path: root/data/mibs/IF-MIB.txt
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1 files changed, 1814 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/mibs/IF-MIB.txt b/data/mibs/IF-MIB.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7704f0c25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/mibs/IF-MIB.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1814 @@
+ MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Gauge32, Counter64,
+ Integer32, TimeTicks, mib-2,
+ PhysAddress, TruthValue, RowStatus,
+ TimeStamp, AutonomousType, TestAndIncr FROM SNMPv2-TC
+ snmpTraps FROM SNMPv2-MIB
+ LAST-UPDATED "200006140000Z"
+ ORGANIZATION "IETF Interfaces MIB Working Group"
+ " Keith McCloghrie
+ Cisco Systems, Inc.
+ 170 West Tasman Drive
+ San Jose, CA 95134-1706
+ US
+ 408-526-5260
+ "The MIB module to describe generic objects for network
+ interface sub-layers. This MIB is an updated version of
+ MIB-II's ifTable, and incorporates the extensions defined in
+ RFC 1229."
+ REVISION "200006140000Z"
+ "Clarifications agreed upon by the Interfaces MIB WG, and
+ published as RFC 2863."
+ REVISION "199602282155Z"
+ "Revisions made by the Interfaces MIB WG, and published in
+ RFC 2233."
+ REVISION "199311082155Z"
+ "Initial revision, published as part of RFC 1573."
+ ::= { mib-2 31 }
+ifMIBObjects OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifMIB 1 }
+interfaces OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { mib-2 2 }
+-- Textual Conventions
+-- OwnerString has the same semantics as used in RFC 1271
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "This data type is used to model an administratively
+ assigned name of the owner of a resource. This information
+ is taken from the NVT ASCII character set. It is suggested
+ that this name contain one or more of the following: ASCII
+ form of the manager station's transport address, management
+ station name (e.g., domain name), network management
+ personnel's name, location, or phone number. In some cases
+ the agent itself will be the owner of an entry. In these
+ cases, this string shall be set to a string starting with
+ 'agent'."
+-- InterfaceIndex contains the semantics of ifIndex and should be used
+-- for any objects defined in other MIB modules that need these semantics.
+InterfaceIndex ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ STATUS current
+ "A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface or
+ interface sub-layer in the managed system. It is
+ recommended that values are assigned contiguously starting
+ from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer must remain
+ constant at least from one re-initialization of the entity's
+ network management system to the next re-initialization."
+ SYNTAX Integer32 (1..2147483647)
+InterfaceIndexOrZero ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
+ STATUS current
+ "This textual convention is an extension of the
+ InterfaceIndex convention. The latter defines a greater
+ than zero value used to identify an interface or interface
+ sub-layer in the managed system. This extension permits the
+ additional value of zero. the value zero is object-specific
+ and must therefore be defined as part of the description of
+ any object which uses this syntax. Examples of the usage of
+ zero might include situations where interface was unknown,
+ or when none or all interfaces need to be referenced."
+ SYNTAX Integer32 (0..2147483647)
+ SYNTAX Integer32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of network interfaces (regardless of their
+ current state) present on this system."
+ ::= { interfaces 1 }
+ifTableLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeTicks
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last creation or
+ deletion of an entry in the ifTable. If the number of
+ entries has been unchanged since the last re-initialization
+ of the local network management subsystem, then this object
+ contains a zero value."
+ ::= { ifMIBObjects 5 }
+-- the Interfaces table
+-- The Interfaces table contains information on the entity's
+-- interfaces. Each sub-layer below the internetwork-layer
+-- of a network interface is considered to be an interface.
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "A list of interface entries. The number of entries is
+ given by the value of ifNumber."
+ ::= { interfaces 2 }
+ SYNTAX IfEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "An entry containing management information applicable to a
+ particular interface."
+ INDEX { ifIndex }
+ ::= { ifTable 1 }
+IfEntry ::=
+ ifIndex InterfaceIndex,
+ ifDescr DisplayString,
+ ifType IANAifType,
+ ifMtu Integer32,
+ ifSpeed Gauge32,
+ ifPhysAddress PhysAddress,
+ ifAdminStatus INTEGER,
+ ifOperStatus INTEGER,
+ ifLastChange TimeTicks,
+ ifInOctets Counter32,
+ ifInUcastPkts Counter32,
+ ifInNUcastPkts Counter32, -- deprecated
+ ifInDiscards Counter32,
+ ifInErrors Counter32,
+ ifInUnknownProtos Counter32,
+ ifOutOctets Counter32,
+ ifOutUcastPkts Counter32,
+ ifOutNUcastPkts Counter32, -- deprecated
+ ifOutDiscards Counter32,
+ ifOutErrors Counter32,
+ ifOutQLen Gauge32, -- deprecated
+ ifSpecific OBJECT IDENTIFIER -- deprecated
+ }
+ SYNTAX InterfaceIndex
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "A unique value, greater than zero, for each interface. It
+ is recommended that values are assigned contiguously
+ starting from 1. The value for each interface sub-layer
+ must remain constant at least from one re-initialization of
+ the entity's network management system to the next re-
+ initialization."
+ ::= { ifEntry 1 }
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE (0..255))
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "A textual string containing information about the
+ interface. This string should include the name of the
+ manufacturer, the product name and the version of the
+ interface hardware/software."
