### Autogenerated by dns_forwarding.py ### # XXX: pdns recursor doesn't like whitespace near entry separators, # especially in the semicolon-separated lists of name servers. # Please be careful if you edit the template. # Non-configurable defaults daemon=yes threads=1 allow-from={{ allow_from | join(',') }} log-common-errors=yes non-local-bind=yes query-local-address={{ source_address | join(',') }} lua-config-file=recursor.conf.lua # cache-size max-cache-entries={{ cache_size }} # negative TTL for NXDOMAIN max-negative-ttl={{ negative_ttl }} # timeout network-timeout={{ timeout }} # ignore-hosts-file export-etc-hosts={{ 'no' if ignore_hosts_file is defined else 'yes' }} # listen-address local-address={{ listen_address | join(',') }} # dnssec dnssec={{ dnssec }} # serve rfc1918 records serve-rfc1918={{ 'no' if no_serve_rfc1918 is defined else 'yes' }} # zones auth-zones={% for z in authoritative_zones %}{{ z.name }}={{ z.file }}{{- "," if not loop.last -}}{% endfor %} forward-zones-file=recursor.forward-zones.conf