d609f73f..2c7115134 100644
--- a/data/templates/firewall/nftables.j2
+++ b/data/templates/firewall/nftables.j2
@@ -67,14 +67,12 @@ table ip vyos_filter {
{{ conf | nft_default_rule(name_text) }}
{% endfor %}
-{% if group is vyos_defined and group.domain_group is vyos_defined %}
-{% for name, name_config in group.domain_group.items() %}
- set D_{{ name }} {
+{% for set_name in ip_fqdn %}
+ set FQDN_{{ set_name }} {
type ipv4_addr
flags interval
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
{% for set_name in ns.sets %}
set RECENT_{{ set_name }} {
type ipv4_addr
@@ -178,6 +176,12 @@ table ip6 vyos_filter {
{{ conf | nft_default_rule(name_text, ipv6=True) }}
{% endfor %}
+{% for set_name in ip6_fqdn %}
+ set FQDN_{{ set_name }} {
+ type ipv6_addr
+ flags interval
+ }
+{% endfor %}
{% for set_name in ns.sets %}
set RECENT6_{{ set_name }} {
type ipv6_addr
@@ -204,13 +208,13 @@ table ip6 vyos_filter {
{% if state_policy is vyos_defined %}
{% if state_policy.established is vyos_defined %}
- {{ state_policy.established | nft_state_policy('established', ipv6=True) }}
+ {{ state_policy.established | nft_state_policy('established') }}
{% endif %}
{% if state_policy.invalid is vyos_defined %}
- {{ state_policy.invalid | nft_state_policy('invalid', ipv6=True) }}
+ {{ state_policy.invalid | nft_state_policy('invalid') }}
{% endif %}
{% if state_policy.related is vyos_defined %}
- {{ state_policy.related | nft_state_policy('related', ipv6=True) }}
+ {{ state_policy.related | nft_state_policy('related') }}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/frr/isisd.frr.j2 b/data/templates/frr/isisd.frr.j2
index e0f3b393e..8df1e9513 100644
--- a/data/templates/frr/isisd.frr.j2
+++ b/data/templates/frr/isisd.frr.j2
@@ -107,9 +107,6 @@ router isis VyOS {{ 'vrf ' + vrf if vrf is vyos_defined }}
mpls-te inter-as{{ level }}
{% endif %}
{% if segment_routing is vyos_defined %}
-{% if segment_routing.enable is vyos_defined %}
- segment-routing on
-{% endif %}
{% if segment_routing.maximum_label_depth is vyos_defined %}
segment-routing node-msd {{ segment_routing.maximum_label_depth }}
{% endif %}
@@ -124,26 +121,17 @@ router isis VyOS {{ 'vrf ' + vrf if vrf is vyos_defined }}
{% for prefix, prefix_config in segment_routing.prefix.items() %}
{% if prefix_config.absolute is vyos_defined %}
{% if prefix_config.absolute.value is vyos_defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefix }} absolute {{ prefix_config.absolute.value }}
-{% if prefix_config.absolute.explicit_null is vyos_defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefix }} absolute {{ prefix_config.absolute.value }} explicit-null
-{% elif prefix_config.absolute.no_php_flag is vyos_defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefix }} absolute {{ prefix_config.absolute.value }} no-php-flag
-{% endif %}
+ segment-routing prefix {{ prefix }} absolute {{ prefix_config.absolute.value }} {{ 'explicit-null' if prefix_config.absolute.explicit_null is vyos_defined }} {{ 'no-php-flag' if prefix_config.absolute.no_php_flag is vyos_defined }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if prefix_config.index is vyos_defined %}
{% if prefix_config.index.value is vyos_defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefix }} index {{ prefix_config.index.value }}
-{% if prefix_config.index.explicit_null is vyos_defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefix }} index {{ prefix_config.index.value }} explicit-null
-{% elif prefix_config.index.no_php_flag is vyos_defined %}
- segment-routing prefix {{ prefix }} index {{ prefix_config.index.value }} no-php-flag
-{% endif %}
+ segment-routing prefix {{ prefix }} index {{ prefix_config.index.value }} {{ 'explicit-null' if prefix_config.index.explicit_null is vyos_defined }} {{ 'no-php-flag' if prefix_config.index.no_php_flag is vyos_defined }}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
+ segment-routing on
{% endif %}
{% if spf_delay_ietf.init_delay is vyos_defined %}
spf-delay-ietf init-delay {{ spf_delay_ietf.init_delay }} short-delay {{ spf_delay_ietf.short_delay }} long-delay {{ spf_delay_ietf.long_delay }} holddown {{ spf_delay_ietf.holddown }} time-to-learn {{ spf_delay_ietf.time_to_learn }}
diff --git a/data/templates/frr/ospfd.frr.j2 b/data/templates/frr/ospfd.frr.j2
index 427fc8be7..2a8afefbc 100644
--- a/data/templates/frr/ospfd.frr.j2
+++ b/data/templates/frr/ospfd.frr.j2
@@ -181,6 +181,28 @@ router ospf {{ 'vrf ' ~ vrf if vrf is vyos_defined }}
{% if refresh.timers is vyos_defined %}
refresh timer {{ refresh.timers }}
{% endif %}
+{% if segment_routing is vyos_defined %}
+{% if segment_routing.maximum_label_depth is vyos_defined %}
+ segment-routing node-msd {{ segment_routing.maximum_label_depth }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if segment_routing.global_block is vyos_defined %}
+{% if segment_routing.local_block is vyos_defined %}
+ segment-routing global-block {{ segment_routing.global_block.low_label_value }} {{ segment_routing.global_block.high_label_value }} local-block {{ segment_routing.local_block.low_label_value }} {{ segment_routing.local_block.high_label_value }}
+{% else %}
+ segment-routing global-block {{ segment_routing.global_block.low_label_value }} {{ segment_routing.global_block.high_label_value }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if segment_routing.prefix is vyos_defined %}
+{% for prefix, prefix_config in segment_routing.prefix.items() %}
+{% if prefix_config.index is vyos_defined %}
+{% if prefix_config.index.value is vyos_defined %}
+ segment-routing prefix {{ prefix }} index {{ prefix_config.index.value }} {{ 'explicit-null' if prefix_config.index.explicit_null is vyos_defined }} {{ 'no-php-flag' if prefix_config.index.no_php_flag is vyos_defined }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+ segment-routing on
+{% endif %}
{% if timers.throttle.spf.delay is vyos_defined and timers.throttle.spf.initial_holdtime is vyos_defined and timers.throttle.spf.max_holdtime is vyos_defined %}
{# Timer values have default values #}
timers throttle spf {{ timers.throttle.spf.delay }} {{ timers.throttle.spf.initial_holdtime }} {{ timers.throttle.spf.max_holdtime }}
diff --git a/data/templates/frr/policy.frr.j2 b/data/templates/frr/policy.frr.j2
index 33df17770..9b5e80aed 100644
--- a/data/templates/frr/policy.frr.j2
+++ b/data/templates/frr/policy.frr.j2
@@ -274,11 +274,17 @@ route-map {{ route_map }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule }}
{% if rule_config.set.atomic_aggregate is vyos_defined %}
set atomic-aggregate
{% endif %}
-{% if rule_config.set.comm_list.comm_list is vyos_defined %}
- set comm-list {{ rule_config.set.comm_list.comm_list }} {{ 'delete' if rule_config.set.comm_list.delete is vyos_defined }}
+{% if is vyos_defined %}
+ set comm-list {{ }} delete
{% endif %}
-{% if is vyos_defined %}
- set community {{ }}
+{% if is vyos_defined %}
+ set community {{ | join(' ') | replace("local-as" , "local-AS") }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if is vyos_defined %}
+ set community {{ | join(' ') | replace("local-as" , "local-AS") }} additive
+{% endif %}
+{% if is vyos_defined %}
+ set community none
{% endif %}
{% if rule_config.set.distance is vyos_defined %}
set distance {{ rule_config.set.distance }}
@@ -290,13 +296,16 @@ route-map {{ route_map }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule }}
set evpn gateway-ip ipv6 {{ rule_config.set.evpn.gateway.ipv6 }}
{% endif %}
{% if rule_config.set.extcommunity.bandwidth is vyos_defined %}
- set extcommunity bandwidth {{ rule_config.set.extcommunity.bandwidth }}
+ set extcommunity bandwidth {{ rule_config.set.extcommunity.bandwidth }} {{ 'non-transitive' if rule_config.set.extcommunity.bandwidth_non_transitive is vyos_defined }}
{% endif %}
{% if rule_config.set.extcommunity.rt is vyos_defined %}
- set extcommunity rt {{ rule_config.set.extcommunity.rt }}
+ set extcommunity rt {{ rule_config.set.extcommunity.rt | join(' ') }}
{% endif %}
{% if rule_config.set.extcommunity.soo is vyos_defined %}
- set extcommunity soo {{ rule_config.set.extcommunity.soo }}
+ set extcommunity soo {{ rule_config.set.extcommunity.soo | join(' ') }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if rule_config.set.extcommunity.none is vyos_defined %}
+ set extcommunity none
{% endif %}
{% if rule_config.set.ip_next_hop is vyos_defined %}
set ip next-hop {{ rule_config.set.ip_next_hop }}
@@ -313,11 +322,20 @@ route-map {{ route_map }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule }}
{% if rule_config.set.ipv6_next_hop.prefer_global is vyos_defined %}
set ipv6 next-hop prefer-global
{% endif %}
-{% if rule_config.set.large_community is vyos_defined %}
- set large-community {{ rule_config.set.large_community }}
+{% if rule_config.set.l3vpn_nexthop.encapsulation.gre is vyos_defined %}
+set l3vpn next-hop encapsulation gre
+{% endif %}
+{% if rule_config.set.large_community.replace is vyos_defined %}
+ set large-community {{ rule_config.set.large_community.replace | join(' ') }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if rule_config.set.large_community.add is vyos_defined %}
+ set large-community {{ rule_config.set.large_community.add | join(' ') }} additive
+{% endif %}
+{% if rule_config.set.large_community.none is vyos_defined %}
+ set large-community none
{% endif %}
-{% if rule_config.set.large_comm_list_delete is vyos_defined %}
- set large-comm-list {{ rule_config.set.large_comm_list_delete }} delete
+{% if rule_config.set.large_community.delete is vyos_defined %}
+ set large-comm-list {{ rule_config.set.large_community.delete }} delete
{% endif %}
{% if rule_config.set.local_preference is vyos_defined %}
set local-preference {{ rule_config.set.local_preference }}
diff --git a/data/templates/ipsec/charon/eap-radius.conf.j2 b/data/templates/ipsec/charon/eap-radius.conf.j2
index 8495011fe..364377473 100644
--- a/data/templates/ipsec/charon/eap-radius.conf.j2
+++ b/data/templates/ipsec/charon/eap-radius.conf.j2
@@ -49,8 +49,10 @@ eap-radius {
# Base to use for calculating exponential back off.
# retransmit_base = 1.4
+{% if remote_access.radius.timeout is vyos_defined %}
# Timeout in seconds before sending first retransmit.
- # retransmit_timeout = 2.0
+ retransmit_timeout = {{ remote_access.radius.timeout | float }}
+{% endif %}
# Number of times to retransmit a packet before giving up.
# retransmit_tries = 4
diff --git a/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/peer.j2 b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/peer.j2
index d097a04fc..837fa263c 100644
--- a/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/peer.j2
+++ b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/peer.j2
@@ -124,7 +124,7 @@
{% endif %}
{% elif tunnel_esp.mode == 'transport' %}
local_ts = {{ peer_conf.local_address }}{{ local_suffix }}
- remote_ts = {{ peer }}{{ remote_suffix }}
+ remote_ts = {{ peer_conf.remote_address | join(",") }}{{ remote_suffix }}
{% endif %}
ipcomp = {{ 'yes' if tunnel_esp.compression is vyos_defined else 'no' }}
mode = {{ tunnel_esp.mode }}
diff --git a/data/templates/login/pam_otp_ga.conf.j2 b/data/templates/login/pam_otp_ga.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cf51ce089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/templates/login/pam_otp_ga.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+{% if authentication.otp.key is vyos_defined %}
+{{ authentication.otp.key | upper }}
+" RATE_LIMIT {{ authentication.otp.rate_limit }} {{ authentication.otp.rate_time }}
+" WINDOW_SIZE {{ authentication.otp.window_size }}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/snmp/etc.snmpd.conf.j2 b/data/templates/snmp/etc.snmpd.conf.j2
index d7dc0ba5d..57ad704c0 100644
--- a/data/templates/snmp/etc.snmpd.conf.j2
+++ b/data/templates/snmp/etc.snmpd.conf.j2
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ agentaddress unix:/run/snmpd.socket{{ ',' ~ options | join(',') if options is vy
{% for network in %}
{% if network | is_ipv4 %}
{{ comm_config.authorization }}community {{ comm }} {{ network }}
-{% elif client | is_ipv6 %}
+{% elif network | is_ipv6 %}
{{ comm_config.authorization }}community6 {{ comm }} {{ network }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
diff --git a/data/templates/ssh/sshd_config.j2 b/data/templates/ssh/sshd_config.j2
index e7dbca581..93735020c 100644
--- a/data/templates/ssh/sshd_config.j2
+++ b/data/templates/ssh/sshd_config.j2
@@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ PubkeyAuthentication yes
IgnoreRhosts yes
HostbasedAuthentication no
PermitEmptyPasswords no
-ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
X11Forwarding yes
X11DisplayOffset 10
PrintMotd no
@@ -30,6 +29,7 @@ PermitRootLogin no
PidFile /run/sshd/
AddressFamily any
DebianBanner no
+PasswordAuthentication no
# User configurable section
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ Port {{ value }}
LogLevel {{ loglevel | upper }}
# Specifies whether password authentication is allowed
-PasswordAuthentication {{ "no" if disable_password_authentication is vyos_defined else "yes" }}
+ChallengeResponseAuthentication {{ "no" if disable_password_authentication is vyos_defined else "yes" }}
{% if listen_address is vyos_defined %}
# Specifies the local addresses sshd should listen on
@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ ListenAddress {{ address }}
Ciphers {{ ciphers | join(',') }}
{% endif %}
+{% if hostkey_algorithm is vyos_defined %}
+# Specifies the available Host Key signature algorithms
+HostKeyAlgorithms {{ hostkey_algorithm | join(',') }}
+{% endif %}
{% if mac is vyos_defined %}
# Specifies the available MAC (message authentication code) algorithms
MACs {{ mac | join(',') }}
@@ -96,3 +101,7 @@ DenyGroups {{ | join(' ') }}
# sshd(8) will send a message through the encrypted channel to request a response from the client
ClientAliveInterval {{ client_keepalive_interval }}
{% endif %}
+{% if is vyos_defined %}
+RekeyLimit {{ }}M {{ rekey.time + 'M' if rekey.time is vyos_defined }}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/telegraf/telegraf.j2 b/data/templates/telegraf/telegraf.j2
index 2d14230ae..36571ce98 100644
--- a/data/templates/telegraf/telegraf.j2
+++ b/data/templates/telegraf/telegraf.j2
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
server = "unixgram:///run/telegraf/telegraf_syslog.sock"
best_effort = true
syslog_standard = "RFC3164"
-{% if influxdb_configured is vyos_defined %}
+{% if influxdb is vyos_defined %}
commands = [
"{{ custom_scripts_dir }}/",
diff --git a/debian/control b/debian/control
index 1f2151284..66ac3c6f7 100644
--- a/debian/control
+++ b/debian/control
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ Build-Depends:
gcc-multilib [amd64],
clang [amd64],
llvm [amd64],
+ libbpf-dev [amd64],
libelf-dev (>= 0.2) [amd64],
libpcap-dev [amd64],
@@ -24,6 +25,7 @@ Build-Depends:
+ python3-pyhumps,
Standards-Version: 3.9.6
@@ -76,6 +78,7 @@ Depends:
+ libbpf0 [amd64],
libcharon-extra-plugins (>=5.9),
libcharon-extauth-plugins (>=5.9),
@@ -129,6 +132,7 @@ Depends:
+ python3-pyhumps,
@@ -152,6 +156,7 @@ Depends:
strongswan (>= 5.9),
strongswan-swanctl (>= 5.9),
+ stunnel4,
telegraf (>= 1.20),
@@ -191,6 +196,7 @@ Description: VyOS configuration scripts and data for VMware
Package: vyos-1x-smoketest
Architecture: all
+ skopeo,
Description: VyOS build sanity checking toolkit
diff --git a/debian/vyos-1x-smoketest.postinst b/debian/vyos-1x-smoketest.postinst
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..18612804c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debian/vyos-1x-smoketest.postinst
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#!/bin/sh -e
+if [[ -f $OUTPUT_PATH ]]; then
+ rm -f $OUTPUT_PATH
+skopeo copy --additional-tag "$BUSYBOX_TAG" "docker://$BUSYBOX_TAG" "docker-archive:/$OUTPUT_PATH"
diff --git a/debian/vyos-1x.postinst b/debian/vyos-1x.postinst
index 6879b6e4f..d5f5cbbc7 100644
--- a/debian/vyos-1x.postinst
+++ b/debian/vyos-1x.postinst
@@ -21,6 +21,14 @@ if ! grep -q '^openvpn' /etc/passwd; then
adduser --quiet --firstuid 100 --system --group --shell /usr/sbin/nologin openvpn
+# Enable 2FA/MFA support for SSH and local logins
+for file in /etc/pam.d/sshd /etc/pam.d/login
+ PAM_CONFIG="auth required nullok"
+ grep -qF -- "${PAM_CONFIG}" $file || \
+ sed -i "/^@include common-auth/a # Check 2FA/MFA authentication token if enabled (per user)\n${PAM_CONFIG}" $file
# Add RADIUS operator user for RADIUS authenticated users to map to
if ! grep -q '^radius_user' /etc/passwd; then
adduser --quiet --firstuid 1000 --disabled-login --ingroup vyattaop \
@@ -95,7 +103,8 @@ DELETE="/etc/logrotate.d/conntrackd.distrib /etc/init.d/conntrackd /etc/default/
/etc/default/pmacctd /etc/pmacct
/etc/networks_list /etc/networks_whitelist /etc/fastnetmon.conf
/etc/ntp.conf /etc/default/ssh
- /etc/powerdns /etc/default/pdns-recursor"
+ /etc/powerdns /etc/default/pdns-recursor
+ /etc/ppp/ip-up.d/0000usepeerdns /etc/ppp/ip-down.d/0000usepeerdns"
for tmp in $DELETE; do
if [ -e ${tmp} ]; then
rm -rf ${tmp}
diff --git a/debian/vyos-1x.preinst b/debian/vyos-1x.preinst
index 71750b3a1..213a23d9e 100644
--- a/debian/vyos-1x.preinst
+++ b/debian/vyos-1x.preinst
@@ -2,3 +2,4 @@ dpkg-divert --package vyos-1x --add --rename /etc/securetty
dpkg-divert --package vyos-1x --add --rename /etc/security/capability.conf
dpkg-divert --package vyos-1x --add --rename /lib/systemd/system/lcdproc.service
dpkg-divert --package vyos-1x --add --rename /etc/logrotate.d/conntrackd
+dpkg-divert --package vyos-1x --add --rename /usr/share/pam-configs/radius
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 51171d881..d50039665 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@
<leafNode name="memory">
- <help>Constrain the memory available to a container</help>
+ <help>Memory (RAM) available to this container</help>
@@ -127,6 +127,24 @@
+ <leafNode name="shared-memory">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Shared memory available to this container</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:0</format>
+ <description>Unlimited</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-8192</format>
+ <description>Container memory in megabytes (MB)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-8192"/>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>Container memory must be in range 0 to 8192 MB</constraintErrorMessage>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>64</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
<tagNode name="network">
<help>Attach user defined network to container</help>
@@ -254,6 +272,10 @@
<tagNode name="network">
<help>Network name</help>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>[-_a-zA-Z0-9]{1,11}</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>Network name cannot be longer than 11 characters</constraintErrorMessage>
<leafNode name="description">
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 3de0dc0eb..409028572 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -605,6 +605,10 @@
#include <include/listen-address.xml.i>
+ #include <include/port-number.xml.i>
+ <leafNode name="port">
+ <defaultValue>53</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
<leafNode name="negative-ttl">
<help>Maximum amount of time negative entries are cached</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 2ac9ca31b..3bce69fc4 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
<description>Domain address to match</description>
- <regex>[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,99}?(\/.*)?</regex>
+ <validator name="fqdn"/>
@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@
<help>Mac-group member</help>
- <format>&lt;MAC address&gt;</format>
+ <format>macaddr</format>
<description>MAC address to match</description>
@@ -408,6 +408,7 @@
#include <include/firewall/address-ipv6.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/fqdn.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/geoip.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/source-destination-group-ipv6.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/port.xml.i>
@@ -420,6 +421,7 @@
#include <include/firewall/address-ipv6.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/fqdn.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/geoip.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/source-destination-group-ipv6.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/port.xml.i>
@@ -574,6 +576,7 @@
#include <include/firewall/address.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/fqdn.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/geoip.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/source-destination-group.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/port.xml.i>
@@ -586,6 +589,7 @@
#include <include/firewall/address.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/fqdn.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/geoip.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/source-destination-group.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/port.xml.i>
@@ -660,6 +664,25 @@
+ <leafNode name="resolver-cache">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Retains last successful value if domain resolution fails</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="resolver-interval">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Domain resolver update interval</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:10-3600</format>
+ <description>Interval (seconds)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 10-3600"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>300</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
<leafNode name="send-redirects">
<help>Policy for sending IPv4 ICMP redirect messages</help>
@@ -715,6 +738,7 @@
#include <include/firewall/action-accept-drop-reject.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/log.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/rule-log-level.xml.i>
@@ -724,6 +748,7 @@
#include <include/firewall/action-accept-drop-reject.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/log.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/rule-log-level.xml.i>
@@ -733,6 +758,7 @@
#include <include/firewall/action-accept-drop-reject.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/log.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/rule-log-level.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index d096c4ff1..6adb07598 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
- <node name="gql">
+ <node name="graphql">
<help>GraphQL support</help>
@@ -118,6 +118,59 @@
+ <node name="authentication">
+ <properties>
+ <help>GraphQL authentication</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="type">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Authentication type</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>key token</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>key</format>
+ <description>Use API keys</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>token</format>
+ <description>Use JWT token</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>(key|token)</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>key</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="expiration">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Token time to expire in seconds</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:60-31536000</format>
+ <description>Token lifetime in seconds</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 60-31536000"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>3600</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="secret-length">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Length of shared secret in bytes</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:16-65535</format>
+ <description>Byte length of generated shared secret</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 16-65535"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>32</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </node>
<node name="cors">
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/accel-ppp/radius-additions-rate-limit.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/accel-ppp/radius-additions-rate-limit.xml.i
index c9ad0d3d4..b8dbe73b2 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/accel-ppp/radius-additions-rate-limit.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/accel-ppp/radius-additions-rate-limit.xml.i
@@ -6,18 +6,24 @@
<leafNode name="attribute">
- <help>Specifies which RADIUS attribute contains rate information. (default is Filter-Id)</help>
+ <help>RADIUS attribute that contains rate information</help>
<leafNode name="vendor">
- <help>Specifies the vendor dictionary. (dictionary needs to be in /usr/share/accel-ppp/radius)</help>
+ <help>Vendor dictionary</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>alcatel cisco microsoft mikrotik</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="accel-radius-dictionary" />
+ </constraint>
<leafNode name="enable">
- <help>Enables Bandwidth shaping via RADIUS</help>
+ <help>Enable bandwidth shaping via RADIUS</help>
<valueless />
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/firewall/common-rule.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/firewall/common-rule.xml.i
index a4f66f5cb..75ad427f9 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/firewall/common-rule.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/firewall/common-rule.xml.i
@@ -219,22 +219,7 @@
#include <include/firewall/address.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/source-destination-group.xml.i>
- <leafNode name="mac-address">
- <properties>
- <help>Source MAC address</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>&lt;MAC address&gt;</format>
- <description>MAC address to match</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>!&lt;MAC address&gt;</format>
- <description>Match everything except the specified MAC address</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="mac-address-firewall"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
+ #include <include/firewall/mac-address.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/port.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/firewall/fqdn.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/firewall/fqdn.xml.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9eb3925b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/firewall/fqdn.xml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+<!-- include start from firewall/fqdn.xml.i -->
+<leafNode name="fqdn">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Fully qualified domain name</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>&lt;fqdn&gt;</format>
+ <description>Fully qualified domain name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="fqdn"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/firewall/mac-address.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/firewall/mac-address.xml.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db3e1e312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/firewall/mac-address.xml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+<!-- include start from firewall/mac-address.xml.i -->
+<leafNode name="mac-address">
+ <properties>
+ <help>MAC address</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>macaddr</format>
+ <description>MAC address to match</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>!macaddr</format>
+ <description>Match everything except the specified MAC address</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="mac-address"/>
+ <validator name="mac-address-exclude"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/firewall/source-destination-group-ipv6.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/firewall/source-destination-group-ipv6.xml.i
index c2cc7edb3..2a42d236c 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/firewall/source-destination-group-ipv6.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/firewall/source-destination-group-ipv6.xml.i
@@ -12,6 +12,14 @@
+ <leafNode name="domain-group">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Group of domains</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <path>firewall group domain-group</path>
+ </completionHelp>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
#include <include/firewall/mac-group.xml.i>
<leafNode name="network-group">
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/interface/interface-policy-vif-c.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/interface/interface-policy-vif-c.xml.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 866fcd5c0..000000000
--- a/interface-definitions/include/interface/interface-policy-vif-c.xml.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<!-- include start from interface/interface-policy-vif-c.xml.i -->
-<node name="policy" owner="${vyos_conf_scripts_dir}/ $VAR(../../../@).$VAR(../../@).$VAR(../@)">
- <properties>
- <priority>620</priority>
- <help>Policy route options</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="route">
- <properties>
- <help>IPv4 policy route ruleset for interface</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <path>policy route</path>
- </completionHelp>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="route6">
- <properties>
- <help>IPv6 policy route ruleset for interface</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <path>policy route6</path>
- </completionHelp>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/interface/interface-policy-vif.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/interface/interface-policy-vif.xml.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 83510fe59..000000000
--- a/interface-definitions/include/interface/interface-policy-vif.xml.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<!-- include start from interface/interface-policy-vif.xml.i -->
-<node name="policy" owner="${vyos_conf_scripts_dir}/ $VAR(../../@).$VAR(../@)">
- <properties>
- <priority>620</priority>
- <help>Policy route options</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="route">
- <properties>
- <help>IPv4 policy route ruleset for interface</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <path>policy route</path>
- </completionHelp>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="route6">
- <properties>
- <help>IPv6 policy route ruleset for interface</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <path>policy route6</path>
- </completionHelp>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i
deleted file mode 100644
index 42a8fd009..000000000
--- a/interface-definitions/include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-<!-- include start from interface/interface-policy.xml.i -->
-<node name="policy" owner="${vyos_conf_scripts_dir}/ $VAR(../@)">
- <properties>
- <priority>620</priority>
- <help>Policy route options</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="route">
- <properties>
- <help>IPv4 policy route ruleset for interface</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <path>policy route</path>
- </completionHelp>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="route6">
- <properties>
- <help>IPv6 policy route ruleset for interface</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <path>policy route6</path>
- </completionHelp>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/interface/vif-s.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/interface/vif-s.xml.i
index 916349ade..6d50d7238 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/interface/vif-s.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/interface/vif-s.xml.i
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
#include <include/interface/dhcpv6-options.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/disable-link-detect.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/disable.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy-vif.xml.i>
<leafNode name="protocol">
<help>Protocol used for service VLAN (default: 802.1ad)</help>
@@ -67,7 +66,6 @@
#include <include/interface/mtu-68-16000.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/redirect.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/vrf.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy-vif-c.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/redirect.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/interface/vif.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/interface/vif.xml.i
index 73a8c98ff..3f8f113ea 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/interface/vif.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/interface/vif.xml.i
@@ -18,7 +18,6 @@
#include <include/interface/dhcpv6-options.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/disable-link-detect.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/disable.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy-vif.xml.i>
<leafNode name="egress-qos">
<help>VLAN egress QoS</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/isis/protocol-common-config.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/isis/protocol-common-config.xml.i
index 75a0355d4..42bda7a80 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/isis/protocol-common-config.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/isis/protocol-common-config.xml.i
@@ -233,18 +233,12 @@
<help>Segment-Routing (SPRING) settings</help>
- <leafNode name="enable">
- <properties>
- <help>Enable segment-routing functionality</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
<node name="global-block">
<help>Segment Routing Global Block label range</help>
- #include <include/isis/high-low-label-value.xml.i>
+ #include <include/segment-routing-label-value.xml.i>
<node name="local-block">
@@ -252,7 +246,7 @@
<help>Segment Routing Local Block label range</help>
- #include <include/isis/high-low-label-value.xml.i>
+ #include <include/segment-routing-label-value.xml.i>
<leafNode name="maximum-label-depth">
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/monitoring/url.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/monitoring/url.xml.i
deleted file mode 100644
index fd61c38ea..000000000
--- a/interface-definitions/include/monitoring/url.xml.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-<!-- include start from monitoring/url.xml.i -->
-<leafNode name="url">
- <properties>
- <help>Remote URL</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>url</format>
- <description>Remote URL</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(http:\/\/www\.|https:\/\/www\.|http:\/\/|https:\/\/)?[a-z0-9]+([\-\.]{1}[a-z0-9]+)*\.[a-z]{2,5}?(\/.*)?</regex>
- </constraint>
- <constraintErrorMessage>Incorrect URL format</constraintErrorMessage>
- </properties>
-<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/nat-rule.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/nat-rule.xml.i
index 84941aa6a..8f2029388 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/nat-rule.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/nat-rule.xml.i
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
#include <include/nat-address.xml.i>
#include <include/nat-port.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/source-destination-group.xml.i>
#include <include/generic-disable-node.xml.i>
@@ -285,6 +286,7 @@
#include <include/nat-address.xml.i>
#include <include/nat-port.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/source-destination-group.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/ospf/protocol-common-config.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/ospf/protocol-common-config.xml.i
index 791bbc0f8..0615063af 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/ospf/protocol-common-config.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/ospf/protocol-common-config.xml.i
@@ -621,6 +621,86 @@
+<node name="segment-routing">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Segment-Routing (SPRING) settings</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <node name="global-block">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Segment Routing Global Block label range</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ #include <include/segment-routing-label-value.xml.i>
+ </children>
+ </node>
+ <node name="local-block">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Segment Routing Local Block label range</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ #include <include/segment-routing-label-value.xml.i>
+ </children>
+ </node>
+ <leafNode name="maximum-label-depth">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Maximum MPLS labels allowed for this router</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-16</format>
+ <description>MPLS label depth</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-16"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <tagNode name="prefix">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Static IPv4 prefix segment/label mapping</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ipv4net</format>
+ <description>IPv4 prefix segment</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="ipv4-prefix"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <node name="index">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Specify the index value of prefix segment/label ID</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="value">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Specify the index value of prefix segment/label ID</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:0-65535</format>
+ <description>The index segment/label ID value</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-65535"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="explicit-null">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Request upstream neighbor to replace segment/label with explicit null label</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="no-php-flag">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Do not request penultimate hop popping for segment/label</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </node>
+ </children>
+ </tagNode>
+ </children>
<node name="redistribute">
<help>Redistribute information from another routing protocol</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/policy/community-clear.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/policy/community-clear.xml.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0fd57cdf0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/policy/community-clear.xml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+<!-- include start from policy/community-clear.xml.i -->
+<leafNode name="none">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Completely remove communities attribute from a prefix</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/policy/community-value-list.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/policy/community-value-list.xml.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8c665c5f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/policy/community-value-list.xml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+<!-- include start from policy/community-value-list.xml.i -->
+ <list>
+ local-as
+ no-advertise
+ no-export
+ internet
+ graceful-shutdown
+ accept-own
+ route-filter-translated-v4
+ route-filter-v4
+ route-filter-translated-v6
+ route-filter-v6
+ llgr-stale
+ no-llgr
+ accept-own-nexthop
+ blackhole
+ no-peer
+ </list>
+ <format>&lt;AS:VAL&gt;</format>
+ <description>Community number in &lt;0-65535:0-65535&gt; format</description>
+ <format>local-as</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFED 0xFFFFFF03</description>
+ <format>no-advertise</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value NO_ADVERTISE 0xFFFFFF02</description>
+ <format>no-export</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value NO_EXPORT 0xFFFFFF01</description>
+ <format>internet</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value 0</description>
+ <format>graceful-shutdown</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN 0xFFFF0000</description>
+ <format>accept-own</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value ACCEPT_OWN 0xFFFF0001</description>
+ <format>route-filter-translated-v4</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value ROUTE_FILTER_TRANSLATED_v4 0xFFFF0002</description>
+ <format>route-filter-v4</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value ROUTE_FILTER_v4 0xFFFF0003</description>
+ <format>route-filter-translated-v6</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value ROUTE_FILTER_TRANSLATED_v6 0xFFFF0004</description>
+ <format>route-filter-v6</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value ROUTE_FILTER_v6 0xFFFF0005</description>
+ <format>llgr-stale</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value LLGR_STALE 0xFFFF0006</description>
+ <format>no-llgr</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value NO_LLGR 0xFFFF0007</description>
+ <format>accept-own-nexthop</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value accept-own-nexthop 0xFFFF0008</description>
+ <format>blackhole</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value BLACKHOLE 0xFFFF029A</description>
+ <format>no-peer</format>
+ <description>Well-known communities value NOPEER 0xFFFFFF04</description>
+ <regex>local-as|no-advertise|no-export|internet|graceful-shutdown|accept-own|route-filter-translated-v4|route-filter-v4|route-filter-translated-v6|route-filter-v6|llgr-stale|no-llgr|accept-own-nexthop|blackhole|no-peer</regex>
+ <validator name="bgp-regular-community"/>
+ <!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/policy/extended-community-value-list.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/policy/extended-community-value-list.xml.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c79f78c67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/policy/extended-community-value-list.xml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!-- include start from policy/community-value-list.xml.i -->
+ <format>ASN:NN</format>
+ <description>based on autonomous system number in format &lt;0-65535:0-4294967295&gt;</description>
+ <format>IP:NN</format>
+ <description>Based on a router-id IP address in format &lt;IP:0-65535&gt;</description>
+ <validator name="bgp-extended-community"/>
+<constraintErrorMessage>Should be in form: ASN:NN or IPADDR:NN where ASN is autonomous system number</constraintErrorMessage>
+ <!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/policy/large-community-value-list.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/policy/large-community-value-list.xml.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..33b1f13a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/policy/large-community-value-list.xml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<!-- include start from policy/community-value-list.xml.i -->
+ <description>Community in format &lt;0-4294967295:0-4294967295:0-4294967295&gt;</description>
+ <format>&lt;GA:LDP1:LDP2&gt;</format>
+ <validator name="bgp-large-community"/>
+ <!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-common-rule-ipv6.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-common-rule-ipv6.xml.i
deleted file mode 100644
index cfeba1a6c..000000000
--- a/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-common-rule-ipv6.xml.i
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,553 +0,0 @@
-<!-- include start from policy/route-common-rule.xml.i -->
-#include <include/policy/route-rule-action.xml.i>
-#include <include/generic-description.xml.i>
-<leafNode name="disable">
- <properties>
- <help>Option to disable firewall rule</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
-<node name="fragment">
- <properties>
- <help>IP fragment match</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="match-frag">
- <properties>
- <help>Second and further fragments of fragmented packets</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="match-non-frag">
- <properties>
- <help>Head fragments or unfragmented packets</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<node name="ipsec">
- <properties>
- <help>Inbound IPsec packets</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="match-ipsec">
- <properties>
- <help>Inbound IPsec packets</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="match-none">
- <properties>
- <help>Inbound non-IPsec packets</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<node name="limit">
- <properties>
- <help>Rate limit using a token bucket filter</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="burst">
- <properties>
- <help>Maximum number of packets to allow in excess of rate</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:0-4294967295</format>
- <description>Maximum number of packets to allow in excess of rate</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-4294967295"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="rate">
- <properties>
- <help>Maximum average matching rate</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:0-4294967295</format>
- <description>Maximum average matching rate</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-4294967295"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<leafNode name="log">
- <properties>
- <help>Option to log packets matching rule</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>enable disable</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>enable</format>
- <description>Enable log</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>disable</format>
- <description>Disable log</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
-<leafNode name="protocol">
- <properties>
- <help>Protocol to match (protocol name, number, or "all")</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <script>cat /etc/protocols | sed -e '/^#.*/d' | awk '{ print $1 }'</script>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>all</format>
- <description>All IP protocols</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>tcp_udp</format>
- <description>Both TCP and UDP</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>0-255</format>
- <description>IP protocol number</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>!&lt;protocol&gt;</format>
- <description>IP protocol number</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="ip-protocol"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- <defaultValue>all</defaultValue>
-<node name="recent">
- <properties>
- <help>Parameters for matching recently seen sources</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="count">
- <properties>
- <help>Source addresses seen more than N times</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:1-255</format>
- <description>Source addresses seen more than N times</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-255"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="time">
- <properties>
- <help>Source addresses seen in the last N seconds</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:0-4294967295</format>
- <description>Source addresses seen in the last N seconds</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-4294967295"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<node name="set">
- <properties>
- <help>Packet modifications</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="dscp">
- <properties>
- <help>Packet Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP)</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:0-63</format>
- <description>DSCP number</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-63"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="mark">
- <properties>
- <help>Packet marking</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:1-2147483647</format>
- <description>Packet marking</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-2147483647"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="table">
- <properties>
- <help>Routing table to forward packet with</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:1-200</format>
- <description>Table number</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>main</format>
- <description>Main table</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-200"/>
- <regex>(main)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="tcp-mss">
- <properties>
- <help>TCP Maximum Segment Size</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:500-1460</format>
- <description>Explicitly set TCP MSS value</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 500-1460"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<node name="source">
- <properties>
- <help>Source parameters</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- #include <include/firewall/address-ipv6.xml.i>
- #include <include/firewall/source-destination-group.xml.i>
- <leafNode name="mac-address">
- <properties>
- <help>Source MAC address</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>&lt;MAC address&gt;</format>
- <description>MAC address to match</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>!&lt;MAC address&gt;</format>
- <description>Match everything except the specified MAC address</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="mac-address-firewall"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- #include <include/firewall/port.xml.i>
- </children>
-<node name="state">
- <properties>
- <help>Session state</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="established">
- <properties>
- <help>Established state</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>enable disable</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>enable</format>
- <description>Enable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>disable</format>
- <description>Disable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="invalid">
- <properties>
- <help>Invalid state</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>enable disable</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>enable</format>
- <description>Enable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>disable</format>
- <description>Disable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="new">
- <properties>
- <help>New state</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>enable disable</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>enable</format>
- <description>Enable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>disable</format>
- <description>Disable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="related">
- <properties>
- <help>Related state</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>enable disable</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>enable</format>
- <description>Enable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>disable</format>
- <description>Disable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-#include <include/firewall/tcp-flags.xml.i>
-<node name="time">
- <properties>
- <help>Time to match rule</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="monthdays">
- <properties>
- <help>Monthdays to match rule on</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="startdate">
- <properties>
- <help>Date to start matching rule</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="starttime">
- <properties>
- <help>Time of day to start matching rule</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="stopdate">
- <properties>
- <help>Date to stop matching rule</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="stoptime">
- <properties>
- <help>Time of day to stop matching rule</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="utc">
- <properties>
- <help>Interpret times for startdate, stopdate, starttime and stoptime to be UTC</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="weekdays">
- <properties>
- <help>Weekdays to match rule on</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<node name="icmpv6">
- <properties>
- <help>ICMPv6 type and code information</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="type">
- <properties>
- <help>ICMP type-name</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>any echo-reply pong destination-unreachable network-unreachable host-unreachable protocol-unreachable port-unreachable fragmentation-needed source-route-failed network-unknown host-unknown network-prohibited host-prohibited TOS-network-unreachable TOS-host-unreachable communication-prohibited host-precedence-violation precedence-cutoff source-quench redirect network-redirect host-redirect TOS-network-redirect TOS host-redirect echo-request ping router-advertisement router-solicitation time-exceeded ttl-exceeded ttl-zero-during-transit ttl-zero-during-reassembly parameter-problem ip-header-bad required-option-missing timestamp-request timestamp-reply address-mask-request address-mask-reply packet-too-big</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>any</format>
- <description>Any ICMP type/code</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>echo-reply</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>pong</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>destination-unreachable</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>network-unreachable</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>host-unreachable</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>protocol-unreachable</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>port-unreachable</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>fragmentation-needed</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>source-route-failed</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>network-unknown</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>host-unknown</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>network-prohibited</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>host-prohibited</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>TOS-network-unreachable</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>TOS-host-unreachable</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>communication-prohibited</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>host-precedence-violation</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>precedence-cutoff</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>source-quench</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>redirect</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>network-redirect</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>host-redirect</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>TOS-network-redirect</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>TOS host-redirect</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>echo-request</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>ping</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>router-advertisement</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>router-solicitation</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>time-exceeded</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>ttl-exceeded</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>ttl-zero-during-transit</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>ttl-zero-during-reassembly</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>parameter-problem</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>ip-header-bad</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>required-option-missing</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>timestamp-request</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>timestamp-reply</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>address-mask-request</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>address-mask-reply</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>packet-too-big</format>
- <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(any|echo-reply|pong|destination-unreachable|network-unreachable|host-unreachable|protocol-unreachable|port-unreachable|fragmentation-needed|source-route-failed|network-unknown|host-unknown|network-prohibited|host-prohibited|TOS-network-unreachable|TOS-host-unreachable|communication-prohibited|host-precedence-violation|precedence-cutoff|source-quench|redirect|network-redirect|host-redirect|TOS-network-redirect|TOS host-redirect|echo-request|ping|router-advertisement|router-solicitation|time-exceeded|ttl-exceeded|ttl-zero-during-transit|ttl-zero-during-reassembly|parameter-problem|ip-header-bad|required-option-missing|timestamp-request|timestamp-reply|address-mask-request|address-mask-reply|packet-too-big)</regex>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-255"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-common-rule.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-common.xml.i
index 5a17dbc95..8b959c2a4 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-common-rule.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-common.xml.i
@@ -1,402 +1,348 @@
-<!-- include start from policy/route-common-rule.xml.i -->
-#include <include/policy/route-rule-action.xml.i>
-#include <include/generic-description.xml.i>
-<leafNode name="disable">
- <properties>
- <help>Option to disable firewall rule</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
-<node name="fragment">
- <properties>
- <help>IP fragment match</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="match-frag">
- <properties>
- <help>Second and further fragments of fragmented packets</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="match-non-frag">
- <properties>
- <help>Head fragments or unfragmented packets</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<node name="ipsec">
- <properties>
- <help>Inbound IPsec packets</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="match-ipsec">
- <properties>
- <help>Inbound IPsec packets</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="match-none">
- <properties>
- <help>Inbound non-IPsec packets</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<node name="limit">
- <properties>
- <help>Rate limit using a token bucket filter</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="burst">
- <properties>
- <help>Maximum number of packets to allow in excess of rate</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:0-4294967295</format>
- <description>Maximum number of packets to allow in excess of rate</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-4294967295"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="rate">
- <properties>
- <help>Maximum average matching rate</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:0-4294967295</format>
- <description>Maximum average matching rate</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-4294967295"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<leafNode name="log">
- <properties>
- <help>Option to log packets matching rule</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>enable disable</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>enable</format>
- <description>Enable log</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>disable</format>
- <description>Disable log</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
-<leafNode name="protocol">
- <properties>
- <help>Protocol to match (protocol name, number, or "all")</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <script>cat /etc/protocols | sed -e '/^#.*/d' | awk '{ print $1 }'</script>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>all</format>
- <description>All IP protocols</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>tcp_udp</format>
- <description>Both TCP and UDP</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>0-255</format>
- <description>IP protocol number</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>!&lt;protocol&gt;</format>
- <description>IP protocol number</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="ip-protocol"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- <defaultValue>all</defaultValue>
-<node name="recent">
- <properties>
- <help>Parameters for matching recently seen sources</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="count">
- <properties>
- <help>Source addresses seen more than N times</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:1-255</format>
- <description>Source addresses seen more than N times</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-255"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="time">
- <properties>
- <help>Source addresses seen in the last N seconds</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:0-4294967295</format>
- <description>Source addresses seen in the last N seconds</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-4294967295"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<node name="set">
- <properties>
- <help>Packet modifications</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="dscp">
- <properties>
- <help>Packet Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP)</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:0-63</format>
- <description>DSCP number</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-63"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="mark">
- <properties>
- <help>Packet marking</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:1-2147483647</format>
- <description>Packet marking</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-2147483647"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="table">
- <properties>
- <help>Routing table to forward packet with</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:1-200</format>
- <description>Table number</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>main</format>
- <description>Main table</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-200"/>
- <regex>(main)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="tcp-mss">
- <properties>
- <help>TCP Maximum Segment Size</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:500-1460</format>
- <description>Explicitly set TCP MSS value</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 500-1460"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<node name="source">
- <properties>
- <help>Source parameters</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- #include <include/firewall/address.xml.i>
- #include <include/firewall/source-destination-group.xml.i>
- <leafNode name="mac-address">
- <properties>
- <help>Source MAC address</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>&lt;MAC address&gt;</format>
- <description>MAC address to match</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>!&lt;MAC address&gt;</format>
