path: root/smoketest/scripts
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'smoketest/scripts')
7 files changed, 236 insertions, 146 deletions
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 4de90e1ec..684a07681 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -177,6 +177,7 @@ class TestFirewall(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip filter')
def test_basic_rules(self):
+ mss_range = '501-1460'
self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'default-action', 'drop'])
self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'enable-default-log'])
self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'rule', '1', 'action', 'accept'])
@@ -203,6 +204,10 @@ class TestFirewall(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'rule', '4', 'destination', 'port', '22'])
self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'rule', '4', 'recent', 'count', '10'])
self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'rule', '4', 'recent', 'time', 'minute'])
+ self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'rule', '5', 'action', 'accept'])
+ self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'rule', '5', 'protocol', 'tcp'])
+ self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'rule', '5', 'tcp', 'flags', 'syn'])
+ self.cli_set(['firewall', 'name', 'smoketest', 'rule', '5', 'tcp', 'mss', mss_range])
self.cli_set(['interfaces', 'ethernet', 'eth0', 'firewall', 'in', 'name', 'smoketest'])
@@ -214,7 +219,8 @@ class TestFirewall(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
['tcp flags & (syn | ack) == syn', 'tcp dport { 8888 }', 'log prefix "[smoketest-2-R]" level err', 'ip ttl > 102', 'reject'],
['tcp dport { 22 }', 'limit rate 5/minute', 'return'],
['log prefix "[smoketest-default-D]"','smoketest default-action', 'drop'],
- ['tcp dport { 22 }', 'add @RECENT_smoketest_4 { ip saddr limit rate over 10/minute burst 10 packets }', 'drop']
+ ['tcp dport { 22 }', 'add @RECENT_smoketest_4 { ip saddr limit rate over 10/minute burst 10 packets }', 'drop'],
+ [f'tcp flags & syn == syn tcp option maxseg size {mss_range}']
self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip filter')
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 8f711af20..6d7af78eb 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import json
import unittest
from base_interfaces_test import BasicInterfaceTest
+from copy import deepcopy
from glob import glob
from netifaces import interfaces
@@ -224,85 +225,78 @@ class BridgeInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
def test_bridge_vlan_filter(self):
- def _verify_members() -> None:
- # check member interfaces are added on the bridge
- for interface in self._interfaces:
- bridge_members = []
- for tmp in glob(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}/lower_*'):
- bridge_members.append(os.path.basename(tmp).replace('lower_', ''))
- # We can not use assertListEqual() b/c the position of the interface
- # names within the list is not fixed
- self.assertEqual(len(self._members), len(bridge_members))
- for member in self._members:
- self.assertIn(member, bridge_members)
- def _check_vlan_filter() -> None:
- for interface in self._interfaces:
- tmp = cmd(f'bridge -j vlan show dev {interface}')
- tmp = json.loads(tmp)
- self.assertIsNotNone(tmp)
- for interface_status in tmp:
- ifname = interface_status['ifname']
- for interface in self._members:
- vlan_success = 0;
- if interface == ifname:
- vlans_status = interface_status['vlans']
- for vlan_status in vlans_status:
- vlan_id = vlan_status['vlan']
- flag_num = 0
- if 'flags' in vlan_status:
- flags = vlan_status['flags']
- for flag in flags:
- flag_num = flag_num +1
- if vlan_id == 2:
