{% set conf_bgp = nbgp -%}
{% for asn in nbgp -%}
router bgp {{ asn }}
 no bgp default ipv4-unicast

{#- set 'conf_bgp[asn].parameters' as bgp_params #}
{%- set bgp_params = conf_bgp[asn].parameters %}
{%- set bgp_afi = conf_bgp[asn].address_family %}

{#- START Global ASN address-family section; set protocol bgp xxx address-family #}
{%- if 'address_family' in conf_bgp[asn] %}
{%-   for type in bgp_afi %}
{%-     if type == "ipv4_unicast" %}
 address-family ipv4 unicast
{# need to check #}
{%- if 'aggregate_address' in bgp_afi[type] %}
{%-   for ip in bgp_afi[type].aggregate_address %}
{%-      if ( ('as_set' and 'summary_only') in bgp_afi[type].aggregate_address[ip]  ) %}
  aggregate-address {{ ip }} as-set summary-only
{%-      elif 'as_set' in bgp_afi[type].aggregate_address[ip]  %}
  aggregate-address {{ ip  }} as-set
{%-      elif 'summary_only' in bgp_afi[type].aggregate_address[ip]  %}
  aggregate-address {{ ip }} summary-only
{%-      else %}
  aggregate-address {{ ip }}
{%-      endif %}
{%-   endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{# END aggregate address#}
{#- redistribute #}
{# need to check. dont work. 
   'metric' and 'route_map' match also only 'route_map'
   'table' parameter also include in protocol, its not what I want #}
{%-  if 'redistribute' in bgp_afi[type] %}
{%-    if 'table' in bgp_afi[type].redistribute %}
 redistribute table {{bgp_afi[type].redistribute.table}}
{%-    endif %}
{%-    for protocol in bgp_afi[type].redistribute %}
{%-      if ( ('metric' and 'route_map') in bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol] ) %}
 redistribute {{protocol}} metric {{bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol].metric}} route-map {{bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol].route_map}}
{%-      elif 'metric' in bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol] %}
 redistribute {{protocol}} metric {{bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol].metric}} 
{%-      elif 'route_map' in bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol] %}
 redistribute {{protocol}} route-map {{bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol].route_map}}
{%-      else %} 
 redistribute {{protocol}}
{%-      endif %}
{%-    endfor %}
{%-  endif %}
{#- END redistribute #}

{%-  if 'network' in bgp_afi[type] %}
{%-    for net in bgp_afi[type].network %}
  network {{ net }}
{%-    endfor %}
{%-       endif %}
{%-  endif %}

{%-  if type == "ipv6_unicast" %}
 address-family ipv6 unicast
{%- if 'aggregate_address' in bgp_afi[type] %}
{%-   for ip in bgp_afi[type].aggregate_address %}
{%-      if ( ('as_set' and 'summary_only') in bgp_afi[type].aggregate_address[ip]  ) %}
  aggregate-address {{ ip }} as-set summary-only
{%-      elif 'as_set' in bgp_afi[type].aggregate_address[ip]  %}
  aggregate-address {{ ip  }} as-set
{%-      elif 'summary_only' in bgp_afi[type].aggregate_address[ip]  %}
  aggregate-address {{ ip }} summary-only
{%-      else %}
  aggregate-address {{ ip }}
{%-      endif %}
{%-   endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{# END aggregate address#}

{#- redistribute #}
{# need to check. doesn't work. 'metric' and 'route_map' match also only 'route_map' #}
{%-  if 'redistribute' in bgp_afi[type] %}
{%-    if 'table' in bgp_afi[type].redistribute %}
 redistribute table {{bgp_afi[type].redistribute.table}}
{%-    endif %}
{%-    for protocol in bgp_afi[type].redistribute %}
{%-      if ( ('metric' and 'route_map') in bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol] ) %}
 redistribute {{protocol}} metric {{bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol].metric}} route-map {{bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol].route_map}}
{%-      elif 'metric' in bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol] %}
 redistribute {{protocol}} metric {{bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol].metric}} 
{%-      elif 'route_map' in bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol] %}
 redistribute {{protocol}} route-map {{bgp_afi[type].redistribute[protocol].route_map}}
{%-      else %} 
 redistribute {{protocol}}
{%-      endif %}
{%-    endfor %}
{%-  endif %}
{#- END redistribute #}

