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2 files changed, 0 insertions, 625 deletions
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
index d79365722..53b5f9492 100644
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ b/python/vyos/
@@ -267,383 +267,3 @@ def get_interface_dict(config, base, ifname):
return dict
-dhcpv6_pd_default_data = {
- 'dhcpv6_prm_only': False,
- 'dhcpv6_temporary': False,
- 'dhcpv6_pd_length': '',
- 'dhcpv6_pd_interfaces': []
-interface_default_data = {
- **dhcpv6_pd_default_data,
- 'address': [],
- 'address_remove': [],
- 'description': '',
- 'dhcp_client_id': '',
- 'dhcp_hostname': '',
- 'dhcp_vendor_class_id': '',
- 'disable': False,
- 'disable_link_detect': 1,
- 'ip_disable_arp_filter': 1,
- 'ip_enable_arp_accept': 0,
- 'ip_enable_arp_announce': 0,
- 'ip_enable_arp_ignore': 0,
- 'ip_proxy_arp': 0,
- 'ipv6_accept_ra': 1,
- 'ipv6_autoconf': 0,
- 'ipv6_eui64_prefix': [],
- 'ipv6_eui64_prefix_remove': [],
- 'ipv6_forwarding': 1,
- 'ipv6_dup_addr_detect': 1,
- 'is_bridge_member': False,
- 'mac': '',
- 'mtu': 1500,
- 'vrf': ''
-vlan_default = {
- **interface_default_data,
- 'egress_qos': '',
- 'egress_qos_changed': False,
- 'ingress_qos': '',
- 'ingress_qos_changed': False,
- 'vif_c': {},
- 'vif_c_remove': []
-# see:
-disable = Enum('disable','none was now both')
-def disable_state(conf, check=[3,5,7]):
- """
- return if and how a particual section of the configuration is has disable'd
- using "disable" including if it was disabled by one of its parent.
- check: a list of the level we should check, here 7,5 and 3
- interfaces ethernet eth1 vif-s 1 vif-c 2 disable
- interfaces ethernet eth1 vif 1 disable
- interfaces ethernet eth1 disable
- it returns an enum (none, was, now, both)
- """
- # save where we are in the config
- current_level = conf.get_level()
- # logic to figure out if the interface (or one of it parent is disabled)
- eff_disable = False
- act_disable = False
- levels = check[:]
- working_level = current_level[:]
- while levels:
- position = len(working_level)
- if not position:
- break
- if position not in levels:
- working_level = working_level[:-1]
- continue
- levels.remove(position)
- conf.set_level(working_level)
- working_level = working_level[:-1]
- eff_disable = eff_disable or conf.exists_effective('disable')
- act_disable = act_disable or conf.exists('disable')
- conf.set_level(current_level)
- # how the disabling changed
- if eff_disable and act_disable:
- return disable.both
- if eff_disable and not eff_disable:
- return disable.was
- if not eff_disable and act_disable:
- return
- return disable.none
-def intf_to_dict(conf, default):
- from vyos.ifconfig import Interface
- """
- Common used function which will extract VLAN related information from config
- and represent the result as Python dictionary.
- Function call's itself recursively if a vif-s/vif-c pair is detected.