- if flag_num == 0:
- vlan_success = vlan_success + 1
- else:
- for id in range(4,10):
- if vlan_id == id:
- if flag_num == 0:
- vlan_success = vlan_success + 1
- if vlan_id >= 101:
- if flag_num == 2:
- vlan_success = vlan_success + 1
- self.assertGreaterEqual(vlan_success, 7)
- vif_vlan = 2
+ vifs = ['10', '20', '30', '40']
+ native_vlan = '20'
# Add member interface to bridge and set VLAN filter
for interface in self._interfaces:
base = self._base_path + [interface]
self.cli_set(base + ['enable-vlan'])
self.cli_set(base + ['address', ''])
- self.cli_set(base + ['vif', str(vif_vlan), 'address', ''])
- self.cli_set(base + ['vif', str(vif_vlan), 'mtu', self._mtu])
- vlan_id = 101
- allowed_vlan = 2
- allowed_vlan_range = '4-9'
- # assign members to bridge interface
+ for vif in vifs:
+ self.cli_set(base + ['vif', vif, 'address', f'192.0.{vif}.1/24'])
+ self.cli_set(base + ['vif', vif, 'mtu', self._mtu])
for member in self._members:
base_member = base + ['member', 'interface', member]
- self.cli_set(base_member + ['allowed-vlan', str(allowed_vlan)])
- self.cli_set(base_member + ['allowed-vlan', allowed_vlan_range])
- self.cli_set(base_member + ['native-vlan', str(vlan_id)])
- vlan_id += 1
+ self.cli_set(base_member + ['native-vlan', native_vlan])
+ for vif in vifs:
+ self.cli_set(base_member + ['allowed-vlan', vif])
# commit config
+ def _verify_members(interface, members) -> None:
+ # check member interfaces are added on the bridge
+ bridge_members = []
+ for tmp in glob(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}/lower_*'):
+ bridge_members.append(os.path.basename(tmp).replace('lower_', ''))
+ self.assertListEqual(sorted(members), sorted(bridge_members))
+ def _check_vlan_filter(interface, vifs) -> None:
+ configured_vlan_ids = []
+ bridge_json = cmd(f'bridge -j vlan show dev {interface}')
+ bridge_json = json.loads(bridge_json)
+ self.assertIsNotNone(bridge_json)
+ for tmp in bridge_json:
+ self.assertIn('vlans', tmp)
+ for vlan in tmp['vlans']:
+ self.assertIn('vlan', vlan)
+ configured_vlan_ids.append(str(vlan['vlan']))
+ # Verify native VLAN ID has 'PVID' flag set on individual member ports
+ if not interface.startswith('br') and str(vlan['vlan']) == native_vlan:
+ self.assertIn('flags', vlan)
+ self.assertIn('PVID', vlan['flags'])
+ self.assertListEqual(sorted(configured_vlan_ids), sorted(vifs))
# Verify correct setting of VLAN filter function
for interface in self._interfaces:
tmp = read_file(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}/bridge/vlan_filtering')
self.assertEqual(tmp, '1')
- # Execute the program to obtain status information and verify proper
- # VLAN filter setup
- _check_vlan_filter()
+ # Obtain status information and verify proper VLAN filter setup.
+ # First check if all members are present, second check if all VLANs
+ # are assigned on the parend bridge interface, third verify all the
+ # VLANs are properly setup on the downstream "member" ports
+ for interface in self._interfaces:
+ # check member interfaces are added on the bridge
+ _verify_members(interface, self._members)
- # check member interfaces are added on the bridge
- _verify_members()
+ # Check if all VLAN ids are properly set up. Bridge interface always
+ # has native VLAN 1
+ tmp = deepcopy(vifs)
+ tmp.append('1')
+ _check_vlan_filter(interface, tmp)
+ for member in self._members:
+ _check_vlan_filter(member, vifs)
# change member interface description to trigger config update,
# VLANs must still exist (T4565)
@@ -313,12 +307,22 @@ class BridgeInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
# commit config
- # check member interfaces are added on the bridge
- _verify_members()
+ # Obtain status information and verify proper VLAN filter setup.