{%-       if 'network' in bgp_afi[type] %}
{%-         for net in bgp_afi[type].network %}
  network {{ net }}
{%-         endfor %}
{%-       endif %}
{%-     endif %}
{%-   endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{#- END Global ASN address-family section; set protocols bgp 65001 address-family #}

{#- set protocols nbgp xxxx maximum-paths ibgp x, Generated by default for afi_4 #}
{#- We don't have this parameter in afi_6. But this is supported in the FRR #}
{%- if 'maximum_paths' in conf_bgp[asn] %}
{%-   if 'ebgp' in conf_bgp[asn].maximum_paths %}
 address-family ipv4 unicast
  maximum-paths {{ conf_bgp[asn].maximum_paths.ebgp }}
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'ibgp' in conf_bgp[asn].maximum_paths %}
 address-family ipv4 unicast
  maximum-paths ibgp {{ conf_bgp[asn].maximum_paths.ibgp }}
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{#- START peer-group; set protocol bgp xxx peer-group #}
{%- if 'peer_group' in conf_bgp[asn] %}
{%-   for pr_group in conf_bgp[asn].peer_group %}
{%- set conf_peer_group = conf_bgp[asn].peer_group[pr_group] %}
 neighbor {{pr_group}} peer-group

{#- First parameter for peer-group - remote-as #}
{%- if 'remote_as' in conf_peer_group %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} remote-as {{ conf_peer_group.remote_as }}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'bfd' in conf_peer_group %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} bfd
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'capability' in conf_peer_group %}
{%-   if 'dynamic' in conf_peer_group.capability %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} capability dynamic
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'extended_nexthop' in conf_peer_group.capability %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} capability extended-nexthop
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'description' in conf_peer_group %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} description {{ conf_peer_group.description }}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'disable_capability_negotiation' in conf_peer_group %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} disable-capability-negotiation
{%- endif %}

{#- https://phabricator.vyos.net/T2844. 'disable-send-community' only for afi #}
{%- if 'disable_send_community' in conf_peer_group %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'ebgp_multihop' in conf_peer_group %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} ebgp-multihop {{conf_peer_group.ebgp_multihop}}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'local_as' in conf_peer_group %}
{%-   for loc_asn in conf_peer_group.local_as %}
{%-     if 'no_prepend' in conf_peer_group.local_as[loc_asn] %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} local-as {{loc_asn}} no-prepend
{%-     else %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} local-as {{loc_asn}} 
{%-     endif %}
{%-   endfor %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'override_capability' in conf_peer_group %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} override-capability
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'passive' in conf_peer_group %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} passive
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'password' in conf_peer_group %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} password {{ conf_peer_group.password }}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'shutdown' in conf_peer_group %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} shutdown
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'ttl_security' in conf_peer_group %}
{%-   if 'hops' in conf_peer_group.ttl_security %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} ttl-security hops {{conf_peer_group.ttl_security.hops}} 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'update_source' in conf_peer_group %}
 neighbor {{ pr_group }} update-source {{ conf_peer_group.update_source }}
{%- endif %}

{# START peer-group afi; set protocols bgp xxx peer-group FOO address-family #}
{%- if 'address_family' in conf_peer_group %}
{%- for afi in conf_peer_group.address_family %}
{%-   if afi == "ipv4_unicast" %}
 address-family ipv4 unicast

{%- if 'allowas_in' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'number' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.allowas_in %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} allowas-in {{ conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.allowas_in.number }}
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} allowas-in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{#- START Single Params for peer-group; set protocols bgp xxx peer-group FOO address-family ipv4-unicast #}

{%- if 'remove_private_as' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} remove-private-AS
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_reflector_client' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} route-reflector-client
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'weight' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} weight {{ conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.weight }}
{%- endif %}
{#- END single params for peer-group #}

{#- Checks need to be done as-path|med|next-hop #}
{%- if 'attribute_unchanged' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'as_path' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.attribute_unchanged %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} attribute-unchanged as-path
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} attribute-unchanged as-path next-hop med
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}
{#- END attribute-unchanged #}

