! {% if interface is vyos_defined %} {% for iface, iface_config in interface.items() %} interface {{ iface }} {% if iface_config.authentication.plaintext_password is vyos_defined %} ip ospf authentication-key {{ iface_config.authentication.plaintext_password }} {% elif iface_config.authentication.md5 is vyos_defined %} ip ospf authentication message-digest {% if iface_config.authentication.md5.key_id is vyos_defined %} {% for key, key_config in iface_config.authentication.md5.key_id.items() %} ip ospf message-digest-key {{ key }} md5 {{ key_config.md5_key }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.area is vyos_defined %} ip ospf area {{ iface_config.area }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.bandwidth is vyos_defined %} bandwidth {{ iface_config.bandwidth }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.cost is vyos_defined %} ip ospf cost {{ iface_config.cost }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.priority is vyos_defined %} ip ospf priority {{ iface_config.priority }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.hello_interval is vyos_defined %} ip ospf hello-interval {{ iface_config.hello_interval }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.retransmit_interval is vyos_defined %} ip ospf retransmit-interval {{ iface_config.retransmit_interval }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.retransmit_window is vyos_defined %} ip ospf retransmit-window {{ iface_config.retransmit_window }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.transmit_delay is vyos_defined %} ip ospf transmit-delay {{ iface_config.transmit_delay }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.dead_interval is vyos_defined %} ip ospf dead-interval {{ iface_config.dead_interval }} {% elif iface_config.hello_multiplier is vyos_defined %} ip ospf dead-interval minimal hello-multiplier {{ iface_config.hello_multiplier }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.bfd is vyos_defined %} ip ospf bfd {% endif %} {% if iface_config.bfd.profile is vyos_defined %} ip ospf bfd profile {{ iface_config.bfd.profile }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.ldp_sync.disable is vyos_defined %} no ip ospf mpls ldp-sync {% elif iface_config.ldp_sync.holddown is vyos_defined %} ip ospf mpls ldp-sync ip ospf mpls ldp-sync holddown {{ iface_config.ldp_sync.holddown }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.mtu_ignore is vyos_defined %} ip ospf mtu-ignore {% endif %} {% if iface_config.network is vyos_defined %} ip ospf network {{ iface_config.network }} {% endif %} {% if iface_config.passive is vyos_defined %} {{ 'no ' if iface_config.passive.disable is vyos_defined }}ip ospf passive {% endif %} exit ! {% endfor %} {% endif %} ! router ospf {{ 'vrf ' ~ vrf if vrf is vyos_defined }} {% if access_list is vyos_defined %} {% for acl, acl_config in access_list.items() %} {% for protocol in acl_config.export if acl_config.export is vyos_defined %} distribute-list {{ acl }} out {{ protocol }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if aggregation.timer is vyos_defined %} aggregation timer {{ aggregation.timer }} {% endif %} {% if area is vyos_defined %} {% for area_id, area_config in area.items() %} {% if area_config.area_type is vyos_defined %} {% for type, type_config in area_config.area_type.items() if type != 'normal' %} area {{ area_id }} {{ type }} {{ 'no-summary' if type_config.no_summary is vyos_defined }} {% if type_config.default_cost is vyos_defined %} area {{ area_id }} default-cost {{ type_config.default_cost }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if area_config.authentication is vyos_defined %} area {{ area_id }} authentication {{ 'message-digest' if area_config.authentication is vyos_defined('md5') }} {% endif %} {% for network in area_config.network if area_config.network is vyos_defined %} network {{ network }} area {{ area_id }} {% endfor %} {% if area_config.range is vyos_defined %} {% for range, range_config in area_config.range.items() %} {% if range_config.not_advertise is vyos_defined %} area {{ area_id }} range {{ range }} not-advertise {% else %} area {{ area_id }} range {{ range }} {% endif %} {% if range_config.cost is vyos_defined %} area {{ area_id }} range {{ range }} cost {{ range_config.cost }} {% endif %} {% if range_config.substitute is vyos_defined %} area {{ area_id }} range {{ range }} substitute {{ range_config.substitute }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if area_config.export_list is vyos_defined %} area {{ area_id }} export-list {{ area_config.export_list }} {% endif %} {% if area_config.import_list is vyos_defined %} area {{ area_id }} import-list {{ area_config.import_list }} {% endif %} {% if area_config.shortcut is vyos_defined %} area {{ area_id }} shortcut {{ area_config.shortcut }} {% endif %} {% if area_config.virtual_link is vyos_defined %} {% for link, link_config in area_config.virtual_link.items() %} {% if link_config.authentication.plaintext_password is vyos_defined %} area {{ area_id }} virtual-link {{ link }} authentication-key {{ link_config.authentication.plaintext_password }} {% elif link_config.authentication.md5.key_id is vyos_defined %} {% for key, key_config in link_config.authentication.md5.key_id.items() %} area {{ area_id }} virtual-link {{ link }} message-digest-key {{ key }} md5 {{ key_config.md5_key }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {# The following values are default values #} area {{ area_id }} virtual-link {{ link }} hello-interval {{ link_config.hello_interval }} retransmit-interval {{ link_config.retransmit_interval }} retransmit-window {{ link_config.retransmit_window }} transmit-delay {{ link_config.transmit_delay }} dead-interval {{ link_config.dead_interval }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if auto_cost.reference_bandwidth is vyos_defined %} auto-cost reference-bandwidth {{ auto_cost.reference_bandwidth }} {% endif %} {% if capability.opaque is vyos_defined %} capability opaque {% endif %} {% if default_information.originate is vyos_defined %} default-information originate {{ 'always' if default_information.originate.always is vyos_defined }} {{ 'metric ' + default_information.originate.metric if default_information.originate.metric is vyos_defined }} {{ 'metric-type ' + default_information.originate.metric_type if default_information.originate.metric_type is vyos_defined }} {{ 'route-map ' + default_information.originate.route_map if default_information.originate.route_map is vyos_defined }} {% endif %} {% if default_metric is vyos_defined %} default-metric {{ default_metric }} {% endif %} {% if maximum_paths is vyos_defined %} maximum-paths {{ maximum_paths }} {% endif %} {% if ldp_sync.holddown is vyos_defined %} mpls ldp-sync holddown {{ ldp_sync.holddown }} {% elif ldp_sync is vyos_defined %} mpls ldp-sync {% endif %} {% if distance.global is vyos_defined %} distance {{ distance.global }} {% endif %} {% if distance.ospf is vyos_defined %} distance ospf {{ 'intra-area ' + distance.ospf.intra_area if distance.ospf.intra_area is vyos_defined }} {{ 'inter-area ' + distance.ospf.inter_area if distance.ospf.inter_area is vyos_defined }} {{ 'external ' + distance.ospf.external if distance.ospf.external is vyos_defined }} {% endif %} {% if graceful_restart is vyos_defined %} {% if graceful_restart.grace_period is vyos_defined %} graceful-restart grace-period {{ graceful_restart.grace_period }} {% endif %} {% if graceful_restart.helper.enable.router_id is vyos_defined %} {% for router_id in graceful_restart.helper.enable.router_id %} graceful-restart helper enable {{ router_id }} {% endfor %} {% elif graceful_restart.helper.enable is vyos_defined %} graceful-restart helper enable {% endif %} {% if graceful_restart.helper.planned_only is vyos_defined %} graceful-restart helper planned-only {% endif %} {% if graceful_restart.helper.no_strict_lsa_checking is vyos_defined %} no graceful-restart helper strict-lsa-checking {% endif %} {% if graceful_restart.helper.supported_grace_time is vyos_defined %} graceful-restart helper supported-grace-time {{ graceful_restart.helper.supported_grace_time }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if log_adjacency_changes is vyos_defined %} log-adjacency-changes {{ "detail" if