path: root/data/templates/dhcp-server
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/templates/dhcp-server')
6 files changed, 156 insertions, 411 deletions
diff --git a/data/templates/dhcp-server/10-override.conf.j2 b/data/templates/dhcp-server/10-override.conf.j2
index 1504b6808..6cf9e0a11 100644
--- a/data/templates/dhcp-server/10-override.conf.j2
+++ b/data/templates/dhcp-server/10-override.conf.j2
@@ -1,30 +1,2 @@
-### Autogenerated by ###
-{% set lease_file = '/config/dhcpd.leases' %}
-Description=ISC DHCP IPv4 server
-Environment=PID_FILE=/run/dhcp-server/ CONFIG_FILE=/run/dhcp-server/dhcpd.conf LEASE_FILE={{ lease_file }}
-ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -ec '\
-touch ${LEASE_FILE}; \
-chown dhcpd:vyattacfg ${LEASE_FILE}* ; \
-chmod 664 ${LEASE_FILE}* ; \
-/usr/sbin/dhcpd -4 -t -T -q -user dhcpd -group vyattacfg -pf ${PID_FILE} -cf ${CONFIG_FILE} -lf ${LEASE_FILE} '
-ExecStart=/usr/sbin/dhcpd -4 -q -user dhcpd -group vyattacfg -pf ${PID_FILE} -cf ${CONFIG_FILE} -lf ${LEASE_FILE}
diff --git a/data/templates/dhcp-server/dhcpd.conf.j2 b/data/templates/dhcp-server/dhcpd.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 639526532..000000000
--- a/data/templates/dhcp-server/dhcpd.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
-### Autogenerated by ###
-# For options please consult the following website:
-# log-facility local7;
-{% if hostfile_update is vyos_defined %}
-on release {
- set ClientName = pick-first-value(host-decl-name, option fqdn.hostname, option host-name);
- set ClientIp = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".",leased-address);
- execute("/usr/libexec/vyos/system/", "release", "", ClientIp, "", "");
-on expiry {
- set ClientName = pick-first-value(host-decl-name, option fqdn.hostname, option host-name);
- set ClientIp = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".",leased-address);
- execute("/usr/libexec/vyos/system/", "release", "", ClientIp, "", "");
-{% endif %}
-{{ 'use-host-decl-names on;' if host_decl_name is vyos_defined }}
-ddns-update-style {{ 'interim' if dynamic_dns_update is vyos_defined else 'none' }};
-option rfc3442-static-route code 121 = array of integer 8;
-option windows-static-route code 249 = array of integer 8;
-option wpad-url code 252 = text;
-option rfc8925-ipv6-only-preferred code 108 = unsigned integer 32;
-# Vendor specific options - Ubiquiti Networks
-option space ubnt;
-option ubnt.unifi-controller code 1 = ip-address;
-class "ubnt" {
- match if substring (option vendor-class-identifier , 0, 4) = "ubnt";
- option vendor-class-identifier "ubnt";
- vendor-option-space ubnt;
-{% if global_parameters is vyos_defined %}
-# The following {{ global_parameters | length }} line(s) have been added as
-# global-parameters in the CLI and have not been validated !!!
