path: root/data/mibs/MTA-MIB.txt
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1 files changed, 1226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/mibs/MTA-MIB.txt b/data/mibs/MTA-MIB.txt
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index 000000000..29618adc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/mibs/MTA-MIB.txt
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+ OBJECT-TYPE, Counter32, Gauge32, MODULE-IDENTITY, mib-2
+ TimeInterval
+ SnmpAdminString
+ applIndex, URLString
+ LAST-UPDATED "200003030000Z"
+ ORGANIZATION "IETF Mail and Directory Management Working Group"
+ " Ned Freed
+ Postal: Innosoft International, Inc.
+ 1050 Lakes Drive
+ West Covina, CA 91790
+ US
+ Tel: +1 626 919 3600
+ Fax: +1 626 919 3614
+ E-Mail:"
+ "The MIB module describing Message Transfer Agents (MTAs)"
+ REVISION "200003030000Z"
+ "This revision, published in RFC 2789, changes a number of
+ DisplayStrings to SnmpAdminStrings. Note that this change
+ is not strictly supported by SMIv2. However, the alternative
+ of deprecating the old objects and defining new objects
+ would have a more adverse impact on backward compatibility
+ and interoperability, given the particular semantics of
+ these objects. The defining reference for distinguished
+ names has also been updated from RFC 1779 to RFC 2253."
+ REVISION "199905120000Z"
+ "This revision fixes a number of technical problems found in
+ previous versions: The conformance groups for different
+ versions of this MIB have been corrected, the recommendation
+ that an empty string be returned if the last operation was
+ successful has been removed from
+ mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason and
+ mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason as it conflicts
+ with the stated purpose of these variables, and the
+ required mtaStatusCode entry has been added to
+ MtaGroupErrorEntry. It should be noted that this last
+ change in no way affects the bits on the wire."
+ REVISION "199708170000Z"
+ "This revision, published in RFC 2249, adds the
+ mtaGroupDescription and mtaGroupURL fields, conversion
+ operation counters, a group hierarchy description mechanism,
+ counters for specific errors, oldest message IDs, per-MTA
+ and per-group loop counters, and a new table for tracking
+ any errors an MTA encounters."
+ REVISION "199311280000Z"
+ "The original version of this MIB was published in RFC 1566"
+ ::= {mib-2 28}
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The table holding information specific to an MTA."
+ ::= {mta 1}
+ SYNTAX MtaEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The entry associated with each MTA."
+ INDEX {applIndex}
+ ::= {mtaTable 1}
+MtaEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ mtaReceivedMessages
+ Counter32,
+ mtaStoredMessages
+ Gauge32,
+ mtaTransmittedMessages
+ Counter32,
+ mtaReceivedVolume
+ Counter32,
+ mtaStoredVolume
+ Gauge32,
+ mtaTransmittedVolume
+ Counter32,
+ mtaReceivedRecipients
+ Counter32,
+ mtaStoredRecipients
+ Gauge32,
+ mtaTransmittedRecipients
+ Counter32,
+ mtaSuccessfulConvertedMessages
+ Counter32,
+ mtaFailedConvertedMessages
+ Counter32,
+ mtaLoopsDetected
+ Counter32
+mtaReceivedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of messages received since MTA initialization.
+ This includes messages transmitted to this MTA from other
+ MTAs as well as messages that have been submitted to the
+ MTA directly by end-users or applications."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 1}
+mtaStoredMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of messages currently stored in the MTA.
+ This includes messages that are awaiting transmission to
+ some other MTA or are waiting for delivery to an end-user
+ or application."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 2}
+mtaTransmittedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of messages transmitted since MTA initialization.
