# Created by VyOS - manual changes will be overwritten {% import 'ipsec/ike-esp.tmpl' as ike_esp %} config setup charondebug = "{{ charondebug }}" uniqueids = {{ "no" if disable_uniqreqids is defined else "yes" }} {% if site_to_site is defined and "peer" in site_to_site -%} {% for peer, peer_conf in site_to_site.peer.items() %} {% set peer_index = loop.index %} {% set peer_ike = ike_group[peer_conf.ike_group] %} {% set peer_esp = esp_group[peer_conf.default_esp_group] if 'default_esp_group' in peer_conf else None %} conn peer-{{ peer }} {% if peer_conf.authentication.mode in authby %} authby = {{ authby[peer_conf.authentication.mode] }} {% endif %} {% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'x509' %} {% set cert_file = peer_conf.authentication.x509.cert_file %} leftcert = {{ cert_file if cert_file.startswith(x509_path) else (x509_path + cert_file) }} leftsendcert = always rightca = %same {% elif peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'rsa' %} leftsigkey = localhost.pub rightsigkey = {{ peer_conf.authentication.rsa_key_name }}.pub {% endif %} left = {{ peer_conf.local_address if peer_conf.local_address != 'any' else '%defaultroute' }} # dhcp:{{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf else 'no' }} {% if "id" in peer_conf.authentication and "use_x509_id" not in peer_conf.authentication %} leftid = "{{ peer_conf.authentication.id }}" {% endif %} right = {{ peer if peer not in ['any', ''] and peer[0:1] != '@' else '%any' }} {% if "remote_id" in peer_conf.authentication %} rightid = "{{ peer_conf.authentication.remote_id }}" {% elif peer[0:1] == '@' %} rightid = "{{ peer }}" {% endif %} keylife = 3600s rekeymargin = 540s {{ ike_esp.conn(peer_ike, ciphers.ike[peer_conf.ike_group], peer_esp, ciphers.esp[peer_conf.default_esp_group] if peer_esp else None) }} {% if "vti" in peer_conf and "bind" in peer_conf.vti %} {% set vti_esp = esp_group[peer_conf.vti.esp_group] if "esp_group" in peer_conf.vti else None %} conn peer-{{ peer }}-vti also = peer-{{ peer }} leftsubnet = leftupdown = "/etc/ipsec.d/vti-up-down {{ peer_conf.vti.bind }} {{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf else 'no' }}" rightsubnet = mark = {{ marks[peer_conf.vti.bind] }} {{ ike_esp.conn(None, None, vti_esp, ciphers.esp[peer_conf.vti.esp_group] if vti_esp else None) }} {% if peer[0:1] == '@' %} rekey = no auto = add keyingtries = %forever {% else %} {% if 'connection_type' not in peer_conf or peer_conf.connection_type == 'initiate' %} auto = start keyingtries = %forever {% endif %} {% if peer_conf.connection_type == 'respond' %} auto = route keyingtries = 1 {% endif %} {% endif %} {% elif "tunnel" in peer_conf %} {% for tunnel_id, tunnel_conf in peer_conf.tunnel.items() %} {% set tunnel_esp_name = tunnel_conf.esp_group if "esp_group" in tunnel_conf else peer_conf.default_esp_group %} {% set tunnel_esp = esp_group[tunnel_esp_name] %} {% set proto = tunnel_conf.protocol if "protocol" in tunnel_conf else '%any' %} conn peer-{{ peer }}-tunnel-{{tunnel_id}} also = peer-{{ peer }} {% if 'mode' not in tunnel_esp or tunnel_esp.mode == 'tunnel' %} {% if 'local' in tunnel_conf and 'prefix' in tunnel_conf.local %} leftsubnet = {{ tunnel_conf.local.prefix if tunnel_conf.local.prefix != 'any' else '' }}[{{ proto }}/{{ tunnel_conf.local.port if "port" in tunnel_conf.local else '%any' }}] {% endif %} {% if 'remote' in tunnel_conf and 'prefix' in tunnel_conf.remote %} rightsubnet = {{ tunnel_conf.remote.prefix if tunnel_conf.remote.prefix != 'any' else '' }}[{{ proto }}/{{ tunnel_conf.remote.port if "port" in tunnel_conf.remote else '%any' }}] {% endif %} {% elif tunnel_esp.mode == 'transport' %} leftsubnet = {{ peer_conf.local_address }}[{{ proto }}/{{ tunnel_conf.local.port if "local" in tunnel_conf and "port" in tunnel_conf.local else '%any' }}] rightsubnet = {{ peer }}[{{ proto }}/{{ tunnel_conf.local.port if "local" in tunnel_conf and "port" in tunnel_conf.local else '%any' }}] {% endif %} {% if 'esp_group' in tunnel_conf %} {{ ike_esp.conn(None, None, tunnel_esp, ciphers.esp[tunnel_esp_name]) }} {% endif %} {% if peer[0:1] == '@' %} rekey = no auto = add keyingtries = %forever {% else %} {% if 'connection_type' not in peer_conf or peer_conf.connection_type == 'initiate' %} auto = start keyingtries = %forever {% endif %} {% if peer_conf.connection_type == 'respond' %} auto = route keyingtries = 1 {% endif %} {% endif %} {% if 'passthrough' in tunnel_conf and tunnel_conf.passthrough %} conn peer-{{ peer }}-tunnel-{{ tunnel_id }}-passthough left = {{ peer_conf.local_address if peer_conf.local_address != 'any' else '%defaultroute' }} right = {{ peer if peer not in ['any', ''] and peer[0:1] != '@' else '%any' }} leftsubnet = {{ tunnel_conf.local.prefix }} rightsubnet = {{ tunnel_conf.local.prefix }} type = passthrough authby = never auto = route {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {%- endif %} {% if include_ipsec_conf is defined %} include {{ include_ipsec_conf }} {% endif %} {% if delim_ipsec_l2tp_begin is defined -%} {{delim_ipsec_l2tp_begin}} include {{ipsec_ra_conn_file}} {{delim_ipsec_l2tp_end}} {%- endif %}