-{% for parameter in global_parameters %}
-{{ parameter }}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if failover is vyos_defined %}
-# DHCP failover configuration
-failover peer "{{ }}" {
-{% if failover.status == 'primary' %}
- primary;
- mclt 1800;
- split 128;
-{% elif failover.status == 'secondary' %}
- secondary;
-{% endif %}
- address {{ failover.source_address }};
- port 647;
- peer address {{ failover.remote }};
- peer port 647;
- max-response-delay 30;
- max-unacked-updates 10;
- load balance max seconds 3;
-{% endif %}
-{% if listen_address is vyos_defined %}
-# DHCP server serving relay subnet, we need a connector to the real world
-{% for address in listen_address %}
-# Connected subnet statement for listen-address {{ address }}
-subnet {{ address | network_from_ipv4 }} netmask {{ address | netmask_from_ipv4 }} { }
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-# Shared network configration(s)
-{% if shared_network_name is vyos_defined %}
-{% for network, network_config in shared_network_name.items() if network_config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
-shared-network {{ network }} {
-{% if network_config.authoritative is vyos_defined %}
- authoritative;
-{% endif %}
-{% if network_config.name_server is vyos_defined %}
- option domain-name-servers {{ network_config.name_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if network_config.domain_name is vyos_defined %}
- option domain-name "{{ network_config.domain_name }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if network_config.domain_search is vyos_defined %}
- option domain-search "{{ network_config.domain_search | join('", "') }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if network_config.ntp_server is vyos_defined %}
- option ntp-servers {{ network_config.ntp_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if network_config.ping_check is vyos_defined %}
- ping-check true;
-{% endif %}
-{% if network_config.shared_network_parameters is vyos_defined %}
- # The following {{ network_config.shared_network_parameters | length }} line(s)
- # were added as shared-network-parameters in the CLI and have not been validated
-{% for parameter in network_config.shared_network_parameters %}
- {{ parameter }}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if network_config.subnet is vyos_defined %}
-{% for subnet, subnet_config in network_config.subnet.items() %}
-{% if subnet_config.description is vyos_defined %}
- # {{ subnet_config.description }}
-{% endif %}
- subnet {{ subnet | address_from_cidr }} netmask {{ subnet | netmask_from_cidr }} {
-{% if subnet_config.name_server is vyos_defined %}
- option domain-name-servers {{ subnet_config.name_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.domain_name is vyos_defined %}
- option domain-name "{{ subnet_config.domain_name }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.domain_search is vyos_defined %}
- option domain-search "{{ subnet_config.domain_search | join('", "') }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.ntp_server is vyos_defined %}
- option ntp-servers {{ subnet_config.ntp_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.pop_server is vyos_defined %}
- option pop-server {{ subnet_config.pop_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.smtp_server is vyos_defined %}
- option smtp-server {{ subnet_config.smtp_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.time_server is vyos_defined %}
- option time-servers {{ subnet_config.time_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.wins_server is vyos_defined %}
- option netbios-name-servers {{ subnet_config.wins_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.ipv6_only_preferred is vyos_defined %}
- option rfc8925-ipv6-only-preferred {{ subnet_config.ipv6_only_preferred }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.static_route is vyos_defined %}
-{% set static_default_route = '' %}
-{% if subnet_config.default_router is vyos_defined %}
-{% set static_default_route = ', ' ~ '' | isc_static_route(subnet_config.default_router) %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.static_route is vyos_defined %}
-{% set rfc3442_routes = [] %}
-{% for route, route_options in subnet_config.static_route.items() %}
-{% set rfc3442_routes = rfc3442_routes.append(route | isc_static_route(route_options.next_hop)) %}
-{% endfor %}
- option rfc3442-static-route {{ rfc3442_routes | join(', ') }}{{ static_default_route }};
- option windows-static-route {{ rfc3442_routes | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.ip_forwarding is vyos_defined %}
- option ip-forwarding true;
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.default_router is vyos_defined %}
- option routers {{ subnet_config.default_router }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.server_identifier is vyos_defined %}
- option dhcp-server-identifier {{ subnet_config.server_identifier }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.subnet_parameters is vyos_defined %}
- # The following {{ subnet_config.subnet_parameters | length }} line(s) were added as
- # subnet-parameters in the CLI and have not been validated!!!
