{% if name is vyos_defined %}
{%     for vrf, vrf_config in name.items() %}
{#         code path required for vrf_vni.py as we will only render the required VR configuration and not all of them #}
{%         if only_vrf is vyos_defined and vrf is not vyos_defined(only_vrf) %}
{%             continue %}
{%         endif %}
vrf {{ vrf }}
{%         if vrf_config.ip.nht.no_resolve_via_default is vyos_defined %}
 no ip nht resolve-via-default
{%         endif %}
{%         if vrf_config.ipv6.nht.no_resolve_via_default is vyos_defined %}
 no ipv6 nht resolve-via-default
{%         endif %}
{%         if vrf_config.ip.protocol is vyos_defined %}
{%             for protocol_name, protocol_config in vrf_config.ip.protocol.items() %}
 ip protocol {{ protocol_name }} route-map {{ protocol_config.route_map }}
{%             endfor %}
{%         endif %}
{%         if vrf_config.ipv6.protocol is vyos_defined %}
{%             for protocol_name, protocol_config in vrf_config.ipv6.protocol.items() %}
{%                 if protocol_name is vyos_defined('ospfv3') %}
{%                     set protocol_name = 'ospf6' %}
{%                 endif %}
 ipv6 protocol {{ protocol_name }} route-map {{ protocol_config.route_map }}
{%             endfor %}
{%         endif %}
{%         if vrf_config.vni is vyos_defined and no_vni is not vyos_defined %}
 vni {{ vrf_config.vni }}
{%         endif %}
{%     endfor %}
{% endif %}