path: root/data/mibs/DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB.txt
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1764 deletions
diff --git a/data/mibs/DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB.txt b/data/mibs/DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 834f3047f..000000000
--- a/data/mibs/DISMAN-SCRIPT-MIB.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1764 +0,0 @@
- Integer32, Unsigned32, mib-2
- RowStatus, TimeInterval, DateAndTime, StorageType, DisplayString
- SnmpAdminString
- LAST-UPDATED "200108210000Z"
- ORGANIZATION "IETF Distributed Management Working Group"
- "WG EMail:
- Subscribe:
- Chair: Randy Presuhn
- BMC Software, Inc.
- Postal: Office 1-3141
- 2141 North First Street
- San Jose, California 95131
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 408 546-1006
- Editor: David B. Levi
- Nortel Networks
- Postal: 4401 Great America Parkway
- Santa Clara, CA 95052-8185
- EMail:
- Phone: +1 423 686 0432
- Editor: Juergen Schoenwaelder
- TU Braunschweig
- Postal: Bueltenweg 74/75
- 38106 Braunschweig
- Germany
- EMail:
- Phone: +49 531 391-3283"
- "This MIB module defines a set of objects that allow to
- delegate management scripts to distributed managers."
- REVISION "200108210000Z"
- "Revised version, published as RFC 3165.
- This revision introduces several new objects: smScriptError,
- smScriptLastChange, smLaunchError, smLaunchLastChange,
- smLaunchRowExpireTime, smRunResultTime, and smRunErrorTime.
- The following existing objects were updated: the maximum
- value of smRunLifeTime now disables the timer, an
- autostart value was added to the smLaunchAdminStatus
- object, and a new expired state was added to the
- smLaunchOperStatus object.
- A new smScriptException notification has been added to
- support runtime error notifications.
- Created new conformance and compliance statements that
- take care of the new objects and notifications.
- Clarifications have been added in several places to remove
- ambiguities or contradictions that were discovered and
- reported by implementors."
- REVISION "199902221800Z"
- "Initial version, published as RFC 2592."
- ::= { mib-2 64 }
--- The groups defined within this MIB module:
-smObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scriptMIB 1 }
-smNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scriptMIB 2 }
-smConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { scriptMIB 3 }
--- Script language and language extensions.
--- This group defines tables which list the languages and the
--- language extensions supported by a Script MIB implementation.
--- Languages are uniquely identified by object identifier values.
-smLangTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "This table lists supported script languages."
- ::= { smObjects 1 }
-smLangEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SmLangEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An entry describing a particular language."
- INDEX { smLangIndex }
- ::= { smLangTable 1 }
-SmLangEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- smLangIndex Integer32,
- smLangVersion SnmpAdminString,
- smLangRevision SnmpAdminString,
- smLangDescr SnmpAdminString
-smLangIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
- with this language entry.
- The value is expected to remain constant at least from one
- re-initialization of the entity's network management system
- to the next re-initialization.
- Note that the data type and the range of this object must
- be consistent with the definition of smScriptLanguage."
- ::= { smLangEntry 1 }
-smLangLanguage OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The globally unique identification of the language."
- ::= { smLangEntry 2 }
-smLangVersion OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The version number of the language. The zero-length string
- shall be used if the language does not have a version
- number.
- It is suggested that the version number consist of one or
- more decimal numbers separated by dots, where the first
- number is called the major version number."
- ::= { smLangEntry 3 }
-smLangVendor OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "An object identifier which identifies the vendor who
- provides the implementation of the language. This object
- identifier SHALL point to the object identifier directly
- below the enterprise object identifier {1 3 6 1 4 1}
- allocated for the vendor. The value must be the object
- identifier {0 0} if the vendor is not known."
- ::= { smLangEntry 4 }
-smLangRevision OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The version number of the language implementation.
- The value of this object must be an empty string if
- version number of the implementation is unknown.
- It is suggested that the value consist of one or more
- decimal numbers separated by dots, where the first
- number is called the major version number."
- ::= { smLangEntry 5 }
-smLangDescr OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "A textual description of the language."
- ::= { smLangEntry 6 }
-smExtsnTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "This table lists supported language extensions."
- ::= { smObjects 2 }
-smExtsnEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SmExtsnEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An entry describing a particular language extension."
- INDEX { smLangIndex, smExtsnIndex }
- ::= { smExtsnTable 1 }
-SmExtsnEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- smExtsnIndex Integer32,
- smExtsnExtension OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
- smExtsnVersion SnmpAdminString,
- smExtsnRevision SnmpAdminString,
- smExtsnDescr SnmpAdminString
-smExtsnIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
- with this language extension entry.
- The value is expected to remain constant at least from one
- re-initialization of the entity's network management system
- to the next re-initialization."
- ::= { smExtsnEntry 1}
-smExtsnExtension OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The globally unique identification of the language
- extension."
- ::= { smExtsnEntry 2 }
-smExtsnVersion OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The version number of the language extension.
- It is suggested that the version number consist of one or
- more decimal numbers separated by dots, where the first
- number is called the major version number."
- ::= { smExtsnEntry 3 }
-smExtsnVendor OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "An object identifier which identifies the vendor who
- provides the implementation of the extension. The
- object identifier value should point to the OID node
- directly below the enterprise OID {1 3 6 1 4 1}
- allocated for the vendor. The value must by the object
- identifier {0 0} if the vendor is not known."
- ::= { smExtsnEntry 4 }
-smExtsnRevision OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The version number of the extension implementation.