+ ::= { ifEntry 2 }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The type of interface. Additional values for ifType are
+ assigned by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA),
+ through updating the syntax of the IANAifType textual
+ convention."
+ ::= { ifEntry 3 }
+ SYNTAX Integer32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The size of the largest packet which can be sent/received
+ on the interface, specified in octets. For interfaces that
+ are used for transmitting network datagrams, this is the
+ size of the largest network datagram that can be sent on the
+ interface."
+ ::= { ifEntry 4 }
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in bits
+ per second. For interfaces which do not vary in bandwidth
+ or for those where no accurate estimation can be made, this
+ object should contain the nominal bandwidth. If the
+ bandwidth of the interface is greater than the maximum value
+ reportable by this object then this object should report its
+ maximum value (4,294,967,295) and ifHighSpeed must be used
+ to report the interace's speed. For a sub-layer which has
+ no concept of bandwidth, this object should be zero."
+ ::= { ifEntry 5 }
+ifPhysAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PhysAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The interface's address at its protocol sub-layer. For
+ example, for an 802.x interface, this object normally
+ contains a MAC address. The interface's media-specific MIB
+ must define the bit and byte ordering and the format of the
+ value of this object. For interfaces which do not have such
+ an address (e.g., a serial line), this object should contain
+ an octet string of zero length."
+ ::= { ifEntry 6 }
+ifAdminStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ up(1), -- ready to pass packets
+ down(2),
+ testing(3) -- in some test mode
+ }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "The desired state of the interface. The testing(3) state
+ indicates that no operational packets can be passed. When a
+ managed system initializes, all interfaces start with
+ ifAdminStatus in the down(2) state. As a result of either
+ explicit management action or per configuration information
+ retained by the managed system, ifAdminStatus is then
+ changed to either the up(1) or testing(3) states (or remains
+ in the down(2) state)."
+ ::= { ifEntry 7 }
+ifOperStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ up(1), -- ready to pass packets
+ down(2),
+ testing(3), -- in some test mode
+ unknown(4), -- status can not be determined
+ -- for some reason.
+ dormant(5),
+ notPresent(6), -- some component is missing
+ lowerLayerDown(7) -- down due to state of
+ -- lower-layer interface(s)
+ }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The current operational state of the interface. The
+ testing(3) state indicates that no operational packets can
+ be passed. If ifAdminStatus is down(2) then ifOperStatus
+ should be down(2). If ifAdminStatus is changed to up(1)
+ then ifOperStatus should change to up(1) if the interface is
+ ready to transmit and receive network traffic; it should
+ change to dormant(5) if the interface is waiting for
+ external actions (such as a serial line waiting for an
+ incoming connection); it should remain in the down(2) state
+ if and only if there is a fault that prevents it from going
+ to the up(1) state; it should remain in the notPresent(6)
+ state if the interface has missing (typically, hardware)
+ components."
+ ::= { ifEntry 8 }
+ifLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeTicks
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value of sysUpTime at the time the interface entered
+ its current operational state. If the current state was
+ entered prior to the last re-initialization of the local
+ network management subsystem, then this object contains a
+ zero value."
+ ::= { ifEntry 9 }
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of octets received on the interface,
+ including framing characters.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifEntry 10 }
+ifInUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+ higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast
+ or broadcast address at this sub-layer.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifEntry 11 }
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+ higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast or
+ broadcast address at this sub-layer.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
+ This object is deprecated in favour of ifInMulticastPkts and
+ ifInBroadcastPkts."
+ ::= { ifEntry 12 }
+ifInDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of inbound packets which were chosen to be
+ discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent
+ their being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. One
+ possible reason for discarding such a packet could be to
+ free up buffer space.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifEntry 13 }
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of inbound
+ packets that contained errors preventing them from being
+ deliverable to a higher-layer protocol. For character-
+ oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the number of inbound
+ transmission units that contained errors preventing them
+ from being deliverable to a higher-layer protocol.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifEntry 14 }
+ifInUnknownProtos OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of packets
+ received via the interface which were discarded because of
+ an unknown or unsupported protocol. For character-oriented
+ or fixed-length interfaces that support protocol
+ multiplexing the number of transmission units received via
+ the interface which were discarded because of an unknown or
+ unsupported protocol. For any interface that does not
+ support protocol multiplexing, this counter will always be
+ 0.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifEntry 15 }
+ifOutOctets OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of octets transmitted out of the
+ interface, including framing characters.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifEntry 16 }
+ifOutUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+ requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a
+ multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including
+ those that were discarded or not sent.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifEntry 17 }
+ifOutNUcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+ requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+ multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including
+ those that were discarded or not sent.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime.
+ This object is deprecated in favour of ifOutMulticastPkts
+ and ifOutBroadcastPkts."
+ ::= { ifEntry 18 }
+ifOutDiscards OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of outbound packets which were chosen to be
+ discarded even though no errors had been detected to prevent
+ their being transmitted. One possible reason for discarding
+ such a packet could be to free up buffer space.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifEntry 19 }
+ifOutErrors OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "For packet-oriented interfaces, the number of outbound
+ packets that could not be transmitted because of errors.