+ This includes messages that were transmitted to some other
+ MTA or are waiting for delivery to an end-user or
+ application."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 3}
+mtaReceivedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ UNITS "K-octets"
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total volume of messages received since MTA
+ initialization, measured in kilo-octets. This volume should
+ include all transferred data that is logically above the mail
+ transport protocol level. For example, an SMTP-based MTA
+ should use the number of kilo-octets in the message header
+ and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use the number of
+ kilo-octets of P2 data. This includes messages transmitted
+ to this MTA from other MTAs as well as messages that have
+ been submitted to the MTA directly by end-users or
+ applications."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 4}
+mtaStoredVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ UNITS "K-octets"
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total volume of messages currently stored in the MTA,
+ measured in kilo-octets. This volume should include all
+ stored data that is logically above the mail transport
+ protocol level. For example, an SMTP-based MTA should
+ use the number of kilo-octets in the message header and
+ body, while an X.400-based MTA would use the number of
+ kilo-octets of P2 data. This includes messages that are
+ awaiting transmission to some other MTA or are waiting
+ for delivery to an end-user or application."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 5}
+mtaTransmittedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ UNITS "K-octets"
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total volume of messages transmitted since MTA
+ initialization, measured in kilo-octets. This volume should
+ include all transferred data that is logically above the mail
+ transport protocol level. For example, an SMTP-based MTA
+ should use the number of kilo-octets in the message header
+ and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use the number of
+ kilo-octets of P2 data. This includes messages that were
+ transmitted to some other MTA or are waiting for delivery
+ to an end-user or application."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 6}
+mtaReceivedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+ received since MTA initialization. Recipients this MTA
+ has no responsibility for, i.e. inactive envelope
+ recipients or ones referred to in message headers,
+ should not be counted even if information about such
+ recipients is available. This includes messages
+ transmitted to this MTA from other MTAs as well as
+ messages that have been submitted to the MTA directly
+ by end-users or applications."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 7}
+mtaStoredRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+ currently stored in the MTA. Recipients this MTA has no
+ responsibility for, i.e. inactive envelope recipients or
+ ones referred to in message headers, should not be
+ counted. This includes messages that are awaiting
+ transmission to some other MTA or are waiting for
+ delivery to an end-user or application."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 8}
+mtaTransmittedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+ transmitted since MTA initialization. Recipients this
+ MTA had no responsibility for, i.e. inactive envelope
+ recipients or ones referred to in message headers,
+ should not be counted. This includes messages that were
+ transmitted to some other MTA or are waiting for
+ delivery to an end-user or application."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 9}
+mtaSuccessfulConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of messages that have been successfully
+ converted from one form to another since MTA
+ initialization."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 10}
+mtaFailedConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of messages for which an unsuccessful
+ attempt was made to convert them from one form to
+ another since MTA initialization."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 11}
+mtaLoopsDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "A message loop is defined as a situation where the MTA
+ decides that a given message will never be delivered to
+ one or more recipients and instead will continue to
+ loop endlessly through one or more MTAs. This variable
+ counts the number of times the MTA has detected such a
+ situation since MTA initialization. Note that the
+ mechanism MTAs use to detect loops (e.g., trace field
+ counting, count of references to this MTA in a trace
+ field, examination of DNS or other directory information,
+ etc.), the level at which loops are detected (e.g., per
+ message, per recipient, per directory entry, etc.), and
+ the handling of a loop once it is detected (e.g., looping
+ messages are held, looping messages are bounced or sent
+ to the postmaster, messages that the MTA knows will loop
+ won't be accepted, etc.) vary widely from one MTA to the
+ next and cannot be inferred from this variable."
+ ::= {mtaEntry 12}
+-- MTAs typically group inbound reception, queue storage, and
+-- outbound transmission in some way, rather than accounting for
+-- such operations only across the MTA as a whole. In the most
+-- extreme case separate information will be maintained for each
+-- different entity that receives messages and for each entity
+-- the MTA stores messages for and delivers messages to. Other
+-- MTAs may elect to treat all reception equally, all queue
+-- storage equally, all deliveries equally, or some combination
+-- of this. Overlapped groupings are also possible, where an MTA
+-- decomposes its traffic in different ways for different
+-- purposes.
