path: root/data
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'data')
6 files changed, 232 insertions, 199 deletions
diff --git a/data/templates/ipsec/ike-esp.tmpl b/data/templates/ipsec/ike-esp.tmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index deeb8c80d..000000000
--- a/data/templates/ipsec/ike-esp.tmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-{% macro conn(ike, ike_ciphers, esp, esp_ciphers) -%}
-{% if ike %}
-{% if "key_exchange" in ike %}
- keyexchange = {{ ike.key_exchange }}
-{% endif %}
- ike = {{ ike_ciphers }}
-{% if "lifetime" in ike %}
- ikelifetime = {{ ike.lifetime }}s
-{% endif %}
- reauth = {{ ike.ikev2_reauth if "ikev2_reauth" in ike else "no" }}
- closeaction = {{ ike.close_action if "close_action" in ike else "none" }}
-{% if "dead_peer_detection" in ike %}
- dpdaction = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.action }}
- dpdtimeout = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.timeout }}
- dpddelay = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.interval }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if "key_exchange" in ike and ike.key_exchange == "ikev1" and "mode" in ike and ike.mode == "aggressive" %}
- aggressive = yes
-{% endif %}
-{% if "key_exchange" in ike and ike.key_exchange == "ikev2" %}
- mobike = {{ "yes" if "mobike" not in ike or ike.mobike == "enable" else "no" }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if esp %}
- esp = {{ esp_ciphers }}
-{% if "lifetime" in esp %}
- keylife = {{ esp.lifetime }}s
-{% endif %}
- compress = {{ 'yes' if "compression" in esp and esp.compression == 'enable' else 'no' }}
- type = {{ esp.mode if "mode" in esp else "tunnel" }}
-{% endif %}
-{%- endmacro %}
diff --git a/data/templates/ipsec/ipsec.conf.tmpl b/data/templates/ipsec/ipsec.conf.tmpl
index 18f6c0988..6550ea419 100644
--- a/data/templates/ipsec/ipsec.conf.tmpl
+++ b/data/templates/ipsec/ipsec.conf.tmpl
@@ -1,113 +1,9 @@
# Created by VyOS - manual changes will be overwritten
-{% import 'ipsec/ike-esp.tmpl' as ike_esp %}
config setup
charondebug = "{{ charondebug }}"
uniqueids = {{ "no" if disable_uniqreqids is defined else "yes" }}
-{% if site_to_site is defined and site_to_site.peer is defined %}
-{% for peer, peer_conf in site_to_site.peer.items() if peer not in dhcp_no_address and peer_conf.disable is not defined %}
-{% set peer_index = loop.index %}
-{% set peer_ike = ike_group[peer_conf.ike_group] %}
-{% set peer_esp = esp_group[peer_conf.default_esp_group] if peer_conf.default_esp_group is defined else None %}
-conn peer-{{ peer }}
-{% if peer_conf.authentication.mode in authby %}
- authby = {{ authby[peer_conf.authentication.mode] }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'x509' %}
-{% set cert_file = peer_conf.authentication.x509.cert_file %}
- leftcert = {{ cert_file if cert_file.startswith(x509_path) else (x509_path + cert_file) }}
- leftsendcert = always
- rightca = %same
-{% elif peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'rsa' %}
- leftsigkey =
- rightsigkey = {{ peer_conf.authentication.rsa_key_name }}.pub
-{% endif %}
- left = {{ peer_conf.local_address if peer_conf.local_address != 'any' else '%defaultroute' }} # dhcp:{{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf else 'no' }}
-{% if is defined and peer_conf.authentication.use_x509_id is not defined %}
- leftid = "{{ }}"
-{% endif %}
- right = {{ peer if peer not in ['any', ''] and peer[0:1] != '@' else '%any' }}
-{% if peer_conf.authentication.remote_id is defined %}
- rightid = "{{ peer_conf.authentication.remote_id }}"
-{% elif peer[0:1] == '@' %}
- rightid = "{{ peer }}"
-{% endif %}
- keylife = 3600s
- rekeymargin = 540s
-{{ ike_esp.conn(peer_ike, ciphers.ike[peer_conf.ike_group], peer_esp, ciphers.esp[peer_conf.default_esp_group] if peer_esp else None) }}
