# vyos-1x: VyOS 1.2.0+ configuration scripts and data [](https://sonarcloud.io/component_measures?id=vyos%3Avyos-1x&metric=coverage) [](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fvyos%2Fvyos-1x?ref=badge_shield) VyOS 1.1.x had its codebase split into way too many submodules for no good reason, which made it hard to navigate or write meaningful changelogs. As the code undergoes rewrite in the new style in VyOS 1.2.0+, we consolidate the rewritten code in this package. If you just want to build a VyOS image, the repository you want is [vyos-build](https://github.com/vyos/vyos-build). If you also want to contribute to VyOS, read on. ## Package layout ``` data # Jinja2 templates debian # Our package build system interface-definitions # Configuration interface (i.e. conf mode command) definitions op-mode-definitions # Operational command definitions python # Programming library for accessing the config frontend/backend schema # XML schema definition for conf mode and op mode commands scripts # Build-time scripts smoketest # Python Unittests for the CLI and system src conf_mode/ # Configuration mode scripts op_mode/ # Operational mode scripts completion/ # Completion helpers validators/ # Value validators helpers/ # Misc helpers migration-scripts # Migration scripts tests/ # Unit tests ``` ## Interface/command definitions Raw `node.def` files for the old backend are no longer written by hand or generated by custom sciprts. They are all now produced from a unified XML format that supports a strict subset of the old backend features. In particular, it intentionally does not support embedded shell scripts, default values, and value "types", instead delegating those tasks to external scripts. Configuration interface definitions must conform to the schema found in `schema/interface_definition.rng` and operational command definitions must conform to `schema/op-mode-definition.rng`. Schema checks are performed at build time, so a package with malformed interface definitions will not build. ## Configuration scripts The guidelines in a nutshell: * Use separate functions for retrieving configuration data, validating it, and generating taret config, see our [documentation](https://docs.vyos.io/en/latest/contributing/development.html#python) for the common structure * Use the `get_config_dict()` API as much as possible when retrieving values from the CLI * Use a template processor when the format is more complex than just one line (Jinja2 and pystache are acceptable options) ## Tests Tests are executed at build time, you can also execute them by hand with: ``` pipenv install pipenv shell make test ``` ### Runtime (Smoketests) Runtime tests are executed by the CI system on a running VyOS instance inside QEMU. The testcases can be found inside the smoketest subdirectory which will be placed into the vyos-1x-smoketest package. ## License [](https://app.fossa.io/projects/git%2Bgithub.com%2Fvyos%2Fvyos-1x?ref=badge_large)