- <description>Match everything except the specified MAC address</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="mac-address-firewall"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- #include <include/firewall/port.xml.i>
- </children>
-<node name="state">
- <properties>
- <help>Session state</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="established">
- <properties>
- <help>Established state</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>enable disable</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>enable</format>
- <description>Enable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>disable</format>
- <description>Disable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="invalid">
- <properties>
- <help>Invalid state</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>enable disable</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>enable</format>
- <description>Enable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>disable</format>
- <description>Disable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="new">
- <properties>
- <help>New state</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>enable disable</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>enable</format>
- <description>Enable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>disable</format>
- <description>Disable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="related">
- <properties>
- <help>Related state</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>enable disable</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>enable</format>
- <description>Enable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>disable</format>
- <description>Disable</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-#include <include/firewall/tcp-flags.xml.i>
-<node name="time">
- <properties>
- <help>Time to match rule</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="monthdays">
- <properties>
- <help>Monthdays to match rule on</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="startdate">
- <properties>
- <help>Date to start matching rule</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="starttime">
- <properties>
- <help>Time of day to start matching rule</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="stopdate">
- <properties>
- <help>Date to stop matching rule</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="stoptime">
- <properties>
- <help>Time of day to stop matching rule</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="utc">
- <properties>
- <help>Interpret times for startdate, stopdate, starttime and stoptime to be UTC</help>
- <valueless/>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="weekdays">
- <properties>
- <help>Weekdays to match rule on</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
-<node name="icmp">
- <properties>
- <help>ICMP type and code information</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="code">
- <properties>
- <help>ICMP code (0-255)</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:0-255</format>
- <description>ICMP code (0-255)</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-255"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="type">
- <properties>
- <help>ICMP type (0-255)</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:0-255</format>
- <description>ICMP type (0-255)</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-255"/>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- #include <include/firewall/icmp-type-name.xml.i>
- </children>
-<!-- include end -->
+<!-- include start from policy/route-common.xml.i -->
+#include <include/policy/route-rule-action.xml.i>
+#include <include/generic-description.xml.i>
+<leafNode name="disable">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Option to disable firewall rule</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+<node name="fragment">
+ <properties>
+ <help>IP fragment match</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="match-frag">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Second and further fragments of fragmented packets</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="match-non-frag">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Head fragments or unfragmented packets</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+<node name="ipsec">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Inbound IPsec packets</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="match-ipsec">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Inbound IPsec packets</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="match-none">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Inbound non-IPsec packets</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+<node name="limit">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Rate limit using a token bucket filter</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="burst">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Maximum number of packets to allow in excess of rate</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:0-4294967295</format>
+ <description>Maximum number of packets to allow in excess of rate</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-4294967295"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="rate">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Maximum average matching rate</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:0-4294967295</format>
+ <description>Maximum average matching rate</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-4294967295"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+<leafNode name="log">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Option to log packets matching rule</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>enable disable</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>enable</format>
+ <description>Enable log</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>disable</format>
+ <description>Disable log</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+<leafNode name="protocol">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Protocol to match (protocol name, number, or "all")</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <script>cat /etc/protocols | sed -e '/^#.*/d' | awk '{ print $1 }'</script>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>all</format>
+ <description>All IP protocols</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>tcp_udp</format>
+ <description>Both TCP and UDP</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>0-255</format>
+ <description>IP protocol number</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>!&lt;protocol&gt;</format>
+ <description>IP protocol number</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="ip-protocol"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>all</defaultValue>
+<node name="recent">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Parameters for matching recently seen sources</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="count">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Source addresses seen more than N times</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-255</format>
+ <description>Source addresses seen more than N times</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-255"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="time">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Source addresses seen in the last N seconds</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:0-4294967295</format>
+ <description>Source addresses seen in the last N seconds</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-4294967295"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+<node name="set">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Packet modifications</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="dscp">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Packet Differentiated Services Codepoint (DSCP)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:0-63</format>
+ <description>DSCP number</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-63"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="mark">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Packet marking</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-2147483647</format>
+ <description>Packet marking</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-2147483647"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="table">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Routing table to forward packet with</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-200</format>
+ <description>Table number</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>main</format>
+ <description>Main table</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-200"/>
+ <regex>(main)</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>main</list>
+ <path>protocols static table</path>
+ </completionHelp>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="tcp-mss">
+ <properties>
+ <help>TCP Maximum Segment Size</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:500-1460</format>
+ <description>Explicitly set TCP MSS value</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 500-1460"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+<node name="state">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Session state</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="established">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Established state</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>enable disable</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>enable</format>
+ <description>Enable</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>disable</format>
+ <description>Disable</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="invalid">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Invalid state</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>enable disable</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>enable</format>
+ <description>Enable</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>disable</format>
+ <description>Disable</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="new">
+ <properties>
+ <help>New state</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>enable disable</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>enable</format>
+ <description>Enable</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>disable</format>
+ <description>Disable</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="related">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Related state</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>enable disable</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>enable</format>
+ <description>Enable</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>disable</format>
+ <description>Disable</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>(enable|disable)</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+#include <include/firewall/tcp-flags.xml.i>
+<node name="time">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Time to match rule</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="monthdays">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Monthdays to match rule on</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="startdate">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Date to start matching rule</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="starttime">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Time of day to start matching rule</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="stopdate">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Date to stop matching rule</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="stoptime">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Time of day to stop matching rule</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="utc">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Interpret times for startdate, stopdate, starttime and stoptime to be UTC</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="weekdays">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Weekdays to match rule on</help>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-ipv4.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-ipv4.xml.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1f717a1a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-ipv4.xml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+<!-- include start from policy/route-ipv4.xml.i -->
+<node name="source">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Source parameters</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ #include <include/firewall/address.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/source-destination-group.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/mac-address.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/port.xml.i>
+ </children>
+<node name="icmp">
+ <properties>
+ <help>ICMP type and code information</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="code">
+ <properties>
+ <help>ICMP code (0-255)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:0-255</format>
+ <description>ICMP code (0-255)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-255"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="type">
+ <properties>
+ <help>ICMP type (0-255)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:0-255</format>
+ <description>ICMP type (0-255)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-255"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ #include <include/firewall/icmp-type-name.xml.i>
+ </children>
+<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-ipv6.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-ipv6.xml.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d636a654b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/policy/route-ipv6.xml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+<!-- include start from policy/route-ipv6.xml.i -->
+<node name="source">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Source parameters</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ #include <include/firewall/address-ipv6.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/source-destination-group.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/mac-address.xml.i>
+ #include <include/firewall/port.xml.i>
+ </children>
+<node name="icmpv6">
+ <properties>
+ <help>ICMPv6 type and code information</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="type">
+ <properties>
+ <help>ICMP type-name</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>any echo-reply pong destination-unreachable network-unreachable host-unreachable protocol-unreachable port-unreachable fragmentation-needed source-route-failed network-unknown host-unknown network-prohibited host-prohibited TOS-network-unreachable TOS-host-unreachable communication-prohibited host-precedence-violation precedence-cutoff source-quench redirect network-redirect host-redirect TOS-network-redirect TOS host-redirect echo-request ping router-advertisement router-solicitation time-exceeded ttl-exceeded ttl-zero-during-transit ttl-zero-during-reassembly parameter-problem ip-header-bad required-option-missing timestamp-request timestamp-reply address-mask-request address-mask-reply packet-too-big</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>any</format>
+ <description>Any ICMP type/code</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>echo-reply</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>pong</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>destination-unreachable</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>network-unreachable</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>host-unreachable</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>protocol-unreachable</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>port-unreachable</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>fragmentation-needed</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>source-route-failed</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>network-unknown</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>host-unknown</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>network-prohibited</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>host-prohibited</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>TOS-network-unreachable</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>TOS-host-unreachable</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>communication-prohibited</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>host-precedence-violation</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>precedence-cutoff</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>source-quench</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>redirect</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>network-redirect</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>host-redirect</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>TOS-network-redirect</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>TOS host-redirect</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>echo-request</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ping</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>router-advertisement</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>router-solicitation</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>time-exceeded</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ttl-exceeded</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ttl-zero-during-transit</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ttl-zero-during-reassembly</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>parameter-problem</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ip-header-bad</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>required-option-missing</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>timestamp-request</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>timestamp-reply</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>address-mask-request</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>address-mask-reply</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>packet-too-big</format>
+ <description>ICMP type/code name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>(any|echo-reply|pong|destination-unreachable|network-unreachable|host-unreachable|protocol-unreachable|port-unreachable|fragmentation-needed|source-route-failed|network-unknown|host-unknown|network-prohibited|host-prohibited|TOS-network-unreachable|TOS-host-unreachable|communication-prohibited|host-precedence-violation|precedence-cutoff|source-quench|redirect|network-redirect|host-redirect|TOS-network-redirect|TOS host-redirect|echo-request|ping|router-advertisement|router-solicitation|time-exceeded|ttl-exceeded|ttl-zero-during-transit|ttl-zero-during-reassembly|parameter-problem|ip-header-bad|required-option-missing|timestamp-request|timestamp-reply|address-mask-request|address-mask-reply|packet-too-big)</regex>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 0-255"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/qos/limiter-actions.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/qos/limiter-actions.xml.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a993423aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/qos/limiter-actions.xml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+<!-- include start from qos/limiter-actions.xml.i -->
+<leafNode name="exceed-action">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Default action for packets exceeding the limiter (default: drop)</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>continue drop ok reclassify pipe</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>continue</format>
+ <description>Don't do anything, just continue with the next action in line</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>drop</format>
+ <description>Drop the packet immediately</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ok</format>
+ <description>Accept the packet</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>reclassify</format>
+ <description>Treat the packet as non-matching to the filter this action is attached to and continue with the next filter in line (if any)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>pipe</format>
+ <description>Pass the packet to the next action in line</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>(continue|drop|ok|reclassify|pipe)</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>drop</defaultValue>
+<leafNode name="notexceed-action">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Default action for packets not exceeding the limiter (default: ok)</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>continue drop ok reclassify pipe</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>continue</format>
+ <description>Don't do anything, just continue with the next action in line</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>drop</format>
+ <description>Drop the packet immediately</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ok</format>
+ <description>Accept the packet</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>reclassify</format>
+ <description>Treat the packet as non-matching to the filter this action is attached to and continue with the next filter in line (if any)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>pipe</format>
+ <description>Pass the packet to the next action in line</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>(continue|drop|ok|reclassify|pipe)</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>ok</defaultValue>
+<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/radius-timeout.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/radius-timeout.xml.i
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22bb6d312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/radius-timeout.xml.i
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<!-- include start from radius-timeout.xml.i -->
+<leafNode name="timeout">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Session timeout</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-240</format>
+ <description>Session timeout in seconds (default: 2)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-240"/>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>Timeout must be between 1 and 240 seconds</constraintErrorMessage>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>2</defaultValue>
+<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/isis/high-low-label-value.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/segment-routing-label-value.xml.i
index adc28417d..05e1edd78 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/isis/high-low-label-value.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/segment-routing-label-value.xml.i
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
-<!-- include start from isis/high-low-label-value.xml.i -->
+<!-- include start from segment-routing-label-value.xml.i -->
<leafNode name="low-label-value">
<help>MPLS label lower bound</help>
- <description>Label value</description>
+ <description>Label value (recommended minimum value: 300)</description>
<validator name="numeric" argument="--range 16-1048575"/>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/static/static-route.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/static/static-route.xml.i
index 2de5dc58f..04ee999c7 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/static/static-route.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/static/static-route.xml.i
@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
#include <include/static/static-route-blackhole.xml.i>
#include <include/static/static-route-reject.xml.i>
#include <include/dhcp-interface.xml.i>
+ #include <include/generic-description.xml.i>
<tagNode name="interface">
<help>Next-hop IPv4 router interface</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/static/static-route6.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/static/static-route6.xml.i
index 35feef41c..6131ac7fe 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/static/static-route6.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/static/static-route6.xml.i
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
#include <include/static/static-route-blackhole.xml.i>
#include <include/static/static-route-reject.xml.i>
+ #include <include/generic-description.xml.i>
<tagNode name="interface">
<help>IPv6 gateway interface name</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/version/https-version.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/version/https-version.xml.i
index 586083649..111076974 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/version/https-version.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/version/https-version.xml.i
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
<!-- include start from include/version/https-version.xml.i -->
-<syntaxVersion component='https' version='3'></syntaxVersion>
+<syntaxVersion component='https' version='4'></syntaxVersion>
<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/version/isis-version.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/version/isis-version.xml.i
index 4a8fef39c..7bf12e81a 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/version/isis-version.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/version/isis-version.xml.i
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
<!-- include start from include/version/isis-version.xml.i -->
-<syntaxVersion component='isis' version='1'></syntaxVersion>
+<syntaxVersion component='isis' version='2'></syntaxVersion>
<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/include/version/policy-version.xml.i b/interface-definitions/include/version/policy-version.xml.i
index 426173a19..f1494eaa3 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/include/version/policy-version.xml.i
+++ b/interface-definitions/include/version/policy-version.xml.i
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
<!-- include start from include/version/policy-version.xml.i -->
-<syntaxVersion component='policy' version='3'></syntaxVersion>
+<syntaxVersion component='policy' version='5'></syntaxVersion>
<!-- include end -->
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 41e4a68a8..96e0e5d89 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -56,7 +56,6 @@
#include <include/interface/disable.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/vrf.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/mirror.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
<leafNode name="hash-policy">
<help>Bonding transmit hash policy</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 1e11cd4c6..d52e213b6 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
#include <include/interface/disable.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/vrf.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/mtu-68-16000.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
<leafNode name="forwarding-delay">
<help>Forwarding delay</help>
@@ -151,7 +150,7 @@
<description>VLAN id range allowed on this interface (use '-' as delimiter)</description>
- <validator name="allowed-vlan"/>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--allow-range --range 1-4094"/>
<constraintErrorMessage>not a valid VLAN ID value or range</constraintErrorMessage>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index fb36741f7..eb525b547 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
#include <include/interface/address-ipv4-ipv6.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/description.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/disable.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
<node name="ip">
<help>IPv4 routing parameters</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 77f130e1c..e9ae0acfe 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -31,7 +31,6 @@
#include <include/interface/disable-link-detect.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/disable.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
<leafNode name="duplex">
<help>Duplex mode</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index b959c787d..f8e9909f8 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -23,7 +23,6 @@
#include <include/interface/ipv6-options.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/mac.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/mtu-1450-16000.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
<node name="parameters">
<help>GENEVE tunnel parameters</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index d01c760f8..97502d954 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
#include <include/interface/description.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/disable.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/redirect.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index bde68dd5a..0ebc3253d 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
#include <include/interface/disable.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
<leafNode name="encapsulation">
<help>Encapsulation type</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 5c9f4cd76..441236ec2 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
#include <include/interface/dhcpv6-options.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/ipv4-options.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/ipv6-options.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/mirror.xml.i>
<node name="security">
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 3876e31da..7cfb9ee7a 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
#include <include/interface/description.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
<leafNode name="device-type">
<help>OpenVPN interface device-type</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 84f76a7ee..719060fa9 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@
#include <include/pppoe-access-concentrator.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/authentication.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/dial-on-demand.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/no-default-route.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/default-route-distance.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/dhcpv6-options.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 4eb9bf111..2fe07ffd5 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -28,7 +28,6 @@
#include <include/source-interface-ethernet.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/mac.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/mirror.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
<leafNode name="mode">
<help>Receive mode (default: private)</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index fe49d337a..333a5b178 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -29,7 +29,6 @@
#include <include/source-address-ipv4-ipv6.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/tunnel-remote.xml.i>
#include <include/source-interface.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
<leafNode name="6rd-prefix">
<help>6rd network prefix</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d52e9ef80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <node name="interfaces">
+ <children>
+ <tagNode name="virtual-ethernet" owner="${vyos_conf_scripts_dir}/">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Virtual Ethernet (veth) Interface</help>
+ <priority>300</priority>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>veth[0-9]+</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>Virutal Ethernet interface must be named vethN</constraintErrorMessage>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>vethN</format>
+ <description>Virtual Ethernet interface name</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ #include <include/interface/address-ipv4-ipv6-dhcp.xml.i>
+ #include <include/interface/description.xml.i>
+ #include <include/interface/disable.xml.i>
+ #include <include/interface/vrf.xml.i>
+ <leafNode name="peer-name">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Virtual ethernet peer interface name</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <path>interfaces virtual-ethernet</path>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>txt</format>
+ <description>Name of peer interface</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>veth[0-9]+</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>Virutal Ethernet interface must be named vethN</constraintErrorMessage>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </tagNode>
+ </children>
+ </node>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index eeaea0dc3..11f001dc0 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@
#include <include/interface/mirror.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/redirect.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/vrf.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 4902ff36d..331f930d3 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -54,7 +54,6 @@
#include <include/interface/mac.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/mtu-1200-16000.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/mirror.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
<leafNode name="mtu">
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 23f50d146..35e223588 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -21,7 +21,6 @@
#include <include/interface/disable.xml.i>
#include <include/port-number.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/mtu-68-16000.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/mirror.xml.i>
<leafNode name="mtu">
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 9e7fc29bc..5271df624 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
#include <include/interface/address-ipv4-ipv6-dhcp.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
<node name="capabilities">
<help>HT and VHT capabilities for your card</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index b0b8367dc..758784540 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
#include <include/interface/ipv4-options.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/ipv6-options.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/dial-on-demand.xml.i>
- #include <include/interface/interface-policy.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/redirect.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/vrf.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index f480f3bd5..48a5bf7d1 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
#include <include/generic-description.xml.i>
+ #include <include/generic-interface-multi.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/enable-default-log.xml.i>
<tagNode name="rule">
@@ -46,7 +47,8 @@
#include <include/firewall/port.xml.i>
- #include <include/policy/route-common-rule-ipv6.xml.i>
+ #include <include/policy/route-common.xml.i>
+ #include <include/policy/route-ipv6.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/dscp.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/packet-length.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/hop-limit.xml.i>
@@ -64,6 +66,7 @@
#include <include/generic-description.xml.i>
+ #include <include/generic-interface-multi.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/enable-default-log.xml.i>
<tagNode name="rule">
@@ -98,7 +101,8 @@
#include <include/firewall/port.xml.i>
- #include <include/policy/route-common-rule.xml.i>
+ #include <include/policy/route-common.xml.i>
+ #include <include/policy/route-ipv4.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/dscp.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/packet-length.xml.i>
#include <include/firewall/ttl.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index e794c4b90..b3745fda0 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -1118,67 +1118,120 @@
- <node name="comm-list">
+ <node name="community">
- <help>BGP communities matching a community-list</help>
+ <help>BGP community attribute</help>
- <leafNode name="comm-list">
+ <leafNode name="add">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Add communities to a prefix</help>
+ #include <include/policy/community-value-list.xml.i>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="replace">
- <help>BGP communities with a community-list</help>
+ <help>Set communities for a prefix</help>
+ #include <include/policy/community-value-list.xml.i>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ #include <include/policy/community-clear.xml.i>
+ <leafNode name="delete">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Remove communities defined in a list from a prefix</help>
<path>policy community-list</path>
+ <description>Community-list</description>
- <description>BGP communities with a community-list</description>
+ </children>
+ </node>
+ <node name="large-community">
+ <properties>
+ <help>BGP large community attribute</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="add">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Add large communities to a prefix ;</help>
+ #include <include/policy/large-community-value-list.xml.i>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="replace">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Set large communities for a prefix</help>
+ #include <include/policy/large-community-value-list.xml.i>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ #include <include/policy/community-clear.xml.i>
<leafNode name="delete">
- <help>Delete BGP communities matching the community-list</help>
- <valueless/>
+ <help>Remove communities defined in a list from a prefix</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <path>policy large-community-list</path>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <description>Community-list</description>
+ <format>txt</format>
+ </valueHelp>
- <leafNode name="community">
+ <node name="extcommunity">
- <help>Border Gateway Protocl (BGP) community attribute</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>local-AS no-advertise no-export internet additive none</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>&lt;aa:nn&gt;</format>
- <description>Community number in AA:NN format</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>local-AS</format>
- <description>Well-known communities value NO_EXPORT_SUBCONFED 0xFFFFFF03</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>no-advertise</format>
- <description>Well-known communities value NO_ADVERTISE 0xFFFFFF02</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>no-export</format>
- <description>Well-known communities value NO_EXPORT 0xFFFFFF01</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>internet</format>
- <description>Well-known communities value 0</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>additive</format>
- <description>New value is appended to the existing value</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>none</format>
- <description>No community attribute</description>
- </valueHelp>
+ <help>BGP extended community attribute</help>
- </leafNode>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="bandwidth">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Bandwidth value in Mbps</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <list>cumulative num-multipaths</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-25600</format>
+ <description>Bandwidth value in Mbps</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>cumulative</format>
+ <description>Cumulative bandwidth of all multipaths (outbound-only)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>num-multipaths</format>
+ <description>Internally computed bandwidth based on number of multipaths (outbound-only)</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-25600"/>
+ <regex>(cumulative|num-multipaths)</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="bandwidth-non-transitive">
+ <properties>
+ <help>The link bandwidth extended community is encoded as non-transitive</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="rt">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Set route target value</help>
+ #include <include/policy/extended-community-value-list.xml.i>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="soo">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Set Site of Origin value</help>
+ #include <include/policy/extended-community-value-list.xml.i>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ #include <include/policy/community-clear.xml.i>
+ </children>
+ </node>
<leafNode name="distance">
<help>Locally significant administrative distance</help>
@@ -1229,71 +1282,6 @@
- <node name="extcommunity">
- <properties>
- <help>BGP extended community attribute</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="bandwidth">
- <properties>
- <help>Bandwidth value in Mbps</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <list>cumulative num-multipaths</list>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:1-25600</format>
- <description>Bandwidth value in Mbps</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>cumulative</format>
- <description>Cumulative bandwidth of all multipaths (outbound-only)</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>num-multipaths</format>
- <description>Internally computed bandwidth based on number of multipaths (outbound-only)</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-25600"/>
- <regex>(cumulative|num-multipaths)</regex>
- </constraint>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="rt">
- <properties>
- <help>Set route target value</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>ASN:NN</format>
- <description>based on autonomous system number</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>IP:NN</format>
- <description>Based on a router-id IP address</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>(((\b(?:(?:2(?:[0-4][0-9]|5[0-5])|[0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9])\.){3}(?:(?:2([0-4][0-9]|5[0-5])|[0-1]?[0-9]?[0-9]))\b)|(\d+)):(\d+) ?)+</regex>
- </constraint>
- <constraintErrorMessage>Should be in form: ASN:NN or IPADDR:NN where ASN is autonomous system number</constraintErrorMessage>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="soo">
- <properties>
- <help>Set Site of Origin value</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>ASN:NN</format>
- <description>based on autonomous system number</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>IP:NN</format>
- <description>Based on a router-id IP address</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <regex>((?:[0-9]{1,3}\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}|\d+):\d+</regex>
- </constraint>
- <constraintErrorMessage>Should be in form: ASN:NN or IPADDR:NN where ASN is autonomous system number</constraintErrorMessage>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
- </node>
<leafNode name="ip-next-hop">
<help>Nexthop IP address</help>
@@ -1368,30 +1356,26 @@
- <leafNode name="large-community">
- <properties>
- <help>Set BGP large community value</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>txt</format>
- <description>ASN:nn:mm BGP large community</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <completionHelp>
- <path>policy large-community-list</path>
- </completionHelp>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="large-comm-list-delete">
+ <node name="l3vpn-nexthop">
- <help>Delete BGP communities matching the large community-list</help>
- <completionHelp>
- <path>policy large-community-list</path>
- </completionHelp>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>txt</format>
- <description>BGP large community-list</description>
- </valueHelp>
+ <help>Next hop Information</help>
- </leafNode>
+ <children>
+ <node name="encapsulation">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Encapsulation options (for BGP only)</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="gre">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Accept L3VPN traffic over GRE encapsulation</help>
+ <valueless/>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </node>
+ </children>
+ </node>
<leafNode name="local-preference">
<help>BGP local preference attribute</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index e8f575a1e..e2dbcbeef 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -188,6 +188,7 @@
#include <include/qos/burst.xml.i>
#include <include/generic-description.xml.i>
#include <include/qos/match.xml.i>
+ #include <include/qos/limiter-actions.xml.i>
<leafNode name="priority">
<help>Priority for rule evaluation</help>
@@ -211,6 +212,7 @@
#include <include/qos/bandwidth.xml.i>
#include <include/qos/burst.xml.i>
+ #include <include/qos/limiter-actions.xml.i>
#include <include/generic-description.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 47f943d83..f50e5e334 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
- #include <include/monitoring/url.xml.i>
+ #include <include/url.xml.i>
#include <include/port-number.xml.i>
<leafNode name="port">
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
<constraintErrorMessage>Table is limited to alphanumerical characters and can contain hyphen and underscores</constraintErrorMessage>
- #include <include/monitoring/url.xml.i>
+ #include <include/url.xml.i>
<leafNode name="source">
@@ -271,7 +271,7 @@
- #include <include/monitoring/url.xml.i>
+ #include <include/url.xml.i>
#include <include/interface/vrf.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index b4f72589e..7ec60b2e7 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
<help>Community name</help>
- <regex>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{1,100}</regex>
+ <regex>[a-zA-Z0-9\-_!@*#]{1,100}</regex>
- <constraintErrorMessage>Community string is limited to alphanumerical characters only with a total lenght of 100</constraintErrorMessage>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>Community string is limited to alphanumerical characters, !, @, * and # with a total lenght of 100</constraintErrorMessage>
<leafNode name="authorization">
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 126183162..2bcce2cf0 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -133,6 +133,19 @@
+ <leafNode name="hostkey-algorithm">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Allowed host key signature algorithms</help>
+ <completionHelp>
+ <!-- generated by ssh -Q HostKeyAlgorithms | tr '\n' ' ' as this will not change dynamically -->
+ <list>ssh-ed25519 ssh-rsa rsa-sha2-256 rsa-sha2-512 ssh-dss ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 ecdsa-sha2-nistp521</list>
+ </completionHelp>
+ <multi/>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>(ssh-ed25519||||ssh-rsa|rsa-sha2-256|rsa-sha2-512|ssh-dss|ecdsa-sha2-nistp256|ecdsa-sha2-nistp384|ecdsa-sha2-nistp521||||||||||</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
<leafNode name="key-exchange">
<help>Allowed key exchange (KEX) algorithms</help>
@@ -206,6 +219,37 @@
+ <node name="rekey">
+ <properties>
+ <help>SSH session rekey limit</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="data">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Threshold data in megabytes</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-65535</format>
+ <description>Megabytes</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-65535"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="time">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Threshold time in minutes</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-65535</format>
+ <description>Minutes</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-65535"/>
+ </constraint>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </node>
<leafNode name="client-keepalive-interval">
<help>Enable transmission of keepalives from server to client</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index d189be3f8..e71a647ef 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
<node name="authentication">
- <help>Password authentication</help>
+ <help>Authentication settings</help>
<leafNode name="encrypted-password">
@@ -36,6 +36,68 @@
+ <node name="otp">
+ <properties>
+ <help>One-Time-Pad (two-factor) authentication parameters</help>
+ </properties>
+ <children>
+ <leafNode name="rate-limit">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Limit number of logins (rate-limit) per rate-time</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-10</format>
+ <description>Number of attempts</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-10"/>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>Number of login attempts must me between 1 and 10</constraintErrorMessage>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>3</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="rate-time">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Limit number of logins (rate-limit) per rate-time</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:15-600</format>
+ <description>Time interval</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 15-600"/>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>Rate limit time interval must be between 15 and 600 seconds</constraintErrorMessage>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>30</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="window-size">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Set window of concurrently valid codes</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>u32:1-21</format>
+ <description>Window size</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-21"/>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>Window of concurrently valid codes must be between 1 and 21</constraintErrorMessage>
+ </properties>
+ <defaultValue>3</defaultValue>
+ </leafNode>
+ <leafNode name="key">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Key/secret the token algorithm (see RFC4226)</help>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>txt</format>
+ <description>Base32 encoded key/token</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <constraint>
+ <regex>[a-zA-Z2-7]{26,10000}</regex>
+ </constraint>
+ <constraintErrorMessage>Key must only include base32 characters and be at least 26 characters long</constraintErrorMessage>
+ </properties>
+ </leafNode>
+ </children>
+ </node>
<leafNode name="plaintext-password">
<help>Plaintext password used for encryption</help>
@@ -65,32 +127,44 @@
<leafNode name="type">
- <help>Public key type</help>
+ <help>SSH public key type</help>
- <list>ssh-dss ssh-rsa ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 ssh-ed25519</list>
+ <list>ssh-dss ssh-rsa ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 ecdsa-sha2-nistp384 ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 ssh-ed25519</list>
- <description/>
+ <description>Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) key support</description>
- <description/>
+ <description>Key pair based on RSA algorithm</description>
- <description/>
+ <description>Elliptic Curve DSA with NIST P-256 curve</description>
- <description/>
+ <description>Elliptic Curve DSA with NIST P-384 curve</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format>ecdsa-sha2-nistp521</format>
+ <description>Elliptic Curve DSA with NIST P-521 curve</description>
- <description/>
+ <description>Edwards-curve DSA with elliptic curve 25519</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format></format>
+ <description>Elliptic Curve DSA security key</description>
+ </valueHelp>
+ <valueHelp>
+ <format></format>
+ <description>Elliptic curve 25519 security key</description>
- <regex>(ssh-dss|ssh-rsa|ecdsa-sha2-nistp256|ecdsa-sha2-nistp384|ecdsa-sha2-nistp521|ssh-ed25519)</regex>
+ <regex>(ssh-dss|ssh-rsa|ecdsa-sha2-nistp256|ecdsa-sha2-nistp384|ecdsa-sha2-nistp521|ssh-ed25519||</regex>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 4776c53dc..64966b540 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -888,6 +888,7 @@
<node name="radius">
#include <include/radius-nas-identifier.xml.i>
+ #include <include/radius-timeout.xml.i>
<tagNode name="server">
#include <include/accel-ppp/radius-additions-disable-accounting.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index fd70a76dc..cb5900e0d 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -238,29 +238,7 @@
- <node name="rate-limit">
- <properties>
- <help>Upload/Download speed limits</help>
- </properties>
- <children>
- <leafNode name="attribute">
- <properties>
- <help>Specifies which radius attribute contains rate information</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="vendor">
- <properties>
- <help>Specifies the vendor dictionary. (dictionary needs to be in /usr/share/accel-ppp/radius)</help>
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- <leafNode name="enable">
- <properties>
- <help>Enables Bandwidth shaping via RADIUS</help>
- <valueless />
- </properties>
- </leafNode>
- </children>
- </node>
+ #include <include/accel-ppp/radius-additions-rate-limit.xml.i>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 3b3a83bd4..8b60f2e6e 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -140,20 +140,7 @@
#include <include/radius-server-ipv4.xml.i>
<node name="radius">
- <leafNode name="timeout">
- <properties>
- <help>Session timeout</help>
- <valueHelp>
- <format>u32:1-240</format>
- <description>Session timeout in seconds (default: 2)</description>
- </valueHelp>
- <constraint>
- <validator name="numeric" argument="--range 1-240"/>
- </constraint>
- <constraintErrorMessage>Timeout must be between 1 and 240 seconds</constraintErrorMessage>
- </properties>
- <defaultValue>2</defaultValue>
- </leafNode>
+ #include <include/radius-timeout.xml.i>
<leafNode name="groupconfig">
<help>If the groupconfig option is set, then config-per-user will be overriden, and all configuration will be read from RADIUS.</help>
diff --git a/interface-definitions/ b/interface-definitions/
index 28a53acb9..5e52965fd 100644
--- a/interface-definitions/
+++ b/interface-definitions/
@@ -110,6 +110,7 @@
#include <include/radius-server-ipv4.xml.i>
#include <include/accel-ppp/radius-additions.xml.i>
+ #include <include/accel-ppp/radius-additions-rate-limit.xml.i>
diff --git a/op-mode-definitions/ b/op-mode-definitions/
index 241cca0ce..ce4026ff4 100644
--- a/op-mode-definitions/
+++ b/op-mode-definitions/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<help>Show DHCP server leases</help>
- <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ --leases</command>
+ <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ show_server_leases --family inet</command>
<tagNode name="pool">
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
<help>Show DHCPv6 server leases</help>
- <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ --leases</command>
+ <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ show_server_leases --family inet6</command>
<tagNode name="pool">
diff --git a/op-mode-definitions/include/bgp/afi-ipv4-ipv6-common.xml.i b/op-mode-definitions/include/bgp/afi-ipv4-ipv6-common.xml.i
index d2804e3b3..7dbc4fde5 100644
--- a/op-mode-definitions/include/bgp/afi-ipv4-ipv6-common.xml.i
+++ b/op-mode-definitions/include/bgp/afi-ipv4-ipv6-common.xml.i
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
<help>Show BGP information for specified neighbor</help>
- <script>vtysh -c 'show bgp summary' | awk '{print $1'} | grep -e '^[0-9a-f]'</script>
+ <script>vtysh -c "$(IFS=$' '; echo "${COMP_WORDS[@]:0:${#COMP_WORDS[@]}-2} summary")" | awk '/^[0-9a-f]/ {print $1}'</script>
<command>${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ $@</command>
diff --git a/op-mode-definitions/ b/op-mode-definitions/
index 01462ad8f..dccdfaf9a 100644
--- a/op-mode-definitions/
+++ b/op-mode-definitions/
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@
<script>${vyos_completion_dir}/ -t pppoe</script>
- <command>journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "ppp@$6.service"</command>
+ <command>journalctl --no-hostname --boot --follow --unit "ppp@$5.service"</command>
diff --git a/op-mode-definitions/ b/op-mode-definitions/
index ce0544390..50abb1555 100644
--- a/op-mode-definitions/
+++ b/op-mode-definitions/
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
<help>Show statistics for configured destination NAT rules</help>
- <command>${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ --destination</command>
+ <command>${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ show_statistics --direction destination --family inet</command>
<node name="translations">
diff --git a/op-mode-definitions/ b/op-mode-definitions/
index 8906d9ef3..404de1913 100644
--- a/op-mode-definitions/
+++ b/op-mode-definitions/
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
<script>${vyos_completion_dir}/ -t pppoe</script>
- <command>journalctl --no-hostname --boot --unit "ppp@$6.service"</command>
+ <command>journalctl --no-hostname --boot --unit "ppp@$5.service"</command>
diff --git a/op-mode-definitions/ b/op-mode-definitions/
index f1af65fcb..803ce4cc2 100644
--- a/op-mode-definitions/
+++ b/op-mode-definitions/
@@ -137,6 +137,12 @@
<help>Show Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) information</help>
+ <node name="connections">
+ <properties>
+ <help>Show VPN connections</help>
+ </properties>
+ <command>sudo ${vyos_op_scripts_dir}/ show_connections</command>
+ </node>
<node name="policy">
<help>Show the in-kernel crypto policies</help>
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bfc8ee5a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+import vyos.opmode
+from vyos.util import rc_cmd
+def get_server_statistics(accel_statistics, pattern, sep=':') -> dict:
+ import re
+ stat_dict = {'sessions': {}}
+ cpu ='cpu(.*)', accel_statistics).group(0)
+ # Find all lines with pattern, for example 'sstp:'
+ data ='{pattern}(.*)', accel_statistics, re.DOTALL).group(0)
+ session_starting ='starting(.*)', data).group(0)
+ session_active ='active(.*)', data).group(0)
+ for entry in {cpu, session_starting, session_active}:
+ if sep in entry:
+ key, value = entry.split(sep)
+ if key in ['starting', 'active', 'finishing']:
+ stat_dict['sessions'][key] = value.strip()
+ continue
+ stat_dict[key] = value.strip()
+ return stat_dict
+def accel_cmd(port: int, command: str) -> str:
+ _, output = rc_cmd(f'/usr/bin/accel-cmd -p{port} {command}')
+ return output
+def accel_out_parse(accel_output: list[str]) -> list[dict[str, str]]:
+ """ Parse accel-cmd show sessions output """
+ data_list: list[dict[str, str]] = list()
+ field_names: list[str] = list()
+ field_names_unstripped: list[str] = accel_output.pop(0).split('|')
+ for field_name in field_names_unstripped:
+ field_names.append(field_name.strip())
+ while accel_output:
+ if '|' not in accel_output[0]:
+ accel_output.pop(0)
+ continue
+ current_item: list[str] = accel_output.pop(0).split('|')
+ item_dict: dict[str, str] = {}
+ for field_index in range(len(current_item)):
+ field_name: str = field_names[field_index]
+ field_value: str = current_item[field_index].strip()
+ item_dict[field_name] = field_value
+ data_list.append(item_dict)
+ return data_list
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
index 78067d5b2..9b93cb2f2 100644
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -15,17 +15,47 @@
from textwrap import fill
+class BaseWarning:
+ def __init__(self, header, message, **kwargs):
+ self.message = message
+ self.kwargs = kwargs
+ if 'width' not in kwargs:
+ self.width = 72
+ if 'initial_indent' in kwargs:
+ del self.kwargs['initial_indent']
+ if 'subsequent_indent' in kwargs:
+ del self.kwargs['subsequent_indent']
+ self.textinitindent = header
+ self.standardindent = ''
+ def print(self):
+ messages = self.message.split('\n')
+ isfirstmessage = True
+ initial_indent = self.textinitindent
+ print('')
+ for mes in messages:
+ mes = fill(mes, initial_indent=initial_indent,
+ subsequent_indent=self.standardindent, **self.kwargs)
+ if isfirstmessage:
+ isfirstmessage = False
+ initial_indent = self.standardindent
+ print(f'{mes}')
+ print('')
class Warning():
- def __init__(self, message):
- # Reformat the message and trim it to 72 characters in length
- message = fill(message, width=72)
- print(f'\nWARNING: {message}')
+ def __init__(self, message, **kwargs):
+ self.BaseWarn = BaseWarning('WARNING: ', message, **kwargs)
+ self.BaseWarn.print()
class DeprecationWarning():
- def __init__(self, message):
+ def __init__(self, message, **kwargs):
# Reformat the message and trim it to 72 characters in length
- message = fill(message, width=72)
- print(f'\nDEPRECATION WARNING: {message}\n')
+ self.BaseWarn = BaseWarning('DEPRECATION WARNING: ', message, **kwargs)
+ self.BaseWarn.print()
class ConfigError(Exception):
def __init__(self, message):
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a4e318d08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+# Copyright 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+Functions for reading/writing component versions.
+The config file version string has the following form:
+VyOS 1.3/1.4:
+// Warning: Do not remove the following line.
+// vyos-config-version: "broadcast-relay@1:cluster@1:config-management@1:conntrack@3:conntrack-sync@2:dhcp-relay@2:dhcp-server@6:dhcpv6-server@1:dns-forwarding@3:firewall@5:https@2:interfaces@22:ipoe-server@1:ipsec@5:isis@1:l2tp@3:lldp@1:mdns@1:nat@5:ntp@1:pppoe-server@5:pptp@2:qos@1:quagga@8:rpki@1:salt@1:snmp@2:ssh@2:sstp@3:system@21:vrrp@2:vyos-accel-ppp@2:wanloadbalance@3:webproxy@2:zone-policy@1"
+// Release version: 1.3.0
+VyOS 1.2:
+/* Warning: Do not remove the following line. */
+/* === vyatta-config-version: "broadcast-relay@1:cluster@1:config-management@1:conntrack-sync@1:conntrack@1:dhcp-relay@2:dhcp-server@5:dns-forwarding@1:firewall@5:ipsec@5:l2tp@1:mdns@1:nat@4:ntp@1:pppoe-server@2:pptp@1:qos@1:quagga@7:snmp@1:ssh@1:system@10:vrrp@2:wanloadbalance@3:webgui@1:webproxy@2:zone-policy@1" === */
+/* Release version: 1.2.8 */
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+import fileinput
+from vyos.xml import component_version
+from vyos.version import get_version
+from vyos.defaults import directories
+DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH = os.path.join(directories['config'], 'config.boot')
+def from_string(string_line, vintage='vyos'):
+ """
+ Get component version dictionary from string.