-{% if peer_conf.vti is defined and peer_conf.vti.bind is defined %}
-{% set vti_esp = esp_group[peer_conf.vti.esp_group] if peer_conf.vti.esp_group is defined else None %}
-conn peer-{{ peer }}-vti
- also = peer-{{ peer }}
- leftsubnet =
- leftupdown = "/etc/ipsec.d/vti-up-down {{ peer_conf.vti.bind }} {{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if peer_conf.dhcp_interface is defined else 'no' }}"
- rightsubnet =
- mark = {{ marks[peer_conf.vti.bind] }}
-{{ ike_esp.conn(None, None, vti_esp, ciphers.esp[peer_conf.vti.esp_group] if vti_esp else None) }}
-{% if peer[0:1] == '@' %}
- rekey = no
- auto = add
- keyingtries = %forever
-{% else %}
-{% if peer_conf.connection_type is not defined or peer_conf.connection_type == 'initiate' %}
- auto = start
- keyingtries = %forever
-{% elif peer_conf.connection_type == 'respond' %}
- auto = route
- keyingtries = 1
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% elif peer_conf.tunnel is defined %}
-{% for tunnel_id, tunnel_conf in peer_conf.tunnel.items() if tunnel_conf.disable is not defined %}
-{% set tunnel_esp_name = tunnel_conf.esp_group if "esp_group" in tunnel_conf else peer_conf.default_esp_group %}
-{% set tunnel_esp = esp_group[tunnel_esp_name] %}
-{% set proto = tunnel_conf.protocol if "protocol" in tunnel_conf else '%any' %}
-conn peer-{{ peer }}-tunnel-{{tunnel_id}}
- also = peer-{{ peer }}
-{% if tunnel_esp.mode is not defined or tunnel_esp.mode == 'tunnel' %}
-{% if tunnel_conf.local is defined and tunnel_conf.local.prefix is defined %}
- leftsubnet = {{ tunnel_conf.local.prefix if tunnel_conf.local.prefix != 'any' else '' }}[{{ proto }}/{{ tunnel_conf.local.port if "port" in tunnel_conf.local else '%any' }}]
-{% endif %}
-{% if tunnel_conf.remote is defined and tunnel_conf.remote.prefix is defined %}
- rightsubnet = {{ tunnel_conf.remote.prefix if tunnel_conf.remote.prefix != 'any' else '' }}[{{ proto }}/{{ tunnel_conf.remote.port if "port" in tunnel_conf.remote else '%any' }}]
-{% endif %}
-{% elif tunnel_esp.mode == 'transport' %}
- leftsubnet = {{ peer_conf.local_address }}[{{ proto }}/{{ tunnel_conf.local.port if "local" in tunnel_conf and "port" in tunnel_conf.local else '%any' }}]
- rightsubnet = {{ peer }}[{{ proto }}/{{ tunnel_conf.local.port if "local" in tunnel_conf and "port" in tunnel_conf.local else '%any' }}]
-{% endif %}
-{% if tunnel_conf.esp_group is defined %}
-{{ ike_esp.conn(None, None, tunnel_esp, ciphers.esp[tunnel_esp_name]) }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if peer[0:1] == '@' %}
- rekey = no
- auto = add
- keyingtries = %forever
-{% else %}
-{% if peer_conf.connection_type is not defined or peer_conf.connection_type == 'initiate' %}
- auto = start
- keyingtries = %forever
-{% elif peer_conf.connection_type == 'respond' %}
- auto = route
- keyingtries = 1
-{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
-{% if tunnel_conf.passthrough is defined and tunnel_conf.passthrough is not none %}
-conn peer-{{ peer }}-tunnel-{{ tunnel_id }}-passthough
- left = {{ peer_conf.local_address if peer_conf.local_address != 'any' else '%defaultroute' }}
- right = {{ peer if peer not in ['any', ''] and peer[0:1] != '@' else '%any' }}
- leftsubnet = {{ tunnel_conf.local.prefix }}
- rightsubnet = {{ tunnel_conf.local.prefix }}
- type = passthrough
- authby = never
- auto = route
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
{% if include_ipsec_conf is defined %}
include {{ include_ipsec_conf }}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/ipsec/ipsec.secrets.tmpl b/data/templates/ipsec/ipsec.secrets.tmpl
index 0d2654abc..43b5fe0d2 100644
--- a/data/templates/ipsec/ipsec.secrets.tmpl
+++ b/data/templates/ipsec/ipsec.secrets.tmpl
@@ -1,24 +1,5 @@
