{% if access_list is defined and access_list is not none %}
{%   for acl, acl_config in access_list.items() | natural_sort %}
{%     if acl_config.description is defined and acl_config.description is not none %}
access-list {{ acl }} remark {{ acl_config.description }}
{%     endif %}
{%     if acl_config.rule is defined and acl_config.rule is not none %}
{%       for rule, rule_config in acl_config.rule.items() | natural_sort %}
{%         set ip = '' %}
{%         set src = '' %}
{%         set src_mask = '' %}
{%         if rule_config.source is defined and rule_config.source.any is defined %}
{%           set src = 'any' %}
{%         elif rule_config.source is defined and rule_config.source.host is defined and rule_config.source.host is not none %}
{%           set src = 'host ' + rule_config.source.host %}
{%         elif rule_config.source is defined and rule_config.source.network is defined and rule_config.source.network is not none %}
{%           set src = rule_config.source.network %}
{%           set src_mask = rule_config.source.inverse_mask %}
{%         endif %}
{%         set dst = '' %}
{%         set dst_mask = '' %}
{%         if (acl|int >= 100 and acl|int <= 199) or (acl|int >= 2000 and acl|int <= 2699) %}
{%           set ip = 'ip' %}
{%           set dst = 'any' %}
{%           if rule_config.destination is defined and rule_config.destination.any is defined %}
{%             set dst = 'any' %}
{%           elif rule_config.destination is defined and rule_config.destination.host is defined and rule_config.destination.host is not none %}
{%             set dst = 'host ' + rule_config.destination.host %}
{%           elif rule_config.destination is defined and rule_config.destination.network is defined and rule_config.destination.network is not none %}
{%             set dst = rule_config.destination.network %}
{%             set dst_mask = rule_config.destination.inverse_mask %}
{%           endif %}
{%         endif %}
access-list {{ acl }} seq {{ rule }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ ip }} {{ src }} {{ src_mask }} {{ dst }} {{ dst_mask }}
{%       endfor %}
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if access_list6 is defined and access_list6 is not none %}
{%   for acl, acl_config in access_list6.items() | natural_sort %}
{%     if acl_config.description is defined and acl_config.description is not none %}
ipv6 access-list {{ acl }} remark {{ acl_config.description }}
{%     endif %}
{%     if acl_config.rule is defined and acl_config.rule is not none %}
{%       for rule, rule_config in acl_config.rule.items() | natural_sort %}
{%         set src = '' %}
{%         if rule_config.source is defined and rule_config.source.any is defined %}
{%           set src = 'any' %}
{%         elif rule_config.source is defined and rule_config.source.network is defined and rule_config.source.network is not none %}
{%           set src = rule_config.source.network %}
{%         endif %}
ipv6 access-list {{ acl }} seq {{ rule }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ src }} {{ 'exact-match' if rule_config.source.exact_match is defined }}
{%       endfor %}
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if as_path_list is defined and as_path_list is not none %}
{%   for acl, acl_config in as_path_list.items() | natural_sort %}
{%     if acl_config.rule is defined and acl_config.rule is not none %}
{%       for rule, rule_config in acl_config.rule.items() | natural_sort %}
bgp as-path access-list {{ acl }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule_config.regex }}
{%       endfor %}
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if community_list is defined and community_list is not none %}
{%   for list, list_config in community_list.items() | natural_sort %}
{%     if list_config.rule is defined and list_config.rule is not none %}
{%       for rule, rule_config in list_config.rule.items() | natural_sort %}
{#         by default, if casting to int fails it returns 0 #}
{%         if list|int != 0 %}
bgp community-list {{ list }} seq {{ rule }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule_config.regex }}
{%         else %}
bgp community-list expanded {{ list }} seq {{ rule }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule_config.regex }}
{%         endif %}
{%       endfor %}
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if extcommunity_list is defined and extcommunity_list is not none %}
{%   for list, list_config in extcommunity_list.items() | natural_sort %}
{%     if list_config.rule is defined and list_config.rule is not none %}
{%       for rule, rule_config in list_config.rule.items() | natural_sort %}
{#         by default, if casting to int fails it returns 0 #}
{%         if list|int != 0 %}
bgp extcommunity-list {{ list }} seq {{ rule }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule_config.regex }}
{%         else %}
bgp extcommunity-list expanded {{ list }} seq {{ rule }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule_config.regex }}
{%         endif %}
{%       endfor %}
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if large_community_list is defined and large_community_list is not none %}
{%   for list, list_config in large_community_list.items() | natural_sort %}
{%     if list_config.rule is defined and list_config.rule is not none %}
{%       for rule, rule_config in list_config.rule.items() | natural_sort %}
{#         by default, if casting to int fails it returns 0 #}
{%         if list|int != 0 %}
bgp large-community-list {{ list }} seq {{ rule }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule_config.regex }}
{%         else %}
bgp large-community-list expanded {{ list }} seq {{ rule }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule_config.regex }}
{%         endif %}
{%       endfor %}
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if prefix_list is defined and prefix_list is not none %}
{%   for prefix_list, prefix_list_config in prefix_list.items() | natural_sort %}