+ # First check if all members are present, second check if all VLANs
+ # are assigned on the parend bridge interface, third verify all the
+ # VLANs are properly setup on the downstream "member" ports
+ for interface in self._interfaces:
+ # check member interfaces are added on the bridge
+ _verify_members(interface, self._members)
+ # Check if all VLAN ids are properly set up. Bridge interface always
+ # has native VLAN 1
+ tmp = deepcopy(vifs)
+ tmp.append('1')
+ _check_vlan_filter(interface, tmp)
- # Execute the program to obtain status information and verify proper
- # VLAN filter setup
- _check_vlan_filter()
+ for member in self._members:
+ _check_vlan_filter(member, vifs)
# delete all members
for interface in self._interfaces:
@@ -337,7 +341,6 @@ class BridgeInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
for member in self._members:
self.assertNotIn(member, bridge_members)
def test_bridge_vif_members(self):
# T2945: ensure that VIFs are not dropped from bridge
vifs = ['300', '400']
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index ca70e2c18..f141cc6d3 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@ from vyos.util import read_file
from vyos.util import get_interface_config
from vyos.util import process_named_running
+PROCESS_NAME = 'wpa_supplicant'
def get_config_value(interface, key):
tmp = read_file(f'/run/wpa_supplicant/{interface}.conf')
tmp = re.findall(r'\n?{}=(.*)'.format(key), tmp)
@@ -55,6 +57,10 @@ class MACsecInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
# call base-classes classmethod
super(MACsecInterfaceTest, cls).setUpClass()
+ def tearDown(self):
+ super().tearDown()
+ self.assertFalse(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME))
def test_macsec_encryption(self):
# MACsec can be operating in authentication and encryption mode - both
# using different mandatory settings, lets test encryption as the basic
@@ -96,32 +102,29 @@ class MACsecInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
tmp = get_config_value(src_interface, 'macsec_integ_only')
- self.assertTrue("0" in tmp)
+ self.assertIn("0", tmp)
tmp = get_config_value(src_interface, 'mka_cak')
- self.assertTrue(mak_cak in tmp)
+ self.assertIn(mak_cak, tmp)
tmp = get_config_value(src_interface, 'mka_ckn')
- self.assertTrue(mak_ckn in tmp)
- # check that we use the new macsec_csindex option (T4537)
- tmp = get_config_value(src_interface, 'macsec_csindex')
- self.assertTrue("1" in tmp)
+ self.assertIn(mak_ckn, tmp)
# check that the default priority of 255 is programmed
tmp = get_config_value(src_interface, 'mka_priority')
- self.assertTrue("255" in tmp)
+ self.assertIn("255", tmp)
tmp = get_config_value(src_interface, 'macsec_replay_window')
- self.assertTrue(replay_window in tmp)
+ self.assertIn(replay_window, tmp)
tmp = read_file(f'/sys/class/net/{interface}/mtu')
self.assertEqual(tmp, '1460')
- # Check for running process
- self.assertTrue(process_named_running('wpa_supplicant'))
+ # Check for running process
+ self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME))
def test_macsec_gcm_aes_128(self):
+ src_interface = 'eth0'
interface = 'macsec1'
cipher = 'gcm-aes-128'
self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface])
@@ -129,7 +132,7 @@ class MACsecInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
# check validate() - source interface is mandatory
with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
- self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'source-interface', 'eth0'])
+ self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'source-interface', src_interface])
# check validate() - cipher is mandatory
with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
@@ -142,7 +145,15 @@ class MACsecInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
self.assertIn(interface, interfaces())
self.assertEqual(cipher, get_cipher(interface))
+ # check that we use the new macsec_csindex option (T4537)
+ tmp = get_config_value(src_interface, 'macsec_csindex')
+ self.assertIn("0", tmp)
+ # Check for running process
+ self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME))
def test_macsec_gcm_aes_256(self):
+ src_interface = 'eth0'
interface = 'macsec4'
cipher = 'gcm-aes-256'
self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface])
@@ -150,7 +161,7 @@ class MACsecInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
# check validate() - source interface is mandatory
with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
- self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'source-interface', 'eth0'])