{%- if 'capability' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'receive' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.capability.orf.prefix_list %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} capability orf prefix-list receive
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'send' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.capability.orf.prefix_list %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} capability orf prefix-list send 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'default_originate' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'route_map' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.default_originate %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} default-originate route-map {{ conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.default_originate.route_map }}
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} default-originate 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'distribute_list' in  conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.distribute_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} distribute-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.distribute_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.distribute_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} distribute-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.distribute_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'filter_list' in  conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.filter_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} filter-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.filter_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.filter_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} filter-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.filter_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'maximum_prefix' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} maximum-prefix {{ conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.maximum_prefix }}
{%- endif %}

{#- https://phabricator.vyos.net/T1817 #}
{%- if 'nexthop_self' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'force' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.nexthop_self %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} next-hop-self force
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} next-hop-self
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} next-hop-self
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_server_client' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} route-server-client
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_map' in  conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.route_map  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} route-map {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.route_map.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.route_map  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} route-map {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.route_map.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'prefix_list' in  conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.prefix_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} prefix-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.prefix_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.prefix_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} prefix-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.prefix_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'soft_reconfiguration' in  conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'inbound' is defined %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} soft-reconfiguration inbound 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{#- Need to check. https://phabricator.vyos.net/T2387#73900 #}
{%- if 'unsuppress_map' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} unsuppress-map {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv4_unicast.unsuppress_map}}
{%- endif %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} activate
{%-   endif %}

{%-   if afi == "ipv6_unicast" %}
 address-family ipv6 unicast

{%- if 'allowas_in' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'number' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.allowas_in %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} allowas-in {{ conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.allowas_in.number }}
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} allowas-in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{#- START Single Params for peer-group afi6; set protocols bgp xxx peer-group FOO address-family ipv6-unicast #}
{%- if 'remove_private_as' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} remove-private-AS
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_reflector_client' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} route-reflector-client
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'weight' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} weight {{ conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.weight }}
{%- endif %}
{#- END single params for peer-group afi6 #}

{#- Checks need to be done as-path|med|next-hop #}
{%- if 'attribute_unchanged' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'as_path' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.attribute_unchanged %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} attribute-unchanged as-path
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} attribute-unchanged as-path next-hop med
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'capability' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'receive' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.capability.orf.prefix_list %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} capability orf prefix-list receive
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'send' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.capability.orf.prefix_list %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} capability orf prefix-list send 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'default_originate' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'route_map' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.default_originate %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} default-originate route-map {{ conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.default_originate.route_map }}
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} default-originate 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'distribute_list' in  conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.distribute_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} distribute-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.distribute_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.distribute_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} distribute-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.distribute_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'filter_list' in  conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.filter_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} filter-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.filter_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.filter_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} filter-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.filter_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'maximum_prefix' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} maximum-prefix {{ conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.maximum_prefix }}
{%- endif %}

{#- https://phabricator.vyos.net/T1817 #}
{%- if 'nexthop_self' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'force' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.nexthop_self %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} next-hop-self force
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} next-hop-self
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} next-hop-self
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_server_client' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} route-server-client
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_map' in  conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.route_map  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} route-map {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.route_map.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.route_map  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} route-map {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.route_map.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'prefix_list' in  conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.prefix_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} prefix-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.prefix_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.prefix_list  %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} prefix-list {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.prefix_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'soft_reconfiguration' in  conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'inbound' is defined %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} soft-reconfiguration inbound 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{#- Checks need to be done. https://phabricator.vyos.net/T2387#73900 #}
{%- if 'unsuppress_map' in conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} unsuppress-map {{conf_peer_group.address_family.ipv6_unicast.unsuppress_map}}
{%- endif %}
  neighbor {{ pr_group }} activate
{%-   endif %}

{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{# END peer-group afi; set protocols bgp xxx peer-group FOO address-family #}

{%-   endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{#- END peer-group; set protocol bgp xxx peer-group #}

{#- START peer section; set protocol bgp xxx neighbor #}
{%-  for peer in conf_bgp[asn].neighbor %}
{#- set peer-group as conf_peer #}
{%- set conf_peer = conf_bgp[asn].neighbor[peer] %}