+ Return empty dictionary if string contains no config information
+ or raise error if component version string malformed.
+ """
+ version_dict = {}
+ if vintage == 'vyos':
+ if re.match(r'// vyos-config-version:.+', string_line):
+ if not re.match(r'// vyos-config-version:\s+"([\w,-]+@\d+:)+([\w,-]+@\d+)"\s*', string_line):
+ raise ValueError(f"malformed configuration string: {string_line}")
+ for pair in re.findall(r'([\w,-]+)@(\d+)', string_line):
+ version_dict[pair[0]] = int(pair[1])
+ elif vintage == 'vyatta':
+ if re.match(r'/\* === vyatta-config-version:.+=== \*/$', string_line):
+ if not re.match(r'/\* === vyatta-config-version:\s+"([\w,-]+@\d+:)+([\w,-]+@\d+)"\s+=== \*/$', string_line):
+ raise ValueError(f"malformed configuration string: {string_line}")
+ for pair in re.findall(r'([\w,-]+)@(\d+)', string_line):
+ version_dict[pair[0]] = int(pair[1])
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown config string vintage")
+ return version_dict
+def from_file(config_file_name=DEFAULT_CONFIG_PATH, vintage='vyos'):
+ """
+ Get component version dictionary parsing config file line by line
+ """
+ with open(config_file_name, 'r') as f:
+ for line_in_config in f:
+ version_dict = from_string(line_in_config, vintage=vintage)
+ if version_dict:
+ return version_dict
+ # no version information
+ return {}
+def from_system():
+ """
+ Get system component version dict.
+ """
+ return component_version()
+def legacy_from_system():
+ """
+ Get system component version dict from legacy location.
+ This is for a transitional sanity check; the directory will eventually
+ be removed.
+ """
+ system_versions = {}
+ legacy_dir = directories['current']
+ # To be removed:
+ if not os.path.isdir(legacy_dir):
+ return system_versions
+ try:
+ version_info = os.listdir(legacy_dir)
+ except OSError as err:
+ sys.exit(repr(err))
+ for info in version_info:
+ if re.match(r'[\w,-]+@\d+', info):
+ pair = info.split('@')
+ system_versions[pair[0]] = int(pair[1])
+ return system_versions
+def format_string(ver: dict) -> str:
+ """
+ Version dict to string.
+ """
+ keys = list(ver)
+ keys.sort()
+ l = []
+ for k in keys:
+ v = ver[k]
+ l.append(f'{k}@{v}')
+ sep = ':'
+ return sep.join(l)
+def version_footer(ver: dict, vintage='vyos') -> str:
+ """
+ Version footer as string.
+ """
+ ver_str = format_string(ver)
+ release = get_version()
+ if vintage == 'vyos':
+ ret_str = (f'// Warning: Do not remove the following line.\n'
+ + f'// vyos-config-version: "{ver_str}"\n'
+ + f'// Release version: {release}\n')
+ elif vintage == 'vyatta':
+ ret_str = (f'/* Warning: Do not remove the following line. */\n'
+ + f'/* === vyatta-config-version: "{ver_str}" === */\n'
+ + f'/* Release version: {release} */\n')
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Unknown config string vintage")
+ return ret_str
+def system_footer(vintage='vyos') -> str:
+ """
+ System version footer as string.
+ """
+ ver_d = from_system()
+ return version_footer(ver_d, vintage=vintage)
+def write_version_footer(ver: dict, file_name, vintage='vyos'):
+ """
+ Write version footer to file.
+ """
+ footer = version_footer(ver=ver, vintage=vintage)
+ if file_name:
+ with open(file_name, 'a') as f:
+ f.write(footer)
+ else:
+ sys.stdout.write(footer)
+def write_system_footer(file_name, vintage='vyos'):
+ """
+ Write system version footer to file.
+ """
+ ver_d = from_system()
+ return write_version_footer(ver_d, file_name=file_name, vintage=vintage)
+def remove_footer(file_name):
+ """
+ Remove old version footer.
+ """
+ for line in fileinput.input(file_name, inplace=True):
+ if re.match(r'/\* Warning:.+ \*/$', line):
+ continue
+ if re.match(r'/\* === vyatta-config-version:.+=== \*/$', line):
+ continue
+ if re.match(r'/\* Release version:.+ \*/$', line):
+ continue
+ if re.match('// vyos-config-version:.+', line):
+ continue
+ if re.match('// Warning:.+', line):
+ continue
+ if re.match('// Release version:.+', line):
+ continue
+ sys.stdout.write(line)
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
deleted file mode 100644
index 90b458aae..000000000
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2017 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
-The version data looks like:
-/* Warning: Do not remove the following line. */
-/* === vyatta-config-version:
-=== */
-/* Release version: 1.2.0-rolling+201806131737 */
-import re
-def get_component_version(string_line):
- """
- Get component version dictionary from string
- return empty dictionary if string contains no config information
- or raise error if component version string malformed
- """
- return_value = {}
- if re.match(r'/\* === vyatta-config-version:.+=== \*/$', string_line):
- if not re.match(r'/\* === vyatta-config-version:\s+"([\w,-]+@\d+:)+([\w,-]+@\d+)"\s+=== \*/$', string_line):
- raise ValueError("malformed configuration string: " + str(string_line))
- for pair in re.findall(r'([\w,-]+)@(\d+)', string_line):
- if pair[0] in return_value.keys():
- raise ValueError("duplicate unit name: \"" + str(pair[0]) + "\" in string: \"" + string_line + "\"")
- return_value[pair[0]] = int(pair[1])
- return return_value
-def get_component_versions_from_file(config_file_name='/opt/vyatta/etc/config/config.boot'):
- """
- Get component version dictionary parsing config file line by line
- """
- f = open(config_file_name, 'r')
- for line_in_config in f:
- component_version = get_component_version(line_in_config)
- if component_version:
- return component_version
- raise ValueError("no config string in file:", config_file_name)
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6b82ca93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Copyright 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this library. If not, see <>.
+import os
+from inspect import stack
+from vyos.util import load_as_module
+dependents = {}
+def canon_name(name: str) -> str:
+ return os.path.splitext(name)[0].replace('-', '_')
+def canon_name_of_path(path: str) -> str:
+ script = os.path.basename(path)
+ return canon_name(script)
+def caller_name() -> str:
+ return stack()[-1].filename
+def run_config_mode_script(script: str, config):
+ from vyos.defaults import directories
+ path = os.path.join(directories['conf_mode'], script)
+ name = canon_name(script)
+ mod = load_as_module(name, path)
+ config.set_level([])
+ try:
+ c = mod.get_config(config)
+ mod.verify(c)
+ mod.generate(c)
+ mod.apply(c)
+ except (VyOSError, ConfigError) as e:
+ raise ConfigError(repr(e))
+def def_closure(script: str, config):
+ def func_impl():
+ run_config_mode_script(script, config)
+ return func_impl
+def set_dependent(target: str, config):
+ k = canon_name_of_path(caller_name())
+ l = dependents.setdefault(k, [])
+ func = def_closure(target, config)
+ l.append(func)
+def call_dependents():
+ k = canon_name_of_path(caller_name())
+ l = dependents.get(k, [])
+ while l:
+ f = l.pop(0)
+ f()
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
index e9cdb69e4..b88615513 100644
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# configtree -- a standalone VyOS config file manipulation library (Python bindings)
-# Copyright (C) 2018 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# Copyright (C) 2018-2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of
# the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation;
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library;
# if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+import os
import re
import json
@@ -147,6 +148,8 @@ class ConfigTree(object):
self.__config = address
self.__version = ''
+ self.__migration = os.environ.get('VYOS_MIGRATION')
def __del__(self):
if self.__config is not None:
@@ -191,18 +194,27 @@ class ConfigTree(object):
self.__set_add_value(self.__config, path_str, str(value).encode())
+ if self.__migration:
+ print(f"- op: set path: {path} value: {value} replace: {replace}")
def delete(self, path):
path_str = " ".join(map(str, path)).encode()
self.__delete(self.__config, path_str)
+ if self.__migration:
+ print(f"- op: delete path: {path}")
def delete_value(self, path, value):
path_str = " ".join(map(str, path)).encode()
self.__delete_value(self.__config, path_str, value.encode())
+ if self.__migration:
+ print(f"- op: delete_value path: {path} value: {value}")
def rename(self, path, new_name):
path_str = " ".join(map(str, path)).encode()
@@ -216,6 +228,9 @@ class ConfigTree(object):
if (res != 0):
raise ConfigTreeError("Path [{}] doesn't exist".format(path))
+ if self.__migration:
+ print(f"- op: rename old_path: {path} new_path: {new_path}")
def copy(self, old_path, new_path):
@@ -229,6 +244,9 @@ class ConfigTree(object):
if (res != 0):
raise ConfigTreeError("Path [{}] doesn't exist".format(old_path))
+ if self.__migration:
+ print(f"- op: copy old_path: {old_path} new_path: {new_path}")
def exists(self, path):
path_str = " ".join(map(str, path)).encode()
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
index 6894fc4da..7de458960 100644
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -49,8 +49,6 @@ api_data = {
'port' : '8080',
'socket' : False,
'strict' : False,
- 'gql' : False,
- 'introspection' : False,
'debug' : False,
'api_keys' : [ {"id": "testapp", "key": "qwerty"} ]
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
index 2ebb220fe..48263eef5 100644
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ import os
import re
from pathlib import Path
+from socket import AF_INET
+from socket import AF_INET6
+from socket import getaddrinfo
from time import strftime
from vyos.remote import download
@@ -31,65 +34,31 @@ from vyos.util import dict_search_args
from vyos.util import dict_search_recursive
from vyos.util import run
+# Domain Resolver
-# Functions for firewall group domain-groups
-def get_ips_domains_dict(list_domains):
- """
- Get list of IPv4 addresses by list of domains
- Ex: get_ips_domains_dict(['', ''])
- {'': [''], '': ['', '']}
- """
- from socket import gethostbyname_ex
- from socket import gaierror
- ip_dict = {}
- for domain in list_domains:
- try:
- _, _, ips = gethostbyname_ex(domain)
- ip_dict[domain] = ips
- except gaierror:
- pass
- return ip_dict
-def nft_init_set(group_name, table="vyos_filter", family="ip"):
- """
- table ip vyos_filter {
- type ipv4_addr
- flags interval
- }
- """
- return call(f'nft add set ip {table} {group_name} {{ type ipv4_addr\\; flags interval\\; }}')
-def nft_add_set_elements(group_name, elements, table="vyos_filter", family="ip"):
- """
- table ip vyos_filter {
- set GROUP_NAME {
- type ipv4_addr
- flags interval
- elements = {, }
- }
- """
- elements = ", ".join(elements)
- return call(f'nft add element {family} {table} {group_name} {{ {elements} }} ')
-def nft_flush_set(group_name, table="vyos_filter", family="ip"):
- """
- Flush elements of nft set
- """
- return call(f'nft flush set {family} {table} {group_name}')
-def nft_update_set_elements(group_name, elements, table="vyos_filter", family="ip"):
- """
- Update elements of nft set
- """
- flush_set = nft_flush_set(group_name, table="vyos_filter", family="ip")
- nft_add_set = nft_add_set_elements(group_name, elements, table="vyos_filter", family="ip")
- return flush_set, nft_add_set
-# END firewall group domain-group (sets)
+def fqdn_config_parse(firewall):
+ firewall['ip_fqdn'] = {}
+ firewall['ip6_fqdn'] = {}
+ for domain, path in dict_search_recursive(firewall, 'fqdn'):
+ fw_name = path[1] # name/ipv6-name
+ rule = path[3] # rule id
+ suffix = path[4][0] # source/destination (1 char)
+ set_name = f'{fw_name}_{rule}_{suffix}'
+ if path[0] == 'name':
+ firewall['ip_fqdn'][set_name] = domain
+ elif path[0] == 'ipv6_name':
+ firewall['ip6_fqdn'][set_name] = domain
+def fqdn_resolve(fqdn, ipv6=False):
+ try:
+ res = getaddrinfo(fqdn, None, AF_INET6 if ipv6 else AF_INET)
+ return set(item[4][0] for item in res)
+ except:
+ return None
+# End Domain Resolver
def find_nftables_rule(table, chain, rule_matches=[]):
# Find rule in table/chain that matches all criteria and return the handle
@@ -158,6 +127,13 @@ def parse_rule(rule_conf, fw_name, rule_id, ip_name):
operator = f'& {address_mask} {operator} '
output.append(f'{ip_name} {prefix}addr {operator}{suffix}')
+ if 'fqdn' in side_conf:
+ fqdn = side_conf['fqdn']
+ operator = ''
+ if fqdn[0] == '!':
+ operator = '!='
+ output.append(f'{ip_name} {prefix}addr {operator} @FQDN_{fw_name}_{rule_id}_{prefix}')
if dict_search_args(side_conf, 'geoip', 'country_code'):
operator = ''
if dict_search_args(side_conf, 'geoip', 'inverse_match') != None:
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
deleted file mode 100644
index 29117a5d3..000000000
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with this library. If not, see <>.
-import sys
-import os
-import re
-import fileinput
-def read_vyatta_versions(config_file):
- config_file_versions = {}
- with open(config_file, 'r') as config_file_handle:
- for config_line in config_file_handle:
- if re.match(r'/\* === vyatta-config-version:.+=== \*/$', config_line):
- if not re.match(r'/\* === vyatta-config-version:\s+"([\w,-]+@\d+:)+([\w,-]+@\d+)"\s+=== \*/$', config_line):
- raise ValueError("malformed configuration string: "
- "{}".format(config_line))
- for pair in re.findall(r'([\w,-]+)@(\d+)', config_line):
- config_file_versions[pair[0]] = int(pair[1])
- return config_file_versions
-def read_vyos_versions(config_file):
- config_file_versions = {}
- with open(config_file, 'r') as config_file_handle:
- for config_line in config_file_handle:
- if re.match(r'// vyos-config-version:.+', config_line):
- if not re.match(r'// vyos-config-version:\s+"([\w,-]+@\d+:)+([\w,-]+@\d+)"\s*', config_line):
- raise ValueError("malformed configuration string: "
- "{}".format(config_line))
- for pair in re.findall(r'([\w,-]+)@(\d+)', config_line):
- config_file_versions[pair[0]] = int(pair[1])
- return config_file_versions
-def remove_versions(config_file):
- """
- Remove old version string.
- """
- for line in fileinput.input(config_file, inplace=True):
- if re.match(r'/\* Warning:.+ \*/$', line):
- continue
- if re.match(r'/\* === vyatta-config-version:.+=== \*/$', line):
- continue
- if re.match(r'/\* Release version:.+ \*/$', line):
- continue
- if re.match('// vyos-config-version:.+', line):
- continue
- if re.match('// Warning:.+', line):
- continue
- if re.match('// Release version:.+', line):
- continue
- sys.stdout.write(line)
-def format_versions_string(config_versions):
- cfg_keys = list(config_versions.keys())
- cfg_keys.sort()
- component_version_strings = []
- for key in cfg_keys:
- cfg_vers = config_versions[key]
- component_version_strings.append('{}@{}'.format(key, cfg_vers))
- separator = ":"
- component_version_string = separator.join(component_version_strings)
- return component_version_string
-def write_vyatta_versions_foot(config_file, component_version_string,
- os_version_string):
- if config_file:
- with open(config_file, 'a') as config_file_handle:
- config_file_handle.write('/* Warning: Do not remove the following line. */\n')
- config_file_handle.write('/* === vyatta-config-version: "{}" === */\n'.format(component_version_string))
- config_file_handle.write('/* Release version: {} */\n'.format(os_version_string))
- else:
- sys.stdout.write('/* Warning: Do not remove the following line. */\n')
- sys.stdout.write('/* === vyatta-config-version: "{}" === */\n'.format(component_version_string))
- sys.stdout.write('/* Release version: {} */\n'.format(os_version_string))
-def write_vyos_versions_foot(config_file, component_version_string,
- os_version_string):
- if config_file:
- with open(config_file, 'a') as config_file_handle:
- config_file_handle.write('// Warning: Do not remove the following line.\n')
- config_file_handle.write('// vyos-config-version: "{}"\n'.format(component_version_string))
- config_file_handle.write('// Release version: {}\n'.format(os_version_string))
- else:
- sys.stdout.write('// Warning: Do not remove the following line.\n')
- sys.stdout.write('// vyos-config-version: "{}"\n'.format(component_version_string))
- sys.stdout.write('// Release version: {}\n'.format(os_version_string))
diff --git a/python/vyos/ifconfig/ b/python/vyos/ifconfig/
index a37615c8f..d1ddaa13e 100644
--- a/python/vyos/ifconfig/
+++ b/python/vyos/ifconfig/
@@ -36,4 +36,5 @@ from vyos.ifconfig.tunnel import TunnelIf
from vyos.ifconfig.wireless import WiFiIf
from vyos.ifconfig.l2tpv3 import L2TPv3If
from vyos.ifconfig.macsec import MACsecIf
+from vyos.ifconfig.veth import VethIf
from vyos.ifconfig.wwan import WWANIf
diff --git a/python/vyos/ifconfig/ b/python/vyos/ifconfig/
index 776014bc3..2266879ec 100644
--- a/python/vyos/ifconfig/
+++ b/python/vyos/ifconfig/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2019-2021 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# Copyright 2019-2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -30,10 +30,17 @@ class MACVLANIf(Interface):
def _create(self):
+ """
+ Create MACvlan interface in OS kernel. Interface is administrative
+ down by default.
+ """
# please do not change the order when assembling the command
cmd = 'ip link add {ifname} link {source_interface} type {type} mode {mode}'
+ # interface is always A/D down. It needs to be enabled explicitly
+ self.set_admin_state('down')
def set_mode(self, mode):
ifname = self.config['ifname']
cmd = f'ip link set dev {ifname} type macvlan mode {mode}'
diff --git a/python/vyos/ifconfig/ b/python/vyos/ifconfig/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aafbf226a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/vyos/ifconfig/
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+# Copyright 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+from vyos.ifconfig.interface import Interface
+class VethIf(Interface):
+ """
+ Abstraction of a Linux veth interface
+ """
+ iftype = 'veth'
+ definition = {
+ **Interface.definition,
+ **{
+ 'section': 'virtual-ethernet',
+ 'prefixes': ['veth', ],
+ 'bridgeable': True,
+ },
+ }
+ def _create(self):
+ """
+ Create veth interface in OS kernel. Interface is administrative
+ down by default.
+ """
+ # check before create, as we have 2 veth interfaces in our CLI
+ # interface virtual-ethernet veth0 peer-name 'veth1'
+ # interface virtual-ethernet veth1 peer-name 'veth0'
+ #
+ # but iproute2 creates the pair with one command:
+ # ip link add vet0 type veth peer name veth1
+ if self.exists(self.config['peer_name']):
+ return
+ # create virtual-ethernet interface
+ cmd = 'ip link add {ifname} type {type}'.format(**self.config)
+ cmd += f' peer name {self.config["peer_name"]}'
+ self._cmd(cmd)
+ # interface is always A/D down. It needs to be enabled explicitly
+ self.set_admin_state('down')
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
index c6e3435ca..87c74e1ea 100644
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright 2019 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# Copyright 2019-2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -16,11 +16,13 @@
import sys
import os
import json
-import subprocess
-import vyos.version
+import logging
import vyos.defaults
-import vyos.systemversions as systemversions
-import vyos.formatversions as formatversions
+import vyos.component_version as component_version
+from vyos.util import cmd
+log_file = os.path.join(vyos.defaults.directories['config'], 'vyos-migrate.log')
class MigratorError(Exception):
@@ -31,9 +33,21 @@ class Migrator(object):
self._force = force
self._set_vintage = set_vintage
self._config_file_vintage = None
- self._log_file = None
self._changed = False
+ def init_logger(self):
+ self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+ self.logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
+ # on adding the file handler, allow write permission for cfg_group;
+ # restore original umask on exit
+ mask = os.umask(0o113)
+ fh = logging.FileHandler(log_file)
+ formatter = logging.Formatter('%(message)s')
+ fh.setFormatter(formatter)
+ self.logger.addHandler(fh)
+ os.umask(mask)
def read_config_file_versions(self):
Get component versions from config file footer and set vintage;
@@ -42,13 +56,13 @@ class Migrator(object):
cfg_file = self._config_file
component_versions = {}
- cfg_versions = formatversions.read_vyatta_versions(cfg_file)
+ cfg_versions = component_version.from_file(cfg_file, vintage='vyatta')
if cfg_versions:
self._config_file_vintage = 'vyatta'
component_versions = cfg_versions
- cfg_versions = formatversions.read_vyos_versions(cfg_file)
+ cfg_versions = component_version.from_file(cfg_file, vintage='vyos')
if cfg_versions:
self._config_file_vintage = 'vyos'
@@ -70,34 +84,15 @@ class Migrator(object):
return True
- def open_log_file(self):
- """
- Open log file for migration, catching any error.
- Note that, on boot, migration takes place before the canonical log
- directory is created, hence write to the config file directory.
- """
- self._log_file = os.path.join(vyos.defaults.directories['config'],
- 'vyos-migrate.log')
- # on creation, allow write permission for cfg_group;
- # restore original umask on exit
- mask = os.umask(0o113)
- try:
- log = open('{0}'.format(self._log_file), 'w')
- log.write("List of executed migration scripts:\n")
- except Exception as e:
- os.umask(mask)
- print("Logging error: {0}".format(e))
- return None
- os.umask(mask)
- return log
def run_migration_scripts(self, config_file_versions, system_versions):
Run migration scripts iteratively, until config file version equals
system component version.
- log = self.open_log_file()
+ os.environ['VYOS_MIGRATION'] = '1'
+ self.init_logger()
+"List of executed migration scripts:")
cfg_versions = config_file_versions
sys_versions = system_versions
@@ -129,8 +124,9 @@ class Migrator(object):
'{}-to-{}'.format(cfg_ver, next_ver))
- subprocess.check_call([migrate_script,
- self._config_file])
+ out = cmd([migrate_script, self._config_file])
+ if out:
except FileNotFoundError:
except Exception as err:
@@ -138,38 +134,25 @@ class Migrator(object):
"".format(migrate_script, err))
- if log:
- try:
- log.write('{0}\n'.format(migrate_script))
- except Exception as e:
- print("Error writing log: {0}".format(e))
cfg_ver = next_ver
rev_versions[key] = cfg_ver
- if log:
- log.close()
+ del os.environ['VYOS_MIGRATION']
return rev_versions
def write_config_file_versions(self, cfg_versions):
Write new versions string.
- versions_string = formatversions.format_versions_string(cfg_versions)
- os_version_string = vyos.version.get_version()
if self._config_file_vintage == 'vyatta':
- formatversions.write_vyatta_versions_foot(self._config_file,
- versions_string,
- os_version_string)
+ component_version.write_version_footer(cfg_versions,
+ self._config_file,
+ vintage='vyatta')
if self._config_file_vintage == 'vyos':
- formatversions.write_vyos_versions_foot(self._config_file,
- versions_string,
- os_version_string)
+ component_version.write_version_footer(cfg_versions,
+ self._config_file,
+ vintage='vyos')
def save_json_record(self, component_versions: dict):
@@ -200,7 +183,7 @@ class Migrator(object):
# This will force calling all migration scripts:
cfg_versions = {}
- sys_versions = systemversions.get_system_component_version()
+ sys_versions = component_version.from_system()
# save system component versions in json file for easy reference
@@ -216,7 +199,7 @@ class Migrator(object):
if not self._changed:
- formatversions.remove_versions(cfg_file)
+ component_version.remove_footer(cfg_file)
@@ -237,7 +220,7 @@ class VirtualMigrator(Migrator):
if not self._changed:
- formatversions.remove_versions(cfg_file)
+ component_version.remove_footer(cfg_file)
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
index 31bbdc386..8a311045a 100644
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -16,6 +16,8 @@
from vyos.template import is_ip_network
from vyos.util import dict_search_args
+from vyos.template import bracketize_ipv6
def parse_nat_rule(rule_conf, rule_id, nat_type, ipv6=False):
output = []
@@ -69,6 +71,7 @@ def parse_nat_rule(rule_conf, rule_id, nat_type, ipv6=False):
if addr:
+ addr = bracketize_ipv6(addr)
options = []
@@ -85,8 +88,13 @@ def parse_nat_rule(rule_conf, rule_id, nat_type, ipv6=False):
translation_str += f' {",".join(options)}'
for target in ['source', 'destination']:
+ if target not in rule_conf:
+ continue
+ side_conf = rule_conf[target]
prefix = target[:1]
- addr = dict_search_args(rule_conf, target, 'address')
+ addr = dict_search_args(side_conf, 'address')
if addr and not (ignore_type_addr and target == nat_type):
operator = ''
if addr[:1] == '!':
@@ -94,7 +102,7 @@ def parse_nat_rule(rule_conf, rule_id, nat_type, ipv6=False):
addr = addr[1:]
output.append(f'{ip_prefix} {prefix}addr {operator} {addr}')
- addr_prefix = dict_search_args(rule_conf, target, 'prefix')
+ addr_prefix = dict_search_args(side_conf, 'prefix')
if addr_prefix and ipv6:
operator = ''
if addr_prefix[:1] == '!':
@@ -102,7 +110,7 @@ def parse_nat_rule(rule_conf, rule_id, nat_type, ipv6=False):
addr_prefix = addr[1:]
output.append(f'ip6 {prefix}addr {operator} {addr_prefix}')
- port = dict_search_args(rule_conf, target, 'port')
+ port = dict_search_args(side_conf, 'port')
if port:
protocol = rule_conf['protocol']
if protocol == 'tcp_udp':
@@ -113,6 +121,51 @@ def parse_nat_rule(rule_conf, rule_id, nat_type, ipv6=False):
port = port[1:]
output.append(f'{protocol} {prefix}port {operator} {{ {port} }}')
+ if 'group' in side_conf:
+ group = side_conf['group']
+ if 'address_group' in group and not (ignore_type_addr and target == nat_type):
+ group_name = group['address_group']
+ operator = ''
+ if group_name[0] == '!':
+ operator = '!='
+ group_name = group_name[1:]
+ output.append(f'{ip_prefix} {prefix}addr {operator} @A_{group_name}')
+ # Generate firewall group domain-group
+ elif 'domain_group' in group and not (ignore_type_addr and target == nat_type):
+ group_name = group['domain_group']
+ operator = ''
+ if group_name[0] == '!':
+ operator = '!='
+ group_name = group_name[1:]
+ output.append(f'{ip_prefix} {prefix}addr {operator} @D_{group_name}')
+ elif 'network_group' in group and not (ignore_type_addr and target == nat_type):
+ group_name = group['network_group']
+ operator = ''
+ if group_name[0] == '!':
+ operator = '!='
+ group_name = group_name[1:]
+ output.append(f'{ip_prefix} {prefix}addr {operator} @N_{group_name}')
+ if 'mac_group' in group:
+ group_name = group['mac_group']
+ operator = ''
+ if group_name[0] == '!':
+ operator = '!='
+ group_name = group_name[1:]
+ output.append(f'ether {prefix}addr {operator} @M_{group_name}')
+ if 'port_group' in group:
+ proto = rule_conf['protocol']
+ group_name = group['port_group']
+ if proto == 'tcp_udp':
+ proto = 'th'
+ operator = ''
+ if group_name[0] == '!':
+ operator = '!='
+ group_name = group_name[1:]
+ output.append(f'{proto} {prefix}port {operator} @P_{group_name}')
if 'log' in rule_conf:
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
index 7e3545c87..9dba8d30f 100644
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
import re
import sys
import typing
+from humps import decamelize
class Error(Exception):
@@ -44,6 +45,19 @@ class PermissionDenied(Error):
+class IncorrectValue(Error):
+ """ Requested operation is valid, but an argument provided has an
+ incorrect value, preventing successful completion.
+ """
+ pass
+class InternalError(Error):
+ """ Any situation when VyOS detects that it could not perform
+ an operation correctly due to logic errors in its own code
+ or errors in underlying software.
+ """
+ pass
def _is_op_mode_function_name(name):
if re.match(r"^(show|clear|reset|restart)", name):
@@ -93,6 +107,51 @@ def _get_arg_type(t):
return t
+def _normalize_field_name(name):
+ # Convert the name to string if it is not
+ # (in some cases they may be numbers)
+ name = str(name)
+ # Replace all separators with underscores
+ name = re.sub(r'(\s|[\(\)\[\]\{\}\-\.\,:\"\'\`])+', '_', name)
+ # Replace specific characters with textual descriptions
+ name = re.sub(r'@', '_at_', name)
+ name = re.sub(r'%', '_percentage_', name)
+ name = re.sub(r'~', '_tilde_', name)
+ # Force all letters to lowercase
+ name = name.lower()
+ # Remove leading and trailing underscores, if any
+ name = re.sub(r'(^(_+)(?=[^_])|_+$)', '', name)
+ # Ensure there are only single underscores
+ name = re.sub(r'_+', '_', name)
+ return name
+def _normalize_dict_field_names(old_dict):
+ new_dict = {}
+ for key in old_dict:
+ new_key = _normalize_field_name(key)
+ new_dict[new_key] = _normalize_field_names(old_dict[key])
+ # Sanity check
+ if len(old_dict) != len(new_dict):
+ raise InternalError("Dictionary fields do not allow unique normalization")
+ else:
+ return new_dict
+def _normalize_field_names(value):
+ if isinstance(value, dict):
+ return _normalize_dict_field_names(value)
+ elif isinstance(value, list):
+ return list(map(lambda v: _normalize_field_names(v), value))
+ else:
+ return value
def run(module):
from argparse import ArgumentParser
@@ -148,6 +207,8 @@ def run(module):
if not args["raw"]:
return res
+ res = decamelize(res)
+ res = _normalize_field_names(res)
from json import dumps
return dumps(res, indent=4)
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
deleted file mode 100644
index f2da76d4f..000000000
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-# along with this library. If not, see <>.
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-import vyos.defaults
-from vyos.xml import component_version
-# legacy version, reading from the file names in
-# /opt/vyatta/etc/config-migrate/current
-def get_system_versions():
- """
- Get component versions from running system; critical failure if
- unable to read migration directory.
- """
- system_versions = {}
- try:
- version_info = os.listdir(vyos.defaults.directories['current'])
- except OSError as err:
- print("OS error: {}".format(err))
- sys.exit(1)
- for info in version_info:
- if re.match(r'[\w,-]+@\d+', info):
- pair = info.split('@')
- system_versions[pair[0]] = int(pair[1])
- return system_versions
-# read from xml cache
-def get_system_component_version():
- return component_version()
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
index 0870a0523..2a4135f9e 100644
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -566,12 +566,17 @@ def nft_default_rule(fw_conf, fw_name, ipv6=False):
return " ".join(output)
-def nft_state_policy(conf, state, ipv6=False):
+def nft_state_policy(conf, state):
out = [f'ct state {state}']
- if 'log' in conf:
- log_level = conf['log']
- out.append(f'log level {log_level}')
+ if 'log' in conf and 'enable' in conf['log']:
+ log_state = state[:3].upper()
+ log_action = (conf['action'] if 'action' in conf else 'accept')[:1].upper()
+ out.append(f'log prefix "[STATE-POLICY-{log_state}-{log_action}]"')
+ if 'log_level' in conf:
+ log_level = conf['log_level']
+ out.append(f'level {log_level}')
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
index 461df9a6e..9ebe69b6c 100644
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -574,6 +574,37 @@ def bytes_to_human(bytes, initial_exponent=0):
size_string = "{0:.2f} {1}".format(value, suffix)
return size_string
+def human_to_bytes(value):
+ """ Converts a data amount with a unit suffix to bytes, like 2K to 2048 """
+ from re import match as re_match
+ res = re_match(r'^\s*(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\s*([a-zA-Z]+)\s*$', value)
+ if not res:
+ raise ValueError(f"'{value}' is not a valid data amount")
+ else:
+ amount = float(
+ unit =
+ if unit == 'b':
+ res = amount
+ elif (unit == 'k') or (unit == 'kb'):
+ res = amount * 1024
+ elif (unit == 'm') or (unit == 'mb'):
+ res = amount * 1024**2
+ elif (unit == 'g') or (unit == 'gb'):
+ res = amount * 1024**3
+ elif (unit == 't') or (unit == 'tb'):
+ res = amount * 1024**4
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f"Unsupported data unit '{unit}'")
+ # There cannot be fractional bytes, so we convert them to integer.
+ # However, truncating causes problems with conversion back to human unit,
+ # so we round instead -- that seems to work well enough.
+ return round(res)
def get_cfg_group_id():
from grp import getgrnam
from vyos.defaults import cfg_group
@@ -1105,3 +1136,18 @@ def sysctl_write(name, value):
call(f'sysctl -wq {name}={value}')
return True
return False
+# approach follows a discussion in:
+def camel_to_snake_case(name: str) -> str:
+ pattern = r'\d+|[A-Z]?[a-z]+|\W|[A-Z]{2,}(?=[A-Z][a-z]|\d|\W|$)'
+ words = re.findall(pattern, name)
+ return '_'.join(map(str.lower, words))
+def load_as_module(name: str, path: str):
+ import importlib.util
+ spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, path)
+ mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
+ spec.loader.exec_module(mod)
+ return mod
diff --git a/scripts/ b/scripts/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..3317745d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+import re
+import sys
+import requests
+from pprint import pprint
+# Use the same regex for PR title and commit messages for now
+title_regex = r'^(([a-zA-Z.]+:\s)?)T\d+:\s+[^\s]+.*'
+commit_regex = title_regex
+def check_pr_title(title):
+ if not re.match(title_regex, title):
+ print("PR title '{}' does not match the required format!".format(title))
+ print("Valid title example: T99999: make IPsec secure")
+ sys.exit(1)
+def check_commit_message(title):
+ if not re.match(commit_regex, title):
+ print("Commit title '{}' does not match the required format!".format(title))
+ print("Valid title example: T99999: make IPsec secure")
+ sys.exit(1)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if len(sys.argv) < 2:
+ print("Please specify pull request URL!")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Get the pull request object
+ pr = requests.get(sys.argv[1]).json()
+ if "title" not in pr:
+ print("Did not receive a valid pull request object, please check the URL!")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ check_pr_title(pr["title"])
+ # Get the list of commits
+ commits = requests.get(pr["commits_url"]).json()
+ for c in commits:
+ # Retrieve every individual commit and check its title
+ co = requests.get(c["url"]).json()
+ check_commit_message(co["commit"]["message"])
diff --git a/smoketest/configs/basic-qos b/smoketest/configs/basic-qos
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d9baa4a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smoketest/configs/basic-qos
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+interfaces {
+ ethernet eth0 {
+ address
+ duplex auto
+ smp-affinity auto
+ speed auto
+ }
+ ethernet eth1 {
+ duplex auto
+ speed auto
+ vif 10 {
+ traffic-policy {
+ in M2
+ }
+ }
+ vif 20 {
+ traffic-policy {
+ out FS
+ }
+ }
+ vif 30 {
+ traffic-policy {
+ out MY-HTB
+ }
+ }
+ vif 40 {
+ traffic-policy {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+system {
+ config-management {
+ commit-revisions 100
+ }
+ console {
+ device ttyS0 {
+ speed 115200
+ }
+ }
+ host-name vyos
+ login {
+ user vyos {
+ authentication {
+ encrypted-password $6$O5gJRlDYQpj$MtrCV9lxMnZPMbcxlU7.FI793MImNHznxGoMFgm3Q6QP3vfKJyOSRCt3Ka/GzFQyW1yZS4NS616NLHaIPPFHc0
+ plaintext-password ""
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ name-server
+ syslog {
+ global {
+ archive {
+ file 5
+ size 512
+ }
+ facility all {
+ level info
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ time-zone Europe/Berlin
+traffic-policy {
+ limiter M2 {
+ class 10 {
+ bandwidth 120mbit
+ burst 15k
+ match ADDRESS10 {
+ ip {
+ dscp CS4
+ }
+ }
+ priority 20
+ }
+ default {
+ bandwidth 100mbit
+ burst 15k
+ }
+ }
+ shaper FS {
+ bandwidth auto
+ class 10 {
+ bandwidth 100%
+ burst 15k
+ match ADDRESS10 {
+ ip {
+ source {
+ address
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ queue-type fair-queue
+ set-dscp CS4
+ }
+ class 20 {
+ bandwidth 100%
+ burst 15k
+ match ADDRESS20 {
+ ip {
+ source {
+ address
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ queue-type fair-queue
+ set-dscp CS5
+ }
+ class 30 {
+ bandwidth 100%
+ burst 15k
+ match ADDRESS30 {
+ ip {
+ source {
+ address
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ queue-type fair-queue
+ set-dscp CS6
+ }
+ default {
+ bandwidth 10%
+ burst 15k
+ ceiling 100%
+ priority 7
+ queue-type fair-queue
+ }
+ }
+ shaper MY-HTB {
+ bandwidth 10mbit
+ class 30 {
+ bandwidth 10%
+ burst 15k
+ ceiling 50%
+ match ADDRESS30 {
+ ip {
+ source {
+ address
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ priority 5
+ queue-type fair-queue
+ }
+ class 40 {
+ bandwidth 90%
+ burst 15k
+ ceiling 100%
+ match ADDRESS40 {
+ ip {
+ dscp CS4
+ source {
+ address
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ priority 5
+ queue-type fair-queue
+ }
+ class 50 {
+ bandwidth 100%
+ burst 15k
+ match ADDRESS50 {
+ ip {
+ dscp CS5
+ }
+ }
+ queue-type fair-queue
+ set-dscp CS7
+ }
+ default {
+ bandwidth 10%
+ burst 15k
+ ceiling 100%
+ priority 7
+ queue-type fair-queue
+ set-dscp CS1
+ }
+ }
+ shaper SHAPER-FOO {
+ bandwidth 1000mbit
+ default {
+ bandwidth 100mbit
+ burst 15k
+ queue-type fair-queue
+ set-dscp CS4
+ }
+ }
+// Warning: Do not remove the following line.
+// vyos-config-version: "broadcast-relay@1:cluster@1:config-management@1:conntrack@3:conntrack-sync@2:dhcp-relay@2:dhcp-server@6:dhcpv6-server@1:dns-forwarding@3:firewall@5:https@2:interfaces@22:ipoe-server@1:ipsec@5:isis@1:l2tp@3:lldp@1:mdns@1:nat@5:ntp@1:pppoe-server@5:pptp@2:qos@1:quagga@8:rpki@1:salt@1:snmp@2:ssh@2:sstp@3:system@21:vrrp@2:vyos-accel-ppp@2:wanloadbalance@3:webproxy@2:zone-policy@1"
+// Release version: 1.3.2
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 1355c1f94..7b1b12c53 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
import unittest
-from vyos.systemversions import get_system_versions, get_system_component_version
+import vyos.component_version as component_version
# After T3474, component versions should be updated in the files in
# vyos-1x/interface-definitions/include/version/
@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@ from vyos.systemversions import get_system_versions, get_system_component_versio
# that in the xml cache.
class TestComponentVersion(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
- self.legacy_d = get_system_versions()
- self.xml_d = get_system_component_version()
+ self.legacy_d = component_version.legacy_from_system()
+ self.xml_d = component_version.from_system()
self.set_legacy_d = set(self.legacy_d)
self.set_xml_d = set(self.xml_d)
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index cc0cdaec0..902156ee6 100644..100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import unittest
+import glob
import json
from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM
@@ -25,10 +26,13 @@ from vyos.util import process_named_running
from vyos.util import read_file
base_path = ['container']
-cont_image = 'busybox'
+cont_image = 'busybox:stable' # busybox is included in vyos-build
prefix = ''
net_name = 'NET01'
-PROCESS_NAME = 'podman'
+PROCESS_NAME = 'conmon'
+PROCESS_PIDFILE = '/run/vyos-container-{0}'
+busybox_image_path = '/usr/share/vyos/busybox-stable.tar'
def cmd_to_json(command):
c = cmd(command + ' --format=json')
@@ -37,7 +41,34 @@ def cmd_to_json(command):
return data
-class TesContainer(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
+class TestContainer(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ super(TestContainer, cls).setUpClass()
+ # Load image for smoketest provided in vyos-build
+ try:
+ cmd(f'cat {busybox_image_path} | sudo podman load')
+ except:
+ cls.skipTest(cls, reason='busybox image not available')
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ super(TestContainer, cls).tearDownClass()
+ # Cleanup podman image
+ cmd(f'sudo podman image rm -f {cont_image}')
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.cli_delete(base_path)
+ self.cli_commit()
+ # Ensure no container process remains
+ self.assertIsNone(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME))
+ # Ensure systemd units are removed
+ units = glob.glob('/run/systemd/system/vyos-container-*')
+ self.assertEqual(units, [])
def test_01_basic_container(self):
cont_name = 'c1'
@@ -53,13 +84,17 @@ class TesContainer(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
# commit changes
+ pid = 0
+ with open(PROCESS_PIDFILE.format(cont_name), 'r') as f:
+ pid = int(
# Check for running process
- self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME))
+ self.assertEqual(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME), pid)
def test_02_container_network(self):
cont_name = 'c2'
cont_ip = ''
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['network', net_name, 'ipv4-prefix', prefix])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['network', net_name, 'prefix', prefix])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['name', cont_name, 'image', cont_image])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['name', cont_name, 'network', net_name, 'address', cont_ip])
@@ -67,7 +102,7 @@ class TesContainer(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
n = cmd_to_json(f'sudo podman network inspect {net_name}')
- json_subnet = n['plugins'][0]['ipam']['ranges'][0][0]['subnet']
+ json_subnet = n['subnets'][0]['subnet']
c = cmd_to_json(f'sudo podman container inspect {cont_name}')
json_ip = c['NetworkSettings']['Networks'][net_name]['IPAddress']
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index beae2501c..09b520b72 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -17,11 +17,13 @@
import unittest
from glob import glob
+from time import sleep
from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM
from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError
from vyos.util import cmd
+from vyos.util import run
sysfs_config = {
'all_ping': {'sysfs': '/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all', 'default': '0', 'test_value': 'disable'},
@@ -76,6 +78,17 @@ class TestFirewall(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(not matched if inverse else matched, msg=search)
+ def wait_for_domain_resolver(self, table, set_name, element, max_wait=10):
+ # Resolver no longer blocks commit, need to wait for daemon to populate set
+ count = 0
+ while count < max_wait:
+ code = run(f'sudo nft get element {table} {set_name} {{ {element} }}')
+ if code == 0:
+ return True
+ count += 1
+ sleep(1)
+ return False
def test_geoip(self):
self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'rule', '1', 'action', 'drop'])
self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'rule', '1', 'source', 'geoip', 'country-code', 'se'])
@@ -125,6 +138,9 @@ class TestFirewall(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(['firewall', 'interface', 'eth0', 'in', 'name', 'smoketest'])
+ self.wait_for_domain_resolver('ip vyos_filter', 'D_smoketest_domain', '')
nftables_search = [
['iifname "eth0"', 'jump NAME_smoketest'],
['ip saddr @N_smoketest_network', 'ip daddr', 'th dport @P_smoketest_port', 'return'],
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index feb2c0268..ed611062a 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -120,15 +120,13 @@ class EthernetInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
cls._base_path = ['interfaces', 'ethernet']
cls._mirror_interfaces = ['dum21354']
- # we need to filter out VLAN interfaces identified by a dot (.)
