#!/usr/sbin/nft -f {% set nft_ct_ignore_name = 'VYOS_CT_IGNORE' %} {% set nft_ct_timeout_name = 'VYOS_CT_TIMEOUT' %} # we first flush all chains and render the content from scratch - this makes # any delta check obsolete flush chain raw {{ nft_ct_ignore_name }} flush chain raw {{ nft_ct_timeout_name }} table raw { chain {{ nft_ct_ignore_name }} { {% if ignore.rule is vyos_defined %} {% for rule, rule_config in ignore.rule.items() %} # rule-{{ rule }} {{ '- ' ~ rule_config.description if rule_config.description is defined and rule_config.description is not none }} {% set nft_command = '' %} {% if rule_config.inbound_interface is vyos_defined %} {% set nft_command = nft_command ~ ' iifname ' ~ rule_config.inbound_interface %} {% endif %} {% if rule_config.protocol is vyos_defined %} {% set nft_command = nft_command ~ ' ip protocol ' ~ rule_config.protocol %} {% endif %} {% if rule_config.destination.address is vyos_defined %} {% set nft_command = nft_command ~ ' ip daddr ' ~ rule_config.destination.address %} {% endif %} {% if rule_config.destination.port is vyos_defined %} {% set nft_command = nft_command ~ ' ' ~ rule_config.protocol ~ ' dport { ' ~ rule_config.destination.port ~ ' }' %} {% endif %} {% if rule_config.source.address is vyos_defined %} {% set nft_command = nft_command ~ ' ip saddr ' ~ rule_config.source.address %} {% endif %} {% if rule_config.source.port is vyos_defined %} {% set nft_command = nft_command ~ ' ' ~ rule_config.protocol ~ ' sport { ' ~ rule_config.source.port ~ ' }' %} {% endif %} {{ nft_command }} counter notrack comment ignore-{{ rule }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} return } chain {{ nft_ct_timeout_name }} { {% if timeout.custom.rule is vyos_defined %} {% for rule, rule_config in timeout.custom.rule.items() %} # rule-{{ rule }} {{ '- ' ~ rule_config.description if rule_config.description is defined and rule_config.description is not none }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} return } }