path: root/data/templates/load-balancing/nftables-wlb.j2
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data/templates/load-balancing/nftables-wlb.j2')
1 files changed, 64 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/data/templates/load-balancing/nftables-wlb.j2 b/data/templates/load-balancing/nftables-wlb.j2
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b3d7c3376
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/templates/load-balancing/nftables-wlb.j2
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#!/usr/sbin/nft -f
+{% if first_install is not vyos_defined %}
+delete table ip vyos_wanloadbalance
+{% endif %}
+table ip vyos_wanloadbalance {
+ chain wlb_nat_postrouting {
+ type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat - 1; policy accept;
+{% for ifname, health_conf in interface_health.items() if health_state[ifname].if_addr %}
+{% if disable_source_nat is not vyos_defined %}
+{% set state = health_state[ifname] %}
+ ct mark {{ state.mark }} counter snat to {{ state.if_addr }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+ }
+ chain wlb_mangle_prerouting {
+ type filter hook prerouting priority mangle; policy accept;
+{% for ifname, health_conf in interface_health.items() %}
+{% set state = health_state[ifname] %}
+{% if sticky_connections is vyos_defined %}
+ iifname "{{ ifname }}" ct state new ct mark set {{ state.mark }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% if rule is vyos_defined %}
+{% for rule_id, rule_conf in rule.items() %}
+{% if rule_conf.exclude is vyos_defined %}
+ {{ rule_conf | wlb_nft_rule(rule_id, exclude=True, action='return') }}
+{% else %}
+{% set limit = rule_conf.limit is vyos_defined %}
+ {{ rule_conf | wlb_nft_rule(rule_id, limit=limit, weight=True, health_state=health_state) }}
+ {{ rule_conf | wlb_nft_rule(rule_id, restore_mark=True) }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+ }
+ chain wlb_mangle_output {
+ type filter hook output priority -150; policy accept;
+{% if enable_local_traffic is vyos_defined %}
+ meta mark != 0x0 counter return
+ meta l4proto icmp counter return
+ ip saddr ip daddr counter return
+{% if rule is vyos_defined %}
+{% for rule_id, rule_conf in rule.items() %}
+{% if rule_conf.exclude is vyos_defined %}
+ {{ rule_conf | wlb_nft_rule(rule_id, local=True, exclude=True, action='return') }}
+{% else %}
+{% set limit = rule_conf.limit is vyos_defined %}
+ {{ rule_conf | wlb_nft_rule(rule_id, local=True, limit=limit, weight=True, health_state=health_state) }}
+ {{ rule_conf | wlb_nft_rule(rule_id, local=True, restore_mark=True) }}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
+ }
+{% for ifname, health_conf in interface_health.items() %}
+{% set state = health_state[ifname] %}
+ chain wlb_mangle_isp_{{ ifname }} {
+ meta mark set {{ state.mark }} ct mark set {{ state.mark }} counter accept
+ }
+{% endfor %}