{%     if prefix_list_config.description is defined and prefix_list_config.description is not none %}
ip prefix-list {{ prefix_list }} description {{ prefix_list_config.description }}
{%     endif %}
{%     if prefix_list_config.rule is defined and prefix_list_config.rule is not none %}
{%       for rule, rule_config in prefix_list_config.rule.items() | natural_sort %}
{%         if rule_config.prefix is defined and rule_config.prefix is not none %}
ip prefix-list {{ prefix_list }} seq {{ rule }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule_config.prefix }} {{ 'ge ' + rule_config.ge if rule_config.ge is defined }} {{ 'le ' + rule_config.le if rule_config.le is defined }}
{%         endif %}
{%       endfor %}
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if prefix_list6 is defined and prefix_list6 is not none %}
{%   for prefix_list, prefix_list_config in prefix_list6.items() | natural_sort %}
{%     if prefix_list_config.description is defined and prefix_list_config.description is not none %}
ipv6 prefix-list {{ prefix_list }} description {{ prefix_list_config.description }}
{%     endif %}
{%     if prefix_list_config.rule is defined and prefix_list_config.rule is not none %}
{%       for rule, rule_config in prefix_list_config.rule.items() | natural_sort %}
{%         if rule_config.prefix is defined and rule_config.prefix is not none %}
ipv6 prefix-list {{ prefix_list }} seq {{ rule }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule_config.prefix }} {{ 'ge ' + rule_config.ge if rule_config.ge is defined }} {{ 'le ' + rule_config.le if rule_config.le is defined }}
{%         endif %}
{%       endfor %}
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if route_map is defined and route_map is not none %}
{%   for route_map, route_map_config in route_map.items() | natural_sort %}
{%     if route_map_config.rule is defined and route_map_config.rule is not none %}
{%       for rule, rule_config in route_map_config.rule.items() | natural_sort %}
route-map {{ route_map }} {{ rule_config.action }} {{ rule }}
{%         if rule_config.call is defined and rule_config.call is not none %}
 call {{ rule_config.call }}
{%         endif %}
{%         if rule_config.continue is defined and rule_config.continue is not none %}
 on-match goto {{ rule_config.continue }}
{%         endif %}
{%         if rule_config.description is defined and rule_config.description is not none %}
 description {{ rule_config.description }}
{%         endif %}
{%         if rule_config.match is defined and rule_config.match is not none %}
{%           if rule_config.match.as_path is defined and rule_config.match.as_path is not none %}
 match as-path {{ rule_config.match.as_path }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.community is defined and rule_config.match.community.community_list is defined and rule_config.match.community.community_list is not none %}
 match community {{ rule_config.match.community.community_list }} {{ 'exact-match' if rule_config.match.community.exact_match is defined }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.extcommunity is defined and rule_config.match.extcommunity is not none %}
 match extcommunity {{ rule_config.match.extcommunity }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.interface is defined and rule_config.match.interface is not none %}
 match interface {{ rule_config.match.interface }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.ip is defined and rule_config.match.ip.address is defined and rule_config.match.ip.address.access_list is defined and rule_config.match.ip.address.access_list is not none %}
 match ip address {{ rule_config.match.ip.address.access_list }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.ip is defined and rule_config.match.ip.address is defined and rule_config.match.ip.address.prefix_list is defined and rule_config.match.ip.address.prefix_list is not none %}
 match ip address prefix-list {{ rule_config.match.ip.address.prefix_list }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.ip is defined and rule_config.match.ip.nexthop is defined and rule_config.match.ip.nexthop.access_list is defined and rule_config.match.ip.nexthop.access_list is not none %}
 match ip next-hop {{ rule_config.match.ip.nexthop.access_list }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.ip is defined and rule_config.match.ip.nexthop is defined and rule_config.match.ip.nexthop.prefix_list is defined and rule_config.match.ip.nexthop.prefix_list is not none %}
 match ip next-hop prefix-list {{ rule_config.match.ip.nexthop.prefix_list }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.ip is defined and rule_config.match.ip.route_source is defined and rule_config.match.ip.route_source.access_list is defined and rule_config.match.ip.route_source.access_list is not none %}
 match ip route-source {{ rule_config.match.ip.route_source.access_list }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.ip is defined and rule_config.match.ip.route_source is defined and rule_config.match.ip.route_source.prefix_list is defined and rule_config.match.ip.route_source.prefix_list is not none %}
 match ip route-source prefix-list {{ rule_config.match.ip.route_source.prefix_list }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.ipv6 is defined and rule_config.match.ipv6.address is defined and rule_config.match.ipv6.address.access_list is defined and rule_config.match.ipv6.address.access_list is not none %}
 match ipv6 address {{ rule_config.match.ipv6.address.access_list }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.ipv6 is defined and rule_config.match.ipv6.address is defined and rule_config.match.ipv6.address.prefix_list is defined and rule_config.match.ipv6.address.prefix_list is not none %}
 match ipv6 address prefix-list {{ rule_config.match.ipv6.address.prefix_list }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.ipv6 is defined and rule_config.match.ipv6.nexthop is defined and rule_config.match.ipv6.nexthop is not none %}
