path: root/data/mibs/EtherLike-MIB.txt
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1 files changed, 1862 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/mibs/EtherLike-MIB.txt b/data/mibs/EtherLike-MIB.txt
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+ Integer32, Counter32, Counter64, mib-2, transmission
+ TruthValue
+ ifIndex, InterfaceIndex
+ LAST-UPDATED "200309190000Z" -- September 19, 2003
+ ORGANIZATION "IETF Ethernet Interfaces and Hub MIB
+ Working Group"
+ "WG E-mail:
+ To subscribe:
+ Chair: Dan Romascanu
+ Postal: Avaya Inc.
+ Atidum Technology Park, Bldg. 3
+ Tel Aviv 61131
+ Israel
+ Tel: +972 3 645 8414
+ E-mail:
+ Editor: John Flick
+ Postal: Hewlett-Packard Company
+ 8000 Foothills Blvd. M/S 5557
+ Roseville, CA 95747-5557
+ Tel: +1 916 785 4018
+ Fax: +1 916 785 1199
+ E-mail:"
+ DESCRIPTION "The MIB module to describe generic objects for
+ ethernet-like network interfaces.
+ The following reference is used throughout this
+ MIB module:
+ [IEEE 802.3 Std] refers to:
+ IEEE Std 802.3, 2002 Edition: 'IEEE Standard
+ for Information technology -
+ Telecommunications and information exchange
+ between systems - Local and metropolitan
+ area networks - Specific requirements -
+ Part 3: Carrier sense multiple access with
+ collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method
+ and physical layer specifications', as
+ amended by IEEE Std 802.3ae-2002:
+ 'Amendment: Media Access Control (MAC)
+ Parameters, Physical Layer, and Management
+ Parameters for 10 Gb/s Operation', August,
+ 2002.
+ Of particular interest is Clause 30, '10 Mb/s,
+ 100 Mb/s, 1000 Mb/s, and 10 Gb/s Management'.
+ Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2003). This
+ version of this MIB module is part of RFC 3635;
+ see the RFC itself for full legal notices."
+ REVISION "200309190000Z" -- September 19, 2003
+ DESCRIPTION "Updated to include support for 10 Gb/sec
+ interfaces. This resulted in the following
+ revisions:
+ - Updated dot3StatsAlignmentErrors and
+ dot3StatsSymbolErrors DESCRIPTIONs to
+ reflect behaviour at 10 Gb/s
+ - Added dot3StatsRateControlAbility and
+ dot3RateControlStatus for management
+ of the Rate Control function in 10 Gb/s
+ WAN applications
+ - Added 64-bit versions of all counters
+ that are used on high-speed ethernet
+ interfaces
+ - Added object groups to contain the new
+ objects
+ - Deprecated etherStatsBaseGroup and
+ split into etherStatsBaseGroup2 and
+ etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup, so that
+ interfaces which can only operate at
+ full-duplex do not need to implement
+ half-duplex-only statistics
+ - Deprecated dot3Compliance and replaced
+ it with dot3Compliance2, which includes
+ the compliance information for the new
+ object groups
+ In addition, the dot3Tests and dot3Errors
+ object identities have been deprecated,
+ since there is no longer a standard method
+ for using them.
+ This version published as RFC 3635."
+ REVISION "199908240400Z" -- August 24, 1999
+ DESCRIPTION "Updated to include support for 1000 Mb/sec
+ interfaces and full-duplex interfaces.
+ This version published as RFC 2665."
+ REVISION "199806032150Z" -- June 3, 1998
+ DESCRIPTION "Updated to include support for 100 Mb/sec
+ interfaces.
+ This version published as RFC 2358."
+ REVISION "199402030400Z" -- February 3, 1994
+ DESCRIPTION "Initial version, published as RFC 1650."
+ ::= { mib-2 35 }
+ etherMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherMIB 1 }
+ dot3 OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { transmission 7 }
+ -- the Ethernet-like Statistics group
+ dot3StatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Statistics for a collection of ethernet-like
+ interfaces attached to a particular system.
+ There will be one row in this table for each
+ ethernet-like interface in the system."
+ ::= { dot3 2 }
+ dot3StatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Dot3StatsEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "Statistics for a particular interface to an
+ ethernet-like medium."
+ INDEX { dot3StatsIndex }
+ ::= { dot3StatsTable 1 }
+ Dot3StatsEntry ::=
+ dot3StatsIndex InterfaceIndex,
+ dot3StatsAlignmentErrors Counter32,
+ dot3StatsFCSErrors Counter32,
+ dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames Counter32,
+ dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames Counter32,
+ dot3StatsSQETestErrors Counter32,
+ dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions Counter32,
+ dot3StatsLateCollisions Counter32,
+ dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions Counter32,
+ dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors Counter32,
+ dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors Counter32,
+ dot3StatsFrameTooLongs Counter32,
+ dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors Counter32,
+ dot3StatsEtherChipSet OBJECT IDENTIFIER,
+ dot3StatsSymbolErrors Counter32,
+ dot3StatsDuplexStatus INTEGER,
+ dot3StatsRateControlAbility TruthValue,
+ dot3StatsRateControlStatus INTEGER
+ }
+ dot3StatsIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only -- read-only since originally an
+ -- SMIv1 index
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "An index value that uniquely identifies an
+ interface to an ethernet-like medium. The
+ interface identified by a particular value of
+ this index is the same interface as identified
+ by the same value of ifIndex."