{#- First parameter for peer-group - remote-as #}
{%- if 'remote_as' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} remote-as {{ conf_peer.remote_as }}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'advertisement_interval' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} advertisement-interval {{ conf_peer.advertisement_interval }}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'bfd' in conf_peer %}
{%-   if 'check_control_plane_failure' in conf_peer.bfd %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} bfd
 neighbor {{ peer }} bfd check-control-plane-failure
{%-   else %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} bfd
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'capability' in conf_peer %}
{%-   if 'dynamic' in conf_peer.capability %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} capability dynamic
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'extended_nexthop' in conf_peer.capability %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} capability extended-nexthop
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'description' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} description {{ conf_peer.description }}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'disable_capability_negotiation' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} disable-capability-negotiation
{%- endif %}

{#- https://phabricator.vyos.net/T2844. 'disable-send-community' only for afi #}
{%- if 'disable_send_community' in conf_peer %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'ebgp_multihop' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} ebgp-multihop {{conf_peer.ebgp_multihop}}
{%- endif %}

{#- Need to check. 'Peer-group' needs to define before this section #}
{%- if 'interface' in conf_peer %}
{%-   if 'peer_group' in conf_peer.interface %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} interface peer-group {{conf_peer.interface.peer_group}}
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'remote_as' in conf_peer.interface %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} interface remote-as {{conf_peer.interface.remote_as}}
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'v6only' in conf_peer.interface %}
{%-     if 'peer_group' in conf_peer.interface.v6only %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} peer-group {{conf_peer.interface.peer_group}}
{%-     endif %}
{%-     if 'remote_as' in conf_peer.interface.v6only %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} interface v6only remote-as {{conf_peer.interface.v6only.remote_as}}
{%-     endif %}
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'local_as' in conf_peer %}
{%-   for loc_asn in conf_peer.local_as %}
{%-     if 'no_prepend' in conf_peer.local_as[loc_asn] %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} local-as {{loc_asn}} no-prepend
{%-     else %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} local-as {{loc_asn}} 
{%-     endif %}
{%-   endfor %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'override_capability' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} override-capability
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'passive' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} passive
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'password' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} password {{ conf_peer.password }}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'peer_group' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} peer-group {{ conf_peer.peer_group }}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'port' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} port {{ conf_peer.port }}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'shutdown' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} shutdown
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'strict_capability_match' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} strict-capability-match
{%- endif %}

{#- Need to check #}
{%- if 'timers' in conf_peer %}
{%-   if ( ('connect' and 'holdtime' and 'keepalive') in conf_peer.timers ) %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} timers {{conf_peer.timers.keepalive}} {{conf_peer.timers.holdtime}}
 neighbor {{ peer }} timers connect {{conf_peer.timers.connect}} 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'ttl_security' in conf_peer %}
{%-   if 'hops' in conf_peer.ttl_security %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} ttl-security hops {{conf_peer.ttl_security.hops}} 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'update_source' in conf_peer %}
 neighbor {{ peer }} update-source {{ conf_peer.update_source }}
{%- endif %}

{#- START address family for peer; set protocols bgp xxx neighbor x.x.x.x address-family ipvX-unicast #}
{%- if 'address_family' in conf_peer %}
{%- for afi in conf_peer.address_family %}
{%-   if afi == "ipv4_unicast" %}
 address-family ipv4 unicast

{%- if 'allowas_in' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'number' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.allowas_in %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} allowas-in {{ conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.allowas_in.number }}
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} allowas-in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{#- START Single Params for neighbor;  #}
{%- if 'as_override' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} as-override
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'remove_private_as' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} remove-private-AS
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_reflector_client' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} route-reflector-client
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'weight' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} weight {{ conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.weight }}
{%- endif %}
{#- END single params for neighbor #}

{#- Checks need to be done as-path|med|next-hop #}
{%- if 'attribute_unchanged' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'as_path' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.attribute_unchanged %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} attribute-unchanged as-path
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} attribute-unchanged as-path next-hop med
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}
{#- END attribute-unchanged #}