- The value of this object must be an empty string if
- version number of the implementation is unknown.
- It is suggested that the value consist of one or more
- decimal numbers separated by dots, where the first
- number is called the major version number."
- ::= { smExtsnEntry 5 }
-smExtsnDescr OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "A textual description of the language extension."
- ::= { smExtsnEntry 6 }
--- Scripts known by the Script MIB implementation.
--- This group defines a table which lists all known scripts.
--- Scripts can be added and removed through manipulation of the
--- smScriptTable.
-smScriptObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smObjects 3 }
-smScriptTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "This table lists and describes locally known scripts."
- ::= { smScriptObjects 1 }
-smScriptEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SmScriptEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An entry describing a particular script. Every script that
- is stored in non-volatile memory is required to appear in
- this script table."
- INDEX { smScriptOwner, smScriptName }
- ::= { smScriptTable 1 }
-SmScriptEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- smScriptOwner SnmpAdminString,
- smScriptName SnmpAdminString,
- smScriptDescr SnmpAdminString,
- smScriptLanguage Integer32,
- smScriptSource DisplayString,
- smScriptAdminStatus INTEGER,
- smScriptOperStatus INTEGER,
- smScriptStorageType StorageType,
- smScriptRowStatus RowStatus,
- smScriptError SnmpAdminString,
- smScriptLastChange DateAndTime
-smScriptOwner OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The manager who owns this row in the smScriptTable."
- ::= { smScriptEntry 1 }
-smScriptName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The locally-unique, administratively assigned name for this
- script. This object allows an smScriptOwner to have multiple
- entries in the smScriptTable.
- This value of this object may be used to derive the name
- (e.g. a file name) which is used by the Script MIB
- implementation to access the script in non-volatile
- storage. The details of this mapping are implementation
- specific. However, the mapping needs to ensure that scripts
- created by different owners with the same script name do not
- map to the same name in non-volatile storage."
- ::= { smScriptEntry 2 }
-smScriptDescr OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "A description of the purpose of the script."
- ::= { smScriptEntry 3 }
-smScriptLanguage OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object type identifies an entry in the
- smLangTable which is used to execute this script.
- The special value 0 may be used by hard-wired scripts
- that can not be modified and that are executed by
- internal functions.
- Set requests to change this object are invalid if the
- value of smScriptOperStatus is `enabled' or `compiling'
- and will result in an inconsistentValue error.
- Note that the data type and the range of this object must
- be consistent with the definition of smLangIndex."
- ::= { smScriptEntry 4 }
-smScriptSource OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DisplayString
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object either contains a reference to the script
- source or an empty string. A reference must be given
- in the form of a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) as
- defined in RFC 2396. The allowed character sets and the
- encoding rules defined in RFC 2396 section 2 apply.
- When the smScriptAdminStatus object is set to `enabled',
- the Script MIB implementation will `pull' the script
- source from the URL contained in this object if the URL
- is not empty.
- An empty URL indicates that the script source is loaded
- from local storage. The script is read from the smCodeTable
- if the value of smScriptStorageType is volatile. Otherwise,
- the script is read from non-volatile storage.
- Note: This document does not mandate implementation of any
- specific URL scheme. An attempt to load a script from a
- nonsupported URL scheme will cause the smScriptOperStatus
- to report an `unknownProtocol' error.
- Set requests to change this object are invalid if the
- value of smScriptOperStatus is `enabled', `editing',
- `retrieving' or `compiling' and will result in an
- inconsistentValue error."
- DEFVAL { ''H }
- ::= { smScriptEntry 5 }
-smScriptAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- enabled(1),
- disabled(2),
- editing(3)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object indicates the desired status of
- the script. See the definition of smScriptOperStatus for
- a description of the values.
- When the smScriptAdminStatus object is set to `enabled' and
- the smScriptOperStatus is `disabled' or one of the error
- states, the Script MIB implementation will `pull' the script
- source from the URL contained in the smScriptSource object
- if the URL is not empty."
- DEFVAL { disabled }
- ::= { smScriptEntry 6 }
-smScriptOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- enabled(1),
- disabled(2),
- editing(3),
- retrieving(4),
- compiling(5),
- noSuchScript(6),
- accessDenied(7),
- wrongLanguage(8),
- wrongVersion(9),
- compilationFailed(10),
- noResourcesLeft(11),
- unknownProtocol(12),
- protocolFailure(13),
- genericError(14)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The actual status of the script in the runtime system. The
- value of this object is only meaningful when the value of
- the smScriptRowStatus object is `active'.
- The smScriptOperStatus object may have the following values:
- - `enabled' indicates that the script is available and can
- be started by a launch table entry.
- - `disabled' indicates that the script can not be used.
- - `editing' indicates that the script can be modified in the
- smCodeTable.
- - `retrieving' indicates that the script is currently being
- loaded from non-volatile storage or a remote system.
- - `compiling' indicates that the script is currently being
- compiled by the runtime system.
- - `noSuchScript' indicates that the script does not exist
- at the smScriptSource.
- - `accessDenied' indicates that the script can not be loaded
- from the smScriptSource due to a lack of permissions.
- - `wrongLanguage' indicates that the script can not be
- loaded from the smScriptSource because of a language
- mismatch.
- - `wrongVersion' indicates that the script can not be loaded
- from the smScriptSource because of a language version
- mismatch.
- - `compilationFailed' indicates that the compilation failed.
