### Autogenerated by ntp.py ###

# Non-configurable defaults
driftfile /var/lib/ntp/ntp.drift
# By default, only allow ntpd to query time sources, ignore any incoming requests
restrict default noquery nopeer notrap nomodify
# Local users have unrestricted access, allowing reconfiguration via ntpdc
restrict -6 ::1

# Configurable section
{% if server %}
{%   for srv in server %}
{%     set options = '' %}
{%     set options = options + 'noselect ' if server[srv].noselect is defined else '' %}
{%     set options = options + 'preempt ' if server[srv].preempt is defined else '' %}
{%     set options = options + 'prefer ' if server[srv].prefer is defined else '' %}
server {{ srv | replace('_', '-') }} iburst {{ options }}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% if allow_clients is defined and allow_clients.address is defined %}
# Allowed clients configuration
{%   for address in allow_clients.address %}
restrict {{ address|address_from_cidr }} mask {{ address|netmask_from_cidr }} nomodify notrap nopeer
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% if listen_address %}
# NTP should listen on configured addresses only
interface ignore wildcard
{%   for address in listen_address %}
interface listen {{ address }}
{%   endfor %}
{% endif %}