+ self.cli_set(self._base_path + [interface, 'source-interface', src_interface])
# check validate() - cipher is mandatory
with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
@@ -162,6 +173,13 @@ class MACsecInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
self.assertIn(interface, interfaces())
self.assertEqual(cipher, get_cipher(interface))
+ # check that we use the new macsec_csindex option (T4537)
+ tmp = get_config_value(src_interface, 'macsec_csindex')
+ self.assertIn("1", tmp)
+ # Check for running process
+ self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME))
def test_macsec_source_interface(self):
# Ensure source-interface can bot be part of any other bond or bridge
@@ -190,6 +208,9 @@ class MACsecInterfaceTest(BasicInterfaceTest.TestCase):
self.assertIn(interface, interfaces())
+ # Check for running process
+ self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME))
if __name__ == '__main__':
- unittest.main(verbosity=2)
+ unittest.main(verbosity=2, failfast=True)
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index aac6a30f9..4b5625569 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -42,6 +42,17 @@ class TestNAT66(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
+ def verify_nftables(self, nftables_search, table, inverse=False, args=''):
+ nftables_output = cmd(f'sudo nft {args} list table {table}')
+ for search in nftables_search:
+ matched = False
+ for line in nftables_output.split("\n"):
+ if all(item in line for item in search):
+ matched = True
+ break
+ self.assertTrue(not matched if inverse else matched, msg=search)
def test_source_nat66(self):
source_prefix = 'fc00::/64'
translation_prefix = 'fc01::/64'
@@ -49,29 +60,23 @@ class TestNAT66(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(src_path + ['rule', '1', 'source', 'prefix', source_prefix])
self.cli_set(src_path + ['rule', '1', 'translation', 'address', translation_prefix])
- # check validate() - outbound-interface must be defined
- self.cli_commit()
+ self.cli_set(src_path + ['rule', '2', 'outbound-interface', 'eth1'])
+ self.cli_set(src_path + ['rule', '2', 'source', 'prefix', source_prefix])
+ self.cli_set(src_path + ['rule', '2', 'translation', 'address', 'masquerade'])
- tmp = cmd('sudo nft -j list table ip6 nat')
- data_json ='nftables[?rule].rule[?chain]', json.loads(tmp))
+ self.cli_set(src_path + ['rule', '3', 'outbound-interface', 'eth1'])
+ self.cli_set(src_path + ['rule', '3', 'source', 'prefix', source_prefix])
+ self.cli_set(src_path + ['rule', '3', 'exclude'])
- for idx in range(0, len(data_json)):
- data = data_json[idx]
+ self.cli_commit()
- self.assertEqual(data['chain'], 'POSTROUTING')
- self.assertEqual(data['family'], 'ip6')
- self.assertEqual(data['table'], 'nat')
+ nftables_search = [
+ ['oifname "eth1"', 'ip6 saddr fc00::/64', 'snat prefix to fc01::/64'],
+ ['oifname "eth1"', 'ip6 saddr fc00::/64', 'masquerade'],
+ ['oifname "eth1"', 'ip6 saddr fc00::/64', 'return']
+ ]
- iface = dict_search('match.right', data['expr'][0])
- address = dict_search('match.right.prefix.addr', data['expr'][2])
- mask = dict_search('match.right.prefix.len', data['expr'][2])
- translation_address = dict_search('snat.addr.prefix.addr', data['expr'][3])
- translation_mask = dict_search('snat.addr.prefix.len', data['expr'][3])
- self.assertEqual(iface, 'eth1')
- # check for translation address
- self.assertEqual(f'{translation_address}/{translation_mask}', translation_prefix)
- self.assertEqual(f'{address}/{mask}', source_prefix)
+ self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip6 nat')
def test_source_nat66_address(self):
source_prefix = 'fc00::/64'
@@ -106,28 +111,25 @@ class TestNAT66(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
def test_destination_nat66(self):
destination_address = 'fc00::1'
translation_address = 'fc01::1'
+ source_address = 'fc02::1'
self.cli_set(dst_path + ['rule', '1', 'inbound-interface', 'eth1'])
self.cli_set(dst_path + ['rule', '1', 'destination', 'address', destination_address])
self.cli_set(dst_path + ['rule', '1', 'translation', 'address', translation_address])
+ self.cli_set(dst_path + ['rule', '2', 'inbound-interface', 'eth1'])
+ self.cli_set(dst_path + ['rule', '2', 'destination', 'address', destination_address])
+ self.cli_set(dst_path + ['rule', '2', 'source', 'address', source_address])
+ self.cli_set(dst_path + ['rule', '2', 'exclude'])
# check validate() - outbound-interface must be defined
- tmp = cmd('sudo nft -j list table ip6 nat')
- data_json ='nftables[?rule].rule[?chain]', json.loads(tmp))
