PayloadDisplayName {{ profile_name }} PayloadIdentifier {{ rfqdn }} PayloadUUID {{ 'random' | get_uuid }} PayloadType Configuration PayloadVersion 1 PayloadContent PayloadIdentifier {{ rfqdn }}.conf1 PayloadUUID {{ 'random' | get_uuid }} PayloadType PayloadVersion 1 UserDefinedName {{ vpn_name }} VPNType IKEv2 IKEv2 RemoteAddress {{ remote }} RemoteIdentifier {{ if is defined else 'fooo' }} LocalIdentifier ServerCertificateIssuerCommonName {{ ca_cn }} ServerCertificateCommonName {{ cert_cn }} AuthenticationMethod Certificate ExtendedAuthEnabled 1 {% if ike_proposal is defined and ike_proposal is not none %} IKESecurityAssociationParameters {% for ike, ike_config in ike_proposal.items() %} EncryptionAlgorithm {{ ike_config.encryption | upper }} IntegrityAlgorithm {{ ike_config.hash | upper }} DiffieHellmanGroup {{ ike_config.dh_group | upper }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if esp_proposal is defined and esp_proposal is not none %} ChildSecurityAssociationParameters {% for esp, esp_config in esp_proposal.items() %} EncryptionAlgorithm {{ esp_config.encryption | upper }} IntegrityAlgorithm {{ esp_config.hash | upper }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} PayloadIdentifier PayloadUUID {{ 'random' | get_uuid }} PayloadType PayloadVersion 1 PayloadContent {{ ca_cert }}