Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
T5643: nat: add interface-groups to nat. Use same cli structure for i…
Add missed option `ceil` for QoS class 'trafficshaper'
bridge: T5670: add missing constraint on "member interface" node
T5637: add new rule at the end of base chains for default-actions and log capabilities
We have had a mix of both string and list arguments to conf.exists(),
stremaline this to only make use of list calls.
remote: T5650: Resize-aware progressbar implementation
bonding: T5254: Fixed changing ethernet when it is a bond member
interface-name|interface-group as in firewall.
enables log capabilities for default-action in base chains. And of course, add option for enabling log for default-action
config: T5631: save copy of config in JSON format on commit
If ethernet interface is a bond memeber:
1. Allow for changing only specific parameters which are specified
in EthernetIf.get_bond_member_allowed_options function.
2. Added inheritable parameters from bond interface to ethernet
interface which are scpecified
in BondIf.get_inherit_bond_options.
Users can change inheritable options under ethernet interface
but in commit it will be copied from bond interface.
3. All other parameters are denied for changing.
Added migration script. It deletes all denied parameters under
ethernet interface if it is a bond member.
filter and in policy route.
T5217: Add firewall synproxy
smoketest: T5607: support getting SCSI device by drive-id
Add ability to SYNPROXY connections
It is useful to protect against TCP SYN flood attacks and port-scanners
set firewall global-options syn-cookies 'enable'
set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 action 'synproxy'
set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 destination port '22'
set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 inbound-interface interface-name 'eth1'
set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 protocol 'tcp'
set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 synproxy tcp mss '1460'
set firewall ipv4 input filter rule 10 synproxy tcp window-scale '7'
init: T5239: configure system hostname prior to FRR startup
supports HW flowtable offload
- Add required offload setting for interfaces + flowtable offload (hw-tc-offload)
- Verification of interface support for hardware offloaded flowtables
`set firewall flowtable <name> interface <ifname>`
`set firewall flowtable <name> offload [software|hardware]`
`set firewall [ipv4|ipv6] forward filter rule N action offload`
`set firewall [ipv4|ipv6] forward filter rule N offload-target <name>`
T5590: firewall log rule: fix order which rule are processed
conntrack: T5571: Refactor conntrack using vyos.configdep
- Moves MSS node out of `tcp-flags.xml.i` and into `tcp-mss.xml.i`
- Update smoketest to verify TCP flag matching
should be added at the end of the rule, after all matchers and befora action. Also change 2 lines in policy_route smoketest, which suddenly wasn't working as expected
address, and not only global ipv6 address. This allows to configure ipv6 link local address on vrrp hello-source-address parameter.
Interface 'any' not expected in nft rules, it means that option
iifname shouldn't exist at all
set system conntrack ignore ipv4 rule 10 inbound-interface 'any'
table ip raw {
iifname "any" counter packets 0 bytes 0 notrack comment "ignore-10"
Fix it
T5518: Add basic MLD support
FRR supports a new way of configuring VLAN-to-VNI mappings for EVPN-VXLAN, when
working with the Linux kernel. In this new way, the mapping of a VLAN to a VNI
is configured against a container VXLAN interface which is referred to as a
'Single VXLAN device (SVD)'.
Multiple VLAN to VNI mappings can be configured against the same SVD. This
allows for a significant scaling of the number of VNIs since a separate VXLAN
interface is no longer required for each VNI.
Sample configuration of SVD with VLAN to VNI mappings is shown below.
set interfaces bridge br0 member interface vxlan0
set interfaces vxlan vxlan0 external
set interfaces vxlan vxlan0 source-interface 'dum0'
set interfaces vxlan vxlan0 vlan-to-vni 10 vni '10010'
set interfaces vxlan vxlan0 vlan-to-vni 11 vni '10011'
set interfaces vxlan vxlan0 vlan-to-vni 30 vni '10030'
set interfaces vxlan vxlan0 vlan-to-vni 31 vni '10031'
T4072: add firewall bridge filtering.
Currently VyOS has `protocol igmp` option to enable IGMP querier and reports through FRR's pimd.
I would like to add support for IPv6 as well since FRR's IPv6 multicast functionality has significantly improved.
Enabling both MLD and IGMP on a VyOS router will allow us to turn on multicast snooping on layer-3 switches in dual-stack networks.
Example commands:
// Enable on interface eth0
set protocols pim6 interface eth0
// Explicitly join multicast group ff18::1234 on interface eth1
set protocols pim6 interface eth1 mld join ff18::1234
// Explicitly join source-specific multicast group ff38::5678 with source address 2001:db8::1 on interface eth1
set protocols pim6 interface eth1 mld join ff38::5678 source 2001:db8::1
forward chain and few matchers. Should be extended in the future.
Add support for defining config-mode dependencies in add-on packages.
conntrack: T4309: T4903: Refactor `system conntrack ignore`, add IPv6 support and firewall groups
interface: T5550: Interface source-validation priority over global value
The legacy config-mgmt/save-config tools had an abiding bug that would
raise an error if comparing/reading the init archive; this is no longer
an issue.