- # in their name - just in case!
+ # We only test on physical interfaces and not VLAN (sub-)interfaces
if 'TEST_ETH' in os.environ:
tmp = os.environ['TEST_ETH'].split()
cls._interfaces = tmp
- for tmp in Section.interfaces('ethernet'):
- if not '.' in tmp:
- cls._interfaces.append(tmp)
+ for tmp in Section.interfaces('ethernet', vlan=False):
+ cls._interfaces.append(tmp)
cls._macs = {}
for interface in cls._interfaces:
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..4732342fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
+import unittest
+from vyos.ifconfig import Section
+from base_interfaces_test import BasicInterfaceTest
+class VEthInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ cls._test_dhcp = True
+ cls._base_path = ['interfaces', 'virtual-ethernet']
+ cls._options = {
+ 'veth0': ['peer-name veth1'],
+ 'veth1': ['peer-name veth0'],
+ }
+ cls._interfaces = list(cls._options)
+ # call base-classes classmethod
+ super(VEthInterfaceTest, cls).setUpClass()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main(verbosity=2)
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index f3e9670f7..14fc8d109 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -62,10 +62,10 @@ class WireGuardInterfaceTest(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
def test_wireguard_add_remove_peer(self):
# T2939: Create WireGuard interfaces with associated peers.
# Remove one of the configured peers.
+ # T4774: Test prevention of duplicate peer public keys
interface = 'wg0'
port = '12345'
privkey = '6ISOkASm6VhHOOSz/5iIxw+Q9adq9zA17iMM4X40dlc='
@@ -80,11 +80,17 @@ class WireGuardInterfaceTest(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(base_path + [interface, 'peer', 'PEER01', 'allowed-ips', ''])
self.cli_set(base_path + [interface, 'peer', 'PEER01', 'address', ''])
- self.cli_set(base_path + [interface, 'peer', 'PEER02', 'public-key', pubkey_2])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + [interface, 'peer', 'PEER02', 'public-key', pubkey_1])
self.cli_set(base_path + [interface, 'peer', 'PEER02', 'port', port])
self.cli_set(base_path + [interface, 'peer', 'PEER02', 'allowed-ips', ''])
self.cli_set(base_path + [interface, 'peer', 'PEER02', 'address', ''])
+ # Duplicate pubkey_1
+ with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
+ self.cli_commit()
+ self.cli_set(base_path + [interface, 'peer', 'PEER02', 'public-key', pubkey_2])
# Commit peers
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index f824838c0..9f4e3b831 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
import jmespath
import json
+import os
import unittest
from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM
@@ -28,6 +29,9 @@ src_path = base_path + ['source']
dst_path = base_path + ['destination']
static_path = base_path + ['static']
+nftables_nat_config = '/run/nftables_nat.conf'
+nftables_static_nat_conf = '/run/nftables_static-nat-rules.nft'
class TestNAT(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
@@ -40,6 +44,8 @@ class TestNAT(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
def tearDown(self):
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(nftables_nat_config))
+ self.assertFalse(os.path.exists(nftables_static_nat_conf))
def verify_nftables(self, nftables_search, table, inverse=False, args=''):
nftables_output = cmd(f'sudo nft {args} list table {table}')
@@ -52,6 +58,17 @@ class TestNAT(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(not matched if inverse else matched, msg=search)
+ def wait_for_domain_resolver(self, table, set_name, element, max_wait=10):
+ # Resolver no longer blocks commit, need to wait for daemon to populate set
+ count = 0
+ while count < max_wait:
+ code = run(f'sudo nft get element {table} {set_name} {{ {element} }}')
+ if code == 0:
+ return True
+ count += 1
+ sleep(1)
+ return False
def test_snat(self):
rules = ['100', '110', '120', '130', '200', '210', '220', '230']
outbound_iface_100 = 'eth0'
@@ -78,6 +95,30 @@ class TestNAT(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip vyos_nat')
+ def test_snat_groups(self):
+ address_group = 'smoketest_addr'
+ address_group_member = ''
+ rule = '100'
+ outbound_iface = 'eth0'
+ self.cli_set(['firewall', 'group', 'address-group', address_group, 'address', address_group_member])
+ self.cli_set(src_path + ['rule', rule, 'source', 'group', 'address-group', address_group])
+ self.cli_set(src_path + ['rule', rule, 'outbound-interface', outbound_iface])
+ self.cli_set(src_path + ['rule', rule, 'translation', 'address', 'masquerade'])
+ self.cli_commit()
+ nftables_search = [
+ [f'set A_{address_group}'],
+ [f'elements = {{ {address_group_member} }}'],
+ [f'ip saddr @A_{address_group}', f'oifname "{outbound_iface}"', 'masquerade']
+ ]
+ self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip vyos_nat')
+ self.cli_delete(['firewall'])
def test_dnat(self):
rules = ['100', '110', '120', '130', '200', '210', '220', '230']
inbound_iface_100 = 'eth0'
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 6cf7ca0a1..50806b3e8 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ class TestNAT66(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
nftables_search = [
- ['iifname "eth1"', 'tcp dport 4545', 'ip6 saddr 2001:db8:2222::/64', 'tcp sport 8080', 'dnat to 2001:db8:1111::1:5555']
+ ['iifname "eth1"', 'tcp dport 4545', 'ip6 saddr 2001:db8:2222::/64', 'tcp sport 8080', 'dnat to [2001:db8:1111::1]:5555']
self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip6 vyos_nat')
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@ class TestNAT66(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
nftables_search = [
- ['oifname "eth1"', 'ip6 saddr 2001:db8:2222::/64', 'tcp dport 9999', 'tcp sport 8080', 'snat to 2001:db8:1111::1:80']
+ ['oifname "eth1"', 'ip6 saddr 2001:db8:2222::/64', 'tcp dport 9999', 'tcp sport 8080', 'snat to [2001:db8:1111::1]:80']
self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip6 vyos_nat')
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 3d37d22ae..3a4ef666a 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -698,6 +698,184 @@ class TestPolicy(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
for rule in test_range:
tmp = f'ip prefix-list {prefix_list} seq {rule} permit {prefix} le {rule}'
self.assertIn(tmp, config)
+ def test_route_map_community_set(self):
+ test_data = {
+ "community-configuration": {
+ "rule": {
+ "10": {
+ "action": "permit",
+ "set": {
+ "community": {
+ "replace": [
+ "65000:10",
+ "65001:11"
+ ]
+ },
+ "extcommunity": {
+ "bandwidth": "200",
+ "rt": [
+ "65000:10",
+ ""
+ ],
+ "soo": [
+ "",
+ "65000:10"
+ ]
+ },
+ "large-community": {
+ "replace": [
+ "65000:65000:10",
+ "65000:65000:11"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "20": {
+ "action": "permit",
+ "set": {
+ "community": {
+ "add": [
+ "65000:10",
+ "65001:11"
+ ]
+ },
+ "extcommunity": {
+ "bandwidth": "200",
+ "bandwidth-non-transitive": {}
+ },
+ "large-community": {
+ "add": [
+ "65000:65000:10",
+ "65000:65000:11"
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "30": {
+ "action": "permit",
+ "set": {
+ "community": {
+ "none": {}
+ },
+ "extcommunity": {
+ "none": {}
+ },
+ "large-community": {
+ "none": {}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for route_map, route_map_config in test_data.items():
+ path = base_path + ['route-map', route_map]
+ self.cli_set(path + ['description', f'VyOS ROUTE-MAP {route_map}'])
+ if 'rule' not in route_map_config:
+ continue
+ for rule, rule_config in route_map_config['rule'].items():
+ if 'action' in rule_config:
+ self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'action', rule_config['action']])
+ if 'set' in rule_config:
+ #Add community in configuration
+ if 'community' in rule_config['set']:
+ if 'none' in rule_config['set']['community']:
+ self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'community', 'none'])
+ else:
+ community_path = path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'community']
+ if 'add' in rule_config['set']['community']:
+ for community_unit in rule_config['set']['community']['add']:
+ self.cli_set(community_path + ['add', community_unit])
+ if 'replace' in rule_config['set']['community']:
+ for community_unit in rule_config['set']['community']['replace']:
+ self.cli_set(community_path + ['replace', community_unit])
+ #Add large-community in configuration
+ if 'large-community' in rule_config['set']:
+ if 'none' in rule_config['set']['large-community']:
+ self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'large-community', 'none'])
+ else:
+ community_path = path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'large-community']
+ if 'add' in rule_config['set']['large-community']:
+ for community_unit in rule_config['set']['large-community']['add']:
+ self.cli_set(community_path + ['add', community_unit])
+ if 'replace' in rule_config['set']['large-community']:
+ for community_unit in rule_config['set']['large-community']['replace']:
+ self.cli_set(community_path + ['replace', community_unit])
+ #Add extcommunity in configuration
+ if 'extcommunity' in rule_config['set']:
+ if 'none' in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']:
+ self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'extcommunity', 'none'])
+ else:
+ if 'bandwidth' in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']:
+ self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'extcommunity', 'bandwidth', rule_config['set']['extcommunity']['bandwidth']])
+ if 'bandwidth-non-transitive' in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']:
+ self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set','extcommunity', 'bandwidth-non-transitive'])
+ if 'rt' in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']:
+ for community_unit in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']['rt']:
+ self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'extcommunity','rt',community_unit])
+ if 'soo' in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']:
+ for community_unit in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']['soo']:
+ self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'extcommunity','soo',community_unit])
+ self.cli_commit()
+ for route_map, route_map_config in test_data.items():
+ if 'rule' not in route_map_config:
+ continue
+ for rule, rule_config in route_map_config['rule'].items():
+ name = f'route-map {route_map} {rule_config["action"]} {rule}'
+ config = self.getFRRconfig(name)
+ self.assertIn(name, config)
+ if 'set' in rule_config:
+ #Check community
+ if 'community' in rule_config['set']:
+ if 'none' in rule_config['set']['community']:
+ tmp = f'set community none'
+ self.assertIn(tmp, config)
+ if 'replace' in rule_config['set']['community']:
+ values = ' '.join(rule_config['set']['community']['replace'])
+ tmp = f'set community {values}'
+ self.assertIn(tmp, config)
+ if 'add' in rule_config['set']['community']:
+ values = ' '.join(rule_config['set']['community']['add'])
+ tmp = f'set community {values} additive'
+ self.assertIn(tmp, config)
+ #Check large-community
+ if 'large-community' in rule_config['set']:
+ if 'none' in rule_config['set']['large-community']:
+ tmp = f'set large-community none'
+ self.assertIn(tmp, config)
+ if 'replace' in rule_config['set']['large-community']:
+ values = ' '.join(rule_config['set']['large-community']['replace'])
+ tmp = f'set large-community {values}'
+ self.assertIn(tmp, config)
+ if 'add' in rule_config['set']['large-community']:
+ values = ' '.join(rule_config['set']['large-community']['add'])
+ tmp = f'set large-community {values} additive'
+ self.assertIn(tmp, config)
+ #Check extcommunity
+ if 'extcommunity' in rule_config['set']:
+ if 'none' in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']:
+ tmp = 'set extcommunity none'
+ self.assertIn(tmp, config)
+ if 'bandwidth' in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']:
+ values = rule_config['set']['extcommunity']['bandwidth']
+ tmp = f'set extcommunity bandwidth {values}'
+ if 'bandwidth-non-transitive' in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']:
+ tmp = tmp + ' non-transitive'
+ self.assertIn(tmp, config)
+ if 'rt' in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']:
+ values = ' '.join(rule_config['set']['extcommunity']['rt'])
+ tmp = f'set extcommunity rt {values}'
+ self.assertIn(tmp, config)
+ if 'soo' in rule_config['set']['extcommunity']:
+ values = ' '.join(rule_config['set']['extcommunity']['soo'])
+ tmp = f'set extcommunity soo {values}'
+ self.assertIn(tmp, config)
def test_route_map(self):
access_list = '50'
@@ -845,17 +1023,14 @@ class TestPolicy(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
'as-path-prepend-last-as' : '5',
'atomic-aggregate' : '',
'distance' : '110',
- 'extcommunity-bw' : '20000',
- 'extcommunity-rt' : '123:456',
- 'extcommunity-soo' : '456:789',
'ipv6-next-hop-global' : '2001::1',
'ipv6-next-hop-local' : 'fe80::1',
'ip-next-hop' : '',
- 'large-community' : '100:200:300',
'local-preference' : '500',
'metric' : '150',
'metric-type' : 'type-1',
'origin' : 'incomplete',
+ 'l3vpn' : '',
'originator-id' : '',
'src' : '',
'tag' : '65530',
@@ -1049,20 +1224,14 @@ class TestPolicy(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'atomic-aggregate'])
if 'distance' in rule_config['set']:
self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'distance', rule_config['set']['distance']])
- if 'extcommunity-bw' in rule_config['set']:
- self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'extcommunity', 'bandwidth', rule_config['set']['extcommunity-bw']])
- if 'extcommunity-rt' in rule_config['set']:
- self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'extcommunity', 'rt', rule_config['set']['extcommunity-rt']])
- if 'extcommunity-soo' in rule_config['set']:
- self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'extcommunity', 'soo', rule_config['set']['extcommunity-soo']])
if 'ipv6-next-hop-global' in rule_config['set']:
self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'ipv6-next-hop', 'global', rule_config['set']['ipv6-next-hop-global']])
if 'ipv6-next-hop-local' in rule_config['set']:
self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'ipv6-next-hop', 'local', rule_config['set']['ipv6-next-hop-local']])
if 'ip-next-hop' in rule_config['set']:
self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'ip-next-hop', rule_config['set']['ip-next-hop']])
- if 'large-community' in rule_config['set']:
- self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'large-community', rule_config['set']['large-community']])
+ if 'l3vpn' in rule_config['set']:
+ self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'l3vpn-nexthop', 'encapsulation', 'gre'])
if 'local-preference' in rule_config['set']:
self.cli_set(path + ['rule', rule, 'set', 'local-preference', rule_config['set']['local-preference']])
if 'metric' in rule_config['set']:
@@ -1236,20 +1405,14 @@ class TestPolicy(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
tmp += 'atomic-aggregate'
elif 'distance' in rule_config['set']:
tmp += 'distance ' + rule_config['set']['distance']
- elif 'extcommunity-bw' in rule_config['set']:
- tmp += 'extcommunity bandwidth' + rule_config['set']['extcommunity-bw']
- elif 'extcommunity-rt' in rule_config['set']:
- tmp += 'extcommunity rt' + rule_config['set']['extcommunity-rt']
- elif 'extcommunity-soo' in rule_config['set']:
- tmp += 'extcommunity rt' + rule_config['set']['extcommunity-soo']
elif 'ip-next-hop' in rule_config['set']:
tmp += 'ip next-hop ' + rule_config['set']['ip-next-hop']
elif 'ipv6-next-hop-global' in rule_config['set']:
tmp += 'ipv6 next-hop global ' + rule_config['set']['ipv6-next-hop-global']
elif 'ipv6-next-hop-local' in rule_config['set']:
tmp += 'ipv6 next-hop local ' + rule_config['set']['ipv6-next-hop-local']
- elif 'large-community' in rule_config['set']:
- tmp += 'large-community ' + rule_config['set']['large-community']
+ elif 'l3vpn' in rule_config['set']:
+ tmp += 'l3vpn next-hop encapsulation gre'
elif 'local-preference' in rule_config['set']:
tmp += 'local-preference ' + rule_config['set']['local-preference']
elif 'metric' in rule_config['set']:
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 046e385bb..11b3c678e 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -42,18 +42,25 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
super(TestPolicyRoute, cls).tearDownClass()
def tearDown(self):
- self.cli_delete(['interfaces', 'ethernet', interface, 'policy'])
self.cli_delete(['policy', 'route'])
self.cli_delete(['policy', 'route6'])
+ # Verify nftables cleanup
nftables_search = [
['set N_smoketest_network'],
['set N_smoketest_network1'],
['chain VYOS_PBR_smoketest']
- self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip mangle', inverse=True)
+ self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip vyos_mangle', inverse=True)
+ # Verify ip rule cleanup
+ ip_rule_search = [
+ ['fwmark ' + hex(table_mark_offset - int(table_id)), 'lookup ' + table_id]
+ ]
+ self.verify_rules(ip_rule_search, inverse=True)
def verify_nftables(self, nftables_search, table, inverse=False):
nftables_output = cmd(f'sudo nft list table {table}')
@@ -66,6 +73,17 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.assertTrue(not matched if inverse else matched, msg=search)
+ def verify_rules(self, rules_search, inverse=False):
+ rule_output = cmd('ip rule show')
+ for search in rules_search:
+ matched = False
+ for line in rule_output.split("\n"):
+ if all(item in line for item in search):
+ matched = True
+ break
+ self.assertTrue(not matched if inverse else matched, msg=search)
def test_pbr_group(self):
self.cli_set(['firewall', 'group', 'network-group', 'smoketest_network', 'network', ''])
self.cli_set(['firewall', 'group', 'network-group', 'smoketest_network1', 'network', ''])
@@ -74,8 +92,7 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(['policy', 'route', 'smoketest', 'rule', '1', 'source', 'group', 'network-group', 'smoketest_network'])
self.cli_set(['policy', 'route', 'smoketest', 'rule', '1', 'destination', 'group', 'network-group', 'smoketest_network1'])
self.cli_set(['policy', 'route', 'smoketest', 'rule', '1', 'set', 'mark', mark])
- self.cli_set(['interfaces', 'ethernet', interface, 'policy', 'route', 'smoketest'])
+ self.cli_set(['policy', 'route', 'smoketest', 'interface', interface])
@@ -84,7 +101,7 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
['ip daddr @N_smoketest_network1', 'ip saddr @N_smoketest_network'],
- self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip mangle')
+ self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip vyos_mangle')
@@ -92,8 +109,7 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(['policy', 'route', 'smoketest', 'rule', '1', 'source', 'address', ''])
self.cli_set(['policy', 'route', 'smoketest', 'rule', '1', 'destination', 'address', ''])
self.cli_set(['policy', 'route', 'smoketest', 'rule', '1', 'set', 'mark', mark])
- self.cli_set(['interfaces', 'ethernet', interface, 'policy', 'route', 'smoketest'])
+ self.cli_set(['policy', 'route', 'smoketest', 'interface', interface])
@@ -104,7 +120,7 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
['ip daddr', 'ip saddr', 'meta mark set ' + mark_hex],
- self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip mangle')
+ self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip vyos_mangle')
def test_pbr_table(self):
self.cli_set(['policy', 'route', 'smoketest', 'rule', '1', 'protocol', 'tcp'])
@@ -116,8 +132,8 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(['policy', 'route6', 'smoketest6', 'rule', '1', 'destination', 'port', '8888'])
self.cli_set(['policy', 'route6', 'smoketest6', 'rule', '1', 'set', 'table', table_id])
- self.cli_set(['interfaces', 'ethernet', interface, 'policy', 'route', 'smoketest'])
- self.cli_set(['interfaces', 'ethernet', interface, 'policy', 'route6', 'smoketest6'])
+ self.cli_set(['policy', 'route', 'smoketest', 'interface', interface])
+ self.cli_set(['policy', 'route6', 'smoketest6', 'interface', interface])
@@ -130,7 +146,7 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
['tcp flags syn / syn,ack', 'tcp dport 8888', 'meta mark set ' + mark_hex]
- self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip mangle')
+ self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip vyos_mangle')
# IPv6
@@ -139,7 +155,7 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
['meta l4proto { tcp, udp }', 'th dport 8888', 'meta mark set ' + mark_hex]
- self.verify_nftables(nftables6_search, 'ip6 mangle')
+ self.verify_nftables(nftables6_search, 'ip6 vyos_mangle')
# IP rule fwmark -> table
@@ -147,15 +163,7 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
['fwmark ' + hex(table_mark_offset - int(table_id)), 'lookup ' + table_id]
- ip_rule_output = cmd('ip rule show')
- for search in ip_rule_search:
- matched = False
- for line in ip_rule_output.split("\n"):
- if all(item in line for item in search):
- matched = True
- break
- self.assertTrue(matched)
+ self.verify_rules(ip_rule_search)
def test_pbr_matching_criteria(self):
@@ -203,8 +211,8 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(['policy', 'route6', 'smoketest6', 'rule', '5', 'dscp-exclude', '14-19'])
self.cli_set(['policy', 'route6', 'smoketest6', 'rule', '5', 'set', 'table', table_id])
- self.cli_set(['interfaces', 'ethernet', interface, 'policy', 'route', 'smoketest'])
- self.cli_set(['interfaces', 'ethernet', interface, 'policy', 'route6', 'smoketest6'])
+ self.cli_set(['policy', 'route', 'smoketest', 'interface', interface])
+ self.cli_set(['policy', 'route6', 'smoketest6', 'interface', interface])
@@ -220,7 +228,7 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
['ip dscp { 0x29, 0x39-0x3b }', 'meta mark set ' + mark_hex]
- self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip mangle')
+ self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip vyos_mangle')
# IPv6
nftables6_search = [
@@ -232,7 +240,7 @@ class TestPolicyRoute(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
['ip6 dscp != { 0x0e-0x13, 0x3d }', 'meta mark set ' + mark_hex]
- self.verify_nftables(nftables6_search, 'ip6 mangle')
+ self.verify_nftables(nftables6_search, 'ip6 vyos_mangle')
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index e4bb9e1f8..d11d80a1f 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -263,10 +263,10 @@ class TestProtocolsISIS(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.assertIn(f' isis bfd profile {bfd_profile}', tmp)
def test_isis_07_segment_routing_configuration(self):
- global_block_low = "1000"
- global_block_high = "1999"
- local_block_low = "2000"
- local_block_high = "2999"
+ global_block_low = "300"
+ global_block_high = "399"
+ local_block_low = "400"
+ local_block_high = "499"
interface = 'lo'
maximum_stack_size = '5'
prefix_one = ''
@@ -280,7 +280,6 @@ class TestProtocolsISIS(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(base_path + ['net', net])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['interface', interface])
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'enable'])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'maximum-label-depth', maximum_stack_size])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'global-block', 'low-label-value', global_block_low])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'global-block', 'high-label-value', global_block_high])
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index e15ea478b..51c947537 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import logging
-import sys
import unittest
from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM
@@ -23,15 +21,12 @@ from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM
from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError
from vyos.ifconfig import Section
from vyos.util import process_named_running
-from vyos.util import cmd
PROCESS_NAME = 'ospfd'
base_path = ['protocols', 'ospf']
route_map = 'foo-bar-baz10'
-log = logging.getLogger('TestProtocolsOSPF')
class TestProtocolsOSPF(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
@@ -210,25 +205,14 @@ class TestProtocolsOSPF(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(base_path + ['redistribute', protocol, 'route-map', route_map])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['redistribute', protocol, 'metric-type', metric_type])
- # enable FRR debugging to find the root cause of failing testcases
- cmd('touch /tmp/vyos.frr.debug')
# commit changes
- # disable FRR debugging
- cmd('rm -f /tmp/vyos.frr.debug')
# Verify FRR ospfd configuration
frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf')
- try:
- self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig)
- for protocol in redistribute:
- self.assertIn(f' redistribute {protocol} metric {metric} metric-type {metric_type} route-map {route_map}', frrconfig)
- except:
- log.debug(frrconfig)
- log.debug(cmd('sudo cat /tmp/vyos-configd-script-stdout'))
-'Now we can hopefully see why OSPF fails!')
+ self.assertIn(f'router ospf', frrconfig)
+ for protocol in redistribute:
+ self.assertIn(f' redistribute {protocol} metric {metric} metric-type {metric_type} route-map {route_map}', frrconfig)
def test_ospf_08_virtual_link(self):
networks = ['', '', '']
@@ -396,6 +380,41 @@ class TestProtocolsOSPF(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.assertIn(f' network {network} area {area}', frrconfig)
self.assertIn(f' area {area} export-list {acl}', frrconfig)
+ def test_ospf_14_segment_routing_configuration(self):
+ global_block_low = "300"
+ global_block_high = "399"
+ local_block_low = "400"
+ local_block_high = "499"
+ interface = 'lo'
+ maximum_stack_size = '5'
+ prefix_one = ''
+ prefix_two = ''
+ prefix_one_value = '1'
+ prefix_two_value = '2'
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['interface', interface])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'maximum-label-depth', maximum_stack_size])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'global-block', 'low-label-value', global_block_low])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'global-block', 'high-label-value', global_block_high])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'local-block', 'low-label-value', local_block_low])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'local-block', 'high-label-value', local_block_high])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'prefix', prefix_one, 'index', 'value', prefix_one_value])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'prefix', prefix_one, 'index', 'explicit-null'])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'prefix', prefix_two, 'index', 'value', prefix_two_value])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['segment-routing', 'prefix', prefix_two, 'index', 'no-php-flag'])
+ # Commit all changes
+ self.cli_commit()
+ # Verify all changes
+ frrconfig = self.getFRRconfig('router ospf')
+ self.assertIn(f' segment-routing on', frrconfig)
+ self.assertIn(f' segment-routing global-block {global_block_low} {global_block_high} local-block {local_block_low} {local_block_high}', frrconfig)
+ self.assertIn(f' segment-routing node-msd {maximum_stack_size}', frrconfig)
+ self.assertIn(f' segment-routing prefix {prefix_one} index {prefix_one_value} explicit-null', frrconfig)
+ self.assertIn(f' segment-routing prefix {prefix_two} index {prefix_two_value} no-php-flag', frrconfig)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr, level=logging.DEBUG)
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index fe2682d50..94e0597ad 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -111,6 +111,10 @@ class TestServicePowerDNS(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
tmp = get_config_value('serve-rfc1918')
self.assertEqual(tmp, 'yes')
+ # verify default port configuration
+ tmp = get_config_value('local-port')
+ self.assertEqual(tmp, '53')
def test_dnssec(self):
# DNSSEC option testing
@@ -224,5 +228,21 @@ class TestServicePowerDNS(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
tmp = get_config_value('dns64-prefix')
self.assertEqual(tmp, dns_prefix)
+ def test_listening_port(self):
+ # We can listen on a different port compared to '53' but only one at a time
+ for port in ['1053', '5353']:
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['port', port])
+ for network in allow_from:
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['allow-from', network])
+ for address in listen_adress:
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['listen-address', address])
+ # commit changes
+ self.cli_commit()
+ # verify local-port configuration
+ tmp = get_config_value('local-port')
+ self.assertEqual(tmp, port)
if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main(verbosity=2)
+ unittest.main(verbosity=2, failfast=True)
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 72c1d4e43..0f4b1393c 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -143,10 +143,10 @@ class TestHTTPSService(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
# caught by the resolver, and returns success 'False', so one must
# check the return value.
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['api', 'gql'])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['api', 'graphql'])
- gql_url = f'https://{address}/graphql'
+ graphql_url = f'https://{address}/graphql'
query_valid_key = f"""
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@ class TestHTTPSService(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
- r = request('POST', gql_url, verify=False, headers=headers, json={'query': query_valid_key})
+ r = request('POST', graphql_url, verify=False, headers=headers, json={'query': query_valid_key})
success = r.json()['data']['SystemStatus']['success']
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ class TestHTTPSService(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
- r = request('POST', gql_url, verify=False, headers=headers, json={'query': query_invalid_key})
+ r = request('POST', graphql_url, verify=False, headers=headers, json={'query': query_invalid_key})
success = r.json()['data']['SystemStatus']['success']
@@ -192,8 +192,52 @@ class TestHTTPSService(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
- r = request('POST', gql_url, verify=False, headers=headers, json={'query': query_no_key})
+ r = request('POST', graphql_url, verify=False, headers=headers, json={'query': query_no_key})
self.assertEqual(r.status_code, 400)
+ # GraphQL token authentication test: request token; pass in header
+ # of query.
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['api', 'graphql', 'authentication', 'type', 'token'])
+ self.cli_commit()
+ mutation = """
+ mutation {
+ AuthToken (data: {username: "vyos", password: "vyos"}) {
+ success
+ errors
+ data {
+ result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ r = request('POST', graphql_url, verify=False, headers=headers, json={'query': mutation})
+ token = r.json()['data']['AuthToken']['data']['result']['token']
+ headers = {'Authorization': f'Bearer {token}'}
+ query = """
+ {
+ ShowVersion (data: {}) {
+ success
+ errors
+ op_mode_error {
+ name
+ message
+ vyos_code
+ }
+ data {
+ result
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ """
+ r = request('POST', graphql_url, verify=False, headers=headers, json={'query': query})
+ success = r.json()['data']['ShowVersion']['success']
+ self.assertTrue(success)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index c1c4044e6..ed486c3b9 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -60,6 +60,7 @@ class TestMonitoringTelegraf(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.assertIn(f' token = "$INFLUX_TOKEN"', config)
self.assertIn(f'urls = ["{url}:{port}"]', config)
self.assertIn(f'bucket = "{bucket}"', config)
+ self.assertIn(f'[[inputs.exec]]', config)
for input in inputs:
self.assertIn(input, config)
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 0b029dd00..8de98f34f 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -262,5 +262,42 @@ class TestServiceSSH(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
+ # Network Device Collaborative Protection Profile
+ def test_ssh_ndcpp(self):
+ ciphers = ['aes128-cbc', 'aes128-ctr', 'aes256-cbc', 'aes256-ctr']
+ host_key_algs = ['', 'ssh-rsa', 'ssh-ed25519']
+ kexes = ['diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp256', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', 'ecdh-sha2-nistp521']
+ macs = ['hmac-sha1', 'hmac-sha2-256', 'hmac-sha2-512']
+ rekey_time = '60'
+ rekey_data = '1024'
+ for cipher in ciphers:
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['ciphers', cipher])
+ for host_key in host_key_algs:
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['hostkey-algorithm', host_key])
+ for kex in kexes:
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['key-exchange', kex])
+ for mac in macs:
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['mac', mac])
+ # Optional rekey parameters
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['rekey', 'data', rekey_data])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['rekey', 'time', rekey_time])
+ # commit changes
+ self.cli_commit()
+ ssh_lines = ['Ciphers aes128-cbc,aes128-ctr,aes256-cbc,aes256-ctr',
+ 'HostKeyAlgorithms,ssh-rsa,ssh-ed25519',
+ 'MACs hmac-sha1,hmac-sha2-256,hmac-sha2-512',
+ 'KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group14-sha1,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521',
+ 'RekeyLimit 1024M 60M'
+ ]
+ tmp_sshd_conf = read_file(SSHD_CONF)
+ for line in ssh_lines:
+ self.assertIn(line, tmp_sshd_conf)
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 1131b6f93..6006fe0f6 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -46,6 +46,14 @@ TTSb0X1zPGxPIRFy5GoGtO9Mm5h4OZk=
class TestSystemLogin(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ super(TestSystemLogin, cls).setUpClass()
+ # ensure we can also run this test on a live system - so lets clean
+ # out the current configuration which will break this test
+ cls.cli_delete(cls, base_path + ['radius'])
def tearDown(self):
# Delete individual users from configuration
for user in users:
@@ -97,6 +105,22 @@ class TestSystemLogin(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
# b'Linux LR1.wue3 5.10.61-amd64-vyos #1 SMP Fri Aug 27 08:55:46 UTC 2021 x86_64 GNU/Linux\n'
self.assertTrue(len(stdout) > 40)
+ def test_system_login_otp(self):
+ otp_user = 'otp-test_user'
+ otp_password = 'SuperTestPassword'
+ otp_key = '76A3ZS6HFHBTOK2H4NDHTIVFPQ'
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['user', otp_user, 'authentication', 'plaintext-password', otp_password])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['user', otp_user, 'authentication', 'otp', 'key', otp_key])
+ self.cli_commit()
+ # Check if OTP key was written properly
+ tmp = cmd(f'sudo head -1 /home/{otp_user}/.google_authenticator')
+ self.assertIn(otp_key, tmp)
+ self.cli_delete(base_path + ['user', otp_user])
def test_system_user_ssh_key(self):
ssh_user = 'ssh-test_user'
public_keys = ''
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index ac3dc536b..8efeaed54 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -40,20 +40,7 @@ airbag.enable()
config_containers_registry = '/etc/containers/registries.conf'
config_containers_storage = '/etc/containers/storage.conf'
-def _run_rerun(container_cmd):
- counter = 0
- while True:
- if counter >= 10:
- break
- try:
- _cmd(container_cmd)
- break
- except:
- counter = counter +1
- sleep(0.5)
- return None
+systemd_unit_path = '/run/systemd/system'
def _cmd(command):
if os.path.exists('/tmp/vyos.container.debug'):
@@ -122,7 +109,7 @@ def verify(container):
# of image upgrade and deletion.
image = container_config['image']
if run(f'podman image exists {image}') != 0:
- Warning(f'Image "{image}" used in contianer "{name}" does not exist '\
+ Warning(f'Image "{image}" used in container "{name}" does not exist '\
f'locally. Please use "add container image {image}" to add it '\
f'to the system! Container "{name}" will not be started!')
@@ -136,9 +123,6 @@ def verify(container):
raise ConfigError(f'Container network "{network_name}" does not exist!')
if 'address' in container_config['network'][network_name]:
- if 'network' not in container_config:
- raise ConfigError(f'Can not use "address" without "network" for container "{name}"!')
address = container_config['network'][network_name]['address']
network = None
if is_ipv4(address):
@@ -220,6 +204,72 @@ def verify(container):
return None
+def generate_run_arguments(name, container_config):
+ image = container_config['image']
+ memory = container_config['memory']
+ shared_memory = container_config['shared_memory']
+ restart = container_config['restart']
+ # Add capability options. Should be in uppercase
+ cap_add = ''
+ if 'cap_add' in container_config:
+ for c in container_config['cap_add']:
+ c = c.upper()
+ c = c.replace('-', '_')
+ cap_add += f' --cap-add={c}'
+ # Add a host device to the container /dev/x:/dev/x
+ device = ''
+ if 'device' in container_config:
+ for dev, dev_config in container_config['device'].items():
+ source_dev = dev_config['source']
+ dest_dev = dev_config['destination']
+ device += f' --device={source_dev}:{dest_dev}'
+ # Check/set environment options "-e foo=bar"
+ env_opt = ''
+ if 'environment' in container_config:
+ for k, v in container_config['environment'].items():
+ env_opt += f" -e \"{k}={v['value']}\""
+ # Publish ports
+ port = ''
+ if 'port' in container_config:
+ protocol = ''
+ for portmap in container_config['port']:
+ if 'protocol' in container_config['port'][portmap]:
+ protocol = container_config['port'][portmap]['protocol']
+ protocol = f'/{protocol}'
+ else:
+ protocol = '/tcp'
+ sport = container_config['port'][portmap]['source']
+ dport = container_config['port'][portmap]['destination']
+ port += f' -p {sport}:{dport}{protocol}'
+ # Bind volume
+ volume = ''
+ if 'volume' in container_config:
+ for vol, vol_config in container_config['volume'].items():
+ svol = vol_config['source']
+ dvol = vol_config['destination']
+ volume += f' -v {svol}:{dvol}'
+ container_base_cmd = f'--detach --interactive --tty --replace {cap_add} ' \
+ f'--memory {memory}m --shm-size {shared_memory}m --memory-swap 0 --restart {restart} ' \
+ f'--name {name} {device} {port} {volume} {env_opt}'
+ if 'allow_host_networks' in container_config:
+ return f'{container_base_cmd} --net host {image}'
+ ip_param = ''
+ networks = ",".join(container_config['network'])
+ for network in container_config['network']:
+ if 'address' in container_config['network'][network]:
+ address = container_config['network'][network]['address']
+ ip_param = f'--ip {address}'
+ return f'{container_base_cmd} --net {networks} {ip_param} {image}'
def generate(container):
# bail out early - looks like removal from running config
if not container:
@@ -263,6 +313,15 @@ def generate(container):
render(config_containers_registry, 'container/registries.conf.j2', container)
render(config_containers_storage, 'container/storage.conf.j2', container)
+ if 'name' in container:
+ for name, container_config in container['name'].items():
+ if 'disable' in container_config:
+ continue
+ file_path = os.path.join(systemd_unit_path, f'vyos-container-{name}.service')
+ run_args = generate_run_arguments(name, container_config)
+ render(file_path, 'container/systemd-unit.j2', {'name': name, 'run_args': run_args})
return None
def apply(container):
@@ -270,8 +329,12 @@ def apply(container):
# Option "--force" allows to delete containers with any status
if 'container_remove' in container:
for name in container['container_remove']:
- call(f'podman stop --time 3 {name}')
- call(f'podman rm --force {name}')
+ file_path = os.path.join(systemd_unit_path, f'vyos-container-{name}.service')
+ call(f'systemctl stop vyos-container-{name}.service')
+ if os.path.exists(file_path):
+ os.unlink(file_path)
+ call('systemctl daemon-reload')
# Delete old networks if needed
if 'network_remove' in container:
@@ -282,6 +345,7 @@ def apply(container):
# Add container
+ disabled_new = False
if 'name' in container:
for name, container_config in container['name'].items():
image = container_config['image']
@@ -295,70 +359,17 @@ def apply(container):
# check if there is a container by that name running
tmp = _cmd('podman ps -a --format "{{.Names}}"')
if name in tmp:
- _cmd(f'podman stop --time 3 {name}')
- _cmd(f'podman rm --force {name}')
+ file_path = os.path.join(systemd_unit_path, f'vyos-container-{name}.service')
+ call(f'systemctl stop vyos-container-{name}.service')
+ if os.path.exists(file_path):
+ disabled_new = True
+ os.unlink(file_path)
- memory = container_config['memory']
- restart = container_config['restart']
- # Add capability options. Should be in uppercase
- cap_add = ''
- if 'cap_add' in container_config:
- for c in container_config['cap_add']:
- c = c.upper()
- c = c.replace('-', '_')
- cap_add += f' --cap-add={c}'
- # Add a host device to the container /dev/x:/dev/x
- device = ''
- if 'device' in container_config:
- for dev, dev_config in container_config['device'].items():
- source_dev = dev_config['source']
- dest_dev = dev_config['destination']
- device += f' --device={source_dev}:{dest_dev}'
- # Check/set environment options "-e foo=bar"
- env_opt = ''
- if 'environment' in container_config:
- for k, v in container_config['environment'].items():
- env_opt += f" -e \"{k}={v['value']}\""
- # Publish ports
- port = ''
- if 'port' in container_config:
- protocol = ''
- for portmap in container_config['port']:
- if 'protocol' in container_config['port'][portmap]:
- protocol = container_config['port'][portmap]['protocol']
- protocol = f'/{protocol}'
- else:
- protocol = '/tcp'
- sport = container_config['port'][portmap]['source']
- dport = container_config['port'][portmap]['destination']
- port += f' -p {sport}:{dport}{protocol}'
- # Bind volume
- volume = ''
- if 'volume' in container_config:
- for vol, vol_config in container_config['volume'].items():
- svol = vol_config['source']
- dvol = vol_config['destination']
- volume += f' -v {svol}:{dvol}'
- container_base_cmd = f'podman run --detach --interactive --tty --replace {cap_add} ' \
- f'--memory {memory}m --memory-swap 0 --restart {restart} ' \
- f'--name {name} {device} {port} {volume} {env_opt}'
- if 'allow_host_networks' in container_config:
- _run_rerun(f'{container_base_cmd} --net host {image}')
- else:
- for network in container_config['network']:
- ipparam = ''
- if 'address' in container_config['network'][network]:
- address = container_config['network'][network]['address']
- ipparam = f'--ip {address}'
+ cmd(f'systemctl restart vyos-container-{name}.service')
- _run_rerun(f'{container_base_cmd} --net {network} {ipparam} {image}')
+ if disabled_new:
+ call('systemctl daemon-reload')
return None
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index cbd9cbe90..9fee20358 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -26,13 +26,10 @@ from vyos.config import Config
from vyos.configdict import dict_merge
from vyos.configdict import node_changed
from vyos.configdiff import get_config_diff, Diff
+from vyos.configdep import set_dependent, call_dependents
# from vyos.configverify import verify_interface_exists
+from vyos.firewall import fqdn_config_parse
from vyos.firewall import geoip_update
-from vyos.firewall import get_ips_domains_dict
-from vyos.firewall import nft_add_set_elements
-from vyos.firewall import nft_flush_set
-from vyos.firewall import nft_init_set
-from vyos.firewall import nft_update_set_elements
from vyos.template import render
from vyos.util import call
from vyos.util import cmd
@@ -45,7 +42,8 @@ from vyos import ConfigError
from vyos import airbag
-policy_route_conf_script = '/usr/libexec/vyos/conf_mode/'
+nat_conf_script = ''
+policy_route_conf_script = ''
nftables_conf = '/run/nftables.conf'
@@ -162,7 +160,13 @@ def get_config(config=None):
for zone in firewall['zone']:
firewall['zone'][zone] = dict_merge(default_values, firewall['zone'][zone])
- firewall['policy_resync'] = bool('group' in firewall or node_changed(conf, base + ['group']))
+ firewall['group_resync'] = bool('group' in firewall or node_changed(conf, base + ['group']))
+ if firewall['group_resync']:
+ # Update nat as firewall groups were updated
+ set_dependent(nat_conf_script, conf)
+ # Update policy route as firewall groups were updated
+ set_dependent(policy_route_conf_script, conf)
if 'config_trap' in firewall and firewall['config_trap'] == 'enable':
diff = get_config_diff(conf)
@@ -173,6 +177,8 @@ def get_config(config=None):
firewall['geoip_updated'] = geoip_updated(conf, firewall)
+ fqdn_config_parse(firewall)
return firewall
def verify_rule(firewall, rule_conf, ipv6):
@@ -232,29 +238,28 @@ def verify_rule(firewall, rule_conf, ipv6):
if side in rule_conf:
side_conf = rule_conf[side]
- if dict_search_args(side_conf, 'geoip', 'country_code'):
- if 'address' in side_conf:
- raise ConfigError('Address and GeoIP cannot both be defined')
- if dict_search_args(side_conf, 'group', 'address_group'):
- raise ConfigError('Address-group and GeoIP cannot both be defined')
- if dict_search_args(side_conf, 'group', 'network_group'):
- raise ConfigError('Network-group and GeoIP cannot both be defined')
+ if len({'address', 'fqdn', 'geoip'} & set(side_conf)) > 1:
+ raise ConfigError('Only one of address, fqdn or geoip can be specified')
if 'group' in side_conf:
- if {'address_group', 'network_group'} <= set(side_conf['group']):
- raise ConfigError('Only one address-group or network-group can be specified')
+ if len({'address_group', 'network_group', 'domain_group'} & set(side_conf['group'])) > 1:
+ raise ConfigError('Only one address-group, network-group or domain-group can be specified')
for group in valid_groups:
if group in side_conf['group']:
group_name = side_conf['group'][group]
+ fw_group = f'ipv6_{group}' if ipv6 and group in ['address_group', 'network_group'] else group
+ error_group = fw_group.replace("_", "-")
+ if group in ['address_group', 'network_group', 'domain_group']:
+ types = [t for t in ['address', 'fqdn', 'geoip'] if t in side_conf]
+ if types:
+ raise ConfigError(f'{error_group} and {types[0]} cannot both be defined')
if group_name and group_name[0] == '!':
group_name = group_name[1:]
- fw_group = f'ipv6_{group}' if ipv6 and group in ['address_group', 'network_group'] else group
- error_group = fw_group.replace("_", "-")
group_obj = dict_search_args(firewall, 'group', fw_group, group_name)
if group_obj is None:
@@ -466,42 +471,23 @@ def post_apply_trap(firewall):
cmd(base_cmd + ' '.join(objects))
-def resync_policy_route():
- # Update policy route as firewall groups were updated
- tmp, out = rc_cmd(policy_route_conf_script)
- if tmp > 0:
- Warning(f'Failed to re-apply policy route configuration! {out}')
def apply(firewall):
install_result, output = rc_cmd(f'nft -f {nftables_conf}')
if install_result == 1:
raise ConfigError(f'Failed to apply firewall: {output}')
- # set firewall group domain-group xxx
- if 'group' in firewall:
- if 'domain_group' in firewall['group']:
- # T970 Enable a resolver (systemd daemon) that checks
- # domain-group addresses and update entries for domains by timeout
- # If router loaded without internet connection or for synchronization
- call('systemctl restart vyos-domain-group-resolve.service')
- for group, group_config in firewall['group']['domain_group'].items():
- domains = []
- if group_config.get('address') is not None:
- for address in group_config.get('address'):
- domains.append(address)
- # Add elements to domain-group, try to resolve domain => ip
- # and add elements to nft set
- ip_dict = get_ips_domains_dict(domains)
- elements = sum(ip_dict.values(), [])
- nft_init_set(f'D_{group}')
- nft_add_set_elements(f'D_{group}', elements)
- else:
- call('systemctl stop vyos-domain-group-resolve.service')
- if firewall['policy_resync']:
- resync_policy_route()
+ if firewall['group_resync']:
+ call_dependents()
+ # T970 Enable a resolver (systemd daemon) that checks
+ # domain-group/fqdn addresses and update entries for domains by timeout
+ # If router loaded without internet connection or for synchronization
+ domain_action = 'stop'
+ if dict_search_args(firewall, 'group', 'domain_group') or firewall['ip_fqdn'] or firewall['ip6_fqdn']:
+ domain_action = 'restart'
+ call(f'systemctl {domain_action} vyos-domain-resolver.service')
if firewall['geoip_updated']:
# Call helper script to Update set contents
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 04113fc09..be80613c6 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -24,9 +24,11 @@ from copy import deepcopy
import vyos.defaults
from vyos.config import Config
+from vyos.configdict import dict_merge
from vyos.template import render
from vyos.util import cmd
from vyos.util import call
+from vyos.xml import defaults
from vyos import ConfigError
from vyos import airbag
@@ -36,6 +38,15 @@ systemd_service = '/run/systemd/system/vyos-http-api.service'
+def _translate_values_to_boolean(d: dict) -> dict:
+ for k in list(d):
+ if d[k] == {}:
+ d[k] = True
+ elif isinstance(d[k], dict):
+ _translate_values_to_boolean(d[k])
+ else:
+ pass
def get_config(config=None):
http_api = deepcopy(vyos.defaults.api_data)
x = http_api.get('api_keys')
@@ -54,48 +65,40 @@ def get_config(config=None):
if not conf.exists(base):
return None
+ api_dict = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
+ no_tag_node_value_mangle=True,
+ get_first_key=True)
+ # One needs to 'flatten' the keys dict from the config into the
+ # http-api.conf format for api_keys:
+ if 'keys' in api_dict:
+ api_dict['api_keys'] = []
+ for el in list(api_dict['keys']['id']):
+ key = api_dict['keys']['id'][el]['key']
+ api_dict['api_keys'].append({'id': el, 'key': key})
+ del api_dict['keys']
