### Autogenerated by snmp.py ### # non configurable defaults sysObjectID sysServices 14 master agentx agentXPerms 0777 0777 pass . /opt/vyatta/sbin/if-mib-alias smuxpeer . smuxpeer . smuxsocket localhost # linkUp/Down configure the Event MIB tables to monitor # the ifTable for network interfaces being taken up or down # for making internal queries to retrieve any necessary information iquerySecName {{ vyos_user }} # Modified from the default linkUpDownNotification # to include more OIDs and poll more frequently notificationEvent linkUpTrap linkUp ifIndex ifDescr ifType ifAdminStatus ifOperStatus notificationEvent linkDownTrap linkDown ifIndex ifDescr ifType ifAdminStatus ifOperStatus monitor -r 10 -e linkUpTrap "Generate linkUp" ifOperStatus != 2 monitor -r 10 -e linkDownTrap "Generate linkDown" ifOperStatus == 2 # Remove all old ifTable entries with the same ifName as newly appeared # interface (with different ifIndex) - this is the case on e.g. ppp interfaces interface_replace_old yes ######################## # configurable section # ######################## # Default system description is VyOS version sysDescr VyOS {{ version }} {% if description %} # Description SysDescr {{ description }} {% endif %} # Listen agentaddress unix:/run/snmpd.socket{% if listen_on %}{% for li in listen_on %},{{ li }}{% endfor %}{% else %},udp:161{% if ipv6_enabled %},udp6:161{% endif %}{% endif %} # SNMP communities {% for c in communities %} {% if c.network_v4 %} {% for network in c.network_v4 %} {{ c.authorization }}community {{ c.name }} {{ network }} {% endfor %} {% elif not c.has_source %} {{ c.authorization }}community {{ c.name }} {% endif %} {% if c.network_v6 %} {% for network in c.network_v6 %} {{ c.authorization }}community6 {{ c.name }} {{ network }} {% endfor %} {% elif not c.has_source %} {{ c.authorization }}community6 {{ c.name }} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% if contact %} # system contact information SysContact {{ contact }} {% endif %} {% if location %} # system location information SysLocation {{ location }} {% endif %} {% if smux_peers %} # additional smux peers {% for sp in smux_peers %} smuxpeer {{ sp }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if trap_targets %} # if there is a problem - tell someone! {% for trap in trap_targets %} trap2sink {{ trap.target }}{{ ":" + trap.port if trap.port is defined }} {{ trap.community }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if v3_enabled %} # # SNMPv3 stuff goes here # # views {% for view in v3_views %} {% for oid in view.oids %} view {{ view.name }} included .{{ oid.oid }} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} # access # context sec.model sec.level match read write notif {% for group in v3_groups %} access {{ group.name }} "" usm {{ group.seclevel }} exact {{ group.view }} {% if group.mode == 'ro' %}none{% else %}{{ group.view }}{% endif %} none {% endfor %} # trap-target {% for t in v3_traps %} trapsess -v 3 {{ '-Ci' if t.type == 'inform' }} -e {{ v3_engineid }} -u {{ t.secName }} -l {{ t.secLevel }} -a {{ t.authProtocol }} {% if t.authPassword %}-A {{ t.authPassword }}{% elif t.authMasterKey %}-3m {{ t.authMasterKey }}{% endif %} -x {{ t.privProtocol }} {% if t.privPassword %}-X {{ t.privPassword }}{% elif t.privMasterKey %}-3M {{ t.privMasterKey }}{% endif %} {{ t.ipProto }}:{{ t.ipAddr }}:{{ t.ipPort }} {% endfor %} # group {% for u in v3_users %} group {{ u.group }} usm {{ u.name }} {% endfor %} {% endif %} {% if script_ext %} # extension scripts {% for ext in script_ext|sort(attribute='name') %} extend {{ ext.name }} {{ ext.script }} {% endfor %} {% endif %}