# Automatically generated by system_login.py # TACACS+ configuration file # This is a common file used by audisp-tacplus, libpam_tacplus, and # libtacplus_map config files as shipped. # # Any tac_plus client config can go here that is common to all users of this # file, but typically it's just the TACACS+ server IP address(es) and shared # secret(s) # # This file should normally be mode 600, if you care about the security of your # secret key. When set to mode 600 NSS lookups for TACACS users will only work # for tacacs users that are logged in, via the local mapping. For root, lookups # will work for any tacacs users, logged in or not. # Set a per-connection timeout of 10 seconds, and enable the use of poll() when # trying to read from tacacs servers. Otherwise standard TCP timeouts apply. # Not set or set to a negative value disables use of poll(). There are usually # multiple connection attempts per login. timeout={{ tacacs.timeout }} {% if tacacs.server is vyos_defined %} {% for server, server_config in tacacs.server.items() %} secret={{ server_config.key }} server={{ server }}:{{ server_config.port }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} # If set, login/logout accounting records are sent to all servers in # the list, otherwise only to the first responding server # Also used by audisp-tacplus per-command accounting, if it sources this file. acct_all=1 {% if tacacs.vrf is vyos_defined %} # If the management network is in a vrf, set this variable to the vrf name. # This would usually be "mgmt". When this variable is set, the connection to the # TACACS+ accounting servers will be made through the named vrf. vrf={{ tacacs.vrf }} {% endif %} {% if tacacs.source_address is vyos_defined %} # Sets the IPv4 address used as the source IP address when communicating with # the TACACS+ server. IPv6 addresses are not supported, nor are hostnames. # The address must work when passsed to the bind() system call, that is, it must # be valid for the interface being used. source_ip={{ tacacs.source_address }} {% endif %} # If user_homedir=1, then tacacs users will be set to have a home directory # based on their login name, rather than the mapped tacacsN home directory. # mkhomedir_helper is used to create the directory if it does not exist (similar # to use of pam_mkhomedir.so). This flag is ignored for users with restricted # shells, e.g., users mapped to a tacacs privilege level that has enforced # per-command authorization (see the tacplus-restrict man page). user_homedir=1 service=shell protocol=ssh