# Do we run inside a VRF context?
vrf_path = ['service', 'https', 'vrf']
if conf.exists(vrf_path):
http_api['vrf'] = conf.return_value(vrf_path)
- conf.set_level('service https api')
- if conf.exists('strict'):
- http_api['strict'] = True
- if conf.exists('debug'):
- http_api['debug'] = True
+ if 'api_keys' in api_dict:
+ keys_added = True
- if conf.exists('gql'):
- http_api['gql'] = True
- if conf.exists('gql introspection'):
- http_api['introspection'] = True
+ if 'graphql' in api_dict:
+ api_dict = dict_merge(defaults(base), api_dict)
- if conf.exists('socket'):
- http_api['socket'] = True
- if conf.exists('port'):
- port = conf.return_value('port')
- http_api['port'] = port
- if conf.exists('cors'):
- http_api['cors'] = {}
- if conf.exists('cors allow-origin'):
- origins = conf.return_values('cors allow-origin')
- http_api['cors']['origins'] = origins[:]
- if conf.exists('keys'):
- for name in conf.list_nodes('keys id'):
- if conf.exists('keys id {0} key'.format(name)):
- key = conf.return_value('keys id {0} key'.format(name))
- new_key = { 'id': name, 'key': key }
- http_api['api_keys'].append(new_key)
- keys_added = True
+ http_api.update(api_dict)
if keys_added and default_key:
if default_key in http_api['api_keys']:
+ # Finally, translate entries in http_api into boolean settings for
+ # backwards compatability of JSON http-api.conf file
+ _translate_values_to_boolean(http_api)
return http_api
def verify(http_api):
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b1819233c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+from sys import exit
+from netifaces import interfaces
+from vyos import ConfigError
+from vyos import airbag
+from vyos.config import Config
+from vyos.configdict import get_interface_dict
+from vyos.configverify import verify_address
+from vyos.configverify import verify_bridge_delete
+from vyos.configverify import verify_vrf
+from vyos.ifconfig import VethIf
+def get_config(config=None):
+ """
+ Retrive CLI config as dictionary. Dictionary can never be empty, as at
+ least the interface name will be added or a deleted flag
+ """
+ if config:
+ conf = config
+ else:
+ conf = Config()
+ base = ['interfaces', 'virtual-ethernet']
+ ifname, veth = get_interface_dict(conf, base)
+ # We need to know all other veth related interfaces as veth requires a 1:1
+ # mapping for the peer-names. The Linux kernel automatically creates both
+ # interfaces, the local one and the peer-name, but VyOS also needs a peer
+ # interfaces configrued on the CLI so we can assign proper IP addresses etc.
+ veth['other_interfaces'] = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
+ get_first_key=True, no_tag_node_value_mangle=True)
+ return veth
+def verify(veth):
+ if 'deleted' in veth:
+ verify_bridge_delete(veth)
+ return None
+ verify_vrf(veth)
+ verify_address(veth)
+ if 'peer_name' not in veth:
+ raise ConfigError(f'Remote peer name must be set for "{veth["ifname"]}"!')
+ if veth['peer_name'] not in veth['other_interfaces']:
+ peer_name = veth['peer_name']
+ ifname = veth['ifname']
+ raise ConfigError(f'Used peer-name "{peer_name}" on interface "{ifname}" ' \
+ 'is not configured!')
+ return None
+def generate(peth):
+ return None
+def apply(veth):
+ # Check if the Veth interface already exists
+ if 'rebuild_required' in veth or 'deleted' in veth:
+ if veth['ifname'] in interfaces():
+ p = VethIf(veth['ifname'])
+ p.remove()
+ if 'deleted' not in veth:
+ p = VethIf(**veth)
+ p.update(veth)
+ return None
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ c = get_config()
+ verify(c)
+ generate(c)
+ apply(c)
+ except ConfigError as e:
+ print(e)
+ exit(1)
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 8d738f55e..762bad94f 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ def verify(wireguard):
'cannot be used for the interface!')
# run checks on individual configured WireGuard peer
+ public_keys = []
for tmp in wireguard['peer']:
peer = wireguard['peer'][tmp]
@@ -100,6 +102,11 @@ def verify(wireguard):
raise ConfigError('Both Wireguard port and address must be defined '
f'for peer "{tmp}" if either one of them is set!')
+ if peer['public_key'] in public_keys:
+ raise ConfigError(f'Duplicate public-key defined on peer "{tmp}"')
+ public_keys.append(peer['public_key'])
def apply(wireguard):
tmp = WireGuardIf(wireguard['ifname'])
if 'deleted' in wireguard:
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 97b3a6396..a14a992ae 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ def generate(wwan):
# disconnect - e.g. happens during RF signal loss. The script watches every
# WWAN interface - so there is only one instance.
if not os.path.exists(cron_script):
- write_file(cron_script, '*/5 * * * * root /usr/libexec/vyos/')
+ write_file(cron_script, '*/5 * * * * root /usr/libexec/vyos/\n')
return None
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 8b1a5a720..9f8221514 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ from vyos.util import cmd
from vyos.util import run
from vyos.util import check_kmod
from vyos.util import dict_search
+from vyos.util import dict_search_args
from vyos.validate import is_addr_assigned
from vyos.xml import defaults
from vyos import ConfigError
@@ -47,6 +48,13 @@ else:
nftables_nat_config = '/run/nftables_nat.conf'
nftables_static_nat_conf = '/run/nftables_static-nat-rules.nft'
+valid_groups = [
+ 'address_group',
+ 'domain_group',
+ 'network_group',
+ 'port_group'
def get_handler(json, chain, target):
""" Get nftable rule handler number of given chain/target combination.
Handler is required when adding NAT/Conntrack helper targets """
@@ -60,7 +68,7 @@ def get_handler(json, chain, target):
return None
-def verify_rule(config, err_msg):
+def verify_rule(config, err_msg, groups_dict):
""" Common verify steps used for both source and destination NAT """
if (dict_search('translation.port', config) != None or
@@ -78,6 +86,45 @@ def verify_rule(config, err_msg):
'statically maps a whole network of addresses onto another\n' \
'network of addresses')
+ for side in ['destination', 'source']:
+ if side in config:
+ side_conf = config[side]
+ if len({'address', 'fqdn'} & set(side_conf)) > 1:
+ raise ConfigError('Only one of address, fqdn or geoip can be specified')
+ if 'group' in side_conf:
+ if len({'address_group', 'network_group', 'domain_group'} & set(side_conf['group'])) > 1:
+ raise ConfigError('Only one address-group, network-group or domain-group can be specified')
+ for group in valid_groups:
+ if group in side_conf['group']:
+ group_name = side_conf['group'][group]
+ error_group = group.replace("_", "-")
+ if group in ['address_group', 'network_group', 'domain_group']:
+ types = [t for t in ['address', 'fqdn'] if t in side_conf]
+ if types:
+ raise ConfigError(f'{error_group} and {types[0]} cannot both be defined')
+ if group_name and group_name[0] == '!':
+ group_name = group_name[1:]
+ group_obj = dict_search_args(groups_dict, group, group_name)
+ if group_obj is None:
+ raise ConfigError(f'Invalid {error_group} "{group_name}" on firewall rule')
+ if not group_obj:
+ Warning(f'{error_group} "{group_name}" has no members!')
+ if dict_search_args(side_conf, 'group', 'port_group'):
+ if 'protocol' not in config:
+ raise ConfigError('Protocol must be defined if specifying a port-group')
+ if config['protocol'] not in ['tcp', 'udp', 'tcp_udp']:
+ raise ConfigError('Protocol must be tcp, udp, or tcp_udp when specifying a port-group')
def get_config(config=None):
if config:
conf = config
@@ -105,16 +152,20 @@ def get_config(config=None):
condensed_json =, nftable_json)
if not conf.exists(base):
- nat['helper_functions'] = 'remove'
- # Retrieve current table handler positions
- nat['pre_ct_ignore'] = get_handler(condensed_json, 'PREROUTING', 'VYOS_CT_HELPER')
- nat['pre_ct_conntrack'] = get_handler(condensed_json, 'PREROUTING', 'NAT_CONNTRACK')
- nat['out_ct_ignore'] = get_handler(condensed_json, 'OUTPUT', 'VYOS_CT_HELPER')
- nat['out_ct_conntrack'] = get_handler(condensed_json, 'OUTPUT', 'NAT_CONNTRACK')
+ if get_handler(condensed_json, 'PREROUTING', 'VYOS_CT_HELPER'):
+ nat['helper_functions'] = 'remove'
+ # Retrieve current table handler positions
+ nat['pre_ct_ignore'] = get_handler(condensed_json, 'PREROUTING', 'VYOS_CT_HELPER')
+ nat['pre_ct_conntrack'] = get_handler(condensed_json, 'PREROUTING', 'NAT_CONNTRACK')
+ nat['out_ct_ignore'] = get_handler(condensed_json, 'OUTPUT', 'VYOS_CT_HELPER')
+ nat['out_ct_conntrack'] = get_handler(condensed_json, 'OUTPUT', 'NAT_CONNTRACK')
nat['deleted'] = ''
return nat
+ nat['firewall_group'] = conf.get_config_dict(['firewall', 'group'], key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True,
+ no_tag_node_value_mangle=True)
# check if NAT connection tracking helpers need to be set up - this has to
# be done only once
if not get_handler(condensed_json, 'PREROUTING', 'NAT_CONNTRACK'):
@@ -146,6 +197,10 @@ def verify(nat):
if config['outbound_interface'] not in 'any' and config['outbound_interface'] not in interfaces():
Warning(f'rule "{rule}" interface "{config["outbound_interface"]}" does not exist on this system')
+ if not dict_search('translation.address', config) and not dict_search('translation.port', config):
+ if 'exclude' not in config:
+ raise ConfigError(f'{err_msg} translation requires address and/or port')
addr = dict_search('translation.address', config)
if addr != None and addr != 'masquerade' and not is_ip_network(addr):
for ip in addr.split('-'):
@@ -153,7 +208,7 @@ def verify(nat):
Warning(f'IP address {ip} does not exist on the system!')
# common rule verification
- verify_rule(config, err_msg)
+ verify_rule(config, err_msg, nat['firewall_group'])
if dict_search('destination.rule', nat):
@@ -166,8 +221,12 @@ def verify(nat):
elif config['inbound_interface'] not in 'any' and config['inbound_interface'] not in interfaces():
Warning(f'rule "{rule}" interface "{config["inbound_interface"]}" does not exist on this system')
+ if not dict_search('translation.address', config) and not dict_search('translation.port', config):
+ if 'exclude' not in config:
+ raise ConfigError(f'{err_msg} translation requires address and/or port')
# common rule verification
- verify_rule(config, err_msg)
+ verify_rule(config, err_msg, nat['firewall_group'])
if dict_search('static.rule', nat):
for rule, config in dict_search('static.rule', nat).items():
@@ -178,7 +237,7 @@ def verify(nat):
'inbound-interface not specified')
# common rule verification
- verify_rule(config, err_msg)
+ verify_rule(config, err_msg, nat['firewall_group'])
return None
@@ -204,6 +263,10 @@ def apply(nat):
cmd(f'nft -f {nftables_nat_config}')
cmd(f'nft -f {nftables_static_nat_conf}')
+ if not nat or 'deleted' in nat:
+ os.unlink(nftables_nat_config)
+ os.unlink(nftables_static_nat_conf)
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
deleted file mode 100755
index 58c5fd93d..000000000
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2021 VyOS maintainers and contributors
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import os
-import re
-from sys import argv
-from sys import exit
-from vyos.config import Config
-from vyos.ifconfig import Section
-from vyos.template import render
-from vyos.util import cmd
-from vyos.util import run
-from vyos import ConfigError
-from vyos import airbag
-def get_config(config=None):
- if config:
- conf = config
- else:
- conf = Config()
- ifname = argv[1]
- ifpath = Section.get_config_path(ifname)
- if_policy_path = f'interfaces {ifpath} policy'
- if_policy = conf.get_config_dict(if_policy_path, key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True,
- no_tag_node_value_mangle=True)
- if_policy['ifname'] = ifname
- if_policy['policy'] = conf.get_config_dict(['policy'], key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True,
- no_tag_node_value_mangle=True)
- return if_policy
-def verify_chain(table, chain):
- # Verify policy route applied
- code = run(f'nft list chain {table} {chain}')
- return code == 0
-def verify(if_policy):
- # bail out early - looks like removal from running config
- if not if_policy:
- return None
- for route in ['route', 'route6']:
- if route in if_policy:
- if route not in if_policy['policy']:
- raise ConfigError('Policy route not configured')
- route_name = if_policy[route]
- if route_name not in if_policy['policy'][route]:
- raise ConfigError(f'Invalid policy route name "{name}"')
- nft_prefix = 'VYOS_PBR6_' if route == 'route6' else 'VYOS_PBR_'
- nft_table = 'ip6 mangle' if route == 'route6' else 'ip mangle'
- if not verify_chain(nft_table, nft_prefix + route_name):
- raise ConfigError('Policy route did not apply')
- return None
-def generate(if_policy):
- return None
-def cleanup_rule(table, chain, ifname, new_name=None):
- results = cmd(f'nft -a list chain {table} {chain}').split("\n")
- retval = None
- for line in results:
- if f'ifname "{ifname}"' in line:
- if new_name and f'jump {new_name}' in line:
- # new_name is used to clear rules for any previously referenced chains
- # returns true when rule exists and doesn't need to be created
- retval = True
- continue
- handle_search ='handle (\d+)', line)
- if handle_search:
- cmd(f'nft delete rule {table} {chain} handle {handle_search[1]}')
- return retval
-def apply(if_policy):
- ifname = if_policy['ifname']
- route_chain = 'VYOS_PBR_PREROUTING'
- ipv6_route_chain = 'VYOS_PBR6_PREROUTING'
- if 'route' in if_policy:
- name = 'VYOS_PBR_' + if_policy['route']
- rule_exists = cleanup_rule('ip mangle', route_chain, ifname, name)
- if not rule_exists:
- cmd(f'nft insert rule ip mangle {route_chain} iifname {ifname} counter jump {name}')
- else:
- cleanup_rule('ip mangle', route_chain, ifname)
- if 'route6' in if_policy:
- name = 'VYOS_PBR6_' + if_policy['route6']
- rule_exists = cleanup_rule('ip6 mangle', ipv6_route_chain, ifname, name)
- if not rule_exists:
- cmd(f'nft insert rule ip6 mangle {ipv6_route_chain} iifname {ifname} counter jump {name}')
- else:
- cleanup_rule('ip6 mangle', ipv6_route_chain, ifname)
- return None
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- try:
- c = get_config()
- verify(c)
- generate(c)
- apply(c)
- except ConfigError as e:
- print(e)
- exit(1)
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 00539b9c7..1d016695e 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -15,7 +15,6 @@
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
import os
-import re
from json import loads
from sys import exit
@@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ from vyos.config import Config
from vyos.template import render
from vyos.util import cmd
from vyos.util import dict_search_args
-from vyos.util import dict_search_recursive
from vyos.util import run
from vyos import ConfigError
from vyos import airbag
@@ -34,48 +32,13 @@ airbag.enable()
mark_offset = 0x7FFFFFFF
nftables_conf = '/run/nftables_policy.conf'
-preserve_chains = [
valid_groups = [
+ 'domain_group',
-group_set_prefix = {
- 'A_': 'address_group',
- 'A6_': 'ipv6_address_group',
-# 'D_': 'domain_group',
- 'M_': 'mac_group',
- 'N_': 'network_group',
- 'N6_': 'ipv6_network_group',
- 'P_': 'port_group'
-def get_policy_interfaces(conf):
- out = {}
- interfaces = conf.get_config_dict(['interfaces'], key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True,
- no_tag_node_value_mangle=True)
- def find_interfaces(iftype_conf, output={}, prefix=''):
- for ifname, if_conf in iftype_conf.items():
- if 'policy' in if_conf:
- output[prefix + ifname] = if_conf['policy']
- for vif in ['vif', 'vif_s', 'vif_c']:
- if vif in if_conf:
- output.update(find_interfaces(if_conf[vif], output, f'{prefix}{ifname}.'))
- return output
- for iftype, iftype_conf in interfaces.items():
- out.update(find_interfaces(iftype_conf))
- return out
def get_config(config=None):
if config:
conf = config
@@ -88,7 +51,6 @@ def get_config(config=None):
policy['firewall_group'] = conf.get_config_dict(['firewall', 'group'], key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True,
- policy['interfaces'] = get_policy_interfaces(conf)
return policy
@@ -132,8 +94,8 @@ def verify_rule(policy, name, rule_conf, ipv6, rule_id):
side_conf = rule_conf[side]
if 'group' in side_conf:
- if {'address_group', 'network_group'} <= set(side_conf['group']):
- raise ConfigError('Only one address-group or network-group can be specified')
+ if len({'address_group', 'domain_group', 'network_group'} & set(side_conf['group'])) > 1:
+ raise ConfigError('Only one address-group, domain-group or network-group can be specified')
for group in valid_groups:
if group in side_conf['group']:
@@ -168,73 +130,11 @@ def verify(policy):
for rule_id, rule_conf in pol_conf['rule'].items():
verify_rule(policy, name, rule_conf, ipv6, rule_id)
- for ifname, if_policy in policy['interfaces'].items():
- name = dict_search_args(if_policy, 'route')
- ipv6_name = dict_search_args(if_policy, 'route6')
- if name and not dict_search_args(policy, 'route', name):
- raise ConfigError(f'Policy route "{name}" is still referenced on interface {ifname}')
- if ipv6_name and not dict_search_args(policy, 'route6', ipv6_name):
- raise ConfigError(f'Policy route6 "{ipv6_name}" is still referenced on interface {ifname}')
return None
-def cleanup_commands(policy):
- commands = []
- commands_chains = []
- commands_sets = []
- for table in ['ip mangle', 'ip6 mangle']:
- route_node = 'route' if table == 'ip mangle' else 'route6'
- chain_prefix = ROUTE_PREFIX if table == 'ip mangle' else ROUTE6_PREFIX
- json_str = cmd(f'nft -t -j list table {table}')
- obj = loads(json_str)
- if 'nftables' not in obj:
- continue
- for item in obj['nftables']:
- if 'chain' in item:
- chain = item['chain']['name']
- if chain in preserve_chains or not chain.startswith("VYOS_PBR"):
- continue
- if dict_search_args(policy, route_node, chain.replace(chain_prefix, "", 1)) != None:
- commands.append(f'flush chain {table} {chain}')
- else:
- commands_chains.append(f'delete chain {table} {chain}')
- if 'rule' in item:
- rule = item['rule']
- chain = rule['chain']
- handle = rule['handle']
- if chain not in preserve_chains:
- continue
- target, _ = next(dict_search_recursive(rule['expr'], 'target'))
- if target.startswith(chain_prefix):
- if dict_search_args(policy, route_node, target.replace(chain_prefix, "", 1)) == None:
- commands.append(f'delete rule {table} {chain} handle {handle}')
- if 'set' in item:
- set_name = item['set']['name']
- for prefix, group_type in group_set_prefix.items():
- if set_name.startswith(prefix):
- group_name = set_name.replace(prefix, "", 1)
- if dict_search_args(policy, 'firewall_group', group_type, group_name) != None:
- commands_sets.append(f'flush set {table} {set_name}')
- else:
- commands_sets.append(f'delete set {table} {set_name}')
- return commands + commands_chains + commands_sets
def generate(policy):
if not os.path.exists(nftables_conf):
policy['first_install'] = True
- else:
- policy['cleanup_commands'] = cleanup_commands(policy)
render(nftables_conf, 'firewall/nftables-policy.j2', policy)
return None
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 3008a20e0..331194fec 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -23,8 +23,42 @@ from vyos.util import dict_search
from vyos import ConfigError
from vyos import frr
from vyos import airbag
+def community_action_compatibility(actions: dict) -> bool:
+ """
+ Check compatibility of values in community and large community sections
+ :param actions: dictionary with community
+ :type actions: dict
+ :return: true if compatible, false if not
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ if ('none' in actions) and ('replace' in actions or 'add' in actions):
+ return False
+ if 'replace' in actions and 'add' in actions:
+ return False
+ if ('delete' in actions) and ('none' in actions or 'replace' in actions):
+ return False
+ return True
+def extcommunity_action_compatibility(actions: dict) -> bool:
+ """
+ Check compatibility of values in extended community sections
+ :param actions: dictionary with community
+ :type actions: dict
+ :return: true if compatible, false if not
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ if ('none' in actions) and (
+ 'rt' in actions or 'soo' in actions or 'bandwidth' in actions or 'bandwidth_non_transitive' in actions):
+ return False
+ if ('bandwidth_non_transitive' in actions) and ('bandwidth' not in actions):
+ return False
+ return True
def routing_policy_find(key, dictionary):
# Recursively traverse a dictionary and extract the value assigned to
# a given key as generator object. This is made for routing policies,
@@ -46,6 +80,7 @@ def routing_policy_find(key, dictionary):
for result in routing_policy_find(key, d):
yield result
def get_config(config=None):
if config:
conf = config
@@ -53,7 +88,8 @@ def get_config(config=None):
conf = Config()
base = ['policy']
- policy = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True,
+ policy = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
+ get_first_key=True,
# We also need some additional information from the config, prefix-lists
@@ -67,12 +103,14 @@ def get_config(config=None):
policy = dict_merge(tmp, policy)
return policy
def verify(policy):
if not policy:
return None
for policy_type in ['access_list', 'access_list6', 'as_path_list',
- 'community_list', 'extcommunity_list', 'large_community_list',
+ 'community_list', 'extcommunity_list',
+ 'large_community_list',
'prefix_list', 'prefix_list6', 'route_map']:
# Bail out early and continue with next policy type
if policy_type not in policy:
@@ -97,15 +135,18 @@ def verify(policy):
if 'source' not in rule_config:
raise ConfigError(f'A source {mandatory_error}')
- if int(instance) in range(100, 200) or int(instance) in range(2000, 2700):
+ if int(instance) in range(100, 200) or int(
+ instance) in range(2000, 2700):
if 'destination' not in rule_config:
- raise ConfigError(f'A destination {mandatory_error}')
+ raise ConfigError(
+ f'A destination {mandatory_error}')
if policy_type == 'access_list6':
if 'source' not in rule_config:
raise ConfigError(f'A source {mandatory_error}')
- if policy_type in ['as_path_list', 'community_list', 'extcommunity_list',
+ if policy_type in ['as_path_list', 'community_list',
+ 'extcommunity_list',
if 'regex' not in rule_config:
raise ConfigError(f'A regex {mandatory_error}')
@@ -115,10 +156,10 @@ def verify(policy):
raise ConfigError(f'A prefix {mandatory_error}')
if rule_config in entries:
- raise ConfigError(f'Rule "{rule}" contains a duplicate prefix definition!')
+ raise ConfigError(
+ f'Rule "{rule}" contains a duplicate prefix definition!')
# route-maps tend to be a bit more complex so they get their own verify() section
if 'route_map' in policy:
for route_map, route_map_config in policy['route_map'].items():
@@ -126,20 +167,29 @@ def verify(policy):
for rule, rule_config in route_map_config['rule'].items():
+ # Action 'deny' cannot be used with "continue"
+ # FRR does not validate it T4827
+ if rule_config['action'] == 'deny' and 'continue' in rule_config:
+ raise ConfigError(f'rule {rule} "continue" cannot be used with action deny!')
# Specified community-list must exist
- tmp = dict_search('', rule_config)
+ tmp = dict_search('',
+ rule_config)
if tmp and tmp not in policy.get('community_list', []):
raise ConfigError(f'community-list {tmp} does not exist!')
# Specified extended community-list must exist
tmp = dict_search('match.extcommunity', rule_config)
if tmp and tmp not in policy.get('extcommunity_list', []):
- raise ConfigError(f'extcommunity-list {tmp} does not exist!')
+ raise ConfigError(
+ f'extcommunity-list {tmp} does not exist!')
# Specified large-community-list must exist
- tmp = dict_search('match.large_community.large_community_list', rule_config)
+ tmp = dict_search('match.large_community.large_community_list',
+ rule_config)
if tmp and tmp not in policy.get('large_community_list', []):
- raise ConfigError(f'large-community-list {tmp} does not exist!')
+ raise ConfigError(
+ f'large-community-list {tmp} does not exist!')
# Specified prefix-list must exist
tmp = dict_search('match.ip.address.prefix_list', rule_config)
@@ -147,49 +197,87 @@ def verify(policy):
raise ConfigError(f'prefix-list {tmp} does not exist!')
# Specified prefix-list must exist
- tmp = dict_search('match.ipv6.address.prefix_list', rule_config)
+ tmp = dict_search('match.ipv6.address.prefix_list',
+ rule_config)
if tmp and tmp not in policy.get('prefix_list6', []):
raise ConfigError(f'prefix-list6 {tmp} does not exist!')
# Specified access_list6 in nexthop must exist
- tmp = dict_search('match.ipv6.nexthop.access_list', rule_config)
+ tmp = dict_search('match.ipv6.nexthop.access_list',
+ rule_config)
if tmp and tmp not in policy.get('access_list6', []):
raise ConfigError(f'access_list6 {tmp} does not exist!')
# Specified prefix-list6 in nexthop must exist
- tmp = dict_search('match.ipv6.nexthop.prefix_list', rule_config)
+ tmp = dict_search('match.ipv6.nexthop.prefix_list',
+ rule_config)
if tmp and tmp not in policy.get('prefix_list6', []):
raise ConfigError(f'prefix-list6 {tmp} does not exist!')
+ tmp = dict_search('', rule_config)
+ if tmp and tmp not in policy.get('community_list', []):
+ raise ConfigError(f'community-list {tmp} does not exist!')
+ tmp = dict_search('set.large_community.delete',
+ rule_config)
+ if tmp and tmp not in policy.get('large_community_list', []):
+ raise ConfigError(
+ f'large-community-list {tmp} does not exist!')
+ if 'set' in rule_config:
+ rule_action = rule_config['set']
+ if 'community' in rule_action:
+ if not community_action_compatibility(
+ rule_action['community']):
+ raise ConfigError(
+ f'Unexpected combination between action replace, add, delete or none in community')
+ if 'large_community' in rule_action:
+ if not community_action_compatibility(
+ rule_action['large_community']):
+ raise ConfigError(
+ f'Unexpected combination between action replace, add, delete or none in large-community')
+ if 'extcommunity' in rule_action:
+ if not extcommunity_action_compatibility(
+ rule_action['extcommunity']):
+ raise ConfigError(
+ f'Unexpected combination between none, rt, soo, bandwidth, bandwidth-non-transitive in extended-community')
# When routing protocols are active some use prefix-lists, route-maps etc.
# to apply the systems routing policy to the learned or redistributed routes.
# When the "routing policy" changes and policies, route-maps etc. are deleted,
# it is our responsibility to verify that the policy can not be deleted if it
# is used by any routing protocol
if 'protocols' in policy:
- for policy_type in ['access_list', 'access_list6', 'as_path_list', 'community_list',
- 'extcommunity_list', 'large_community_list', 'prefix_list', 'route_map']:
+ for policy_type in ['access_list', 'access_list6', 'as_path_list',
+ 'community_list',
+ 'extcommunity_list', 'large_community_list',
+ 'prefix_list', 'route_map']:
if policy_type in policy:
- for policy_name in list(set(routing_policy_find(policy_type, policy['protocols']))):
+ for policy_name in list(set(routing_policy_find(policy_type,
+ policy[
+ 'protocols']))):
found = False
if policy_name in policy[policy_type]:
found = True
# BGP uses prefix-list for selecting both an IPv4 or IPv6 AFI related
# list - we need to go the extra mile here and check both prefix-lists
- if policy_type == 'prefix_list' and 'prefix_list6' in policy and policy_name in policy['prefix_list6']:
+ if policy_type == 'prefix_list' and 'prefix_list6' in policy and policy_name in \
+ policy['prefix_list6']:
found = True
if not found:
- tmp = policy_type.replace('_','-')
- raise ConfigError(f'Can not delete {tmp} "{policy_name}", still in use!')
+ tmp = policy_type.replace('_', '-')
+ raise ConfigError(
+ f'Can not delete {tmp} "{policy_name}", still in use!')
return None
def generate(policy):
if not policy:
return None
policy['new_frr_config'] = render_to_string('frr/policy.frr.j2', policy)
return None
def apply(policy):
bgp_daemon = 'bgpd'
zebra_daemon = 'zebra'
@@ -203,7 +291,8 @@ def apply(policy):
frr_cfg.modify_section(r'^bgp community-list .*')
frr_cfg.modify_section(r'^bgp extcommunity-list .*')
frr_cfg.modify_section(r'^bgp large-community-list .*')
- frr_cfg.modify_section(r'^route-map .*', stop_pattern='^exit', remove_stop_mark=True)
+ frr_cfg.modify_section(r'^route-map .*', stop_pattern='^exit',
+ remove_stop_mark=True)
if 'new_frr_config' in policy:
frr_cfg.add_before(frr.default_add_before, policy['new_frr_config'])
@@ -214,13 +303,15 @@ def apply(policy):
frr_cfg.modify_section(r'^ipv6 access-list .*')
frr_cfg.modify_section(r'^ip prefix-list .*')
frr_cfg.modify_section(r'^ipv6 prefix-list .*')
- frr_cfg.modify_section(r'^route-map .*', stop_pattern='^exit', remove_stop_mark=True)
+ frr_cfg.modify_section(r'^route-map .*', stop_pattern='^exit',
+ remove_stop_mark=True)
if 'new_frr_config' in policy:
frr_cfg.add_before(frr.default_add_before, policy['new_frr_config'])
return None
if __name__ == '__main__':
c = get_config()
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 87456f00b..ff568d470 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -159,6 +159,11 @@ def verify(bgp):
if 'ebgp_multihop' in peer_config and 'ttl_security' in peer_config:
raise ConfigError('You can not set both ebgp-multihop and ttl-security hops')
+ # interface and ebgp-multihop can't be used in the same configration
+ if 'ebgp_multihop' in peer_config and 'interface' in peer_config:
+ raise ConfigError(f'Ebgp-multihop can not be used with directly connected '\
+ f'neighbor "{peer}"')
# Check if neighbor has both override capability and strict capability match
# configured at the same time.
if 'override_capability' in peer_config and 'strict_capability_match' in peer_config:
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 5b4874ba2..0582d32be 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -198,6 +198,58 @@ def verify(ospf):
if 'master' not in tmp or tmp['master'] != vrf:
raise ConfigError(f'Interface {interface} is not a member of VRF {vrf}!')
+ # Segment routing checks
+ if dict_search('segment_routing.global_block', ospf):
+ g_high_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.global_block.high_label_value', ospf)
+ g_low_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.global_block.low_label_value', ospf)
+ # If segment routing global block high or low value is blank, throw error
+ if not (g_low_label_value or g_high_label_value):
+ raise ConfigError('Segment routing global-block requires both low and high value!')
+ # If segment routing global block low value is higher than the high value, throw error
+ if int(g_low_label_value) > int(g_high_label_value):
+ raise ConfigError('Segment routing global-block low value must be lower than high value')
+ if dict_search('segment_routing.local_block', ospf):
+ if dict_search('segment_routing.global_block', ospf) == None:
+ raise ConfigError('Segment routing local-block requires global-block to be configured!')
+ l_high_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.local_block.high_label_value', ospf)
+ l_low_label_value = dict_search('segment_routing.local_block.low_label_value', ospf)
+ # If segment routing local-block high or low value is blank, throw error
+ if not (l_low_label_value or l_high_label_value):
+ raise ConfigError('Segment routing local-block requires both high and low value!')
+ # If segment routing local-block low value is higher than the high value, throw error
+ if int(l_low_label_value) > int(l_high_label_value):
+ raise ConfigError('Segment routing local-block low value must be lower than high value')
+ # local-block most live outside global block
+ global_range = range(int(g_low_label_value), int(g_high_label_value) +1)
+ local_range = range(int(l_low_label_value), int(l_high_label_value) +1)
+ # Check for overlapping ranges
+ if list(set(global_range) & set(local_range)):
+ raise ConfigError(f'Segment-Routing Global Block ({g_low_label_value}/{g_high_label_value}) '\
+ f'conflicts with Local Block ({l_low_label_value}/{l_high_label_value})!')
+ # Check for a blank or invalid value per prefix
+ if dict_search('segment_routing.prefix', ospf):
+ for prefix, prefix_config in ospf['segment_routing']['prefix'].items():
+ if 'index' in prefix_config:
+ if prefix_config['index'].get('value') is None:
+ raise ConfigError(f'Segment routing prefix {prefix} index value cannot be blank.')
+ # Check for explicit-null and no-php-flag configured at the same time per prefix
+ if dict_search('segment_routing.prefix', ospf):
+ for prefix, prefix_config in ospf['segment_routing']['prefix'].items():
+ if 'index' in prefix_config:
+ if ("explicit_null" in prefix_config['index']) and ("no_php_flag" in prefix_config['index']):
+ raise ConfigError(f'Segment routing prefix {prefix} cannot have both explicit-null '\
+ f'and no-php-flag configured at the same time.')
return None
def generate(ospf):
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 427cb6911..aafece47a 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -42,7 +42,11 @@ systemd_override = '/etc/systemd/system/telegraf.service.d/10-override.conf'
def get_nft_filter_chains():
""" Get nft chains for table filter """
- nft = cmd('nft --json list table ip vyos_filter')
+ try:
+ nft = cmd('nft --json list table ip vyos_filter')
+ except Exception:
+ print('nft table ip vyos_filter not found')
+ return []
nft = json.loads(nft)
chain_list = []
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 2bbd7142a..8746cc701 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ def verify(ssh):
if not ssh:
return None
+ if 'rekey' in ssh and 'data' not in ssh['rekey']:
+ raise ConfigError(f'Rekey data is required!')
return None
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index dbd346fe4..e26b81e3d 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -257,6 +257,15 @@ def apply(login):
except Exception as e:
raise ConfigError(f'Adding user "{user}" raised exception: "{e}"')
+ # Generate 2FA/MFA One-Time-Pad configuration
+ if dict_search('authentication.otp.key', user_config):
+ render(f'{home_dir}/.google_authenticator', 'login/pam_otp_ga.conf.j2',
+ user_config, permission=0o400, user=user, group='users')
+ else:
+ # delete configuration as it's not enabled for the user
+ if os.path.exists(f'{home_dir}/.google_authenticator'):
+ os.remove(f'{home_dir}/.google_authenticator')
if 'rm_users' in login:
for user in login['rm_users']:
diff --git a/src/conf_mode/ b/src/conf_mode/
index 77a425f8b..b79e9847a 100755
--- a/src/conf_mode/
+++ b/src/conf_mode/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ from sys import exit
from time import sleep
from time import time
+from vyos.base import Warning
from vyos.config import Config
from vyos.configdict import leaf_node_changed
from vyos.configverify import verify_interface_exists
@@ -117,13 +118,26 @@ def get_config(config=None):
ipsec['ike_group'][group]['proposal'][proposal] = dict_merge(default_values,
- if 'remote_access' in ipsec and 'connection' in ipsec['remote_access']:
+ # XXX: T2665: we can not safely rely on the defaults() when there are
+ # tagNodes in place, it is better to blend in the defaults manually.
+ if dict_search('remote_access.connection', ipsec):
default_values = defaults(base + ['remote-access', 'connection'])
for rw in ipsec['remote_access']['connection']:
ipsec['remote_access']['connection'][rw] = dict_merge(default_values,
- if 'remote_access' in ipsec and 'radius' in ipsec['remote_access'] and 'server' in ipsec['remote_access']['radius']:
+ # XXX: T2665: we can not safely rely on the defaults() when there are
+ # tagNodes in place, it is better to blend in the defaults manually.