# Created by VyOS - manual changes will be overwritten
-{% if site_to_site is defined and "peer" in site_to_site %}
-{% set ns = namespace(local_key_set=False) %}
-{% for peer, peer_conf in site_to_site.peer.items() if peer not in dhcp_no_address and peer_conf.disable is not defined %}
-{% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'pre-shared-secret' %}
-{{ (peer_conf.local_address if "local_address" in peer_conf else "%any") ~
- (" " ~ peer) ~
- ((" " ~ if "id" in peer_conf.authentication else "") ~
- ((" " ~ peer_conf.authentication.remote_id) if "remote_id" in peer_conf.authentication else "")
-}} : PSK "{{ peer_conf.authentication.pre_shared_secret }}" # dhcp:{{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf else 'no' }}
-{% elif peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'x509' %}
-{% set key_file = peer_conf.authentication.x509.key.file %}
-: RSA {{ key_file if key_file.startswith(x509_path) else (x509_path + key_file) }}{% if "password" in peer_conf.authentication.x509.key and peer_conf.authentication.x509.key.password %} "{{ peer_conf.authentication.x509.key.password}}"{% endif %}
-{% elif peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'rsa' and not ns.local_key_set %}
-{% set ns.local_key_set = True %}
-: RSA {{ rsa_local_key }}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
{% if include_ipsec_secrets is defined %}
include {{ include_ipsec_secrets }}
{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl.conf.tmpl b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl.conf.tmpl
index ce007c1fd..ea6d85743 100644
--- a/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl.conf.tmpl
+++ b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl.conf.tmpl
@@ -1,54 +1,72 @@
# Created by VyOS - manual changes will be overwritten
-{% if profile is defined %}
+{% import 'ipsec/swanctl/profile.tmpl' as profile_tmpl %}
+{% import 'ipsec/swanctl/peer.tmpl' as peer_tmpl %}
+{% if profile is defined or site_to_site is defined %}
connections {
-{% for name, profile_conf in profile.items() if profile_conf.disable is not defined and profile_conf.bind is defined and profile_conf.bind.tunnel is defined %}
-{% set dmvpn_ike = ike_group[profile_conf.ike_group] %}
-{% set dmvpn_esp = esp_group[profile_conf.esp_group] %}
-{% for interface in profile_conf.bind.tunnel %}
- dmvpn-{{ name }}-{{ interface }} {
- proposals = {{ ciphers.ike[profile_conf.ike_group][:-1] }}
- version = {{ dmvpn_ike.key_exchange[4:] if "key_exchange" in dmvpn_ike else "0" }}
- rekey_time = {{ dmvpn_ike.lifetime if 'lifetime' in dmvpn_ike else '28800' }}s
- keyingtries = 0
-{% if profile_conf.authentication.mode == 'pre-shared-secret' %}
- local {
- auth = psk
- }
- remote {
- auth = psk
- }
-{% endif %}
- children {
- dmvpn {
- esp_proposals = {{ ciphers.esp[profile_conf.esp_group][:-1] }}
- rekey_time = {{ dmvpn_esp.lifetime if 'lifetime' in dmvpn_esp else '3600' }}s
- rand_time = 540s
- local_ts = dynamic[gre]
- remote_ts = dynamic[gre]
- mode = {{ dmvpn_esp.mode if "mode" in dmvpn_esp else "transport" }}
-{% if 'dead_peer_detection' in dmvpn_ike and 'action' in dmvpn_ike.dead_peer_detection %}
- dpd_action = {{ dmvpn_ike.dead_peer_detection.action }}
-{% endif %}
-{% if 'compression' in dmvpn_esp and dmvpn_esp['compression'] == 'enable' %}
- ipcomp = yes
-{% endif %}
- }
- }
- }
-{% endfor %}
-{% endfor %}
+{% if profile is defined %}
+{% for name, profile_conf in profile.items() if profile_conf.disable is not defined and profile_conf.bind is defined and profile_conf.bind.tunnel is defined %}
+{% set dmvpn_ike = ike_group[profile_conf.ike_group] %}
+{% set dmvpn_esp = esp_group[profile_conf.esp_group] %}
