<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
<plist version="1.0">
    <!-- Set the name to whatever you like, it is used in the profile list on the device -->
    <string>{{ profile_name }}</string>
    <!-- This is a reverse-DNS style unique identifier used to detect duplicate profiles -->
    <string>{{ rfqdn }}</string>
    <!-- A globally unique identifier, use uuidgen on Linux/Mac OS X to generate it -->
    <string>{{ '' | get_uuid }}</string>
        <!-- It is possible to add multiple VPN payloads with different identifiers/UUIDs and names -->
            <!-- This is an extension of the identifier given above -->
            <string>{{ rfqdn }}.conf1</string>
            <!-- A globally unique identifier for this payload -->
            <string>{{ '' | get_uuid }}</string>
            <!-- This is the name of the VPN connection as seen in the VPN application later -->
            <string>{{ vpn_name }}</string>
                <!-- Hostname or IP address of the VPN server -->
                <string>{{ remote }}</string>
                <!-- Remote identity, can be a FQDN, a userFQDN, an IP or (theoretically) a certificate's subject DN. Can't be empty.
                     IMPORTANT: DNs are currently not handled correctly, they are always sent as identities of type FQDN -->
                <string>{{ authentication.local_id if authentication.local_id is vyos_defined else 'VyOS' }}</string>
                <!-- Local IKE identity, same restrictions as above. If it is empty the client's IP address will be used -->
                <!-- Optional, if it matches the CN of the root CA certificate (not the full subject DN) a certificate request will be sent
                     NOTE: If this is not configured make sure to configure leftsendcert=always on the server, otherwise it won't send its certificate -->
                <string>{{ ca_common_name }}</string>
                <!-- Optional, the CN or one of the subjectAltNames of the server certificate to verify it, if not set RemoteIdentifier will be used -->
                <string>{{ cert_common_name }}</string>
                <!-- The server is authenticated using a certificate -->
                <!-- The client uses EAP to authenticate -->
                <!-- The next two dictionaries are optional (as are the keys in them), but it is recommended to specify them as the default is to use 3DES.
                     IMPORTANT: Because only one proposal is sent (even if nothing is configured here) it must match the server configuration -->
                    <!-- @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextension/nevpnikev2encryptionalgorithm -->
                    <string>{{ ike_encryption.encryption }}</string>
                    <!-- @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextension/nevpnikev2integrityalgorithm -->
                    <string>{{ ike_encryption.hash }}</string>
                    <!-- @see https://developer.apple.com/documentation/networkextension/nevpnikev2diffiehellmangroup -->
                    <integer>{{ ike_encryption.dh_group }}</integer>
                    <string>{{ esp_encryption.encryption }}</string>
                    <string>{{ esp_encryption.hash }}</string>
                    <integer>{{ ike_encryption.dh_group }}</integer>
{% if ca_certificates is vyos_defined %}
        <!-- This payload is optional but it provides an easy way to install the CA certificate together with the configuration -->
{%     for ca in ca_certificates %}
        <!-- Payload for: {{ ca.ca_name }} -->
            <string>org.{{ ca.ca_name | lower | replace(' ', '.') | replace('_', '.') }}</string>
            <string>{{ ca.ca_name | get_uuid }}</string>
            <!-- This is the Base64 (PEM) encoded CA certificate -->
            <data>{{ ca.ca_chain }}</data>
{%     endfor %}
{% endif %}