- for idx in range(0, len(data_json)):
- data = data_json[idx]
- self.assertEqual(data['chain'], 'PREROUTING')
- self.assertEqual(data['family'], 'ip6')
- self.assertEqual(data['table'], 'nat')
- iface = dict_search('match.right', data['expr'][0])
- dnat_addr = dict_search('dnat.addr', data['expr'][3])
+ nftables_search = [
+ ['iifname "eth1"', 'ip6 daddr fc00::1', 'dnat to fc01::1'],
+ ['iifname "eth1"', 'ip6 saddr fc02::1', 'ip6 daddr fc00::1', 'return']
+ ]
- self.assertEqual(dnat_addr, translation_address)
- self.assertEqual(iface, 'eth1')
+ self.verify_nftables(nftables_search, 'ip6 nat')
def test_destination_nat66_prefix(self):
destination_prefix = 'fc00::/64'
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 009dbc803..6196ffe60 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ neighbor_config = {
'shutdown' : '',
'cap_over' : '',
'ttl_security' : '5',
- 'local_as' : '300',
+ 'system_as' : '300',
'route_map_in' : route_map_in,
'route_map_out' : route_map_out,
'no_send_comm_ext' : '',
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ neighbor_config = {
'shutdown' : '',
'cap_over' : '',
'ttl_security' : '5',
- 'local_as' : '300',
+ 'system_as' : '300',
'solo' : '',
'route_map_in' : route_map_in,
'route_map_out' : route_map_out,
@@ -105,7 +105,8 @@ neighbor_config = {
'pfx_list_out' : prefix_list_out6,
'no_send_comm_ext' : '',
'peer_group' : 'foo-bar_baz',
- 'graceful_rst_hlp' : ''
+ 'graceful_rst_hlp' : '',
+ 'disable_conn_chk' : '',
@@ -120,6 +121,7 @@ peer_group_config = {
'shutdown' : '',
'cap_over' : '',
'ttl_security' : '5',
+ 'disable_conn_chk' : '',
'bar' : {
'remote_as' : '111',
@@ -131,7 +133,7 @@ peer_group_config = {
'remote_as' : '200',
'shutdown' : '',
'no_cap_nego' : '',
- 'local_as' : '300',
+ 'system_as' : '300',
'pfx_list_in' : prefix_list_in,
'pfx_list_out' : prefix_list_out,
'no_send_comm_ext' : '',
@@ -177,7 +179,7 @@ class TestProtocolsBGP(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
cls.cli_delete(cls, ['policy'])
def setUp(self):
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['local-as', ASN])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['system-as', ASN])
def tearDown(self):
@@ -251,6 +253,9 @@ class TestProtocolsBGP(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.assertIn(f' neighbor {peer} graceful-restart-disable', frrconfig)
if 'graceful_rst_hlp' in peer_config:
self.assertIn(f' neighbor {peer} graceful-restart-helper', frrconfig)
+ if 'disable_conn_chk' in peer_config:
+ self.assertIn(f' neighbor {peer} disable-connected-check', frrconfig)
def test_bgp_01_simple(self):
router_id = ''
@@ -266,12 +271,12 @@ class TestProtocolsBGP(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(base_path + ['parameters', 'router-id', router_id])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['parameters', 'log-neighbor-changes'])
- # Local AS number MUST be defined - as this is set in setUp() we remove
+ # System AS number MUST be defined - as this is set in setUp() we remove
# this once for testing of the proper error
- self.cli_delete(base_path + ['local-as'])
+ self.cli_delete(base_path + ['system-as'])
with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['local-as', ASN])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['system-as', ASN])
# Default local preference (higher = more preferred, default value is 100)
self.cli_set(base_path + ['parameters', 'default', 'local-pref', local_pref])
@@ -400,6 +405,8 @@ class TestProtocolsBGP(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(base_path + ['neighbor', peer, 'graceful-restart', 'disable'])
if 'graceful_rst_hlp' in peer_config:
self.cli_set(base_path + ['neighbor', peer, 'graceful-restart', 'restart-helper'])
+ if 'disable_conn_chk' in peer_config:
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['neighbor', peer, 'disable-connected-check'])
# Conditional advertisement
if 'advertise_map' in peer_config:
@@ -488,6 +495,8 @@ class TestProtocolsBGP(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
self.cli_set(base_path + ['peer-group', peer_group, 'graceful-restart', 'disable'])
if 'graceful_rst_hlp' in config:
self.cli_set(base_path + ['peer-group', peer_group, 'graceful-restart', 'restart-helper'])
+ if 'disable_conn_chk' in config:
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['peer-group', peer_group, 'disable-connected-check'])
# Conditional advertisement
if 'advertise_map' in config:
@@ -760,13 +769,13 @@ class TestProtocolsBGP(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