{%- if 'capability' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'receive' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.capability.orf.prefix_list %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} capability orf prefix-list receive
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'send' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.capability.orf.prefix_list %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} capability orf prefix-list send 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'default_originate' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'route_map' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.default_originate %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} default-originate route-map {{ conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.default_originate.route_map }}
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} default-originate 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'distribute_list' in  conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.distribute_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} distribute-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.distribute_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.distribute_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} distribute-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.distribute_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'filter_list' in  conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.filter_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} filter-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.filter_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.filter_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} filter-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.filter_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'maximum_prefix' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} maximum-prefix {{ conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.maximum_prefix }}
{%- endif %}

{#- https://phabricator.vyos.net/T1817 #}
{%- if 'nexthop_self' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'force' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.nexthop_self %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} next-hop-self force
  neighbor {{ peer }} next-hop-self
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} next-hop-self
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_server_client' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} route-server-client
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_map' in  conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.route_map  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} route-map {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.route_map.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.route_map  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} route-map {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.route_map.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'prefix_list' in  conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.prefix_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} prefix-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.prefix_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.prefix_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} prefix-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.prefix_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'soft_reconfiguration' in  conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
{%-   if 'inbound' is defined %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} soft-reconfiguration inbound 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{#- Checks need to be done. https://phabricator.vyos.net/T2387#73900 #}
{%- if 'unsuppress_map' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} unsuppress-map {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv4_unicast.unsuppress_map}}
{%- endif %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} activate
{%-   endif %}

{%-   if afi == "ipv6_unicast" %}
 address-family ipv6 unicast

{%- if 'allowas_in' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'number' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.allowas_in %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} allowas-in {{ conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.allowas_in.number }}
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} allowas-in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{#- START Single Params for neighbor #}
{%- if 'as_override' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} as-override
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'remove_private_as' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} remove-private-AS
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_reflector_client' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} route-reflector-client
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'weight' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} weight {{ conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.weight }}
{%- endif %}
{#- END single params for neighbor #}

{#- Checks need to be done as-path|med|next-hop #}
{%- if 'attribute_unchanged' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'as_path' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.attribute_unchanged %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} attribute-unchanged as-path
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} attribute-unchanged as-path next-hop med
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}
{#- END attribute-unchanged #}

{%- if 'capability' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'receive' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.capability.orf.prefix_list %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} capability orf prefix-list receive
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'send' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.capability.orf.prefix_list %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} capability orf prefix-list send 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'default_originate' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'route_map' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.default_originate %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} default-originate route-map {{ conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.default_originate.route_map }}
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} default-originate 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'distribute_list' in  conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.distribute_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} distribute-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.distribute_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.distribute_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} distribute-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.distribute_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'filter_list' in  conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.filter_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} filter-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.filter_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.filter_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} filter-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.filter_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'maximum_prefix' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} maximum-prefix {{ conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.maximum_prefix }}
{%- endif %}

{#- https://phabricator.vyos.net/T1817 #}
{%- if 'nexthop_self' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'force' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.nexthop_self %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} next-hop-self force
  neighbor {{ peer }} next-hop-self
{%-   else %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} next-hop-self
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_server_client' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} route-server-client
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_map' in  conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.route_map  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} route-map {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.route_map.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.route_map  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} route-map {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.route_map.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}
{%- if 'prefix_list' in  conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'export' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.prefix_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} prefix-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.prefix_list.export}} out
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'import' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.prefix_list  %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} prefix-list {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.prefix_list.import}} in
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'soft_reconfiguration' in  conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
{%-   if 'inbound' is defined %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} soft-reconfiguration inbound 
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{#- Checks need to be done. https://phabricator.vyos.net/T2387#73900 #}
{%- if 'unsuppress_map' in conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} unsuppress-map {{conf_peer.address_family.ipv6_unicast.unsuppress_map}}
{%- endif %}
  neighbor {{ peer }} activate
{%-   endif %}