+ REFERENCE "RFC 2863, ifIndex"
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 1 }
+ dot3StatsAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+ interface that are not an integral number of
+ octets in length and do not pass the FCS check.
+ The count represented by an instance of this
+ object is incremented when the alignmentError
+ status is returned by the MAC service to the
+ LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+ which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+ according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+ Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+ to the error status presented to the LLC.
+ This counter does not increment for group
+ encoding schemes greater than 4 bits per group.
+ For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+ counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+ it is incrementing at its maximum rate. Since
+ that amount of time could be less than a
+ management station's poll cycle time, in order
+ to avoid a loss of information, a management
+ station is advised to poll the
+ dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors object for 10 Gb/s
+ or faster interfaces.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aAlignmentErrors"
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 2 }
+ dot3StatsFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+ interface that are an integral number of octets
+ in length but do not pass the FCS check. This
+ count does not include frames received with
+ frame-too-long or frame-too-short error.
+ The count represented by an instance of this
+ object is incremented when the frameCheckError
+ status is returned by the MAC service to the
+ LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+ which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+ according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+ Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+ to the error status presented to the LLC.
+ Note: Coding errors detected by the physical
+ layer for speeds above 10 Mb/s will cause the
+ frame to fail the FCS check.
+ For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+ counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+ it is incrementing at its maximum rate. Since
+ that amount of time could be less than a
+ management station's poll cycle time, in order
+ to avoid a loss of information, a management
+ station is advised to poll the
+ dot3HCStatsFCSErrors object for 10 Gb/s or
+ faster interfaces.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aFrameCheckSequenceErrors."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 3 }
+ dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames that are involved in a single
+ collision, and are subsequently transmitted
+ successfully.
+ A frame that is counted by an instance of this
+ object is also counted by the corresponding
+ instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts,
+ ifOutMulticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts,
+ and is not counted by the corresponding
+ instance of the dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames
+ object.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aSingleCollisionFrames."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 4 }
+ dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames that are involved in more
+ than one collision and are subsequently
+ transmitted successfully.
+ A frame that is counted by an instance of this
+ object is also counted by the corresponding
+ instance of either the ifOutUcastPkts,
+ ifOutMulticastPkts, or ifOutBroadcastPkts,
+ and is not counted by the corresponding
+ instance of the dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames
+ object.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aMultipleCollisionFrames."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 5 }
+ dot3StatsSQETestErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of times that the SQE TEST ERROR
+ is received on a particular interface. The
+ SQE TEST ERROR is set in accordance with the
+ rules for verification of the SQE detection
+ mechanism in the PLS Carrier Sense Function as
+ described in IEEE Std. 802.3, 2000 Edition,
+ section
+ This counter does not increment on interfaces
+ operating at speeds greater than 10 Mb/s, or on
+ interfaces operating in full-duplex mode.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],, also,
+ aSQETestErrors."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 6 }
+ dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which the first
+ transmission attempt on a particular interface
+ is delayed because the medium is busy.
+ The count represented by an instance of this
+ object does not include frames involved in
+ collisions.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aFramesWithDeferredXmissions."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 7 }
+ dot3StatsLateCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The number of times that a collision is
+ detected on a particular interface later than
+ one slotTime into the transmission of a packet.
+ A (late) collision included in a count
+ represented by an instance of this object is
+ also considered as a (generic) collision for
+ purposes of other collision-related
+ statistics.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aLateCollisions."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 8 }
+ dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which transmission on a
+ particular interface fails due to excessive
+ collisions.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aFramesAbortedDueToXSColls."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 9 }
+ dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which transmission on a
+ particular interface fails due to an internal
+ MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only
+ counted by an instance of this object if it is
+ not counted by the corresponding instance of
+ either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the
+ dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the
+ dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object.
+ The precise meaning of the count represented by
+ an instance of this object is implementation-
+ specific. In particular, an instance of this
+ object may represent a count of transmission
+ errors on a particular interface that are not
+ otherwise counted.
+ For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+ counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+ it is incrementing at its maximum rate. Since
+ that amount of time could be less than a
+ management station's poll cycle time, in order
+ to avoid a loss of information, a management
+ station is advised to poll the
+ dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors object for
+ 10 Gb/s or faster interfaces.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aFramesLostDueToIntMACXmitError."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 10 }
+ dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The number of times that the carrier sense
+ condition was lost or never asserted when
+ attempting to transmit a frame on a particular
+ interface.
+ The count represented by an instance of this
+ object is incremented at most once per
+ transmission attempt, even if the carrier sense
+ condition fluctuates during a transmission
+ attempt.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aCarrierSenseErrors."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 11 }
+ -- { dot3StatsEntry 12 } is not assigned
+ dot3StatsFrameTooLongs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+ interface that exceed the maximum permitted
+ frame size.
+ The count represented by an instance of this
+ object is incremented when the frameTooLong
+ status is returned by the MAC service to the
+ LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+ which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+ according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+ Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+ to the error status presented to the LLC.