+ For character-oriented or fixed-length interfaces, the
+ number of outbound transmission units that could not be
+ transmitted because of errors.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifEntry 20 }
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "The length of the output packet queue (in packets)."
+ ::= { ifEntry 21 }
+ifSpecific OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "A reference to MIB definitions specific to the particular
+ media being used to realize the interface. It is
+ recommended that this value point to an instance of a MIB
+ object in the media-specific MIB, i.e., that this object
+ have the semantics associated with the InstancePointer
+ textual convention defined in RFC 2579. In fact, it is
+ recommended that the media-specific MIB specify what value
+ ifSpecific should/can take for values of ifType. If no MIB
+ definitions specific to the particular media are available,
+ the value should be set to the OBJECT IDENTIFIER { 0 0 }."
+ ::= { ifEntry 22 }
+-- Extension to the interface table
+-- This table replaces the ifExtnsTable table.
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "A list of interface entries. The number of entries is
+ given by the value of ifNumber. This table contains
+ additional objects for the interface table."
+ ::= { ifMIBObjects 1 }
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "An entry containing additional management information
+ applicable to a particular interface."
+ AUGMENTS { ifEntry }
+ ::= { ifXTable 1 }
+IfXEntry ::=
+ ifName DisplayString,
+ ifInMulticastPkts Counter32,
+ ifInBroadcastPkts Counter32,
+ ifOutMulticastPkts Counter32,
+ ifOutBroadcastPkts Counter32,
+ ifHCInOctets Counter64,
+ ifHCInUcastPkts Counter64,
+ ifHCInMulticastPkts Counter64,
+ ifHCInBroadcastPkts Counter64,
+ ifHCOutOctets Counter64,
+ ifHCOutUcastPkts Counter64,
+ ifHCOutMulticastPkts Counter64,
+ ifHCOutBroadcastPkts Counter64,
+ ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable INTEGER,
+ ifHighSpeed Gauge32,
+ ifPromiscuousMode TruthValue,
+ ifConnectorPresent TruthValue,
+ ifAlias DisplayString,
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime TimeStamp
+ }
+ SYNTAX DisplayString
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The textual name of the interface. The value of this
+ object should be the name of the interface as assigned by
+ the local device and should be suitable for use in commands
+ entered at the device's `console'. This might be a text
+ name, such as `le0' or a simple port number, such as `1',
+ depending on the interface naming syntax of the device. If
+ several entries in the ifTable together represent a single
+ interface as named by the device, then each will have the
+ same value of ifName. Note that for an agent which responds
+ to SNMP queries concerning an interface on some other
+ (proxied) device, then the value of ifName for such an
+ interface is the proxied device's local name for it.
+ If there is no local name, or this object is otherwise not
+ applicable, then this object contains a zero-length string."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 1 }
+ifInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+ higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast
+ address at this sub-layer. For a MAC layer protocol, this
+ includes both Group and Functional addresses.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 2 }
+ifInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+ higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast
+ address at this sub-layer.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 3 }
+ifOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+ requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+ multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+ were discarded or not sent. For a MAC layer protocol, this
+ includes both Group and Functional addresses.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 4 }
+ifOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+ requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+ broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+ were discarded or not sent.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 5 }
+-- High Capacity Counter objects. These objects are all
+-- 64 bit versions of the "basic" ifTable counters. These
+-- objects all have the same basic semantics as their 32-bit
+-- counterparts, however, their syntax has been extended
+-- to 64 bits.
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of octets received on the interface,
+ including framing characters. This object is a 64-bit
+ version of ifInOctets.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 6 }
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+ higher (sub-)layer, which were not addressed to a multicast
+ or broadcast address at this sub-layer. This object is a
+ 64-bit version of ifInUcastPkts.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 7 }
+ifHCInMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+ higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a multicast
+ address at this sub-layer. For a MAC layer protocol, this
+ includes both Group and Functional addresses. This object
+ is a 64-bit version of ifInMulticastPkts.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 8 }
+ifHCInBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of packets, delivered by this sub-layer to a
+ higher (sub-)layer, which were addressed to a broadcast
+ address at this sub-layer. This object is a 64-bit version
+ of ifInBroadcastPkts.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 9 }
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of octets transmitted out of the
+ interface, including framing characters. This object is a
+ 64-bit version of ifOutOctets.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 10 }
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+ requested be transmitted, and which were not addressed to a
+ multicast or broadcast address at this sub-layer, including
+ those that were discarded or not sent. This object is a
+ 64-bit version of ifOutUcastPkts.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 11 }
+ifHCOutMulticastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+ requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+ multicast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+ were discarded or not sent. For a MAC layer protocol, this
+ includes both Group and Functional addresses. This object
+ is a 64-bit version of ifOutMulticastPkts.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 12 }
+ifHCOutBroadcastPkts OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter64
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of packets that higher-level protocols
+ requested be transmitted, and which were addressed to a
+ broadcast address at this sub-layer, including those that
+ were discarded or not sent. This object is a 64-bit version
+ of ifOutBroadcastPkts.
+ Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur at
+ re-initialization of the management system, and at other
+ times as indicated by the value of
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityTime."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 13 }
+ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { enabled(1), disabled(2) }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "Indicates whether linkUp/linkDown traps should be generated
+ for this interface.
