path: root/smoketest
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1 files changed, 156 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/smoketest/scripts/cli/ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
index 9c3e848cd..79b791288 100755
--- a/smoketest/scripts/cli/
+++ b/smoketest/scripts/cli/
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from json import loads
from base_vyostest_shim import VyOSUnitTestSHIM
from vyos.configsession import ConfigSessionError
-from vyos.ifconfig import Section
+from vyos.ifconfig import Section, Interface
from vyos.qos import CAKE
from vyos.utils.process import cmd
@@ -985,6 +985,137 @@ class TestQoS(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
+ def test_21_shaper_hfsc(self):
+ interface = self._interfaces[0]
+ policy_name = f'qos-policy-{interface}'
+ ul = {
+ 'm1': '100kbit',
+ 'm2': '150kbit',
+ 'd': '100',
+ }
+ ls = {'m2': '120kbit'}
+ rt = {
+ 'm1': '110kbit',
+ 'm2': '130kbit',
+ 'd': '75',
+ }
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['interface', interface, 'egress', policy_name])
+ self.cli_set(base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name])
+ # Policy {policy_name} misses "default" class!
+ with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
+ self.cli_commit()
+ self.cli_set(
+ base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name, 'default', 'upperlimit']
+ )
+ # At least one m2 value needs to be set for class: {class_name}
+ with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
+ self.cli_commit()
+ self.cli_set(
+ base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name, 'default', 'upperlimit', 'm1', ul['m1']]
+ )
+ # {class_name} upperlimit m1 value is set, but no m2 was found!
+ with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
+ self.cli_commit()
+ self.cli_set(
+ base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name, 'default', 'upperlimit', 'm2', ul['m2']]
+ )
+ # {class_name} upperlimit m1 value is set, but no d was found!
+ with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
+ self.cli_commit()
+ self.cli_set(
+ base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name, 'default', 'upperlimit', 'd', ul['d']]
+ )
+ # Linkshare m2 needs to be defined to use upperlimit m2 for class: {class_name}
+ with self.assertRaises(ConfigSessionError):
+ self.cli_commit()
+ self.cli_set(
+ base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name, 'default', 'linkshare', 'm2', ls['m2']]
+ )
+ self.cli_commit()
+ # use raw because tc json is incorrect here
+ tmp = cmd(f'tc -details qdisc show dev {interface}')
+ for rec in tmp.split('\n'):
+ rec = rec.strip()
+ if 'root' in rec:
+ self.assertEqual(rec, 'qdisc hfsc 1: root refcnt 2 default 2')
+ else:
+ self.assertRegex(
+ rec,
+ r'qdisc sfq \S+: parent 1:2 limit 127p quantum 1514b depth 127 flows 128 divisor 1024 perturb 10sec',
+ )
+ # use raw because tc json is incorrect here
+ tmp = cmd(f'tc -details class show dev {interface}')
+ for rec in tmp.split('\n'):
+ rec = rec.strip().lower()
+ if 'root' in rec:
+ self.assertEqual(rec, 'class hfsc 1: root')
+ elif 'hfsc 1:1' in rec:
+ # m2 \S+bit is auto bandwidth
+ self.assertRegex(
+ rec,
+ r'class hfsc 1:1 parent 1: sc m1 0bit d 0us m2 \S+bit ul m1 0bit d 0us m2 \S+bit',
+ )
+ else:
+ self.assertRegex(
+ rec,