+ For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+ counter can roll over in less than 80 minutes if
+ it is incrementing at its maximum rate. Since
+ that amount of time could be less than a
+ management station's poll cycle time, in order
+ to avoid a loss of information, a management
+ station is advised to poll the
+ dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs object for 10 Gb/s
+ or faster interfaces.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aFrameTooLongErrors."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 13 }
+ -- { dot3StatsEntry 14 } is not assigned
+ -- { dot3StatsEntry 15 } is not assigned
+ dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which reception on a
+ particular interface fails due to an internal
+ MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only
+ counted by an instance of this object if it is
+ not counted by the corresponding instance of
+ either the dot3StatsFrameTooLongs object, the
+ dot3StatsAlignmentErrors object, or the
+ dot3StatsFCSErrors object.
+ The precise meaning of the count represented by
+ an instance of this object is implementation-
+ specific. In particular, an instance of this
+ object may represent a count of receive errors
+ on a particular interface that are not
+ otherwise counted.
+ For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+ counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+ it is incrementing at its maximum rate. Since
+ that amount of time could be less than a
+ management station's poll cycle time, in order
+ to avoid a loss of information, a management
+ station is advised to poll the
+ dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors object for
+ 10 Gb/s or faster interfaces.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aFramesLostDueToIntMACRcvError."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 16 }
+ dot3StatsEtherChipSet OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS deprecated
+ This object contains an OBJECT IDENTIFIER
+ which identifies the chipset used to
+ realize the interface. Ethernet-like
+ interfaces are typically built out of
+ several different chips. The MIB implementor
+ is presented with a decision of which chip
+ to identify via this object. The implementor
+ should identify the chip which is usually
+ called the Medium Access Control chip.
+ If no such chip is easily identifiable,
+ the implementor should identify the chip
+ which actually gathers the transmit
+ and receive statistics and error
+ indications. This would allow a
+ manager station to correlate the
+ statistics and the chip generating
+ them, giving it the ability to take
+ into account any known anomalies
+ in the chip.
+ This object has been deprecated. Implementation
+ feedback indicates that it is of limited use for
+ debugging network problems in the field, and
+ the administrative overhead involved in
+ maintaining a registry of chipset OIDs is not
+ justified."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 17 }
+ dot3StatsSymbolErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the
+ number of times there was an invalid data symbol
+ when a valid carrier was present.
+ For an interface operating in half-duplex mode
+ at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
+ media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
+ of time equal to or greater than slotTime, and
+ during which there was at least one occurrence
+ of an event that causes the PHY to indicate
+ 'Data reception error' or 'carrier extend error'
+ on the GMII.
+ For an interface operating in full-duplex mode
+ at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
+ media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
+ of time equal to or greater than minFrameSize,
+ and during which there was at least one
+ occurrence of an event that causes the PHY to
+ indicate 'Data reception error' on the GMII.
+ For an interface operating at 10 Gb/s, the
+ number of times the receiving media is non-idle
+ (a carrier event) for a period of time equal to
+ or greater than minFrameSize, and during which
+ there was at least one occurrence of an event
+ that causes the PHY to indicate 'Receive Error'
+ on the XGMII.
+ The count represented by an instance of this
+ object is incremented at most once per carrier
+ event, even if multiple symbol errors occur
+ during the carrier event. This count does
+ not increment if a collision is present.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating at 10 Mb/s.
+ For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+ counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+ it is incrementing at its maximum rate. Since
+ that amount of time could be less than a
+ management station's poll cycle time, in order
+ to avoid a loss of information, a management
+ station is advised to poll the
+ dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors object for 10 Gb/s
+ or faster interfaces.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aSymbolErrorDuringCarrier."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 18 }
+ dot3StatsDuplexStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ unknown(1),
+ halfDuplex(2),
+ fullDuplex(3)
+ }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The current mode of operation of the MAC
+ entity. 'unknown' indicates that the current
+ duplex mode could not be determined.
+ Management control of the duplex mode is
+ accomplished through the MAU MIB. When
+ an interface does not support autonegotiation,
+ or when autonegotiation is not enabled, the
+ duplex mode is controlled using
+ ifMauDefaultType. When autonegotiation is
+ supported and enabled, duplex mode is controlled
+ using ifMauAutoNegAdvertisedBits. In either
+ case, the currently operating duplex mode is
+ reflected both in this object and in ifMauType.
+ Note that this object provides redundant
+ information with ifMauType. Normally, redundant
+ objects are discouraged. However, in this
+ instance, it allows a management application to
+ determine the duplex status of an interface
+ without having to know every possible value of
+ ifMauType. This was felt to be sufficiently
+ valuable to justify the redundancy."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aDuplexStatus."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 19 }
+ dot3StatsRateControlAbility OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "'true' for interfaces operating at speeds above
+ 1000 Mb/s that support Rate Control through
+ lowering the average data rate of the MAC
+ sublayer, with frame granularity, and 'false'
+ otherwise."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aRateControlAbility."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 20 }
+ dot3StatsRateControlStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ rateControlOff(1),
+ rateControlOn(2),
+ unknown(3)
+ }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The current Rate Control mode of operation of
+ the MAC sublayer of this interface."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aRateControlStatus."
+ ::= { dot3StatsEntry 21 }
+ -- the Ethernet-like Collision Statistics group
+ -- Implementation of this group is optional; it is appropriate
+ -- for all systems which have the necessary metering
+ dot3CollTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of collision histograms for a
+ particular set of interfaces."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aCollisionFrames."