+{{ profile_tmpl.conn(name, profile_conf, dmvpn_ike, dmvpn_esp, ciphers) }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if site_to_site is defined and site_to_site.peer is defined %}
+{% for peer, peer_conf in site_to_site.peer.items() if peer not in dhcp_no_address and peer_conf.disable is not defined %}
+{% set peer_conn_name = peer.replace(".", "-").replace("@", "") %}
+{% set peer_ike = ike_group[peer_conf.ike_group] %}
+{% set peer_esp = esp_group[peer_conf.default_esp_group] if peer_conf.default_esp_group is defined else None %}
+{% set auth_type = authby[peer_conf.authentication.mode] %}
+{{ peer_tmpl.conn(peer_conn_name, peer, peer_conf, peer_ike, peer_esp, ciphers, esp_group, auth_type, marks) }}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
secrets {
-{% for name, profile_conf in profile.items() if profile_conf.disable is not defined and profile_conf.bind is defined and profile_conf.bind.tunnel is defined %}
-{% if profile_conf.authentication.mode == 'pre-shared-secret' %}
-{% for interface in profile_conf.bind.tunnel %}
+{% if profile is defined %}
+{% for name, profile_conf in profile.items() if profile_conf.disable is not defined and profile_conf.bind is defined and profile_conf.bind.tunnel is defined %}
+{% if profile_conf.authentication.mode == 'pre-shared-secret' %}
+{% for interface in profile_conf.bind.tunnel %}
ike-dmvpn-{{ interface }} {
secret = {{ profile_conf.authentication.pre_shared_secret }}
-{% endfor %}
-{% endif %}
-{% endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+{% if site_to_site is defined and site_to_site.peer is defined %}
+{% set ns = namespace(local_key_set=False) %}
+{% for peer, peer_conf in site_to_site.peer.items() if peer not in dhcp_no_address and peer_conf.disable is not defined %}
+{% set peer_conn_name = peer.replace(".", "-").replace("@", "") %}
+{% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'pre-shared-secret' %}
+ ike_{{ peer_conn_name }} {
+{% if peer_conf.local_address is defined %}
+ id-local = {{ peer_conf.local_address }} # dhcp:{{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf else 'no' }}
+{% endif %}
+ id-remote = {{ peer }}
+{% if is defined %}
+ id-localid = {{ }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if peer_conf.authentication.remote_id is defined %}
+ id-remoteid = {{ peer_conf.authentication.remote_id }}
+{% endif %}
+ secret = "{{ peer_conf.authentication.pre_shared_secret }}"
+ }
+{% elif peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'x509' %}
+ private_{{ peer_conn_name }} {
+ file = {{ peer_conf.authentication.x509.key.file }}
+{% if "password" in peer_conf.authentication.x509.key and peer_conf.authentication.x509.key.password %}
+ secret = "{{ peer_conf.authentication.x509.key.password}}"
+{% endif %}
+ }
+{% elif peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'rsa' and not ns.local_key_set %}
+{% set ns.local_key_set = True %}
+ rsa_local {
+ file = {{ rsa_local_key }}
+ }
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
-{% endif %}
+{% endif %}
diff --git a/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/peer.tmpl b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/peer.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d01cd546
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/peer.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+{% macro conn(name, peer, peer_conf, ike, esp, ciphers, esp_group, auth_type, marks) %}
+ peer_{{ name }} {
+ proposals = {{ ciphers.ike[peer_conf.ike_group] }}
+ version = {{ ike['key_exchange'][4:] if "key_exchange" in ike else "0" }}
+ local_addrs = {{ peer_conf.local_address if peer_conf.local_address != 'any' else '' }} # dhcp:{{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf else 'no' }}
+ remote_addrs = {{ peer if peer not in ['any', ''] and peer[0:1] != '@' else '' }}
