#!/usr/sbin/nft -f # Start with clean NAT table flush table nat {% if helper_functions == 'remove' %} # NAT if going to be disabled - remove rules and targets from nftables delete rule ip raw PREROUTING handle {{ pre_ct_ignore }} delete rule ip raw PREROUTING handle {{ pre_ct_conntrack }} delete rule ip raw OUTPUT handle {{ out_ct_ignore }} delete rule ip raw OUTPUT handle {{ out_ct_conntrack }} delete chain ip raw NAT_CONNTRACK {% elif helper_functions == 'add' %} # NAT if enabled - add targets to nftables add chain ip raw NAT_CONNTRACK add rule ip raw NAT_CONNTRACK counter accept add rule ip raw PREROUTING position {{ pre_ct_ignore }} counter jump VYATTA_CT_HELPER add rule ip raw PREROUTING position {{ pre_ct_conntrack }} counter jump NAT_CONNTRACK add rule ip raw OUTPUT position {{ out_ct_ignore }} counter jump VYATTA_CT_HELPER add rule ip raw OUTPUT position {{ out_ct_conntrack }} counter jump NAT_CONNTRACK {% endif %} {% for r in destination -%} {% if r.protocol == 'tcp_udp' %} {# Special handling for protocol tcp_udp which is represented as two individual rules #} add rule ip nat PREROUTING iifname "{{ r.interface_in }}" tcp dport { {{ r.dest_port }} } counter dnat to {{ r.translation_address }}{{ ":" + r.translation_port if r.translation_port }} comment "DST-NAT-{{ r.number }} tcp_udp" add rule ip nat PREROUTING iifname "{{ r.interface_in }}" udp dport { {{ r.dest_port }} } counter dnat to {{ r.translation_address }}{{ ":" + r.translation_port if r.translation_port }} comment "DST-NAT-{{ r.number }} tcp_udp" {% else %} add rule ip nat PREROUTING iifname "{{ r.interface_in }}" {{ r.protocol }} dport { {{ r.dest_port }} } counter dnat to {{ r.translation_address }}{{ ":" + r.translation_port if r.translation_port }} comment "DST-NAT-{{ r.number }}" {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% for r in source -%} {% if r.log %} {% if r.exclude %} {% set value = 'EXCL' %} {% elif r.translation_address == 'masquerade' %} {% set value = 'MASQ' %} {% endif %} add rule ip nat POSTROUTING oifname "{{ r.interface_out }}" ip saddr {{ r.source_address }} counter log prefix "[NAT-SRC-{{ r.number }}-{{ value }}]" comment "SRC-NAT-{{ r.number }}" {% endif %} {% if r.exclude %} {% set value = 'return' %} {% elif r.translation_address == 'masquerade' %} {% set value = 'masquerade' %} {% else %} {% set value = 'snat to ' + r.translation_address %} {% endif %} add rule ip nat POSTROUTING oifname "{{ r.interface_out }}" ip saddr {{ r.source_address }} counter {{ value }} comment "SRC-NAT-{{ r.number }}" {% endfor %}