 match ipv6 next-hop {{ rule_config.match.ipv6.nexthop }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.large_community is defined and rule_config.match.large_community.large_community_list is defined and rule_config.match.large_community.large_community_list is not none %}
 match large-community {{ rule_config.match.large_community.large_community_list }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.local_preference is defined and rule_config.match.local_preference is not none %}
 match local-preference {{ rule_config.match.local_preference }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.metric is defined and rule_config.match.metric is not none %}
 match metric {{ rule_config.match.metric }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.origin is defined and rule_config.match.origin is not none %}
 match origin {{ rule_config.match.origin }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.peer is defined and rule_config.match.peer is not none %}
 match peer {{ rule_config.match.peer }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.rpki is defined and rule_config.match.rpki is not none %}
 match rpki {{ rule_config.match.rpki }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.match.tag is defined and rule_config.match.tag is not none %}
 match tag {{ rule_config.match.tag }}
{%           endif %}
{%         endif %}
{%         if rule_config.on_match is defined and rule_config.on_match is not none %}
{%           if rule_config.on_match.next is defined %}
 on-match next
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.on_match.goto is defined and rule_config.on_match.goto is not none %}
 on-match goto {{ rule_config.on_match.goto }}
{%           endif %}
{%         endif %}
{%         if rule_config.set is defined and rule_config.set is not none %}
{%           if rule_config.set.aggregator is defined and rule_config.set.aggregator.as is defined and rule_config.set.aggregator.ip is defined %}
 set aggregator as {{ rule_config.set.aggregator.as }} {{ rule_config.set.aggregator.ip }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.as_path_exclude is defined and rule_config.set.as_path_exclude is not none %}
 set as-path exclude {{ rule_config.set.as_path_exclude }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.as_path_prepend is defined and rule_config.set.as_path_prepend is not none %}
 set as-path prepend {{ rule_config.set.as_path_prepend }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.atomic_aggregate is defined %}
 set atomic-aggregate
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.comm_list is defined and rule_config.set.comm_list.comm_list is defined and rule_config.set.comm_list.comm_list is not none %}
 set comm-list {{ rule_config.set.comm_list.comm_list }} {{ 'delete' if rule_config.set.comm_list.delete is defined }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.community is defined and rule_config.set.community is not none %}
 set community {{ rule_config.set.community }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.distance is defined and rule_config.set.distance is not none %}
 set distance {{ rule_config.set.distance }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.extcommunity_rt is defined and rule_config.set.extcommunity_rt is not none %}
 set extcommunity rt {{ rule_config.set.extcommunity_rt }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.extcommunity_soo is defined and rule_config.set.extcommunity_soo is not none %}
 set extcommunity soo {{ rule_config.set.extcommunity_soo }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.ip_next_hop is defined and rule_config.set.ip_next_hop is not none %}
 set ip next-hop {{ rule_config.set.ip_next_hop }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.ipv6_next_hop is defined and rule_config.set.ipv6_next_hop.global is defined and rule_config.set.ipv6_next_hop.global is not none %}
 set ipv6 next-hop global {{ rule_config.set.ipv6_next_hop.global }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.ipv6_next_hop is defined and rule_config.set.ipv6_next_hop.local is defined and rule_config.set.ipv6_next_hop.local is not none %}
 set ipv6 next-hop local {{ rule_config.set.ipv6_next_hop.local }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.ipv6_next_hop is defined and rule_config.set.ipv6_next_hop.prefer_global is defined %}
 set ipv6 next-hop prefer-global
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.large_community is defined and rule_config.set.large_community is not none %}
 set large-community {{ rule_config.set.large_community }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.local_preference is defined and rule_config.set.local_preference is not none %}
 set local-preference {{ rule_config.set.local_preference }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.metric is defined and rule_config.set.metric is not none %}
 set metric {{ rule_config.set.metric }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.metric_type is defined and rule_config.set.metric_type is not none %}
 set metric-type {{ rule_config.set.metric_type }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.origin is defined and rule_config.set.origin is not none %}
 set origin {{ rule_config.set.origin }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.originator_id is defined and rule_config.set.originator_id is not none %}
 set originator-id {{ rule_config.set.originator_id }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.src is defined and rule_config.set.src is not none %}
 set src {{ rule_config.set.src }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.table is defined and rule_config.set.table is not none %}
 set table {{ rule_config.set.table }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.tag is defined and rule_config.set.tag is not none %}
 set tag {{ rule_config.set.tag }}
{%           endif %}
{%           if rule_config.set.weight is defined and rule_config.set.weight is not none %}
 set weight {{ rule_config.set.weight }}
{%           endif %}
{%         endif %}
{%       endfor %}
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}