- - `noResourcesLeft' indicates that the runtime system does
- not have enough resources to load the script.
- - `unknownProtocol' indicates that the script could not be
- loaded from the smScriptSource because the requested
- protocol is not supported.
- - `protocolFailure' indicates that the script could not be
- loaded from the smScriptSource because of a protocol
- failure.
- - `genericError' indicates that the script could not be
- loaded due to an error condition not listed above.
- The `retrieving' and `compiling' states are transient states
- which will either lead to one of the error states or the
- `enabled' state. The `disabled' and `editing' states are
- administrative states which are only reached by explicit
- management operations.
- All launch table entries that refer to this script table
- entry shall have an smLaunchOperStatus value of `disabled'
- when the value of this object is not `enabled'."
- DEFVAL { disabled }
- ::= { smScriptEntry 7 }
-smScriptStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX StorageType
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object defines whether this row and the script
- controlled by this row are kept in volatile storage and
- lost upon reboot or if this row is backed up by
- non-volatile or permanent storage.
- The storage type of this row always complies with the value
- of this entry if the value of the corresponding RowStatus
- object is `active'.
- However, the storage type of the script controlled by this
- row may be different, if the value of this entry is
- `non-volatile'. The script controlled by this row is written
- into local non-volatile storage if the following condition
- becomes true:
- (a) the URL contained in the smScriptSource object is empty
- and
- (b) the smScriptStorageType is `nonVolatile'
- and
- (c) the smScriptOperStatus is `enabled'
- Setting this object to `volatile' removes a script from
- non-volatile storage if the script controlled by this row
- has been in non-volatile storage before. Attempts to set
- this object to permanent will always fail with an
- inconsistentValue error.
- The value of smScriptStorageType is only meaningful if the
- value of the corresponding RowStatus object is `active'.
- If smScriptStorageType has the value permanent(4), then all
- objects whose MAX-ACCESS value is read-create must be
- writable, with the exception of the smScriptStorageType and
- smScriptRowStatus objects, which shall be read-only."
- DEFVAL { volatile }
- ::= { smScriptEntry 8 }
-smScriptRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX RowStatus
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "A control that allows entries to be added and removed from
- this table.
- Changing the smScriptRowStatus from `active' to
- `notInService' will remove the associated script from the
- runtime system.
- Deleting conceptual rows from this table may affect the
- deletion of other resources associated with this row. For
- example, a script stored in non-volatile storage may be
- removed from non-volatile storage.
- An entry may not exist in the `active' state unless all
- required objects in the entry have appropriate values. Rows
- that are not complete or not in service are not known by the
- script runtime system.
- Attempts to `destroy' a row or to set a row `notInService'
- while the smScriptOperStatus is `enabled' will result in an
- inconsistentValue error.
- Attempts to `destroy' a row or to set a row `notInService'
- where the value of the smScriptStorageType object is
- `permanent' or `readOnly' will result in an
- inconsistentValue error.
- The value of this object has no effect on whether other
- objects in this conceptual row can be modified."
- ::= { smScriptEntry 9 }
-smScriptError OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "This object contains a descriptive error message if the
- transition into the operational status `enabled' failed.
- Implementations must reset the error message to a
- zero-length string when a new attempt to change the
- script status to `enabled' is started."
- DEFVAL { ''H }
- ::= { smScriptEntry 10 }
-smScriptLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DateAndTime
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The date and time when this script table entry was last
- modified. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if
- the script table entry has not yet been modified.
- Note that the resetting of smScriptError is not considered
- a change of the script table entry."
- DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
- ::= { smScriptEntry 11 }
--- Access to script code via SNMP
--- The smCodeTable allows script code to be read and modified
--- via SNMP.
-smCodeTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "This table contains the script code for scripts that are
- written via SNMP write operations."
- ::= { smScriptObjects 2 }
-smCodeEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SmCodeEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An entry describing a particular fragment of a script."
- INDEX { smScriptOwner, smScriptName, smCodeIndex }
- ::= { smCodeTable 1 }
-SmCodeEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- smCodeIndex Unsigned32,
- smCodeText OCTET STRING,
- smCodeRowStatus RowStatus
-smCodeIndex OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The index value identifying this code fragment."
- ::= { smCodeEntry 1 }
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The code that makes up a fragment of a script. The format
- of this code fragment depends on the script language which
- is identified by the associated smScriptLanguage object."
- ::= { smCodeEntry 2 }
-smCodeRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX RowStatus
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "A control that allows entries to be added and removed from
- this table.
- The value of this object has no effect on whether other
- objects in this conceptual row can be modified."
- ::= { smCodeEntry 3 }
--- Script execution.
--- This group defines tables which allow script execution to be
--- initiated, suspended, resumed, and terminated. It also provides
--- a mechanism for keeping a history of recent script executions
--- and their results.
-smRunObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smObjects 4 }
-smLaunchTable OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "This table lists and describes scripts that are ready
- to be executed together with their parameters."
- ::= { smRunObjects 1 }
-smLaunchEntry OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SmLaunchEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An entry describing a particular executable script."
