From 472c95689fca0611e01a83d59e1d1e70c9d35fc7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Cheeze_It <>
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 2021 14:19:40 -0600
Subject: isis: T3693: Adding IPv6 redistribution to ISIS

In this commit we add the ability to redistribute into
ISIS for IPv6 address family.
 data/templates/frr/isis.frr.tmpl | 33 ++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 24 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

(limited to 'data')

diff --git a/data/templates/frr/isis.frr.tmpl b/data/templates/frr/isis.frr.tmpl
index 1e651898b..3b6432a4f 100644
--- a/data/templates/frr/isis.frr.tmpl
+++ b/data/templates/frr/isis.frr.tmpl
@@ -116,18 +116,33 @@ router isis VyOS {{ 'vrf ' + vrf if vrf is defined and vrf is not none }}
 {%     endfor %}
 {%   endfor %}
 {% endif %}
-{% if redistribute is defined and redistribute.ipv4 is defined and redistribute.ipv4 is not none %}
-{%   for protocol in redistribute.ipv4 %}
-{%     for level, level_config in redistribute.ipv4[protocol].items() %}
-{%       if level_config.metric is defined and level_config.metric is not none %}
+{% if redistribute is defined %} 
+{%   if redistribute.ipv4 is defined and redistribute.ipv4 is not none %}
+{%     for protocol, protocol_options in redistribute.ipv4.items() %}
+{%       for level, level_config in redistribute.ipv4.protocol.items() %}
+{%         if level_config.metric is defined and level_config.metric is not none %}
  redistribute ipv4 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} metric {{ level_config.metric }}
-{%       elif level_config.route_map is defined and level_config.route_map is not none %}
+{%         elif level_config.route_map is defined and level_config.route_map is not none %}
  redistribute ipv4 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} route-map {{ level_config.route_map }}
-{%       else %}
+{%         else %}
  redistribute ipv4 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }}
-{%       endif %}
+{%         endif %}
+{%       endfor %}
 {%     endfor %}
-{%   endfor %}
+{%   endif %}
+{%   if redistribute.ipv6 is defined and redistribute.ipv6 is not none %}
+{%     for protocol, protocol_options in redistribute.ipv6.items() %}
+{%       for level, level_config in redistribute.ipv6.protocol.items() %}
+{%         if level_config.metric is defined and level_config.metric is not none %}
+ redistribute ipv6 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} metric {{ level_config.metric }}
+{%         elif level_config.route_map is defined and level_config.route_map is not none %}
+ redistribute ipv6 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} route-map {{ level_config.route_map }}
+{%         else %}
+ redistribute ipv6 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }}
+{%         endif %}
+{%       endfor %}
+{%     endfor %}
+{%   endif %}
 {% endif %}
 {% if level is defined and level is not none %}
 {%   if level == 'level-2'  %}
@@ -180,4 +195,4 @@ interface {{ iface }} {{ 'vrf ' + vrf if vrf is defined and vrf is not none }}
 {%     endif %}
 {%   endfor %}
 {% endif %}
\ No newline at end of file
cgit v1.2.3