
# As PPPoE is an "on demand" interface we need to re-configure it when it
# becomes up
if [ "$6" != "{{ ifname }}" ]; then

# add some info to syslog
DIALER_PID=$(cat /var/run/{{ ifname }}.pid)
logger -t pppd[$DIALER_PID] "executing $0"

{% if connect_on_demand is not defined %}
# See https://phabricator.vyos.net/T2248. Determine if we are enslaved to a
# VRF, this is needed to properly insert the default route.
if [ -d /sys/class/net/{{ ifname }}/upper_* ]; then
    # Determine upper (VRF) interface
    VRF=$(basename $(ls -d /sys/class/net/{{ ifname }}/upper_*))
    # Remove upper_ prefix from result string
    # Populate variable to run in VR context
    VRF_NAME="vrf ${VRF_NAME}"

{%   if default_route != 'none' %}
# Always delete default route when interface goes down if we installed it
vtysh -c "conf t" ${VRF_NAME} -c "no ip route {{ ifname }} ${VRF_NAME}"
{%      if ipv6.address.autoconf is vyos_defined %}
vtysh -c "conf t" ${VRF_NAME} -c "no ipv6 route ::/0 {{ ifname }} ${VRF_NAME}"
{%      endif %}
{%   endif %}
{% endif %}

{% if dhcpv6_options.pd is vyos_defined %}
# Stop wide dhcpv6 client
systemctl stop dhcp6c@{{ ifname }}.service
{% endif %}