{% if client_ipv6_pool is defined and client_ipv6_pool is not none %} [ipv6-nd] AdvAutonomousFlag=1 {% if client_ipv6_pool.prefix is defined and client_ipv6_pool.prefix is not none %} [ipv6-pool] {% for prefix, options in client_ipv6_pool.prefix.items() %} {{ prefix }},{{ '64 ' if options.mask is not defined else options.mask }} {% endfor %} {% if client_ipv6_pool.delegate is defined and client_ipv6_pool.delegate is not none %} {% for prefix, options in client_ipv6_pool.delegate.items() %} delegate={{ prefix }},{{ options.delegation_prefix }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if client_ipv6_pool.delegate is defined and client_ipv6_pool.delegate is not none %} [ipv6-dhcp] verbose=1 {% endif %} {% endif %}