+ ::= { dot3 5 }
+ dot3CollEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Dot3CollEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A cell in the histogram of per-frame
+ collisions for a particular interface. An
+ instance of this object represents the
+ frequency of individual MAC frames for which
+ the transmission (successful or otherwise) on a
+ particular interface is accompanied by a
+ particular number of media collisions."
+ INDEX { ifIndex, dot3CollCount }
+ ::= { dot3CollTable 1 }
+ Dot3CollEntry ::=
+ dot3CollCount Integer32,
+ dot3CollFrequencies Counter32
+ }
+ -- { dot3CollEntry 1 } is no longer in use
+ dot3CollCount OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Integer32 (1..16)
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The number of per-frame media collisions for
+ which a particular collision histogram cell
+ represents the frequency on a particular
+ interface."
+ ::= { dot3CollEntry 2 }
+ dot3CollFrequencies OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of individual MAC frames for which the
+ transmission (successful or otherwise) on a
+ particular interface occurs after the
+ frame has experienced exactly the number
+ of collisions in the associated
+ dot3CollCount object.
+ For example, a frame which is transmitted
+ on interface 77 after experiencing
+ exactly 4 collisions would be indicated
+ by incrementing only dot3CollFrequencies.77.4.
+ No other instance of dot3CollFrequencies would
+ be incremented in this example.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating in full-duplex mode.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { dot3CollEntry 3 }
+ dot3ControlTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A table of descriptive and status information
+ about the MAC Control sublayer on the
+ ethernet-like interfaces attached to a
+ particular system. There will be one row in
+ this table for each ethernet-like interface in
+ the system which implements the MAC Control
+ sublayer. If some, but not all, of the
+ ethernet-like interfaces in the system implement
+ the MAC Control sublayer, there will be fewer
+ rows in this table than in the dot3StatsTable."
+ ::= { dot3 9 }
+ dot3ControlEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Dot3ControlEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information
+ about the MAC Control sublayer on a single
+ ethernet-like interface."
+ INDEX { dot3StatsIndex }
+ ::= { dot3ControlTable 1 }
+ Dot3ControlEntry ::=
+ dot3ControlFunctionsSupported BITS,
+ dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes Counter32,
+ dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes Counter64
+ }
+ dot3ControlFunctionsSupported OBJECT-TYPE
+ pause(0) -- 802.3 flow control
+ }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A list of the possible MAC Control functions
+ implemented for this interface."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aMACControlFunctionsSupported."
+ ::= { dot3ControlEntry 1 }
+ dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
+ interface that contain an opcode that is not
+ supported by this device.
+ For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+ counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+ it is incrementing at its maximum rate. Since
+ that amount of time could be less than a
+ management station's poll cycle time, in order
+ to avoid a loss of information, a management
+ station is advised to poll the
+ dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes object for 10 Gb/s
+ or faster interfaces.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aUnsupportedOpcodesReceived"
+ ::= { dot3ControlEntry 2 }
+ dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
+ interface that contain an opcode that is not
+ supported by this device.
+ This counter is a 64 bit version of
+ dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes. It should be used
+ on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aUnsupportedOpcodesReceived"
+ ::= { dot3ControlEntry 3 }
+ dot3PauseTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A table of descriptive and status information
+ about the MAC Control PAUSE function on the
+ ethernet-like interfaces attached to a
+ particular system. There will be one row in
+ this table for each ethernet-like interface in
+ the system which supports the MAC Control PAUSE
+ function (i.e., the 'pause' bit in the
+ corresponding instance of
+ dot3ControlFunctionsSupported is set). If some,
+ but not all, of the ethernet-like interfaces in
+ the system implement the MAC Control PAUSE
+ function (for example, if some interfaces only
+ support half-duplex), there will be fewer rows
+ in this table than in the dot3StatsTable."
+ ::= { dot3 10 }
+ dot3PauseEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Dot3PauseEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "An entry in the table, containing information
+ about the MAC Control PAUSE function on a single
+ ethernet-like interface."
+ INDEX { dot3StatsIndex }
+ ::= { dot3PauseTable 1 }
+ Dot3PauseEntry ::=
+ dot3PauseAdminMode INTEGER,
+ dot3PauseOperMode INTEGER,
+ dot3InPauseFrames Counter32,
+ dot3OutPauseFrames Counter32,
+ dot3HCInPauseFrames Counter64,
+ dot3HCOutPauseFrames Counter64
+ }
+ dot3PauseAdminMode OBJECT-TYPE
+ disabled(1),
+ enabledXmit(2),
+ enabledRcv(3),
+ enabledXmitAndRcv(4)
+ }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This object is used to configure the default
+ administrative PAUSE mode for this interface.
+ This object represents the
+ administratively-configured PAUSE mode for this
+ interface. If auto-negotiation is not enabled
+ or is not implemented for the active MAU
+ attached to this interface, the value of this
+ object determines the operational PAUSE mode
+ of the interface whenever it is operating in
+ full-duplex mode. In this case, a set to this
+ object will force the interface into the
+ specified mode.
+ If auto-negotiation is implemented and enabled
+ for the MAU attached to this interface, the
+ PAUSE mode for this interface is determined by
+ auto-negotiation, and the value of this object
+ denotes the mode to which the interface will
+ automatically revert if/when auto-negotiation is
+ later disabled. Note that when auto-negotiation
+ is running, administrative control of the PAUSE
+ mode may be accomplished using the
+ ifMauAutoNegCapAdvertisedBits object in the
+ Note that the value of this object is ignored
+ when the interface is not operating in
+ full-duplex mode.