-{% for parameter in subnet_config.subnet_parameters %}
- {{ parameter }}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.tftp_server_name is vyos_defined %}
- option tftp-server-name "{{ subnet_config.tftp_server_name }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.bootfile_name is vyos_defined %}
- option bootfile-name "{{ subnet_config.bootfile_name }}";
- filename "{{ subnet_config.bootfile_name }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.bootfile_server is vyos_defined %}
- next-server {{ subnet_config.bootfile_server }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.bootfile_size is vyos_defined %}
- option boot-size {{ subnet_config.bootfile_size }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.time_offset is vyos_defined %}
- option time-offset {{ subnet_config.time_offset }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.wpad_url is vyos_defined %}
- option wpad-url "{{ subnet_config.wpad_url }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.client_prefix_length is vyos_defined %}
- option subnet-mask {{ ('' ~ subnet_config.client_prefix_length) | netmask_from_cidr }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if is vyos_defined %}
- default-lease-time {{ }};
- max-lease-time {{ }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if network_config.ping_check is not vyos_defined and subnet_config.ping_check is vyos_defined %}
- ping-check true;
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.static_mapping is vyos_defined %}
-{% for host, host_config in subnet_config.static_mapping.items() if host_config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
- host {{ host | replace('_','-') if host_decl_name is vyos_defined else network | replace('_','-') ~ '_' ~ host | replace('_','-') }} {
-{% if host_config.ip_address is vyos_defined %}
- fixed-address {{ host_config.ip_address }};
-{% endif %}
- hardware ethernet {{ host_config.mac_address }};
-{% if host_config.static_mapping_parameters is vyos_defined %}
- # The following {{ host_config.static_mapping_parameters | length }} line(s) were added
- # as static-mapping-parameters in the CLI and have not been validated
-{% for parameter in host_config.static_mapping_parameters %}
- {{ parameter }}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
- }
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.vendor_option.ubiquiti.unifi_controller is vyos_defined %}
- option ubnt.unifi-controller {{ subnet_config.vendor_option.ubiquiti.unifi_controller }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.range is vyos_defined %}
-{# pool configuration can only be used if there follows a range option #}
- pool {
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.enable_failover is vyos_defined %}
- failover peer "{{ }}";
- deny dynamic bootp clients;
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.range is vyos_defined %}
-{% for range, range_options in subnet_config.range.items() %}
- range {{ range_options.start }} {{ range_options.stop }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.range is vyos_defined %}
-{# pool configuration can only be used if there follows a range option #}
- }
-{% endif %}
- }
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
- on commit {
- set shared-networkname = "{{ network }}";
-{% if hostfile_update is vyos_defined %}
- set ClientIp = binary-to-ascii(10, 8, ".", leased-address);
- set ClientMac = binary-to-ascii(16, 8, ":", substring(hardware, 1, 6));
- set ClientName = pick-first-value(host-decl-name, option fqdn.hostname, option host-name, "empty_hostname");
- if not (ClientName = "empty_hostname") {
- set ClientDomain = pick-first-value(config-option domain-name, "..YYZ!");
- execute("/usr/libexec/vyos/system/", "commit", ClientName, ClientIp, ClientMac, ClientDomain);
- } else {
- log(concat("Hostname is not defined for client with IP: ", ClientIP, " MAC: ", ClientMac));
- }
-{% endif %}
- }
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/dhcp-server/dhcpdv6.conf.j2 b/data/templates/dhcp-server/dhcpdv6.conf.j2
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c3471316..000000000
--- a/data/templates/dhcp-server/dhcpdv6.conf.j2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,132 +0,0 @@
-### Autogenerated by ###
-# For options please consult the following website:
-log-facility local7;
-{% if preference is vyos_defined %}
-option dhcp6.preference {{ preference }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if global_parameters.name_server is vyos_defined %}
-option {{ global_parameters.name_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-# Vendor specific options - Cisco
-option space cisco code width 2 length width 2;