+-- In any case, a grouping abstraction is an extremely useful for
+-- breaking down the activities of an MTA. For purposes of
+-- labelling this will be called a "group" in this MIB.
+-- Each group contains all the variables needed to monitor all
+-- aspects of an MTA's operation. However, the fact that all
+-- groups contain all possible variables does not imply that all
+-- groups must use all possible variables. For example, a single
+-- group might be used to monitor only one kind of event (inbound
+-- processing, outbound processing, or storage). In this sort of
+-- configuration any counters that are unused as a result of a
+-- given MTA's use of the group construct must be inaccessible;
+-- e.g., returning either a noSuchName error (for an SNMPv1 get),
+-- or a noSuchInstance exception (for an SNMPv2 get).
+-- Groups can be created at any time after MTA initialization. Once
+-- a group is created it should not be deleted or its mtaGroupIndex
+-- changed unless the MTA is reinitialized.
+-- Groups are not necessarily mutually exclusive. A given event may
+-- be recorded by more than one group, a message may be seen as
+-- stored by more than one group, and so on. Groups should be all
+-- inclusive, however: if groups are implemented all aspects of an
+-- MTA's operation should be registered in at least one group.
+-- This freedom lets implementors use different sets of groups to
+-- provide different "views" of an MTA.
+-- The possibility of overlap between groups means that summing
+-- variables across groups may not produce values equal to those in
+-- the mtaTable. mtaTable should always provide accurate information
+-- about the MTA as a whole.
+-- The term "channel" is often used in MTA implementations; channels
+-- are usually, but not always, equivalent to a group. However,
+-- this MIB does not use the term "channel" because there is no
+-- requirement that an MTA supporting this MIB has to map its
+-- "channel" abstraction one-to-one onto the MIB's group abstraction.
+-- An MTA may create a group or group of groups at any time. Once
+-- created, however, an MTA cannot delete an entry for a group from
+-- the group table. Deletion is only allowed when the MTA is
+-- reinitialized, and is not required even then. This restriction
+-- is imposed so that monitoring agents can rely on group
+-- assignments being consistent across multiple query operations.
+-- Groups may be laid out so as to form a hierarchical arrangement,
+-- with some groups acting as subgroups for other groups.
+-- Alternately, disjoint groups of groups may be used to provide
+-- different sorts of "snapshots" of MTA operation. The
+-- mtaGroupHierarchy variable provides an indication of how each
+-- group fits into the overall arrangement being used.
+-- Note that SNMP also defines and uses term "group". MTA groups are
+-- NOT the same as SNMP groups.
+mtaGroupTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The table holding information specific to each MTA group."
+ ::= {mta 2}
+mtaGroupEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX MtaGroupEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The entry associated with each MTA group."
+ INDEX {applIndex, mtaGroupIndex}
+ ::= {mtaGroupTable 1}
+MtaGroupEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ mtaGroupIndex
+ mtaGroupReceivedMessages
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupRejectedMessages
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupStoredMessages
+ Gauge32,
+ mtaGroupTransmittedMessages
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupReceivedVolume
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupStoredVolume
+ Gauge32,
+ mtaGroupTransmittedVolume
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupReceivedRecipients
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupStoredRecipients
+ Gauge32,
+ mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupOldestMessageStored
+ TimeInterval,
+ mtaGroupInboundAssociations
+ Gauge32,
+ mtaGroupOutboundAssociations
+ Gauge32,
+ mtaGroupAccumulatedInboundAssociations
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupAccumulatedOutboundAssociations
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupLastInboundActivity
+ TimeInterval,
+ mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity
+ TimeInterval,
+ mtaGroupLastOutboundAssociationAttempt
+ TimeInterval,
+ mtaGroupRejectedInboundAssociations
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupFailedOutboundAssociations
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason
+ SnmpAdminString,
+ mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason
+ SnmpAdminString,
+ mtaGroupScheduledRetry
+ TimeInterval,
+ mtaGroupMailProtocol
+ mtaGroupName
+ SnmpAdminString,
+ mtaGroupSuccessfulConvertedMessages
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupFailedConvertedMessages
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupDescription
+ SnmpAdminString,
+ mtaGroupURL
+ URLString,
+ mtaGroupCreationTime
+ TimeInterval,
+ mtaGroupHierarchy
+ mtaGroupOldestMessageId
+ SnmpAdminString,
+ mtaGroupLoopsDetected
+ Counter32
+mtaGroupIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The index associated with a group for a given MTA."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 1}
+mtaGroupReceivedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of messages received to this group since
+ group creation."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 2}
+mtaGroupRejectedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of messages rejected by this group since
+ group creation."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 3}
+mtaGroupStoredMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of messages currently stored in this
+ group's queue."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 4}
+mtaGroupTransmittedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of messages transmitted by this group since
+ group creation."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 5}
+mtaGroupReceivedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ UNITS "K-octets"
