{# as FRR does not support deleting the entire rpki section we leave it in place even when it's empty #}
{% if cache is defined and cache is not none %}
{%   for peer, peer_config in cache.items() %}
{#     port is mandatory and preference uses a default value #}
{%     if peer_config.ssh is defined and peer_config.ssh.username is defined and peer_config.ssh.username is not none %}
 rpki cache {{ peer }} {{ peer_config.port }} {{ peer_config.ssh.username }} {{ peer_config.ssh.private_key_file }} {{ peer_config.ssh.public_key_file }} {{ peer_config.ssh.known_hosts_file }} preference {{ peer_config.preference }}
{%     else %}
 rpki cache {{ peer }} {{ peer_config.port }} preference {{ peer_config.preference }}
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if polling_period is defined and polling_period is not none %}
 rpki polling_period {{ polling_period }}
{% endif %}