+ An attempt to set this object to
+ 'enabledXmit(2)' or 'enabledRcv(3)' will fail
+ on interfaces that do not support operation
+ at greater than 100 Mb/s."
+ ::= { dot3PauseEntry 1 }
+ dot3PauseOperMode OBJECT-TYPE
+ disabled(1),
+ enabledXmit(2),
+ enabledRcv(3),
+ enabledXmitAndRcv(4)
+ }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "This object reflects the PAUSE mode currently
+ in use on this interface, as determined by
+ either (1) the result of the auto-negotiation
+ function or (2) if auto-negotiation is not
+ enabled or is not implemented for the active MAU
+ attached to this interface, by the value of
+ dot3PauseAdminMode. Interfaces operating at
+ 100 Mb/s or less will never return
+ 'enabledXmit(2)' or 'enabledRcv(3)'. Interfaces
+ operating in half-duplex mode will always return
+ 'disabled(1)'. Interfaces on which
+ auto-negotiation is enabled but not yet
+ completed should return the value
+ 'disabled(1)'."
+ ::= { dot3PauseEntry 2 }
+ dot3InPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
+ interface with an opcode indicating the PAUSE
+ operation.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
+ For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+ counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+ it is incrementing at its maximum rate. Since
+ that amount of time could be less than a
+ management station's poll cycle time, in order
+ to avoid a loss of information, a management
+ station is advised to poll the
+ dot3HCInPauseFrames object for 10 Gb/s or
+ faster interfaces.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesReceived."
+ ::= { dot3PauseEntry 3 }
+ dot3OutPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames transmitted on
+ this interface with an opcode indicating the
+ PAUSE operation.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
+ For interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s, this
+ counter can roll over in less than 5 minutes if
+ it is incrementing at its maximum rate. Since
+ that amount of time could be less than a
+ management station's poll cycle time, in order
+ to avoid a loss of information, a management
+ station is advised to poll the
+ dot3HCOutPauseFrames object for 10 Gb/s or
+ faster interfaces.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesTransmitted."
+ ::= { dot3PauseEntry 4 }
+ dot3HCInPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames received on this
+ interface with an opcode indicating the PAUSE
+ operation.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
+ This counter is a 64 bit version of
+ dot3InPauseFrames. It should be used on
+ interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesReceived."
+ ::= { dot3PauseEntry 5 }
+ dot3HCOutPauseFrames OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of MAC Control frames transmitted on
+ this interface with an opcode indicating the
+ PAUSE operation.
+ This counter does not increment when the
+ interface is operating in half-duplex mode.
+ This counter is a 64 bit version of
+ dot3OutPauseFrames. It should be used on
+ interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesTransmitted."
+ ::= { dot3PauseEntry 6 }
+ dot3HCStatsTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A table containing 64-bit versions of error
+ counters from the dot3StatsTable. The 32-bit
+ versions of these counters may roll over quite
+ quickly on higher speed ethernet interfaces.
+ The counters that have 64-bit versions in this
+ table are the counters that apply to full-duplex
+ interfaces, since 10 Gb/s and faster
+ ethernet-like interfaces do not support
+ half-duplex, and very few 1000 Mb/s
+ ethernet-like interfaces support half-duplex.
+ Entries in this table are recommended for
+ interfaces capable of operating at 1000 Mb/s or
+ faster, and are required for interfaces capable
+ of operating at 10 Gb/s or faster. Lower speed
+ ethernet-like interfaces do not need entries in
+ this table, in which case there may be fewer
+ entries in this table than in the
+ dot3StatsTable. However, implementations
+ containing interfaces with a mix of speeds may
+ choose to implement entries in this table for
+ all ethernet-like interfaces."
+ ::= { dot3 11 }
+ dot3HCStatsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Dot3HCStatsEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "An entry containing 64-bit statistics for a
+ single ethernet-like interface."
+ INDEX { dot3StatsIndex }
+ ::= { dot3HCStatsTable 1 }
+ Dot3HCStatsEntry ::=
+ dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors Counter64,
+ dot3HCStatsFCSErrors Counter64,
+ dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors Counter64,
+ dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs Counter64,
+ dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors Counter64,
+ dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors Counter64
+ }
+ dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+ interface that are not an integral number of
+ octets in length and do not pass the FCS check.
+ The count represented by an instance of this
+ object is incremented when the alignmentError
+ status is returned by the MAC service to the
+ LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+ which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+ according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+ Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+ to the error status presented to the LLC.
+ This counter does not increment for group
+ encoding schemes greater than 4 bits per group.
+ This counter is a 64 bit version of
+ dot3StatsAlignmentErrors. It should be used
+ on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aAlignmentErrors"
+ ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 1 }
+ dot3HCStatsFCSErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+ interface that are an integral number of octets
+ in length but do not pass the FCS check. This
+ count does not include frames received with
+ frame-too-long or frame-too-short error.
+ The count represented by an instance of this
+ object is incremented when the frameCheckError
+ status is returned by the MAC service to the
+ LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+ which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+ according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+ Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+ to the error status presented to the LLC.