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total volume of messages received to this group since
+ group creation, measured in kilo-octets. This volume
+ should include all transferred data that is logically above
+ the mail transport protocol level. For example, an
+ SMTP-based MTA should use the number of kilo-octets in the
+ message header and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use
+ the number of kilo-octets of P2 data."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 6}
+mtaGroupStoredVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ UNITS "K-octets"
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total volume of messages currently stored in this
+ group's queue, measured in kilo-octets. This volume should
+ include all stored data that is logically above the mail
+ transport protocol level. For example, an SMTP-based
+ MTA should use the number of kilo-octets in the message
+ header and body, while an X.400-based MTA would use the
+ number of kilo-octets of P2 data."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 7}
+mtaGroupTransmittedVolume OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ UNITS "K-octets"
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total volume of messages transmitted by this group
+ since group creation, measured in kilo-octets. This
+ volume should include all transferred data that is logically
+ above the mail transport protocol level. For example, an
+ SMTP-based MTA should use the number of kilo-octets in the
+ message header and body, while an X.400-based MTA should use
+ the number of kilo-octets of P2 data."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 8}
+mtaGroupReceivedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+ received to this group since group creation.
+ Recipients this MTA has no responsibility for should not
+ be counted."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 9}
+mtaGroupStoredRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+ currently stored in this group's queue. Recipients this
+ MTA has no responsibility for should not be counted."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 10}
+mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of recipients specified in all messages
+ transmitted by this group since group creation.
+ Recipients this MTA had no responsibility for should not
+ be counted."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 11}
+mtaGroupOldestMessageStored OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeInterval
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Time since the oldest message in this group's queue was
+ placed in the queue."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 12}
+mtaGroupInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of current associations to the group, where the
+ group is the responder."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 13}
+mtaGroupOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Gauge32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of current associations to the group, where the
+ group is the initiator."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 14}
+mtaGroupAccumulatedInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of associations to the group since
+ group creation, where the MTA was the responder."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 15}
+mtaGroupAccumulatedOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of associations from the group since
+ group creation, where the MTA was the initiator."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 16}
+mtaGroupLastInboundActivity OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeInterval
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Time since the last time that this group had an active
+ inbound association for purposes of message reception."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 17}
+mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeInterval
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Time since the last time that this group had a
+ successful outbound association for purposes of
+ message delivery."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 18}
+mtaGroupLastOutboundAssociationAttempt OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeInterval
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Time since the last time that this group attempted
+ to make an outbound association for purposes of
+ message delivery."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 34}
+mtaGroupRejectedInboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number of inbound associations the group has
+ rejected, since group creation. Rejected associations
+ are not counted in the accumulated association totals."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 19}
+mtaGroupFailedOutboundAssociations OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The total number associations where the group was the
+ initiator and association establishment has failed,
+ since group creation. Failed associations are
+ not counted in the accumulated association totals."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 20}
+mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The failure reason, if any, for the last association this
+ group refused to respond to. If no association attempt
+ has been made since the MTA was initialized the value
+ should be 'never'."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 21}
+mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The failure reason, if any, for the last association attempt
+ this group initiated. If no association attempt has been
+ made since the MTA was initialized the value should be
+ 'never'."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 22}
+mtaGroupScheduledRetry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeInterval
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The amount of time until this group is next scheduled to
+ attempt to make an association."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 23}
+mtaGroupMailProtocol OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "An identification of the protocol being used by this group.