+ if dict_search('remote_access.radius.server', ipsec):
+ # Fist handle the "base" stuff like RADIUS timeout
+ default_values = defaults(base + ['remote-access', 'radius'])
+ if 'server' in default_values:
+ del default_values['server']
+ ipsec['remote_access']['radius'] = dict_merge(default_values,
+ ipsec['remote_access']['radius'])
+ # Take care about individual RADIUS servers implemented as tagNodes - this
+ # requires special treatment
default_values = defaults(base + ['remote-access', 'radius', 'server'])
for server in ipsec['remote_access']['radius']['server']:
ipsec['remote_access']['radius']['server'][server] = dict_merge(default_values,
@@ -425,6 +439,10 @@ def verify(ipsec):
if 'local_address' in peer_conf and 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf:
raise ConfigError(f"A single local-address or dhcp-interface is required when using VTI on site-to-site peer {peer}")
+ if dict_search('options.disable_route_autoinstall',
+ ipsec) == None:
+ Warning('It\'s recommended to use ipsec vty with the next command\n[set vpn ipsec option disable-route-autoinstall]')
if 'bind' in peer_conf['vti']:
vti_interface = peer_conf['vti']['bind']
if not os.path.exists(f'/sys/class/net/{vti_interface}'):
diff --git a/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/04-vyos-resolvconf b/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/04-vyos-resolvconf
index b1902b585..518abeaec 100644
--- a/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/04-vyos-resolvconf
+++ b/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-enter-hooks.d/04-vyos-resolvconf
@@ -33,8 +33,8 @@ if /usr/bin/systemctl -q is-active vyos-hostsd; then
if [ -n "$new_dhcp6_name_servers" ]; then
logmsg info "Deleting nameservers with tag \"dhcpv6-$interface\" via vyos-hostsd-client"
$hostsd_client --delete-name-servers --tag "dhcpv6-$interface"
- logmsg info "Adding nameservers \"$new_dhcpv6_name_servers\" with tag \"dhcpv6-$interface\" via vyos-hostsd-client"
- $hostsd_client --add-name-servers $new_dhcpv6_name_servers --tag "dhcpv6-$interface"
+ logmsg info "Adding nameservers \"$new_dhcp6_name_servers\" with tag \"dhcpv6-$interface\" via vyos-hostsd-client"
+ $hostsd_client --add-name-servers $new_dhcp6_name_servers --tag "dhcpv6-$interface"
diff --git a/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/01-vyos-cleanup b/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/01-vyos-cleanup
index ad6a1d5eb..da1bda137 100644
--- a/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/01-vyos-cleanup
+++ b/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/01-vyos-cleanup
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ hostsd_changes=
/usr/bin/systemctl -q is-active vyos-hostsd
-if [[ $reason =~ (EXPIRE|FAIL|RELEASE|STOP) ]]; then
+if [[ $reason =~ ^(EXPIRE|FAIL|RELEASE|STOP)$ ]]; then
if [[ $hostsd_status -eq 0 ]]; then
# delete search domains and nameservers via vyos-hostsd
logmsg info "Deleting search domains with tag \"dhcp-$interface\" via vyos-hostsd-client"
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ if [[ $reason =~ (EXPIRE|FAIL|RELEASE|STOP) ]]; then
-if [[ $reason =~ (EXPIRE6|RELEASE6|STOP6) ]]; then
+if [[ $reason =~ ^(EXPIRE6|RELEASE6|STOP6)$ ]]; then
if [[ $hostsd_status -eq 0 ]]; then
# delete search domains and nameservers via vyos-hostsd
logmsg info "Deleting search domains with tag \"dhcpv6-$interface\" via vyos-hostsd-client"
diff --git a/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/vyatta-dhclient-hook b/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/vyatta-dhclient-hook
index eeb8b0782..49bb18372 100644
--- a/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/vyatta-dhclient-hook
+++ b/src/etc/dhcp/dhclient-exit-hooks.d/vyatta-dhclient-hook
@@ -8,12 +8,12 @@
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# General Public License for more details.
# This code was originally developed by Vyatta, Inc.
# Portions created by Vyatta are Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008 Vyatta, Inc.
# All Rights Reserved.
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
diff --git a/src/etc/ppp/ip-down.d/98-vyos-pppoe-cleanup-nameservers b/src/etc/ppp/ip-down.d/98-vyos-pppoe-cleanup-nameservers
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..222c75f21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/etc/ppp/ip-down.d/98-vyos-pppoe-cleanup-nameservers
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+### Autogenerated by ###
+if [ -z "$interface" ]; then
+ exit
+if ! /usr/bin/systemctl -q is-active vyos-hostsd; then
+ exit # vyos-hostsd is not running
+$hostsd_client --delete-name-servers --tag "dhcp-$interface"
+$hostsd_client --apply
diff --git a/src/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/98-vyos-pppoe-setup-nameservers b/src/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/98-vyos-pppoe-setup-nameservers
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0fcedbedc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/etc/ppp/ip-up.d/98-vyos-pppoe-setup-nameservers
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+### Autogenerated by ###
+if [ -z "$interface" ]; then
+ exit
+if ! /usr/bin/systemctl -q is-active vyos-hostsd; then
+ exit # vyos-hostsd is not running
+$hostsd_client --delete-name-servers --tag "dhcp-$interface"
+if [ "$USEPEERDNS" ] && [ -n "$DNS1" ]; then
+$hostsd_client --add-name-servers "$DNS1" --tag "dhcp-$interface"
+if [ "$USEPEERDNS" ] && [ -n "$DNS2" ]; then
+$hostsd_client --add-name-servers "$DNS2" --tag "dhcp-$interface"
+$hostsd_client --apply
diff --git a/src/etc/sudoers.d/vyos b/src/etc/sudoers.d/vyos
index f760b417f..e0fd8cb0b 100644
--- a/src/etc/sudoers.d/vyos
+++ b/src/etc/sudoers.d/vyos
@@ -40,10 +40,13 @@ Cmnd_Alias PCAPTURE = /usr/bin/tcpdump
Cmnd_Alias HWINFO = /usr/bin/lspci
Cmnd_Alias FORCE_CLUSTER = /usr/share/heartbeat/hb_takeover, \
+Cmnd_Alias DIAGNOSTICS = /bin/ip vrf exec * /bin/ping *, \
+ /bin/ip vrf exec * /bin/traceroute *, \
+ /usr/libexec/vyos/op_mode/*
PPPOE_CMDS, PCAPTURE, /usr/sbin/wanpipemon, \
# Allow any user to run files in sudo-users
%users ALL=NOPASSWD: /opt/vyatta/bin/sudo-users/
diff --git a/src/etc/telegraf/custom_scripts/ b/src/etc/telegraf/custom_scripts/
index cbc2bfe6b..d7eca5894 100755
--- a/src/etc/telegraf/custom_scripts/
+++ b/src/etc/telegraf/custom_scripts/
@@ -11,7 +11,10 @@ def get_nft_filter_chains():
Get list of nft chains for table filter
- nft = cmd('/usr/sbin/nft --json list table ip vyos_filter')
+ try:
+ nft = cmd('/usr/sbin/nft --json list table ip vyos_filter')
+ except Exception:
+ return []
nft = json.loads(nft)
chain_list = []
diff --git a/src/helpers/ b/src/helpers/
index 2aa687221..9614f0d28 100755
--- a/src/helpers/
+++ b/src/helpers/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-# Copyright 2019 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# Copyright 2019, 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -16,24 +16,13 @@
# along with this library. If not, see <>.
import sys
-import vyos.formatversions as formatversions
-import vyos.systemversions as systemversions
import vyos.defaults
-import vyos.version
-sys_versions = systemversions.get_system_component_version()
-component_string = formatversions.format_versions_string(sys_versions)
-os_version_string = vyos.version.get_version()
+from vyos.component_version import write_system_footer
if vyos.defaults.cfg_vintage == 'vyos':
- formatversions.write_vyos_versions_foot(None, component_string,
- os_version_string)
+ write_system_footer(None, vintage='vyos')
elif vyos.defaults.cfg_vintage == 'vyatta':
- formatversions.write_vyatta_versions_foot(None, component_string,
- os_version_string)
+ write_system_footer(None, vintage='vyatta')
- formatversions.write_vyatta_versions_foot(None, component_string,
- os_version_string)
+ write_system_footer(None, vintage='vyos')
diff --git a/src/helpers/ b/src/helpers/
deleted file mode 100755
index 6b677670b..000000000
--- a/src/helpers/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import time
-from vyos.configquery import ConfigTreeQuery
-from vyos.firewall import get_ips_domains_dict
-from vyos.firewall import nft_add_set_elements
-from vyos.firewall import nft_flush_set
-from vyos.firewall import nft_init_set
-from vyos.firewall import nft_update_set_elements
-from vyos.util import call
-base = ['firewall', 'group', 'domain-group']
-check_required = True
-# count_failed = 0
-# Timeout in sec between checks
-timeout = 300
-domain_state = {}
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- while check_required:
- config = ConfigTreeQuery()
- if config.exists(base):
- domain_groups = config.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True)
- for set_name, domain_config in domain_groups.items():
- list_domains = domain_config['address']
- elements = []
- ip_dict = get_ips_domains_dict(list_domains)
- for domain in list_domains:
- # Resolution succeeded, update domain state
- if domain in ip_dict:
- domain_state[domain] = ip_dict[domain]
- elements += ip_dict[domain]
- # Resolution failed, use previous domain state
- elif domain in domain_state:
- elements += domain_state[domain]
- # Resolve successful
- if elements:
- nft_update_set_elements(f'D_{set_name}', elements)
- time.sleep(timeout)
diff --git a/src/helpers/ b/src/helpers/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e31d9238e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/helpers/
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import json
+import os
+import time
+from vyos.configdict import dict_merge
+from vyos.configquery import ConfigTreeQuery
+from vyos.firewall import fqdn_config_parse
+from vyos.firewall import fqdn_resolve
+from vyos.util import cmd
+from vyos.util import commit_in_progress
+from vyos.util import dict_search_args
+from vyos.util import run
+from vyos.xml import defaults
+base = ['firewall']
+timeout = 300
+cache = False
+domain_state = {}
+ipv4_tables = {
+ 'ip vyos_mangle',
+ 'ip vyos_filter',
+ 'ip vyos_nat'
+ipv6_tables = {
+ 'ip6 vyos_mangle',
+ 'ip6 vyos_filter'
+def get_config(conf):
+ firewall = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'), get_first_key=True,
+ no_tag_node_value_mangle=True)
+ default_values = defaults(base)
+ for tmp in ['name', 'ipv6_name']:
+ if tmp in default_values:
+ del default_values[tmp]
+ if 'zone' in default_values:
+ del default_values['zone']
+ firewall = dict_merge(default_values, firewall)
+ global timeout, cache
+ if 'resolver_interval' in firewall:
+ timeout = int(firewall['resolver_interval'])
+ if 'resolver_cache' in firewall:
+ cache = True
+ fqdn_config_parse(firewall)
+ return firewall
+def resolve(domains, ipv6=False):
+ global domain_state
+ ip_list = set()
+ for domain in domains:
+ resolved = fqdn_resolve(domain, ipv6=ipv6)
+ if resolved and cache:
+ domain_state[domain] = resolved
+ elif not resolved:
+ if domain not in domain_state:
+ continue
+ resolved = domain_state[domain]
+ ip_list = ip_list | resolved
+ return ip_list
+def nft_output(table, set_name, ip_list):
+ output = [f'flush set {table} {set_name}']
+ if ip_list:
+ ip_str = ','.join(ip_list)
+ output.append(f'add element {table} {set_name} {{ {ip_str} }}')
+ return output
+def nft_valid_sets():
+ try:
+ valid_sets = []
+ sets_json = cmd('nft -j list sets')
+ sets_obj = json.loads(sets_json)
+ for obj in sets_obj['nftables']:
+ if 'set' in obj:
+ family = obj['set']['family']
+ table = obj['set']['table']
+ name = obj['set']['name']
+ valid_sets.append((f'{family} {table}', name))
+ return valid_sets
+ except:
+ return []
+def update(firewall):
+ conf_lines = []
+ count = 0
+ valid_sets = nft_valid_sets()
+ domain_groups = dict_search_args(firewall, 'group', 'domain_group')
+ if domain_groups:
+ for set_name, domain_config in domain_groups.items():
+ if 'address' not in domain_config:
+ continue
+ nft_set_name = f'D_{set_name}'
+ domains = domain_config['address']
+ ip_list = resolve(domains, ipv6=False)
+ for table in ipv4_tables:
+ if (table, nft_set_name) in valid_sets:
+ conf_lines += nft_output(table, nft_set_name, ip_list)
+ ip6_list = resolve(domains, ipv6=True)
+ for table in ipv6_tables:
+ if (table, nft_set_name) in valid_sets:
+ conf_lines += nft_output(table, nft_set_name, ip6_list)
+ count += 1
+ for set_name, domain in firewall['ip_fqdn'].items():
+ table = 'ip vyos_filter'
+ nft_set_name = f'FQDN_{set_name}'
+ ip_list = resolve([domain], ipv6=False)
+ if (table, nft_set_name) in valid_sets:
+ conf_lines += nft_output(table, nft_set_name, ip_list)
+ count += 1
+ for set_name, domain in firewall['ip6_fqdn'].items():
+ table = 'ip6 vyos_filter'
+ nft_set_name = f'FQDN_{set_name}'
+ ip_list = resolve([domain], ipv6=True)
+ if (table, nft_set_name) in valid_sets:
+ conf_lines += nft_output(table, nft_set_name, ip_list)
+ count += 1
+ nft_conf_str = "\n".join(conf_lines) + "\n"
+ code = run(f'nft -f -', input=nft_conf_str)
+ print(f'Updated {count} sets - result: {code}')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ print(f'VyOS domain resolver')
+ count = 1
+ while commit_in_progress():
+ if ( count % 60 == 0 ):
+ print(f'Commit still in progress after {count}s - waiting')
+ count += 1
+ time.sleep(1)
+ conf = ConfigTreeQuery()
+ firewall = get_config(conf)
+ print(f'interval: {timeout}s - cache: {cache}')
+ while True:
+ update(firewall)
+ time.sleep(timeout)
diff --git a/src/migration-scripts/https/3-to-4 b/src/migration-scripts/https/3-to-4
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5ee528b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/migration-scripts/https/3-to-4
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# T4768 rename node 'gql' to 'graphql'.
+import sys
+from vyos.configtree import ConfigTree
+if (len(sys.argv) < 2):
+ print("Must specify file name!")
+ sys.exit(1)
+file_name = sys.argv[1]
+with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
+ config_file =
+config = ConfigTree(config_file)
+old_base = ['service', 'https', 'api', 'gql']
+if not config.exists(old_base):
+ # Nothing to do
+ sys.exit(0)
+new_base = ['service', 'https', 'api', 'graphql']
+nodes = config.list_nodes(old_base)
+for node in nodes:
+ config.copy(old_base + [node], new_base + [node])
+ with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(config.to_string())
+except OSError as e:
+ print("Failed to save the modified config: {}".format(e))
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/src/migration-scripts/isis/1-to-2 b/src/migration-scripts/isis/1-to-2
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..f914ea995
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/migration-scripts/isis/1-to-2
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# T4739 refactor, and remove "on" from segment routing from the configuration
+from sys import argv
+from sys import exit
+from vyos.configtree import ConfigTree
+if (len(argv) < 1):
+ print("Must specify file name!")
+ exit(1)
+file_name = argv[1]
+with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
+ config_file =
+config = ConfigTree(config_file)
+# Check if ISIS segment routing is configured. Then check if segment routing "on" exists, then delete the "on" as it is no longer needed. This is for global configuration.
+if config.exists(['protocols', 'isis']):
+ if config.exists(['protocols', 'isis', 'segment-routing']):
+ if config.exists(['protocols', 'isis', 'segment-routing', 'enable']):
+ config.delete(['protocols', 'isis', 'segment-routing', 'enable'])
+ with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(config.to_string())
+except OSError as e:
+ print(f'Failed to save the modified config: {e}')
+ exit(1)
diff --git a/src/migration-scripts/policy/3-to-4 b/src/migration-scripts/policy/3-to-4
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..bae30cffc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/migration-scripts/policy/3-to-4
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# T4660: change cli
+# from: set policy route-map FOO rule 10 set community 'TEXT'
+# Multiple value
+# to: set policy route-map FOO rule 10 set community replace <community>
+# Multiple value
+# to: set policy route-map FOO rule 10 set community add <community>
+# to: set policy route-map FOO rule 10 set community none
+# from: set policy route-map FOO rule 10 set large-community 'TEXT'
+# Multiple value
+# to: set policy route-map FOO rule 10 set large-community replace <community>
+# Multiple value
+# to: set policy route-map FOO rule 10 set large-community add <community>
+# to: set policy route-map FOO rule 10 set large-community none
+# from: set policy route-map FOO rule 10 set extecommunity [rt|soo] 'TEXT'
+# Multiple value
+# to: set policy route-map FOO rule 10 set extcommunity [rt|soo] <community>
+from sys import argv
+from sys import exit
+from vyos.configtree import ConfigTree
+# Migration function for large and regular communities
+def community_migrate(config: ConfigTree, rule: list[str]) -> bool:
+ """
+ :param config: configuration object
+ :type config: ConfigTree
+ :param rule: Path to variable
+ :type rule: list[str]
+ :return: True if additive presents in community string
+ :rtype: bool
+ """
+ community_list = list((config.return_value(rule)).split(" "))
+ config.delete(rule)
+ if 'none' in community_list:
+ config.set(rule + ['none'])
+ return False
+ else:
+ community_action: str = 'replace'
+ if 'additive' in community_list:
+ community_action = 'add'
+ community_list.remove('additive')
+ for community in community_list:
+ config.set(rule + [community_action], value=community,
+ replace=False)
+ if community_action == 'replace':
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+# Migration function for extcommunities
+def extcommunity_migrate(config: ConfigTree, rule: list[str]) -> None:
+ """
+ :param config: configuration object
+ :type config: ConfigTree
+ :param rule: Path to variable
+ :type rule: list[str]
+ """
+ # if config.exists(rule + ['bandwidth']):
+ # bandwidth: str = config.return_value(rule + ['bandwidth'])
+ # config.delete(rule + ['bandwidth'])
+ # config.set(rule + ['bandwidth'], value=bandwidth)
+ if config.exists(rule + ['rt']):
+ community_list = list((config.return_value(rule + ['rt'])).split(" "))
+ config.delete(rule + ['rt'])
+ for community in community_list:
+ config.set(rule + ['rt'], value=community, replace=False)
+ if config.exists(rule + ['soo']):
+ community_list = list((config.return_value(rule + ['soo'])).split(" "))
+ config.delete(rule + ['soo'])
+ for community in community_list:
+ config.set(rule + ['soo'], value=community, replace=False)
+if (len(argv) < 1):
+ print("Must specify file name!")
+ exit(1)
+file_name: str = argv[1]
+with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
+ config_file =
+base: list[str] = ['policy', 'route-map']
+config = ConfigTree(config_file)
+if not config.exists(base):
+ # Nothing to do
+ exit(0)
+for route_map in config.list_nodes(base):
+ if not config.exists(base + [route_map, 'rule']):
+ continue
+ for rule in config.list_nodes(base + [route_map, 'rule']):
+ base_rule: list[str] = base + [route_map, 'rule', rule, 'set']
+ # IF additive presents in coummunity then comm-list is redundant
+ isAdditive: bool = True
+ #### Change Set community ########
+ if config.exists(base_rule + ['community']):
+ isAdditive = community_migrate(config,
+ base_rule + ['community'])
+ #### Change Set community-list delete migrate ########
+ if config.exists(base_rule + ['comm-list', 'comm-list']):
+ if isAdditive:
+ tmp = config.return_value(
+ base_rule + ['comm-list', 'comm-list'])
+ config.delete(base_rule + ['comm-list'])
+ config.set(base_rule + ['community', 'delete'], value=tmp)
+ else:
+ config.delete(base_rule + ['comm-list'])
+ isAdditive = False
+ #### Change Set large-community ########
+ if config.exists(base_rule + ['large-community']):
+ isAdditive = community_migrate(config,
+ base_rule + ['large-community'])
+ #### Change Set large-community delete by List ########
+ if config.exists(base_rule + ['large-comm-list-delete']):
+ if isAdditive:
+ tmp = config.return_value(
+ base_rule + ['large-comm-list-delete'])
+ config.delete(base_rule + ['large-comm-list-delete'])
+ config.set(base_rule + ['large-community', 'delete'],
+ value=tmp)
+ else:
+ config.delete(base_rule + ['large-comm-list-delete'])
+ #### Change Set extcommunity ########
+ extcommunity_migrate(config, base_rule + ['extcommunity'])
+ with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(config.to_string())
+except OSError as e:
+ print(f'Failed to save the modified config: {e}')
+ exit(1)
diff --git a/src/migration-scripts/policy/4-to-5 b/src/migration-scripts/policy/4-to-5
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..33c9e6ade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/migration-scripts/policy/4-to-5
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# T2199: Migrate interface policy nodes to policy route <name> interface <ifname>
+import re
+from sys import argv
+from sys import exit
+from vyos.configtree import ConfigTree
+from vyos.ifconfig import Section
+if (len(argv) < 1):
+ print("Must specify file name!")
+ exit(1)
+file_name = argv[1]
+with open(file_name, 'r') as f:
+ config_file =
+base4 = ['policy', 'route']
+base6 = ['policy', 'route6']
+config = ConfigTree(config_file)
+if not config.exists(base4) and not config.exists(base6):
+ # Nothing to do
+ exit(0)
+def migrate_interface(config, iftype, ifname, vif=None, vifs=None, vifc=None):
+ if_path = ['interfaces', iftype, ifname]
+ ifname_full = ifname
+ if vif:
+ if_path += ['vif', vif]
+ ifname_full = f'{ifname}.{vif}'
+ elif vifs:
+ if_path += ['vif-s', vifs]
+ ifname_full = f'{ifname}.{vifs}'
+ if vifc:
+ if_path += ['vif-c', vifc]
+ ifname_full = f'{ifname}.{vifs}.{vifc}'
+ if not config.exists(if_path + ['policy']):
+ return
+ if config.exists(if_path + ['policy', 'route']):
+ route_name = config.return_value(if_path + ['policy', 'route'])
+ config.set(base4 + [route_name, 'interface'], value=ifname_full, replace=False)
+ if config.exists(if_path + ['policy', 'route6']):
+ route_name = config.return_value(if_path + ['policy', 'route6'])
+ config.set(base6 + [route_name, 'interface'], value=ifname_full, replace=False)
+ config.delete(if_path + ['policy'])
+for iftype in config.list_nodes(['interfaces']):
+ for ifname in config.list_nodes(['interfaces', iftype]):
+ migrate_interface(config, iftype, ifname)
+ if config.exists(['interfaces', iftype, ifname, 'vif']):
+ for vif in config.list_nodes(['interfaces', iftype, ifname, 'vif']):
+ migrate_interface(config, iftype, ifname, vif=vif)
+ if config.exists(['interfaces', iftype, ifname, 'vif-s']):
+ for vifs in config.list_nodes(['interfaces', iftype, ifname, 'vif-s']):
+ migrate_interface(config, iftype, ifname, vifs=vifs)
+ if config.exists(['interfaces', iftype, ifname, 'vif-s', vifs, 'vif-c']):
+ for vifc in config.list_nodes(['interfaces', iftype, ifname, 'vif-s', vifs, 'vif-c']):
+ migrate_interface(config, iftype, ifname, vifs=vifs, vifc=vifc)
+ with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
+ f.write(config.to_string())
+except OSError as e:
+ print("Failed to save the modified config: {}".format(e))
+ exit(1)
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..2fd045dc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+import vyos.accel_ppp
+import vyos.opmode
+from vyos.configquery import ConfigTreeQuery
+from vyos.util import rc_cmd
+accel_dict = {
+ 'ipoe': {
+ 'port': 2002,
+ 'path': 'service ipoe-server'
+ },
+ 'pppoe': {
+ 'port': 2001,
+ 'path': 'service pppoe-server'
+ },
+ 'pptp': {
+ 'port': 2003,
+ 'path': 'vpn pptp'
+ },
+ 'l2tp': {
+ 'port': 2004,
+ 'path': 'vpn l2tp'
+ },
+ 'sstp': {
+ 'port': 2005,
+ 'path': 'vpn sstp'
+ }
+def _get_raw_statistics(accel_output, pattern):
+ return vyos.accel_ppp.get_server_statistics(accel_output, pattern, sep=':')
+def _get_raw_sessions(port):
+ cmd_options = 'show sessions ifname,username,ip,ip6,ip6-dp,type,state,' \
+ 'uptime-raw,calling-sid,called-sid,sid,comp,rx-bytes-raw,' \
+ 'tx-bytes-raw,rx-pkts,tx-pkts'
+ output = vyos.accel_ppp.accel_cmd(port, cmd_options)
+ parsed_data: list[dict[str, str]] = vyos.accel_ppp.accel_out_parse(
+ output.splitlines())
+ return parsed_data
+def _verify(func):
+ """Decorator checks if accel-ppp protocol
+ ipoe/pppoe/pptp/l2tp/sstp is configured
+ for example:
+ service ipoe-server
+ vpn sstp
+ """
+ from functools import wraps
+ @wraps(func)
+ def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ config = ConfigTreeQuery()
+ protocol_list = accel_dict.keys()
+ protocol = kwargs.get('protocol')
+ # unknown or incorrect protocol query
+ if protocol not in protocol_list:
+ unconf_message = f'unknown protocol "{protocol}"'
+ raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem(unconf_message)
+ # Check if config does not exist
+ config_protocol_path = accel_dict[protocol]['path']
+ if not config.exists(config_protocol_path):
+ unconf_message = f'"{config_protocol_path}" is not configured'
+ raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem(unconf_message)
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _wrapper
+def show_statistics(raw: bool, protocol: str):
+ """show accel-cmd statistics
+ CPU utilization and amount of sessions
+ protocol: ipoe/pppoe/ppptp/l2tp/sstp
+ """
+ pattern = f'{protocol}:'
+ port = accel_dict[protocol]['port']
+ rc, output = rc_cmd(f'/usr/bin/accel-cmd -p {port} show stat')
+ if raw:
+ return _get_raw_statistics(output, pattern)
+ return output
+def show_sessions(raw: bool, protocol: str):
+ """show accel-cmd sessions
+ protocol: ipoe/pppoe/ppptp/l2tp/sstp
+ """
+ port = accel_dict[protocol]['port']
+ if raw:
+ return _get_raw_sessions(port)
+ return vyos.accel_ppp.accel_cmd(port,
+ 'show sessions ifname,username,ip,ip6,ip6-dp,'
+ 'calling-sid,rate-limit,state,uptime,rx-bytes,tx-bytes')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ res =[__name__])
+ if res:
+ print(res)
+ except (ValueError, vyos.opmode.Error) as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..23001a9d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# Purpose:
+# Displays bgp neighbors information.
+# Used by the "show bgp (vrf <tag>) ipv4|ipv6 neighbors" commands.
+import re
+import sys
+import typing
+import jmespath
+from jinja2 import Template
+from humps import decamelize
+from vyos.configquery import ConfigTreeQuery
+import vyos.opmode
+frr_command_template = Template("""
+{% if family %}
+ show bgp
+ {{ 'vrf ' ~ vrf if vrf else '' }}
+ {{ 'ipv6' if family == 'inet6' else 'ipv4'}}
+ {{ 'neighbor ' ~ peer if peer else 'summary' }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if raw %}
+ json
+{% endif %}
+def _verify(func):
+ """Decorator checks if BGP config exists
+ BGP configuration can be present under vrf <tag>
+ If we do npt get arg 'peer' then it can be 'bgp summary'
+ """
+ from functools import wraps
+ @wraps(func)
+ def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ config = ConfigTreeQuery()
+ afi = 'ipv6' if kwargs.get('family') == 'inet6' else 'ipv4'
+ global_vrfs = ['all', 'default']
+ peer = kwargs.get('peer')
+ vrf = kwargs.get('vrf')
+ unconf_message = f'BGP or neighbor is not configured'
+ # Add option to check the specific neighbor if we have arg 'peer'
+ peer_opt = f'neighbor {peer} address-family {afi}-unicast' if peer else ''
+ vrf_opt = ''
+ if vrf and vrf not in global_vrfs:
+ vrf_opt = f'vrf name {vrf}'
+ # Check if config does not exist
+ if not config.exists(f'{vrf_opt} protocols bgp {peer_opt}'):
+ raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem(unconf_message)
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _wrapper
+def show_neighbors(raw: bool,
+ family: str,
+ peer: typing.Optional[str],
+ vrf: typing.Optional[str]):
+ kwargs = dict(locals())
+ frr_command = frr_command_template.render(kwargs)
+ frr_command = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', frr_command)
+ from vyos.util import cmd
+ output = cmd(f"vtysh -c '{frr_command}'")
+ if raw:
+ from json import loads
+ data = loads(output)
+ # Get list of the peers
+ peers ='*.peers | [0]', data)
+ if peers:
+ # Create new dict, delete old key 'peers'
+ # add key 'peers' neighbors to the list
+ list_peers = []
+ new_dict ='* | [0]', data)
+ if 'peers' in new_dict:
+ new_dict.pop('peers')
+ for neighbor, neighbor_options in peers.items():
+ neighbor_options['neighbor'] = neighbor
+ list_peers.append(neighbor_options)
+ new_dict['peers'] = list_peers
+ return decamelize(new_dict)
+ data ='* | [0]', data)
+ return decamelize(data)
+ else:
+ return output
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ res =[__name__])
+ if res:
+ print(res)
+ except (ValueError, vyos.opmode.Error) as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index 5a821a287..d6098c158 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def _get_json_data():
Get bridge data format JSON
- return cmd(f'sudo bridge --json link show')
+ return cmd(f'bridge --json link show')
def _get_raw_data_summary():
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ def _get_raw_data_vlan():
:returns dict
- json_data = cmd('sudo bridge --json --compressvlans vlan show')
+ json_data = cmd('bridge --json --compressvlans vlan show')
data_dict = json.loads(json_data)
return data_dict
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ def _get_raw_data_fdb(bridge):
"""Get MAC-address for the bridge brX
:returns list
- code, json_data = rc_cmd(f'sudo bridge --json fdb show br {bridge}')
+ code, json_data = rc_cmd(f'bridge --json fdb show br {bridge}')
# From iproute2 fdb.c, fdb_show() will only exit(-1) in case of
# non-existent bridge device; raise error.
if code == 255:
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index b27aa6060..fff537936 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -48,6 +48,14 @@ def _get_raw_data(family):
Return: dictionary
xml = _get_xml_data(family)
+ if len(xml) == 0:
+ output = {'conntrack':
+ {
+ 'error': True,
+ 'reason': 'entries not found'
+ }
+ }
+ return output
return _xml_to_dict(xml)
@@ -72,7 +80,8 @@ def get_formatted_output(dict_data):
:return: formatted output
data_entries = []
- #dict_data = _get_raw_data(family)
+ if 'error' in dict_data['conntrack']:
+ return 'Entries not found'
for entry in dict_data['conntrack']['flow']:
orig_src, orig_dst, orig_sport, orig_dport = {}, {}, {}, {}
reply_src, reply_dst, reply_sport, reply_dport = {}, {}, {}, {}
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..07e9b7d6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import sys
+from ipaddress import ip_address
+import typing
+from datetime import datetime
+from sys import exit
+from tabulate import tabulate
+from isc_dhcp_leases import IscDhcpLeases
+from vyos.base import Warning
+from vyos.configquery import ConfigTreeQuery
+from vyos.util import cmd
+from vyos.util import dict_search
+from vyos.util import is_systemd_service_running
+import vyos.opmode
+config = ConfigTreeQuery()
+pool_key = "shared-networkname"
+def _in_pool(lease, pool):
+ if pool_key in lease.sets:
+ if lease.sets[pool_key] == pool:
+ return True
+ return False
+def _utc_to_local(utc_dt):
+ return datetime.fromtimestamp((datetime.fromtimestamp(utc_dt) - datetime(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds())
+def _format_hex_string(in_str):
+ out_str = ""
+ # if input is divisible by 2, add : every 2 chars
+ if len(in_str) > 0 and len(in_str) % 2 == 0:
+ out_str = ':'.join(a+b for a,b in zip(in_str[::2], in_str[1::2]))
+ else:
+ out_str = in_str
+ return out_str
+def _find_list_of_dict_index(lst, key='ip', value='') -> int:
+ """
+ Find the index entry of list of dict matching the dict value
+ Exampe:
+ % lst = [{'ip': ''}, {'ip': ''}]
+ % _find_list_of_dict_index(lst, key='ip', value='')
+ % 1
+ """
+ idx = next((index for (index, d) in enumerate(lst) if d[key] == value), None)
+ return idx
+def _get_raw_server_leases(family, pool=None) -> list:
+ """
+ Get DHCP server leases
+ :return list
+ """
+ lease_file = '/config/dhcpdv6.leases' if family == 'inet6' else '/config/dhcpd.leases'
+ data = []
+ leases = IscDhcpLeases(lease_file).get()
+ if pool is not None:
+ if config.exists(f'service dhcp-server shared-network-name {pool}'):
+ leases = list(filter(lambda x: _in_pool(x, pool), leases))
+ for lease in leases:
+ data_lease = {}
+ data_lease['ip'] = lease.ip
+ data_lease['state'] = lease.binding_state
+ data_lease['pool'] = lease.sets.get('shared-networkname', '')
+ data_lease['end'] = lease.end.timestamp()
+ if family == 'inet':
+ data_lease['hardware'] = lease.ethernet
+ data_lease['start'] = lease.start.timestamp()
+ data_lease['hostname'] = lease.hostname
+ if family == 'inet6':
+ data_lease['last_communication'] = lease.last_communication.timestamp()
+ data_lease['iaid_duid'] = _format_hex_string(lease.host_identifier_string)
+ lease_types_long = {'na': 'non-temporary', 'ta': 'temporary', 'pd': 'prefix delegation'}
+ data_lease['type'] = lease_types_long[lease.type]
+ data_lease['remaining'] = lease.end - datetime.utcnow()
+ if data_lease['remaining'].days >= 0:
+ # substraction gives us a timedelta object which can't be formatted with strftime
+ # so we use str(), split gets rid of the microseconds
+ data_lease['remaining'] = str(data_lease["remaining"]).split('.')[0]
+ else:
+ data_lease['remaining'] = ''
+ # Do not add old leases
+ if data_lease['remaining'] != '':
+ data.append(data_lease)
+ # deduplicate
+ checked = []
+ for entry in data:
+ addr = entry.get('ip')
+ if addr not in checked:
+ checked.append(addr)
+ else:
+ idx = _find_list_of_dict_index(data, key='ip', value=addr)
+ data.pop(idx)
+ return data
+def _get_formatted_server_leases(raw_data, family):
+ data_entries = []
+ if family == 'inet':
+ for lease in raw_data:
+ ipaddr = lease.get('ip')
+ hw_addr = lease.get('hardware')
+ state = lease.get('state')
+ start = lease.get('start')
+ start = _utc_to_local(start).strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
+ end = lease.get('end')
+ end = _utc_to_local(end).strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
+ remain = lease.get('remaining')
+ pool = lease.get('pool')
+ hostname = lease.get('hostname')
+ data_entries.append([ipaddr, hw_addr, state, start, end, remain, pool, hostname])
+ headers = ['IP Address', 'Hardware address', 'State', 'Lease start', 'Lease expiration', 'Remaining', 'Pool',
+ 'Hostname']
+ if family == 'inet6':
+ for lease in raw_data:
+ ipaddr = lease.get('ip')
+ state = lease.get('state')
+ start = lease.get('last_communication')
+ start = _utc_to_local(start).strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
+ end = lease.get('end')
+ end = _utc_to_local(end).strftime('%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S')
+ remain = lease.get('remaining')
+ lease_type = lease.get('type')
+ pool = lease.get('pool')
+ host_identifier = lease.get('iaid_duid')
+ data_entries.append([ipaddr, state, start, end, remain, lease_type, pool, host_identifier])
+ headers = ['IPv6 address', 'State', 'Last communication', 'Lease expiration', 'Remaining', 'Type', 'Pool',
+ output = tabulate(data_entries, headers, numalign='left')
+ return output
+def _get_dhcp_pools(family='inet') -> list:
+ v = 'v6' if family == 'inet6' else ''
+ pools = config.list_nodes(f'service dhcp{v}-server shared-network-name')
+ return pools
+def _get_pool_size(pool, family='inet'):
+ v = 'v6' if family == 'inet6' else ''
+ base = f'service dhcp{v}-server shared-network-name {pool}'
+ size = 0
+ subnets = config.list_nodes(f'{base} subnet')
+ for subnet in subnets:
+ if family == 'inet6':
+ ranges = config.list_nodes(f'{base} subnet {subnet} address-range start')
+ else:
+ ranges = config.list_nodes(f'{base} subnet {subnet} range')
+ for range in ranges:
+ if family == 'inet6':
+ start = config.list_nodes(f'{base} subnet {subnet} address-range start')[0]
+ stop = config.value(f'{base} subnet {subnet} address-range start {start} stop')
+ else:
+ start = config.value(f'{base} subnet {subnet} range {range} start')
+ stop = config.value(f'{base} subnet {subnet} range {range} stop')
+ # Add +1 because both range boundaries are inclusive
+ size += int(ip_address(stop)) - int(ip_address(start)) + 1
+ return size
+def _get_raw_pool_statistics(family='inet', pool=None):
+ if pool is None:
+ pool = _get_dhcp_pools(family=family)
+ else:
+ pool = [pool]
+ v = 'v6' if family == 'inet6' else ''
+ stats = []
+ for p in pool:
+ subnet = config.list_nodes(f'service dhcp{v}-server shared-network-name {p} subnet')
+ size = _get_pool_size(family=family, pool=p)
+ leases = len(_get_raw_server_leases(family=family, pool=p))
+ use_percentage = round(leases / size * 100) if size != 0 else 0
+ pool_stats = {'pool': p, 'size': size, 'leases': leases,
+ 'available': (size - leases), 'use_percentage': use_percentage, 'subnet': subnet}
+ stats.append(pool_stats)
+ return stats
+def _get_formatted_pool_statistics(pool_data, family='inet'):
+ data_entries = []
+ for entry in pool_data:
+ pool = entry.get('pool')
+ size = entry.get('size')
+ leases = entry.get('leases')
+ available = entry.get('available')
+ use_percentage = entry.get('use_percentage')
+ use_percentage = f'{use_percentage}%'
+ data_entries.append([pool, size, leases, available, use_percentage])
+ headers = ['Pool', 'Size','Leases', 'Available', 'Usage']
+ output = tabulate(data_entries, headers, numalign='left')
+ return output
+def _verify(func):
+ """Decorator checks if DHCP(v6) config exists"""
+ from functools import wraps
+ @wraps(func)
+ def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ config = ConfigTreeQuery()
+ family = kwargs.get('family')
+ v = 'v6' if family == 'inet6' else ''
+ unconf_message = f'DHCP{v} server is not configured'
+ # Check if config does not exist
+ if not config.exists(f'service dhcp{v}-server'):
+ raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem(unconf_message)
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _wrapper
+def show_pool_statistics(raw: bool, family: str, pool: typing.Optional[str]):
+ pool_data = _get_raw_pool_statistics(family=family, pool=pool)
+ if raw:
+ return pool_data
+ else:
+ return _get_formatted_pool_statistics(pool_data, family=family)
+def show_server_leases(raw: bool, family: str):
+ # if dhcp server is down, inactive leases may still be shown as active, so warn the user.
+ if not is_systemd_service_running('isc-dhcp-server.service'):
+ Warning('DHCP server is configured but not started. Data may be stale.')