+ Note: Coding errors detected by the physical
+ layer for speeds above 10 Mb/s will cause the
+ frame to fail the FCS check.
+ This counter is a 64 bit version of
+ dot3StatsFCSErrors. It should be used on
+ interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aFrameCheckSequenceErrors."
+ ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 2 }
+ dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which transmission on a
+ particular interface fails due to an internal
+ MAC sublayer transmit error. A frame is only
+ counted by an instance of this object if it is
+ not counted by the corresponding instance of
+ either the dot3StatsLateCollisions object, the
+ dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions object, or the
+ dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors object.
+ The precise meaning of the count represented by
+ an instance of this object is implementation-
+ specific. In particular, an instance of this
+ object may represent a count of transmission
+ errors on a particular interface that are not
+ otherwise counted.
+ This counter is a 64 bit version of
+ dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors. It should
+ be used on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or
+ faster.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aFramesLostDueToIntMACXmitError."
+ ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 3 }
+ dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames received on a particular
+ interface that exceed the maximum permitted
+ frame size.
+ The count represented by an instance of this
+ object is incremented when the frameTooLong
+ status is returned by the MAC service to the
+ LLC (or other MAC user). Received frames for
+ which multiple error conditions pertain are,
+ according to the conventions of IEEE 802.3
+ Layer Management, counted exclusively according
+ to the error status presented to the LLC.
+ This counter is a 64 bit version of
+ dot3StatsFrameTooLongs. It should be used on
+ interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aFrameTooLongErrors."
+ ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 4 }
+ dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A count of frames for which reception on a
+ particular interface fails due to an internal
+ MAC sublayer receive error. A frame is only
+ counted by an instance of this object if it is
+ not counted by the corresponding instance of
+ either the dot3StatsFrameTooLongs object, the
+ dot3StatsAlignmentErrors object, or the
+ dot3StatsFCSErrors object.
+ The precise meaning of the count represented by
+ an instance of this object is implementation-
+ specific. In particular, an instance of this
+ object may represent a count of receive errors
+ on a particular interface that are not
+ otherwise counted.
+ This counter is a 64 bit version of
+ dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors. It should be
+ used on interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or
+ faster.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aFramesLostDueToIntMACRcvError."
+ ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 5 }
+ dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "For an interface operating at 100 Mb/s, the
+ number of times there was an invalid data symbol
+ when a valid carrier was present.
+ For an interface operating in half-duplex mode
+ at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
+ media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
+ of time equal to or greater than slotTime, and
+ during which there was at least one occurrence
+ of an event that causes the PHY to indicate
+ 'Data reception error' or 'carrier extend error'
+ on the GMII.
+ For an interface operating in full-duplex mode
+ at 1000 Mb/s, the number of times the receiving
+ media is non-idle (a carrier event) for a period
+ of time equal to or greater than minFrameSize,
+ and during which there was at least one
+ occurrence of an event that causes the PHY to
+ indicate 'Data reception error' on the GMII.
+ For an interface operating at 10 Gb/s, the
+ number of times the receiving media is non-idle
+ (a carrier event) for a period of time equal to
+ or greater than minFrameSize, and during which
+ there was at least one occurrence of an event
+ that causes the PHY to indicate 'Receive Error'
+ on the XGMII.
+ The count represented by an instance of this
+ object is incremented at most once per carrier
+ event, even if multiple symbol errors occur
+ during the carrier event. This count does
+ not increment if a collision is present.
+ This counter is a 64 bit version of
+ dot3StatsSymbolErrors. It should be used on
+ interfaces operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can
+ occur at re-initialization of the management
+ system, and at other times as indicated by the
+ value of ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ REFERENCE "[IEEE 802.3 Std.],,
+ aSymbolErrorDuringCarrier."
+ ::= { dot3HCStatsEntry 6 }
+ -- 802.3 Tests
+ dot3Tests OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3 6 }
+ dot3Errors OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { dot3 7 }
+ -- TDR Test
+ STATUS deprecated
+ The Time-Domain Reflectometry (TDR) test is
+ specific to ethernet-like interfaces of type
+ 10Base5 and 10Base2. The TDR value may be
+ useful in determining the approximate distance
+ to a cable fault. It is advisable to repeat
+ this test to check for a consistent resulting
+ TDR value, to verify that there is a fault.
+ A TDR test returns as its result the time
+ interval, measured in 10 MHz ticks or 100 nsec
+ units, between the start of TDR test
+ transmission and the subsequent detection of a
+ collision or deassertion of carrier. On
+ successful completion of a TDR test, the result
+ is stored as the value of an appropriate
+ instance of an appropriate vendor specific MIB
+ object, and the OBJECT IDENTIFIER of that
+ instance is stored in the appropriate instance
+ of the appropriate test result code object
+ (thereby indicating where the result has been
+ stored).
+ This object identity has been deprecated, since
+ the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
+ and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
+ initiating an interface test. This left no
+ standard way of using this object identity."
+ ::= { dot3Tests 1 }
+ -- Loopback Test
+ dot3TestLoopBack OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS deprecated
+ This test configures the MAC chip and executes
+ an internal loopback test of memory, data paths,
+ and the MAC chip logic. This loopback test can
+ only be executed if the interface is offline.
+ Once the test has completed, the MAC chip should
+ be reinitialized for network operation, but it
+ should remain offline.