+ rf'class hfsc 1:2 parent 1:1 leaf \S+: ls m1 0bit d 0us m2 {ls["m2"]} ul m1 {ul["m1"]} d {ul["d"]}ms m2 {ul["m2"]}',
+ )
+ for key, val in rt.items():
+ self.cli_set(
+ base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name, 'default', 'realtime', key, val]
+ )
+ self.cli_commit()
+ tmp = cmd(f'tc -details class show dev {interface}')
+ for rec in tmp.split('\n'):
+ rec = rec.strip().lower()
+ if 'hfsc 1:2' in rec:
+ self.assertTrue(
+ f'rt m1 {rt["m1"]} d {rt["d"]}ms m2 {rt["m2"]} ls m1 0bit d 0us m2 {ls["m2"]} ul m1 {ul["m1"]} d {ul["d"]}ms m2 {ul["m2"]}'
+ in rec
+ )
+ # add some class
+ self.cli_set(
+ base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name, 'class', '10', 'linkshare', 'm2', '300kbit']
+ )
+ self.cli_set(
+ base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name, 'class', '10', 'match', 'tst', 'ip', 'dscp', 'internet']
+ )
+ self.cli_set(
+ base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name, 'class', '30', 'realtime', 'm2', '250kbit']
+ )
+ self.cli_set(
+ base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name, 'class', '30', 'realtime', 'd', '77']
+ )
+ self.cli_set(
+ base_path + ['policy', 'shaper-hfsc', policy_name, 'class', '30', 'match', 'tst30', 'ip', 'dscp', 'critical']
+ )
+ self.cli_commit()
+ tmp = cmd(f'tc -details qdisc show dev {interface}')
+ self.assertEqual(4, len(tmp.split('\n')))
+ tmp = cmd(f'tc -details class show dev {interface}')
+ tmp = tmp.lower()
+ self.assertTrue(
+ f'rt m1 {rt["m1"]} d {rt["d"]}ms m2 {rt["m2"]} ls m1 0bit d 0us m2 {ls["m2"]} ul m1 {ul["m1"]} d {ul["d"]}ms m2 {ul["m2"]}'
+ in tmp
+ )
+ self.assertTrue(': ls m1 0bit d 0us m2 300kbit' in tmp)
+ self.assertTrue(': rt m1 0bit d 77ms m2 250kbit' in tmp)
def test_22_rate_control_default(self):
interface = self._interfaces[0]
policy_name = f'qos-policy-{interface}'
@@ -1006,6 +1137,30 @@ class TestQoS(VyOSUnitTestSHIM.TestCase):
# TC store rates as a 32-bit unsigned integer in bps (Bytes per second)
self.assertEqual(int(bandwidth * 125), tmp['options']['rate'])
+ def test_23_policy_limiter_iif_filter(self):
+ policy_name = 'smoke_test'
+ base_policy_path = ['qos', 'policy', 'limiter', policy_name]
+ self.cli_set(['qos', 'interface', self._interfaces[0], 'ingress', policy_name])
+ self.cli_set(base_policy_path + ['class', '100', 'bandwidth', '20gbit'])
+ self.cli_set(base_policy_path + ['class', '100', 'burst', '3760k'])
+ self.cli_set(base_policy_path + ['class', '100', 'match', 'test', 'interface', self._interfaces[0]])
+ self.cli_set(base_policy_path + ['class', '100', 'priority', '20'])
+ self.cli_set(base_policy_path + ['default', 'bandwidth', '1gbit'])
+ self.cli_set(base_policy_path + ['default', 'burst', '125000000b'])
+ self.cli_commit()
+ iif = Interface(self._interfaces[0]).get_ifindex()
+ tc_filters = cmd(f'tc filter show dev {self._interfaces[0]} ingress')
+ # class 100
+ self.assertIn('filter parent ffff: protocol all pref 20 basic chain 0', tc_filters)
+ self.assertIn(f'meta(rt_iif eq {iif})', tc_filters)
+ self.assertIn('action order 1: police 0x1 rate 20Gbit burst 3847500b mtu 2Kb action drop overhead 0b', tc_filters)
+ # default
+ self.assertIn('filter parent ffff: protocol all pref 255 basic chain 0', tc_filters)
+ self.assertIn('action order 1: police 0x2 rate 1Gbit burst 125000000b mtu 2Kb action drop overhead 0b', tc_filters)
if __name__ == '__main__':