+ For an group employing OSI protocols, this will be the
+ Application Context. For Internet applications, OID
+ values of the form {applTCPProtoID port} or {applUDPProtoID
+ port} are used for TCP-based and UDP-based protocols,
+ respectively. In either case 'port' corresponds to the
+ primary port number being used by the protocol. The
+ usual IANA procedures may be used to register ports for
+ new protocols. applTCPProtoID and applUDPProtoID are
+ defined in the NETWORK-SERVICES-MIB, RFC 2788."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 24}
+mtaGroupName OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "A descriptive name for the group. If this group connects to
+ a single remote MTA this should be the name of that MTA. If
+ this in turn is an Internet MTA this should be the domain
+ name. For an OSI MTA it should be the string encoded
+ distinguished name of the managed object using the format
+ defined in RFC 2253. For X.400(1984) MTAs which do not
+ have a Distinguished Name, the RFC 2156 syntax
+ 'mta in globalid' used in X400-Received: fields can be
+ used."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 25}
+mtaGroupSuccessfulConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of messages that have been successfully
+ converted from one form to another in this group
+ since group creation."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 26}
+mtaGroupFailedConvertedMessages OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "The number of messages for which an unsuccessful
+ attempt was made to convert them from one form to
+ another in this group since group creation."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 27}
+mtaGroupDescription OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "A description of the group's purpose. This information is
+ intended to identify the group in a status display."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 28}
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "A URL pointing to a description of the group. This
+ information is intended to identify and briefly describe
+ the group in a status display."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 29}
+mtaGroupCreationTime OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX TimeInterval
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Time since this group was first created."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 30}
+mtaGroupHierarchy OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER (-2147483648..2147483647)
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Describes how this group fits into the hierarchy. A
+ positive value is interpreted as an mtaGroupIndex
+ value for some other group whose variables include
+ those of this group (and usually others). A negative
+ value is interpreted as a group collection code: Groups
+ with common negative hierarchy values comprise one
+ particular breakdown of MTA activity as a whole. A
+ zero value means that this MIB implementation doesn't
+ implement hierarchy indicators and thus the overall
+ group hierarchy cannot be determined."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 31}
+mtaGroupOldestMessageId OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SnmpAdminString
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Message ID of the oldest message in the group's queue.
+ Whenever possible this should be in the form of an
+ RFC 822 msg-id; X.400 may convert X.400 message
+ identifiers to this form by following the rules laid
+ out in RFC2156."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 32}
+mtaGroupLoopsDetected OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "A message loop is defined as a situation where the MTA
+ decides that a given message will never be delivered to
+ one or more recipients and instead will continue to
+ loop endlessly through one or more MTAs. This variable
+ counts the number of times the MTA has detected such a
+ situation in conjunction with something associated with
+ this group since group creation. Note that the
+ mechanism MTAs use to detect loops (e.g., trace field
+ counting, count of references to this MTA in a trace
+ field, examination of DNS or other directory information,
+ etc.), the level at which loops are detected (e.g., per
+ message, per recipient, per directory entry, etc.), and
+ the handling of a loop once it is detected (e.g., looping
+ messages are held, looping messages are bounced or sent
+ to the postmaster, messages that the MTA knows will loop
+ won't be accepted, etc.) vary widely from one MTA to the
+ next and cannot be inferred from this variable."
+ ::= {mtaGroupEntry 33}
+-- The mtaGroupAssociationTable provides a means of correlating
+-- entries in the network services association table with the
+-- MTA group responsible for the association.
+mtaGroupAssociationTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX SEQUENCE OF MtaGroupAssociationEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The table holding information regarding the associations
+ for each MTA group."
+ ::= {mta 3}
+mtaGroupAssociationEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX MtaGroupAssociationEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The entry holding information regarding the associations
+ for each MTA group."
+ INDEX {applIndex, mtaGroupIndex, mtaGroupAssociationIndex}
+ ::= {mtaGroupAssociationTable 1}
+MtaGroupAssociationEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ mtaGroupAssociationIndex
+mtaGroupAssociationIndex OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER (1..2147483647)
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Reference into association table to allow correlation of
+ this group's active associations with the association table."
+ ::= {mtaGroupAssociationEntry 1}
+-- The mtaGroupErrorTable gives each group a way of tallying
+-- the specific errors it has encountered. The mechanism
+-- defined here uses RFC 1893 status codes to identify
+-- various specific errors. There are also classes for generic
+-- errors of various sorts, and the entire mechanism is also
+-- extensible, in that new error codes can be defined at any
+-- time.
+mtaGroupErrorTable OBJECT-TYPE
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The table holding information regarding accumulated errors
+ for each MTA group."
+ ::= {mta 5}
+mtaGroupErrorEntry OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX MtaGroupErrorEntry
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "The entry holding information regarding accumulated
+ errors for each MTA group."
+ INDEX {applIndex, mtaGroupIndex, mtaStatusCode}
+ ::= {mtaGroupErrorTable 1}
+MtaGroupErrorEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
+ mtaStatusCode
+ INTEGER (4000000..5999999),
+ mtaGroupInboundErrorCount
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupInternalErrorCount
+ Counter32,
+ mtaGroupOutboundErrorCount
+ Counter32
+mtaGroupInboundErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Count of the number of errors of a given type that have
+ been accumulated in association with a particular group
+ while processing incoming messages. In the case of SMTP
+ these will typically be errors reporting by an SMTP
+ server to the remote client; in the case of X.400
+ these will typically be errors encountered while
+ processing an incoming message."
+ ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 1}
+mtaGroupInternalErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Count of the number of errors of a given type that have
+ been accumulated in association with a particular group
+ during internal MTA processing."
+ ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 2}
+mtaGroupOutboundErrorCount OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX Counter32
+ MAX-ACCESS read-only
+ STATUS current
+ "Count of the number of errors of a given type that have
+ been accumulated in association with a particular group's
+ outbound connection activities. In the case of an SMTP
+ client these will typically be errors reported while
+ attempting to contact or while communicating with the
+ remote SMTP server. In the case of X.400 these will
+ typically be errors encountered while constructing
+ or attempting to deliver an outgoing message."
+ ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 3}
+mtaStatusCode OBJECT-TYPE
+ SYNTAX INTEGER (4000000..5999999)
+ MAX-ACCESS not-accessible
+ STATUS current
+ "An index capable of representing an Enhanced Mail System
+ Status Code. Enhanced Mail System Status Codes are
+ defined in RFC 1893. These codes have the form
+ class.subject.detail
+ Here 'class' is either 2, 4, or 5 and both 'subject' and
+ 'detail' are integers in the range 0..999. Given a status
+ code the corresponding index value is defined to be
+ ((class * 1000) + subject) * 1000 + detail. Both SMTP
+ error response codes and X.400 reason and diagnostic codes
+ can be mapped into these codes, resulting in a namespace
+ capable of describing most error conditions a mail system
+ encounters in a generic yet detailed way."