- """
- intf = deepcopy(default)
- intf['intf'] = ifname_from_config(conf)
- current_vif_list = conf.list_nodes(['vif'])
- previous_vif_list = conf.list_effective_nodes(['vif'])
- # set the vif to be deleted
- for vif in previous_vif_list:
- if vif not in current_vif_list:
- intf['vif_remove'].append(vif)
- # retrieve interface description
- if conf.exists(['description']):
- intf['description'] = conf.return_value(['description'])
- # get DHCP client identifier
- if conf.exists(['dhcp-options', 'client-id']):
- intf['dhcp_client_id'] = conf.return_value(['dhcp-options', 'client-id'])
- # DHCP client host name (overrides the system host name)
- if conf.exists(['dhcp-options', 'host-name']):
- intf['dhcp_hostname'] = conf.return_value(['dhcp-options', 'host-name'])
- # DHCP client vendor identifier
- if conf.exists(['dhcp-options', 'vendor-class-id']):
- intf['dhcp_vendor_class_id'] = conf.return_value(
- ['dhcp-options', 'vendor-class-id'])
- # DHCPv6 only acquire config parameters, no address
- if conf.exists(['dhcpv6-options', 'parameters-only']):
- intf['dhcpv6_prm_only'] = True
- # DHCPv6 prefix delegation (RFC3633)
- current_level = conf.get_level()
- if conf.exists(['dhcpv6-options', 'prefix-delegation']):
- dhcpv6_pd_path = current_level + ['dhcpv6-options', 'prefix-delegation']
- conf.set_level(dhcpv6_pd_path)
- # retriebe DHCPv6-PD prefix helper length as some ISPs only hand out a
- # /64 by default (
- if conf.exists(['length']):
- intf['dhcpv6_pd_length'] = conf.return_value(['length'])
- for interface in conf.list_nodes(['interface']):
- conf.set_level(dhcpv6_pd_path + ['interface', interface])
- pd = {
- 'ifname': interface,
- 'sla_id': '',
- 'sla_len': '',
- 'if_id': ''
- }
- if conf.exists(['sla-id']):
- pd['sla_id'] = conf.return_value(['sla-id'])
- if conf.exists(['sla-len']):
- pd['sla_len'] = conf.return_value(['sla-len'])
- if conf.exists(['address']):
- pd['if_id'] = conf.return_value(['address'])
- intf['dhcpv6_pd_interfaces'].append(pd)
- # re-set config level
- conf.set_level(current_level)
- # DHCPv6 temporary IPv6 address
- if conf.exists(['dhcpv6-options', 'temporary']):
- intf['dhcpv6_temporary'] = True
- # ignore link state changes
- if conf.exists(['disable-link-detect']):
- intf['disable_link_detect'] = 2
- # ARP filter configuration
- if conf.exists(['ip', 'disable-arp-filter']):
- intf['ip_disable_arp_filter'] = 0
- # ARP enable accept
- if conf.exists(['ip', 'enable-arp-accept']):
- intf['ip_enable_arp_accept'] = 1
- # ARP enable announce
- if conf.exists(['ip', 'enable-arp-announce']):
- intf['ip_enable_arp_announce'] = 1
- # ARP enable ignore
- if conf.exists(['ip', 'enable-arp-ignore']):
- intf['ip_enable_arp_ignore'] = 1
- # Enable Proxy ARP
- if conf.exists(['ip', 'enable-proxy-arp']):
- intf['ip_proxy_arp'] = 1
- # Enable acquisition of IPv6 address using stateless autoconfig (SLAAC)
- if conf.exists(['ipv6', 'address', 'autoconf']):
- intf['ipv6_autoconf'] = 1
- # Disable IPv6 forwarding on this interface
- if conf.exists(['ipv6', 'disable-forwarding']):
- intf['ipv6_forwarding'] = 0
- # check if interface is member of a bridge
- intf['is_bridge_member'] = is_member(conf, intf['intf'], 'bridge')
- # IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
- if conf.exists(['ipv6', 'dup-addr-detect-transmits']):
- intf['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'] = int(
- conf.return_value(['ipv6', 'dup-addr-detect-transmits']))
- # Media Access Control (MAC) address
- if conf.exists(['mac']):
- intf['mac'] = conf.return_value(['mac'])
- # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
- if conf.exists(['mtu']):
- intf['mtu'] = int(conf.return_value(['mtu']))
- # retrieve VRF instance
- if conf.exists(['vrf']):
- intf['vrf'] = conf.return_value(['vrf'])
- # egress QoS
- if conf.exists(['egress-qos']):
- intf['egress_qos'] = conf.return_value(['egress-qos'])
- # egress changes QoS require VLAN interface recreation
- if conf.return_effective_value(['egress-qos']):
- if intf['egress_qos'] != conf.return_effective_value(['egress-qos']):
- intf['egress_qos_changed'] = True
- # ingress QoS
- if conf.exists(['ingress-qos']):
- intf['ingress_qos'] = conf.return_value(['ingress-qos'])
- # ingress changes QoS require VLAN interface recreation
- if conf.return_effective_value(['ingress-qos']):
- if intf['ingress_qos'] != conf.return_effective_value(['ingress-qos']):
- intf['ingress_qos_changed'] = True
- # Get the interface addresses
- intf['address'] = conf.return_values(['address'])
- # addresses to remove - difference between effective and working config