+ leases = _get_raw_server_leases(family)
+ if raw:
+ return leases
+ else:
+ return _get_formatted_server_leases(leases, family)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ res =[__name__])
+ if res:
+ print(res)
+ except (ValueError, vyos.opmode.Error) as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index 9e5b1040c..a0e47d7ad 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -54,10 +54,10 @@ def _data_to_dict(data, sep="\t") -> dict:
def _get_raw_forwarding_statistics() -> dict:
- command = cmd('sudo /usr/bin/rec_control --socket-dir=/run/powerdns get-all')
+ command = cmd('rec_control --socket-dir=/run/powerdns get-all')
data = _data_to_dict(command)
data['cache-size'] = "{0:.2f}".format( int(
- cmd('sudo /usr/bin/rec_control --socket-dir=/run/powerdns get cache-bytes')) / 1024 )
+ cmd('rec_control --socket-dir=/run/powerdns get cache-bytes')) / 1024 )
return data
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index 950feb625..46bda5f7e 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ def get_config_firewall(conf, name=None, ipv6=False, interfaces=True):
get_first_key=True, no_tag_node_value_mangle=True)
if firewall and interfaces:
if name:
- firewall['interface'] = []
+ firewall['interface'] = {}
if 'name' in firewall:
for fw_name, name_conf in firewall['name'].items():
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index a4d1b4cb1..e0d204a0a 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -14,13 +14,16 @@
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import os
import re
import sys
+import typing
from collections import OrderedDict
from hurry import filesize
from re import split as re_split
from tabulate import tabulate
+from subprocess import TimeoutExpired
from vyos.util import call
from vyos.util import convert_data
@@ -43,7 +46,10 @@ def _alphanum_key(key):
def _get_vici_sas():
from vici import Session as vici_session
- session = vici_session()
+ try:
+ session = vici_session()
+ except Exception:
+ raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem("IPsec not initialized")
sas = list(session.list_sas())
return sas
@@ -132,42 +138,305 @@ def _get_formatted_output_sas(sas):
return output
-def get_peer_connections(peer, tunnel, return_all = False):
- peer = peer.replace(':', '-')
- search = rf'^[\s]*(peer_{peer}_(tunnel_[\d]+|vti)).*'
+# Connections block
+def _get_vici_connections():
+ from vici import Session as vici_session
+ try:
+ session = vici_session()
+ except Exception:
+ raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem("IPsec not initialized")
+ connections = list(session.list_conns())
+ return connections
+def _get_convert_data_connections():
+ get_connections = _get_vici_connections()
+ connections = convert_data(get_connections)
+ return connections
+def _get_parent_sa_proposal(connection_name: str, data: list) -> dict:
+ """Get parent SA proposals by connection name
+ if connections not in the 'down' state
+ Args:
+ connection_name (str): Connection name
+ data (list): List of current SAs from vici
+ Returns:
+ str: Parent SA connection proposal
+ AES_CBC/256/HMAC_SHA2_256_128/MODP_1024
+ """
+ if not data:
+ return {}
+ for sa in data:
+ # check if parent SA exist
+ if connection_name not in sa.keys():
+ return {}
+ if 'encr-alg' in sa[connection_name]:
+ encr_alg = sa.get(connection_name, '').get('encr-alg')
+ cipher = encr_alg.split('_')[0]
+ mode = encr_alg.split('_')[1]
+ encr_keysize = sa.get(connection_name, '').get('encr-keysize')
+ integ_alg = sa.get(connection_name, '').get('integ-alg')
+ # prf_alg = sa.get(connection_name, '').get('prf-alg')
+ dh_group = sa.get(connection_name, '').get('dh-group')
+ proposal = {
+ 'cipher': cipher,
+ 'mode': mode,
+ 'key_size': encr_keysize,
+ 'hash': integ_alg,
+ 'dh': dh_group
+ }
+ return proposal
+ return {}
+def _get_parent_sa_state(connection_name: str, data: list) -> str:
+ """Get parent SA state by connection name
+ Args:
+ connection_name (str): Connection name
+ data (list): List of current SAs from vici
+ Returns:
+ Parent SA connection state
+ """
+ if not data:
+ return 'down'
+ for sa in data:
+ # check if parent SA exist
+ if connection_name not in sa.keys():
+ return 'down'
+ if sa[connection_name]['state'].lower() == 'established':
+ return 'up'
+ else:
+ return 'down'
+def _get_child_sa_state(connection_name: str, tunnel_name: str,
+ data: list) -> str:
+ """Get child SA state by connection and tunnel name
+ Args:
+ connection_name (str): Connection name
+ tunnel_name (str): Tunnel name
+ data (list): List of current SAs from vici
+ Returns:
+ str: `up` if child SA state is 'installed' otherwise `down`
+ """
+ if not data:
+ return 'down'
+ for sa in data:
+ # check if parent SA exist
+ if connection_name not in sa.keys():
+ return 'down'
+ child_sas = sa[connection_name]['child-sas']
+ # Get all child SA states
+ # there can be multiple SAs per tunnel
+ child_sa_states = [
+ v['state'] for k, v in child_sas.items() if v['name'] == tunnel_name
+ ]
+ return 'up' if 'INSTALLED' in child_sa_states else 'down'
+def _get_child_sa_info(connection_name: str, tunnel_name: str,
+ data: list) -> dict:
+ """Get child SA installed info by connection and tunnel name
+ Args:
+ connection_name (str): Connection name
+ tunnel_name (str): Tunnel name
+ data (list): List of current SAs from vici
+ Returns:
+ dict: Info of the child SA in the dictionary format
+ """
+ for sa in data:
+ # check if parent SA exist
+ if connection_name not in sa.keys():
+ return {}
+ child_sas = sa[connection_name]['child-sas']
+ # Get all child SA data
+ # Skip temp SA name (first key), get only SA values as dict
+ # {'OFFICE-B-tunnel-0-46': {'name': 'OFFICE-B-tunnel-0'}...}
+ # i.e get all data after 'OFFICE-B-tunnel-0-46'
+ child_sa_info = [
+ v for k, v in child_sas.items() if 'name' in v and
+ v['name'] == tunnel_name and v['state'] == 'INSTALLED'
+ ]
+ return child_sa_info[-1] if child_sa_info else {}
+def _get_child_sa_proposal(child_sa_data: dict) -> dict:
+ if child_sa_data and 'encr-alg' in child_sa_data:
+ encr_alg = child_sa_data.get('encr-alg')
+ cipher = encr_alg.split('_')[0]
+ mode = encr_alg.split('_')[1]
+ key_size = child_sa_data.get('encr-keysize')
+ integ_alg = child_sa_data.get('integ-alg')
+ dh_group = child_sa_data.get('dh-group')
+ proposal = {
+ 'cipher': cipher,
+ 'mode': mode,
+ 'key_size': key_size,
+ 'hash': integ_alg,
+ 'dh': dh_group
+ }
+ return proposal
+ return {}
+def _get_raw_data_connections(list_connections: list, list_sas: list) -> list:
+ """Get configured VPN IKE connections and IPsec states
+ Args:
+ list_connections (list): List of configured connections from vici
+ list_sas (list): List of current SAs from vici
+ Returns:
+ list: List and status of IKE/IPsec connections/tunnels
+ """
+ base_dict = []
+ for connections in list_connections:
+ base_list = {}
+ for connection, conn_conf in connections.items():
+ base_list['ike_connection_name'] = connection
+ base_list['ike_connection_state'] = _get_parent_sa_state(
+ connection, list_sas)
+ base_list['ike_remote_address'] = conn_conf['remote_addrs']
+ base_list['ike_proposal'] = _get_parent_sa_proposal(
+ connection, list_sas)
+ base_list['local_id'] = conn_conf.get('local-1', '').get('id')
+ base_list['remote_id'] = conn_conf.get('remote-1', '').get('id')
+ base_list['version'] = conn_conf.get('version', 'IKE')
+ base_list['children'] = []
+ children = conn_conf['children']
+ for tunnel, tun_options in children.items():
+ state = _get_child_sa_state(connection, tunnel, list_sas)
+ local_ts = tun_options.get('local-ts')
+ remote_ts = tun_options.get('remote-ts')
+ dpd_action = tun_options.get('dpd_action')
+ close_action = tun_options.get('close_action')
+ sa_info = _get_child_sa_info(connection, tunnel, list_sas)
+ esp_proposal = _get_child_sa_proposal(sa_info)
+ base_list['children'].append({
+ 'name': tunnel,
+ 'state': state,
+ 'local_ts': local_ts,
+ 'remote_ts': remote_ts,
+ 'dpd_action': dpd_action,
+ 'close_action': close_action,
+ 'sa': sa_info,
+ 'esp_proposal': esp_proposal
+ })
+ base_dict.append(base_list)
+ return base_dict
+def _get_raw_connections_summary(list_conn, list_sas):
+ import jmespath
+ data = _get_raw_data_connections(list_conn, list_sas)
+ match = '[*].children[]'
+ child =, data)
+ tunnels_down = len([k for k in child if k['state'] == 'down'])
+ tunnels_up = len([k for k in child if k['state'] == 'up'])
+ tun_dict = {
+ 'tunnels': child,
+ 'total': len(child),
+ 'down': tunnels_down,
+ 'up': tunnels_up
+ }
+ return tun_dict
+def _get_formatted_output_conections(data):
+ from tabulate import tabulate
+ data_entries = ''
+ connections = []
+ for entry in data:
+ tunnels = []
+ ike_name = entry['ike_connection_name']
+ ike_state = entry['ike_connection_state']
+ conn_type = entry.get('version', 'IKE')
+ remote_addrs = ','.join(entry['ike_remote_address'])
+ local_ts, remote_ts = '-', '-'
+ local_id = entry['local_id']
+ remote_id = entry['remote_id']
+ proposal = '-'
+ if entry.get('ike_proposal'):
+ proposal = (f'{entry["ike_proposal"]["cipher"]}_'
+ f'{entry["ike_proposal"]["mode"]}/'
+ f'{entry["ike_proposal"]["key_size"]}/'
+ f'{entry["ike_proposal"]["hash"]}/'
+ f'{entry["ike_proposal"]["dh"]}')
+ connections.append([
+ ike_name, ike_state, conn_type, remote_addrs, local_ts, remote_ts,
+ local_id, remote_id, proposal
+ ])
+ for tun in entry['children']:
+ tun_name = tun.get('name')
+ tun_state = tun.get('state')
+ conn_type = 'IPsec'
+ local_ts = '\n'.join(tun.get('local_ts'))
+ remote_ts = '\n'.join(tun.get('remote_ts'))
+ proposal = '-'
+ if tun.get('esp_proposal'):
+ proposal = (f'{tun["esp_proposal"]["cipher"]}_'
+ f'{tun["esp_proposal"]["mode"]}/'
+ f'{tun["esp_proposal"]["key_size"]}/'
+ f'{tun["esp_proposal"]["hash"]}/'
+ f'{tun["esp_proposal"]["dh"]}')
+ connections.append([
+ tun_name, tun_state, conn_type, remote_addrs, local_ts,
+ remote_ts, local_id, remote_id, proposal
+ ])
+ connection_headers = [
+ 'Connection', 'State', 'Type', 'Remote address', 'Local TS',
+ 'Remote TS', 'Local id', 'Remote id', 'Proposal'
+ ]
+ output = tabulate(connections, connection_headers, numalign='left')
+ return output
+# Connections block end
+def get_peer_connections(peer, tunnel):
+ search = rf'^[\s]*({peer}-(tunnel-[\d]+|vti)).*'
matches = []
+ if not os.path.exists(SWANCTL_CONF):
+ raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem("IPsec not initialized")
+ suffix = None if tunnel is None else (f'tunnel-{tunnel}' if
+ tunnel.isnumeric() else tunnel)
with open(SWANCTL_CONF, 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
result = re.match(search, line)
if result:
- suffix = f'tunnel_{tunnel}' if tunnel.isnumeric() else tunnel
- if return_all or (result[2] == suffix):
+ if tunnel is None:
+ else:
+ if result[2] == suffix:
+ matches.append(result[1])
return matches
-def reset_peer(peer: str, tunnel:str):
- if not peer:
- print('Invalid peer, aborting')
- return
- conns = get_peer_connections(peer, tunnel, return_all = (not tunnel or tunnel == 'all'))
+def reset_peer(peer: str, tunnel:typing.Optional[str]):
+ conns = get_peer_connections(peer, tunnel)
if not conns:
- print('Tunnel(s) not found, aborting')
- return
+ raise vyos.opmode.IncorrectValue('Peer or tunnel(s) not found, aborting')
- result = True
for conn in conns:
call(f'sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec down {conn}{{*}}', timeout = 10)
call(f'sudo /usr/sbin/ipsec up {conn}', timeout = 10)
except TimeoutExpired as e:
- print(f'Timed out while resetting {conn}')
- result = False
+ raise vyos.opmode.InternalError(f'Timed out while resetting {conn}')
- print('Peer reset result: ' + ('success' if result else 'failed'))
+ print('Peer reset result: success')
def show_sa(raw: bool):
@@ -177,6 +446,23 @@ def show_sa(raw: bool):
return _get_formatted_output_sas(sa_data)
+def show_connections(raw: bool):
+ list_conns = _get_convert_data_connections()
+ list_sas = _get_raw_data_sas()
+ if raw:
+ return _get_raw_data_connections(list_conns, list_sas)
+ connections = _get_raw_data_connections(list_conns, list_sas)
+ return _get_formatted_output_conections(connections)
+def show_connections_summary(raw: bool):
+ list_conns = _get_convert_data_connections()
+ list_sas = _get_raw_data_sas()
+ if raw:
+ return _get_raw_connections_summary(list_conns, list_sas)
if __name__ == '__main__':
res =[__name__])
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b0abd6191
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+import json
+import re
+import sys
+import typing
+from jinja2 import Template
+from vyos.util import rc_cmd
+import vyos.opmode
+journalctl_command_template = Template("""
+{% if boot %}
+ --boot
+{% endif %}
+{% if count %}
+ --lines={{ count }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if reverse %}
+ --reverse
+{% endif %}
+{% if since %}
+ --since={{ since }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if unit %}
+ --unit={{ unit }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if utc %}
+ --utc
+{% endif %}
+{% if raw %}
+{# By default show 100 only lines for raw option if count does not set #}
+{# Protection from parsing the full log by default #}
+{% if not boot %}
+ --lines={{ '' ~ count if count else '100' }}
+{% endif %}
+ --no-pager
+ --output=json
+{% endif %}
+def show(raw: bool,
+ boot: typing.Optional[bool],
+ count: typing.Optional[int],
+ facility: typing.Optional[str],
+ reverse: typing.Optional[bool],
+ utc: typing.Optional[bool],
+ unit: typing.Optional[str]):
+ kwargs = dict(locals())
+ journalctl_options = journalctl_command_template.render(kwargs)
+ journalctl_options = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', journalctl_options)
+ rc, output = rc_cmd(f'journalctl {journalctl_options}')
+ if raw:
+ # Each 'journalctl --output json' line is a separate JSON object
+ # So we should return list of dict
+ return [json.loads(line) for line in output.split('\n')]
+ return output
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ try:
+ res =[__name__])
+ if res:
+ print(res)
+ except (ValueError, vyos.opmode.Error) as e:
+ print(e)
+ sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index 178544be4..7666de646 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ import sys
import vyos.opmode
-def _get_system_memory():
+def _get_raw_data():
from re import search as re_search
def find_value(keyword, mem_data):
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ def _get_system_memory():
used = total - available
- res = {
+ mem_data = {
"total": total,
"free": available,
"used": used,
@@ -46,24 +46,21 @@ def _get_system_memory():
"cached": cached
- return res
-def _get_system_memory_human():
- from vyos.util import bytes_to_human
- mem = _get_system_memory()
- for key in mem:
+ for key in mem_data:
# The Linux kernel exposes memory values in kilobytes,
# so we need to normalize them
- mem[key] = bytes_to_human(mem[key], initial_exponent=10)
+ mem_data[key] = mem_data[key] * 1024
- return mem
-def _get_raw_data():
- return _get_system_memory_human()
+ return mem_data
def _get_formatted_output(mem):
+ from vyos.util import bytes_to_human
+ # For human-readable outputs, we convert bytes to more convenient units
+ # (100M, 1.3G...)
+ for key in mem:
+ mem[key] = bytes_to_human(mem[key])
out = "Total: {}\n".format(mem["total"])
out += "Free: {}\n".format(mem["free"])
out += "Used: {}".format(mem["used"])
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index 845dbbb2c..f899eb3dc 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -22,12 +22,18 @@ import xmltodict
from sys import exit
from tabulate import tabulate
+from vyos.configquery import ConfigTreeQuery
from vyos.util import cmd
from vyos.util import dict_search
import vyos.opmode
+base = 'nat'
+unconf_message = 'NAT is not configured'
def _get_xml_translation(direction, family):
Get conntrack XML output --src-nat|--dst-nat
@@ -277,6 +283,20 @@ def _get_formatted_translation(dict_data, nat_direction, family):
return output
+def _verify(func):
+ """Decorator checks if NAT config exists"""
+ from functools import wraps
+ @wraps(func)
+ def _wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ config = ConfigTreeQuery()
+ if not config.exists(base):
+ raise vyos.opmode.UnconfiguredSubsystem(unconf_message)
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return _wrapper
def show_rules(raw: bool, direction: str, family: str):
nat_rules = _get_raw_data_rules(direction, family)
if raw:
@@ -285,6 +305,7 @@ def show_rules(raw: bool, direction: str, family: str):
return _get_formatted_output_rules(nat_rules, direction, family)
def show_statistics(raw: bool, direction: str, family: str):
nat_statistics = _get_raw_data_rules(direction, family)
if raw:
@@ -293,6 +314,7 @@ def show_statistics(raw: bool, direction: str, family: str):
return _get_formatted_output_statistics(nat_statistics, direction)
def show_translations(raw: bool, direction: str, family: str):
family = 'ipv6' if family == 'inet6' else 'ipv4'
nat_translation = _get_raw_translation(direction, family)
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index 60bbc0c78..610e63cb3 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -18,6 +18,25 @@ import os
import sys
import socket
import ipaddress
+from vyos.util import get_all_vrfs
+from vyos.ifconfig import Section
+def interface_list() -> list:
+ """
+ Get list of interfaces in system
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ return Section.interfaces()
+def vrf_list() -> list:
+ """
+ Get list of VRFs in system
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ return list(get_all_vrfs().keys())
options = {
'audible': {
@@ -63,6 +82,7 @@ options = {
'interface': {
'ping': '{command} -I {value}',
'type': '<interface>',
+ 'helpfunction': interface_list,
'help': 'Source interface'
'interval': {
@@ -128,6 +148,7 @@ options = {
'ping': 'sudo ip vrf exec {value} {command}',
'type': '<vrf>',
'help': 'Use specified VRF table',
+ 'helpfunction': vrf_list,
'dflt': 'default',
'verbose': {
@@ -142,20 +163,33 @@ ping = {
-class List (list):
- def first (self):
+class List(list):
+ def first(self):
return self.pop(0) if self else ''
def last(self):
return self.pop() if self else ''
- def prepend(self,value):
- self.insert(0,value)
+ def prepend(self, value):
+ self.insert(0, value)
+def completion_failure(option: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Shows failure message after TAB when option is wrong
+ :param option: failure option
+ :type str:
+ """
+ sys.stderr.write('\n\n Invalid option: {}\n\n'.format(option))
+ sys.stdout.write('<nocomps>')
+ sys.exit(1)
def expension_failure(option, completions):
reason = 'Ambiguous' if completions else 'Invalid'
- sys.stderr.write('\n\n {} command: {} [{}]\n\n'.format(reason,' '.join(sys.argv), option))
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ '\n\n {} command: {} [{}]\n\n'.format(reason, ' '.join(sys.argv),
+ option))
if completions:
sys.stderr.write(' Possible completions:\n ')
sys.stderr.write('\n '.join(completions))
@@ -196,28 +230,44 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
if host == '--get-options':
args.first() # pop ping
args.first() # pop IP
+ usedoptionslist = []
while args:
- option = args.first()
- matched = complete(option)
+ option = args.first() # pop option
+ matched = complete(option) # get option parameters
+ usedoptionslist.append(option) # list of used options
+ # Select options
if not args:
+ # remove from Possible completions used options
+ for o in usedoptionslist:
+ if o in matched:
+ matched.remove(o)
sys.stdout.write(' '.join(matched))
- if len(matched) > 1 :
+ if len(matched) > 1:
sys.stdout.write(' '.join(matched))
+ # If option doesn't have value
+ if matched:
+ if options[matched[0]]['type'] == 'noarg':
+ continue
+ else:
+ # Unexpected option
+ completion_failure(option)
- if options[matched[0]]['type'] == 'noarg':
- continue
- value = args.first()
+ value = args.first() # pop option's value
if not args:
matched = complete(option)
- sys.stdout.write(options[matched[0]]['type'])
+ helplines = options[matched[0]]['type']
+ # Run helpfunction to get list of possible values
+ if 'helpfunction' in options[matched[0]]:
+ result = options[matched[0]]['helpfunction']()
+ if result:
+ helplines = '\n' + ' '.join(result)
+ sys.stdout.write(helplines)
- for name,option in options.items():
+ for name, option in options.items():
if 'dflt' in option and name not in args:
@@ -234,8 +284,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
except ValueError:
sys.exit(f'ping: Unknown host: {host}')
- command = convert(ping[version],args)
+ command = convert(ping[version], args)
# print(f'{command} {host}')
os.system(f'{command} {host}')
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index 5be40082f..5953786f3 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -22,53 +22,13 @@ from vyos.config import Config
from vyos.util import cmd
from vyos.util import dict_search_args
-def get_policy_interfaces(conf, policy, name=None, ipv6=False):
- interfaces = conf.get_config_dict(['interfaces'], key_mangling=('-', '_'),
- get_first_key=True, no_tag_node_value_mangle=True)
- routes = ['route', 'route6']
- def parse_if(ifname, if_conf):
- if 'policy' in if_conf:
- for route in routes:
- if route in if_conf['policy']:
- route_name = if_conf['policy'][route]
- name_str = f'({ifname},{route})'
- if not name:
- policy[route][route_name]['interface'].append(name_str)
- elif not ipv6 and name == route_name:
- policy['interface'].append(name_str)
- for iftype in ['vif', 'vif_s', 'vif_c']:
- if iftype in if_conf:
- for vifname, vif_conf in if_conf[iftype].items():
- parse_if(f'{ifname}.{vifname}', vif_conf)
- for iftype, iftype_conf in interfaces.items():
- for ifname, if_conf in iftype_conf.items():
- parse_if(ifname, if_conf)
-def get_config_policy(conf, name=None, ipv6=False, interfaces=True):
+def get_config_policy(conf, name=None, ipv6=False):
config_path = ['policy']
if name:
config_path += ['route6' if ipv6 else 'route', name]
policy = conf.get_config_dict(config_path, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
get_first_key=True, no_tag_node_value_mangle=True)
- if policy and interfaces:
- if name:
- policy['interface'] = []
- else:
- if 'route' in policy:
- for route_name, route_conf in policy['route'].items():
- route_conf['interface'] = []
- if 'route6' in policy:
- for route_name, route_conf in policy['route6'].items():
- route_conf['interface'] = []
- get_policy_interfaces(conf, policy, name, ipv6)
return policy
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index e1eee5bbf..d07a34180 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -54,6 +54,18 @@ frr_command_template = Template("""
{% endif %}
+def show_summary(raw: bool):
+ from vyos.util import cmd
+ if raw:
+ from json import loads
+ output = cmd(f"vtysh -c 'show ip route summary json'")
+ return loads(output)
+ else:
+ output = cmd(f"vtysh -c 'show ip route summary'")
+ return output
def show(raw: bool,
family: str,
net: typing.Optional[str],
@@ -83,7 +95,12 @@ def show(raw: bool,
if raw:
from json import loads
- return loads(output)
+ d = loads(output)
+ collect = []
+ for k,_ in d.items():
+ for l in d[k]:
+ collect.append(l)
+ return collect
return output
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index 75964c493..d16e271bd 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -20,6 +20,16 @@ import sys
import vyos.opmode
from vyos.util import cmd
+# FIY: As of coreutils from Debian Buster and Bullseye,
+# the outpt looks like this:
+# $ df -h -t ext4 --output=source,size,used,avail,pcent
+# Filesystem Size Used Avail Use%
+# /dev/sda1 16G 7.6G 7.3G 51%
+# Those field names are automatically normalized by,
+# so we don't touch them here,
+# and only normalize values.
def _get_system_storage(only_persistent=False):
if not only_persistent:
@@ -32,11 +42,19 @@ def _get_system_storage(only_persistent=False):
return res
def _get_raw_data():
+ from re import sub as re_sub
+ from vyos.util import human_to_bytes
out = _get_system_storage(only_persistent=True)
lines = out.splitlines()
lists = [l.split() for l in lines]
res = {lists[0][i]: lists[1][i] for i in range(len(lists[0]))}
+ res["Size"] = human_to_bytes(res["Size"])
+ res["Used"] = human_to_bytes(res["Used"])
+ res["Avail"] = human_to_bytes(res["Avail"])
+ res["Use%"] = re_sub(r'%', '', res["Use%"])
return res
def _get_formatted_output():
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index 4299d6e5f..6c7030ea0 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -18,6 +18,25 @@ import os
import sys
import socket
import ipaddress
+from vyos.util import get_all_vrfs
+from vyos.ifconfig import Section
+def interface_list() -> list:
+ """
+ Get list of interfaces in system
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ return Section.interfaces()
+def vrf_list() -> list:
+ """
+ Get list of VRFs in system
+ :rtype: list
+ """
+ return list(get_all_vrfs().keys())
options = {
'backward-hops': {
@@ -48,6 +67,7 @@ options = {
'interface': {
'traceroute': '{command} -i {value}',
'type': '<interface>',
+ 'helpfunction': interface_list,
'help': 'Source interface'
'lookup-as': {
@@ -99,6 +119,7 @@ options = {
'traceroute': 'sudo ip vrf exec {value} {command}',
'type': '<vrf>',
'help': 'Use specified VRF table',
+ 'helpfunction': vrf_list,
'dflt': 'default'}
@@ -108,20 +129,33 @@ traceroute = {
-class List (list):
- def first (self):
+class List(list):
+ def first(self):
return self.pop(0) if self else ''
def last(self):
return self.pop() if self else ''
- def prepend(self,value):
- self.insert(0,value)
+ def prepend(self, value):
+ self.insert(0, value)
+def completion_failure(option: str) -> None:
+ """
+ Shows failure message after TAB when option is wrong
+ :param option: failure option
+ :type str:
+ """
+ sys.stderr.write('\n\n Invalid option: {}\n\n'.format(option))
+ sys.stdout.write('<nocomps>')
+ sys.exit(1)
def expension_failure(option, completions):
reason = 'Ambiguous' if completions else 'Invalid'
- sys.stderr.write('\n\n {} command: {} [{}]\n\n'.format(reason,' '.join(sys.argv), option))
+ sys.stderr.write(
+ '\n\n {} command: {} [{}]\n\n'.format(reason, ' '.join(sys.argv),
+ option))
if completions:
sys.stderr.write(' Possible completions:\n ')
sys.stderr.write('\n '.join(completions))
@@ -160,30 +194,46 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
sys.exit("traceroute: Missing host")
if host == '--get-options':
- args.first() # pop traceroute
+ args.first() # pop ping
args.first() # pop IP
+ usedoptionslist = []
while args:
- option = args.first()
- matched = complete(option)
+ option = args.first() # pop option
+ matched = complete(option) # get option parameters
+ usedoptionslist.append(option) # list of used options
+ # Select options
if not args:
+ # remove from Possible completions used options
+ for o in usedoptionslist:
+ if o in matched:
+ matched.remove(o)
sys.stdout.write(' '.join(matched))
- if len(matched) > 1 :
+ if len(matched) > 1:
sys.stdout.write(' '.join(matched))
+ # If option doesn't have value
+ if matched:
+ if options[matched[0]]['type'] == 'noarg':
+ continue
+ else:
+ # Unexpected option
+ completion_failure(option)
- if options[matched[0]]['type'] == 'noarg':
- continue
- value = args.first()
+ value = args.first() # pop option's value
if not args:
matched = complete(option)
- sys.stdout.write(options[matched[0]]['type'])
+ helplines = options[matched[0]]['type']
+ # Run helpfunction to get list of possible values
+ if 'helpfunction' in options[matched[0]]:
+ result = options[matched[0]]['helpfunction']()
+ if result:
+ helplines = '\n' + ' '.join(result)
+ sys.stdout.write(helplines)
- for name,option in options.items():
+ for name, option in options.items():
if 'dflt' in option and name not in args:
@@ -200,8 +250,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
except ValueError:
sys.exit(f'traceroute: Unknown host: {host}')
- command = convert(traceroute[version],args)
+ command = convert(traceroute[version], args)
# print(f'{command} {host}')
os.system(f'{command} {host}')
diff --git a/src/op_mode/ b/src/op_mode/
index aeb50fe6e..a9a416761 100755
--- a/src/op_mode/
+++ b/src/op_mode/
@@ -31,14 +31,14 @@ def _get_raw_data(name=None):
If vrf name is set - get only this name data
If vrf name set and not found - return []
- output = cmd('sudo ip --json --brief link show type vrf')
+ output = cmd('ip --json --brief link show type vrf')
data = json.loads(output)
if not data:
return []
if name:
is_vrf_exists = True if [vrf for vrf in data if vrf.get('ifname') == name] else False
if is_vrf_exists:
- output = cmd(f'sudo ip --json --brief link show dev {name}')
+ output = cmd(f'ip --json --brief link show dev {name}')
data = json.loads(output)
return data
return []
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def _get_vrf_members(vrf: str) -> list:
:param vrf: str
:return: list
- output = cmd(f'sudo ip --json --brief link show master {vrf}')
+ output = cmd(f'ip --json --brief link show master {vrf}')
answer = json.loads(output)
interfaces = []
for data in answer:
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/ b/src/services/api/graphql/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e69de29bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/ b/src/services/api/graphql/
index 0b1260912..aa1ba0eb0 100644
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/
@@ -18,16 +18,26 @@ from . graphql.queries import query
from . graphql.mutations import mutation
from . graphql.directives import directives_dict
from . graphql.errors import op_mode_error
-from . utils.schema_from_op_mode import generate_op_mode_definitions
+from . graphql.auth_token_mutation import auth_token_mutation
+from . generate.schema_from_op_mode import generate_op_mode_definitions
+from . generate.schema_from_config_session import generate_config_session_definitions
+from . generate.schema_from_composite import generate_composite_definitions
+from . libs.token_auth import init_secret
+from . import state
from ariadne import make_executable_schema, load_schema_from_path, snake_case_fallback_resolvers
def generate_schema():
api_schema_dir = vyos.defaults.directories['api_schema']
+ generate_config_session_definitions()
+ generate_composite_definitions()
+ if state.settings['app'].state.vyos_auth_type == 'token':
+ init_secret()
type_defs = load_schema_from_path(api_schema_dir)
- schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query, op_mode_error, mutation, snake_case_fallback_resolvers, directives=directives_dict)
+ schema = make_executable_schema(type_defs, query, op_mode_error, mutation, auth_token_mutation, snake_case_fallback_resolvers, directives=directives_dict)
return schema
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/generate/ b/src/services/api/graphql/generate/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bc9d80fbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/generate/
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# typing information for composite functions: those that invoke several
+# elementary requests, and return the result as a single dict
+import typing
+def system_status():
+ pass
+queries = {'system_status': system_status}
+mutations = {}
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/generate/ b/src/services/api/graphql/generate/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fc0dd7a87
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/generate/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# typing information for native configsession functions; used to generate
+# schema definition files
+import typing
+def show_config(path: list[str], configFormat: typing.Optional[str]):
+ pass
+def show(path: list[str]):
+ pass
+queries = {'show_config': show_config,
+ 'show': show}
+def save_config_file(fileName: typing.Optional[str]):
+ pass
+def load_config_file(fileName: str):
+ pass
+def add_system_image(location: str):
+ pass
+def delete_system_image(name: str):
+ pass
+mutations = {'save_config_file': save_config_file,
+ 'load_config_file': load_config_file,
+ 'add_system_image': add_system_image,
+ 'delete_system_image': delete_system_image}
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/generate/ b/src/services/api/graphql/generate/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..61a08cb2f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/generate/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# A utility to generate GraphQL schema defintions from typing information of
+# composite functions comprising several requests.
+import os
+import sys
+import json
+from inspect import signature, getmembers, isfunction, isclass, getmro
+from jinja2 import Template
+from vyos.defaults import directories
+if __package__ is None or __package__ == '':
+ sys.path.append("/usr/libexec/vyos/services/api")
+ from graphql.libs.op_mode import snake_to_pascal_case, map_type_name
+ from composite_function import queries, mutations
+ from vyos.config import Config
+ from vyos.configdict import dict_merge
+ from vyos.xml import defaults
+ from .. libs.op_mode import snake_to_pascal_case, map_type_name
+ from . composite_function import queries, mutations
+ from .. import state
+SCHEMA_PATH = directories['api_schema']
+if __package__ is None or __package__ == '':
+ # allow running stand-alone
+ conf = Config()
+ base = ['service', 'https', 'api']
+ graphql_dict = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
+ no_tag_node_value_mangle=True,
+ get_first_key=True)
+ if 'graphql' not in graphql_dict:
+ exit("graphql is not configured")
+ graphql_dict = dict_merge(defaults(base), graphql_dict)
+ auth_type = graphql_dict['graphql']['authentication']['type']
+ auth_type = state.settings['app'].state.vyos_auth_type
+schema_data: dict = {'auth_type': auth_type,
+ 'schema_name': '',
+ 'schema_fields': []}
+query_template = """
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' %}
+input {{ schema_name }}Input {
+ key: String!
+ {%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
+ {{ field_entry }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- elif schema_fields %}
+input {{ schema_name }}Input {
+ {%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
+ {{ field_entry }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+type {{ schema_name }} {
+ result: Generic
+type {{ schema_name }}Result {
+ data: {{ schema_name }}
+ success: Boolean!
+ errors: [String]
+extend type Query {
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' or schema_fields %}
+ {{ schema_name }}(data: {{ schema_name }}Input) : {{ schema_name }}Result @compositequery
+{%- else %}
+ {{ schema_name }} : {{ schema_name }}Result @compositequery
+{%- endif %}
+mutation_template = """
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' %}
+input {{ schema_name }}Input {
+ key: String!
+ {%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
+ {{ field_entry }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- elif schema_fields %}
+input {{ schema_name }}Input {
+ {%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
+ {{ field_entry }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+type {{ schema_name }} {
+ result: Generic
+type {{ schema_name }}Result {
+ data: {{ schema_name }}
+ success: Boolean!
+ errors: [String]
+extend type Mutation {
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' or schema_fields %}
+ {{ schema_name }}(data: {{ schema_name }}Input) : {{ schema_name }}Result @compositemutation
+{%- else %}
+ {{ schema_name }} : {{ schema_name }}Result @compositemutation
+{%- endif %}
+def create_schema(func_name: str, func: callable, template: str) -> str:
+ sig = signature(func)
+ field_dict = {}
+ for k in sig.parameters:
+ field_dict[sig.parameters[k].name] = map_type_name(sig.parameters[k].annotation)
+ schema_fields = []
+ for k,v in field_dict.items():
+ schema_fields.append(k+': '+v)
+ schema_data['schema_name'] = snake_to_pascal_case(func_name)
+ schema_data['schema_fields'] = schema_fields
+ j2_template = Template(template)
+ res = j2_template.render(schema_data)
+ return res
+def generate_composite_definitions():
+ results = []
+ for name,func in queries.items():
+ res = create_schema(name, func, query_template)
+ results.append(res)
+ for name,func in mutations.items():
+ res = create_schema(name, func, mutation_template)
+ results.append(res)
+ out = '\n'.join(results)
+ with open(f'{SCHEMA_PATH}/composite.graphql', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(out)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ generate_composite_definitions()
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/generate/ b/src/services/api/graphql/generate/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..49bf2440e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/generate/
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+# A utility to generate GraphQL schema defintions from typing information of
+# (wrappers of) native configsession functions.
+import os
+import sys
+import json
+from inspect import signature, getmembers, isfunction, isclass, getmro
+from jinja2 import Template
+from vyos.defaults import directories
+if __package__ is None or __package__ == '':
+ sys.path.append("/usr/libexec/vyos/services/api")
+ from graphql.libs.op_mode import snake_to_pascal_case, map_type_name
+ from config_session_function import queries, mutations
+ from vyos.config import Config
+ from vyos.configdict import dict_merge
+ from vyos.xml import defaults
+ from .. libs.op_mode import snake_to_pascal_case, map_type_name
+ from . config_session_function import queries, mutations
+ from .. import state
+SCHEMA_PATH = directories['api_schema']
+if __package__ is None or __package__ == '':
+ # allow running stand-alone
+ conf = Config()
+ base = ['service', 'https', 'api']
+ graphql_dict = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
+ no_tag_node_value_mangle=True,
+ get_first_key=True)
+ if 'graphql' not in graphql_dict:
+ exit("graphql is not configured")
+ graphql_dict = dict_merge(defaults(base), graphql_dict)
+ auth_type = graphql_dict['graphql']['authentication']['type']
+ auth_type = state.settings['app'].state.vyos_auth_type
+schema_data: dict = {'auth_type': auth_type,
+ 'schema_name': '',
+ 'schema_fields': []}
+query_template = """
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' %}
+input {{ schema_name }}Input {
+ key: String!
+ {%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
+ {{ field_entry }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- elif schema_fields %}
+input {{ schema_name }}Input {
+ {%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
+ {{ field_entry }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+type {{ schema_name }} {
+ result: Generic
+type {{ schema_name }}Result {
+ data: {{ schema_name }}
+ success: Boolean!
+ errors: [String]
+extend type Query {
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' or schema_fields %}
+ {{ schema_name }}(data: {{ schema_name }}Input) : {{ schema_name }}Result @configsessionquery
+{%- else %}
+ {{ schema_name }} : {{ schema_name }}Result @configsessionquery
+{%- endif %}
+mutation_template = """
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' %}
+input {{ schema_name }}Input {
+ key: String!
+ {%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
+ {{ field_entry }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- elif schema_fields %}
+input {{ schema_name }}Input {
+ {%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
+ {{ field_entry }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
+type {{ schema_name }} {
+ result: Generic
+type {{ schema_name }}Result {
+ data: {{ schema_name }}
+ success: Boolean!
+ errors: [String]
+extend type Mutation {
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' or schema_fields %}
+ {{ schema_name }}(data: {{ schema_name }}Input) : {{ schema_name }}Result @configsessionmutation
+{%- else %}
+ {{ schema_name }} : {{ schema_name }}Result @configsessionmutation
+{%- endif %}
+def create_schema(func_name: str, func: callable, template: str) -> str:
+ sig = signature(func)
+ field_dict = {}
+ for k in sig.parameters:
+ field_dict[sig.parameters[k].name] = map_type_name(sig.parameters[k].annotation)
+ schema_fields = []
+ for k,v in field_dict.items():
+ schema_fields.append(k+': '+v)
+ schema_data['schema_name'] = snake_to_pascal_case(func_name)
+ schema_data['schema_fields'] = schema_fields
+ j2_template = Template(template)
+ res = j2_template.render(schema_data)
+ return res
+def generate_config_session_definitions():
+ results = []
+ for name,func in queries.items():
+ res = create_schema(name, func, query_template)
+ results.append(res)
+ for name,func in mutations.items():
+ res = create_schema(name, func, mutation_template)
+ results.append(res)
+ out = '\n'.join(results)
+ with open(f'{SCHEMA_PATH}/configsession.graphql', 'w') as f:
+ f.write(out)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ generate_config_session_definitions()
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/utils/ b/src/services/api/graphql/generate/
index 379d15250..fc63b0100 100755
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/utils/
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/generate/
@@ -19,16 +19,24 @@
# scripts.
import os
+import sys
import json
-import typing
from inspect import signature, getmembers, isfunction, isclass, getmro
from jinja2 import Template
from vyos.defaults import directories
+from vyos.util import load_as_module
if __package__ is None or __package__ == '':
- from util import load_as_module, is_op_mode_function_name, is_show_function_name
+ sys.path.append("/usr/libexec/vyos/services/api")
+ from graphql.libs.op_mode import is_op_mode_function_name, is_show_function_name
+ from graphql.libs.op_mode import snake_to_pascal_case, map_type_name
+ from vyos.config import Config
+ from vyos.configdict import dict_merge
+ from vyos.xml import defaults
- from . util import load_as_module, is_op_mode_function_name, is_show_function_name
+ from .. libs.op_mode import is_op_mode_function_name, is_show_function_name
+ from .. libs.op_mode import snake_to_pascal_case, map_type_name
+ from .. import state
OP_MODE_PATH = directories['op_mode']
SCHEMA_PATH = directories['api_schema']
@@ -37,16 +45,40 @@ DATA_DIR = directories['data']
op_mode_include_file = os.path.join(DATA_DIR, 'op-mode-standardized.json')
op_mode_error_schema = 'op_mode_error.graphql'
-schema_data: dict = {'schema_name': '',
+if __package__ is None or __package__ == '':
+ # allow running stand-alone
+ conf = Config()
+ base = ['service', 'https', 'api']
+ graphql_dict = conf.get_config_dict(base, key_mangling=('-', '_'),
+ no_tag_node_value_mangle=True,
+ get_first_key=True)
+ if 'graphql' not in graphql_dict:
+ exit("graphql is not configured")
+ graphql_dict = dict_merge(defaults(base), graphql_dict)
+ auth_type = graphql_dict['graphql']['authentication']['type']
+ auth_type = state.settings['app'].state.vyos_auth_type
+schema_data: dict = {'auth_type': auth_type,
+ 'schema_name': '',
'schema_fields': []}
query_template = """
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' %}
input {{ schema_name }}Input {
key: String!
{%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
{{ field_entry }}
{%- endfor %}
+{%- elif schema_fields %}
+input {{ schema_name }}Input {
+ {%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
+ {{ field_entry }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
type {{ schema_name }} {
result: Generic
@@ -60,17 +92,29 @@ type {{ schema_name }}Result {
extend type Query {
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' or schema_fields %}
{{ schema_name }}(data: {{ schema_name }}Input) : {{ schema_name }}Result @genopquery
+{%- else %}
+ {{ schema_name }} : {{ schema_name }}Result @genopquery
+{%- endif %}
mutation_template = """
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' %}
input {{ schema_name }}Input {
key: String!
{%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
{{ field_entry }}
{%- endfor %}
+{%- elif schema_fields %}
+input {{ schema_name }}Input {
+ {%- for field_entry in schema_fields %}
+ {{ field_entry }}
+ {%- endfor %}
+{%- endif %}
type {{ schema_name }} {
result: Generic
@@ -84,7 +128,11 @@ type {{ schema_name }}Result {
extend type Mutation {
+{%- if auth_type == 'key' or schema_fields %}
{{ schema_name }}(data: {{ schema_name }}Input) : {{ schema_name }}Result @genopmutation
+{%- else %}
+ {{ schema_name }} : {{ schema_name }}Result @genopquery
+{%- endif %}
@@ -103,35 +151,12 @@ type {{ name }} implements OpModeError {
{%- endfor %}
-def _snake_to_pascal_case(name: str) -> str:
- res = ''.join(map(str.title, name.split('_')))
- return res
-def _map_type_name(type_name: type, optional: bool = False) -> str:
- if type_name == str:
- return 'String!' if not optional else 'String = null'
- if type_name == int:
- return 'Int!' if not optional else 'Int = null'
- if type_name == bool:
- return 'Boolean!' if not optional else 'Boolean = false'
- if typing.get_origin(type_name) == list:
- if not optional:
- return f'[{_map_type_name(typing.get_args(type_name)[0])}]!'
- return f'[{_map_type_name(typing.get_args(type_name)[0])}]'
- # typing.Optional is typing.Union[_, NoneType]
- if (typing.get_origin(type_name) is typing.Union and
- typing.get_args(type_name)[1] == type(None)):
- return f'{_map_type_name(typing.get_args(type_name)[0], optional=True)}'
- # scalar 'Generic' is defined in schema.graphql
- return 'Generic'
def create_schema(func_name: str, base_name: str, func: callable) -> str:
sig = signature(func)
field_dict = {}
for k in sig.parameters:
- field_dict[sig.parameters[k].name] = _map_type_name(sig.parameters[k].annotation)
+ field_dict[sig.parameters[k].name] = map_type_name(sig.parameters[k].annotation)
# It is assumed that if one is generating a schema for a 'show_*'
# function, that 'get_raw_data' is present and 'raw' is desired.
@@ -142,7 +167,7 @@ def create_schema(func_name: str, base_name: str, func: callable) -> str:
for k,v in field_dict.items():
schema_fields.append(k+': '+v)
- schema_data['schema_name'] = _snake_to_pascal_case(func_name + '_' + base_name)
+ schema_data['schema_name'] = snake_to_pascal_case(func_name + '_' + base_name)
schema_data['schema_fields'] = schema_fields
if is_show_function_name(func_name):
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/ b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..21ac40094
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# Copyright 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with this library. If not, see <>.
+import jwt
+import datetime
+from typing import Any, Dict
+from ariadne import ObjectType, UnionType
+from graphql import GraphQLResolveInfo
+from .. libs.token_auth import generate_token
+from .. import state
+auth_token_mutation = ObjectType("Mutation")
+def auth_token_resolver(obj: Any, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, data: Dict):
+ # non-nullable fields
+ user = data['username']
+ passwd = data['password']
+ secret = state.settings['secret']
+ exp_interval = int(state.settings['app'].state.vyos_token_exp)
+ expiration = ( +
+ datetime.timedelta(seconds=exp_interval))
+ res = generate_token(user, passwd, secret, expiration)
+ if res:
+ data['result'] = res
+ return {
+ "success": True,
+ "data": data
+ }
+ return {
+ "success": False,
+ "errors": ['token generation failed']
+ }
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/ b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/
index d8ceefae6..a7919854a 100644
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/
@@ -31,76 +31,57 @@ class VyosDirective(SchemaDirectiveVisitor):
field.resolve = func
return field
-class ConfigureDirective(VyosDirective):
+class ConfigSessionQueryDirective(VyosDirective):
- Class providing implementation of 'configure' directive in schema.
