## generated by syslog.py ##
## file based logging
{% if files['global']['marker'] %}
$ModLoad immark
{%     if files['global']['marker-interval'] %}
$MarkMessagePeriod {{ files['global']['marker-interval'] }}
{%     endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if files['global']['preserver_fqdn'] %}
$PreserveFQDN on
{% endif %}
{% for file, file_options in files.items() %}
$outchannel {{ file }},{{ file_options['log-file'] }},{{ file_options['max-size'] }},{{ file_options['action-on-max-size'] }}
{{ file_options['selectors'] }} :omfile:${{ file }}
{% endfor %}
{% if console is defined and console is not none %}
## console logging
{%     for con, con_options in console.items() %}
{{ con_options['selectors'] }} /dev/console
{%     endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if hosts is defined and hosts is not none %}
## remote logging
{%     for host, host_options in hosts.items() %}
{%         if host_options.proto == 'tcp' %}
{%             if host_options.port is defined %}
{%                 if host_options.oct_count is defined %}
{{ host_options.selectors }} @@(o){{ host | bracketize_ipv6 }}:{{ host_options.port }};RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format
{%                 else %}
{{ host_options.selectors }} @@{{ host | bracketize_ipv6 }}:{{ host_options.port }}
{%                 endif %}
{%             else %}
{{ host_options.selectors }} @@{{ host | bracketize_ipv6 }}
{%             endif %}
{%         elif host_options.proto == 'udp' %}
{%             if host_options.port is defined %}
{{ host_options.selectors }} @{{ host | bracketize_ipv6 }}:{{ host_options.port }}{{ ';RSYSLOG_SyslogProtocol23Format' if host_options.oct_count is sameas true }}
{%             else %}
{{ host_options.selectors }} @{{ host | bracketize_ipv6 }}
{%             endif %}
{%         else %}
{%             if host_options['port'] %}
{{ host_options.selectors }} @{{ host | bracketize_ipv6 }}:{{ host_options.port }}
{%             else %}
{{ host_options.selectors }} @{{ host | bracketize_ipv6 }}
{%             endif %}
{%         endif %}
{%     endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if user is defined and user is not none %}
{%     for username, user_options in user.items() %}
{{ user_options.selectors }} :omusrmsg:{{ username }}
{%     endfor %}
{% endif %}