+ By default, this object should have the value enabled(1) for
+ interfaces which do not operate on 'top' of any other
+ interface (as defined in the ifStackTable), and disabled(2)
+ otherwise."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 14 }
+ifHighSpeed OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "An estimate of the interface's current bandwidth in units
+ of 1,000,000 bits per second. If this object reports a
+ value of `n' then the speed of the interface is somewhere in
+ the range of `n-500,000' to `n+499,999'. For interfaces
+ which do not vary in bandwidth or for those where no
+ accurate estimation can be made, this object should contain
+ the nominal bandwidth. For a sub-layer which has no concept
+ of bandwidth, this object should be zero."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 15 }
+ifPromiscuousMode OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "This object has a value of false(2) if this interface only
+ accepts packets/frames that are addressed to this station.
+ This object has a value of true(1) when the station accepts
+ all packets/frames transmitted on the media. The value
+ true(1) is only legal on certain types of media. If legal,
+ setting this object to a value of true(1) may require the
+ interface to be reset before becoming effective.
+ The value of ifPromiscuousMode does not affect the reception
+ of broadcast and multicast packets/frames by the interface."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 16 }
+ifConnectorPresent OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TruthValue
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "This object has the value 'true(1)' if the interface
+ sublayer has a physical connector and the value 'false(2)'
+ otherwise."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 17 }
+ SYNTAX DisplayString (SIZE(0..64))
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS current
+ "This object is an 'alias' name for the interface as
+ specified by a network manager, and provides a non-volatile
+ 'handle' for the interface.
+ On the first instantiation of an interface, the value of
+ ifAlias associated with that interface is the zero-length
+ string. As and when a value is written into an instance of
+ ifAlias through a network management set operation, then the
+ agent must retain the supplied value in the ifAlias instance
+ associated with the same interface for as long as that
+ interface remains instantiated, including across all re-
+ initializations/reboots of the network management system,
+ including those which result in a change of the interface's
+ ifIndex value.
+ An example of the value which a network manager might store
+ in this object for a WAN interface is the (Telco's) circuit
+ number/identifier of the interface.
+ Some agents may support write-access only for interfaces
+ having particular values of ifType. An agent which supports
+ write access to this object is required to keep the value in
+ non-volatile storage, but it may limit the length of new
+ values depending on how much storage is already occupied by
+ the current values for other interfaces."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 18 }
+ifCounterDiscontinuityTime OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeStamp
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value of sysUpTime on the most recent occasion at which
+ any one or more of this interface's counters suffered a
+ discontinuity. The relevant counters are the specific
+ instances associated with this interface of any Counter32 or
+ Counter64 object contained in the ifTable or ifXTable. If
+ no such discontinuities have occurred since the last re-
+ initialization of the local management subsystem, then this
+ object contains a zero value."
+ ::= { ifXEntry 19 }
+-- The Interface Stack Group
+-- Implementation of this group is optional, but strongly recommended
+-- for all systems
+ifStackTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The table containing information on the relationships
+ between the multiple sub-layers of network interfaces. In
+ particular, it contains information on which sub-layers run
+ 'on top of' which other sub-layers, where each sub-layer
+ corresponds to a conceptual row in the ifTable. For
+ example, when the sub-layer with ifIndex value x runs over
+ the sub-layer with ifIndex value y, then this table
+ contains:
+ ifStackStatus.x.y=active
+ For each ifIndex value, I, which identifies an active
+ interface, there are always at least two instantiated rows
+ in this table associated with I. For one of these rows, I
+ is the value of ifStackHigherLayer; for the other, I is the
+ value of ifStackLowerLayer. (If I is not involved in
+ multiplexing, then these are the only two rows associated
+ with I.)
+ For example, two rows exist even for an interface which has
+ no others stacked on top or below it:
+ ifStackStatus.0.x=active
+ ifStackStatus.x.0=active "
+ ::= { ifMIBObjects 2 }
+ifStackEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IfStackEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "Information on a particular relationship between two sub-
+ layers, specifying that one sub-layer runs on 'top' of the
+ other sub-layer. Each sub-layer corresponds to a conceptual
+ row in the ifTable."
+ INDEX { ifStackHigherLayer, ifStackLowerLayer }
+ ::= { ifStackTable 1 }
+IfStackEntry ::=
+ ifStackHigherLayer InterfaceIndexOrZero,
+ ifStackLowerLayer InterfaceIndexOrZero,
+ ifStackStatus RowStatus
+ }
+ifStackHigherLayer OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The value of ifIndex corresponding to the higher sub-layer
+ of the relationship, i.e., the sub-layer which runs on 'top'
+ of the sub-layer identified by the corresponding instance of
+ ifStackLowerLayer. If there is no higher sub-layer (below
+ the internetwork layer), then this object has the value 0."
+ ::= { ifStackEntry 1 }
+ifStackLowerLayer OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX InterfaceIndexOrZero
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The value of ifIndex corresponding to the lower sub-layer
+ of the relationship, i.e., the sub-layer which runs 'below'
+ the sub-layer identified by the corresponding instance of
+ ifStackHigherLayer. If there is no lower sub-layer, then
+ this object has the value 0."
+ ::= { ifStackEntry 2 }
+ifStackStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowStatus
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "The status of the relationship between two sub-layers.