+ Class providing implementation of 'configsessionquery' directive in schema.
def visit_field_definition(self, field, object_type):
super().visit_field_definition(field, object_type,
- make_resolver=make_configure_resolver)
+ make_resolver=make_config_session_query_resolver)
-class ShowConfigDirective(VyosDirective):
- """
- Class providing implementation of 'show' directive in schema.
+class ConfigSessionMutationDirective(VyosDirective):
- def visit_field_definition(self, field, object_type):
- super().visit_field_definition(field, object_type,
- make_resolver=make_show_config_resolver)
-class SystemStatusDirective(VyosDirective):
- """
- Class providing implementation of 'system_status' directive in schema.
+ Class providing implementation of 'configsessionmutation' directive in schema.
def visit_field_definition(self, field, object_type):
super().visit_field_definition(field, object_type,
- make_resolver=make_system_status_resolver)
+ make_resolver=make_config_session_mutation_resolver)
-class ConfigFileDirective(VyosDirective):
- """
- Class providing implementation of 'configfile' directive in schema.
- """
- def visit_field_definition(self, field, object_type):
- super().visit_field_definition(field, object_type,
- make_resolver=make_config_file_resolver)
-class ShowDirective(VyosDirective):
+class GenOpQueryDirective(VyosDirective):
- Class providing implementation of 'show' directive in schema.
+ Class providing implementation of 'genopquery' directive in schema.
def visit_field_definition(self, field, object_type):
super().visit_field_definition(field, object_type,
- make_resolver=make_show_resolver)
+ make_resolver=make_gen_op_query_resolver)
-class ImageDirective(VyosDirective):
+class GenOpMutationDirective(VyosDirective):
- Class providing implementation of 'image' directive in schema.
+ Class providing implementation of 'genopmutation' directive in schema.
def visit_field_definition(self, field, object_type):
super().visit_field_definition(field, object_type,
- make_resolver=make_image_resolver)
+ make_resolver=make_gen_op_mutation_resolver)
-class GenOpQueryDirective(VyosDirective):
+class CompositeQueryDirective(VyosDirective):
- Class providing implementation of 'genopquery' directive in schema.
+ Class providing implementation of 'system_status' directive in schema.
def visit_field_definition(self, field, object_type):
super().visit_field_definition(field, object_type,
- make_resolver=make_gen_op_query_resolver)
+ make_resolver=make_composite_query_resolver)
-class GenOpMutationDirective(VyosDirective):
+class CompositeMutationDirective(VyosDirective):
- Class providing implementation of 'genopmutation' directive in schema.
+ Class providing implementation of 'system_status' directive in schema.
def visit_field_definition(self, field, object_type):
super().visit_field_definition(field, object_type,
- make_resolver=make_gen_op_mutation_resolver)
+ make_resolver=make_composite_mutation_resolver)
-directives_dict = {"configure": ConfigureDirective,
- "showconfig": ShowConfigDirective,
- "systemstatus": SystemStatusDirective,
- "configfile": ConfigFileDirective,
- "show": ShowDirective,
- "image": ImageDirective,
+directives_dict = {"configsessionquery": ConfigSessionQueryDirective,
+ "configsessionmutation": ConfigSessionMutationDirective,
"genopquery": GenOpQueryDirective,
- "genopmutation": GenOpMutationDirective}
+ "genopmutation": GenOpMutationDirective,
+ "compositequery": CompositeQueryDirective,
+ "compositemutation": CompositeMutationDirective}
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/ b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/
index 5ccc9b0b6..87ea59c43 100644
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
# along with this library. If not, see <>.
from importlib import import_module
-from typing import Any, Dict
+from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from ariadne import ObjectType, convert_kwargs_to_snake_case, convert_camel_case_to_snake
from graphql import GraphQLResolveInfo
from makefun import with_signature
from .. import state
-from .. import key_auth
+from .. libs import key_auth
from api.graphql.session.session import Session
from api.graphql.session.errors.op_mode_errors import op_mode_err_msg, op_mode_err_code
from vyos.opmode import Error as OpModeError
@@ -42,32 +42,52 @@ def make_mutation_resolver(mutation_name, class_name, session_func):
func_base_name = convert_camel_case_to_snake(class_name)
resolver_name = f'resolve_{func_base_name}'
- func_sig = '(obj: Any, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, data: Dict)'
+ func_sig = '(obj: Any, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, data: Optional[Dict]=None)'
@with_signature(func_sig, func_name=resolver_name)
async def func_impl(*args, **kwargs):
- if 'data' not in kwargs:
- return {
- "success": False,
- "errors": ['missing data']
- }
- data = kwargs['data']
- key = data['key']
- auth = key_auth.auth_required(key)
- if auth is None:
- return {
- "success": False,
- "errors": ['invalid API key']
- }
- # We are finished with the 'key' entry, and may remove so as to
- # pass the rest of data (if any) to function.
- del data['key']
+ auth_type = state.settings['app'].state.vyos_auth_type
+ if auth_type == 'key':
+ data = kwargs['data']
+ key = data['key']
+ auth = key_auth.auth_required(key)
+ if auth is None:
+ return {
+ "success": False,
+ "errors": ['invalid API key']
+ }
+ # We are finished with the 'key' entry, and may remove so as to
+ # pass the rest of data (if any) to function.
+ del data['key']
+ elif auth_type == 'token':
+ data = kwargs['data']
+ if data is None:
+ data = {}
+ info = kwargs['info']
+ user = info.context.get('user')
+ if user is None:
+ error = info.context.get('error')
+ if error is not None:
+ return {
+ "success": False,
+ "errors": [error]
+ }
+ return {
+ "success": False,
+ "errors": ['not authenticated']
+ }
+ else:
+ # AtrributeError will have already been raised if no
+ # vyos_auth_type; validation and defaultValue ensure it is
+ # one of the previous cases, so this is never reached.
+ pass
session = state.settings['app'].state.vyos_session
@@ -106,24 +126,13 @@ def make_mutation_resolver(mutation_name, class_name, session_func):
return func_impl
-def make_prefix_resolver(mutation_name, prefix=[]):
- for pre in prefix:
- Pre = pre.capitalize()
- if Pre in mutation_name:
- class_name = mutation_name.replace(Pre, '', 1)
- return make_mutation_resolver(mutation_name, class_name, pre)
- raise Exception
-def make_configure_resolver(mutation_name):
- class_name = mutation_name
- return make_mutation_resolver(mutation_name, class_name, 'configure')
-def make_config_file_resolver(mutation_name):
- return make_prefix_resolver(mutation_name, prefix=['save', 'load'])
-def make_image_resolver(mutation_name):
- return make_prefix_resolver(mutation_name, prefix=['add', 'delete'])
+def make_config_session_mutation_resolver(mutation_name):
+ return make_mutation_resolver(mutation_name, mutation_name,
+ convert_camel_case_to_snake(mutation_name))
def make_gen_op_mutation_resolver(mutation_name):
- class_name = mutation_name
- return make_mutation_resolver(mutation_name, class_name, 'gen_op_mutation')
+ return make_mutation_resolver(mutation_name, mutation_name, 'gen_op_mutation')
+def make_composite_mutation_resolver(mutation_name):
+ return make_mutation_resolver(mutation_name, mutation_name,
+ convert_camel_case_to_snake(mutation_name))
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/ b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/
index b46914dcc..1ad586428 100644
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/
@@ -14,13 +14,13 @@
# along with this library. If not, see <>.
from importlib import import_module
-from typing import Any, Dict
+from typing import Any, Dict, Optional
from ariadne import ObjectType, convert_kwargs_to_snake_case, convert_camel_case_to_snake
from graphql import GraphQLResolveInfo
from makefun import with_signature
from .. import state
-from .. import key_auth
+from .. libs import key_auth
from api.graphql.session.session import Session
from api.graphql.session.errors.op_mode_errors import op_mode_err_msg, op_mode_err_code
from vyos.opmode import Error as OpModeError
@@ -42,32 +42,52 @@ def make_query_resolver(query_name, class_name, session_func):
func_base_name = convert_camel_case_to_snake(class_name)
resolver_name = f'resolve_{func_base_name}'
- func_sig = '(obj: Any, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, data: Dict)'
+ func_sig = '(obj: Any, info: GraphQLResolveInfo, data: Optional[Dict]=None)'
@with_signature(func_sig, func_name=resolver_name)
async def func_impl(*args, **kwargs):
- if 'data' not in kwargs:
- return {
- "success": False,
- "errors": ['missing data']
- }
- data = kwargs['data']
- key = data['key']
- auth = key_auth.auth_required(key)
- if auth is None:
- return {
- "success": False,
- "errors": ['invalid API key']
- }
- # We are finished with the 'key' entry, and may remove so as to
- # pass the rest of data (if any) to function.
- del data['key']
+ auth_type = state.settings['app'].state.vyos_auth_type
+ if auth_type == 'key':
+ data = kwargs['data']
+ key = data['key']
+ auth = key_auth.auth_required(key)
+ if auth is None:
+ return {
+ "success": False,
+ "errors": ['invalid API key']
+ }
+ # We are finished with the 'key' entry, and may remove so as to
+ # pass the rest of data (if any) to function.
+ del data['key']
+ elif auth_type == 'token':
+ data = kwargs['data']
+ if data is None:
+ data = {}
+ info = kwargs['info']
+ user = info.context.get('user')
+ if user is None:
+ error = info.context.get('error')
+ if error is not None:
+ return {
+ "success": False,
+ "errors": [error]
+ }
+ return {
+ "success": False,
+ "errors": ['not authenticated']
+ }
+ else:
+ # AtrributeError will have already been raised if no
+ # vyos_auth_type; validation and defaultValue ensure it is
+ # one of the previous cases, so this is never reached.
+ pass
session = state.settings['app'].state.vyos_session
@@ -106,18 +126,13 @@ def make_query_resolver(query_name, class_name, session_func):
return func_impl
-def make_show_config_resolver(query_name):
- class_name = query_name
- return make_query_resolver(query_name, class_name, 'show_config')
-def make_system_status_resolver(query_name):
- class_name = query_name
- return make_query_resolver(query_name, class_name, 'system_status')
-def make_show_resolver(query_name):
- class_name = query_name
- return make_query_resolver(query_name, class_name, 'show')
+def make_config_session_query_resolver(query_name):
+ return make_query_resolver(query_name, query_name,
+ convert_camel_case_to_snake(query_name))
def make_gen_op_query_resolver(query_name):
- class_name = query_name
- return make_query_resolver(query_name, class_name, 'gen_op_query')
+ return make_query_resolver(query_name, query_name, 'gen_op_query')
+def make_composite_query_resolver(query_name):
+ return make_query_resolver(query_name, query_name,
+ convert_camel_case_to_snake(query_name))
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/auth_token.graphql b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/auth_token.graphql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af53a293a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/auth_token.graphql
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+input AuthTokenInput {
+ username: String!
+ password: String!
+type AuthToken {
+ result: Generic
+type AuthTokenResult {
+ data: AuthToken
+ success: Boolean!
+ errors: [String]
+extend type Mutation {
+ AuthToken(data: AuthTokenInput) : AuthTokenResult
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/config_file.graphql b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/config_file.graphql
deleted file mode 100644
index a7263114b..000000000
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/config_file.graphql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-input SaveConfigFileInput {
- key: String!
- fileName: String
-type SaveConfigFile {
- fileName: String
-type SaveConfigFileResult {
- data: SaveConfigFile
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
-input LoadConfigFileInput {
- key: String!
- fileName: String!
-type LoadConfigFile {
- fileName: String!
-type LoadConfigFileResult {
- data: LoadConfigFile
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/dhcp_server.graphql b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/dhcp_server.graphql
deleted file mode 100644
index 345c349ac..000000000
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/dhcp_server.graphql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-input DhcpServerConfigInput {
- key: String!
- sharedNetworkName: String
- subnet: String
- defaultRouter: String
- nameServer: String
- domainName: String
- lease: Int
- range: Int
- start: String
- stop: String
- dnsForwardingAllowFrom: String
- dnsForwardingCacheSize: Int
- dnsForwardingListenAddress: String
-type DhcpServerConfig {
- sharedNetworkName: String
- subnet: String
- defaultRouter: String
- nameServer: String
- domainName: String
- lease: Int
- range: Int
- start: String
- stop: String
- dnsForwardingAllowFrom: String
- dnsForwardingCacheSize: Int
- dnsForwardingListenAddress: String
-type CreateDhcpServerResult {
- data: DhcpServerConfig
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/firewall_group.graphql b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/firewall_group.graphql
deleted file mode 100644
index 9454d2997..000000000
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/firewall_group.graphql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-input CreateFirewallAddressGroupInput {
- key: String!
- name: String!
- address: [String]
-type CreateFirewallAddressGroup {
- name: String!
- address: [String]
-type CreateFirewallAddressGroupResult {
- data: CreateFirewallAddressGroup
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
-input UpdateFirewallAddressGroupMembersInput {
- key: String!
- name: String!
- address: [String!]!
-type UpdateFirewallAddressGroupMembers {
- name: String!
- address: [String!]!
-type UpdateFirewallAddressGroupMembersResult {
- data: UpdateFirewallAddressGroupMembers
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
-input RemoveFirewallAddressGroupMembersInput {
- key: String!
- name: String!
- address: [String!]!
-type RemoveFirewallAddressGroupMembers {
- name: String!
- address: [String!]!
-type RemoveFirewallAddressGroupMembersResult {
- data: RemoveFirewallAddressGroupMembers
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
-input CreateFirewallAddressIpv6GroupInput {
- key: String!
- name: String!
- address: [String]
-type CreateFirewallAddressIpv6Group {
- name: String!
- address: [String]
-type CreateFirewallAddressIpv6GroupResult {
- data: CreateFirewallAddressIpv6Group
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
-input UpdateFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembersInput {
- key: String!
- name: String!
- address: [String!]!
-type UpdateFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembers {
- name: String!
- address: [String!]!
-type UpdateFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembersResult {
- data: UpdateFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembers
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
-input RemoveFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembersInput {
- key: String!
- name: String!
- address: [String!]!
-type RemoveFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembers {
- name: String!
- address: [String!]!
-type RemoveFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembersResult {
- data: RemoveFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembers
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/image.graphql b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/image.graphql
deleted file mode 100644
index 485033875..000000000
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/image.graphql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-input AddSystemImageInput {
- key: String!
- location: String!
-type AddSystemImage {
- location: String
- result: String
-type AddSystemImageResult {
- data: AddSystemImage
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
-input DeleteSystemImageInput {
- key: String!
- name: String!
-type DeleteSystemImage {
- name: String
- result: String
-type DeleteSystemImageResult {
- data: DeleteSystemImage
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/interface_ethernet.graphql b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/interface_ethernet.graphql
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a17d919f..000000000
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/interface_ethernet.graphql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-input InterfaceEthernetConfigInput {
- key: String!
- interface: String
- address: String
- replace: Boolean = true
- description: String
-type InterfaceEthernetConfig {
- interface: String
- address: String
- description: String
-type CreateInterfaceEthernetResult {
- data: InterfaceEthernetConfig
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/schema.graphql b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/schema.graphql
index 624be2620..62b0d30bb 100644
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/schema.graphql
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/schema.graphql
@@ -3,34 +3,14 @@ schema {
mutation: Mutation
-directive @configure on FIELD_DEFINITION
-directive @configfile on FIELD_DEFINITION
-directive @show on FIELD_DEFINITION
-directive @showconfig on FIELD_DEFINITION
-directive @systemstatus on FIELD_DEFINITION
-directive @image on FIELD_DEFINITION
+directive @compositequery on FIELD_DEFINITION
+directive @compositemutation on FIELD_DEFINITION
+directive @configsessionquery on FIELD_DEFINITION
+directive @configsessionmutation on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @genopquery on FIELD_DEFINITION
directive @genopmutation on FIELD_DEFINITION
scalar Generic
-type Query {
- Show(data: ShowInput) : ShowResult @show
- ShowConfig(data: ShowConfigInput) : ShowConfigResult @showconfig
- SystemStatus(data: SystemStatusInput) : SystemStatusResult @systemstatus
-type Mutation {
- CreateDhcpServer(data: DhcpServerConfigInput) : CreateDhcpServerResult @configure
- CreateInterfaceEthernet(data: InterfaceEthernetConfigInput) : CreateInterfaceEthernetResult @configure
- CreateFirewallAddressGroup(data: CreateFirewallAddressGroupInput) : CreateFirewallAddressGroupResult @configure
- UpdateFirewallAddressGroupMembers(data: UpdateFirewallAddressGroupMembersInput) : UpdateFirewallAddressGroupMembersResult @configure
- RemoveFirewallAddressGroupMembers(data: RemoveFirewallAddressGroupMembersInput) : RemoveFirewallAddressGroupMembersResult @configure
- CreateFirewallAddressIpv6Group(data: CreateFirewallAddressIpv6GroupInput) : CreateFirewallAddressIpv6GroupResult @configure
- UpdateFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembers(data: UpdateFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembersInput) : UpdateFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembersResult @configure
- RemoveFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembers(data: RemoveFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembersInput) : RemoveFirewallAddressIpv6GroupMembersResult @configure
- SaveConfigFile(data: SaveConfigFileInput) : SaveConfigFileResult @configfile
- LoadConfigFile(data: LoadConfigFileInput) : LoadConfigFileResult @configfile
- AddSystemImage(data: AddSystemImageInput) : AddSystemImageResult @image
- DeleteSystemImage(data: DeleteSystemImageInput) : DeleteSystemImageResult @image
+type Query
+type Mutation
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/show.graphql b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/show.graphql
deleted file mode 100644
index 278ed536b..000000000
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/show.graphql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-input ShowInput {
- key: String!
- path: [String!]!
-type Show {
- path: [String]
- result: String
-type ShowResult {
- data: Show
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/show_config.graphql b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/show_config.graphql
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a1fe43da..000000000
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/show_config.graphql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-Use 'scalar Generic' for show config output, to avoid attempts to
-JSON-serialize in case of JSON output.
-input ShowConfigInput {
- key: String!
- path: [String!]!
- configFormat: String
-type ShowConfig {
- path: [String]
- result: Generic
-type ShowConfigResult {
- data: ShowConfig
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/system_status.graphql b/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/system_status.graphql
deleted file mode 100644
index be8d87535..000000000
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/graphql/schema/system_status.graphql
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Use 'scalar Generic' for system status output, to avoid attempts to
-JSON-serialize in case of JSON output.
-input SystemStatusInput {
- key: String!
-type SystemStatus {
- result: Generic
-type SystemStatusResult {
- data: SystemStatus
- success: Boolean!
- errors: [String]
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/ b/src/services/api/graphql/libs/
index f756ed6d8..2db0f7d48 100644
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/libs/
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-from . import state
+from .. import state
def check_auth(key_list, key):
if not key_list:
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/utils/ b/src/services/api/graphql/libs/
index 073126853..6939ed5d6 100644
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/utils/
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/libs/
@@ -15,15 +15,14 @@
import os
import re
+import typing
import importlib.util
+from typing import Union
+from humps import decamelize
from vyos.defaults import directories
-def load_as_module(name: str, path: str):
- spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(name, path)
- mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
- spec.loader.exec_module(mod)
- return mod
+from vyos.util import load_as_module
+from vyos.opmode import _normalize_field_names
def load_op_mode_as_module(name: str):
path = os.path.join(directories['op_mode'], name)
@@ -74,3 +73,29 @@ def split_compound_op_mode_name(name: str, files: list):
pair = (pair[0], f[0])
return pair
return (name, '')
+def snake_to_pascal_case(name: str) -> str:
+ res = ''.join(map(str.title, name.split('_')))
+ return res
+def map_type_name(type_name: type, optional: bool = False) -> str:
+ if type_name == str:
+ return 'String!' if not optional else 'String = null'
+ if type_name == int:
+ return 'Int!' if not optional else 'Int = null'
+ if type_name == bool:
+ return 'Boolean!' if not optional else 'Boolean = false'
+ if typing.get_origin(type_name) == list:
+ if not optional:
+ return f'[{map_type_name(typing.get_args(type_name)[0])}]!'
+ return f'[{map_type_name(typing.get_args(type_name)[0])}]'
+ # typing.Optional is typing.Union[_, NoneType]
+ if (typing.get_origin(type_name) is typing.Union and
+ typing.get_args(type_name)[1] == type(None)):
+ return f'{map_type_name(typing.get_args(type_name)[0], optional=True)}'
+ # scalar 'Generic' is defined in schema.graphql
+ return 'Generic'
+def normalize_output(result: Union[dict, list]) -> Union[dict, list]:
+ return _normalize_field_names(decamelize(result))
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/libs/ b/src/services/api/graphql/libs/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2100eba7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/libs/
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+import jwt
+import uuid
+import pam
+from secrets import token_hex
+from .. import state
+def _check_passwd_pam(username: str, passwd: str) -> bool:
+ if pam.authenticate(username, passwd):
+ return True
+ return False
+def init_secret():
+ length = int(state.settings['app'].state.vyos_secret_len)
+ secret = token_hex(length)
+ state.settings['secret'] = secret
+def generate_token(user: str, passwd: str, secret: str, exp: int) -> dict:
+ if user is None or passwd is None:
+ return {}
+ if _check_passwd_pam(user, passwd):
+ app = state.settings['app']
+ try:
+ users = app.state.vyos_token_users
+ except AttributeError:
+ app.state.vyos_token_users = {}
+ users = app.state.vyos_token_users
+ user_id = uuid.uuid1().hex
+ payload_data = {'iss': user, 'sub': user_id, 'exp': exp}
+ secret = state.settings.get('secret')
+ if secret is None:
+ return {
+ "success": False,
+ "errors": ['failed secret generation']
+ }
+ token = jwt.encode(payload=payload_data, key=secret, algorithm="HS256")
+ users |= {user_id: user}
+ return {'token': token}
+def get_user_context(request):
+ context = {}
+ context['request'] = request
+ context['user'] = None
+ if 'Authorization' in request.headers:
+ auth = request.headers['Authorization']
+ scheme, token = auth.split()
+ if scheme.lower() != 'bearer':
+ return context
+ try:
+ secret = state.settings.get('secret')
+ payload = jwt.decode(token, secret, algorithms=["HS256"])
+ user_id: str = payload.get('sub')
+ if user_id is None:
+ return context
+ except jwt.exceptions.ExpiredSignatureError:
+ context['error'] = 'expired token'
+ return context
+ except jwt.PyJWTError:
+ return context
+ try:
+ users = state.settings['app'].state.vyos_token_users
+ except AttributeError:
+ return context
+ user = users.get(user_id)
+ if user is not None:
+ context['user'] = user
+ return context
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/session/composite/ b/src/services/api/graphql/session/composite/
index 3c1a3d45b..d809f32e3 100755
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/session/composite/
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/session/composite/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ import importlib.util
from vyos.defaults import directories
-from api.graphql.utils.util import load_op_mode_as_module
+from api.graphql.libs.op_mode import load_op_mode_as_module
def get_system_version() -> dict:
show_version = load_op_mode_as_module('')
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/session/errors/ b/src/services/api/graphql/session/errors/
index 7ba75455d..7bc1d1d81 100644
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/session/errors/
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/session/errors/
@@ -3,11 +3,13 @@
op_mode_err_msg = {
"UnconfiguredSubsystem": "subsystem is not configured or not running",
"DataUnavailable": "data currently unavailable",
- "PermissionDenied": "client does not have permission"
+ "PermissionDenied": "client does not have permission",
+ "IncorrectValue": "argument value is incorrect"
op_mode_err_code = {
"UnconfiguredSubsystem": 2000,
"DataUnavailable": 2001,
- "PermissionDenied": 1003
+ "PermissionDenied": 1003,
+ "IncorrectValue": 1002
diff --git a/src/services/api/graphql/session/ b/src/services/api/graphql/session/
index 93e1c328e..0b77b1433 100644
--- a/src/services/api/graphql/session/
+++ b/src/services/api/graphql/session/
@@ -24,7 +24,8 @@ from vyos.defaults import directories
from vyos.template import render
from vyos.opmode import Error as OpModeError
-from api.graphql.utils.util import load_op_mode_as_module, split_compound_op_mode_name
+from api.graphql.libs.op_mode import load_op_mode_as_module, split_compound_op_mode_name
+from api.graphql.libs.op_mode import normalize_output
op_mode_include_file = os.path.join(directories['data'], 'op-mode-standardized.json')
@@ -45,40 +46,6 @@ class Session:
except Exception:
self._op_mode_list = None
- def configure(self):
- session = self._session
- data = self._data
- func_base_name = self._name
- tmpl_file = f'{func_base_name}.tmpl'
- cmd_file = f'/tmp/{func_base_name}.cmds'
- tmpl_dir = directories['api_templates']
- try:
- render(cmd_file, tmpl_file, data, location=tmpl_dir)
- commands = []
- with open(cmd_file) as f:
- lines = f.readlines()
- for line in lines:
- commands.append(line.split())
- for cmd in commands:
- if cmd[0] == 'set':
- session.set(cmd[1:])
- elif cmd[0] == 'delete':
- session.delete(cmd[1:])
- else:
- raise ValueError('Operation must be "set" or "delete"')
- session.commit()
- except Exception as error:
- raise error
- def delete_path_if_childless(self, path):
- session = self._session
- config = Config(session.get_session_env())
- if not config.list_nodes(path):
- session.delete(path)
- session.commit()
def show_config(self):
session = self._session
data = self._data
@@ -87,14 +54,14 @@ class Session:
out = session.show_config(data['path'])
if data.get('config_format', '') == 'json':
- config_tree = vyos.configtree.ConfigTree(out)
+ config_tree = ConfigTree(out)
out = json.loads(config_tree.to_json())
except Exception as error:
raise error
return out
- def save(self):
+ def save_config_file(self):
session = self._session
data = self._data
if 'file_name' not in data or not data['file_name']:
@@ -105,7 +72,7 @@ class Session:
except Exception as error:
raise error
- def load(self):
+ def load_config_file(self):
session = self._session
data = self._data
@@ -127,7 +94,7 @@ class Session:
return out
- def add(self):
+ def add_system_image(self):
session = self._session
data = self._data
@@ -138,7 +105,7 @@ class Session:
return res
- def delete(self):
+ def delete_system_image(self):
session = self._session
data = self._data
@@ -183,6 +150,8 @@ class Session:
except OpModeError as e:
raise e
+ res = normalize_output(res)
return res
def gen_op_mutation(self):
diff --git a/src/services/vyos-hostsd b/src/services/vyos-hostsd
index 9ae7b1ea9..a380f2e66 100755
--- a/src/services/vyos-hostsd
+++ b/src/services/vyos-hostsd
@@ -406,8 +406,7 @@ def validate_schema(data):
def pdns_rec_control(command):
- # pdns-r process name is NOT equal to the name shown in ps
- if not process_named_running('pdns-r/worker'):
+ if not process_named_running('pdns_recursor'):'pdns_recursor not running, not sending "{command}"')
diff --git a/src/services/vyos-http-api-server b/src/services/vyos-http-api-server
index 190f3409d..60ea9a5ee 100755
--- a/src/services/vyos-http-api-server
+++ b/src/services/vyos-http-api-server
@@ -647,21 +647,30 @@ def reset_op(data: ResetModel):
def graphql_init(fast_api_app):
- from api.graphql.bindings import generate_schema
+ from api.graphql.libs.token_auth import get_user_context
api.graphql.state.settings['app'] = app
+ # import after initializaion of state
+ from api.graphql.bindings import generate_schema
schema = generate_schema()
in_spec = app.state.vyos_introspection
if app.state.vyos_origins:
origins = app.state.vyos_origins
- app.add_route('/graphql', CORSMiddleware(GraphQL(schema, debug=True, introspection=in_spec), allow_origins=origins, allow_methods=("GET", "POST", "OPTIONS")))
+ app.add_route('/graphql', CORSMiddleware(GraphQL(schema,
+ context_value=get_user_context,
+ debug=True,
+ introspection=in_spec),
+ allow_origins=origins,
+ allow_methods=("GET", "POST", "OPTIONS"),
+ allow_headers=("Authorization",)))
- app.add_route('/graphql', GraphQL(schema, debug=True, introspection=in_spec))
+ app.add_route('/graphql', GraphQL(schema,
+ context_value=get_user_context,
+ debug=True,
+ introspection=in_spec))
if __name__ == '__main__':
@@ -686,12 +695,23 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
app.state.vyos_keys = server_config['api_keys']
app.state.vyos_debug = server_config['debug']
- app.state.vyos_gql = server_config['gql']
- app.state.vyos_introspection = server_config['introspection']
app.state.vyos_strict = server_config['strict']
- app.state.vyos_origins = server_config.get('cors', {}).get('origins', [])
+ app.state.vyos_origins = server_config.get('cors', {}).get('allow_origin', [])
+ if 'graphql' in server_config:
+ app.state.vyos_graphql = True
+ if isinstance(server_config['graphql'], dict):
+ if 'introspection' in server_config['graphql']:
+ app.state.vyos_introspection = True
+ else:
+ app.state.vyos_introspection = False
+ # default value is merged in conf_mode, if not set
+ app.state.vyos_auth_type = server_config['graphql']['authentication']['type']
+ app.state.vyos_token_exp = server_config['graphql']['authentication']['expiration']
+ app.state.vyos_secret_len = server_config['graphql']['authentication']['secret_length']
+ else:
+ app.state.vyos_graphql = False
- if app.state.vyos_gql:
+ if app.state.vyos_graphql:
diff --git a/src/system/ b/src/system/
index a0fccd1d0..864ee8419 100755
--- a/src/system/
+++ b/src/system/
@@ -67,13 +67,13 @@ class KeepalivedFifo:
# For VRRP configuration to be read, the commit must be finished
count = 1
while commit_in_progress():
- if ( count <= 40 ):
- logger.debug(f'commit in progress try: {count}')
+ if ( count <= 20 ):
+ logger.debug(f'Attempt to load keepalived configuration aborted due to a commit in progress (attempt {count}/20)')
- logger.error(f'commit still in progress after {count} continuing anyway')
+ logger.error(f'Forced keepalived configuration loading despite a commit in progress ({count} wait time expired, not waiting further)')
count += 1
- time.sleep(0.5)
+ time.sleep(1)
base = ['high-availability', 'vrrp']
diff --git a/src/systemd/vyos-domain-group-resolve.service b/src/systemd/vyos-domain-group-resolve.service
deleted file mode 100644
index 29628fddb..000000000
--- a/src/systemd/vyos-domain-group-resolve.service
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-Description=VyOS firewall domain-group resolver
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /usr/libexec/vyos/
diff --git a/src/systemd/vyos-domain-resolver.service b/src/systemd/vyos-domain-resolver.service
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c56b51f0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/systemd/vyos-domain-resolver.service
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+Description=VyOS firewall domain resolver
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 -u /usr/libexec/vyos/
diff --git a/src/tests/ b/src/tests/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..90963b3c5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright (C) 2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
+# published by the Free Software Foundation.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program. If not, see <>.
+from unittest import TestCase
+import vyos.opmode
+class TestVyOSOpMode(TestCase):
+ def test_field_name_normalization(self):
+ from vyos.opmode import _normalize_field_name
+ self.assertEqual(_normalize_field_name(" foo bar "), "foo_bar")
+ self.assertEqual(_normalize_field_name("foo-bar"), "foo_bar")
+ self.assertEqual(_normalize_field_name("foo (bar) baz"), "foo_bar_baz")
+ self.assertEqual(_normalize_field_name("load%"), "load_percentage")
+ def test_dict_fields_normalization_non_unique(self):
+ from vyos.opmode import _normalize_field_names
+ # Space and dot are both replaced by an underscore,
+ # so dicts like this cannor be normalized uniquely
+ data = {"foo bar": True, "": False}
+ with self.assertRaises(vyos.opmode.InternalError):
+ _normalize_field_names(data)
+ def test_dict_fields_normalization_simple_dict(self):
+ from vyos.opmode import _normalize_field_names
+ data = {"foo bar": True, "Bar-Baz": False}
+ self.assertEqual(_normalize_field_names(data), {"foo_bar": True, "bar_baz": False})
+ def test_dict_fields_normalization_nested_dict(self):
+ from vyos.opmode import _normalize_field_names
+ data = {"foo bar": True, "bar-baz": {"baz-quux": {"quux-xyzzy": False}}}
+ self.assertEqual(_normalize_field_names(data),
+ {"foo_bar": True, "bar_baz": {"baz_quux": {"quux_xyzzy": False}}})
+ def test_dict_fields_normalization_mixed(self):
+ from vyos.opmode import _normalize_field_names
+ data = [{"foo bar": True, "bar-baz": [{"baz-quux": {"quux-xyzzy": [False]}}]}]
+ self.assertEqual(_normalize_field_names(data),
+ [{"foo_bar": True, "bar_baz": [{"baz_quux": {"quux_xyzzy": [False]}}]}])
+ def test_dict_fields_normalization_primitive(self):
+ from vyos.opmode import _normalize_field_names
+ data = [1, False, "foo"]
+ self.assertEqual(_normalize_field_names(data), [1, False, "foo"])
diff --git a/src/tests/ b/src/tests/
index 8ac9a500a..d8b2b7940 100644
--- a/src/tests/
+++ b/src/tests/
@@ -26,3 +26,17 @@ class TestVyOSUtil(TestCase):
def test_sysctl_read(self):
self.assertEqual(sysctl_read('net.ipv4.conf.lo.forwarding'), '1')
+ def test_camel_to_snake_case(self):
+ self.assertEqual(camel_to_snake_case('ConnectionTimeout'),
+ 'connection_timeout')
+ self.assertEqual(camel_to_snake_case('connectionTimeout'),
+ 'connection_timeout')
+ self.assertEqual(camel_to_snake_case('TCPConnectionTimeout'),
+ 'tcp_connection_timeout')
+ self.assertEqual(camel_to_snake_case('TCPPort'),
+ 'tcp_port')
+ self.assertEqual(camel_to_snake_case('UseHTTPProxy'),
+ 'use_http_proxy')
+ self.assertEqual(camel_to_snake_case('CustomerID'),
+ 'customer_id')
diff --git a/src/validators/accel-radius-dictionary b/src/validators/accel-radius-dictionary
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..05287e770
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/validators/accel-radius-dictionary
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+if [ -n "$NAME" -a -e $DICT_PATH/dictionary.$NAME ]; then
+ exit 0
+ echo "$NAME is not a valid RADIUS dictionary name"
+ echo "Please make sure that $DICT_PATH/dictionary.$NAME file exists"
+ exit 1
diff --git a/src/validators/allowed-vlan b/src/validators/allowed-vlan
deleted file mode 100755
index 11389390b..000000000
--- a/src/validators/allowed-vlan
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/python3
-import sys
-import re
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv)>1:
- allowed_vlan = sys.argv[1]
- if'[0-9]{1,4}-[0-9]{1,4}', allowed_vlan):
- for tmp in allowed_vlan.split('-'):
- if int(tmp) not in range(1, 4095):
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- if int(allowed_vlan) not in range(1, 4095):
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- sys.exit(2)
- sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/src/validators/bgp-extended-community b/src/validators/bgp-extended-community
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..b69ae3449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/validators/bgp-extended-community
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2019-2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from sys import exit
+from vyos.template import is_ipv4
+COMM_MAX_2_OCTET: int = 65535
+COMM_MAX_4_OCTET: int = 4294967295
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # add an argument with community
+ parser: ArgumentParser = ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('community', type=str)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ community: str =
+ if community.count(':') != 1:
+ print("Invalid community format")
+ exit(1)
+ try:
+ # try to extract community parts from an argument
+ comm_left: str = community.split(':')[0]
+ comm_right: int = int(community.split(':')[1])
+ # check if left part is an IPv4 address
+ if is_ipv4(comm_left) and 0 <= comm_right <= COMM_MAX_2_OCTET:
+ exit()
+ # check if a left part is a number
+ if 0 <= int(comm_left) <= COMM_MAX_2_OCTET \
+ and 0 <= comm_right <= COMM_MAX_4_OCTET:
+ exit()
+ except Exception:
+ # fail if something was wrong
+ print("Invalid community format")
+ exit(1)
+ # fail if none of validators catched the value
+ print("Invalid community format")
+ exit(1) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/validators/bgp-large-community b/src/validators/bgp-large-community
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..386398308
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/validators/bgp-large-community
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2019-2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from sys import exit
+from vyos.template import is_ipv4
+COMM_MAX_4_OCTET: int = 4294967295
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # add an argument with community
+ parser: ArgumentParser = ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('community', type=str)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ community: str =
+ if community.count(':') != 2:
+ print("Invalid community format")
+ exit(1)
+ try:
+ # try to extract community parts from an argument
+ comm_part1: int = int(community.split(':')[0])
+ comm_part2: int = int(community.split(':')[1])
+ comm_part3: int = int(community.split(':')[2])
+ # check compatibilities of left and right parts
+ if 0 <= comm_part1 <= COMM_MAX_4_OCTET \
+ and 0 <= comm_part2 <= COMM_MAX_4_OCTET \
+ and 0 <= comm_part3 <= COMM_MAX_4_OCTET:
+ exit(0)
+ except Exception:
+ # fail if something was wrong
+ print("Invalid community format")
+ exit(1)
+ # fail if none of validators catched the value
+ print("Invalid community format")
+ exit(1) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/validators/bgp-regular-community b/src/validators/bgp-regular-community
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..d43a71eae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/validators/bgp-regular-community
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# Copyright 2019-2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from sys import exit
+from vyos.template import is_ipv4
+COMM_MAX_2_OCTET: int = 65535
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # add an argument with community
+ parser: ArgumentParser = ArgumentParser()
+ parser.add_argument('community', type=str)
+ args = parser.parse_args()
+ community: str =
+ if community.count(':') != 1:
+ print("Invalid community format")
+ exit(1)
+ try:
+ # try to extract community parts from an argument
+ comm_left: int = int(community.split(':')[0])
+ comm_right: int = int(community.split(':')[1])
+ # check compatibilities of left and right parts
+ if 0 <= comm_left <= COMM_MAX_2_OCTET \
+ and 0 <= comm_right <= COMM_MAX_2_OCTET:
+ exit(0)
+ except Exception:
+ # fail if something was wrong
+ print("Invalid community format")
+ exit(1)
+ # fail if none of validators catched the value
+ print("Invalid community format")
+ exit(1) \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/validators/dotted-decimal b/src/validators/dotted-decimal
deleted file mode 100755
index 652110346..000000000
--- a/src/validators/dotted-decimal
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import re
-import sys
-area = sys.argv[1]
-res = re.match(r'^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$', area)
-if not res:
- print("\'{0}\' is not a valid dotted decimal value".format(area))
- sys.exit(1)
- components = res.groups()
- for n in range(0, 4):
- if (int(components[n]) > 255):
- print("Invalid component of a dotted decimal value: {0} exceeds 255".format(components[n]))
- sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/src/validators/fqdn b/src/validators/fqdn
index a4027e4ca..a65d2d5d4 100755
--- a/src/validators/fqdn
+++ b/src/validators/fqdn
@@ -1,27 +1,2 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2020-2021 VyOS maintainers and contributors
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import re
-import sys
-pattern = '[A-Za-z0-9][-.A-Za-z0-9]*'
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) != 2:
- sys.exit(1)
- if not re.match(pattern, sys.argv[1]):
- sys.exit(1)
- sys.exit(0)
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+${vyos_libexec_dir}/validate-value --regex "[A-Za-z0-9][-.A-Za-z0-9]*" --value "$1"
diff --git a/src/validators/mac-address b/src/validators/mac-address
index 7d020f387..bb859a603 100755
--- a/src/validators/mac-address
+++ b/src/validators/mac-address
@@ -1,27 +1,2 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2018-2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import re
-import sys
-pattern = "^([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$"
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) != 2:
- sys.exit(1)
- if not re.match(pattern, sys.argv[1]):
- sys.exit(1)
- sys.exit(0)
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+${vyos_libexec_dir}/validate-value --regex "([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})" --value "$1"
diff --git a/src/validators/mac-address-exclude b/src/validators/mac-address-exclude
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..c44913023
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/validators/mac-address-exclude
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env sh
+${vyos_libexec_dir}/validate-value --regex "!([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})" --value "$1"
diff --git a/src/validators/mac-address-firewall b/src/validators/mac-address-firewall
deleted file mode 100755
index 70551f86d..000000000
--- a/src/validators/mac-address-firewall
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2018-2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
-# published by the Free Software Foundation.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program. If not, see <>.
-import re
-import sys
-pattern = "^!?([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:){5}([0-9A-Fa-f]{2})$"
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv) != 2:
- sys.exit(1)
- if not re.match(pattern, sys.argv[1]):
- sys.exit(1)
- sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/src/validators/tcp-flag b/src/validators/tcp-flag
deleted file mode 100755
index 1496b904a..000000000
--- a/src/validators/tcp-flag
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import sys
-import re
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- if len(sys.argv)>1:
- flag = sys.argv[1]
- if flag and flag[0] == '!':
- flag = flag[1:]
- if flag not in ['syn', 'ack', 'rst', 'fin', 'urg', 'psh', 'ecn', 'cwr']:
- print(f'Error: {flag} is not a valid TCP flag')
- sys.exit(1)
- else:
- sys.exit(2)
- sys.exit(0)
diff --git a/src/xdp/common/ b/src/xdp/common/
index ebe23a9ed..ffb86a65c 100644
--- a/src/xdp/common/
+++ b/src/xdp/common/
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ KERN_USER_H ?= $(wildcard common_kern_user.h)
CFLAGS ?= -g -I../include/
BPF_CFLAGS ?= -I../include/
-LIBS = -l:libbpf.a -lelf $(USER_LIBS)
+LIBS = -lbpf -lelf $(USER_LIBS)
diff --git a/src/xdp/common/common_user_bpf_xdp.c b/src/xdp/common/common_user_bpf_xdp.c
index e7ef77174..faf7f4f91 100644
--- a/src/xdp/common/common_user_bpf_xdp.c
+++ b/src/xdp/common/common_user_bpf_xdp.c
@@ -274,7 +274,7 @@ struct bpf_object *load_bpf_and_xdp_attach(struct config *cfg)
- strncpy(cfg->progsec, bpf_program__title(bpf_prog, false), sizeof(cfg->progsec));
+ strncpy(cfg->progsec, bpf_program__section_name(bpf_prog), sizeof(cfg->progsec));
prog_fd = bpf_program__fd(bpf_prog);
if (prog_fd <= 0) {