- INDEX { smLaunchOwner, smLaunchName }
- ::= { smLaunchTable 1 }
-SmLaunchEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- smLaunchOwner SnmpAdminString,
- smLaunchName SnmpAdminString,
- smLaunchScriptOwner SnmpAdminString,
- smLaunchScriptName SnmpAdminString,
- smLaunchArgument OCTET STRING,
- smLaunchMaxRunning Unsigned32,
- smLaunchMaxCompleted Unsigned32,
- smLaunchLifeTime TimeInterval,
- smLaunchExpireTime TimeInterval,
- smLaunchStart Integer32,
- smLaunchControl INTEGER,
- smLaunchAdminStatus INTEGER,
- smLaunchOperStatus INTEGER,
- smLaunchRunIndexNext Integer32,
- smLaunchStorageType StorageType,
- smLaunchRowStatus RowStatus,
- smLaunchError SnmpAdminString,
- smLaunchLastChange DateAndTime,
- smLaunchRowExpireTime TimeInterval
-smLaunchOwner OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The manager who owns this row in the smLaunchTable. Every
- instance of a running script started from a particular entry
- in the smLaunchTable (i.e. entries in the smRunTable) will
- be owned by the same smLaunchOwner used to index the entry
- in the smLaunchTable. This owner is not necessarily the same
- as the owner of the script itself (smLaunchScriptOwner)."
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 1 }
-smLaunchName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (1..32))
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The locally-unique, administratively assigned name for this
- launch table entry. This object allows an smLaunchOwner to
- have multiple entries in the smLaunchTable. The smLaunchName
- is an arbitrary name that must be different from any other
- smLaunchTable entries with the same smLaunchOwner but can be
- the same as other entries in the smLaunchTable with
- different smLaunchOwner values. Note that the value of
- smLaunchName is not related in any way to the name of the
- script being launched."
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 2 }
-smLaunchScriptOwner OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object in combination with the value of
- smLaunchScriptName identifies the script that can be
- launched from this smLaunchTable entry. Attempts to write
- this object will fail with an inconsistentValue error if
- the value of smLaunchOperStatus is `enabled'."
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 3 }
-smLaunchScriptName OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString (SIZE (0..32))
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object in combination with the value of
- the smLaunchScriptOwner identifies the script that can be
- launched from this smLaunchTable entry. The zero-length
- string may be used to point to a non-existing script.
- Attempts to write this object will fail with an
- inconsistentValue error if the value of smLaunchOperStatus
- is `enabled'."
- DEFVAL { ''H }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 4 }
-smLaunchArgument OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The argument supplied to the script. When a script is
- invoked, the value of this object is used to initialize
- the smRunArgument object."
- DEFVAL { ''H }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 5 }
-smLaunchMaxRunning OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The maximum number of concurrently running scripts that may
- be invoked from this entry in the smLaunchTable. Lowering
- the current value of this object does not affect any scripts
- that are already executing."
- DEFVAL { 1 }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 6 }
-smLaunchMaxCompleted OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The maximum number of finished scripts invoked from this
- entry in the smLaunchTable allowed to be retained in the
- smRunTable. Whenever the value of this object is changed
- and whenever a script terminates, entries in the smRunTable
- are deleted if necessary until the number of completed
- scripts is smaller than the value of this object. Scripts
- whose smRunEndTime value indicates the oldest completion
- time are deleted first."
- DEFVAL { 1 }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 7 }
-smLaunchLifeTime OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TimeInterval
- UNITS "centi-seconds"
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The default maximum amount of time a script launched
- from this entry may run. The value of this object is used
- to initialize the smRunLifeTime object when a script is
- launched. Changing the value of an smLaunchLifeTime
- instance does not affect scripts previously launched from
- this entry."
- DEFVAL { 360000 }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 8 }
-smLaunchExpireTime OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TimeInterval
- UNITS "centi-seconds"
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The default maximum amount of time information about a
- script launched from this entry is kept in the smRunTable
- after the script has completed execution. The value of
- this object is used to initialize the smRunExpireTime
- object when a script is launched. Changing the value of an
- smLaunchExpireTime instance does not affect scripts
- previously launched from this entry."
- DEFVAL { 360000 }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 9 }
-smLaunchStart OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object is used to start the execution of scripts.
- When retrieved, the value will be the value of smRunIndex
- for the last script that started execution by manipulating
- this object. The value will be zero if no script started
- execution yet.
- A script is started by setting this object to an unused
- smRunIndex value. A new row in the smRunTable will be
- created which is indexed by the value supplied by the
- set-request in addition to the value of smLaunchOwner and
- smLaunchName. An unused value can be obtained by reading
- the smLaunchRunIndexNext object.
- Setting this object to the special value 0 will start
- the script with a self-generated smRunIndex value. The
- consequence is that the script invoker has no reliable
- way to determine the smRunIndex value for this script
- invocation and that the invoker has therefore no way
- to obtain the results from this script invocation. The
- special value 0 is however useful for scheduled script
- invocations.
- If this object is set, the following checks must be
- performed:
- 1) The value of the smLaunchOperStatus object in this
- entry of the smLaunchTable must be `enabled'.
- 2) The values of smLaunchScriptOwner and
- smLaunchScriptName of this row must identify an
- existing entry in the smScriptTable.
- 3) The value of smScriptOperStatus of this entry must
- be `enabled'.
- 4) The principal performing the set operation must have
- read access to the script. This must be checked by
- calling the isAccessAllowed abstract service interface
- defined in RFC 2271 on the row in the smScriptTable
- identified by smLaunchScriptOwner and smLaunchScriptName.
- The isAccessAllowed abstract service interface must be
- called on all columnar objects in the smScriptTable with
- a MAX-ACCESS value different than `not-accessible'. The
- test fails as soon as a call indicates that access is
- not allowed.