+ If an error occurs during a test, the
+ appropriate test result object will be set
+ to indicate a failure. The two OBJECT
+ IDENTIFIER values dot3ErrorInitError and
+ dot3ErrorLoopbackError may be used to provided
+ more information as values for an appropriate
+ test result code object.
+ This object identity has been deprecated, since
+ the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
+ and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
+ initiating an interface test. This left no
+ standard way of using this object identity."
+ ::= { dot3Tests 2 }
+ dot3ErrorInitError OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS deprecated
+ Couldn't initialize MAC chip for test.
+ This object identity has been deprecated, since
+ the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
+ and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
+ initiating an interface test. This left no
+ standard way of using this object identity."
+ ::= { dot3Errors 1 }
+ dot3ErrorLoopbackError OBJECT-IDENTITY
+ STATUS deprecated
+ Expected data not received (or not received
+ correctly) in loopback test.
+ This object identity has been deprecated, since
+ the ifTestTable in the IF-MIB was deprecated,
+ and there is no longer a standard mechanism for
+ initiating an interface test. This left no
+ standard way of using this object identity."
+ ::= { dot3Errors 2 }
+ -- { dot3 8 }, the dot3ChipSets tree, is defined in [RFC2666]
+ -- conformance information
+ etherConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherMIB 2 }
+ etherGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherConformance 1 }
+ etherCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { etherConformance 2 }
+ -- compliance statements
+ etherCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS deprecated
+ The compliance statement for managed network
+ entities which have ethernet-like network
+ interfaces.
+ This compliance is deprecated and replaced by
+ dot3Compliance."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStatsGroup }
+ GROUP etherCollisionTableGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
+ for all systems which have the necessary
+ metering. Implementation in such systems is
+ highly recommended."
+ ::= { etherCompliances 1 }
+ ether100MbsCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS deprecated
+ The compliance statement for managed network
+ entities which have 100 Mb/sec ethernet-like
+ network interfaces.
+ This compliance is deprecated and replaced by
+ dot3Compliance."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStats100MbsGroup }
+ GROUP etherCollisionTableGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
+ for all systems which have the necessary
+ metering. Implementation in such systems is
+ highly recommended."
+ ::= { etherCompliances 2 }
+ dot3Compliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS deprecated
+ The compliance statement for managed network
+ entities which have ethernet-like network
+ interfaces.
+ This compliance is deprecated and replaced by
+ dot3Compliance2."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStatsBaseGroup }
+ GROUP etherDuplexGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+ capable of operating in full-duplex mode.
+ It is highly recommended for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces."
+ GROUP etherStatsLowSpeedGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+ capable of operating at 10 Mb/s or slower in
+ half-duplex mode."
+ GROUP etherStatsHighSpeedGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+ capable of operating at 100 Mb/s or faster."
+ GROUP etherControlGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces that
+ support the MAC Control sublayer."
+ GROUP etherControlPauseGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces that
+ support the MAC Control PAUSE function."
+ GROUP etherCollisionTableGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
+ for all ethernet-like network interfaces
+ which are capable of operating in
+ half-duplex mode and have the necessary
+ metering. Implementation in systems with
+ such interfaces is highly recommended."
+ ::= { etherCompliances 3 }
+ dot3Compliance2 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "The compliance statement for managed network
+ entities which have ethernet-like network
+ interfaces.
+ Note that compliance with this MIB module
+ requires compliance with the ifCompliance3
+ MODULE-COMPLIANCE statement of the IF-MIB
+ (RFC2863). In addition, compliance with this
+ MIB module requires compliance with the
+ mauModIfCompl3 MODULE-COMPLIANCE statement of
+ the MAU-MIB (RFC3636)."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS { etherStatsBaseGroup2 }
+ GROUP etherDuplexGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+ capable of operating in full-duplex mode.
+ It is highly recommended for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces."
+ GROUP etherRateControlGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+ capable of operating at speeds faster than
+ 1000 Mb/s. It is highly recommended for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces."
+ GROUP etherStatsLowSpeedGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+ capable of operating at 10 Mb/s or slower in
+ half-duplex mode."
+ GROUP etherStatsHighSpeedGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+ capable of operating at 100 Mb/s or faster."
+ GROUP etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+ capable of operating in half-duplex mode."
+ GROUP etherHCStatsGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces which are
+ capable of operating at 10 Gb/s or faster.
+ It is recommended for all ethernet-like
+ network interfaces which are capable of
+ operating at 1000 Mb/s or faster."
+ GROUP etherControlGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces that
+ support the MAC Control sublayer."
+ GROUP etherHCControlGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces that
+ support the MAC Control sublayer and are
+ capable of operating at 10 Gb/s or faster."
+ GROUP etherControlPauseGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces that
+ support the MAC Control PAUSE function."
+ GROUP etherHCControlPauseGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is mandatory for all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces that
+ support the MAC Control PAUSE function and
+ are capable of operating at 10 Gb/s or
+ faster."
+ GROUP etherCollisionTableGroup
+ DESCRIPTION "This group is optional. It is appropriate
+ for all ethernet-like network interfaces
+ which are capable of operating in
+ half-duplex mode and have the necessary
+ metering. Implementation in systems with
+ such interfaces is highly recommended."