{%- endfor %}
{%- endif %}
{#- END address family for peer #}

{%-  endfor %}
{#- END peer section; set protocols bgp xxx neighbor #}

{#- START parameters section; set protocol bgp xxx parameters #}
{%- if 'always_compare_med' in bgp_params %}
 bgp always-compare-med
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'bestpath' in bgp_params %}
{%-   if 'compare_routerid' in bgp_params.bestpath %}
 bgp bestpath compare-routerid
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'as_path' in bgp_params.bestpath %}
{%-     if 'confed' in bgp_params.bestpath.as_path %}
 bgp bestpath as-path confed
{%-     endif %}
{%-     if 'ignore' in bgp_params.bestpath.as_path %}
 bgp bestpath as-path ignore
{%-     endif %}
{%-     if 'multipath_relax' in bgp_params.bestpath.as_path %}
 bgp bestpath as-path multipath-relax
{%-     endif %}
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'med' in bgp_params.bestpath %}
{%-     if ( ('confed' and 'missing_as_worst') in bgp_params.bestpath.med ) %}
 bgp bestpath med confed missing-as-worst
{%-     elif 'confed' in bgp_params.bestpath.med %}
 bgp bestpath med confed
{%-     elif 'missing_as_worst' in bgp_params.bestpath.med %}
 bgp bestpath med missing-as-worst
{%-     endif%}
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'cluster_id' in bgp_params %}
 bgp cluster-id {{ bgp_params.cluster_id }}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'confederation' in bgp_params %}
{%-   if 'identifier' in bgp_params.confederation %}
 bgp confederation identifier {{ bgp_params.confederation.identifier }}
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'peers' in bgp_params.confederation %}
 bgp confederation peers {{ bgp_params.confederation.peers }}
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{#- Doesn't work in current FRR configuration (bgp dampening 16 751 2001 61) #}
{%- if 'dampening' in bgp_params %}
{%-   if ( ('half_life' and 'max_suppress_time' and 're_use' and 'start_suppress_time') in bgp_params.dampening ) %}
 bgp dampening {{ bgp_params.dampening.half_life }} {{ bgp_params.dampening.re_use }} {{ bgp_params.dampening.start_suppress_time }} {{ bgp_params.dampening.max_suppress_time }}
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'default' in bgp_params %}
{%-   if 'local_pref' in bgp_params.default %}
 bgp default local-preference {{ bgp_params.default.local_pref }}
{%-   endif %}
{#- We use this is parameter as default in template (5-th string) #}
{%-   if 'no_ipv4_unicast' in bgp_params.default %}
 no bgp default ipv4-unicast
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'deterministic_med' in bgp_params %}
 bgp deterministic-med 
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'distance' in bgp_params %}
{%-   if 'global' in bgp_params.distance %}
{%-     if ( ('external' and 'internal' and 'local') in bgp_params.distance.global ) %}
 address-family ipv4 unicast
  distance bgp {{ bgp_params.distance.global.external }} {{ bgp_params.distance.global.internal }} {{ bgp_params.distance.global.local }}
{%-     endif %}
{%-   endif %}
{%-   if 'prefix' in bgp_params.distance %}
 address-family ipv4 unicast
{%- for prfx in bgp_params.distance.prefix %}
  distance {{ bgp_params.distance.prefix[prfx].distance }} {{ prfx }}
{%- endfor %}
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'graceful_restart' in bgp_params %}
{%-   if 'stalepath_time' in bgp_params.graceful_restart %}
 bgp graceful-restart stalepath-time {{ bgp_params.graceful_restart.stalepath_time }}
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'log_neighbor_changes' in bgp_params %}
 bgp log-neighbor-changes
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'network_import_check' in bgp_params %}
 bgp network import-check 
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'no_client_to_client_reflection' in bgp_params %}
 no bgp client-to-client reflection
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'no_fast_external_failover' in bgp_params %}
 no bgp fast-external-failover
{%- endif %}

{#- END parameters; set protocols bgp xxx parameters #}

{%- if 'timers' in conf_bgp[asn] %}
{%-   if ( ('holdtime' and 'keepalive') in conf_bgp[asn].timers ) %}
 timers bgp {{conf_bgp[asn].timers.keepalive}} {{conf_bgp[asn].timers.holdtime}}
{%-   endif %}
{%- endif %}

{%- if 'route_map' in conf_bgp[asn] %}
ip protocol bgp route-map {{conf_bgp[asn].route_map}}
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
{#- END asn; router bgp xxx #}