+{% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'x509' %}
+ send_cert = always
+{% endif %}
+{% if "dead_peer_detection" in ike %}
+ dpd_timeout = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.timeout }}
+ dpd_delay = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.interval }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if "key_exchange" in ike and ike.key_exchange == "ikev1" and "mode" in ike and ike.mode == "aggressive" %}
+ aggressive = yes
+{% endif %}
+ mobike = {{ "yes" if "mobike" not in ike or ike.mobike == "enable" else "no" }}
+{% if peer[0:1] == '@' %}
+ keyingtries = 0
+ rekey_time = 0
+ reauth_time = 0
+{% elif peer_conf.connection_type is not defined or peer_conf.connection_type == 'initiate' %}
+ keyingtries = 0
+{% elif peer_conf.connection_type is defined and peer_conf.connection_type == 'respond' %}
+ keyingtries = 1
+{% endif %}
+{% if peer_conf.force_encapsulation is defined and peer_conf.force_encapsulation == 'enable' %}
+ encap = yes
+{% endif %}
+ local {
+{% if is defined and peer_conf.authentication.use_x509_id is not defined %}
+ id = "{{ }}"
+{% endif %}
+{% if auth_type %}
+ auth = {{ auth_type }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'x509' %}
+ certs = {{ peer_conf.authentication.x509.cert_file }}
+{% elif peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'rsa' %}
+ pubkeys =
+{% endif %}
+ }
+ remote {
+{% if peer_conf.authentication.remote_id is defined %}
+ id = "{{ peer_conf.authentication.remote_id }}"
+{% elif peer[0:1] == '@' %}
+ id = "{{ peer }}"
+{% endif %}
+{% if auth_type %}
+ auth = {{ auth_type }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'rsa' %}
+ pubkeys = {{ peer_conf.authentication.rsa_key_name }}.pub
+{% endif %}
+ }
+ children {
+{% if peer_conf.vti is defined and peer_conf.vti.bind is defined and peer_conf.tunnel is not defined %}
+{% set vti_esp = esp_group[peer_conf.vti.esp_group] if peer_conf.vti.esp_group is defined else None %}
+ peer_{{ name }}_vti {
+ esp_proposals = {{ ciphers.esp[peer_conf.vti.esp_group] }}
+ local_ts =,::/0
+ remote_ts =,::/0
+ updown = "/etc/ipsec.d/vti-up-down {{ peer_conf.vti.bind }} {{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if peer_conf.dhcp_interface is defined else 'no' }}"
+ mark_in = {{ marks[peer_conf.vti.bind] }}
+ mark_out = {{ marks[peer_conf.vti.bind] }}
+ ipcomp = {{ 'yes' if "compression" in vti_esp and vti_esp.compression == 'enable' else 'no' }}
+ mode = {{ vti_esp.mode if "mode" in vti_esp else "tunnel" }}
+{% if peer[0:1] == '@' %}
+ start_action = none
+{% elif peer_conf.connection_type is not defined or peer_conf.connection_type == 'initiate' %}
+ start_action = start
+{% elif peer_conf.connection_type == 'respond' %}
+ start_action = trap
+{% endif %}
+{% if "dead_peer_detection" in ike %}
+{% set dpd_translate = {'clear': 'clear', 'hold': 'trap', 'restart': 'start'} %}
+ dpd_action = {{ dpd_translate[ike.dead_peer_detection.action] }}
+{% endif %}
+ }
+{% endif %}
+{% if peer_conf.tunnel is defined %}
+{% for tunnel_id, tunnel_conf in peer_conf.tunnel.items() if tunnel_conf.disable is not defined %}
+{% set tunnel_esp_name = tunnel_conf.esp_group if "esp_group" in tunnel_conf else peer_conf.default_esp_group %}
+{% set tunnel_esp = esp_group[tunnel_esp_name] %}
+{% set proto = tunnel_conf.protocol if "protocol" in tunnel_conf else '' %}
+{% set local_port = tunnel_conf.local.port if tunnel_conf.local is defined and tunnel_conf.local.port is defined else '' %}
+{% set local_suffix = '[{0}/{1}]'.format(proto, local_port) if proto or local_port else '' %}
+{% set remote_port = tunnel_conf.remote.port if tunnel_conf.remote is defined and tunnel_conf.remote.port is defined else '' %}
+{% set remote_suffix = '[{0}/{1}]'.format(proto, remote_port) if proto or remote_port else '' %}