# templates and Jinja2 FRR template.
table = '1000'
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['local-as', ASN])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['system-as', ASN])
# testing only one AFI is sufficient as it's generic code
for vrf in vrfs:
vrf_base = ['vrf', 'name', vrf]
self.cli_set(vrf_base + ['table', table])
- self.cli_set(vrf_base + ['protocols', 'bgp', 'local-as', ASN])
+ self.cli_set(vrf_base + ['protocols', 'bgp', 'system-as', ASN])
self.cli_set(vrf_base + ['protocols', 'bgp', 'parameters', 'router-id', router_id])
self.cli_set(vrf_base + ['protocols', 'bgp', 'route-map', route_map_in])
table = str(int(table) + 1000)
@@ -804,7 +813,7 @@ class TestProtocolsBGP(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
confed_id = str(int(ASN) + 1)
confed_asns = '10 20 30 40'
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['local-as', ASN])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['system-as', ASN])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['parameters', 'router-id', router_id])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['parameters', 'confederation', 'identifier', confed_id])
for asn in confed_asns.split():
@@ -825,7 +834,7 @@ class TestProtocolsBGP(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
remote_asn = str(int(ASN) + 10)
interface = 'eth0'
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['local-as', ASN])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['system-as', ASN])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['neighbor', interface, 'address-family', 'ipv6-unicast'])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['neighbor', interface, 'interface', 'v6only', 'remote-as', remote_asn])
@@ -850,7 +859,7 @@ class TestProtocolsBGP(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
rt_export = f'{neighbor}:1002'
rt_import = f'{neighbor}:1003 500:100'
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['local-as', ASN])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['system-as', ASN])
# testing only one AFI is sufficient as it's generic code
for afi in ['ipv4-unicast', 'ipv6-unicast']:
self.cli_set(base_path + ['address-family', afi, 'export', 'vpn'])
@@ -889,7 +898,7 @@ class TestProtocolsBGP(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
peer_group = 'bar'
interface = 'eth0'
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['local-as', ASN])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['system-as', ASN])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['neighbor', neighbor, 'remote-as', remote_asn])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['neighbor', neighbor, 'peer-group', peer_group])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['peer-group', peer_group, 'remote-as', remote_asn])
@@ -929,7 +938,7 @@ class TestProtocolsBGP(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
remote_asn = '500'
local_asn = '400'
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['local-as', ASN])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['system-as', ASN])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['neighbor', neighbor, 'remote-as', ASN])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['neighbor', neighbor, 'local-as', local_asn])
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 1c8cc9759..c1c4044e6 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ from vyos.util import process_named_running
from vyos.util import read_file
PROCESS_NAME = 'telegraf'
-TELEGRAF_CONF = '/run/telegraf/vyos-telegraf.conf'
+TELEGRAF_CONF = '/run/telegraf/telegraf.conf'
base_path = ['service', 'monitoring', 'telegraf']
org = 'log@in.local'
token = 'GuRJc12tIzfjnYdKRAIYbxdWd2aTpOT9PVYNddzDnFV4HkAcD7u7-kndTFXjGuXzJN6TTxmrvPODB4mnFcseDV=='
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index bda279342..8572d6d66 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python3
-# Copyright (C) 2020 VyOS maintainers and contributors
+# Copyright (C) 2020-2022 VyOS maintainers and contributors
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later as
