router isis {{ process }}
 net {{ net }}
{% if dynamic_hostname is defined %}
 hostname dynamic
{% endif %}
{% if purge_originator is defined %}
{% endif %}
{% if set_attached_bit is defined %}
{% endif %}
{% if set_overload_bit is defined %}
{% endif %}
{% if domain_password is defined and domain_password.plaintext_password is defined and domain_password.plaintext_password is not none %}
 domain-password clear {{ domain_password.plaintext_password }}
{% endif %}
{% if lsp_gen_interval is defined and lsp_gen_interval is not none %}
 lsp-gen-interval {{ lsp_gen_interval }}
{% endif %}
{% if lsp_mtu is defined and lsp_mtu is not none %}
 lsp-mtu {{ lsp_mtu }}
{% endif %}
{% if lsp_refresh_interval is defined and lsp_refresh_interval is not none %}
 lsp-refresh-interval  {{ lsp_refresh_interval }}
{% endif %}
{% if max_lsp_lifetime is defined and max_lsp_lifetime is not none %}
 max-lsp-lifetime {{ max_lsp_lifetime }}
{% endif %}
{% if spf_interval is defined and spf_interval is not none %}
 spf-interval {{ spf_interval }}
{% endif %}
{% if spf_delay_ietf is defined and spf_delay_ietf.init_delay is defined and spf_delay_ietf.init_delay is not none %}
 spf-delay-ietf init-delay {{ spf_delay_ietf.init_delay }}
{% endif %}
{% if area_password is defined and area_password.md5 is defined and area_password.md5 is not none %}
 area-password md5 {{ area_password.md5 }}
{% elif area_password is defined and area_password.plaintext_password is defined and area_password.plaintext_password is not none %}
 area-password clear {{ area_password.plaintext_password }}
{% endif %}
{% if default_information is defined and default_information.originate is defined and default_information.originate is not none %}
{%   for level in default_information.originate.ipv4 if default_information.originate.ipv4 is defined %}
 default-information originate ipv4 {{ level | replace('_', '-') }}
{%   endfor %}
{%   for level in default_information.originate.ipv6 if default_information.originate.ipv6 is defined %}
 default-information originate ipv6 {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} always
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if redistribute is defined and redistribute.ipv4 is defined and redistribute.ipv4 is not none %}
{%   for protocol in redistribute.ipv4 %}
{%     for level, level_config in redistribute.ipv4[protocol].items() %}
{%       if level_config.metric is defined and level_config.metric is not none %}
 redistribute ipv4 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} metric {{ level_config.metric }}
{%       elif level_config.route_map is defined and level_config.route_map is not none %}
 redistribute ipv4 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }} route-map {{ level_config.route_map }}
{%       else %}
 redistribute ipv4 {{ protocol }} {{ level | replace('_', '-') }}
{%       endif %}
{%     endfor %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if level is defined and level is not none %}
{%   if level == 'level-1' %}
 is-type level-1
{%   elif level == 'level-2'  %}
 is-type level-2-only
{%   elif level == 'level-1-2'  %}
 is-type level-1-2
{%   endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if interface is defined and interface is not none %}
{%   for iface, iface_config in interface.items() %}
interface {{ iface }}
 ip router isis {{ process }}
{%     if iface_config.bfd is defined %}
 isis bfd
{%     endif %}
{%     if iface_config.network is defined and iface_config.network.point_to_point is defined %}
 isis network point-to-point
{%     endif %}
{%     if iface_config.circuit_type is defined %}
 isis circuit-type {{ iface_config.circuit_type }}
{%     endif %}
{%     if iface_config.hello_interval is defined and iface_config.hello_interval is not none %}
 isis hello-interval {{ iface_config.hello_interval }}
{%     endif %}
{%     if iface_config.hello_multiplier is defined and iface_config.hello_multiplier is not none %}
 isis hello-multiplier {{ iface_config.hello_multiplier }}
{%     endif %}
{%     if iface_config.hello_padding is defined %}
 isis hello padding
{%     endif %}
{%     if iface_config.metric is defined and iface_config.metric is not none %}
 isis metric {{ iface_config.metric }}
{%     endif %}
{%     if iface_config.passive is defined %}
 isis passive
{%     endif %}
{%     if iface_config.password is defined and iface_config.password.plaintext_password is defined and iface_config.password.plaintext_password is not none %}
 isis password clear {{ iface_config.password.plaintext_password }}
{%     endif %}
{%     if iface_config.priority is defined and iface_config.priority is not none %}
 isis priority {{ iface_config.priority }}
{%     endif %}
{%     if iface_config.psnp_interval is defined and iface_config.psnp_interval is not none %}
 isis psnp-interval {{ iface_config.psnp_interval }}
{%     endif %}
{%     if iface_config.three_way_handshake is defined %}
 isis three-way-handshake
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}