+ Changing the value of this object from 'active' to
+ 'notInService' or 'destroy' will likely have consequences up
+ and down the interface stack. Thus, write access to this
+ object is likely to be inappropriate for some types of
+ interfaces, and many implementations will choose not to
+ support write-access for any type of interface."
+ ::= { ifStackEntry 3 }
+ifStackLastChange OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeTicks
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The value of sysUpTime at the time of the last change of
+ the (whole) interface stack. A change of the interface
+ stack is defined to be any creation, deletion, or change in
+ value of any instance of ifStackStatus. If the interface
+ stack has been unchanged since the last re-initialization of
+ the local network management subsystem, then this object
+ contains a zero value."
+ ::= { ifMIBObjects 6 }
+-- Generic Receive Address Table
+-- This group of objects is mandatory for all types of
+-- interfaces which can receive packets/frames addressed to
+-- more than one address.
+-- This table replaces the ifExtnsRcvAddr table. The main
+-- difference is that this table makes use of the RowStatus
+-- textual convention, while ifExtnsRcvAddr did not.
+ifRcvAddressTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "This table contains an entry for each address (broadcast,
+ multicast, or uni-cast) for which the system will receive
+ packets/frames on a particular interface, except as follows:
+ - for an interface operating in promiscuous mode, entries
+ are only required for those addresses for which the system
+ would receive frames were it not operating in promiscuous
+ mode.
+ - for 802.5 functional addresses, only one entry is
+ required, for the address which has the functional address
+ bit ANDed with the bit mask of all functional addresses for
+ which the interface will accept frames.
+ A system is normally able to use any unicast address which
+ corresponds to an entry in this table as a source address."
+ ::= { ifMIBObjects 4 }
+ifRcvAddressEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IfRcvAddressEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "A list of objects identifying an address for which the
+ system will accept packets/frames on the particular
+ interface identified by the index value ifIndex."
+ INDEX { ifIndex, ifRcvAddressAddress }
+ ::= { ifRcvAddressTable 1 }
+IfRcvAddressEntry ::=
+ ifRcvAddressAddress PhysAddress,
+ ifRcvAddressStatus RowStatus,
+ ifRcvAddressType INTEGER
+ }
+ifRcvAddressAddress OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX PhysAddress
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "An address for which the system will accept packets/frames
+ on this entry's interface."
+ ::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 1 }
+ifRcvAddressStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX RowStatus
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "This object is used to create and delete rows in the
+ ifRcvAddressTable."
+ ::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 2 }
+ifRcvAddressType OBJECT-TYPE
+ other(1),
+ volatile(2),
+ nonVolatile(3)
+ }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-create
+ STATUS current
+ "This object has the value nonVolatile(3) for those entries
+ in the table which are valid and will not be deleted by the
+ next restart of the managed system. Entries having the
+ value volatile(2) are valid and exist, but have not been
+ saved, so that will not exist after the next restart of the
+ managed system. Entries having the value other(1) are valid
+ and exist but are not classified as to whether they will
+ continue to exist after the next restart."
+ DEFVAL { volatile }
+ ::= { ifRcvAddressEntry 3 }
+-- definition of interface-related traps.
+ OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus }
+ STATUS current
+ "A linkDown trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in
+ an agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for
+ one of its communication links is about to enter the down
+ state from some other state (but not from the notPresent
+ state). This other state is indicated by the included value
+ of ifOperStatus."
+ ::= { snmpTraps 3 }
+ OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus }
+ STATUS current
+ "A linkUp trap signifies that the SNMP entity, acting in an
+ agent role, has detected that the ifOperStatus object for
+ one of its communication links left the down state and
+ transitioned into some other state (but not into the
+ notPresent state). This other state is indicated by the
+ included value of ifOperStatus."
+ ::= { snmpTraps 4 }
+-- conformance information
+ifConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifMIB 2 }
+ifGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifConformance 1 }
+ifCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { ifConformance 2 }
+-- compliance statements
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for SNMP entities which have
+ network interfaces."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralInformationGroup,
+ linkUpDownNotificationsGroup }
+-- The groups:
+-- ifFixedLengthGroup
+-- ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+-- ifPacketGroup
+-- ifHCPacketGroup
+-- ifVHCPacketGroup
+-- are mutually exclusive; at most one of these groups is implemented
+-- for a particular interface. When any of these groups is implemented
+-- for a particular interface, then ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup must
+-- also be implemented for that interface.
+ GROUP ifFixedLengthGroup
+ "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which
+ are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+ transmission units, and for which the value of the
+ corresponding instance of ifSpeed is less than or equal to
+ 20,000,000 bits/second."
+ GROUP ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+ "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which
+ are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+ transmission units, and for which the value of the
+ corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+ bits/second."
+ GROUP ifPacketGroup
+ "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces which
+ are packet-oriented, and for which the value of the
+ corresponding instance of ifSpeed is less than or equal to
+ 20,000,000 bits/second."
+ GROUP ifHCPacketGroup
+ "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+ which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+ corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+ bits/second but less than or equal to 650,000,000
+ bits/second."
+ GROUP ifVHCPacketGroup
+ "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+ which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+ corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than
+ 650,000,000 bits/second."
+ GROUP ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup
+ "This group is mandatory for those network interfaces that
+ are required to maintain counters (i.e., those for which one
+ of the ifFixedLengthGroup, ifHCFixedLengthGroup,
+ ifPacketGroup, ifHCPacketGroup, or ifVHCPacketGroup is
+ mandatory)."