+ ::= {mtaGroupErrorEntry 4}
+-- Conformance information
+mtaConformance OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mta 4}
+mtaGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mtaConformance 1}
+mtaCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {mtaConformance 2}
+-- Compliance statements
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for RFC 1566 implementations
+ which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for basic
+ monitoring of MTAs."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ ::= {mtaCompliances 1}
+mtaAssocCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for RFC 1566 implementations
+ which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring
+ of MTAs and their associations."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC1566Group, mtaRFC1566AssocGroup}
+ ::= {mtaCompliances 2}
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations
+ which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for basic
+ monitoring of MTAs."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ ::= {mtaCompliances 5}
+mtaRFC2249AssocCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations
+ which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
+ MTAs and their associations."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2249Group, mtaRFC2249AssocGroup}
+ ::= {mtaCompliances 6}
+mtaRFC2249ErrorCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations
+ which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
+ MTAs and detailed errors."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2249Group, mtaRFC2249ErrorGroup}
+ ::= {mtaCompliances 7}
+mtaRFC2249FullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for RFC 2249 implementations
+ which support the full Mail Monitoring MIB for
+ monitoring of MTAs, associations, and detailed errors."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2249Group, mtaRFC2249AssocGroup,
+ mtaRFC2249ErrorGroup}
+ ::= {mtaCompliances 8}
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
+ which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for basic
+ monitoring of MTAs."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ ::= {mtaCompliances 9}
+mtaRFC2789AssocCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
+ which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
+ MTAs and their associations."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2789Group, mtaRFC2789AssocGroup}
+ ::= {mtaCompliances 10}
+mtaRFC2789ErrorCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
+ which support the Mail Monitoring MIB for monitoring of
+ MTAs and detailed errors."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2789Group, mtaRFC2789ErrorGroup}
+ ::= {mtaCompliances 11}
+mtaRFC2789FullCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
+ STATUS current
+ "The compliance statement for RFC 2789 implementations
+ which support the full Mail Monitoring MIB for
+ monitoring of MTAs, associations, and detailed errors."
+ MODULE -- this module
+ MANDATORY-GROUPS {mtaRFC2789Group, mtaRFC2789AssocGroup,
+ mtaRFC2789ErrorGroup}
+ ::= {mtaCompliances 12}
+-- Units of conformance
+ mtaReceivedMessages, mtaStoredMessages,
+ mtaTransmittedMessages, mtaReceivedVolume, mtaStoredVolume,
+ mtaTransmittedVolume, mtaReceivedRecipients,
+ mtaStoredRecipients, mtaTransmittedRecipients,
+ mtaGroupReceivedMessages, mtaGroupRejectedMessages,
+ mtaGroupStoredMessages, mtaGroupTransmittedMessages,
+ mtaGroupReceivedVolume, mtaGroupStoredVolume,
+ mtaGroupTransmittedVolume, mtaGroupReceivedRecipients,
+ mtaGroupStoredRecipients, mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients,
+ mtaGroupOldestMessageStored, mtaGroupInboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupOutboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupAccumulatedInboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupAccumulatedOutboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupLastInboundActivity, mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity,
+ mtaGroupRejectedInboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupFailedOutboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason,
+ mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason,
+ mtaGroupScheduledRetry, mtaGroupMailProtocol, mtaGroupName}
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of MTAs.
+ This is the original set of such objects defined in RFC
+ 1566."
+ ::= {mtaGroups 10}
+mtaRFC1566AssocGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ mtaGroupAssociationIndex}
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing monitoring of MTA
+ associations. This is the original set of such objects
+ defined in RFC 1566."
