### Autogenerated by lldp.py ###

configure system platform VyOS
configure system description "VyOS {{ version }}"
{% if interface is defined and interface is not none %}
{%   set tmp = [] %}
{%   for iface, iface_options in interface.items() if not iface_options.disable %}
{%     if iface == 'all' %}
{%       set iface = '*' %}
{%     endif %}
{%     set _ = tmp.append(iface) %}
{%     if iface_options.location is defined and iface_options.location is not none %}
{%       if iface_options.location.elin is defined and iface_options.location.elin is not none %}
configure ports {{ iface }} med location elin "{{ iface_options.location.elin }}"
{%       endif %}
{%       if iface_options.location is defined and iface_options.location.coordinate_based is defined and iface_options.location.coordinate_based is not none %}
configure ports {{ iface }} med location coordinate latitude "{{ iface_options.location.coordinate_based.latitude }}" longitude "{{ iface_options.location.coordinate_based.longitude }}" altitude "{{ iface_options.location.coordinate_based.altitude }}m" datum "{{ iface_options.location.coordinate_based.datum }}"
{%       endif %}
{%     endif %}
{%   endfor %}
configure system interface pattern "{{ tmp | join(",") }}"
{% endif %}
{% if management_address is defined and management_address is not none %}
configure system ip management pattern {{ management_address | join(",") }}
{% endif %}