{% macro conn(name, profile_conf, ike, esp, ciphers) %}
{%   if profile_conf.bind is defined and profile_conf.bind.tunnel is defined %}
{%     for interface in profile_conf.bind.tunnel %}
    dmvpn-{{ name }}-{{ interface }} {
        proposals = {{ ciphers.ike[profile_conf.ike_group] }}
        version = {{ ike.key_exchange[4:] if ike.key_exchange is defined else "0" }}
        rekey_time = {{ ike.lifetime if ike.lifetime is defined else '28800' }}s
        keyingtries = 0
{%       if profile_conf.authentication is defined and profile_conf.authentication.mode is defined and profile_conf.authentication.mode == 'pre-shared-secret' %}
        local {
            auth = psk
        remote {
            auth = psk
{%       endif %}
        children {
            dmvpn {
                esp_proposals = {{ ciphers.esp[profile_conf.esp_group] }}
                rekey_time = {{ esp.lifetime if esp.lifetime is defined else '3600' }}s
                rand_time = 540s
                local_ts = dynamic[gre]
                remote_ts = dynamic[gre]
                mode = {{ esp.mode if esp.mode is defined else "transport" }}
{%       if ike.dead_peer_detection is defined and ike.dead_peer_detection.action is defined %}
                dpd_action = {{ ike.dead_peer_detection.action }}
{%       endif %}
{%       if esp.compression is defined and esp.compression == 'enable' %}
                ipcomp = yes
{%       endif %}
{%     endfor %}
{%   endif %}
{% endmacro %}