+ GROUP ifRcvAddressGroup
+ "The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the
+ media-specific MIBs. Media-specific MIBs must define the
+ exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this
+ group."
+ OBJECT ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required."
+ OBJECT ifPromiscuousMode
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required."
+ OBJECT ifAdminStatus
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required, nor is support for the value
+ testing(3)."
+ OBJECT ifAlias
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required."
+ ::= { ifCompliances 3 }
+-- units of conformance
+ifGeneralInformationGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { ifIndex, ifDescr, ifType, ifSpeed, ifPhysAddress,
+ ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifLastChange,
+ ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable, ifConnectorPresent,
+ ifHighSpeed, ifName, ifNumber, ifAlias,
+ ifTableLastChange }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing information applicable to
+ all network interfaces."
+ ::= { ifGroups 10 }
+-- the following five groups are mutually exclusive; at most
+-- one of these groups is implemented for any interface
+ifFixedLengthGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+ ifInErrors, ifOutErrors }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+ non-high speed (non-high speed interfaces transmit and
+ receive at speeds less than or equal to 20,000,000
+ bits/second) character-oriented or fixed-length-transmission
+ network interfaces."
+ ::= { ifGroups 2 }
+ifHCFixedLengthGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets,
+ ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+ ifInErrors, ifOutErrors }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+ high speed (greater than 20,000,000 bits/second) character-
+ oriented or fixed-length-transmission network interfaces."
+ ::= { ifGroups 3 }
+ifPacketGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+ ifInErrors, ifOutErrors,
+ ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts,
+ ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards,
+ ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts,
+ ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards,
+ ifPromiscuousMode }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+ non-high speed (non-high speed interfaces transmit and
+ receive at speeds less than or equal to 20,000,000
+ bits/second) packet-oriented network interfaces."
+ ::= { ifGroups 4 }
+ OBJECTS { ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets,
+ ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+ ifInErrors, ifOutErrors,
+ ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts,
+ ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards,
+ ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts,
+ ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards,
+ ifPromiscuousMode }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+ high speed (greater than 20,000,000 bits/second but less
+ than or equal to 650,000,000 bits/second) packet-oriented
+ network interfaces."
+ ::= { ifGroups 5 }
+ OBJECTS { ifHCInUcastPkts, ifHCInMulticastPkts,
+ ifHCInBroadcastPkts, ifHCOutUcastPkts,
+ ifHCOutMulticastPkts, ifHCOutBroadcastPkts,
+ ifHCInOctets, ifHCOutOctets,
+ ifInOctets, ifOutOctets, ifInUnknownProtos,
+ ifInErrors, ifOutErrors,
+ ifMtu, ifInUcastPkts, ifInMulticastPkts,
+ ifInBroadcastPkts, ifInDiscards,
+ ifOutUcastPkts, ifOutMulticastPkts,
+ ifOutBroadcastPkts, ifOutDiscards,
+ ifPromiscuousMode }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+ higher speed (greater than 650,000,000 bits/second) packet-
+ oriented network interfaces."
+ ::= { ifGroups 6 }
+ifRcvAddressGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { ifRcvAddressStatus, ifRcvAddressType }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing information on the
+ multiple addresses which an interface receives."
+ ::= { ifGroups 7 }
+ifStackGroup2 OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { ifStackStatus, ifStackLastChange }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing information on the
+ layering of MIB-II interfaces."
+ ::= { ifGroups 11 }
+ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { ifCounterDiscontinuityTime }
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing information specific to
+ interface counter discontinuities."
+ ::= { ifGroups 13 }
+linkUpDownNotificationsGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
+ NOTIFICATIONS { linkUp, linkDown }
+ STATUS current
+ "The notifications which indicate specific changes in the
+ value of ifOperStatus."
+ ::= { ifGroups 14 }
+-- Deprecated Definitions - Objects
+-- The Interface Test Table
+-- This group of objects is optional. However, a media-specific
+-- MIB may make implementation of this group mandatory.
+-- This table replaces the ifExtnsTestTable
+ifTestTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "This table contains one entry per interface. It defines
+ objects which allow a network manager to instruct an agent
+ to test an interface for various faults. Tests for an
+ interface are defined in the media-specific MIB for that
+ interface. After invoking a test, the object ifTestResult
+ can be read to determine the outcome. If an agent can not
+ perform the test, ifTestResult is set to so indicate. The
+ object ifTestCode can be used to provide further test-
+ specific or interface-specific (or even enterprise-specific)
+ information concerning the outcome of the test. Only one
+ test can be in progress on each interface at any one time.
+ If one test is in progress when another test is invoked, the
+ second test is rejected. Some agents may reject a test when
+ a prior test is active on another interface.
+ Before starting a test, a manager-station must first obtain
+ 'ownership' of the entry in the ifTestTable for the
+ interface to be tested. This is accomplished with the
+ ifTestId and ifTestStatus objects as follows:
+ try_again:
+ get (ifTestId, ifTestStatus)
+ while (ifTestStatus != notInUse)
+ /*
+ * Loop while a test is running or some other
+ * manager is configuring a test.