- intf['address_remove'] = list_diff(
- conf.return_effective_values(['address']), intf['address'])
- # Get prefixes for IPv6 addressing based on MAC address (EUI-64)
- intf['ipv6_eui64_prefix'] = conf.return_values(['ipv6', 'address', 'eui64'])
- # EUI64 to remove - difference between effective and working config
- intf['ipv6_eui64_prefix_remove'] = list_diff(
- conf.return_effective_values(['ipv6', 'address', 'eui64']),
- intf['ipv6_eui64_prefix'])
- # Determine if the interface should be disabled
- disabled = disable_state(conf)
- if disabled == disable.both:
- # was and is still disabled
- intf['disable'] = True
- elif disabled ==
- # it is now disable but was not before
- intf['disable'] = True
- elif disabled == disable.was:
- # it was disable but not anymore
- intf['disable'] = False
- else:
- # normal change
- intf['disable'] = False
- # Remove the default link-local address if no-default-link-local is set,
- # if member of a bridge or if disabled (it may not have a MAC if it's down)
- if ( conf.exists(['ipv6', 'address', 'no-default-link-local'])
- or intf.get('is_bridge_member') or intf['disable'] ):
- intf['ipv6_eui64_prefix_remove'].append('fe80::/64')
- else:
- # add the link-local by default to make IPv6 work
- intf['ipv6_eui64_prefix'].append('fe80::/64')
- # If MAC has changed, remove and re-add all IPv6 EUI64 addresses
- try:
- interface = Interface(intf['intf'], create=False)
- if intf['mac'] and intf['mac'] != interface.get_mac():
- intf['ipv6_eui64_prefix_remove'] += intf['ipv6_eui64_prefix']
- except Exception:
- # If the interface does not exist, it could not have changed
- pass
- # to make IPv6 SLAAC and DHCPv6 work with forwarding=1,
- # accept_ra must be 2
- if intf['ipv6_autoconf'] or 'dhcpv6' in intf['address']:
- intf['ipv6_accept_ra'] = 2
- return intf, disable
-def add_to_dict(conf, disabled, ifdict, section, key):
- """
- parse a section of vif/vif-s/vif-c and add them to the dict
- follow the convention to:
- * use the "key" for what to add
- * use the "key" what what to remove
- conf: is the Config() already at the level we need to parse
- disabled: is a disable enum so we know how to handle to data
- intf: if the interface dictionary
- section: is the section name to parse (vif/vif-s/vif-c)
- key: is the dict key to use (vif/vifs/vifc)
- """
- if not conf.exists(section):
- return ifdict
- effect = conf.list_effective_nodes(section)
- active = conf.list_nodes(section)
- # the section to parse for vlan
- sections = []
- # determine which interfaces to add or remove based on disable state
- if disabled == disable.both:
- # was and is still disabled
- ifdict[f'{key}_remove'] = []
- elif disabled ==
- # it is now disable but was not before
- ifdict[f'{key}_remove'] = effect
- elif disabled == disable.was:
- # it was disable but not anymore
- ifdict[f'{key}_remove'] = []
- sections = active
- else:
- # normal change
- # get interfaces (currently effective) - to determine which
- # interface is no longer present and needs to be removed
- ifdict[f'{key}_remove'] = list_diff(effect, active)
- sections = active
- current_level = conf.get_level()
- # add each section, the key must already exists
- for s in sections:
- # set config level to vif interface
- conf.set_level(current_level + [section, s])
- # add the vlan config as a key (vlan id) - value (config) pair
- ifdict[key][s] = vlan_to_dict(conf)
- # re-set configuration level to leave things as found
- conf.set_level(current_level)
- return ifdict
-def vlan_to_dict(conf, default=vlan_default):
- from vyos.ifconfig.interface import get_ethertype
- vlan, disabled = intf_to_dict(conf, default)
- # if this is a not within vif-s node, we are done
- if conf.get_level()[-2] != 'vif-s':
- return vlan
- # ethertype is mandatory on vif-s nodes and only exists here!
- # ethertype uses a default of 0x88A8
- tmp = '0x88A8'
- if conf.exists('ethertype'):
- tmp = conf.return_value('ethertype')
- vlan['ethertype'] = get_ethertype(tmp)
- # check if there is a Q-in-Q vlan customer interface
- # and call this function recursively
- add_to_dict(conf, disable, vlan, 'vif-c', 'vif_c')
- return vlan
diff --git a/python/vyos/ b/python/vyos/
deleted file mode 100644
index 442cb0db8..000000000
--- a/python/vyos/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright 2019-2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors <>
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library. If not, see <>.
-from netifaces import interfaces
-from vyos import ConfigError
-def apply_all_vlans(intf, intfconfig):
- """
- Function applies all VLANs to the passed interface.
