{% if default_information is defined and default_information.originate is defined %} default-information originate {% endif %} {% if default_metric is defined and default_metric is not none %} default-metric {{ default_metric }} {% endif %} {% if passive_interface is defined and passive_interface is not none %} {% for interface in passive_interface %} passive-interface {{ interface }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if network is defined and network is not none %} {% for prefix in network %} network {{ prefix }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if interface is defined and interface is not none %} {% for ifname in interface %} network {{ ifname }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if route is defined and route is not none %} {% for prefix in route %} route {{ prefix }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {# timers have default values #} timers basic {{ timers['update'] }} {{ timers.timeout }} {{ timers.garbage_collection }} {% if redistribute is defined and redistribute is not none %} {% for protocol, protocol_config in redistribute.items() %} {% if protocol == 'ospfv3' %} {% set protocol = 'ospf6' %} {% endif %} redistribute {{ protocol }} {{ 'metric ' + protocol_config.metric if protocol_config.metric is defined }} {{ 'route-map ' + protocol_config.route_map if protocol_config.route_map is defined }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}