- 5) If the value provided by the set operation is not 0,
- a check must be made that the value is currently not
- in use. Otherwise, if the value provided by the set
- operation is 0, a suitable unused value must be
- generated.
- 6) The number of currently executing scripts invoked
- from this smLaunchTable entry must be less than
- smLaunchMaxRunning.
- Attempts to start a script will fail with an
- inconsistentValue error if one of the checks described
- above fails.
- Otherwise, if all checks have been passed, a new entry
- in the smRunTable will be created indexed by smLaunchOwner,
- smLaunchName and the new value for smRunIndex. The value
- of smLaunchArgument will be copied into smRunArgument,
- the value of smLaunchLifeTime will be copied to
- smRunLifeTime, and the value of smLaunchExpireTime
- will be copied to smRunExpireTime.
- The smRunStartTime will be set to the current time and
- the smRunState will be set to `initializing' before the
- script execution is initiated in the appropriate runtime
- system.
- Note that the data type and the range of this object must
- be consistent with the smRunIndex object. Since this
- object might be written from the scheduling MIB, the
- data type Integer32 rather than Unsigned32 is used."
- DEFVAL { 0 }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 10 }
-smLaunchControl OBJECT-TYPE
- abort(1),
- suspend(2),
- resume(3),
- nop(4)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object is used to request a state change for all
- running scripts in the smRunTable that were started from
- this row in the smLaunchTable.
- Setting this object to abort(1), suspend(2) or resume(3)
- will set the smRunControl object of all applicable rows
- in the smRunTable to abort(1), suspend(2) or resume(3)
- respectively. The phrase `applicable rows' means the set of
- rows which were created from this entry in the smLaunchTable
- and whose value of smRunState allows the corresponding
- state change as described in the definition of the
- smRunControl object. Setting this object to nop(4) has no
- effect.
- Attempts to set this object lead to an inconsistentValue
- error only if all implicated sets on all the applicable
- rows lead to inconsistentValue errors. It is not allowed
- to return an inconsistentValue error if at least one state
- change on one of the applicable rows was successful."
- DEFVAL { nop }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 11 }
-smLaunchAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- enabled(1),
- disabled(2),
- autostart(3)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object indicates the desired status of
- this launch table entry. The values enabled(1) and
- autostart(3) both indicate that the launch table entry
- should transition into the operational enabled(1) state as
- soon as the associated script table entry is enabled(1).
- The value autostart(3) further indicates that the script
- is started automatically by conceptually writing the
- value 0 into the associated smLaunchStart object during
- the transition from the `disabled' into the `enabled'
- operational state. This is useful for scripts that are
- to be launched on system start-up."
- DEFVAL { disabled }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 12 }
-smLaunchOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- enabled(1),
- disabled(2),
- expired(3)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object indicates the actual status of
- this launch table entry. The smLaunchOperStatus object
- may have the following values:
- - `enabled' indicates that the launch table entry is
- available and can be used to start scripts.
- - `disabled' indicates that the launch table entry can
- not be used to start scripts.
- - `expired' indicates that the launch table entry can
- not be used to start scripts and will disappear as
- soon as all smRunTable entries associated with this
- launch table entry have disappeared.
- The value `enabled' requires that the smLaunchRowStatus
- object is active. The value `disabled' requires that there
- are no entries in the smRunTable associated with this
- smLaunchTable entry."
- DEFVAL { disabled }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 13 }
-smLaunchRunIndexNext OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "This variable is used for creating rows in the smRunTable.
- The value of this variable is a currently unused value
- for smRunIndex, which can be written into the smLaunchStart
- object associated with this row to launch a script.
- The value returned when reading this variable must be unique
- for the smLaunchOwner and smLaunchName associated with this
- row. Subsequent attempts to read this variable must return
- different values.
- This variable will return the special value 0 if no new rows
- can be created.
- Note that the data type and the range of this object must be
- consistent with the definition of smRunIndex."
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 14 }
-smLaunchStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX StorageType
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "This object defines if this row is kept in volatile storage
- and lost upon reboot or if this row is backed up by stable
- storage.
- The value of smLaunchStorageType is only meaningful if the
- value of the corresponding RowStatus object is active.
- If smLaunchStorageType has the value permanent(4), then all
- objects whose MAX-ACCESS value is read-create must be
- writable, with the exception of the smLaunchStorageType and
- smLaunchRowStatus objects, which shall be read-only."
- DEFVAL { volatile }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 15 }
-smLaunchRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX RowStatus
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "A control that allows entries to be added and removed from
- this table.
- Attempts to `destroy' a row or to set a row `notInService'
- while the smLaunchOperStatus is `enabled' will result in
- an inconsistentValue error.
- Attempts to `destroy' a row or to set a row `notInService'
- where the value of the smLaunchStorageType object is
- `permanent' or `readOnly' will result in an
- inconsistentValue error.
- The value of this object has no effect on whether other
- objects in this conceptual row can be modified."
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 16 }
-smLaunchError OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "This object contains a descriptive error message if an
- attempt to launch a script fails. Implementations must reset
- the error message to a zero-length string when a new attempt
- to launch a script is started."
- DEFVAL { ''H }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 17 }
-smLaunchLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DateAndTime
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The date and time when this launch table entry was last
- modified. The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if
- the launch table entry has not yet been modified.
- Note that a change of smLaunchStart, smLaunchControl,
- smLaunchRunIndexNext, smLaunchRowExpireTime, or the
- resetting of smLaunchError is not considered a change
- of this launch table entry."
- DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 18 }
-smLaunchRowExpireTime OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TimeInterval
- UNITS "centi-seconds"
- MAX-ACCESS read-create
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object specifies how long this row remains
- in the `enabled' or `disabled' operational state. The value
- reported by this object ticks backwards. When the value
- reaches 0, it stops ticking backward and the row is
- deleted if there are no smRunTable entries associated with
- this smLaunchTable entry. Otherwise, the smLaunchOperStatus
- changes to `expired' and the row deletion is deferred
- until there are no smRunTable entries associated with this
- smLaunchTable entry.
- The smLaunchRowExpireTime will not tick backwards if it is
- set to its maximum value (2147483647). In other words,
- setting this object to its maximum value turns the timer
- off.
- The value of this object may be set in order to increase
- or reduce the remaining time that the launch table entry
- may be used. Setting the value to 0 will cause an immediate
- row deletion or transition into the `expired' operational
- state.
- It is not possible to set this object while the operational
- status is `expired'. Attempts to modify this object while
- the operational status is `expired' leads to an
- inconsistentValue error.
- Note that the timer ticks backwards independent of the
- operational state of the launch table entry."
- DEFVAL { 2147483647 }
- ::= { smLaunchEntry 19 }
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "This table lists and describes scripts that are currently
- running or have been running in the past."
- ::= { smRunObjects 2 }
- SYNTAX SmRunEntry
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "An entry describing a particular running or finished
- script."
- INDEX { smLaunchOwner, smLaunchName, smRunIndex }
- ::= { smRunTable 1 }
-SmRunEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
- smRunIndex Integer32,
- smRunArgument OCTET STRING,
- smRunStartTime DateAndTime,
- smRunEndTime DateAndTime,
- smRunLifeTime TimeInterval,
- smRunExpireTime TimeInterval,
- smRunExitCode INTEGER,
- smRunResult OCTET STRING,
- smRunControl INTEGER,
- smRunState INTEGER,
- smRunError SnmpAdminString,
- smRunResultTime DateAndTime,
- smRunErrorTime DateAndTime
- SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
- MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
- STATUS current
- "The locally arbitrary, but unique identifier associated
- with this running or finished script. This value must be
- unique for all rows in the smRunTable with the same
- smLaunchOwner and smLaunchName.
- Note that the data type and the range of this object must
- be consistent with the definition of smLaunchRunIndexNext
- and smLaunchStart."
- ::= { smRunEntry 1 }
-smRunArgument OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The argument supplied to the script when it started."
- DEFVAL { ''H }
- ::= { smRunEntry 2 }
-smRunStartTime OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DateAndTime
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The date and time when the execution started. The value
- '0000000000000000'H is returned if the script has not
- started yet."
- DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
- ::= { smRunEntry 3 }
- SYNTAX DateAndTime
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The date and time when the execution terminated. The value
- '0000000000000000'H is returned if the script has not
- terminated yet."
- DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
- ::= { smRunEntry 4 }
-smRunLifeTime OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TimeInterval
- UNITS "centi-seconds"
- MAX-ACCESS read-write
- STATUS current
- "This object specifies how long the script can execute.
- This object returns the remaining time that the script
- may run. The object is initialized with the value of the
- associated smLaunchLifeTime object and ticks backwards.
- The script is aborted immediately when the value reaches 0.
- The value of this object may be set in order to increase or
- reduce the remaining time that the script may run. Setting
- this value to 0 will abort script execution immediately,
- and, if the value of smRunExpireTime is also 0, will remove
- this entry from the smRunTable once it has terminated.
- If smRunLifeTime is set to its maximum value (2147483647),
- either by a set operation or by its initialization from the
- smLaunchLifeTime object, then it will not tick backwards.
- A running script with a maximum smRunLifeTime value will
- thus never be terminated with a `lifeTimeExceeded' exit
- code.
- The value of smRunLifeTime reflects the real-time execution
- time as seen by the outside world. The value of this object
- will always be 0 for a script that finished execution, that
- is smRunState has the value `terminated'.
- The value of smRunLifeTime does not change while a script
- is suspended, that is smRunState has the value `suspended'.
- Note that this does not affect set operations. It is legal
- to modify smRunLifeTime via set operations while a script
- is suspended."
- ::= { smRunEntry 5 }
-smRunExpireTime OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX TimeInterval
- UNITS "centi-seconds"
- MAX-ACCESS read-write
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object specifies how long this row can
- exist in the smRunTable after the script has terminated.
- This object returns the remaining time that the row may
- exist before it is aged out. The object is initialized with
- the value of the associated smLaunchExpireTime object and
- ticks backwards. The entry in the smRunTable is destroyed
- when the value reaches 0 and the smRunState has the value
- `terminated'.
- The value of this object may be set in order to increase or
- reduce the remaining time that the row may exist. Setting
- the value to 0 will destroy this entry as soon as the
- smRunState has the value `terminated'."
- ::= { smRunEntry 6 }
-smRunExitCode OBJECT-TYPE
- noError(1),
- halted(2),
- lifeTimeExceeded(3),
- noResourcesLeft(4),
- languageError(5),
- runtimeError(6),
- invalidArgument(7),
- securityViolation(8),
- genericError(9)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object indicates the reason why a
- script finished execution. The smRunExitCode code may have
- one of the following values:
- - `noError', which indicates that the script completed
- successfully without errors;
- - `halted', which indicates that the script was halted
- by a request from an authorized manager;
- - `lifeTimeExceeded', which indicates that the script
- exited because a time limit was exceeded;
- - `noResourcesLeft', which indicates that the script
- exited because it ran out of resources (e.g. memory);
- - `languageError', which indicates that the script exited
- because of a language error (e.g. a syntax error in an
- interpreted language);
- - `runtimeError', which indicates that the script exited
- due to a runtime error (e.g. a division by zero);
- - `invalidArgument', which indicates that the script could
- not be run because of invalid script arguments;
- - `securityViolation', which indicates that the script
- exited due to a security violation;
- - `genericError', which indicates that the script exited
- for an unspecified reason.