+ */
+ short delay
+ get (ifTestId, ifTestStatus)
+ }
+ /*
+ * Is not being used right now -- let's compete
+ * to see who gets it.
+ */
+ lock_value = ifTestId
+ if ( set(ifTestId = lock_value, ifTestStatus = inUse,
+ ifTestOwner = 'my-IP-address') == FAILURE)
+ /*
+ * Another manager got the ifTestEntry -- go
+ * try again
+ */
+ goto try_again;
+ /*
+ * I have the lock
+ */
+ set up any test parameters.
+ /*
+ * This starts the test
+ */
+ set(ifTestType = test_to_run);
+ wait for test completion by polling ifTestResult
+ when test completes, agent sets ifTestResult
+ agent also sets ifTestStatus = 'notInUse'
+ retrieve any additional test results, and ifTestId
+ if (ifTestId == lock_value+1) results are valid
+ A manager station first retrieves the value of the
+ appropriate ifTestId and ifTestStatus objects, periodically
+ repeating the retrieval if necessary, until the value of
+ ifTestStatus is 'notInUse'. The manager station then tries
+ to set the same ifTestId object to the value it just
+ retrieved, the same ifTestStatus object to 'inUse', and the
+ corresponding ifTestOwner object to a value indicating
+ itself. If the set operation succeeds then the manager has
+ obtained ownership of the ifTestEntry, and the value of the
+ ifTestId object is incremented by the agent (per the
+ semantics of TestAndIncr). Failure of the set operation
+ indicates that some other manager has obtained ownership of
+ the ifTestEntry.
+ Once ownership is obtained, any test parameters can be
+ setup, and then the test is initiated by setting ifTestType.
+ On completion of the test, the agent sets ifTestStatus to
+ 'notInUse'. Once this occurs, the manager can retrieve the
+ results. In the (rare) event that the invocation of tests
+ by two network managers were to overlap, then there would be
+ a possibility that the first test's results might be
+ overwritten by the second test's results prior to the first
+ results being read. This unlikely circumstance can be
+ detected by a network manager retrieving ifTestId at the
+ same time as retrieving the test results, and ensuring that
+ the results are for the desired request.
+ If ifTestType is not set within an abnormally long period of
+ time after ownership is obtained, the agent should time-out
+ the manager, and reset the value of the ifTestStatus object
+ back to 'notInUse'. It is suggested that this time-out
+ period be 5 minutes.
+ In general, a management station must not retransmit a
+ request to invoke a test for which it does not receive a
+ response; instead, it properly inspects an agent's MIB to
+ determine if the invocation was successful. Only if the
+ invocation was unsuccessful, is the invocation request
+ retransmitted.
+ Some tests may require the interface to be taken off-line in
+ order to execute them, or may even require the agent to
+ reboot after completion of the test. In these
+ circumstances, communication with the management station
+ invoking the test may be lost until after completion of the
+ test. An agent is not required to support such tests.
+ However, if such tests are supported, then the agent should
+ make every effort to transmit a response to the request
+ which invoked the test prior to losing communication. When
+ the agent is restored to normal service, the results of the
+ test are properly made available in the appropriate objects.
+ Note that this requires that the ifIndex value assigned to
+ an interface must be unchanged even if the test causes a
+ reboot. An agent must reject any test for which it cannot,
+ perhaps due to resource constraints, make available at least
+ the minimum amount of information after that test
+ completes."
+ ::= { ifMIBObjects 3 }
+ifTestEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX IfTestEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "An entry containing objects for invoking tests on an
+ interface."
+ AUGMENTS { ifEntry }
+ ::= { ifTestTable 1 }
+IfTestEntry ::=
+ ifTestId TestAndIncr,
+ ifTestStatus INTEGER,
+ ifTestType AutonomousType,
+ ifTestResult INTEGER,
+ ifTestOwner OwnerString
+ }
+ SYNTAX TestAndIncr
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "This object identifies the current invocation of the
+ interface's test."
+ ::= { ifTestEntry 1 }
+ifTestStatus OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { notInUse(1), inUse(2) }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "This object indicates whether or not some manager currently
+ has the necessary 'ownership' required to invoke a test on
+ this interface. A write to this object is only successful
+ when it changes its value from 'notInUse(1)' to 'inUse(2)'.
+ After completion of a test, the agent resets the value back
+ to 'notInUse(1)'."
+ ::= { ifTestEntry 2 }
+ SYNTAX AutonomousType
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "A control variable used to start and stop operator-
+ initiated interface tests. Most OBJECT IDENTIFIER values
+ assigned to tests are defined elsewhere, in association with
+ specific types of interface. However, this document assigns
+ a value for a full-duplex loopback test, and defines the
+ special meanings of the subject identifier:
+ noTest OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }
+ When the value noTest is written to this object, no action
+ is taken unless a test is in progress, in which case the
+ test is aborted. Writing any other value to this object is
+ only valid when no test is currently in progress, in which
+ case the indicated test is initiated.
+ When read, this object always returns the most recent value
+ that ifTestType was set to. If it has not been set since
+ the last initialization of the network management subsystem
+ on the agent, a value of noTest is returned."
