mac node
The problem was introduced in [1] but the config migrator part unfortunately
was added to the wrong version [2]. As IPoE config version 0 was only active
during the 1.3 development cycle and VyOS 1.3.0 was already released with config
version 1 we can safely drop the migrator 0-to-1 and move the code to 1-to-2 to
properly support upgrades from VyOS 1.3 -> 1.4 or newer.
1: https://github.com/vyos/vyos-1x/commit/05df2a5f021f0c7aab7c06db645d210858b6e98d#diff-08291bf77870abe3af8bbe3e8ce4bbf344fd0498b2c5c75a75aa7235d381c88eL168
2: https://github.com/vyos/vyos-1x/commit/05df2a5f021f0c7aab7c06db645d210858b6e98d#diff-b8bb58b75607d3653e74d82eff02442f9f3ab82698f160ba37858f7cdf6c79ccR44-R46