- If the script has not yet begun running, or is currently
- running, the value will be `noError'."
- DEFVAL { noError }
- ::= { smRunEntry 7 }
-smRunResult OBJECT-TYPE
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The result value produced by the running script. Note that
- the result may change while the script is executing."
- DEFVAL { ''H }
- ::= { smRunEntry 8 }
-smRunControl OBJECT-TYPE
- abort(1),
- suspend(2),
- resume(3),
- nop(4)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-write
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object indicates the desired status of the
- script execution defined by this row.
- Setting this object to `abort' will abort execution if the
- value of smRunState is `initializing', `executing',
- `suspending', `suspended' or `resuming'. Setting this object
- to `abort' when the value of smRunState is `aborting' or
- `terminated', or if the implementation can determine that
- the attempt to abort the execution would fail, will result
- in an inconsistentValue error.
- Setting this object to `suspend' will suspend execution
- if the value of smRunState is `executing'. Setting this
- object to `suspend' will cause an inconsistentValue error
- if the value of smRunState is not `executing' or if the
- implementation can determine that the attempt to suspend
- the execution would fail.
- Setting this object to `resume' will resume execution
- if the value of smRunState is `suspending' or
- `suspended'. Setting this object to `resume' will cause an
- inconsistentValue error if the value of smRunState is
- not `suspended' or if the implementation can determine
- that the attempt to resume the execution would fail.
- Setting this object to nop(4) has no effect."
- DEFVAL { nop }
- ::= { smRunEntry 9 }
- initializing(1),
- executing(2),
- suspending(3),
- suspended(4),
- resuming(5),
- aborting(6),
- terminated(7)
- }
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The value of this object indicates the script's execution
- state. If the script has been invoked but has not yet
- begun execution, the value will be `initializing'. If the
- script is running, the value will be `executing'.
- A running script which received a request to suspend
- execution first transitions into a temporary `suspending'
- state. The temporary `suspending' state changes to
- `suspended' when the script has actually been suspended. The
- temporary `suspending' state changes back to `executing' if
- the attempt to suspend the running script fails.
- A suspended script which received a request to resume
- execution first transitions into a temporary `resuming'
- state. The temporary `resuming' state changes to `running'
- when the script has actually been resumed. The temporary
- `resuming' state changes back to `suspended' if the attempt
- to resume the suspended script fails.
- A script which received a request to abort execution but
- which is still running first transitions into a temporary
- `aborting' state.
- A script which has finished its execution is `terminated'."
- ::= { smRunEntry 10 }
- SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "This object contains a descriptive error message if the
- script startup or execution raised an abnormal condition.
- An implementation must store a descriptive error message
- in this object if the script exits with the smRunExitCode
- `genericError'."
- DEFVAL { ''H }
- ::= { smRunEntry 11 }
-smRunResultTime OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DateAndTime
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The date and time when the smRunResult was last updated.
- The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if smRunResult
- has not yet been updated after the creation of this
- smRunTable entry."
- DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
- ::= { smRunEntry 12 }
-smRunErrorTime OBJECT-TYPE
- SYNTAX DateAndTime
- MAX-ACCESS read-only
- STATUS current
- "The date and time when the smRunError was last updated.
- The value '0000000000000000'H is returned if smRunError
- has not yet been updated after the creation of this
- smRunTable entry."
- DEFVAL { '0000000000000000'H }
- ::= { smRunEntry 13 }
--- Notifications. The definition of smTraps makes notification
--- registrations reversible (see STD 58, RFC 2578).
-smTraps OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smNotifications 0 }
- OBJECTS { smRunExitCode, smRunEndTime, smRunError }
- STATUS current
- "This notification is generated whenever a running script
- terminates with an smRunExitCode unequal to `noError'."
- ::= { smTraps 1 }
- OBJECTS { smRunResult }
- STATUS current
- "This notification can be used by scripts to notify other
- management applications about results produced by the
- script.
- This notification is not automatically generated by the
- Script MIB implementation. It is the responsibility of
- the executing script to emit this notification where it
- is appropriate to do so."
- ::= { smTraps 2 }
-smScriptException NOTIFICATION-TYPE
- OBJECTS { smRunError }
- STATUS current
- "This notification can be used by scripts to notify other
- management applications about script errors.
- This notification is not automatically generated by the
- Script MIB implementation. It is the responsibility of
- the executing script or the runtime system to emit this
- notification where it is appropriate to do so."
- ::= { smTraps 3 }
--- conformance information
-smCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smConformance 1 }
-smGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { smConformance 2 }
--- compliance statements
- STATUS current
- "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
- the Script MIB."
- MODULE -- this module
- smLanguageGroup, smScriptGroup2, smLaunchGroup2,
- smRunGroup2, smNotificationsGroup2
- }
- GROUP smCodeGroup
- "The smCodeGroup is mandatory only for those implementations
- that support the downloading of scripts via SNMP."