+ ::= { ifTestEntry 3 }
+ifTestResult OBJECT-TYPE
+ none(1), -- no test yet requested
+ success(2),
+ inProgress(3),
+ notSupported(4),
+ unAbleToRun(5), -- due to state of system
+ aborted(6),
+ failed(7)
+ }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "This object contains the result of the most recently
+ requested test, or the value none(1) if no tests have been
+ requested since the last reset. Note that this facility
+ provides no provision for saving the results of one test
+ when starting another, as could be required if used by
+ multiple managers concurrently."
+ ::= { ifTestEntry 4 }
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "This object contains a code which contains more specific
+ information on the test result, for example an error-code
+ after a failed test. Error codes and other values this
+ object may take are specific to the type of interface and/or
+ test. The value may have the semantics of either the
+ AutonomousType or InstancePointer textual conventions as
+ defined in RFC 2579. The identifier:
+ testCodeUnknown OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { 0 0 }
+ is defined for use if no additional result code is
+ available."
+ ::= { ifTestEntry 5 }
+ifTestOwner OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX OwnerString
+ MAX-ACCESS read-write
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "The entity which currently has the 'ownership' required to
+ invoke a test on this interface."
+ ::= { ifTestEntry 6 }
+-- Deprecated Definitions - Groups
+ifGeneralGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { ifDescr, ifType, ifSpeed, ifPhysAddress,
+ ifAdminStatus, ifOperStatus, ifLastChange,
+ ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable, ifConnectorPresent,
+ ifHighSpeed, ifName }
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "A collection of objects deprecated in favour of
+ ifGeneralInformationGroup."
+ ::= { ifGroups 1 }
+ OBJECTS { ifTestId, ifTestStatus, ifTestType,
+ ifTestResult, ifTestCode, ifTestOwner }
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "A collection of objects providing the ability to invoke
+ tests on an interface."
+ ::= { ifGroups 8 }
+ifStackGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { ifStackStatus }
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "The previous collection of objects providing information on
+ the layering of MIB-II interfaces."
+ ::= { ifGroups 9 }
+ifOldObjectsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ OBJECTS { ifInNUcastPkts, ifOutNUcastPkts,
+ ifOutQLen, ifSpecific }
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "The collection of objects deprecated from the original MIB-
+ II interfaces group."
+ ::= { ifGroups 12 }
+-- Deprecated Definitions - Compliance
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "A compliance statement defined in a previous version of
+ this MIB module, for SNMP entities which have network
+ interfaces."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralGroup, ifStackGroup }
+ GROUP ifFixedLengthGroup
+ "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+ are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+ transmission units."
+ GROUP ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+ "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+ which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-
+ length transmission units, and for which the value of the
+ corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+ bits/second."
+ GROUP ifPacketGroup
+ "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+ are packet-oriented."
+ GROUP ifHCPacketGroup
+ "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+ which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+ corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than
+ 650,000,000 bits/second."
+ GROUP ifTestGroup
+ "This group is optional. Media-specific MIBs which require
+ interface tests are strongly encouraged to use this group
+ for invoking tests and reporting results. A medium specific
+ MIB which has mandatory tests may make implementation of
+ this group mandatory."
+ GROUP ifRcvAddressGroup
+ "The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the
+ media-specific MIBs. Media-specific MIBs must define the
+ exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this
+ group."
+ OBJECT ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required."
+ OBJECT ifPromiscuousMode
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required."
+ OBJECT ifStackStatus
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } -- subset of RowStatus
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required, and only one of the six
+ enumerated values for the RowStatus textual convention need
+ be supported, specifically: active(1)."
+ OBJECT ifAdminStatus
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required, nor is support for the value
+ testing(3)."
+ ::= { ifCompliances 1 }
+ STATUS deprecated
+ "A compliance statement defined in a previous version of
+ this MIB module, for SNMP entities which have network
+ interfaces."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS { ifGeneralInformationGroup, ifStackGroup2,
+ ifCounterDiscontinuityGroup }
+ GROUP ifFixedLengthGroup
+ "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+ are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-length
+ transmission units."
+ GROUP ifHCFixedLengthGroup
+ "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+ which are character-oriented or transmit data in fixed-
+ length transmission units, and for which the value of the
+ corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than 20,000,000
+ bits/second."
+ GROUP ifPacketGroup
+ "This group is mandatory for all network interfaces which
+ are packet-oriented."
+ GROUP ifHCPacketGroup
+ "This group is mandatory only for those network interfaces
+ which are packet-oriented and for which the value of the
+ corresponding instance of ifSpeed is greater than
+ 650,000,000 bits/second."
+ GROUP ifRcvAddressGroup
+ "The applicability of this group MUST be defined by the
+ media-specific MIBs. Media-specific MIBs must define the
+ exact meaning, use, and semantics of the addresses in this
+ group."
+ OBJECT ifLinkUpDownTrapEnable
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required."
+ OBJECT ifPromiscuousMode
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required."
+ OBJECT ifStackStatus
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { active(1) } -- subset of RowStatus
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required, and only one of the six
+ enumerated values for the RowStatus textual convention need
+ be supported, specifically: active(1)."
+ OBJECT ifAdminStatus
+ SYNTAX INTEGER { up(1), down(2) }
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required, nor is support for the value
+ testing(3)."
+ OBJECT ifAlias
+ MIN-ACCESS read-only
+ "Write access is not required."
+ ::= { ifCompliances 2 }