-option cisco.tftp-servers code 1 = array of ip6-address;
-option code 9 = encapsulate cisco;
-# Shared network configration(s)
-{% if shared_network_name is vyos_defined %}
-{% for network, network_config in shared_network_name.items() if network_config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
-shared-network {{ network }} {
-{% if network_config.common_options is vyos_defined %}
-{% if network_config.common_options.info_refresh_time is vyos_defined %}
- option {{ network_config.common_options.info_refresh_time }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if network_config.common_options.domain_search is vyos_defined %}
- option dhcp6.domain-search "{{ network_config.common_options.domain_search | join('", "') }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if network_config.common_options.name_server is vyos_defined %}
- option {{ network_config.common_options.name_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if network_config.subnet is vyos_defined %}
-{% for subnet, subnet_config in network_config.subnet.items() %}
- subnet6 {{ subnet }} {
-{% if subnet_config.address_range is vyos_defined %}
-{% if subnet_config.address_range.prefix is vyos_defined %}
-{% for prefix, prefix_config in subnet_config.address_range.prefix.items() %}
- range6 {{ prefix }} {{ "temporary" if prefix_config.temporary is vyos_defined }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.address_range.start is vyos_defined %}
-{% for address, address_config in subnet_config.address_range.start.items() %}
- range6 {{ address }} {{ address_config.stop }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.domain_search is vyos_defined %}
- option dhcp6.domain-search "{{ subnet_config.domain_search | join('", "') }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.lease_time is vyos_defined %}
-{% if subnet_config.lease_time.default is vyos_defined %}
- default-lease-time {{ subnet_config.lease_time.default }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.lease_time.maximum is vyos_defined %}
- max-lease-time {{ subnet_config.lease_time.maximum }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.lease_time.minimum is vyos_defined %}
- min-lease-time {{ subnet_config.lease_time.minimum }};
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.name_server is vyos_defined %}
- option {{ subnet_config.name_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.nis_domain is vyos_defined %}
- option dhcp6.nis-domain-name "{{ subnet_config.nis_domain }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.nis_server is vyos_defined %}
- option dhcp6.nis-servers {{ subnet_config.nis_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.nisplus_domain is vyos_defined %}
- option dhcp6.nisp-domain-name "{{ subnet_config.nisplus_domain }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.nisplus_server is vyos_defined %}
- option dhcp6.nisp-servers {{ subnet_config.nisplus_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.sip_server is vyos_defined %}
-{% set server_ip = [] %}
-{% set server_fqdn = [] %}
-{% for address in subnet_config.sip_server %}
-{% if address | is_ipv6 %}
-{% set server_ip = server_ip.append(address) %}
-{% else %}
-{% set server_fqdn = server_fqdn.append(address) %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% if server_ip is vyos_defined and server_ip | length > 0 %}
- option dhcp6.sip-servers-addresses {{ server_ip | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if server_fqdn is vyos_defined and server_fqdn | length > 0 %}
- option dhcp6.sip-servers-names "{{ server_fqdn | join('", "') }}";
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.sntp_server is vyos_defined %}
- option dhcp6.sntp-servers {{ subnet_config.sntp_server | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.prefix_delegation.start is vyos_defined %}
-{% for prefix, prefix_config in subnet_config.prefix_delegation.start.items() %}
- prefix6 {{ prefix }} {{ prefix_config.stop }} /{{ prefix_config.prefix_length }};
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if subnet_config.static_mapping is vyos_defined %}
- # begin configuration of static client mappings
-{% for host, host_config in subnet_config.static_mapping.items() if host_config.disable is not vyos_defined %}
- host {{ network | replace('_','-') }}_{{ host | replace('_','-') }} {
-{% if host_config.identifier is vyos_defined %}
- host-identifier option dhcp6.client-id {{ host_config.identifier }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if host_config.ipv6_address is vyos_defined %}
- fixed-address6 {{ host_config.ipv6_address }};
-{% endif %}
-{% if host_config.ipv6_prefix is vyos_defined %}
- fixed-prefix6 {{ host_config.ipv6_prefix }};
-{% endif %}
- }
