{% macro conn(name, rw_conf, ike_group, esp_group) %} {# peer needs to reference the global IKE configuration for certain values #} {% set ike = ike_group[rw_conf.ike_group] %} {% set esp = esp_group[rw_conf.esp_group] %} ra-{{ name }} { remote_addrs = %any local_addrs = {{ rw_conf.local_address if rw_conf.local_address is defined else '%any' }} proposals = {{ ike_group[rw_conf.ike_group] | get_esp_ike_cipher | join(',') }} version = {{ ike.key_exchange[4:] if ike is defined and ike.key_exchange is defined else "0" }} send_certreq = no rekey_time = {{ ike.lifetime }}s keyingtries = 0 unique = {{ rw_conf.unique }} {% if rw_conf.pool is defined and rw_conf.pool is not none %} pools = {{ rw_conf.pool | join(',') }} {% endif %} local { {% if rw_conf.authentication.id is defined and rw_conf.authentication.use_x509_id is not defined %} id = "{{ rw_conf.authentication.id }}" {% endif %} {% if rw_conf.authentication.server_mode == 'x509' %} auth = pubkey certs = {{ rw_conf.authentication.x509.certificate }}.pem {% elif rw_conf.authentication.server_mode == 'pre-shared-secret' %} auth = psk {% endif %} } remote { auth = {{ rw_conf.authentication.client_mode }} {% if rw_conf.authentication.client_mode.startswith("eap") %} eap_id = %any {% endif %} } children { ikev2-vpn { esp_proposals = {{ esp | get_esp_ike_cipher | join(',') }} rekey_time = {{ esp.lifetime }}s rand_time = 540s dpd_action = clear {% set local_prefix = rw_conf.local.prefix if rw_conf.local is defined and rw_conf.local.prefix is defined else ['', '::/0'] %} {% set local_port = rw_conf.local.port if rw_conf.local is defined and rw_conf.local.port is defined else '' %} {% set local_suffix = '[%any/{1}]'.format(local_port) if local_port else '' %} local_ts = {{ local_prefix | join(local_suffix + ",") }}{{ local_suffix }} } } } {% endmacro %}