log_adjacency_changes.detail is vyos_defined }} {% endif %} {% if max_metric.router_lsa.administrative is vyos_defined %} max-metric router-lsa administrative {% endif %} {% if max_metric.router_lsa.on_shutdown is vyos_defined %} max-metric router-lsa on-shutdown {{ max_metric.router_lsa.on_shutdown }} {% endif %} {% if max_metric.router_lsa.on_startup is vyos_defined %} max-metric router-lsa on-startup {{ max_metric.router_lsa.on_startup }} {% endif %} {% if mpls_te.enable is vyos_defined %} mpls-te on mpls-te router-address {{ mpls_te.router_address }} {% endif %} {% if neighbor is vyos_defined %} {% for address, address_config in neighbor.items() %} neighbor {{ address }} {{ 'priority ' + address_config.priority if address_config.priority is vyos_defined }} {{ 'poll-interval ' + address_config.poll_interval if address_config.poll_interval is vyos_defined }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if parameters.abr_type is vyos_defined %} ospf abr-type {{ parameters.abr_type }} {% endif %} {% if parameters.opaque_lsa is vyos_defined %} ospf opaque-lsa {% endif %} {% if parameters.rfc1583_compatibility is vyos_defined %} ospf rfc1583compatibility {% endif %} {% if parameters.router_id is vyos_defined %} ospf router-id {{ parameters.router_id }} {% endif %} {% if passive_interface is vyos_defined('default') %} passive-interface default {% endif %} {% if redistribute is vyos_defined %} {% for protocol, options in redistribute.items() %} {% if protocol == 'table' %} {% for table, table_options in options.items() %} redistribute {{ protocol }} {{ table }} {{ 'metric ' ~ table_options.metric if table_options.metric is vyos_defined }} {{ 'metric-type ' ~ table_options.metric_type if table_options.metric_type is vyos_defined }} {{ 'route-map ' ~ table_options.route_map if table_options.route_map is vyos_defined }} {% endfor %} {% else %} redistribute {{ protocol }} {{ 'metric ' ~ options.metric if options.metric is vyos_defined }} {{ 'metric-type ' ~ options.metric_type if options.metric_type is vyos_defined }} {{ 'route-map ' ~ options.route_map if options.route_map is vyos_defined }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if refresh.timers is vyos_defined %} refresh timer {{ refresh.timers }} {% endif %} {% if summary_address is vyos_defined %} {% for prefix, prefix_options in summary_address.items() %} summary-address {{ prefix }} {{ 'tag ' + prefix_options.tag if prefix_options.tag is vyos_defined }}{{ 'no-advertise' if prefix_options.no_advertise is vyos_defined }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if segment_routing is vyos_defined %} segment-routing on {% if segment_routing.maximum_label_depth is vyos_defined %} segment-routing node-msd {{ segment_routing.maximum_label_depth }} {% endif %} {% if segment_routing.global_block is vyos_defined %} {% if segment_routing.local_block is vyos_defined %} segment-routing global-block {{ segment_routing.global_block.low_label_value }} {{ segment_routing.global_block.high_label_value }} local-block {{ segment_routing.local_block.low_label_value }} {{ segment_routing.local_block.high_label_value }} {% else %} segment-routing global-block {{ segment_routing.global_block.low_label_value }} {{ segment_routing.global_block.high_label_value }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if segment_routing.prefix is vyos_defined %} {% for prefix, prefix_config in segment_routing.prefix.items() %} {% if prefix_config.index is vyos_defined %} {% if prefix_config.index.value is vyos_defined %} segment-routing prefix {{ prefix }} index {{ prefix_config.index.value }} {{ 'explicit-null' if prefix_config.index.explicit_null is vyos_defined }} {{ 'no-php-flag' if prefix_config.index.no_php_flag is vyos_defined }} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if timers.throttle.spf.delay is vyos_defined and timers.throttle.spf.initial_holdtime is vyos_defined and timers.throttle.spf.max_holdtime is vyos_defined %} {# Timer values have default values #} timers throttle spf {{ timers.throttle.spf.delay }} {{ timers.throttle.spf.initial_holdtime }} {{ timers.throttle.spf.max_holdtime }} {% endif %} exit !