- intf: object of Interface class
- intfconfig: dict with interface configuration
- """
- # remove no longer required service VLAN interfaces (vif-s)
- for vif_s in intfconfig['vif_s_remove']:
- intf.del_vlan(vif_s)
- # create service VLAN interfaces (vif-s)
- for vif_s_id, vif_s in intfconfig['vif_s'].items():
- s_vlan = intf.add_vlan(vif_s_id, ethertype=vif_s['ethertype'])
- apply_vlan_config(s_vlan, vif_s)
- # remove no longer required client VLAN interfaces (vif-c)
- # on lower service VLAN interface
- for vif_c in vif_s['vif_c_remove']:
- s_vlan.del_vlan(vif_c)
- # create client VLAN interfaces (vif-c)
- # on lower service VLAN interface
- for vif_c_id, vif_c in vif_s['vif_c'].items():
- c_vlan = s_vlan.add_vlan(vif_c_id)
- apply_vlan_config(c_vlan, vif_c)
- # remove no longer required VLAN interfaces (vif)
- for vif in intfconfig['vif_remove']:
- intf.del_vlan(vif)
- # create VLAN interfaces (vif)
- for vif_id, vif in intfconfig['vif'].items():
- # QoS priority mapping can only be set during interface creation
- # so we delete the interface first if required.
- if vif['egress_qos_changed'] or vif['ingress_qos_changed']:
- try:
- # on system bootup the above condition is true but the interface
- # does not exists, which throws an exception, but that's legal
- intf.del_vlan(vif_id)
- except:
- pass
- vlan = intf.add_vlan(vif_id, ingress_qos=vif['ingress_qos'], egress_qos=vif['egress_qos'])
- apply_vlan_config(vlan, vif)
-def apply_vlan_config(vlan, config):
- """
- Generic function to apply a VLAN configuration from a dictionary
- to a VLAN interface
- """
- if not vlan.definition['vlan']:
- raise TypeError()
- if config['dhcp_client_id']:
- vlan.dhcp.v4.options['client_id'] = config['dhcp_client_id']
- if config['dhcp_hostname']:
- vlan.dhcp.v4.options['hostname'] = config['dhcp_hostname']
- if config['dhcp_vendor_class_id']:
- vlan.dhcp.v4.options['vendor_class_id'] = config['dhcp_vendor_class_id']
- if config['dhcpv6_prm_only']:
- vlan.dhcp.v6.options['dhcpv6_prm_only'] = True
- if config['dhcpv6_temporary']:
- vlan.dhcp.v6.options['dhcpv6_temporary'] = True
- if config['dhcpv6_pd_length']:
- vlan.dhcp.v6.options['dhcpv6_pd_length'] = config['dhcpv6_pd_length']
- if config['dhcpv6_pd_interfaces']:
- vlan.dhcp.v6.options['dhcpv6_pd_interfaces'] = config['dhcpv6_pd_interfaces']
- # update interface description used e.g. within SNMP
- vlan.set_alias(config['description'])
- # ignore link state changes
- vlan.set_link_detect(config['disable_link_detect'])
- # configure ARP filter configuration
- vlan.set_arp_filter(config['ip_disable_arp_filter'])
- # configure ARP accept
- vlan.set_arp_accept(config['ip_enable_arp_accept'])
- # configure ARP announce
- vlan.set_arp_announce(config['ip_enable_arp_announce'])
- # configure ARP ignore
- vlan.set_arp_ignore(config['ip_enable_arp_ignore'])
- # configure Proxy ARP
- vlan.set_proxy_arp(config['ip_proxy_arp'])
- # IPv6 accept RA
- vlan.set_ipv6_accept_ra(config['ipv6_accept_ra'])
- # IPv6 address autoconfiguration
- vlan.set_ipv6_autoconf(config['ipv6_autoconf'])
- # IPv6 forwarding
- vlan.set_ipv6_forwarding(config['ipv6_forwarding'])
- # IPv6 Duplicate Address Detection (DAD) tries
- vlan.set_ipv6_dad_messages(config['ipv6_dup_addr_detect'])
- # Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU)
- vlan.set_mtu(config['mtu'])
- # assign/remove VRF (ONLY when not a member of a bridge,
- # otherwise 'nomaster' removes it from it)
- if not config['is_bridge_member']:
- vlan.set_vrf(config['vrf'])
- # Delete old IPv6 EUI64 addresses before changing MAC
- for addr in config['ipv6_eui64_prefix_remove']:
- vlan.del_ipv6_eui64_address(addr)
- # Change VLAN interface MAC address
- if config['mac']:
- vlan.set_mac(config['mac'])
- # Add IPv6 EUI-based addresses
- for addr in config['ipv6_eui64_prefix']:
- vlan.add_ipv6_eui64_address(addr)
- # enable/disable VLAN interface
- if config['disable']:
- vlan.set_admin_state('down')
- else:
- vlan.set_admin_state('up')
- # Configure interface address(es)
- # - not longer required addresses get removed first
- # - newly addresses will be added second
- for addr in config['address_remove']:
- vlan.del_addr(addr)
- for addr in config['address']:
- vlan.add_addr(addr)
- # re-add ourselves to any bridge we might have fallen out of
- if config['is_bridge_member']:
- vlan.add_to_bridge(config['is_bridge_member'])
-def verify_vlan_config(config):
- """
- Generic function to verify VLAN config consistency. Instead of re-
- implementing this function in multiple places use single source \o/
- """
- # config['vif'] is a dict with ids as keys and config dicts as values
- for vif in config['vif'].values():
- # DHCPv6 parameters-only and temporary address are mutually exclusive
- if vif['dhcpv6_prm_only'] and vif['dhcpv6_temporary']:
- raise ConfigError('DHCPv6 temporary and parameters-only options are mutually exclusive!')