+ peer_{{ name }}_tunnel_{{ tunnel_id }} {
+ esp_proposals = {{ ciphers.esp[tunnel_esp_name] }}
+{% if tunnel_esp.mode is not defined or tunnel_esp.mode == 'tunnel' %}
+{% if tunnel_conf.local is defined and tunnel_conf.local.prefix is defined %}
+{% set local_prefix = tunnel_conf.local.prefix if 'any' not in tunnel_conf.local.prefix else ['', '::/0'] %}
+ local_ts = {{ local_prefix | join(local_suffix + ",") }}{{ local_suffix }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if tunnel_conf.remote is defined and tunnel_conf.remote.prefix is defined %}
+{% set remote_prefix = tunnel_conf.remote.prefix if 'any' not in tunnel_conf.remote.prefix else ['', '::/0'] %}
+ remote_ts = {{ remote_prefix | join(remote_suffix + ",") }}{{ remote_suffix }}
+{% endif %}
+{% elif tunnel_esp.mode == 'transport' %}
+ local_ts = {{ peer_conf.local_address }}{{ local_suffix }}
+ remote_ts = {{ peer }}{{ remote_suffix }}
+{% endif %}
+ ipcomp = {{ 'yes' if "compression" in tunnel_esp and tunnel_esp.compression == 'enable' else 'no' }}
+ mode = {{ tunnel_esp.mode if "mode" in tunnel_esp else "tunnel" }}
+{% if peer[0:1] == '@' %}
+ start_action = none
+{% elif peer_conf.connection_type is not defined or peer_conf.connection_type == 'initiate' %}
+ start_action = start
+{% elif peer_conf.connection_type == 'respond' %}
+ start_action = trap
+{% endif %}
+{% if "dead_peer_detection" in ike %}
+{% set dpd_translate = {'clear': 'clear', 'hold': 'trap', 'restart': 'start'} %}
+ dpd_action = {{ dpd_translate[ike.dead_peer_detection.action] }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if peer_conf.vti is defined and peer_conf.vti.bind is defined %}
+ updown = "/etc/ipsec.d/vti-up-down {{ peer_conf.vti.bind }} {{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if peer_conf.dhcp_interface is defined else 'no' }}"
+ mark_in = {{ marks[peer_conf.vti.bind] }}
+ mark_out = {{ marks[peer_conf.vti.bind] }}
+{% endif %}
+ }
+{% if tunnel_conf.passthrough is defined and tunnel_conf.passthrough %}
+ peer_{{ name }}_tunnel_{{ tunnel_id }}_passthough {
+ local_ts = {{ tunnel_conf.passthrough | join(",") }}
+ remote_ts = {{ tunnel_conf.passthrough | join(",") }}
+ start_action = trap
+ mode = pass
+ }
+{% endif %}
+{% endfor %}
+{% endif %}
+ }
+ }
+{% endmacro %}
diff --git a/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/profile.tmpl b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/profile.tmpl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e4b36b99f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/data/templates/ipsec/swanctl/profile.tmpl
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+{% macro conn(name, profile_conf, ike, esp, ciphers) %}
+{% for interface in profile_conf.bind.tunnel %}
+ dmvpn-{{ name }}-{{ interface }} {
+ proposals = {{ ciphers.ike[profile_conf.ike_group] }}
+ version = {{ ike.key_exchange[4:] if "key_exchange" in ike else "0" }}
+ rekey_time = {{ ike.lifetime if 'lifetime' in ike else '28800' }}s
+ keyingtries = 0
+{% if profile_conf.authentication.mode == 'pre-shared-secret' %}
+ local {
+ auth = psk
+ }
+ remote {
+ auth = psk
+ }
+{% endif %}
+ children {
+ dmvpn {
+ esp_proposals = {{ ciphers.esp[profile_conf.esp_group] }}
+ rekey_time = {{ esp.lifetime if 'lifetime' in esp else '3600' }}s
+ rand_time = 540s
+ local_ts = dynamic[gre]
+ remote_ts = dynamic[gre]
+ mode = {{ esp.mode if "mode" in esp else "transport" }}
+{% if 'dead_peer_detection' in ike and 'action' in ike.dead_peer_detection %}
+ dpd_action = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.action }}
+{% endif %}
+{% if 'compression' in esp and esp['compression'] == 'enable' %}
+ ipcomp = yes
+{% endif %}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+{% endfor %}
+{% endmacro %}