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if is vyos_defined %}
- option cisco.tftp-servers {{ | join(', ') }};
-{% endif %}
- }
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
- on commit {
- set shared-networkname = "{{ network }}";
- }
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/dhcp-server/kea-ctrl-agent.conf.j2 b/data/templates/dhcp-server/kea-ctrl-agent.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..74c63a7a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/templates/dhcp-server/kea-ctrl-agent.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+ "Control-agent": {
+{% if failover is vyos_defined %}
+ "http-host": "{{ failover.source_address }}",
+ "http-port": 647,
+ "control-sockets": {
+ "dhcp4": {
+ "socket-type": "unix",
+ "socket-name": "/run/kea/dhcp4-ctrl-socket"
+ }
+ }
+{% endif %}
+ }
diff --git a/data/templates/dhcp-server/kea-dhcp4.conf.j2 b/data/templates/dhcp-server/kea-dhcp4.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..629fa952a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/templates/dhcp-server/kea-dhcp4.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+ "Dhcp4": {
+ "interfaces-config": {
+{% if listen_address is vyos_defined %}
+ "interfaces": {{ listen_address | kea_address_json }},
+ "dhcp-socket-type": "udp",
+{% elif listen_interface is vyos_defined %}
+ "interfaces": {{ listen_interface | tojson }},
+ "dhcp-socket-type": "raw",
+{% else %}
+ "interfaces": [ "*" ],
+ "dhcp-socket-type": "raw",
+{% endif %}
+ "service-sockets-max-retries": 5,
+ "service-sockets-retry-wait-time": 5000
+ },
+ "control-socket": {
+ "socket-type": "unix",
+ "socket-name": "/run/kea/dhcp4-ctrl-socket"
+ },
+ "lease-database": {
+ "type": "memfile",
+ "persist": true,
+ "name": "{{ lease_file }}"
+ },
+ "option-def": [
+ {
+ "name": "rfc3442-static-route",
+ "code": 121,
+ "type": "record",
+ "array": true,
+ "record-types": "uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "windows-static-route",
+ "code": 249,
+ "type": "record",
+ "array": true,
+ "record-types": "uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8,uint8"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "wpad-url",
+ "code": 252,
+ "type": "string"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "unifi-controller",
+ "code": 1,
+ "type": "ipv4-address",
+ "space": "ubnt"
+ }
+ ],
+ "hooks-libraries": [
+{% if failover is vyos_defined %}
+ {
+ "library": "/usr/lib/{{ machine }}-linux-gnu/kea/hooks/",
+ "parameters": {
+ "high-availability": [{{ failover | kea_failover_json }}]
+ }
+ },
+{% endif %}
+{% if hostfile_update is vyos_defined %}
+ {
+ "library": "/usr/lib/{{ machine }}-linux-gnu/kea/hooks/",
+ "parameters": {
+ "name": "/usr/libexec/vyos/system/",
+ "sync": false
+ }
+ },
+{% endif %}
+ {
+ "library": "/usr/lib/{{ machine }}-linux-gnu/kea/hooks/",
+ "parameters": {}
+ }
+ ],
+{% if shared_network_name is vyos_defined %}
+ "shared-networks": {{ shared_network_name | kea_shared_network_json }}
+{% endif %}
+ }
diff --git a/data/templates/dhcp-server/kea-dhcp6.conf.j2 b/data/templates/dhcp-server/kea-dhcp6.conf.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f0de6b30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/templates/dhcp-server/kea-dhcp6.conf.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ "Dhcp6": {
+ "interfaces-config": {
+{% if listen_interface is vyos_defined %}
+ "interfaces": {{ listen_interface | tojson }},
+{% else %}
+ "interfaces": [ "*" ],
+{% endif %}
+ "service-sockets-max-retries": 5,
+ "service-sockets-retry-wait-time": 5000
+ },
+ "control-socket": {
+ "socket-type": "unix",
+ "socket-name": "/run/kea/dhcp6-ctrl-socket"
+ },
+ "lease-database": {
+ "type": "memfile",
+ "persist": true,
+ "name": "{{ lease_file }}"
+ },
+ "hooks-libraries": [
+{% if disable_route_autoinstall is not vyos_defined %}
+ {
+ "library": "/usr/lib/{{ machine }}-linux-gnu/kea/hooks/",
+ "parameters": {
+ "name": "/usr/libexec/vyos/system/",
+ "sync": false
+ }
+ },
+{% endif %}
+ {
+ "library": "/usr/lib/{{ machine }}-linux-gnu/kea/hooks/",
+ "parameters": {}
+ }
+ ],
+ "option-data": [
+{% if global_parameters.name_server is vyos_defined %}
+ {
+ "name": "dns-servers",
+ "code": 23,
+ "space": "dhcp6",
+ "csv-format": true,
+ "data": "{{ global_parameters.name_server | join(", ") }}"
+ }{{ ',' if preference is vyos_defined else '' }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if preference is vyos_defined %}
+ {
+ "name": "preference",
+ "code": 7,
+ "space": "dhcp6",
+ "csv-format": true,
+ "data": "{{ preference }}"
+ }
+{% endif %}
+ ],
+{% if shared_network_name is vyos_defined %}
+ "shared-networks": {{ shared_network_name | kea6_shared_network_json }}
+{% endif %}
+ }