{% macro conn(name, peer, peer_conf, ike, esp, ciphers, esp_group, auth_type, marks) %} peer_{{ name }} { proposals = {{ ciphers.ike[peer_conf.ike_group] }} version = {{ ike['key_exchange'][4:] if "key_exchange" in ike else "0" }} local_addrs = {{ peer_conf.local_address if peer_conf.local_address != 'any' else '' }} # dhcp:{{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if 'dhcp_interface' in peer_conf else 'no' }} remote_addrs = {{ peer if peer not in ['any', ''] and peer[0:1] != '@' else '' }} {% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'x509' %} send_cert = always {% endif %} {% if "dead_peer_detection" in ike %} dpd_timeout = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.timeout }} dpd_delay = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.interval }} {% endif %} {% if "key_exchange" in ike and ike.key_exchange == "ikev1" and "mode" in ike and ike.mode == "aggressive" %} aggressive = yes {% endif %} mobike = {{ "yes" if "mobike" not in ike or ike.mobike == "enable" else "no" }} {% if peer[0:1] == '@' %} keyingtries = 0 rekey_time = 0 reauth_time = 0 {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is not defined or peer_conf.connection_type == 'initiate' %} keyingtries = 0 {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is defined and peer_conf.connection_type == 'respond' %} keyingtries = 1 {% endif %} {% if peer_conf.force_encapsulation is defined and peer_conf.force_encapsulation == 'enable' %} encap = yes {% endif %} local { {% if peer_conf.authentication.id is defined and peer_conf.authentication.use_x509_id is not defined %} id = "{{ peer_conf.authentication.id }}" {% endif %} {% if auth_type %} auth = {{ auth_type }} {% endif %} {% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'x509' %} certs = {{ peer_conf.authentication.x509.certificate }}.pem {% elif peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'rsa' %} pubkeys = localhost.pub {% endif %} } remote { {% if peer_conf.authentication.remote_id is defined %} id = "{{ peer_conf.authentication.remote_id }}" {% elif peer[0:1] == '@' %} id = "{{ peer }}" {% endif %} {% if auth_type %} auth = {{ auth_type }} {% endif %} {% if peer_conf.authentication.mode == 'rsa' %} pubkeys = {{ peer_conf.authentication.rsa_key_name }}.pub {% endif %} } children { {% if peer_conf.vti is defined and peer_conf.vti.bind is defined and peer_conf.tunnel is not defined %} {% set vti_esp = esp_group[peer_conf.vti.esp_group] if peer_conf.vti.esp_group is defined else None %} peer_{{ name }}_vti { esp_proposals = {{ ciphers.esp[peer_conf.vti.esp_group] }} local_ts =,::/0 remote_ts =,::/0 updown = "/etc/ipsec.d/vti-up-down {{ peer_conf.vti.bind }} {{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if peer_conf.dhcp_interface is defined else 'no' }}" mark_in = {{ marks[peer_conf.vti.bind] }} mark_out = {{ marks[peer_conf.vti.bind] }} ipcomp = {{ 'yes' if "compression" in vti_esp and vti_esp.compression == 'enable' else 'no' }} mode = {{ vti_esp.mode if "mode" in vti_esp else "tunnel" }} {% if peer[0:1] == '@' %} start_action = none {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is not defined or peer_conf.connection_type == 'initiate' %} start_action = start {% elif peer_conf.connection_type == 'respond' %} start_action = trap {% endif %} {% if "dead_peer_detection" in ike %} {% set dpd_translate = {'clear': 'clear', 'hold': 'trap', 'restart': 'start'} %} dpd_action = {{ dpd_translate[ike.dead_peer_detection.action] }} {% endif %} } {% endif %} {% if peer_conf.tunnel is defined %} {% for tunnel_id, tunnel_conf in peer_conf.tunnel.items() if tunnel_conf.disable is not defined %} {% set tunnel_esp_name = tunnel_conf.esp_group if "esp_group" in tunnel_conf else peer_conf.default_esp_group %} {% set tunnel_esp = esp_group[tunnel_esp_name] %} {% set proto = tunnel_conf.protocol if "protocol" in tunnel_conf else '' %} {% set local_port = tunnel_conf.local.port if tunnel_conf.local is defined and tunnel_conf.local.port is defined else '' %} {% set local_suffix = '[{0}/{1}]'.format(proto, local_port) if proto or local_port else '' %} {% set remote_port = tunnel_conf.remote.port if tunnel_conf.remote is defined and tunnel_conf.remote.port is defined else '' %} {% set remote_suffix = '[{0}/{1}]'.format(proto, remote_port) if proto or remote_port else '' %} peer_{{ name }}_tunnel_{{ tunnel_id }} { esp_proposals = {{ ciphers.esp[tunnel_esp_name] }} {% if tunnel_esp.mode is not defined or tunnel_esp.mode == 'tunnel' %} {% if tunnel_conf.local is defined and tunnel_conf.local.prefix is defined %} {% set local_prefix = tunnel_conf.local.prefix if 'any' not in tunnel_conf.local.prefix else ['', '::/0'] %} local_ts = {{ local_prefix | join(local_suffix + ",") }}{{ local_suffix }} {% endif %} {% if tunnel_conf.remote is defined and tunnel_conf.remote.prefix is defined %} {% set remote_prefix = tunnel_conf.remote.prefix if 'any' not in tunnel_conf.remote.prefix else ['', '::/0'] %} remote_ts = {{ remote_prefix | join(remote_suffix + ",") }}{{ remote_suffix }} {% endif %} {% elif tunnel_esp.mode == 'transport' %} local_ts = {{ peer_conf.local_address }}{{ local_suffix }} remote_ts = {{ peer }}{{ remote_suffix }} {% endif %} ipcomp = {{ 'yes' if "compression" in tunnel_esp and tunnel_esp.compression == 'enable' else 'no' }} mode = {{ tunnel_esp.mode if "mode" in tunnel_esp else "tunnel" }} {% if peer[0:1] == '@' %} start_action = none {% elif peer_conf.connection_type is not defined or peer_conf.connection_type == 'initiate' %} start_action = start {% elif peer_conf.connection_type == 'respond' %} start_action = trap {% endif %} {% if "dead_peer_detection" in ike %} {% set dpd_translate = {'clear': 'clear', 'hold': 'trap', 'restart': 'start'} %} dpd_action = {{ dpd_translate[ike.dead_peer_detection.action] }} {% endif %} {% if peer_conf.vti is defined and peer_conf.vti.bind is defined %} updown = "/etc/ipsec.d/vti-up-down {{ peer_conf.vti.bind }} {{ peer_conf.dhcp_interface if peer_conf.dhcp_interface is defined else 'no' }}" mark_in = {{ marks[peer_conf.vti.bind] }} mark_out = {{ marks[peer_conf.vti.bind] }} {% endif %} } {% if tunnel_conf.passthrough is defined and tunnel_conf.passthrough %} peer_{{ name }}_tunnel_{{ tunnel_id }}_passthough { local_ts = {{ tunnel_conf.passthrough | join(",") }} remote_ts = {{ tunnel_conf.passthrough | join(",") }} start_action = trap mode = pass } {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} } } {% endmacro %}