+ ::= { etherCompliances 4 }
+ -- units of conformance
+ etherStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3StatsIndex,
+ dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
+ dot3StatsFCSErrors,
+ dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
+ dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
+ dot3StatsSQETestErrors,
+ dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
+ dot3StatsLateCollisions,
+ dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
+ dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
+ dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors,
+ dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
+ dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors,
+ dot3StatsEtherChipSet
+ }
+ STATUS deprecated
+ A collection of objects providing information
+ applicable to all ethernet-like network
+ interfaces.
+ This object group has been deprecated and
+ replaced by etherStatsBaseGroup and
+ etherStatsLowSpeedGroup."
+ ::= { etherGroups 1 }
+ etherCollisionTableGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3CollFrequencies
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing a histogram
+ of packets successfully transmitted after
+ experiencing exactly N collisions."
+ ::= { etherGroups 2 }
+ etherStats100MbsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3StatsIndex,
+ dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
+ dot3StatsFCSErrors,
+ dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
+ dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
+ dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
+ dot3StatsLateCollisions,
+ dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
+ dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
+ dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors,
+ dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
+ dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors,
+ dot3StatsEtherChipSet,
+ dot3StatsSymbolErrors
+ }
+ STATUS deprecated
+ A collection of objects providing information
+ applicable to 100 Mb/sec ethernet-like network
+ interfaces.
+ This object group has been deprecated and
+ replaced by etherStatsBaseGroup and
+ etherStatsHighSpeedGroup."
+ ::= { etherGroups 3 }
+ etherStatsBaseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3StatsIndex,
+ dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
+ dot3StatsFCSErrors,
+ dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
+ dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
+ dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
+ dot3StatsLateCollisions,
+ dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
+ dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
+ dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors,
+ dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
+ dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors
+ }
+ STATUS deprecated
+ A collection of objects providing information
+ applicable to all ethernet-like network
+ interfaces.
+ This object group has been deprecated and
+ replaced by etherStatsBaseGroup2 and
+ etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup, to separate
+ objects which must be implemented by all
+ ethernet-like network interfaces from
+ objects that need only be implemented on
+ ethernet-like network interfaces that are
+ capable of half-duplex operation."
+ ::= { etherGroups 4 }
+ etherStatsLowSpeedGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3StatsSQETestErrors }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+ applicable to ethernet-like network interfaces
+ capable of operating at 10 Mb/s or slower in
+ half-duplex mode."
+ ::= { etherGroups 5 }
+ etherStatsHighSpeedGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3StatsSymbolErrors }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+ applicable to ethernet-like network interfaces
+ capable of operating at 100 Mb/s or faster."
+ ::= { etherGroups 6 }
+ etherDuplexGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3StatsDuplexStatus }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+ about the duplex mode of an ethernet-like
+ network interface."
+ ::= { etherGroups 7 }
+ etherControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3ControlFunctionsSupported,
+ dot3ControlInUnknownOpcodes
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+ about the MAC Control sublayer on ethernet-like
+ network interfaces."
+ ::= { etherGroups 8 }
+ etherControlPauseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3PauseAdminMode,
+ dot3PauseOperMode,
+ dot3InPauseFrames,
+ dot3OutPauseFrames
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+ about and control of the MAC Control PAUSE
+ function on ethernet-like network interfaces."
+ ::= { etherGroups 9 }
+ etherStatsBaseGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3StatsIndex,
+ dot3StatsAlignmentErrors,
+ dot3StatsFCSErrors,
+ dot3StatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
+ dot3StatsFrameTooLongs,
+ dot3StatsInternalMacReceiveErrors
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+ applicable to all ethernet-like network
+ interfaces."
+ ::= { etherGroups 10 }
+ etherStatsHalfDuplexGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3StatsSingleCollisionFrames,
+ dot3StatsMultipleCollisionFrames,
+ dot3StatsDeferredTransmissions,
+ dot3StatsLateCollisions,
+ dot3StatsExcessiveCollisions,
+ dot3StatsCarrierSenseErrors
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+ applicable only to half-duplex ethernet-like
+ network interfaces."
+ ::= { etherGroups 11 }
+ etherHCStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3HCStatsAlignmentErrors,
+ dot3HCStatsFCSErrors,
+ dot3HCStatsInternalMacTransmitErrors,
+ dot3HCStatsFrameTooLongs,
+ dot3HCStatsInternalMacReceiveErrors,
+ dot3HCStatsSymbolErrors
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing high-capacity
+ statistics applicable to higher-speed
+ ethernet-like network interfaces."
+ ::= { etherGroups 12 }
+ etherHCControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3HCControlInUnknownOpcodes }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing high-capacity
+ statistics for the MAC Control sublayer on
+ higher-speed ethernet-like network interfaces."
+ ::= { etherGroups 13 }
+ etherHCControlPauseGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3HCInPauseFrames,
+ dot3HCOutPauseFrames
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing high-capacity
+ statistics for the MAC Control PAUSE function on
+ higher-speed ethernet-like network interfaces."
+ ::= { etherGroups 14 }
+ etherRateControlGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { dot3StatsRateControlAbility,
+ dot3StatsRateControlStatus
+ }
+ STATUS current
+ DESCRIPTION "A collection of objects providing information
+ about the Rate Control function on ethernet-like
+ interfaces."
+ ::= { etherGroups 15 }