+ ::= {mtaGroups 11}
+ mtaReceivedMessages, mtaStoredMessages,
+ mtaTransmittedMessages, mtaReceivedVolume, mtaStoredVolume,
+ mtaTransmittedVolume, mtaReceivedRecipients,
+ mtaStoredRecipients, mtaTransmittedRecipients,
+ mtaSuccessfulConvertedMessages, mtaFailedConvertedMessages,
+ mtaGroupReceivedMessages, mtaGroupRejectedMessages,
+ mtaGroupStoredMessages, mtaGroupTransmittedMessages,
+ mtaGroupReceivedVolume, mtaGroupStoredVolume,
+ mtaGroupTransmittedVolume, mtaGroupReceivedRecipients,
+ mtaGroupStoredRecipients, mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients,
+ mtaGroupOldestMessageStored, mtaGroupInboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupOutboundAssociations, mtaLoopsDetected,
+ mtaGroupAccumulatedInboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupAccumulatedOutboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupLastInboundActivity, mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity,
+ mtaGroupLastOutboundAssociationAttempt,
+ mtaGroupRejectedInboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupFailedOutboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason,
+ mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason,
+ mtaGroupScheduledRetry, mtaGroupMailProtocol, mtaGroupName,
+ mtaGroupSuccessfulConvertedMessages,
+ mtaGroupFailedConvertedMessages, mtaGroupDescription,
+ mtaGroupURL, mtaGroupCreationTime, mtaGroupHierarchy,
+ mtaGroupOldestMessageId, mtaGroupLoopsDetected}
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of MTAs.
+ This group was originally defined in RFC 2249."
+ ::= {mtaGroups 4}
+mtaRFC2249AssocGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ mtaGroupAssociationIndex}
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing monitoring of MTA
+ associations. This group was originally defined in RFC
+ 2249."
+ ::= {mtaGroups 5}
+mtaRFC2249ErrorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ mtaGroupInboundErrorCount, mtaGroupInternalErrorCount,
+ mtaGroupOutboundErrorCount}
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing monitoring of
+ detailed MTA errors. This group was originally defined
+ in RFC 2249."
+ ::= {mtaGroups 6}
+ mtaReceivedMessages, mtaStoredMessages,
+ mtaTransmittedMessages, mtaReceivedVolume, mtaStoredVolume,
+ mtaTransmittedVolume, mtaReceivedRecipients,
+ mtaStoredRecipients, mtaTransmittedRecipients,
+ mtaSuccessfulConvertedMessages, mtaFailedConvertedMessages,
+ mtaGroupReceivedMessages, mtaGroupRejectedMessages,
+ mtaGroupStoredMessages, mtaGroupTransmittedMessages,
+ mtaGroupReceivedVolume, mtaGroupStoredVolume,
+ mtaGroupTransmittedVolume, mtaGroupReceivedRecipients,
+ mtaGroupStoredRecipients, mtaGroupTransmittedRecipients,
+ mtaGroupOldestMessageStored, mtaGroupInboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupOutboundAssociations, mtaLoopsDetected,
+ mtaGroupAccumulatedInboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupAccumulatedOutboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupLastInboundActivity, mtaGroupLastOutboundActivity,
+ mtaGroupLastOutboundAssociationAttempt,
+ mtaGroupRejectedInboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupFailedOutboundAssociations,
+ mtaGroupInboundRejectionReason,
+ mtaGroupOutboundConnectFailureReason,
+ mtaGroupScheduledRetry, mtaGroupMailProtocol, mtaGroupName,
+ mtaGroupSuccessfulConvertedMessages,
+ mtaGroupFailedConvertedMessages, mtaGroupDescription,
+ mtaGroupURL, mtaGroupCreationTime, mtaGroupHierarchy,
+ mtaGroupOldestMessageId, mtaGroupLoopsDetected}
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing basic monitoring of MTAs.
+ This is the appropriate group for RFC 2789."
+ ::= {mtaGroups 7}
+mtaRFC2789AssocGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ mtaGroupAssociationIndex}
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing monitoring of MTA
+ associations. This is the appropriate group for RFC
+ 2789 association monitoring."
+ ::= {mtaGroups 8}
+mtaRFC2789ErrorGroup OBJECT-GROUP
+ mtaGroupInboundErrorCount, mtaGroupInternalErrorCount,
+ mtaGroupOutboundErrorCount}
+ STATUS current
+ "A collection of objects providing monitoring of
+ detailed MTA errors. This is the appropriate group
+ for RFC 2789 error monitoring."
+ ::= {mtaGroups 9}