- if ( vif['is_bridge_member']
- and ( vif['address']
- or vif['ipv6_eui64_prefix']
- or vif['ipv6_autoconf'] ) ):
- raise ConfigError((
- f'Cannot assign address to vif interface {vif["intf"]} '
- f'which is a member of bridge {vif["is_bridge_member"]}'))
- if vif['vrf']:
- if vif['vrf'] not in interfaces():
- raise ConfigError(f'VRF "{vif["vrf"]}" does not exist')
- if vif['is_bridge_member']:
- raise ConfigError((
- f'vif {vif["intf"]} cannot be member of VRF {vif["vrf"]} '
- f'and bridge {vif["is_bridge_member"]} at the same time!'))
- # e.g. wireless interface has no vif_s support
- # thus we bail out eraly.
- if 'vif_s' not in config.keys():
- return
- # config['vif_s'] is a dict with ids as keys and config dicts as values
- for vif_s_id, vif_s in config['vif_s'].items():
- for vif_id, vif in config['vif'].items():
- if vif_id == vif_s_id:
- raise ConfigError((
- f'Cannot use identical ID on vif "{vif["intf"]}" '
- f'and vif-s "{vif_s["intf"]}"'))
- # DHCPv6 parameters-only and temporary address are mutually exclusive
- if vif_s['dhcpv6_prm_only'] and vif_s['dhcpv6_temporary']:
- raise ConfigError((
- 'DHCPv6 temporary and parameters-only options are mutually '
- 'exclusive!'))
- if ( vif_s['is_bridge_member']
- and ( vif_s['address']
- or vif_s['ipv6_eui64_prefix']
- or vif_s['ipv6_autoconf'] ) ):
- raise ConfigError((
- f'Cannot assign address to vif-s interface {vif_s["intf"]} '
- f'which is a member of bridge {vif_s["is_bridge_member"]}'))
- if vif_s['vrf']:
- if vif_s['vrf'] not in interfaces():
- raise ConfigError(f'VRF "{vif_s["vrf"]}" does not exist')
- if vif_s['is_bridge_member']:
- raise ConfigError((
- f'vif-s {vif_s["intf"]} cannot be member of VRF {vif_s["vrf"]} '
- f'and bridge {vif_s["is_bridge_member"]} at the same time!'))
- # vif_c is a dict with ids as keys and config dicts as values
- for vif_c in vif_s['vif_c'].values():
- # DHCPv6 parameters-only and temporary address are mutually exclusive
- if vif_c['dhcpv6_prm_only'] and vif_c['dhcpv6_temporary']:
- raise ConfigError((
- 'DHCPv6 temporary and parameters-only options are '
- 'mutually exclusive!'))
- if ( vif_c['is_bridge_member']
- and ( vif_c['address']
- or vif_c['ipv6_eui64_prefix']
- or vif_c['ipv6_autoconf'] ) ):
- raise ConfigError((
- f'Cannot assign address to vif-c interface {vif_c["intf"]} '
- f'which is a member of bridge {vif_c["is_bridge_member"]}'))
- if vif_c['vrf']:
- if vif_c['vrf'] not in interfaces():
- raise ConfigError(f'VRF "{vif_c["vrf"]}" does not exist')
- if vif_c['is_bridge_member']:
- raise ConfigError((
- f'vif-c {vif_c["intf"]} cannot be member of VRF {vif_c["vrf"]} '
- f'and bridge {vif_c["is_bridge_member"]} at the same time!'))