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ import unittest
from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM
from vyos.util import process_named_running
+from vyos.util import read_file
OCSERV_CONF = '/run/ocserv/ocserv.conf'
base_path = ['vpn', 'openconnect']
@@ -46,36 +47,84 @@ MIGHAgEAMBMGByqGSM49AgEGCCqGSM49AwEHBG0wawIBAQQgPLpD0Ohhoq0g4nhx
-class TestVpnOpenconnect(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
+PROCESS_NAME = 'ocserv-main'
+config_file = '/run/ocserv/ocserv.conf'
+auth_file = '/run/ocserv/ocpasswd'
+otp_file = '/run/ocserv/users.oath'
+class TestVPNOpenConnect(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
+ @classmethod
+ def setUpClass(cls):
+ super(TestVPNOpenConnect, cls).setUpClass()
+ # ensure we can also run this test on a live system - so lets clean
+ # out the current configuration :)
+ cls.cli_delete(cls, base_path)
+ cls.cli_set(cls, pki_path + ['ca', 'openconnect', 'certificate', cert_data.replace('\n','')])
+ cls.cli_set(cls, pki_path + ['certificate', 'openconnect', 'certificate', cert_data.replace('\n','')])
+ cls.cli_set(cls, pki_path + ['certificate', 'openconnect', 'private', 'key', key_data.replace('\n','')])
+ @classmethod
+ def tearDownClass(cls):
+ cls.cli_delete(cls, pki_path)
+ super(TestVPNOpenConnect, cls).tearDownClass()
def tearDown(self):
- # Delete vpn openconnect configuration
- self.cli_delete(pki_path)
+ self.assertTrue(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME))
- def test_vpn(self):
+ self.assertFalse(process_named_running(PROCESS_NAME))
+ def test_ocserv(self):
user = 'vyos_user'
password = 'vyos_pass'
otp = '37500000026900000000200000000000'
- self.cli_delete(pki_path)
- self.cli_delete(base_path)
- self.cli_set(pki_path + ['ca', 'openconnect', 'certificate', cert_data.replace('\n','')])
- self.cli_set(pki_path + ['certificate', 'openconnect', 'certificate', cert_data.replace('\n','')])
- self.cli_set(pki_path + ['certificate', 'openconnect', 'private', 'key', key_data.replace('\n','')])
+ v4_subnet = ''
+ v6_prefix = '2001:db8:1000::/64'
+ v6_len = '126'
+ name_server = ['', '', '2001:db8::1']
+ split_dns = ['', '']
self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'local-users', 'username', user, 'password', password])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'local-users', 'username', user, 'otp', 'key', otp])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['authentication', 'mode', 'local', 'password-otp'])
- self.cli_set(base_path + ['network-settings', 'client-ip-settings', 'subnet', ''])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['network-settings', 'client-ip-settings', 'subnet', v4_subnet])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['network-settings', 'client-ipv6-pool', 'prefix', v6_prefix])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['network-settings', 'client-ipv6-pool', 'mask', v6_len])
+ for ns in name_server:
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['network-settings', 'name-server', ns])
+ for domain in split_dns:
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['network-settings', 'split-dns', domain])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['ssl', 'ca-certificate', 'openconnect'])
self.cli_set(base_path + ['ssl', 'certificate', 'openconnect'])
- # Check for running process
- self.assertTrue(process_named_running('ocserv-main'))
+ # Verify configuration
+ daemon_config = read_file(config_file)
+ # authentication mode local password-otp
+ self.assertIn(f'auth = "plain[passwd=/run/ocserv/ocpasswd,otp=/run/ocserv/users.oath]"', daemon_config)
+ self.assertIn(f'ipv4-network = {v4_subnet}', daemon_config)
+ self.assertIn(f'ipv6-network = {v6_prefix}', daemon_config)
+ self.assertIn(f'ipv6-subnet-prefix = {v6_len}', daemon_config)
+ for ns in name_server:
+ self.assertIn(f'dns = {ns}', daemon_config)
+ for domain in split_dns:
+ self.assertIn(f'split-dns = {domain}', daemon_config)
+ auth_config = read_file(auth_file)
+ self.assertIn(f'{user}:*:$', auth_config)
+ otp_config = read_file(otp_file)
+ self.assertIn(f'HOTP/T30/6 {user} - {otp}', otp_config)
if __name__ == '__main__':