# Created by VyOS - manual changes will be overwritten config setup {% set charondebug = '' %} {% if log is defined and log.subsystem is defined and log.subsystem is not none %} {% set subsystem = log.subsystem %} {% if 'any' in log.subsystem %} {% set subsystem = ['dmn', 'mgr', 'ike', 'chd','job', 'cfg', 'knl', 'net', 'asn', 'enc', 'lib', 'esp', 'tls', 'tnc', 'imc', 'imv', 'pts'] %} {% endif %} {% set charondebug = subsystem | join (' ' ~ log.level ~ ', ') ~ ' ' ~ log.level %} {% endif %} charondebug = "{{ charondebug }}" uniqueids = {{ "no" if disable_uniqreqids is defined else "yes" }} {% if include_ipsec_conf is defined %} include {{ include_ipsec_conf }} {% endif %} {% if delim_ipsec_l2tp_begin is defined %} {{delim_ipsec_l2tp_begin}} include {{ipsec_ra_conn_file}} {{delim_ipsec_l2tp_end}} {% endif %}