- OBJECT smScriptSource
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "The smScriptSource object is read-only for implementations
- that are not able to download script code from a URL."
- OBJECT smCodeText
- "A compliant implementation need only support write access to
- the smCodeText object only during row creation."
- OBJECT smLaunchArgument
- "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
- for smLaunchArgument of 255 octets."
- OBJECT smRunArgument
- "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
- for smRunArgument of 255 octets."
- OBJECT smRunResult
- "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
- for smRunResult of 255 octets."
- OBJECT smRunState
- "A compliant implementation does not have to support script
- suspension and the smRunState `suspended'. Such an
- implementation will change into the `suspending' state
- when the smRunControl is set to `suspend' and remain in this
- state until smRunControl is set to `resume' or the script
- terminates."
- ::= { smCompliances 2 }
-smLanguageGroup OBJECT-GROUP
- smLangLanguage, smLangVersion,
- smLangVendor, smLangRevision,
- smLangDescr, smExtsnExtension,
- smExtsnVersion, smExtsnVendor,
- smExtsnRevision, smExtsnDescr
- }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects providing information about the
- capabilities of the scripting engine."
- ::= { smGroups 1 }
-smScriptGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
- smScriptDescr, smScriptLanguage,
- smScriptSource, smScriptAdminStatus,
- smScriptOperStatus, smScriptStorageType,
- smScriptRowStatus, smScriptError,
- smScriptLastChange
- }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects providing information about
- installed scripts."
- ::= { smGroups 7 }
- smCodeText, smCodeRowStatus
- }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects used to download or modify scripts
- by using SNMP set requests."
- ::= { smGroups 3 }
-smLaunchGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
- smLaunchScriptOwner, smLaunchScriptName,
- smLaunchArgument, smLaunchMaxRunning,
- smLaunchMaxCompleted, smLaunchLifeTime,
- smLaunchExpireTime, smLaunchStart,
- smLaunchControl, smLaunchAdminStatus,
- smLaunchOperStatus, smLaunchRunIndexNext,
- smLaunchStorageType, smLaunchRowStatus,
- smLaunchError, smLaunchLastChange,
- smLaunchRowExpireTime
- }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects providing information about scripts
- that can be launched."
- ::= { smGroups 8 }
- smRunArgument, smRunStartTime,
- smRunEndTime, smRunLifeTime,
- smRunExpireTime, smRunExitCode,
- smRunResult, smRunState,
- smRunControl, smRunError,
- smRunResultTime, smRunErrorTime
- }
- STATUS current
- "A collection of objects providing information about running
- scripts."
- ::= { smGroups 9 }
-smNotificationsGroup2 NOTIFICATION-GROUP
- smScriptAbort,
- smScriptResult,
- smScriptException
- }
- STATUS current
- "The notifications emitted by the Script MIB."
- ::= { smGroups 10 }
--- Deprecated compliance and conformance group definitions
--- from RFC 2592.
- STATUS deprecated
- "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which implement
- the Script MIB."
- MODULE -- this module
- smLanguageGroup, smScriptGroup, smLaunchGroup, smRunGroup
- }
- GROUP smCodeGroup
- "The smCodeGroup is mandatory only for those implementations
- that support the downloading of scripts via SNMP."
- OBJECT smScriptSource
- MIN-ACCESS read-only
- "The smScriptSource object is read-only for implementations
- that are not able to download script code from a URL."
- OBJECT smCodeText
- "A compliant implementation need only support write access
- to the smCodeText object during row creation."
- OBJECT smLaunchArgument
- "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
- for smLaunchArgument of 255 octets."
- OBJECT smRunArgument
- "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
- for smRunArgument of 255 octets."
- OBJECT smRunResult
- "A compliant implementation has to support a minimum size
- for smRunResult of 255 octets."
- OBJECT smRunState
- "A compliant implementation does not have to support script
- suspension and the smRunState `suspended'. Such an
- implementation will change into the `suspending' state
- when the smRunControl is set to `suspend' and remain in this
- state until smRunControl is set to `resume' or the script
- terminates."
- ::= { smCompliances 1 }
-smScriptGroup OBJECT-GROUP
- smScriptDescr, smScriptLanguage,
- smScriptSource, smScriptAdminStatus,
- smScriptOperStatus, smScriptStorageType,
- smScriptRowStatus
- }
- STATUS deprecated
- "A collection of objects providing information about
- installed scripts."
- ::= { smGroups 2 }
-smLaunchGroup OBJECT-GROUP
- smLaunchScriptOwner, smLaunchScriptName,
- smLaunchArgument, smLaunchMaxRunning,
- smLaunchMaxCompleted, smLaunchLifeTime,
- smLaunchExpireTime, smLaunchStart,
- smLaunchControl, smLaunchAdminStatus,
- smLaunchOperStatus, smLaunchRunIndexNext,
- smLaunchStorageType, smLaunchRowStatus
- }
- STATUS deprecated
- "A collection of objects providing information about scripts
- that can be launched."
- ::= { smGroups 4 }
- smRunArgument, smRunStartTime,
- smRunEndTime, smRunLifeTime,
- smRunExpireTime, smRunExitCode,
- smRunResult, smRunState,
- smRunControl, smRunError
- }
- STATUS deprecated
- "A collection of objects providing information about running
- scripts."
- ::= { smGroups 5 }
-smNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
- smScriptAbort,
- smScriptResult
- }
- STATUS deprecated
- "The notifications emitted by the Script MIB."
- ::= { smGroups 6 }